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The entrance to TzHaar City

TzHaar are a race of golem-like creatures that inhabit the TzHaar City, a lava-filled region beneath Karamja Volcano. The word "TzHaar" means "holy (sacred) fire". The TzHaar society is unlike any other and only vaguely resembles any that exist on the surface.

Despite their fearsome and powerful appearance, the TzHaar are a peaceful race and have existed beneath the surface of Karamja for thousands of years. Even today, the finer aspects of their society remain a point of great mystery amongst scholars.

Biology[edit | edit source]

A lava "nursery", full of eggs
A close-up of a TzHaar egg incubating in lava

Biologically, the TzHaar are one of Gielinor's greatest marvels. They appear like burning rocks but are made of solid obsidian and magma. Even though they appear fearsome, they are actually gentle and kind. They possess four powerful arms, each of which has three fingers. The TzHaar are physically very strong, their guards capable of lifting massive mauls using a single hand. They very rarely suffer from disease, although they can develop small bodily problems, such as poor vision. A common misconception is that the TzHaar feed on rock; the TzHaar actually feed on large mammals and rodents that tunnel beneath the surface. (Though these are probably also made of stone, lava, and fire. See Tz-kih.)

TzHaar live very long lives, although the exact length is unknown. The TzHaar have the unique ability of memory transfer; a TzHaar will retain all of the knowledge and memories its ancestors had before it. This generally makes the TzHaar a very wise race.

Very strangely, they are born from eggs, which are incubated in pools of molten lava in the TzHaar city's centre. Even stranger than their birth is their death. When the TzHaar die, their bodies harden and lose all mobility. Yet even as their bodies fail, their minds remain eternally locked within their corpses, which are often displayed in a statue-like state or broken down into the holy currency known as tokkul. Despite this horrible fate, the TzHaar seem to have accepted this and believe that when they die, their souls will eventually be brought to the heart of the volcano and given new life.

History[edit | edit source]

Creation[edit | edit source]

The TzHaar City, where the ancient race has existed for untold millennia

Very little is known of the TzHaar's history. They believe that they were born on the day the volcano "shook the foundation of the earth".

In reality, the earliest TzHaar were TokHaar. The TokHaar were created by the Elder God Ful to assist in the construction of building worlds, one of these being Gielinor itself. When their task was done, the TokHaar returned to the Elder Kiln to await further instruction, but some of these TokHaar decided to remain inside the mountain outside the Kiln, creating unauthorized tunnels for the purpose of cities and mazes. The early TzHaar were apparently quite fearful that the TokHaar would force them back into the Kiln, and had created numerous tunnels to maintain the heat of the volcano for their own purposes. Over time, the TzHaar abandoned these facilities due to a lack of TokHaar intervention, and were forgotten. As they lived away from the Kiln, they still retained their obsidian shells, but their lava composition changed from purple to bright orange. Various lava creatures also inhabited the tunnels created by the TzHaar.

The TzHaar lived for thousands of years beneath the holy fires of the volcano. As few knew of their existence, the TzHaar remained mostly undisturbed. Zuk was one of the few visitors to the volcano; he likely met the TzHaar and was informed by them as to how to reach the Kiln. Some TzHaar did participate in the God Wars under Verak Lith as his "Flame Keepers", although this may be non-canon.

Mainland discovery[edit | edit source]

In the Fourth Age, the TzHaar are believed to have first made contact with the outside world without provoking hostility. The Varrockian noble Samuel Scourduel, while exploring Karamja, accidentally found himself within the TzHaar city. The TzHaar first considered the humans as pets, thinking they were capable of only basic communication. Knowledge of their existence remained known to only a select few, and still most of the world was oblivious to the ancient ones in the volcano.

In the year 169 of the Fifth Age, a more continuous stream of contact was established between the TzHaar and the outside world. The TzHaar consider the humans JalYts due to being from the "foreign" outside and are mostly wary of them due to their violent nature, such as murder and theft. The TzHaar have kept the inner areas of the city sealed off until they could be trusted. It is later revealed that after the flow of lava was restored, the TzHaar continue to seal the inner areas off for the JalYts' safety as the flow of lava inside would melt the flesh off any non-lava creature that entered.

