Case Study: Body Composition Assessment and Weight Management Susan is a secretary who has been sitting...

Case Study: Body Composition Assessment and Weight Management
Susan is a secretary who has been sitting behind her desk at work for the last 20
years. Over the years, she has gradually gained weight because of her sedentary
lifestyle and changing metabolism. She contacted you to assess her body
composition and to plan a weight-management program. Her body composition and
nutritional assessments resulted in the following data:
Client: 45-year-old female %BF UWW = 34%
Body weight: 160 lb (72.6 kg) Desired %BF: 30%
Height: 65 in. (165.1 cm) Daily caloric intake: 3,000 kcal
Σ3SKF: 86 mm Activity level: light

Dietary analysis: 40% carbohydrate, 15% protein, 45% fat


8. *How many grams of protein does this client consume per day (Hint: You will
have to convert her percentage of protein to kcal first)? How does this value
compare to the recommended daily protein need of this client?
9. How would you alter the relative percentages of macronutrients in this
client's diet?

In: Nursing

Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities, CDC 2016: 11. Which of the following is not one of...

Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities, CDC 2016: 11. Which of the following is not one of the health disparities covered this report? a. Diabetes Prevention in American Indian and Alaskan Native communities. b. HIV prevention for high-risk men who have sex with men. c. Infant mortality rates in Hispanics. d. Eliminating Hepatitis A. 12. Specifically, how does this report define health disparities? a. 13. Which of the following groups do not have lower screenings rates for colorectal cancer? a. Those without insurance b. Households with low income or low educational attainment c. Racial and ethnic minority groups d. All of the above groups have low screening rates for colorectal cancer. 14. Which of the four overarching goals of Healthy People 2020 does this seek to address? a. b. c. d. 15. What are the 6 key components to effective public health program implementation? a. b. c. d. e. f. 16. “The conditions in the environment in which persons are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality of life outcomes and risks” is the definition of: a. Social determinants of health b. Health equity c. Health status d. Health disparities

In: Nursing

Abigail Lently is a 51-year-old patient who has recently been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...

Abigail Lently is a 51-year-old patient who has recently been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). She has come in for a follow-up spirometry test after being placed on her maintenance medications. She admits that she has had a very tough time with smoking cessation. Although she has cut back on the number of cigarettes smoked per day, she has not quit altogether.

  1. Shandra, RMA, is working with Ms. Lently during her appointment today. She says to Shandra, “I don’t understand why I am having this test again. I didn’t even understand why I had to have it in the first place when I was diagnosed. What does this test do?” How should Shandra respond?
  2. What type of data will Shandra need to enter into the computerized spirometry machine that is used by Pearson Physicians Group? Why will she need to enter these data?
  3. After the spirometry test is complete, Dr. Penningworth looks over the results and examines Ms. Lently. He orders blood gas levels to be drawn. These blood tests aren’t drawn in the office, and the patient must go to an outside laboratory. Ms. Lently seems upset by the inconvenience of having to go to the lab to have the blood work done. She asks Shandra, “Why does he want me to do even more testing? What will this blood test show?” How should Shandra respond?

In: Nursing

Claude Monet was an artist who was known for his impressionist paintings. Later in life, the...

Claude Monet was an artist who was known for his impressionist paintings. Later in life, the choices of colors in his paintings changed. These color choices were the result of a visual disorder. What is the visual disorder and why did it affect his choice of colors?

In: Nursing

Formulate an NCLEX question about infective endocarditis. Provide the correct answer with rationales and their resources

Formulate an NCLEX question about infective endocarditis. Provide the correct answer with rationales and their resources

In: Nursing

Calculate your estimated energy needs using 25-35 calories per kg ideal body weight for your height...

