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Kerapac flying off to Orthen
Location on Anachronia labelled 'Orthen Digsite' on Artstation

Orthen, which means "first city" in the language of the dragonkin according to Charos, was a city on Anachronia.[1] Only a few scattered ruins remain after the Pre-First Age destruction of the city by Jas, one of the Elder Gods.

History[edit | edit source]

Orthen was the first home of the dragonkin on Gielinor after coming out of hiding from the Abyss following The Great Revision by the Elder Gods.[2]

Jas destroying Orthen

The dragonkin that settled on Orthen debated about their situation with the Elder Gods. Kerapac, a Dactyl fledgling at the time, wanted to fight the Elder Gods by using a device that generated shadow anima, which was toxic to the Elder Gods. Without the approval of his fellow council members, Kerapac activated the device, which in turn caused Jas to manifest and completely destroy Orthen and bind the dragonkin to the Stone of Jas.

After acquiring the Needle during the events of Desperate Times, Kerapac flew to Orthen, where he used the Needle to pull a version of Orthen that was destroyed shortly after the dragonkin were cursed, but before his device was destroyed. Orthen predates Guthix's arrival to Gielinor, and is so old that at least one dragonkin believed it to be a myth.[3]

Orthenglass, a material created out of crystallised dragon breath, was likely named after the city.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Orthen Dig Site[edit | edit source]

The Orthen Dig Site consists of four excavation sites spread around Anachronia. Mr Mordaut is its site manager. It requires level 90 Archaeology, completion of the Anachronia base camp tutorial, and having the Associate qualification. Completion of Desperate Measures is optional, but beneficial.

  • The western ruins on the west side of the volcano has an entrance to the Crypt of Varanus.
  • North-west of the Hibernatorium in north-east Anachronia is the Observation outpost, where they experimented on the island's fauna and flora.
  • At the east end of Section B (south section) of the Anachronia Agility Course is the Moksha ritual site, where the Aughra did their spiritual practices.
  • Beneath the south-eastern ruins is the Xolo City, a miniature gold city where the Xolo, a small race of reptiles, lived.

Mentioned[edit | edit source]

Transcripts Orthen is mentioned in:

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Jagex. "RuneFest 2019 Part 2 [OSRS."] (04:15:25), YouTube video. 5 October 2019. "Anachronia isn't Orthen, but Orthen is on Anachronia. Orthen is a city on Anachronia." During the Lore Q&A section at RuneFest 2019.Lost reference
  2. ^ Jagex. "RuneFest 2019 Part 2 [OSRS."] (08:25:10), YouTube video. 5 October 2019. "Orthen. The first home of the Dragonkin on Gielinor." During the RuneScape Keynote section at RuneFest 2019.Lost reference
  3. ^ Vicendithas, "Desperate Times", RuneScape. "Orthen? But...that's a myth isn't it? From times before even the green stone toucher arrived?"