
About our policy

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It is an expectation that all individuals and groups, including staff, activities’ partners, volunteers, vendors, contractors, guests, parents and visitors act with integrity and keep our students safe. In keeping with this philosophy, all job applicants must be willing to undergo rigorous child protection screening, including checks with past employers and law enforcement agencies.

We expect all individuals and groups affiliated with the school community to:

  • Act in a manner that is consistent with the values of CIS.
  • Report all allegations or suspicions of abuse in accordance with the school’s child protection policy and procedures.
  • Keep all information regarding child protection concerns confidential, only discussing

information with relevant and appropriate people according to the reporting procedures.

Safeguarding policies and procedures

In keeping with our mission and values, CIS leaders believe that every child or young person, regardless of age, has the right to feel safe and protected in all situations at all times. Our safeguarding policies and procedures encompass:

Photo and video guidelines

Parents are welcome to post photos or videos of their own children at school events on social media, however posting photos or videos of other people’s children on social media is not allowed. This policy is outlined in clause 9.2 of the terms and conditions of enrolment.

Social media refers to any digital medium that allows you to communicate and interact socially. Social media includes but is not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, SnapChat, Whatsapp, WeChat, and blogs.


We ask all volunteers who will be in direct contact with students to agree and adhere to our code of conduct.

What is child protection

There are a number of terms that we use at CIS.

  • Safeguarding is the umbrella of all measures CIS takes to protect from harm and from harming others. The terms safeguarding and child protection are not used interchangeably.
  • Child Protection is one component of safeguarding at CIS and describes the activities that are undertaken to protect children who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.

When dealing with allegations of peer abuse, or if there are safeguarding concerns, the school draws on our bullying assessment matrix and the Brook Traffic light tool to assess the alleged behaviour and to decide how to respond.

Definitions and how an assessment of an incident between peers is considered is further outlined in our Peer Safeguarding Policy.

Reporting concerns

If you have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a student at CIS please don't hesitate to speak with one of our many Safeguarding or Child Protection Officers.

Chief Safeguarding Officer

The Head of School or designee is responsible to implement, audit and enforce safe practices across the school.

Senior Child Protection Officer

The Head of Inclusion (Student Support & Well-being) is responsible for overseeing child protection situations in the school. This role includes overseeing and supervising child protection concerns, ensuring that the school’s child protection policy is implemented, facilitating effective child protection training and practices across the wider school community.

Child Protection Officers

Child protection officers are our divisional Vice Principals. CPOs are responsible for handling reports of concern identified by our community. They work closely with our counsellors and nurses.

To contact our child protection officers please email safeguarding@cis.edu.sg.

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