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Zorgoth (Dactyl elder)
Release27 July 2020 (Update)
QuestDesperate Measures
ExamineKindra council member.
Advanced data
NPC ID27193

Zorgoth is a Dactyl elder dragonkin who appeared in Desperate Measures alongside a fledgling Kerapac, although he does not speak. He only appears in the dream-state of Maragan and Daraval, who are hosting the dream.

History[edit | edit source]

Back when the Dragonkin still lived in Orthen, Zorgoth was a member of the Kindra Council, where he acted as an elder of the Dactyl faction. He participated in the council's final meeting before Orthen's destruction, but did not speak a word for the meeting's duration.

At some point after Kerapac unintentionally cursed the entire Dragonkin race, Zorgoth began creating his own dragons and began to see humanity as a disease, believing that they caused more harm to the world than the Dragonkin, yet Jas did not care about them. He thus resolved to destroy humanity in her place[1], and began creating dragons with his assistants to do so, building a laboratory in an island the Fremennik would call Ungael for that purpose.[2] Said laboratory contained a magical construct made in his image that served as the Archivist of his library.[3] Most of his hundreds of failed experiments were discarded in a Dragonkin tomb north of the area where Fort Forinthry would be built.[4]

Following the departure of Lacrussa, the supposed competence of his associates began to decline dramatically. After spending vast resources and much of his time, he soon created Vorkath, who was meant to be his masterpiece; instead, Zorgoth became enraged when the dragon looked to humanity and wanted to take care of them, prompting him to kill it in a rage.[5][6][7]

Zorgoth eventually learned of a mysterious black stone from Kerapac's studies and decided to use it to strengthen his control on Vorkath[8], cutting out its heart and likewise replacing it with a black stone variant of it. While its reanimated corpse showed some improvement, Vorkath was still a disappointment in Zorgoth's eyes, but he saw promise in the black stone and began to set forth on his next project.[9] His fate thereafter is unknown.

Works[edit | edit source]

Transcripts Zorgoth is the author or co-author of:

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Zorgoth's Journal, written by Zorgoth, "Requiem for a Dragon", RuneScape. "I despise humans. Their population spreads across every world they touch, like some foul moss across rotted wood. Where they walk, devastation follows. Trees, stone, ore, creatures, they are all whittled down to nothing so that a single village thrives. And there are more villages than there are reasons to have them, with more appearing with each passing day. Everything about humans is repugnant. Their science is laughable, their oratory stunted. Their religions weak and reek of desperation. Whatever they touch, they coat in vile oils and greases that erupt from their very skin to taint the world around them. Yet, for all their foulness, she does not touch them. Jas is content to slumber. They do more damage to creation than we ever did, yet it is we who are cursed. It is we who live with chains around our necks. If she will not punish them, then I shall."
  2. ^ Archivist, "Ancient Awakening", RuneScape. "This island is dedicated to the creation of the perfect living weapon. Said weapon will serve the master in his plight to eradicate the human infestation from this world."
  3. ^ Archivist, "Ancient Awakening", RuneScape. "I am a magical construct created by Zorgoth, the master of this island, in his image. My role is simple: to answer questions and aid in the retrieval of archived information."
  4. ^ Archivist, "Ancient Awakening", RuneScape. "Remains that are of no further value are sent to a tomb beneath Forinthry."
  5. ^ Archivist, "Ancient Awakening", RuneScape. "He was the closest the master came to perfection. Ideal muscle mass, imposing stature, powerful innate magical ability... But despite his great power he was meek. Docile. He would indulge in gentle physical contact and frivolous entertainment with his targets, instead of destroying them. Pathetic. The master hoped that this weakness would resolve itself once he reached maturity. It did not. Physical coercion proved...unsuccessful. As with all defects, he was destroyed. He was our greatest 'Vorkath'. Our greatest failure."
  6. ^ Archivist, "Requiem for a Dragon", RuneScape. "He was supposed to be out greatest achievement. The perfect weapon, forged to rain destruction on human settlements. With him we could re-assert ourselves. He would be our scourge in our quest to break the curse. Such a waste."
  7. ^ Zorgoth's Journal, written by Zorgoth, "Requiem for a Dragon", RuneScape. "It's failure after failure after failure, just like this latest experiment. He was meant to be a weapon, a deadly creature of fury and rage. He was supposed to annihilate human cities, but instead he looks on them with affection. He sees a human and wants to pull them under his wing, to warm them against the elements so they can keep nice and safe. He wants to coo at their progeny and laugh at their games. How dare he? I had such plans. I poured so much time and resources into building this weapon and he thinks his targets should be protected. No, no, this will not do."
  8. ^ Zorgoth's Journal, written by Zorgoth, "Requiem for a Dragon", RuneScape. "Kerapac's studies have yielded some fascinating discoveries. There is a type of stone - black, dark and buried deep in the earth - that offers great power. I have seen it used to bring movement to desiccated bodies, making them walk again as if alive once more. More than that - I see that when the dead return to life, if their yoke is not carefully grasped, they lumber into violence, destruction and hate. These creatures crave and they crave - they need with a hunger that can never be sated. They hate with such a passion that it can be easily weaponised. Perhaps this Vorkath will not be so useless after all."
  9. ^ Zorgoth's Journal, written by Zorgoth, "Requiem for a Dragon", RuneScape. "It worked perhaps better than intended. There is a darkness that has crept into this pathetic creature and turned it into something of barest use. Still weak, in its own way, yet stronger in flesh. What remains is a different beast than before. He moves. He breathes. He hates and he wallows. Held by some melancholy that cannot be removed. A pitiful creature, yet more useful than he was. He is no longer affectionate towards humans and made no effort to stop me as I killed one in front of him. A step in the right direction, but there is far further to go. There is promise in this stone. In the madness it creates in the weaker creatures. Vorkath will forever be a failure, but perhaps there are other uses for this material. Musings for another time. For now, this Vorkath experiment, as it was always doomed to be, is a failure. The next one will be a significant improvement."