Calculate your estimated energy needs using 25-35 calories per kg ideal body weight for your height (show work):

Body Weight 250 Height 6ft 7in

In: Nursing

case study: K. B. is a 60 year old man admitted to the ER unit on...

case study:
K. B. is a 60 year old man admitted to the ER unit on 11/14/2020 at 0800 after experiencing severe bleeding from his gums and nose, blood in stool, severe headaches and a nonhealing wound. K. B also has a history of hypertension, anemia, hepatitis C and hip replacement requiring red cell transfusion. He smokes a quarter of a pack of cigarettes per day and also uses alcohol about once a week. His current vitals are measured to be: RR 26, BP 150/80 mmHg, HR 101, 02 89%, Temp 99.5, and pain 5. A CBC was ordered and revealed the patient to have a platelet count of 40,000 platelets per microliter. Other significant lab values are also seen to be: Hb 8, RBC 3.5, and WBC 1.5L.

(patient is diagnosed with severe thrombocytopenia )

question: explain/describe the clinical significance of the topic and its impact on the patient

In: Nursing

a 72 year old Male patient comes to the clinic with his wife. John says that...

a 72 year old Male patient comes to the clinic with his wife. John says that his balance is off and he is having difficulty walking. He feels lightheaded if he stands up too quickly and is incontinent of urine at times. On physical examination, the client has a noticeable right hand tremor. He shuffles his feet while walking, his facial expression is flat, and his speech is slow and monotone. Identify each abnormality and explain how its mechanism can be explained by Parkinson's disease. What treatment options would you discuss with the patient and his wife? Explain the pathophysiology reason that the treatment works.

In: Nursing

How are health disparities identified? Give 3 examples of a health disparity and discuss the role...

How are health disparities identified?

Give 3 examples of a health disparity and discuss the role of the Community Health Nurse in identifying ad addressing these disparities.

What are the community resources available in NYC to address health disparity concerns?

What public health policies exist to address health disparities?

In: Nursing

1. List the 2 types of Separation and briefly explain each: 2. Mergers and Acquisitions are...

1. List the 2 types of Separation and briefly explain each:

2. Mergers and Acquisitions are changing the face of healthcare, from delivery to the work environment for staff. Briefly explain the difference between “merger” and “acquisition”.

3.What does the concept “Motivation is not a one-size-fits-all strategy“ mean? Explain briefly as it relates to a manager and his/her team.

In: Nursing

Which of the following personality traits is negatively correlated with occupational attainment? Select one: a. extraversion...

Which of the following personality traits is negatively correlated with occupational attainment?

Select one:

a. extraversion

b. openness to experience

c. neuroticism

d. conscientiousness

In: Nursing

In the table below LIST FIVE SHORT TERM & FIVE LONG TERM opportunity of HL7 based...

In the table below LIST FIVE SHORT TERM & FIVE LONG TERM opportunity of HL7 based Electronic Health Record (EHR).


of HL7 based Electronic Health Record (EHR).

Short Term

Long Term

In: Nursing

Look within your own community health centers and local department of health services. What primary, secondary,...

Look within your own community health centers and local department of health services. What primary, secondary, and tertiary mental health facilities and services are you able to find to share in the discussion?

In: Nursing

#3: A6 year old child is brought to the emergency department by her parents in respiratory...

#3: A6 year old child is brought to the emergency department by her parents in respiratory distress. The parents state this started right after eating sandwiches. They say this has never happened before. When asked what she ate, the mom says "PBJ on whole wheat bread, celery and carrot sticks, adn chocolate milk" The physician is suspecting a peanut allergy.

A. The mother states to you, the nurse, that she is very concerned because this has not happened before and the child eats peanut butter all the time. How should you respond?

B. Identify some ways to determining if there is allergy to peanuts.

C. What are some nursing diagnoses that would be appropriate in this situation?

In: Nursing

trace a drop of blood from the heart to the top of foot by naming the...

trace a drop of blood from the heart to the top of foot by naming the blood vessles from the aota to the artery that can be felt on the top of the foot dorsailis pedis artery

In: Nursing