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This article has a strategy guide (hard mode).
All information on mechanics, setups, and tactics is on the subpages.

Release3 July 2013 (Update)
OptionsTalk to, Challenge, Attack, Examine
Race? (edit)
ExamineA powerful entity that is one with the earth.
Combat info
Combat level10,000
Life points250,000
Combat experience
XP1,125 (two-handed)
562 (one-handed and armour)
Max hit
4 ticks (2.4s)
Combat levels
Abilities used
Base hit chance
Advanced data
NPC ID14416
Linksbestiary • MRND

Release19 December 2016 (Update)
RaceAnima being
QuestSliske's Endgame
LocationHeart of Gielinor camp
OptionsTalk-to, Examine
ExamineA powerful entity that is one with the earth.
Advanced data
NPC ID? (edit)

Vorago is a gigantic, rocky, and extremely powerful boss monster created by the Anima Mundi, or as he refers to it, the "earth soul".[1] On release Vorago was billed as the toughest group boss monster in RuneScape, but has since been surpassed by other bosses such as Yakamaru, Nex: Angel of Death, and Solak.

Using the maul of omens to finish off Vorago is a requirement of the achievement Finish Him! for Trimmed Completionist Cape achievement.

Obtaining all unique drops will unlock the [Name] of Omens title.

Location[edit | edit source]

The entrance to the borehole

Vorago is located in the Borehole just north of Falador. The closest teleport is the Falador lodestone or Falador Teleport and its tablet version. The portal inside the Max Guild can be attuned to Vorago, arriving right at the entrance to the cave.

Non-attackable[edit | edit source]

Vorago can be found at the Behind the Scenes during and after the Gower Quest where he is unattackable, but the player can talk with him.

Instance information[edit | edit source]

Cave entrance
Boss Vorago chathead.png: Chat head image of VoragoVorago
Access location Cave entrance (Nort of Falador)
Instance cost 1,000,000
(750,000) [notes 1]
Grave location Inside the Borehole graveyard
Max players for Boss timer 7
Hard mode only available in instance (no additional cost), but requires having mauled all 6 weeks in normal mode. Spawn speed selection not available.

After a kill in the instance, all participants in the battle will end up in the regular room, not instanced.

  1. ^ Purchasing the Instance cost Soul Reaper perk reduces the coin cost of an instance by 25%.

Starting a fight[edit | edit source]

Every world has the option to fight Vorago using either the world's public encounter or a private instance. Instances cost 1,000,000 (750,000 with the Soul Reaper perk) coins and last up to 1 hour. An instance can hold up to 50 players, and, due to the nature of the fight, respawn speed cannot be customised. Using an instance is the only way to fight Vorago in hard mode.

Inside the cave, there is a series of chasms to traverse to access Vorago. To be eligible to fight Vorago, one will have to speak to him and learn why he is here. Once these are done, two coloured messages should show up saying that you are now eligible to fight Vorago. Learning Vorago's history only needs to be done once.

If Vorago is not currently fighting players for whatever session you are in, his face will be visible. Occasionally, he will be unoccupied but not visible, in which case speaking to him will prompt him to reveal himself. He can be challenged via right click or by going through the dialogue.

When challenged, all eligible players will be given the option to accept the fight. After 12 seconds, Vorago will unleash a blast dealing 70% of the player's maximum health as damage (90% in hard mode). Players who do not accept the challenge will not be harmed by the blast. If challenged while he is already preparing to start a fight, the challenger will be notified of this and given the option to join the original fight. The damage from this blast can be lethal. The fight will continue as normal even if a player dies to this blast.

Fight overview[edit | edit source]

Current rotation
Ceiling collapse
Green bomb
Team Split
The end
Next: 4 days (wrong?)

Vorago's fight consists of 5 phases, each taking place in a different room, and each having their own mechanics and attacks. Vorago also possesses a special attack which determines how phase 3, 4, and 5 are fought. The special attack he uses lasts for one week, changing every Wednesday at 00:00 UTC.

Players who have obtained War's Blessing 4 are allowed to choose which special attack Vorago may use rather than the intended special attack.