Near extinction[edit | edit source]

The following takes place during The Elder Kiln.

As the TzHaar led their daily lives, they soon noticed that many of their offspring were deformed and lacked the memories of their ancestors. The TzHaar, viewing this as an aberration, sent these warped offspring to the Fight Pits so they could die with dignity. One of the TzHaar-Mejs, TzHaar-Mej-Jeh, recruited a visiting JalYt to help it with its problem. Though the adventurer did their best, Jeh's offspring died. Jeh suggested to use the ancient Elder Kiln to imbue the memories back into the Ga'al and sent another Ga'al to accompany the adventurer, who learned from it. The adventurer soon discovered the Elder Kiln and their ancient TokHaar inhabitants, having a brief duel with them as TokHaar-Hok would allow the Ga'al to be reforged if they engaged in battle with the TokHaar. The adventurer and Ga'al-Xox returned to the TzHaar city to report of their success, but much to Ga'al-Xox's disdain, the TzHaar-Mejs ignored his pleas not to.

The following takes place during The Brink of Extinction.

The TzHaar-Mejs soon rounded up more Ga'al and some Tokkul, intending to bring back lost ones and tasked the same JalYt to help them again. Before the operation could begin, Xox murdered TzHaar-Mej-Ak, which was a massive sin as no TzHaar had committed murder (apart from the Ga'al, who they did not consider to be TzHaar) since the start of their civilisation. Jeh ordered the adventurer to apprehend Ga'al-Xox. During the pursuit, Jeh learned of the sacred conduits that were responsible for keeping their city warm, learning more about its past and was visibly angered by how their ancestors neglected them. The adventurer soon found Xox at the final conduit, who told them that the TokHaar were behind the cooling of the volcano. The adventurer believed in Xox and reactivated the conduit, prompting TokHaar-Hok to appear and duel them. After being bested, the conduit was fixed and the adventurer returned to the city, where TzHaar-Mej-Jeh showed delight with healthy TzHaar being born and intended to have Ga'al-Xox answer their crimes and imbue the remaining Ga'al with Tokkul. The adventurer told Jeh to meet them at the Elder Kiln, and it agreed.

Once Jeh arrived at the Elder Kiln, Xox was angered that Jeh refused to change and told it to listen to Ak, who Xox had killed. TokHaar-Hok agreed as long as the human would return to fight, and reforged Xox again. Jeh immediately asked Ak if he was just a memory or returned from the dead; much to its surprise, Ak told it that they never died, and that he suffered greatly in his obsidian prison and begged to be released by being returned to the sacred lava. Jeh, who was visibly touched, finally agreed to change their ways and the TzHaar began collecting Tokkul so they could release the trapped souls inside from their torment.

The TzHaar continue to deal in Tokkul, but now aware of their purpose, the TzHaar merchants collect and donate them so they can be returned to the lava.

Independence[edit | edit source]

The following takes place during Azzanadra's Quest.

During the Sixth Age, the Elder Gods made their presence known on Gielinor once more. Hok travelled to the city to persuade the TzHaar to return to the Kiln as their creator, Ful, had returned. His attempt was mostly unsuccessful as while many TzHaar wanted purpose in their lives, they did not want to give up their individuality doing so.

Culture[edit | edit source]

The caste system[edit | edit source]

The most important part of TzHaar society is its caste system, which dictates what a TzHaar will do in life. At birth a TzHaar's caste is chosen based on their physical and mental traits, and they strictly follow this for the rest of their life.

The caste operates on four types—the TzHaar-Ket, the TzHaar-Xil, the TzHaar-Mej, and the TzHaar-Hur. Unlike many caste systems, each of the TzHaar castes is considered equal in power and respectability but differs in its role in society. By dividing themselves, the TzHaar are able to effectively manage their people and retain a power balance. A unique profession shared by multiple castes is that of banker.

