Literacy Integration Unit On Wiki: Unit Map

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Literacy Integration Unit on Wiki: Unit Map

Activities and Assessments Skill they are intended to measure (Comprehension,

vocabulary, content knowledge, motivation, etc.)

Knowledge they are intended to measure

Students will create a KWL chart about the rainforests and fill in the sections describing what they already know and ask any questions they might have. Students will create a visual representation of the forest floor using the information they have taken from the book. Students will be adding onto the layers of the rainforest each day as they learn more about them. Students will create a visual representation of the understory using the information they have taken from the book.

Motivation to learn about the rainforest. Knowledge about the rainforest by the end of the unit. Knowledge about the first layer of the rainforest. Vocabulary about the layer/ rainforest. Creativity with their drawing of the forest floor. Knowledge about the second layer of the rainforest. Compare and Contrasting the forest floor and the understory Vocabulary about the layer/ rainforest. Creativity with their drawing of the understory. Knowledge about the third layer of the rainforest. Compare and Contrasting the forest floor, understory and the canopy

Students will fill out the KWL chart and fill in what they already know, and what they would like to learn about the rainforest throughout the unit. Students will gain a better understanding of the rain forest, and a greater variety of information about what they would like to know.

The students will understand what makes up the forest floor after completing this activity. They will be given the chance to draw their interpretation of it and how they think it looks. They will understand that this is the bottom layer of the four layers of the forest. The students will also be able to learn the different types of wildlife, plant life, bacteria, etc. that live on the forest floor. The students will be able to build off of their knowledge about the forest floor and draw the next layer to the rainforest. Students will gain the knowledge of what lives in the understory, and how it differs from the forest floor.

Students will create a visual representation of the canopy using the information they have taken from the book.

Students will build off of their same drawing of the forest floor and the understory to draw the canopy. They will learn the differences in this third layer compared to the other two, by its looks and the differentiation of species and plant life that live in this layer.

Students will create a visual representation of the emergent using the information they have taken from the book. Activity: Students will be asked to visit (insert website) to play a game that asks students to place the various animals with the correct layer of the rainforest.

Students will select an endangered species from the rainforest randomly and research it further at the computer lab. Students will be responsible for providing a picture of their animal, five interesting facts about that animal, and why is it endangered. Students will be split into two teams for a game that demonstrates their knowledge of what animals this ecosystem supports. Each group will be provided with an ecosystem seen in the rainforest as well as several different animals. The two teams will race compete against one another to

Vocabulary about the layer/rainforest Creativity with their drawing of the canopy. Knowledge about the fourth layer of the rainforest. Compare and Contrasting all four layers of the rainforest Vocabulary about the layer/rainforest Creativity with their drawing of the emergent. Comprehension about all four layers that make up the rainforests. Knowledge about endangered species/ the endangered species they research Vocabulary Comprehension of endangered species Comprehension of ecosystems/ habitats Vocabulary Motivation to do their best throughout game

This is the last layer students will be able to draw. This will complete their drawing of the four different layers of the rainforest. The students will learn the difference between all four layers of the rainforest and how each one has their own very important role. The drawing will be turned in for assessment.

Students are intended to learn about an endangered species that lives in the rainforest. The student will conduct a research on their animal using the internet, and will have to describe characteristics of that animal.

The students will use the information they learned from that days lesson and put it to use during this game. They will have to read the animals description and put the animal into the right ecosystem/habitat and be able to discuss why that animal is there if the teacher asks them questions.

see who can sort the animals into the correct ecosystem the fastest. Students will write a letter to one of the tribe members living in the rainforest that they are interested in. Students will have a chance to tell them a little about themselves during the introduction part of the letter. Then students will begin to share what they have learned about that particular tribe and what they think about this new information. Students will design posters of protest in order to help preserve the rainforests. Students will create a slogan for their poster that demonstrates how they feel about preserving the rainforests. Students will also include at least three reasons why the rainforests should be preserved with visuals to aid the information. The students will have to write the letter and ask questions about the tribes life. They will need to know information about the tribe they are writing to and ask questions like: How young do hunters start hunting Do you like your life style Would you change lifestyles if you had the chance Etc The students will also need to include personal information to help the tribe member reading understand where the student is coming from and how different their lifestyle is. The students will have to use the Vocabulary information they get from the books, and Comprehension lesson that day to fight against the about the deforestation of the companies influencing deforestation. They will have to include information that rainforest supports their argument as to why the Knowledge of forest should stay the way it is, and not whats right and be ruined. They will be measured on the wrong, how the amount of information that they include deforestation if on their poster that is correct and that affect animal and supports their ideas. human life, and how it effects the environment Developing a persuasive argument Motivation to stop deforestation Knowledge about the different tribes that live in the rainforest Comprehension about the tribes lives Vocabulary Grammar, punctuation Correct writing format (letter format) Developing a main idea for context

Students will complete the last section of their KWL chart filling in the portion describing what they have learned. This section should be significantly longer than the other two.

Comprehension of the units: vocabulary, content and what they have learned throughout the unit.

The class is intended to show what they have learned about the rainforest. They will write the vocabulary words they learned, and interesting facts they never knew before. They will be intended to provide feedback to the teacher as well.

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