Hard mode[edit | edit source]

Vorago unleashes a barrage of red bombs after players receive the message "Welcome to hard mode."

The hard mode option for Vorago is unlocked after a player performs the finishing blow on Vorago with the maul of omens on all six of the weekly Vorago rotations (Ceiling collapse, Scopulus, Vitalis, Green bomb, TeamSplit, and The End). You can see which conditions you lack by reading the sign near the entrance to the borehole.

Hard mode is not available in the regular or basic instanced modes. To start up a hard mode instance, the player must use the instance interface and click "Hard Mode".

In hard mode, Vorago's health is still the same, however his attacks are increasingly powerful, and spawns a barrage of normal mode red bombs upon entry. In addition, when Vorago does a magic (blue bomb) attack he will always send two bombs instead of one.

Any special attacks (reflect, red bombs, TeamSplit etc.) will not have a warning message, with the exception of purple bomb detonation timers. His reflect attack damages both the targeted player and the aggressor, while his stomp attack reflects part of the damage onto the player's familiar if they are hit by it. He has 11 phases, with all versions of phase 3 as separate phases (referred to as phases 3-8) and an additional phase on phase 5 (phase 10 and 11), where he needs to be mauled twice, one at the end of each phase. On phase 5 in normal mode (and phase 10 in hard mode) teams are required to push Vorago back 7 spaces to be able to maul him. On phase 11 in hard mode, this distance is doubled to 14 spaces.

If defeated in hard mode, he has a greatly increased chance of dropping the ancient summoning stone, tectonic energy, and seismic equipment. The person who has used the maul on him during phase 11 will receive the title [Name] the Defeater and also one piece of the Omens cosmetic override set per hard mode base rotation mauled if they have not already unlocked it.

Unlock Rotation Piece
Ceiling collapse Omens Torso
Scopulus Omens Helm
Vitalis Omens Legs
Green Bomb Omens Boots
Team Split Maul of Omens
The End Omens Gloves

Drops[edit | edit source]

Phase 1 Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4 Phase 5

When defeated, Vorago drops five drop piles, one for each phase, each containing up to three items—tectonic energy, charms, and main loot.

For each phase, a drop pile is assigned to one of the following qualifications at random:

  • The player who dealt the most damage during the phase ("DPS" role)
  • The player who held Vorago's aggression last during the phase ("base tank" role)
  • The player who received the most blue bombs during the phase ("bomb tank" role)
    • If a phase is completed and no blue bomb is sent out, the roll will be between the DPS and base tank roles for that phase

A player can occupy multiple qualifications (increasing their chances at receiving a drop pile for that phase), and a player can receive drop piles from multiple phases. If the player who qualified for a phase is missing by the end of the encounter, such as by dying, then the drop pile will go to another player that survived the fight and is eligible for the drop - it could be the second highest DPS for that phase, or one of the tankers.

The location of the drop pile for each phase is shown in the table to the right.

In hard mode, the phase 3 drop pile is given out for phase 8; phase 4 for phase 9; phase 5 for phases 10 and 11 (which are tracked together).

100%[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Only when killed using necromancy during Kili's Knowledge VII (power) task and not already owned.

Energy[edit | edit source]

A roll for tectonic energy is made for every drop pile.

Charms[edit | edit source]

Vorago drops 0–5 sets of charms, 5 charms per drop pile. The following percentages are calculated per set of charms dropped.

Represents a 90% confidence range based on a sample of 1,335 kills.
5 items are dropped at a time.
Add data to the log (requires JavaScript).

Main loot (both modes)[edit | edit source]

Every drop pile has the same table of standard loot. The rarities listed are per drop pile.

  1. ^ a b c Triskelion fragments are dropped in order.

Main loot (normal mode)[edit | edit source]

Every drop pile has the same table of standard loot. The rarities listed are per drop pile.

