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The document outlines safety standards and testing procedures for nuclear reactor components.

The document discusses components of the reactor coolant pressure boundary including valves, pump casings and pipes.

The main inspection procedures outlined include visual examinations, volumetric examinations, pressure tests, and functional tests.

Safety Standards

of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)

KTA 3201.4 (06/99) Components of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary of Light Water Reactors Part 4: In-service Inspections and Operational Monitoring (Komponenten des Primrkreises von Leichtwasserreaktoren; Teil 4: Wiederkehrende Prfungen und Betriebsberwachung)

Previous versions of this Safety Standard were issued 6/82 and 6/90

If there is any doubt regarding the information contained in this translation, the German wording shall apply.

Editor: KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS) Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5 D-38226 Salzgitter Germany Telephone +49-5341/885-(0) 901 Telefax +49-5341/885-905
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June 1999 Components of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary of Light Water Reactors; Part 4: In-service Inspections and Operational Monitoring KTA 3201.4


Fundamentals ............................................................5 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 Scope ..................................................................5 Definitions ...........................................................6 General principles ...............................................7 Test procedures ..................................................9 General requirements..........................................9 Examination of surfaces ......................................9 Volumetric examination .....................................11 Integral visual examination................................11 Pressure test .....................................................11 Functional tests on safeguards against excessive pressure............................................12 Extent of testing and test intervals.....................12 General requirements........................................12 Extent of testing.................................................12 Test intervals .....................................................13

8.2 Visual examination............................................ 20 8.3 Pressure test .................................................... 20 8.4 Functional tests of safeguards against excessive pressure ........................................... 20 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 10 Operational monitoring ..................................... 21 General requirements ....................................... 21 Monitoring of loadings....................................... 21 Monitoring of the chemical water quality........... 21 Monitoring of changes of metal properties........ 21 Leak monitoring ................................................ 21 Monitoring the primary circuit for loose parts.................................................................. 22 Participation in in-service inspections and operational monitoring ...................................... 22

6 Test and inspection schedule............................13 6.1 Preparation........................................................13 6.2 Review and updating.........................................13 7 Preparation of tests, test instructions ................19 7.1 Preparation of tests ...........................................19 7.2 Test instructions ................................................19 8 Evaluation of the test results .............................19 8.1 Volumetric examinations as well as examinations of surfaces and near-surface regions .......19

11 Documentation.................................................. 23 11.1 General............................................................. 23 11.2 Documents required for in-service inspections........................................................ 23 11.3 Period of document filing for in-service inspections........................................................ 23 11.4 Documents required for the monitoring of mechanical and thermal loadings ..................... 23 Annex A: Regulations referred to in this Safety Standard ................................................... 24 Annex B: Changes with respect to the edition 6/90 and explanations (informative).................. 25

PLEASE NOTE: Only the original German version of this safety standard represents the joint resolution of the 50-member Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss, KTA). The German version was made public in Bundesanzeiger No. 200a on October 22, 1999. Copies may be ordered through the Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Luxemburger Str. 449, D-50939 Koeln (Telefax +49-221-94373-603). All questions regarding this English translation should please be directed to: KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o BfS, Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5, D-38226 Salzgitter, Germany

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KTA 3201.4

Comments by the editor: Taking into account the meaning and usage of auxiliary verbs in the German language, in this translation the following agreements are effective: shall shall basically indicates a mandatory requirement, is used in the case of mandatory requirements to which specific exceptions (and only those!) are permitted. It is a requirement of the KTA that these exceptions - other than those in the case of shall normally - are specified in the text of the safety standard, indicates a requirement to which exceptions are allowed. However, the exceptions used, shall be substantiated during the licensing procedure, indicates a recommendation or an example of good practice, indicates an acceptable or permissible method within the scope of this safety standard.

shall normally should may

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KTA 3201.4

Fundamentals (1) The safety standards of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA) have the task of specifying those safety related requirements which shall be met with regard to precautions to be taken in accordance with the state of science and technology against the damage arising from the construction and operation of the facility (Sec. 7 para 2 subpara 3 Atomic Energy Act) in order to attain the protection goals specified in the Atomic Energy Act and the Radiological Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) and which are further detailed in the Safety Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and in the Guidelines for the Assessment of the Design of PWR Nuclear Power Plants against Incidents pursuant to Sec. 28 para 3 of the Radiological Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) - Incident Guidelines. (2) With respect to the subject matter of this safety standard, Criterion 1.1, Basic Requirements for Safety Precautions, of the Safety Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants specifies that a) a reliable monitoring of operating conditions, b) an adequate extent of in-service inspections and c) a documentation, evaluation and safety-oriented application of operating experience shall be realized. To this end, the causes and consequences of possible operational damage mechanisms shall be monitored on the basis of the current knowledge. In-service inspections are also called for in the RSK-Guidelines for Pressurized Water Reactors. These requirements are detailed in this safety standard. (3) The pressure boundary of the primary circuit has the task of safely retaining the reactor coolant. To ensure that this task is fulfilled during the service life of the reactor, in-service inspections (operational monitoring) are performed at specified time intervals to demonstrate the integrity of the pressure boundary and the functional capability of the safeguards against excessive pressure. (4) The task of this safety standard with respect to operational monitoring is to determine relevant measures as listed in a) to e) in order to exclude effects that may impair the component integrity, as follows: Monitoring of causes of operational damage mechanisms: a) monitoring of the parameters and data relevant to primary circuit integrity by standard instrumentation b) monitoring of the chemical water quality in the primary and secondary circuit Monitoring of consequences of operational damage mechanisms: a) leakage monitoring of the primary circuit for the detection of leakage to the outside as well as from the primary to the secondary circuit b) loose parts monitoring c) monitoring of the vibration behaviour of the primary circuit components for the early detection of changes. (5) The task of this safety standard with respect to in-service inspections is to determine the relevant measures as listed in a) to d) hereinafter in order to ascertain the component integrity by: a) non-destructive examinations of the external and internal surfaces and, as far as required by this safety standard, of the volume of the pressure retaining wall, b) integral visual examinations that serve to evaluate the general condition during regular plant inspection and selective visual examinations to evaluate the condition of individual components, c) pressure tests as integral loading test,

d) functional tests addressing excessive pressure.




