
Our outdoor learning programmes

Programmes vary in length and focus, and the level of challenge increases as students progress through the respective grade levels. Outdoor experiential learning programmes include Open Minds in Primary School, field trips, Secondary DP field investigations and Excursion Week (grades 4-11).

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Open Minds sees Primary students (Grades 1 to 6) spend up to a week in a variety of real world settings. Investigation topics are linked to both our curriculum and the units of inquiry found within the Primary Years Programme (PYP). First-hand experience with artifacts, field experts, and opportunities to go behind the scenes create unique moments of extremely powerful hands-on, minds-on learning.

Excursion Week sees students in Grades 4 to 11 travelling to countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia and Nepal with their teachers and peers. Distance travelled is commensurate with age, and Excursion Week provides students with an immersive, concept-driven, connections-focussed and service-oriented learning experience.

Through excursions, students develop a sense of independence, as well as an understanding of global issues, and other people and communities. Secondary excursions will see students participate in a range of activities including house building in Cambodia, working in dental hospitals in Nepal, and working with NGOs to help those in need.

Fieldwork in the Diploma Programme (DP) is part of a student’s coursework and counts towards their internal assessment. Fieldwork serves a distinct purpose: to expand, reinforce and extend concepts and skills that are taught in class. It enriches the study of particular themes within the course, and adds to students’ knowledge, understanding and awareness, helping to make learning engaging and relevant. As they learn through practical work, students collaborate and develop investigative, analytical and organisational skills.

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