When a TzHaar reaches an age at which they can no longer perform the jobs their caste dictates, they are relieved of their duties and are permitted to enter a life of "retirement". Even as elders, though, the TzHaar are powerful and will often mine or enter the TzHaar Fight Pit or TzHaar Fight Cave for entertainment.

In recent years, some young TzHaar have begun to seek the changing or abolishment of the caste system. Some, such as TzHaar-Hur-Brekt, feel that it should remain, but that limitations on non-caste-specific activities should be lessened. While this has not yet caused any problems, it is a concern amongst the older TzHaar.

All 4 castes are level 86 combat in the main TzHaar City area. In the mine the attackable TzHaar are level 98 combat.

TzHaar-Ket[edit | edit source]

A TzHaar-Ket
A TzHaar-Ket

The TzHaar-Ket are the guardian and police force of the TzHaar. Towering over the other castes, the TzHaar-Ket are fearsome soldiers that follow a code not unlike the concept of chivalry.

In combat they use weapons such as TzHaar-Ket-Om and TzHaar-Ket-Em and protect themselves with Toktz-Ket-Xil. If ever their city were threatened, the TzHaar-Ket would be the first to defend it.

A small rivalry also exists between the TzHaar-Ket and the TzHaar-Xil, although it has never proven a problem.

TzHaar-Xil[edit | edit source]

A TzHaar-Xil
A TzHaar-Xil

The TzHaar-Xil are the hunting class, being agile, yet adept in combat. They attack with ranged and melee attacks. A small rivalry was formed between them and the TzHaar-Ket, but this is small, and has not proved to be a major problem.

TzHaar-Mej[edit | edit source]

A TzHaar-Mej
A TzHaar-Mej

The TzHaar-Mej are the mystic class of the TzHaar, although they are also the city's leading and governing class. Whether or not a single TzHaar rules is unclear, and it is possible that all TzHaar-Mej are part of a council.

As mystics, the TzHaar-Mej are generally the wisest, and are responsible not only for governing the city, but for recording their peoples' history in the TzHaar Library.

They are capable of defeating their opponents with magics that have existed since the dawn of time itself. In combat they wield an obsidian staff known as a TokTz-Mej-Tal.

TzHaar-Hur[edit | edit source]

A TzHaar-Hur
A TzHaar-Hur
A furnace in the TzHaar City, where the TzHaar-Hur craft obsidian items.
A furnace in the TzHaar City, where the TzHaar-Hur craft obsidian items.

The TzHaar-Hur are the craftsman class of the TzHaar. If pressed to combat, the TzHaar-Hur use only their fists. It used to be that they would call other TzHaar to their aid, but this is no longer the case.

Despite their lack of combat ability, the TzHaar-Hur are incredibly important to the TzHaar, and are capable of forging weaponry from obsidian found in the volcano. Apart from weaponry, the TzHaar-Hur are also excellent miners, architects, and sculptors, and further in the city their great works are said to be many.

Ga'al[edit | edit source]

A Ga'al
A Ga'al

The Ga'al are TzHaar which have been born erroneously, and have not retained the memories of their ancestors. The Ga'al are an anomaly among the TzHaar society, and whenever they are born, the majority of them are rounded up and sent into the Fight Pit to die with dignity against other Ga'al and TzHaar. Ga'al NPCs can be found all over the TzHaar city in-game, and when spoken to will utter a phrase similar to baby-talk, upon which the player will comment that they cannot speak properly. They have no combat level and cannot be fought. They are born due to the TokHaar causing the volcano to cool down.

Weaknesses[edit | edit source]

Name Level Weakness Style Caste
Ket 86 100 to 1900 2 Guard
Xil 86 or 100 to 1500 1 or 2 Hunter
Mej 86 or 100 to 700 1 Mystics
Hur 86 150 to 800 1 or 2 Crafter

Language and numerical counting system[edit | edit source]

The TzHaar language has not been fully translated, and as of yet only a few basic words and phrases are known to humans. From what little we understand, the TzHaar language combines words to form longer phrases; for instance, in the TzHaar word for humans, "JalYt", "Jal" translates to "foreigner" and "Yt" translates to "cold"; literally meaning "cold foreigner".

