Parent Letter 11 9

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Dear families~

November 9th, 2012

All homework is due by Friday, November 16th: Practice and complete the Spelling Free Choice page Review our weekly math concepts on the back Continue your BOOK IT reading- the Nov. form will be due on Dec. 3rd Bring & brag item and clue- Remember to conceal that item! Our new Spelling Words are: hen pen men end send set all call very that Our new Word Wall Words are: her day was said with red let Our new Sweet Sentence is: Last November was very fun! ~~~~~~~Please note the following and mark your calendar:~~~~~~ Nov. 12th- Picture re-take day for those who were absent or need another session Nov. 13th- 7:00 pm PTA meeting (Babysitting is provided, so come join us!) Nov. 20th- Our first grade feast will be in the caf at 1:00. Thanks for your help with this! Nov. 21st- 23rd- NO SCHOOL due to Thanksgiving Break Enjoy and be thankful Nov. 26th- 30th- PTAs Fall Book Fair Our buying day is Monday, the 26th!

Sweet Sentence clarification: The Sweet Sentence will be written by your child, much like the spelling words are. I read the sentence one word at a time for them. I apologize for the ambiguity. On Monday, all Chargers went through a training called PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention System) and learned about our Caught Shining reward program. Ask your children all about it! Also, ask them about the new Voice Levels system being put into place. It might help out at home as well! From now on, Book-It reading logs will not be due until the first school day of the following month. A few students were so into this program that they were disappointed they couldnt read on that last day of the month, and had to turn it in with one day unread. WOW! Impressive! When the October Book-It forms were turned in, we went to the Book-It website on the eno board and each child got to drag his/her total minutes read over onto their name. Boy, did they think THAT was cool! LUNCHROOM HELP: When packing lunch for your children, please be mindful of the small amount of time they have in which to eat. Help me remind them that they may socialize, but to be focused on their eating as well. Also, sending packages that are started for them may help them when attempting to tear them open. Ziploc baggies/containers are a great idea, too. Even though I had a scratchy voice, I thoroughly enjoyed conferences with you this week! Everyone seemed quite knowledgeable and there really werent many questions/concerns. This tells me we must have good communication established. GREAT! If, however, you got home afterward and had a question pop into your mind, feel free to contact me! Truly, school/home communication is the key to academic success! Looking forward to the week ahead, Mrs. Cronce

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