  1. ^ a b c When Vorago is killed, up to 5 players are eligible to receive loot, but only one person can obtain a rare item.
  2. ^ a b Vorago's seismic weapons constitute the normal drop in a drop pile. The chance of getting a specific seismic item is 1/400 per item per slot, making any seismic drop 1/200 per slot, or 1/40 per kill; however, only 1 unique weapon can be dropped per kill, if at all. During hard mode, drop chance for any seismic is 1/100 per slot, or 1/20 per kill.
  3. ^ 1/5,000 per drop pile, or 1/2,500 while in hard mode. If a player who already owns a Vitalis receives this drop, it will be rerolled to a random player who does not. This is the "per drop" chance, where Vorago gives 5 drops per kill. As such, the "per kill" drop chance (the chance that at least one is dropped in Vorago's 5 drops) is between 1/1,001 and 1/1,000 (or between 1/501 and 1/500 in hard mode). If 5 players each obtain one of the drop pile, their individual chances are 1/5,000 (1/2500 in hard mode). This drop has a threshold of 1,000.

Main loot (hard mode)[edit | edit source]

Every drop pile has the same table of standard loot. The rarities listed are per drop pile.

  1. ^ a b c When Vorago is killed, up to 5 players are eligible to receive loot, but only one person can obtain a rare item.
  2. ^ a b Vorago's seismic weapons constitute the normal drop in a drop pile. The chance of getting a specific seismic item is 1/400 per item per slot, making any seismic drop 1/200 per slot, or 1/40 per kill; however, only 1 unique weapon can be dropped per kill, if at all. During hard mode, drop chance for any seismic is 1/100 per slot, or 1/20 per kill.
  3. ^ 1/5,000 per drop pile, or 1/2,500 while in hard mode. If a player who already owns a Vitalis receives this drop, it will be rerolled to a random player who does not. This is the "per drop" chance, where Vorago gives 5 drops per kill. As such, the "per kill" drop chance (the chance that at least one is dropped in Vorago's 5 drops) is between 1/1,001 and 1/1,000 (or between 1/501 and 1/500 in hard mode). If 5 players each obtain one of the drop pile, their individual chances are 1/5,000 (1/2500 in hard mode). This drop has a threshold of 1,000.
  4. ^ 1/50 per drop pile and only available in hard mode to a player who has mauled all hard mode base rotations. This is the "per drop" chance, where Vorago gives 5 drops per kill. As such, the "per kill" drop chance (the chance that at least one is dropped in Vorago's 5 drops) is between 1/11 and 1/10. If 5 eligible players each obtain one of the drop piles, their individual chances are 1/50.

Universal drops[edit | edit source]

Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster and skilling action outside of Daemonheim.
These items are dropped alongside main drops.

Money making guide[edit | edit source]

The following money making guides are available for Vorago:

MethodHourly profitSkillsOther requirements
Killing Vorago (Trio)9,485,889
  • 90 Attack, 90 Ranged, 90 Magic, or 90 Necromancy recommended
  • 90 Defence recommended
  • 87 Summoning recommended for Nihil familiar
  • 106 Herblore recommended
  • 95 Prayer recommended
Killing Vorago (Duo)11,145,394
  • 90 Attack, 90 Ranged, 90 Magic, or 90 Necromancy recommended
  • 90 Defence recommended
  • 87 Summoning recommended for Nihil familiar
  • 106 Herblore recommended
  • 95 Prayer recommended
Killing Vorago (Solo)18,877,349
  • 90 Attack, 90 Ranged, 90 Magic, or 90 Necromancy recommended
  • 90 Defence recommended
  • 87 Summoning recommended for Nihil familiar
  • 106 Herblore recommended
  • 95 Prayer recommended

History[edit | edit source]

Vorago is an ancient anima being who used to cause trouble in the past. Eventually, he was defeated by a weapon known as the maul of omens, and went into a restorative sleep sometime before the Third Age, given the fact that he did not interfere when the Anima Mundi was greatly harmed when Zamorak destroyed Forinthry. He "destroyed" the weapon, shattering it into three fragments which he embedded in his body.