All above tests and examinations shall be documented in a socalled test and inspection schedule which takes into consideration the requirements for the individual component of the primary circuit and contains the entire extent of in-service inspections. (6) During in-service inspections test and examination procedures are used to detect defects in the reactor coolant pressure boundary in due time prior to reaching the acceptability limit. When determining the extent of tests and examinations, the design, material properties, fabrication processes and loading of the respective component as well as experience gained with already performed inspections shall be taken into consideration. (7) KTA 3201 safety standard series Components of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary of Light Water Reactors comprises the following additional standards: KTA 3201.1 Materials and Product Forms, KTA 3201.2 Design and Analysis, KTA 3201.3 Manufacture. 1 Scope

(1) This safety standard shall apply after first criticality to the in-service inspections and operational monitoring of pressure retaining components of the primary circuit of light-water reactors. (2) In the case of pressurised water reactors, the reactor coolant pressure boundary comprises the following components without internals: a) the reactor pressure vessel, b) the primary side of the steam generators, the secondary shell of the steam generators including the feedwater inlet and main steam exit nozzles up to the pipe connecting welds, but not the minor nozzles and nipples, shall also be treated in accordance with this safety standard, c) the pressurizer, d) the reactor cooling pump casing, e) the connecting pipes between the above components and the valve casings of any type contained in the piping system, f) the pipes branching off from the above components and their connecting pipes including the valve bodies installed in the piping system up to and including the first shut-off valve, g) the pressure retaining walls of the control rod drives and the in-core instrumentation, h) the integral parts of the component support structures in accordance with Fig. 8.5-1 of KTA 3201.2 and the welded attachments. (3) In the case of boiling water reactors, the reactor coolant pressure boundary comprises the following components without internals: a) the reactor pressure vessel, b) the pipework belonging to the same pressure space as the reactor pressure vessel including the installed valve bodies up to and including the first shut-off valve, pipework penetrating the containment shell and belonging to the same pressure space as the reactor pressure vessel up to and including the last shut-off valve located outside the containment shell, c) the pressure retaining walls of the control rod drive and incore instrumentation,

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d) the integral parts of the component support structures in accordance with Fig. 8.5-1 of KTA 3201.2 and the welded attachments. (4) This safety standard shall apply to components where the design and manufacture have been based on the principles of basic safety.
Note: The requirements of the safety standards KTA 3201.1 to KTA 3201.3 were established taking into account these principles.

or b) are more susceptible to corrosive action. (5) Calibration block A calibration block is a standardized or non-standardized block of a known material with a specific surface quality and geometry for the adjustment of the ultrasonic testing system and for checking the adjustments.
Note: Standardized calibration blocks are e.g. calibration blocks in accordance with DIN 54 120 (K1) and calibration blocks in accordance with DIN EN 27 963 (K2).

(5) This safety standard may also apply to components of the primary circuit of light water reactors or to regions of these components where a re-evaluation shows that they meet the principles of basic safety. (6) In the case of components that do not meet the prerequisites under subpara. (4) or (5), it may become necessary to specify stricter requirements regarding in-service inspections and operational monitoring on the basis of the specific situation. The previously specified requirements and guidelines for the in-service inspections and operational monitoring remain applicable. 2 Definitions

(6) Measured values Measured values are documented and stored values (e.g. pressure, temperature, amplitude, time base ranges, position) (7) Types of tests, test procedures and techniques The terms, their acronyms and correlation of the types of tests, test procedures and techniques are shown in Table 2-1. (8) Examination of surfaces A surface examination is a non-destructive examination of the surface and near-surface regions in which case the depth examined depends on the method and wall thickness. (9) Representative locations, components or component parts Such locations, components or component parts are considered to be representative where the in-service inspection will lead to sufficiently comparable safety related results for other locations, components or component parts, taking into consideration the material composition, design and manufacturing quality as well as the stress type, level and frequency. (10) Operational damage mechanisms Operational damage mechanisms are such mechanisms which are of importance for the component integrity under the given operating conditions (e.g. fatigue, corrosion). (11) Standard instrumentation The standard instrumentation serves to monitor the parameters and data relevant to primary circuit integrity and comprises measuring equipment to monitor global loadings and if required measuring equipment to monitor local loadings (e.g. due to thermal stratification) (12) Nozzle attachment and insertion weld A nozzle attachment and insertion weld is a weld seam that connects the nozzle with the vessel wall or the pipe wall. (13) Pipe joint weld A pipe joint weld is a weld seam that joins pipe sections of equal diameters. (14) Reference block A reference block is a block adapted to the test object with respect to geometry and physical characteristics and that contains reference flaws adapted to the individual testing task. (15) Volumetric examination A volumetric examination is a non-destructive examination where the body of the wall is examined and evaluated over its entire cross section with the exception of the examined nearsurface regions.

(1) Pipe attachment weld The pipe attachment weld is a weld seam that connects the nozzle with the corresponding pipe section. (2) Indications and types of flaws The correlation between indications and flaws are shown in Figure 2-1.

recordable indications

relevant indications

unacceptable flaws

critical flaws



critical flaw size acceptability limit evaluation limit for I.I.

recording limit for F.E. and I.I. minimum detection level of examination procedure noise level F.E.: examination during fabrication I.I.: In-service inspection

Figure 2-1: Indications and types of flaws

(3) Operational flaws Operational flaws are flaws due to operational damage mechanisms. (4) Higher stress locations of the primary circuit Higher stress locations of the primary circuit are such locations of a component or component part that a) compared to the general level of stress intensity are more highly stressed taking the frequency additionally into account

detectable flaws

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KTA 3201.4

Serial Number

Type of Test

Test Procedure Magnetic particle flaw detection Liquid penetrant examination (LT) (US)