Fortunately, most TzHaar are willing to speak the human language, although a basic understanding of certain words is helpful when visiting the city. The TzHaar Library, contains hundreds of stone documents in the TzHaar language, which some day humans may be able to translate more fully.

The TzHaar numbering system is difficult for many to master because its base value is 12. This is drawn from the TzHaar anatomy. Each TzHaar has four arms with three fingers on each, unlike humans, who have two arms with five fingers on each.

Each used arm is represented by a horizontal line. The number of fingers used on the last used hand is represented by a vertical line. Each of these symbols represent one digit of the number.

Religion[edit | edit source]

TzHaar religion is a mystery. Some believe they follow and honour an ancient elder goddess named Ful. It's known that the TokHaar do, it's unknown if the TzHaar even have knowledge of her or have completely forgotten about her. This may be possible, as they seem to have forgotten many other things the TokHaar used to do. It may be possible as they believe in some sort of afterlife.

Whether they follow a god or not, the TzHaar seem to see their volcano as sacred. TzHaar legend says that they were created along with it at the dawn of time, from the sacred fires of the forgotten earth. The creatures that were created along with it, such as the fearsome TzTok-Jad, are viewed as sacred as well.

The TzHaar believe that, when they die, their souls will eventually be brought to the heart of the volcano and given new life. TzHaar prophecy says that one day their race will draw to an end. The volcano will sink back into the earth, and the cold seas will flood their city, bringing an end to their people forever.

Values[edit | edit source]

The TzHaar value honour and chivalry above all else. Throughout their history, no TzHaar has ever committed a crime, although it is the subject of some fictional tales and plays. Because some humans have no such values and willingly kill the inhabitants of the city, the TzHaar are cautious in dealing with them and continue to keep most of their city blocked off.

Amongst the fighting castes, combat is incredibly popular. The TzHaar partake in gladiator-style combat in their Fight Pit and fight ancient creatures in the Fight Cave. To excel in friendly combat is a major goal of most fighting TzHaar.

Ultimately, to perform the duties of one's caste well is the ultimate goal of the TzHaar.

The arts[edit | edit source]

The TzHaar-Hur are the craftsmen of the TzHaar, and have created many marvels. Deeper within the city is said they have created great structures from obsidian, with great halls and spires standing unrivalled.

Amongst the unique creations of the TzHaar is their weaponry, made from obsidian. From it they have forged ornate and effective weaponry that has even become popular among humans.

Champion's Challenge[edit | edit source]

The TzHaar are one of the 'races' who have champions of champions in the Champion's Challenge activity. It is not currently possible to fight the TzHaar champion.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Graphical updates[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 28 February 2012 (Update):
    • Some TzHaar adjusted their speech and are now correctly referring to the player as "YtHaar" instead of "YtHarr".
  • patch 2 November 2010 (Update):
    • Kuradal has had a typo fixed when speaking about TzHaar tasks.
  • patch 13 May 2008 (Update):
    • "We don’t think that the TzHaar would appreciate being described as ‘groovy’, but recent geological disturbances have left every single one of these fearsome creatures looking very different, from the TzHaar-Hur to TzTok-Jad himself."

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • There are also colonies of TzHaar located outside Karamja. There is a TzHaar hero in the Lava flow mine beneath Keldagrim, and one such colony was encountered during a Mobilising Armies scenario before it was removed.
  • Unattackable TzHaar would still drop items when killed by the mindspike glitch, such as Tokkul and gems.
  • To a small extent, the TzHaar seem to have a somewhat Indian society. They have a caste system and believe in reincarnation, a lot of TzHaar have multiple arms. This might reference to the fact that a lot of Hindu deities are depicted as having multiple arms. The Toktz-Xil-Ul is based on the chakram which is an Indian weapon. There are also some small other examples.