He later woke up around the beginning of the Sixth Age, following Guthix's death by the Mahjarrat Sliske. It is likely he awoke due to the Anima Mundi's mourning of Guthix. Though still just as powerful as he was thousands of years ago, Vorago became much more friendly and encountered curious adventurers who attempted to explore the caverns he was in. Some of these adventurers were eager for a fight, and Vorago allowed them to challenge him, because it would give him practice in the event that a god attempted to endanger Gielinor. He appeared to be quite happy if a god wished to challenge him with good intentions, stating that it would be a worthy battle.

As the gods returned, a massive battle took place outside of the Borehole. For reasons unknown, Vorago decided not to intervene, which he would deeply regret. Sometime after this battle, the boar goddess Tuska sensed Gielinor due to Guthix's Edicts shattering, and made her way to the planet to consume its anima. Tuska was detected by Wizard Chambers, prompting Saradomin, Zamorak, Armadyl and the Godless to work together to stop her. Vorago sent a Scopulus representative and aligned himself with the Godless, but he had no interest in their quest to remove the gods from Gielinor.

After numerous adventurers weakened Tuska, Vorago ventured out into space and temporarily empowered himself with Gielinor's anima to grow in size and strength. Vorago punched the goddess twice, further disorienting her before using more anima to unleash a powerful blast which killed her. Vorago kept the Scopulus there after the world window on Tuska's back powered up, should further dangers appear.

Sliske, who had been monitoring the events of his game, verified the kill, allowing Vorago to participate in his endgame. Vorago had no interest in possessing the Stone; he only came to ensure that the other gods could not claim the stone or harm the "earth soul". Due to Jas' influence over the maze, Vorago's power slowly diminished, though it was not as severe as some of the other participants. When he met the World Guardian, he admitted that his priority of protecting the "earth soul" was gradually fading, and he was able to recall various memories such as forgotten pasts, stories and a name he was unfamiliar with. He worried that he was not "the defeater" that he was; the World Guardian attempted to inquire about what he remembered, but Vorago refocused his efforts to protect the "earth soul" and departed.

Vorago would later meet Armadyl and Zamorak while traversing the maze. In his conversation with Armadyl, the latter attempts to propose an alliance, which he soundly rejected. Vorago regretted not intervening in Armadyl's battle against Bandos, as he considered his weapon an affront to the anima. Armadyl apologised and promised not to resort to such a method again, but Vorago simply stated that he did not care anymore as the damage was done, warning him that he would not allow him to endanger the anima again.

His conversation with Zamorak varies depending if Zamorak has his entourage or not. If Zamorak's entourage is with him, Vorago refused Zamorak's help, stating that he did not need him, much to Moia's anger. Vorago simply stated that Zamorak would simply betray him if they worked together, and his only interest was to keep the Stone from being used at all, and if possible, defeat Sliske. Zamorak expressed skepticism that Vorago could win, due to Sliske's power, but Vorago simply stated that Sliske had yet to beat him in combat. Zamorak departed with his entourage, not willing to risk a fight that was unnecessary. If Zamorak was alone, Vorago ordered him to move aside, which the god of chaos took as an insult. Vorago reminded Zamorak that he had lost his divine powers, while he himself remained fairly unaffected because he was created by the "earth soul", and that it would just take one death to end him. Zamorak, reminded of his near-death experience by Saradomin during the Battle of Lumbridge, backed down, though he stated that the Stone would be his, to which Vorago stated that he looked forward to fighting him.

If Vorago was the first to finish the first part of the maze, he eliminated his own entourage, though he did not take anyone with him in the first place. Regardless, Vorago was booted out of the maze in the second half and returned to the Borehole when the game concluded.

Since his reawakening, Vorago can be found in the Borehole, where he accepts challenges by those wishing to fight him. He fights them so that he can hone his combat skills in the event that he needs to defend Gielinor from those who would threaten it. When defeated, he simply reforms himself.