Test Technique Magnetic particle examination (MT), magnaflux examination e.g. dye penetrant examination e.g. surface waves, mode conversion, dual search units with longitudinal waves, electromagnetic ultrasonic waves Single frequency, multiple frequency X-ray Radioisotope With or without optical means e.g. single probe technique with straight (ES) or angle beam scanning, tandem (angled pitch-catch) technique, mode conversion X-ray Radioisotope Single frequency Multiple frequency

Examination with regard to cracks in the surface or in near-surface regions

Ultrasonic examination procedure

Eddy-current examination procedure


Radiographic examination procedure (RT) Selective visual examination Ultrasonic examination procedure (SV) (US)

Volumetric examination

Radiographic examination procedure (RT) Eddy-current examination procedure for thin walls Integral visual examination (ET)

Integral examination

Pressure test Functional test

Table 2-1: Type of tests, test procedures and techniques

General principles

(1) To ensure the component integrity during operation the principles outlined hereinafter shall be met with respect to operational monitoring and in-service inspections. (2) Based on the quality standard of a component obtained due to the design and manufacture for safeguarding against damage mechanisms that may arise from accidents and incidents, the causes of operational damage mechanisms shall be monitored by the standard instrumentation (e.g. monitoring of loadings) to ensure the required component quality. The monitoring of the causes of operational damage mechanisms shall ensure that the selection of measuring locations, parameters, extent of measurement and measuring equipment takes into account the operational parameters and the mode of operation as well as the function of individual structural components (e.g. supports, valves) and possible switching operations. (3) To monitor the presumed consequences of operational damage mechanisms, in-service inspections and operational monitoring measures (e.g. leakage control, vibration control) shall be performed in representative areas.
Note: Additional measures to enlarge the knowledge on prevailing operational damage mechanisms may be supplementary exami-

nations, e.g. non-destructive examinations, destructive examinations on representative locations of parts exchanged for the purpose of replacement measures.

(4) The re-evaluation for proof of the component integrity may be made as follows in accordance with Figure 3-1: a) At first the design and manufacture shall be evaluated in due consideration of previous operating experience made with the component quality. b) The results obtained from the evaluation of the loadings specified for the design compared with the actual operational loadings shall be used, if necessary, to establish supplementary operational monitoring measures (monitoring of causes of operational damage mechanisms). c) The in-service inspections to be performed in representative areas, which shall be fixed to monitor the consequences of operational damage mechanisms result from the above mentioned integrity evaluation of the operational loadings occurred. The selection of examination procedures shall be related to the component in dependence of the component quality with respect to the operational damage mechanisms expected in which case the fracturemechanic assessment of critical crack sizes and assumed crack growth values shall be taken into account.

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Determination of operational damage mechanisms

Evaluation of the structure

Determination of relevant loadings

Have the principles of basic safety been satisfied ?


Supplementary measures
(e.g. refined analyses, additional monitoring)


Have specified load cases been satisfied ?



Evaluation of the quality obtained

Documentation of variables of potential operational damage

mechanical and thermal loadings water chemistry

Evaluation of loadings
(e.g. stress analysis, fatigue analysis, fracture-mechanic analysis)

Change in state of knowledge

Establishment of measures to monitor consequences

relevant areas examination methods examination intervals

Monitoring of consequences of presumed operational damage mechanisms

(e.g. non-destructive examinations, loose parts monitoring, destructive examinations)

Evaluation Total concept


Consistent concept

Further measures

Figure 3-1: Safeguarding of component integrity during operation

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4 4.1 4.1.1

Test procedures General requirements Type and location of flaws

procedures are permitted provided their achieving the test objective has been proven.



(1) The test procedures and techniques shall be chosen such that service-induced flaws with their possible orientations will be detected. Such orientations are: a) planes perpendicular to the directions of principal stress, b) planes parallel to the fusion faces of weld seams (longitudinal flaws), c) planes perpendicular to the direction of weld seams (transverse flaws). (2) The test procedures and techniques for testing steam generator tubes shall be chosen such that a) flaws on the inside and outside surfaces, b) any local wall thinning will be detected. 4.1.2 Detection capability of test procedures

(2) The surfaces of components made of ferritic materials shall preferably be examined with the leakage flux procedure, those of components made of austenitic materials with the liquid penetrant procedure. (3) If the test results from one procedure alone give insufficient information then an additional procedure shall be applied that is based on a physical interaction different from the first. Where the results obtained from the additional test procedure are not sufficient, further steps shall be agreed with the authorized inspector. 4.2 4.2.1 Examination of surfaces Leakage flux procedure

When applying the leakage flux procedure, the magnetic particle examination shall preferably be employed. 4.2.2 Liquid penetrant procedure

(1) The detection capability of the test procedures with respect to the type and orientation of flaws shall be such that compliance with the recording limits specified in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 can be ensured. This shall be demonstrated prior to the initial application of a test technique (e.g., by using reference blocks). (2) Where the required detection capability is not achieved in limited areas by the test procedures selected, special proofs shall be furnished regarding the effectiveness of the test or an analytical proof (e.g. fracture mechanic analysis) shall be performed or the inspection intervals shall be shortened. 4.1.3 Comparability of the results of consecutive tests

When applying the liquid penetrant procedure, penetrants shall be used the characteristics of which have been tested in accordance with DIN 54 152 Part 2. 4.2.3 Ultrasonic examination procedures Surfaces and their near-surface regions close to the search unit

(1) Suitable ultrasonic examination techniques shall be employed when examining surfaces and their near-surface regions close to the search unit. (2) Ultrasonic examination techniques considered to be suitable are, e.g., techniques employing surface and creeping waves, the dual search unit with longitudinal waves, or techniques exploiting the corner effect after reflection of the sound beam. The examination for flaws in the transition region between cladding and base material shall be performed with examination techniques especially designed for this depth. Surfaces and their near-surface regions away from the search unit

(1) The results of consecutive tests must be comparable to each other. If the test procedure or technique is changed, a proof of the comparability of results shall be furnished. (2) If, for the purpose of accessibility or comparability, inservice inspections are to be performed in a mechanized way, a reference test is initially required using the same testing equipment as will later be used for the in-service inspections provided that the results of the mechanized tests are not comparable to the tests performed during fabrication. (3) If in-service inspections are performed manually, the results of the first in-service inspection shall be compared with that fabrication test which qualifies the final fabrication condition of the component. 4.1.4 Recording of test results

