
Student selection process

At CIS, although we don’t offer a Canadian curriculum, nor have an exclusively Canadian teacher or student body, we are still Canadian at heart.

Our commitment to our Canadian heritage is reflected in our admissions policy, as we seek students who will demonstrate curiosity and a passion for learning, and value and respect the diversity that our collective backgrounds, life experiences, and perspectives bring.

Applicants who meet our entry requirements, and are therefore eligible for a place at CIS, are placed into a candidate pool for the respective grade and school division. As places become available, we review our candidates from a holistic perspective.

This final step is essential and helps us create balanced and diverse grade levels and/or school sections that the candidate would be joining. Factors we consider in this final selection process include:

  • Gender, ethnicity and nationality
  • Linguistic capabilities and languages spoken
  • Prior school experience(s), both IB and non-IB
  • Talents and passions
  • Potential to flourish at CIS
  • Personality and family profile
  • Siblings - already studying at CIS or also applying
Rolling admission

We accept students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 throughout the year, although places are subject to vacancy. Entry into Grades 9 and 10 is open until the last Monday in February each school year, while entry into Grades 11 and 12 (the IB Diploma Programme) is only open to Grade 11 students during the first two weeks of the school year*.

*Any exceptions will be addressed by Admissions, and discussed with the Secondary School Principal.

Singapore residency requirements

Students joining CIS must possess one of the following documents/passes before they can commence school:

a) A valid dependant pass, or Singapore permanent resident status;

b) Student pass; or

c) Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) approval letter (Singapore citizens) to study at CIS.

Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) approval for Singapore citizens

Children aged 2 to 5 (Nursery to Senior Kindergarten) do not require MOE approval. However, in accordance with Singapore law, students aged 6 or older who are Singapore citizens (by either birth or registration) must be granted approval by the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) to study at CIS.

Our Admissions Team will submit the necessary applications to the MOE before a place at CIS has been formally offered.

Student passes

Students will require a student pass if:

  • Their parents are Singapore permanent residents, but they are not

  • They are currently staying in Singapore on a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

  • Neither parent has an employment pass

Students who require a student pass from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) will be assisted by the CIS admissions team. Assistance provided includes:

  • initiating the ICA application

  • providing advice on pass application

  • verifying a student’s enrolment and immigration status

The student pass application process will be initiated after your child has been formally accepted at CIS. Please note that as student passes are not transferable, passes will be cancelled when a student ceases to be enrolled at CIS. Read additional requirements for Student Pass holders.

Vaccination requirements

In Singapore, immunisation against both measles and diphtheria is mandatory under the Infectious Diseases Act. Immunisation against these two diseases is also a CIS condition of enrolment. This Singapore National Childhood Immunisation Schedule outlines what vaccines are needed and when.

On 1 February 2019, it became mandatory that all children aged 12 and below, who were not born in Singapore, must provide evidence of diphtheria and measles vaccinations when applying for long-term residency passes. This page outlines the process that you will need to follow, while this page outlines some frequently asked questions.

Age requirements

At CIS, the holistic nature of our programme sees our students busy learning and interacting with their peers in and out of the classroom.

When students are placed in a grade that aligns with our age and grade boundaries, they are more likely to thrive, as significant differences in age and developmental stages can be challenging for the child and their peers.

Grade placement at CIS is according to age. Children must be the age indicated by 31 August in the year of entry. Our minimum age requirements for entry into each grade level are outlined on this page.

English Programme: English language requirements

English Programme: English language requirements

CIS English language proficiency requirements vary depending on a student’s grade and programme. The English Language Learner (ELL) programme is mandatory for students who are in the English programme in senior kindergarten through grade 10*, if, after English proficiency assessment, CIS determines that the student requires this support programme. Both students and parents, by enrolling their child before or after assessment, agree to participate in the ELL programme as directed by the School.

*Please note the grade 1 and 2 ELL requirements in the Chinese-English bilingual and French-English bilingual entry requirement sections below

Nursery to junior kindergarten

Students entering our nursery, pre-kindergarten, junior kindergarten programmes are not formally assessed for English proficiency prior to admission. They are immersed in an English-speaking environment inside the regular classroom. Homeroom teachers are oriented to the needs of young children who are not speakers of English and can consult with a member of the English Language Learner (ELL) Team on a case-by-case basis for assistance.

At the end of junior kindergarten, all non-native speaking students’ English proficiency will be tested to determine the appropriate ELL placement in senior kindergarten.

Senior kindergarten to grade 2

Students entering senior kindergarten through grade 2 whose first language is not English are formally assessed at CIS for English proficiency either prior to admission or during the initial weeks of school. Assessment procedures vary by grade level so that they are appropriate to the age of the student.

Grades 3 to 10

Students entering grades 3 through 10 whose first language is not English, or who are coming from a school where the language of instruction is not English, will be required to sit for an English proficiency test determined by CIS.

Students are placed into one of six phases of language acquisition (where 1 is a beginner and 6 is proficient) after they have been tested. Since the application fee is non-refundable, applications should only be submitted when it is clear that your child meets the English entry requirement level.

The following information outlines minimal English proficiency requirements in grades 3-12.