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Vorago achievements[edit | edit source]

  • Maul of omens:
    • Finish Him! ( 25, 4) – Personally defeat Vorago with the Maul of Omens.
    • The Mighty Maul ( 25, 4) – Defeat Vorago by personally using the Maul of Omens on him on every rotation.
    • Smashing Success ( 25, 4) – Defeat Vorago in hard mode by personally using the Maul of Omens on him on any rotation.
    • Maul's Fair in Love and War ( 25) – Defeat Vorago in hard mode by personally using the Maul of Omens on him on every rotation.
  • Team size:
    • Vorago (duo) ( 25, 4) – Defeat Vorago in a team of two or fewer.
    • Vorago (solo) ( 40, 5) – Defeat Vorago solo.
    • Vorago (HM) (trio) ( 25, 4) – Defeat Vorago in hard mode in a team of three or fewer.
    • Vorago (HM) (duo) ( 40, 5) – Defeat Vorago in hard mode in a team of two or fewer.
    • Maul or Nothing ( 40, 5) – Defeat Vorago in hard mode in a team size of 2 or fewer by personally using the Maul of Omens on him on every rotation.
    • Vorago (HM) (solo) ( 50, 6) – Defeat Vorago in hard mode solo.
    • Maul and Brawl ( 50, 6) – Defeat Vorago in hard mode, solo, by personally using the Maul of Omens on him on every rotation.
  • Who's Your Daddy? ( 50) – Defeat Vorago whilst holding your pet rock for the whole kill.
  • Classic Rock ( 25, 4) – Defeat Vorago without using any defensive abilities.
  • Vorago (HM) (perfect) ( 50, 6) – Defeat Vorago in hard mode while completing the listed achievements.
  • Vorago (HM) (unorthodox) ( 50, 6) – Defeat Vorago in hard mode while completing the listed achievements.

Boss Pet[edit | edit source]

  • Vitalis ( 0) – Unlock the Vitalis pet from Vorago.
  • Bombi ( 0) – Unlock the Bombi pet from Vorago.

Boss Log[edit | edit source]

  • Hard as a Rock ( 0) – Obtained a collection of unique drops from Vorago.

Miniquest achievement[edit | edit source]

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Mentioned[edit | edit source]

Transcripts Vorago is mentioned in:

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 10 March 2025 (Update):
    • Fixed an issue where hard typeless damage at Vorago was incorrectly applied as soft typeless damage. This has now been corrected, and hard typeless damage occurs as expected.
  • patch 17 February 2025 (Update):
    • Vorago is no longer susceptible to Deathtouched Darts.
    • Vorago's 'Destroy Tank' ability no longer persists on the action bar after leaving the borehole.
  • patch 8 January 2024 (Update):
    • Vorago no longer shrinks during phase transitions.
  • hidden 11 September 2023 (Update):
    • The 50% combat experience reduction on bosses has been removed. Bosses now give 50 combat experience per 1,000 life points, like most other monsters in the game.
  • update 7 November 2022 (Update):
    • Herb drops replaced with their seeds instead.
  • patch 24 October 2022 (Update):
    • Removed a check that was preventing those who follow the path of Ironman mode from pointing their Vorago portals to the borehole.
  • patch 14 March 2022 (Update):
    • Various mechanics in Vorago's fight have been adjusted:
      • Entry damage is now dealt as 70% of the player's maximum health in normal mode and 90% in hard mode for all challengers. Previously, those who accepted Vorago's challenge needed to survive a hit of 50,000 or 70,000 respectively (capped at 12,500 and 14,000 per person if the total amount challengers was less than the total damage)
      • The charge up for entry damage has been reduced from 19.8 seconds to 12 seconds. A timer bar now appears as a secondary indicator.
      • The fight will go through as normal even if a player dies to the entry damage. Previously, Vorago would not fight if a player died to it (including signs).
      • Players in solo encounters can now clear phase one by themselves.
      • Reduced the number of gravity orbs needed to stumble Vorago from 4 to 2.
      • The "Bring him down!" mechanic is twice as fast, however, as a result of this change, damage is increased from 150 to 250 in normal mode and 250 to 400 in hard mode.
  • hidden 21 February 2022 (Update):
    • Fixed an issue with Team Split colours not showing properly for players.
  • patch 6 December 2021 (Update):
    • Fixed an issue where Maul of Omens pieces were becoming invisible as the player progressed through the various Vorago phases.
  • patch 16 August 2021 (Update):
    • Teleport restrictions have been removed from the boss encounter for Vorago.
  • patch 11 January 2021 (Update):
    • Various bosses around RuneScape have taken their Santa Hats off for another year.
  • patch 4 May 2020 (Update):
    • Runite stone spirits have been replaced by banite stone spirits.
  • patch 19 August 2019 (Update):
    • The Puncture bleed applied when using the Mutated Dazing shot ability is now cleared reliably. This change will effect the likes of the reflect mechanic on phase 2 of the Vorago encounter.
    • Vorago's DoT melee attack (Destroy tank) now no longer has the Dismember tooltip information. The icon remains and the tooltip has been removed. Despite these notes, the tooltip was not entirely removed; instead, the text of the tooltip was changed to "Destroy tank".
    • Various typos of "truly" have been fixed in Vorago's chat and messaging on login for the previous removal of the Defeater title.
  • patch 21 January 2019 (Update):
    • The damage modifiers from damage enhancing scrimshaws, Berserker auras and the Metamorphosis ability are now calculated earlier. This means that bosses phase correctly when they reach their HP threshold and mechanics that rely on damage to progress (such as Telos' tendrils or Vorago's pushback phases (Phase 5 - Normal Mode, Phase 10/11 - Hard Mode)) will now take the additional damage from the modifiers into the equation.
  • patch 30 April 2018 (Update):
    • Fixed an issue where targeting a Vitalis NPC during the Vorago encounter that was not assigned to you could show the incorrect name of the NPC.
  • patch 12 March 2018 (Update):
    • Vorago's shadows during phase transition once again appear as expected.
  • patch 26 June 2017 (Update):
    • The following fixes have been made to Scopuli:
      • Scopulus will now correctly find his partner if he has been apart from him for too long, and then find a new target.
      • Provoke should now correctly draw the Scopulus to you. Note; provoke will not work when a Scopulus is in search for his partner.
      • They will no longer switch targets if they're within range of each other.
      • They will also now switch target if they have been stood in the same place for too long.
  • patch 6 November 2017 (Update):
    • Fixed some stretching on the climbable wall on phase 1 of the Vorago encounter.
  • patch 23 October 2017 (Update):
    • The click radius on the Gravity Field in the Vorago boss fight has been increased.
  • patch 31 July 2017 (Update):
    • A threshold of 1,000 has been added to the Ancient Summoning Stone drop from Vorago.
    • Hard Mode Vorago boss kill times are now correctly displayed when activated through the Beasts interface.