(1) When examining the surface away from the search unit with its near-surface regions for planar discontinuities, a technique utilizing the corner effect shall preferably be employed. In this case vertically polarized transverse waves with the incident angle of the sound beam in the range between 35 and 55 degrees shall be employed. Examination techniques with an incident angle of the sound beam in the range between 65 and 70 degrees may also be employed. (2) Furthermore, the following techniques may be applied: a) the mode conversion technique, where the transverse waves striking the examined surface with an incidence angle of 33 degrees are converted to longitudinal waves that run almost parallel to the surface and encounter the expected flaw in perpendicular direction, b) the mode conversion technique where the longitudinal waves reflected from the flaw of the surface away from the search unit are converted to transverse waves and in this mode reach the search unit. (3) If, for reasons of test object geometry or of microstructure (e.g. in the case of clad surfaces, austenitic weld seams and dissimilar material weld seams), the above mentioned techniques do not achieve the necessary sensitivity then, provided a prior verification of suitability was performed, the examinations may be carried out employing horizontally or

(1) In the case of mechanically performed tests, all measured values and the corresponding coordinates shall be documented by automatic recording equipment. (2) In the case of manually performed tests all recordable conditions shall be documented in the same way as required for the fabrication test in accordance with Sec. 13.13 of KTA 3201.3. (3) Fluctuations of the ultrasonic signals due to coupling, absorption and scattering shall be checked for the chosen beam angles. The results shall be recorded and considered in the sensitivity adjustment and in the evaluation. 4.1.5 Permissible examination procedures

(1) The examination procedures as per Table 2-1 as well as per Sections 4.2 and 4.3 may be applied. Other test

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vertically polarized transverse or longitudinal waves with other than the specified beam and incidence angles. An angled pitch-catch examination may also be performed on the volumetric region adjacent to the cladding. Sensitivity adjustment

(2) The grooves for adjusting the sensitivity shall not be wider than 0.3 mm. 4.2.5 Radiographic examination procedure

(1) The sensitivity adjustment shall basically be performed on grooves where the reflecting surface is oriented perpendicular to the surface. Rectangular grooves, wedgeshaped grooves and spark-eroded slots may be used. (2) Rectangular grooves or slots shall not be wider than 1.5 mm; their length, not counting the runout, shall be 20 mm. Where a sonic beam is used with a diameter (see Sec. of DIN 25 450) larger than 20 mm at the location of the groove, then the groove must be created such that its acoustically effective length is restricted to 20 mm. (3) Table 4-1 specifies the depth of the grooves (slots) as a function of wall thickness. Wall thickness s, mm Groove depth, mm 8 < s 20 1.5 20 < s 40 2 s > 40 3

(1) When performing radiographic examinations it shall be ensured that S does not exceed 0.3, where S is the fog density of the film caused by the radioactivity of the component and by scattered radiation. (2) The radiation source shall be directed such that the direction of the flaws assumed as originating from the surface is parallel to the direction of radiation. (3) The application of the radiographic examination procedures should be limited to a wall thickness s of less than or equal to 25 mm (in the case of double-wall radiography, the thickness of the radiographed wall shall be less than or equal to 50 mm). 4.2.6 Selective visual examination

Table 4-1: Groove (slot) depth for adjusting the testing sensitivity (4) Calibration blocks shall reproducible adjustment of Calibration blocks shall always materials that have the same materials of the test objects. be designed such that a the sensitivity is ensured. be unclad and fabricated from acoustic characteristic as the

(1) The selective visual examination is performed to assess certain examination regions and aims at the unambiguous detection of specific characteristics of the examined region (e.g. erosion, corrosion, formation of cracks). (2) It is performed as a direct visual examination by the human eye and, if necessary, with the help of optical instruments (e.g. magnifying glass, mirror, endoscope) or as an indirect visual examination by the human eye and with the help of a system of equipment receiving, transferring and displaying or recording the image. 4.2.7 Recording limits

(5) In the case of materials or complex geometries that are acoustically difficult to examine, measurements shall be performed on reference blocks and the resulting transfer corrections shall be considered in the sensitivity adjustment. (6) Reference blocks shall be representative of the geometry and acoustic characteristics of the component to be tested. Where the opposing surface influences the examination method applied, then the wall thickness should deviate less than 10 % from that of the component to be tested. (7) The reflectors machined into the reference blocks shall be sufficient with respect to number and varying dimensions to make definite statements regarding the sensitivity of the examination technique possible. (8) Where a dual search unit is used and a depth region further down than 10 mm must be examined, the sensitivity adjustment shall be performed on transverse or flat-bottom bore holes extending down to the required depth. (9) The search unit shall be adapted accordingly if the radius of curvature of the component surface would lead to a gap between search unit and component larger than or equal to 0.5 mm. The sensitivity calibration of adapted search units shall be performed with a curved reference block or calibration block where the radius of curvature shall not deviate from that of the component by more than 10 %. Should deviations from this requirement be necessary, then proof is required that the specified sensitivity will be achieved. 4.2.4 Eddy-current examination procedure

(1) In case of the magnetic particle and liquid penetrant examinations all indications with linear dimensions exceeding 6 mm shall be recorded. Linear or planar accumulations of indications whose length or width exceed one half of the wall thickness shall also be recorded even if the length of the individual indication is less than 6 mm. (2) In the case of ultrasonic examinations both in close vicinity of the search unit down to a depth of less than or equal 10 mm and of the corresponding opposing surface, all indications shall be registered where the echo amplitude is equal to or exceeds the value of the echo amplitude of the grooves in accordance with Table 4-1 minus 6 dB. A signal-to-noise ratio of at least 6 dB with respect to the recording limit shall be observed. The influence of cladding or, possibly, of the microstructure or of the shape of the weld seam on the ultrasonic signals shall be monitored on the test object itself or on the reference block and shall be taken into consideration when evaluating the test results. In the case of ultrasonic examinations in close vicinity of the search unit down to a depth larger than 10 mm as well as at the respective depth away from the search unit, all indications shall be recorded where the echo amplitude corresponds to or exceeds that of a circular disc reflector with a diameter of 3 mm if the examined wall thickness region is larger than 40 mm and of 2 mm if it is equal to or smaller than 40 mm. In the case of wall thicknesses s smaller than or equal to 8 mm (e.g. steam generator tubes) the recording limits shall be specified in each individual case. (3) The recording limits of the eddy-current examination shall be specified on the basis of reference block examinations taking para 4.2.4 (2) into consideration.

