
Meaningful 21st century learning experiences

At CIS, we integrate technology into classroom activities and the curriculum in order to provide rich and meaningful 21st century learning experiences. As a Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certified School, we have adopted the K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum. This comprehensive curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world.

Circles 2

In today’s world, literacy has evolved beyond its basic definition of knowing how to read and write. Everyone is required to know how to process, deliver and receive information in today’s highly digitalised world. It is inevitable that the definition of literacy includes components of digital literacy, which emphasises the ability to use digital technology, communication tools and networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information. Learning experiences are made richer by the appropriate use of technology, and skills learnt are directly transferable to the workplace.

Led by our Digital Literacy coaches, our ‘One to World’ programme ensures our students learn how to think critically and ethically as they harness technology in their learning; behave safely and appropriately online; to identify what information is important online, use technology as a tool to showcase their skills and talents.

iPads and MacBooks

It is compulsory for all students to have the required device from the first day of school.

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