Practice motivational interview (MI) with someone that you know is
struggling with inadequate sleep. Write-up your experiences to
include what your efforts entailed (use MI terminology), how your
efforts went, and how the individual responded. Briefly discuss
your thoughts regarding MI and its value or lack of value when
working with individuals to change behavior.
In: Nursing
Exercise: Preparing Your Business Plan
You are considering the possibility of operating a small business or practice in some activity related to health care, as either a provider or as a service intended to support various provider organizations in their care-delivery activities.
First, describe the kind of entity you would be establishing by stating the service or services you propose to deliver and the kinds of clients or customers you would be serving.
Next, write a paragraph offering compelling reasons for your proposed venture, explaining why you believe it is needed and for whom it is needed. Incorporate in this narrative a description of the kind and extent of competition you might face in your intended service area and how your services would be sufficiently different to enable you to compete successfully.
In: Nursing
Emotional Support Animals should be allowed in campus housing
Present at least two arguments supporting your position on the issue.
Present at least two arguments opposing your position on the issue.
In: Nursing
Once a law has been adopted, signed and has become effective, the next step is to
a. Enforce it
b. Write the regulations that interpret and set forth how it will work
c. Request that the Judicial Branch review the new law for its agreement with the Constitution
d. Educate the public
In: Nursing
Given the following situation below, make an OB history. It must be written in paragraph form, using the format presented in the module. Place you answer here in this platform. Do not attach a file but answer on the space provided below.
Cristina is a 29 year-old woman, 16 weeks pregnant, who comes for a first prenatal visit.She is concerned because she didn’t realize she was pregnant until a week ago. Because of this, she has been actively dieting (two diet drinks plus one meal of mainly vegetables daily) plus lifting weights at a health club. She wants her urine tested because “ I have to go all the time”. She does not want any blood work done because she doesn’t have any insurance. She hasn’t had a pelvic examination since she was in high school, when she had a vaginal infection.
Cristina is single, lives by herself in one-bedroom apartment. She works at a laundry and her boyfriend is a roofing salesman, out of town 4 days a week.
She had her menarche at age 11; menstrual cycle every 29 days, 6 days duration with moderate flow and mild cramps. Past history positive for sinusitis and appendectomy at age 12 years. Smokes about ½ pack of cigarettes per day (“more when I’m stressed at work”); denies alcohol use.
She weighs 195 pounds and stands 5 feet 5 inches; breast full and slightly tender.
Pelvic examination by nurse-midwife:
Cervical os round, clean, and slightly soft; uterus enlarged and soft;
+ chadwicks; + hegar’s sign; + Goodell’s sign; uterine height palpable at 3 fingers over symphysis pubis. Fetal heart rate via Doppler at 152 beats per minute.
Remainder of physical examination within normal limits. Serum HCG and ultrasound positive for pregnancy.
In: Nursing
A 50 year old African American male is ordered Prazosin (minipress) for hypertension. Another medication he is currently taking is HCTZ 25mg daily. He tells you he is also taking saw palmetto for his prostate. His BP is 182/90 and HR is 82.
1. Should the saw palmetto be continued? why or why not? At least half of the page
In: Nursing
what Thyroid Cancer with “mets” to the lungs? answer typed please in one paragraph or two
In: Nursing
After a week the shortness of breath has returned. Her son notices that she seems mildly confused. He takes her to the emergency department. The triage nurse takes her vital signs and performs a focused assessment. (Clinical Hint: When a client is experiencing a new onset of confusion, first, rule out hypoxia as the cause).
BP (MAP) HR RR SpO2 Mar. 10 1039 100/58 (72) 108 26 89% RA
Brought in by son per private vehicle. Oriented to name and place only. Crackles in the right lower lobe, inspiratory/expiratory wheezes. Moist cough. Some use of accessory muscles. States having a hard time breathing.
THIN Thinking Time! Reflect on the events that have occurred since Luanne Yazzie came to the emergency department and apply THIN Thinking.
(T - Top 3 H - Help Quick I - Identify Risk to Safety N - Nursing Process)
T –
H –
I –
N –
In: Nursing
In: Nursing
Tiffany, 36-year-old woman who has been experiencing of pain and swelling in her hands and feet. On examination by her General Practitioner (GP) her hands and feet display evidence of inflammation; rubra, heat and swelling and decreased function. On palpation and movement, they cause considerable pain which she rates as 5 - 7 on pain scale of 0 -10. When questioned on when this pain and inflammation first started, she is unable to say, but it has gradually worsened over the past 4 weeks. She states she has been taking Ibuprofen which initially provided relief but is no longer as effective. It is worse in the morning and she is now unable to carry out her many aspects of her normal routine. Her GP suspect’s Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).
3c. Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs (DMARD) are often the first line of pharmacological therapy despite the significant side effects. Name two non-biological DMARD’s, describe how they work and why they are prescribed despite the significant adverse drug reactions (ADR’s) 3 marks ( 1 mark for drug names, 2 marks for discussion)
In: Nursing
Case Study 5 – Neurological disorders – chronic
Tegan Bailey is a 28-year-old woman with a past medical history of generalised Tonic Clonic seizures following a traumatic brain injury 6 years ago. The seizures have been well controlled up until now with Carbamazepine (Tegretol) 500 mg daily. After participating in a fitness class at her local gym she was found in the change rooms lying on the ground unconscious.
5a. Discuss the difference between a Tonic Clonic seizure and an Absence seizure 3 marks (1.5 Marks for each type of seizure)
5b. You are doing a set of observations on Tegan when you notice that her body starts to stiffen and she becomes unresponsive, you suspect she is having another seizure. Outline the nursing interventions that you would perform during and post seizure. 3 marks
5c. As a consequence of this latest seizure activity Tegan is to be commenced on Sodium Valproate 200mg three times a day in addition to her Carbamazepine. Discuss and compare how each drug works. 4 marks ( 2 marks per drug)
In: Nursing
1. List five opportunities for developing networks or collaborative partnerships to meet a specific client, personal, or professional need. CHCPRP001
In: Nursing
List three aspect of the DNP roles when working with populations, a facility or workforce, or directed a specific clinical problem.
In: Nursing
synthesize and integrate nursing practice concepts into their professional nursing practice.
engage in professional nursing practice that is patient-centered and appropriate for diverse individuals, families, and communities.
Provide patient-centered care that is respectful to diverse beliefs, and attitudes.
1. Exemplar of specific behavior that met competency.
In: Nursing
As part of 2009s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the government allocated $2 billion to accelerate the adoption of health information technology. Why? Consider the advantages and disadvantages between Ethernet and Wi-Fi network technologies shown in Table 8-1. Which type of network is better? Why? What are some examples of how the admission, discharge, and transfer system can be used in a health information system? Why is this all in one system? In what ways can secondary patient data improve a government’s chances of preventing epidemics?
In: Nursing