What Is A Rubric

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What is a Rubric?

A rubric is an easily applicable form of authentic assessment. A rubric simply lists a

set of criteria, which defnes and describes the important components of the work
being planned or evaluated. For eample, students giving a research presentation
might be graded in three areas, content, display, and presentation. A given criterion
is then stated in several di!erent levels of completion or competence, with a
weighted score assigned to each level. "herefore, for each of the three areas, a
score would be assigned, #$ being the lowest level%. &t sounds more complicated
than it actually is, and looking at some of the eamples in the list of links below
should help.
A rubric should give clear guidelines to a reviewer on how to evaluate or 'grade' a
pro(ect presentation. )ince the criteria for assessment are clearly defned in
gradations from poor to ecellent, di!erent reviewers can arrive at similar
conclusions when comparing a given presentation to each of the graduated criteria
on a rubric.
As a guide for planning, a rubric gives students clear targets of profciency to aim
for. With a rubric in hand, they know what constitutes a 'good' pro(ect presentation.
As a gauge for measuring progress while the pro(ect is under way, a rubric can be a
handy tool to help keep students on target* they can compare their progress with
where they want to be on the rubric+s profciency scale, and refer to it in order to
remind themselves of their goal. "he most common assessment and evaluation
tools used for collaborative learning are web,based rubrics. -ost generate printable
versions of the rubric. )ome have a rubric calculator, allowing the teacher to select
appropriate performance indicators and have a grade generated. .eveloping
meaningful rubrics can be a challenge. &nvolving students in the development of
rubrics helps them with their thinking, creates buy,in on their part, and clarifes
epectations all around.
Finally, as an assessment tool, teachers can use it to assess pro(ects, student
groups, or individual students/ students can use the same rubric for self,assessment
as individuals, in groups, and for peer assessment/ and parents can answer for
themselves their 0uestions about their child+s performance.
While some ready,made rubrics may help to accomplish these di!erent purposes,
they become even more powerful when students help develop the rubric they will
be using. )tudents must actively focus on and discuss the characteristics of
e!ective and interesting media pro(ects, giving them depths of understanding and
insight not likely achieved from using a ready,made rubric.

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