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40 Report Comments for Weak

Students in Your Class


Here are 40 report comments which may assist you in writing about
weak students in your classroom from Complete School Reports.

1. ___ is beginning to grow independence when working on Numeracy

2. ___ has displayed a fantastic attitude when trying to improve his/her
reading skills.
3. ___ always shows commitment to his/her learning, even when he/she finds
the subject challenging.
4. When ___ applies consistent effort, he/she produces work he/she can be
proud of.
5. I would like to see ___ apply consistent effort to his/her bookwork.
6. ___ does not always give his/her best effort, which has been reflected in
the grades he/she has received this semester.
7. ___ does not always arrive at school on time, which is beginning to affect
his/her school work and grades.
8. I would like to see ___’s attendance improve as he/she regularly misses
large units of work.
9. ___ has had substantial absences this semester which has affected his/her
ability to understand set tasks.
10. When ___ attends school regularly, his/her grades and effort improve
11. ___ relies heavily on teacher assistance to complete set work.
12. I would like to see ___ attempt his/her school work independently before
asking for assistance.
13. ___ is still learning the importance of focusing and listening to instructions.
14. ___ often needs instructions repeated several times before he/she
understands the set task.
15. ___ is often distracted by those around him/her and needs regular
reminders to focus on the task at hand.
16. ___ is learning how to listen to instructions better.
17. ___ has a clear love for learning and shows determination, even when
he/she finds the subject matter challenging.
18. ___ sets a positive example to his/her peers by never giving up, even when
he/she struggles with a set task.
19. ___ is beginning to understand that his/her constant calling out is affecting
his/her ability to focus on the task at hand.
20. When ___ displays focus, he/she is able to finish a set task.
21. It is wonderful to see ___ begin to gain confidence to give unfamiliar tasks
a go.
22. I would like to see ___ become an active participant in his/her learning and
not relying heavily on teacher assistance.
23. ___ is developing skills to not let himself/herself become distracted by
those around him/her.
24. With some teacher encouragement, ___ is developing a better attitude
towards his/her schoolwork.
25. ___ shows a genuine interest in his/her school work despite the challenges
he/she has faced with understanding the curriculum.
26. Even when ___ struggles to understand set work, his/her determination
sets a positive example to his/her peers.
27. ___ would benefit from reading at least 15 minutes each evening to re-
enforce strategies learnt at school.
28. It would be great to see ___ practice her spelling words at home each
night to re-enforce learning.
29. I would like to see ___ ask for assistance when he/she is struggling to
understand set work.
30. It is wonderful to see ___ gaining the confidence to ask for help when
31. ___ is not yet able to work in small groups as he/she struggles to focus and
engage with his/her peers.
32. ___ is starting to gain the confidence to contribute to classroom
33. ___ often forgets his/her homework, reading folder and school supplies.
He/she would benefit from coming to school prepared each day ready to
34. I would like to see ___ show some positivity when faced with a challenging
35. ___ displays a love for learning and will give everything a go, even when
he/she is struggling to understand the set work.
36. ___ would benefit from slowing down and reading the set questions
37. When ___ slows down and carefully completes his/her school work,
he/she creates neat and relevant work.
38. ___ has a fantastic effort and is working hard to improve his/her academic
ability in all areas.
39. ___ should be very proud of the consistent effort he/she has displayed
throughout the term, even when the set work has been challenging.
40. ___ often struggles to remember content that has already been covered in
class and would greatly benefit from some extra practice at home.

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