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Maths Lesson Plan: Grade-2

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Maths Lesson Plan

Unit- II
Topic – Number concept
Sub topic – Place Value and
Expanded Form
No. of periods - 7
Learning objectives:

 To foster skills related to numbers.

 To enable them to learn and understand the
value of numbers.
 To enable the students to understand the
expanded form of three digit numbers.
 To enable the students to write and represent
three digits numbers in a variety of ways.
 To enable them to write hundreds, tens and
ones number in their number form.
 To enable them to represent the numeric value
in ones tens hundreds.
 To enable them to demonstrate their
understanding of place value to read and write
large numbers.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to :
 Understand and write the numbers.
 State the values of specified digits.
 Recognise and write numbers using
place value.
 Identify ones, tens and hundreds
place in three digit numbers.
 Use place value to compare the
Learner’s Previous Knowledge
 The students are able to identify the
 They are able to read and write 2-digit
numbers till 99.
 They are able to represent the numbers on
the abacus.
 They are able to compare the numbers and
order them.
 They are able to play number bingo.
Pedagogical Practices:
No. of Specific Methodology/ Teaching Life skills Values
Periods Objectives Strategy learning imparted
s and
Periods- 1

To generate To enable Lesson Ice cream Thinking Social skills

interest the students introduction sticks, skill,
to gain with a story- rubber
number Story link- band, experiential Maintain
sense http://www.you white/ learning of class
beginning tube.com/watc smart numbers decorum
with two h?v=_CcGOt6q board (learning by
digit 8m8 doing)
To develop To Children Learn to be Maintain
conceptual enhance will be discliplined class
understan their asked to decorum
ding number make
skills bundles(
using as the
sticks( teacher Learn to
jodo gyan did in the seek
kit) story) solutions
will be
asked to
take out
sticks in
Period - 2 To reinforce The teacher will Ice-cream Thinking Team
the concept recapitulate the sticks, skills work,
of ones and concept by asking multicoloured respect
tens. them to form two the
digit numbers using feelings of
sticks. others
e.g 30+ 6= 36
This represents 3
tens ( 3 bundles )
and 6 ones ( 6 loose
sticks )

Art integration-
representation of 2-
digit numbers using
number- Introduction of number cards
ones , tens hundred using ice- of judo gyan
and hundred cream sticks.(judo gyan kit and
kit) number slider
First the students will
make bundles of 10s
and then combine 10
bundles of 10s to make
one bundle of 100.
structuring the concept
using ice-cream sticks
in order to reinforce the
students will also be
asked to make bundles
of ten tens in same
manner. They will then
be explained that ten
tens is equal one
Art integration- use of
number slider and
number slip.
Brainstormin Classwork- pages of
g in the form primary mathematics
Period –
4 Recap. Of previous day Text
concept. book,
Recall notebook
Experiential learning - smartboa
Teacher will write a rd
number and student will Cognitive Demonstrat
show the number using skills, e positive
To number slider/ ganit mala thinking and
To strengthen followed by few exercise of skills, conducive
generate the three digit numbers in the observatio behaviour
interest conceptual notebook. For e.g – n skills
knowledge Write the place value of the
underlined digit –
451- place-tens, value- 50
Period – 5 Brain Recapitulation of previous day Text Problem Time
storming based on text book questions book, solving manage
the given on page 12. smart skills ment,
concept. board Team
The students will be divided in Cognitive spirit
two groups and each team will skills
answer the questions turn wise.
To Thinking
develop To Riddle activity. skills
conceptua enhance
l reasonin
understan g skills

Period - Teacher will drill the concept
6 orally.
The Art Integration – Notebook Problem Works
To students Making glass roller. , solving patiently
generate will write The teacher will demonstrate textbook, skills and
interest. the using paper glass roller the paper efficientl
numbers different positions of the glass y.
in different digits in the numbers. roller,
expanded They will also do the same. sketch
form in pen Inspire
different The students will expand the other
ways. three digit number using the students
paper glass activity. to
Period- Recapitulation of previous
7 activity using paper glass

to assess Assessment will be done Assessment Thinking confidenc

the through worksheet e.g sheets skills, open e
knowledge 1) Write the place of ended Responsib
acquired underlined digit in the questions ility.
by given number and write will help
students. it in expanded form them relate
463 – place- tens the concept
Four hundred+ 6tens + with real
3ones life
400 + 60 + 3 situations.
Remedies for slow learners-
 Using ganit mala they will repeat till the concept is clear to
 More practice will be given on laminated sheet of abacus.
 Separate worksheets
 Hear, say and jump.(game)

Planning for the bright students-

 Separate worksheets
 They would help other students who would require

Evaluation -
Students will be assessed on the basis of e-wiz kid CD,
worksheets, mental work and as per the guidelines given in
the checklist the knowledge gained will be evaluated.

Thank You

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