Grades 3-4

Grades 5-6

Grades 7-10

Grades 11 and 12

Students entering Grade 11 must be proficient in academic English, as there is no ELL programme or support for students in Grades 11 or 12. Applicants whose first language is not English, should only apply if they have exited from an English language support programme by the end of Grade 10.

Chinese-English bilingual entry requirements

Chinese-English bilingual entry requirements

Places in CIS’s Chinese-English bilingual programme are subject to availability. Entry requirements are outlined in the grid below. So that we can determine programme eligibility, students applying for grades 2 to 6 may be required to sit English and/or Chinese proficiency assessments.

Students in grades 1 and 2 who test at Wida level 1 or 2 in English language proficiency will be required to enrol in the English Language Learner Programme.

Grades Requirements
Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) No language requirements
Junior Kindergarten No language requirements
Senior Kindergarten (SK) and Grade 1 native/near native speaker of either language*
Grade 2
Grade 3
  • Native or near native speakers of English and/or Chinese
  • Phase 3 - English
  • Stage 3 - Chinese
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6 Students must be native or near-native in both languages
French-English Bilingual entry requirements

French-English Bilingual entry requirements

Places in CIS’s French-English bilingual programme are subject to availability. Entry requirements are outlined in the grid below. So that we can determine programme eligibility, students applying for grades 2 to 5 may be required to sit English and/or French proficiency assessments.

Students in grades 1 and 2 who test at Wida level 1 or 2 in English language proficiency will be required to enrol in the English Language Learner Programme.

Grades Requirements
Junior & Senior Kindergarten No language requirements
Grade 1 Native speaker of either language
Grade 2
  • Native or near native speakers of English and/or French
  • High phase 2 - English
  • High stage 2 - French
Grade 3
  • Native or near native speakers of English and/or French
  • Phase 3 - English
  • Stage 3 - French
Grade 4
  • Native or near native speakers of English and/or French
  • High phase 3 - English
  • High stage 3 - French
Grade 5
  • Native or near native speakers of English and/or French
  • High phase 4 - English
  • High stage 4 - French
Grade 6 Students must be native or near-native in both languages

Classes are subject to enrolment numbers

CIS Foundation programme

CIS runs a foundation programme (grades 3 to 8 only) for children who do not meet the school's English language proficiency requirements. Students entering the foundation programme will be required to demonstrate a basic required level of English proficiency to determine level placement.

Student's English language proficiency is determined by their measurement on a language proficiency test and achievements reports. These must meet CIS entry requirements. Additional assessments may be required for eligibility. Students will need to submit past transcripts, school reports, testimonials and recommendations (3 years’ worth of records are typically required).

Learning support

Although CIS provides limited assistance for students with learning challenges (from Grade 1 onwards) who meet our admissions criteria, it is expected that all students are able to function and enjoy learning in our regular classes and programmes with minimal assistance or accommodation. If your child is currently receiving special services such as remedial teaching, speech/language therapy or an enrichment programme, please inform us at the beginning of the application process.

Compulsory nature of support programmes

Applications are reviewed, and whenever possible, any support services that will be required by a student are communicated before a decision regarding acceptance is made.

The Learning Support (LS) programme is mandatory for students who, after assessment, CIS determines that the student requires this support programme. Both students and parents, by enrolling their child before or after assessment, agree to participate in the LS programme as directed by the School.

Learning Support is mandatory if the outcome of an assessment, CIS determines that the student requires the support of the programme. Graduation from support programmes is determined by the School.

Learning from August 2023

From August 2023, CIS will introduce a tiered model of learning support to better support children who need additional support to meet learning goals.

The model will be based on these three tiers that differentiate services according to learning needs. This tiered model of service offers our teachers to provide more targeted and effective support to children with varying learning needs.

Tier 1 Learning Support: Classroom based teaching strategies & practices Tier 1 learning support includes evidence-based teaching strategies and practices that are effective for the majority of students in a classroom. This might include differentiated instruction, small group instruction, or targeted interventions to address specific skill areas. There is no charge for Tier 1 learning support. Tier 2 Learning Support: Targeted Instruction & Intervention

Students who have not met the learning goals or benchmarks from daily instruction may be identified as needing supplemental instruction from a learning support teacher.

In Tier 2 learning support, students are provided with increasingly targeted instruction that is designed to allow them to attain targets by providing them with more time to learn, practice, and review knowledge and skills. Fees apply, please visit our fees page for more information.

Tier 3 Learning Support Students who do not achieve the targets and goals despite Tier 2 interventions may be referred for a comprehensive evaluation and considered for eligibility for Tier 3 by the Learner Success Team (LST). Fees apply, please visit our fees page for more information.

Learning support: Occupational and speech therapy from August 2023

To further support our multi-faceted approach to supporting students’ diverse learning needs, paid occupational therapy (OT) and speech therapy (ST) services will be introduced at CIS from August 2023. Students will undergo ST and/or OT assessments based on teacher referral through the Learner Success Team. Participation in occupational and/or speech therapy is compulsory, if after assessment support is deemed as needed. Fees apply for both occupational and speech therapy. Please visit our fees page for more information.

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