  • patch 9 January 2017 (Update):
    • The Maul of Omens is no longer kept on death when dying during the final transition at Vorago.
  • patch 12 December 2016 (Update):
    • A typo seen during the Vorago waterfall phase has been fixed.
    • Scopulus's hunt range has been increased.
  • patch 5 December 2016 (Update):
    • Vorago's entry hit is now capped per player at 12,500 for normal mode and 14,000 for hard mode.
  • ninja 24 October 2016 (Update):
    • Vorago's teamsplit colours have changed to red and blue to improve visibility for colourblind players.
  • patch 12 September 2016 (Update):
    • Bosses are no longer so friendly, and hence will no longer go for peaceful walks with you when you insist on walking with them. The following NPCs/Bosses are affected by this change to prevent "boss walking": Vorago
  • patch 27 June 2016 (Update):
    • Vorago's TeamSplit boxes are now a little clearer.
  • patch 6 June 2016 (Update):
    • Added some missing blocking to a piece of wall near Vorago's borehole.
  • patch 1 February 2016 (Update):
    • Using Fragmentation shot no longer breaks Vorago's phase-5 mechanics.
  • patch 30 November 2015 (Update):
    • Fixed a typo regarding the chance to receive a Bombi pet.
  • patch 16 November 2015 (Update):
    • Tweaked the lighting in the Vorago boss encounter area.
  • patch 3 August 2015 (Update):
    • Missing information about Vorago's attacks has been added to the Beasts interface.
  • patch 20 July 2015 (Update):
    • Hydrix bolt tips have been added as potential loot from Araxxi and Vorago.
  • patch 27 April 2015 (Update):
    • Vorago can no longer walk on top of players in obscure circumstances on the final phase.
  • patch 30 March 2015 (Update):
    • The name for Vorago's stone clones are now consistent in right-click options and the combat overlay.
  • patch 16 March 2015 (Update):
    • Players can no longer escape Vorago's clutches during purple bomb phase to escape the bleed effect.
  • patch 16 February 2015 (Update):
    • Players can no longer attack Vorago during the 'Bring me down' phase.
  • patch 2 February 2015 (Update):
    • Killing Vorago in hard mode will no longer count 2 kills towards the relevant boss kills counter.
  • patch 12 January 2015 (Update):
    • Updated Vorago's rotation in purple bomb goes around the clock face more quickly, with slightly increased damage reduction on blue/red/purple.
  • hidden 8 December 2014 (Update):
    • The End weekly special was introduced.
    • Players who have defeated Vorago in a team size of 7 or lower have had their kill times reset. All players have had their Defeater titles reset.
    • Red bombs used during phase 5 Ceiling collapse and Scopulus weeks have been replaced with TeamSplit and purple bombs respectively.
    • Scopuli maximum life points and damage have been increased and can now heal.
    • Vitalis orb damage has been increased.
    • Ceiling debris damage now deals fixed damage rather than split among people caught in it.
    • During the final phase Vorago will now have to be pushed back twice and mauled twice.
  • hidden 1 December 2014 (Update):
    • Players can use a pink dye on Vorago on world 62 to turn him into Voraga.
  • patch 22 July 2014 (Update):
    • Vorago's chat will now refer to 5,000 and 7,000 entry damage when in Legacy Mode.
  • hidden 14 July 2014 (Update):
    • Vorago's dismember smash attack damage has been increased from 4,500 to 6,000, or 7,500 to 10,000 in hard mode.
  • ninja 4 February 2014 (Update):
    • The player tanking the bombs during the Vorago boss fight now has a chance of earning drops from the kill.
  • hotfix 11 December 2013 (Update):
    • Advanced Vorago's rotation to the Green Bomb attack.
  • patch 3 September 2013 (Update):
    • Any ceiling that Vorago has collapsed in stage 3 that isn't destroyed before the end of stage will fall down to stage 4.
  • patch 13 August 2013 (Update):
    • All of the text now fits in the dialogue title bar when the player is offered to join other players for the Vorago fight.
  • patch 29 July 2013 (Update):
    • Corrected several camera issues with the Vorago fight.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Vorago is an English word, derived from Latin, meaning abyss, chasm, or gulf.
  • A bug allowed players who died at Vorago to duplicate any item that they wanted. The player would die to the blast, and when they came back to their grave, there would be two graves with the same items instead of one. This bug has since been patched.
  • Vorago is loosely based on the living rock creatures (the patriarch in particular), according to Mod Chris L.
  • Hard mode was coded during the developers' lunch breaks. Nobody at Jagex was actually able to complete the new hard mode through legitimate means before it was released and defeated by players.[source needed]
  • After killing Vorago, the Adventurer's Log will say: "I killed a monstrous entity, Vorago." Killing more than one Vorago results in the Adventurer's Log saying: "I killed # monstrous entities of the Earth, the constantly reforming Vorago."