(1) When applying the eddy-current procedure for the examination of surfaces it is required that coils adapted to the individual testing task coils are used. For the adjustment of the sensitivity, calibration reference blocks of materials with magnetic characteristics similar to those of the test object shall be used.

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In the case of eddy-current examination of steam generator tubes, any indications suggesting cracks or a reduction in wall thickness exceeding 20 % shall be recorded. 4.3 4.3.1 Volumetric examination Ultrasonic examination procedures

These recording limits shall be observed over the entire examination region. If ultrasonic techniques are employed that are not treated in this safety standard, the recording limit valid for the individual technique shall be specified on the basis of comparative examinations. Wall thickness s, mm Circular disc reflector, mm 8 < s 20 20 < s 40 s > 40 1.5 2 3

(1) The volume of the wall shall be examined with the single search unit technique and, in the case of a nominal wall thickness equal to or exceeding 100 mm, additionally with techniques for detecting planar flaws perpendicular to the surface. To this end, the angled pitch-catch technique preferably with transverse waves or mode conversion techniques on the basis of longitudinal wave dual crystal search units or LLT search units shall be used for planeparallel and concentric surfaces. (2) When determining the nominal wall thickness, the thickness of the cladding shall not be taken into account. In well founded individual cases and depending on the results of previous in-service inspections and on the actual loadings deviations from the specified nominal wall thickness are permitted. (3) If, in special cases with a nominal wall thickness exceeding 100 mm, a dual search unit examination or mode conversion examination for flaws oriented perpendicular to the surface is impossible or not meaningful on account of the geometry, then an incident angle shall be chosen where the angular deviation between the sound beam axis and the surface normal to the flaw does not exceed 20. 4.3.2 Radiographic examination

Table 4-2: Diameter of circular disc reflectors for sensitivity adjustment (3) The sensitivity adjustment may be performed on calibration blocks with transverse bore holes. The resulting examination sensitivity shall be corrected such that it corresponds to the recording limit specified in para. 2. (4) The recording limits of the eddy-current examination shall be specified on the basis of reference block examinations taking para 4.2.4 (2) into consideration. In the case of eddy-current examination of steam generator tubes any indications suggesting cracks or a reduction in wall thickness > 20 % shall be recorded. 4.4 Integral visual examination

(1) Integral visual examinations serve to assess the general condition of systems and components. These examinations are usually performed in the course of plant revisions without removing any insulation material. (2) During integral visual examinations the following shall especially be taken into consideration: a) mechanical damage (points of friction, bends and tears), b) indications of leakage, c) faults with respect to ca) bolt connections (loosening, condition of the bolt locking devices), cb) connections of measuring points and instrument lines, cc) insulation, d) Displacement of components (free end displacement of pipes, damage to foundations and anchor points). 4.5 Pressure test Test conditions

(1) When performing radiographic examinations it shall be ensured that S is not larger than 0.3, where S is the fog density of the film caused by the radioactivity of the component and by scattered radiation. (2) The radiation source shall be adjusted such that the direction of the flaws assumed to originate from the surface is parallel to the direction of radiation. (3) The application of the radiographic examination procedures should be limited to a wall thickness s of less than or equal to 25 mm (in the case of double-wall radiography, the thickness of the radiographed wall shall be less than or equal to 50 mm). 4.3.3 Eddy-current examination procedures


In the case of thin-walled components made from nonferromagnetic materials (e.g. steam generator tubes) the eddy-current examination procedure may be applied to examine the body of the wall. 4.3.4 Recording limits

(1) Pressure tests shall basically be performed at 1.3 times the design pressure. If in periodic pressure tests a deviation from from this value is made, care shall be taken that safetyrelevant information is obtained that is comparable to the initial pressure test. (2) The test temperature should be at least 33 K, however not more than 55 K, above the NDT temperature calculated for the point of time of the test. (3) To ensure relevant results from the pressure test the following conditions shall be met: a) The rate of change of pressure and temperature shall be selected in accordance with the startup and shutdown diagram specified in the operating manual until the respective test temperature of the components is reached. b) After reaching the respective test temperature, the change rate of the test pressure shall not exceed 10 bar per minute up to the allowable working gauge pressure, and then, not more than 1 to 2 bar per minute up to the test pressure.

(1) In the case of an examination procedure based on the fact that the angle of incidence of the sound beam is 90 to the crack surface of the expected flaw orientation, or in case of an angled pitch-catch or mode conversion examination, all echo signals shall be recorded where the amplitude is equal to or exceeds the echo amplitude of a circular disc reflector with a diameter of 10 mm. The dependency of the planar angle of the reflector may be generally considered by lowering the recording limit by 6 dB. (2) If, in the case of a single search unit technique, only the diffusely scattered radiation is used for the indication of flaw surfaces, then those echo amplitudes shall be recorded that correspond to perpendicularly encountered circular disc reflectors as specified in Table 4-2.

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c) The holding time at test pressure shall be at least 30 minutes. (4) Before starting the leakage check in accordance with para. 7.2 (7) the pressure shall be reduced to the operating pressure. 4.5.2 Non-destructive examinations following the pressure test

5.2 5.2.1

Extent of testing Non-destructive examinations General

(1) When testing butt weld seams, the examination shall include the weld metal and the base metal zone on a width of at least 10 mm on both sides of the weld seam for a wall thickness 30 mm and on a width of at least 20 mm on both sides for a wall thickness > 30 mm. (2) When testing insertion and attachment weld seams of nozzles, the width of the adjacent base material to be included in the examination is defined by the wall thickness of the connecting wall thickness. (3) Locations of former auxiliary welds shall be included in the test and inspection schedule if it cannot be ensured that the strain-hardened area of the heat affected zone has been completely removed by dressing. Reactor pressure vessel

(1) Subsequent to the periodic pressure tests non-destructive examinations shall be performed in selected areas on components of the pressure boundary (2) If non-destructive examinations are performed in partial sections, it shall be ensured that the partial section coinciding with the pressure test contains tests of locations that are representative of higher stress locations. 4.6 Functional tests on safeguards against excessive pressure

All safeguards against excessive pressure shall be subjected to functional testing at regular intervals. In these tests the following shall be checked: a) the response pressure, b) the opening and closing behaviour. Parameters relevant to function (e.g. dead times, actuating force reserves) shall be evaluated with respect to the specific plant and design. 5 5.1 Extent of testing and test intervals General requirements

(1) The extent of examinations to be performed on the reactor pressure vessel is specified in Table 5-1. All ligaments (shortest distance between two openings) in nozzle fields of the reactor pressure vessel cover or head shall be subjected to an ultrasonic examination where the examination technique shall primarily be used for the detection of cracks extending to the centre of the ligaments and being loacted in the nearsurface region. The volume areas covered by the examination as well as the areas between the ligaments shall be included in the evaluation of the test results. In the case of inaccessible ligaments, para. 5.1 (3) shall apply. (2) If a reference test in accordance with Section 4.1.3 is required for the reactor pressure vessel, the reference test shall be performed on all items to be examined in accordance with Table 5-1 prior to commissioning the plant but after the pressure test. However, it shall be ensured that all the base metal zones are accessible for testing. Pressure thickness of control rod drives

(1) In-service inspections shall basically be performed to the extent as specified in Section 5.2. When planning a plant this extent of in-service inspections shall be taken into account. (2) Where new findings are made from the monitoring of consequences and causes of operational damage mechanisms as well as from the observation of the state of knowledge of the plant condition as per Figure 3-1, the stipulations of Sections 5.2 and 5.3 shall be re-evaluated with respect to the specific plant. To this end, the examination procedures, areas and intervals for the component groups mentionend in Section 1 under (4), (5) and (6) shall be adapted accordingly. (3) If the design, construction, fabrication or other aspects significantly limit the extent of testing, additional measures shall be taken (e.g. fracture mechanic analyses) that lead to the required information on safety. Any limitations with regard to the specifications of this safety standard shall be noted in the test instructions. (4) If operational loading is one of the criteria in Section 5.2 for selecting the component areas to be tested, then representative higher stress locations shall be included within the intended extent of testing. Besides the usage factor operational experience shall also be taken into account. (5) The distribution of extent of testing within the test intervals for components installed in multiple number as specified in Tables 5-1 to 5-4, 5-6 and 5-7 is based on the 4-loop or 4-circuit power plant concept. In the case of two or three primary coolant loops or circuits, the distribution shall be specified by agreement with the authorized inspector.

The extent of testing to be performed on the pressure retaining wall of control rod drives is specified in Table 5-2. Steam generator

The extent of testing to be performed on the steam generator is specified in Tables 5-3 and 5-4. The external and internal surfaces with their near-surface regions shall be examined. Pressurizer

(1) The extent of testing to be performed on the pressurizer is specified in Table 5-5. The external and internal surfaces with their near-surface regions shall be examined. (2) Special measures shall be taken for the ligaments in the nozzle field of the pressurizer head (e.g. fracture mechanic analysis, leakage detection). Pipework

The extent of testing to be performed on the pipework is specified in Tables 5-6 and 5-7. The external and internal surfaces with their near-surface regions shall be examined.
Note: In-service inspection on pipes with a nominal diameter smaller than or equal to DN 50 shall be fixed by agreement with the authorized inspector for each individual plant.

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KTA 3201.4

Main coolant pump casing

At least once within 15 years a selective visual examination of the internal surfaces of the main coolant pump casing shall be performed. The extent of the examination shall be fixed with respect to the specific plant. Valve bodies

(4) The pressure test in accordance with 5.2.3 shall be performed every 10 years. In justified cases deviations herefrom may be agreed with the authorized inspector. (5) Functional tests of the safeguards against excessive pressure in accordance with 5.2.4 shall be performed during regular plant shutdowns for refueling. (6) Since the time interval between two refuelings can be up to 18 months, the individual tests shall be performed during that refueling that is closest to the due date of the tests. If this leads to longer time intervals than specified in this Section, the due dates for the next in-service inspections shall be advanced accordingly such that in the long run the time intervals remain as specified. In the case of plant shutdowns of more than 6 months special arrangements may be agreed. (7) The test intervals specified in (2) and (4) as well as in 5.1.7 shall apply if the monitoring of the causes and consequences of operational damage mechanisms as well as the observation of the actual state of knowledge on the plant condition is made to a consistent concept as per Figure 3-1. Should this not be the case, the tests and examinations as per (2) shall be performed at an interval of 4 years, the test as per (4) at an interval of 8 years and the inspections as per at an interval of 12 years. 6 6.1 Test and inspection schedule Preparation

On valve bodies with a nominal diameter equal to or greater than DN 150 a selective visual examination shall be performed to a representative extent in conjunction with an inspection (opening of the valve body). Bolted joints

The extent of testing to be performed on bolted joints on pressure-retaining walls of reactor pressure vessels, steam generators, pressurisers, main coolant pump casings as well as valve bodies and control rod drives is specified in Tables 5-1 and 5-8. 5.2.2 Integral visual inspection

(1) The extent of the integral visual inspections shall depend on the inspection objectives stated in Section 4.4. (2) The extent and date of the integral visual inspections shall be specified plant-specifically (e.g. in test instructions). 5.2.3 Pressure tests

All components within the scope of this safety standard shall be subjected to periodic pressure tests. 5.2.4 Functional testing of safeguards against excessive pressure

The test and inspection schedule shall be prepared in accordance with Section 5.1 and shall be available and agreed upon by the authorized inspector at the latest at the time of first criticality (see also KTA 1202). 6.2 Review and updating