  • Using a pink dye on Vorago during the fight turns him pink for duration of one phase and changes his name to "Voraga", with a unique pink name. This only works on world 62.
  • Vorago is the tenth individual known to have defeated, and the eighth to have killed a god. The others were Jododu Otoku, who killed EbebBandos, who slew Jododu; Guthix, who slew SkargarothZaros, who killed LoarnabZamorak, who defeated Zaros; Armadyl, who slew Bandos; Sakirth, who killed V; Sliske, who assassinated Guthix, and the World Guardian, who defeated Zamorak.
  • During the 2014, 2015, and 2016 Christmas events, Vorago was decorated with lights and wore a Santa hat.
  • Despite not being part of the Godless, Vorago is still labelled under their banner in the scoreboard because he was aligned with them at the time of the third World event Tuska Comes.[6]
  • When mauling Vorago, everyone in the team automatically performs the Cheer emote, including the end of phase 10 in the hard mode fight. In addition, their adrenaline is completely drained regardless of the amount of adrenaline they have, even if they are under the effects of an adrenaline urn or the Persistent Rage relic.
  • Originally deathtouched darts could work on Vorago, although they would only clear one phase and would not award "the Defeater" title if used in hard mode. In phase 5 of normal mode and 10/11 of hard mode, the person using a dart also had to carry the Maul of Omens in their inventory.
  • A rare bug can occur where Vorago can regenerate a single life point as he jumps during phase transition. If attacked, he will automatically change targets to the first attacker, and can attack the team. However, the attacks do not carry over to the next phase, though the first person who attacked Vorago in this state will be his target in the next phase.
    • This also reveals that he is invulnerable at the end of phase 3, as he is already performing his waterfall attack. In the case of the Scopuli rotation, it instead states he is channelling immunity from his minions.
  • As of 1 February 2018, the highest kill count for this boss was 14,014 kills for normal mode and 2,065 for hard mode.[7]
    • This had increased to 15,315 for normal mode and 2,549 for hard mode by 13 December 2018.[8]
  • Prior to an update on 16 August 2021, players could not teleport out of Vorago's arena by any means once the fight had begun. Attempting to teleport out displayed the message Vorago's magical power blocks your teleport.. Logging out during the fight was sometimes prevented, usually the beginning of a phase; however, this restriction was not entirely consistent. If a player disconnected while fighting Vorago, they were removed from the fight in roughly 30 seconds.
  • Prior to 25 October 2021, Vorago was the strongest monster in RuneScape, with a combat level of 10,000 and held onto this title for 3,036 days until the release of TzKal-Zuk. While he shared the same combat level as Yakamaru and Seiryu the Azure Serpent, they were released far later than Vorago.
    • Vorago still currently holds the record for being the strongest monster in RuneScape for the longest period of time at 3,036 days, which is almost three times longer than the previous record holder–TzTok-Jad–who remained the strongest monster for 1,077 days.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Mod Osborne. Campfire - Answers. General Forums. 27 June 2013. (Archived from the original on 28 June 2013.)
  2. ^ a b c d e Mod Shauny. Dev Blog: Revealing Drop Rates. Existing Game Content Forums. 3 November 2017. (Archived from the original on 3 November 2017.)
  3. ^ a b Mod Shauny. Patch Notes (31 July 2017). Recent Game Updates Forums. 31 July 2017. (Archived from the original on 31 July 2017.) Mod Shauny: "A threshold of 1,000 has been added to the Ancient Summoning Stone drop from Vorago." Mod Shauny: "A threshold of 1,000 has been added to the Ancient Summoning Stone drop from Vorago."
  4. ^ a b Jagex. Mod Chris L's Twitter account. 9 February 2015. (Archived from the original on 24 March 2015.) Mod Chris L: "1/5k per drop, so should be 1/1k kills"
  5. ^ Jagex. Mod Ramen's Twitter account. 17 April 2021. (Archived from the original on 17 April 2021.) Mod Ramen: "It's me, it was wrong. Was chatting to someone about it last night and they were convinced it was 1/100 but I remember working on it with Chris, Ryan and Harrison so updated it :)"
  6. ^ "Nomad's Elegy - RuneScape Developer Q&A." (6:49), YouTube video.
  7. ^ Mod Shauny. Top 10 killers per Boss. Reddit. 2 February 2018. (Archived from the original on 25 January 2019.) Mod Shauny: "Here are the top 10 kills for each Boss in RuneScape, be aware that we've not listed display names for privacy purposes however if you wish to brag about one number being yours then we won't stop you!"
  8. ^ Mod Shauny. Top 20 Boss Killers by Monster (Data: 13th December 2018). Reddit. 8 January 2019. (Archived from the original on 28 February 2020.) Mod Shauny: "[link to a spreadsheet]"