All safeguards against excessive pressure shall be subjected to functional tests. If the safety device consists of a pilot and a main valve the test shall be performed such that in addition to the function of the pilot and main valve the functional capability of the control lines can also be assessed. The performance of the test shall be specified with respect to the specific plant design and construction. 5.3 Test intervals

Prior to each, even partial, in-service inspection the type, extent and date of testing shall be reviewed for each individual component and shall be updated, if necessary. Here, the following shall be taken into consideration: a) Previous in-service inspections The results of previous in-service inspections shall be taken into account. This may lead to an updating of the type, extent and date of testing for the previously specified in-service inspections as well as to a change in the specified test location within the realm of items to be tested. b) Repair or replacement After performance of repair or replacement it shall be decided upon whether or not in-service inspections should be introduced at these locations or whether or not the type, extent and date of already specified in-service inspections should be changed. This also applies to the sealing of steam generator tubes by means of plugging. c) Irradiation influences The evaluation of tests on accelerated irradiation specimens shall be considered when performing periodic pressure tests and non-destructive in-service inspections. d) Operational monitoring The results of operational monitoring in accordance with Section 9 shall be considered in the reviewing and updating procedure. e) Operational experience The operational experience from the own plant as well as from other plants shall be considered in the reviewing and updating procedure.

(1) All test intervals start at the time of first criticality of the reactor. The time intervals within which the specified tests have to be performed are specified in Section 5.2. The inservice inspections in accordance with Section 5.2 shall be performed during plant shutdown (e.g. during refueling). (2) The non-destructive examinations in accordance with 5.2.1 shall be performed in test intervals of 5 years, unless specified otherwise in clause 5.2.1. In justified cases the nondestructive examinations specified for the test interval may be performed, by agreement with the authorized inspector, during the next plant shutdown intended for refueling and following the test interval. If similar components are installed in multiple number and if the operating conditions are the same, then the extent of testing may be distributed over 2 succeeding test intervals where the extent of testing shall be combined such that at each test interval an entire loop or circuit is tested. (3) Integral visual examinations in accordance with 5.2.2 shall be performed during regular plant inspections after plant shutdown for refueling.

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KTA 3201.4

Item to be inspected Longitudinal and circumferential welds Nozzle-to-shell welds DN 250 1) Nozzle inside edge DN 250 1) Ligaments in nozzle fields Cladding

Test procedure / Test technique US

Flaw orientation

Extent of testing all weld seams, entire length, entire volume as well as the surface areas with their nearsurface regions surface areas with their nearsurface regions of the entire inside edge of all nozzles all ligaments, surface areas and centres of ligaments representative locations, the test extent shall be specified for the individual plant surface areas with their nearsurface regions of all bolts, entire tensioned length including the threaded regions surface areas with their nearsurface regions of all blind holes, entire thread length threaded region and loaded end face (contact surface) of all nuts both contact surfaces as well as the surface of the washer hole

Test intervals

l, q US US r US SV US or MT or ET, SV US or ET, SV SV or ET or US SV any q, relative to the bolt axis

5 years

Screw bolts

Threaded blind holes

q, relative to the thread axis q, relative to the thread axis any

Nuts Washers Attachment welds Auxiliary welds

Within 5 years 2) at least 25 % of the bolts with the corresponding threaded blind holes, nuts and washers, however, at three successive test intervals of 5 years 100 % shall be tested. Alternatively, the test may be performed at intervals of 10 years 2) where 100 % each shall be tested

Agreements shall be made because of the differing design details. The type and extent of the tests shall be incorporated in the test instructions. MT or US The requirements shall be specified in accordance with (3).

Abbreviations for the test procedures and techniques are explained in Table 2-1. l : longitudinal flaw q : transverse flaw r : radial flaw (e.g. for nozzle inside edges or ligaments in nozzle fields)
1) In the case of nominal diameters of the connecting pipe < DN 250 the requirement for in-service inspections shall be reviewed from case to

2) Selective visual inspection of stud bolts (where accessible), nuts and washers after each unbolting of bolted joints

Table 5-1: Non-destructive in-service inspections on the reactor pressure vessel

Item to be inspected Circumferential welds PWR 1) Circumferential welds BWR

Test procedure / Test technique ET or RT or US LT or ET or US

Flaw orientation l

Extent of testing Inner surface of representative welds on 10 % of pipes in due consideration of accessibility Inner surface of circumferential welds of 4 rod drive housing pipes
l : longitudinal flaw

Test intervals

10 years

Abbreviations for the test procedures and test techniques are explained in Table 2-1.
1) These welds also include in-core instrumentation and control rod nozzle welds

Tabelle 5-2: Non-destructive in-service inspections on pressure-retaining walls of control rod drives

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Item to be inspected

Test procedure / Test technique US

Flaw orientation

Extent of testing

Test intervals

Regions of base metal

entire extent of the fillets in the circumferential transition between tube sheet and direction crown, the inside surface with its near-surface regions connecting seam between tube sheet and crown, the outside and inside surfaces with their nearsurface regions over the entire seam length one reactor coolant nozzle, preferably the inlet nozzle, the inside and outside surfaces with their near-surface regions over the entire seam length one reactor coolant nozzle, preferably the inlet nozzle, the inside and outside surfaces with their near-surface regions over the entire inside edge representative locations, the test extent shall be specified for each individual plant In each steam generator 10 % of all tubes 1) in the regions wetted by the secondary medium up to the first rolled-in joint Every 5 years; however, within 2 years one half of the steam generators shall be covered. Every 5 years one steam generator; however, at 4 successive test intervals of 5 years each, all steam generators shall be covered.

Circumferential weld seams

US or MT l, q

Nozzle-to-shell welds DN 250

US or MT

Every 5 years one half of the steam generators; however, at 2 successive test intervals of 5 years each, all steam generators shall be covered.

Nozzle inside edge DN 250




any flaws on the outside and inside surface, wall thickness

Steam generator tubes


Support bracket attachment welds

MT or LT


All tension loaded regions of outside surfaces

Other attachment welds Auxiliary welds

Special agreements shall be made because of the differing design details. The type and extent of the tests shall be incorporated in the test instruction. MT or US The requirements shall be specified in accordance with (3).

Abbreviations for the test procedures and test techniques are explained in Table 2-1. l : longitudinal flaw q : transverse flaw r : radial flaw (e.g. for nozzle inside edges)
1) During each in-service inspection those tube regions shall be examined which are known from design and operational experience to be

more susceptible to corrosive attacks.

Table 5-3: Non-destructive in-service inspections on the steam generators, primary side

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KTA 3201.4

Item to be inspected Test procedure / Flaw orientation Test technique Regions of base metal

Extent of testing

Test intervals


- fillets in the transition tubesheet / secondary shroud, inside surface with its near-surface circumferential region over the entire circumference, direction - knuckle of the dished head, inside surface with its near-surface region over the entire circumference

Circumferential and longitudinal weld seams US or MT Pipe connecting nozzles

l, q

depending on the examination task

Every 5 years one half of the steam gene- connecting seam of the tubesheet, - one further representative circumferential seam, rators; however, at 2 successive - 25 % of the number of all longitudinal seams, test intervals of 5 the inside and outside surfaces with their nearyears each, all surface regions over the entire seam length steam generators shall be - entire circumference of one feedwater nozzle covered - entire circumference of one further representative nozzle DN 250 in each case the surface with its near-surface region of the inner nozzle edge or of the connection region of the thermal sleeve Every 5 years one steam generator; however, at 4 successive test intervals of 5 years each, all steam generators shall be covered.

Steam generator tube supports in the bent tube region



representative supports

Attachment welds Auxiliary welds

Special agreements shall be made because of the differing design details. The type and extent of the tests shall be incorporated in the test instruction. The requirements that apply to steam generator tube supports also apply to the attachment welds of any internals. MT or US The requirements shall be specified in accordance with (3).

Abbreviations for the test procedures and test techniques are explained in Table 2-1. l : longitudinal flaw q : transverse flaw

Table 5-4: Non-destructive in-service inspections on the steam generators, secondary side Item to be inspected Test procedure / Flaw orientation Test technique Circumferential and longitudinal weld seams Extent of testing - entire circumference of one crown connection seam, outside and inside surface with their near-surface regions - entire seam length of 25 % of all longitudinal welds, in each case the outside and inside surface with their near-surface regions - entire circumference of the of the surge line nozzle - entire circumference of one representative nozzle DN 250 in each case the surface with its near-surface region of the inner nozzle edge or of the connection region of the thermal sleeve representative locations, the test extent shall be specified for each individual plant Test intervals

US or MT

l, q

5 years



depending on the examination task

5 years

Cladding Attachment welds Auxiliary welds



10 years 1)

Special agreements shall be made because of the differing design details. The type and extent of the tests shall be incorporated in the test instruction MT or US The requirements shall be specified in accordance with (3).

Abbreviations for the test procedures and test techniques are explained in Table 2-1. l : longitudinal flaw q : transverse flaw
1) At a test interval of 5 years an integral visual inspection shall be performed

Table 5-5: Non-destructive in-service inspections on the pressurizer Page 16

KTA 3201.4

Item to be inspected

Flaw Test procedure/ orientaTest technique tion

Extent of testing for PWR

- all connection welds to the reactor pressure vessel 4) - connection welds and (if any) longitudinal welds of the highest loaded elbow in each loop - one further seam in each loop, changing seams from one test interval to the next In each case the outside and inside surface with their nearsurface regions of the entire seam length shall be examined.

Extent of testing for BWR

30 % of all pipe weld seams consisting of the following partial entities: a) all connections to the RPV 3) b) further attachment and connection welds to be selected in accordance with the following criteria: - attachment welds on vessels, valves, pumps, - connection welds of T-joints and elbows, - operational loading also taking corrosion into account, - composite materials (only ferrites), - fabrication quality with regard to seam surface. c) 4 % of all other attachment and connection welds even of pipes with stagnating steam; these shall vary from test interval to test interval by agreement with the authorized inspector. In each case the outside and inside surface with their near-surface regions of the entire seam length shall be examined.

Test intervals

Weld seams on straight tubes and elbows DN 250

MT or US

l, q

Weld cladded elbows MT or US DN 250

l, q (relative to the axis)

highest loaded base material region of one representative elbow in each loop, outside and inside surface with their near-surface regions connection weld of one nozzle 2) in each loop. In each case the outside and inside surface with the near-surface region of the entire weld length shall be examined.

Nozzles for connecting pipes DN 250

MT or US

connection weld of one nozzle 2) in each circuit. In each case the outside and inside surface with their near-surface regions of the entire weld length shall be examined.

Within 5 years one half of the number of loops (PWR) or circuits (BWR), however, the entire number of loops or circuits shall be covered at two successive test intervals.

Internal integral visual inspection or another technique to check the condition of the thermal sleeve

one representative thermal sleeve for each design type


Visual inspection 5)


representative locations, the test extent shall be specified for each individual plant

Bends and elbows DN 250 not weld cladded

MT or US

l, q

highest loaded base material region of one representative elbow, outside and inside surface with their near-surface regions 5 years

Bends and elbows US p DN 250 not (wall thickness) weld cladded with steam flow-through 1) Locations of former auxiliary welds MT or US

one elbow with a bend angle 90, wall thickness determination in a point grid

only if it is not ensured that the strain-hardened regions have been completely removed (cf. para. (3)).

Abbreviations for the test procedures and test techniques are explained in Table 2-1. p : flaw parallel to the surface l : longitudinal flaw q : transverse flaw
1) Those bends and elbows are meant through which steam flows continuously during normal operation. Bends and elbows sporadically loaded by

static steam are not considered to be in this category.

2) The selection of nozzles shall be based on the following criteria:

- the loading is restricted to normal operation or to incidents, loading collective - fabrication quality. 3) Connection welds of the feedwater line: all connection welds within 5 years. 4) All connection welds within 5 years. 5) Selective or integral visual inspection shall be specified for each individual plant.

Table 5-6: Non-destructive in-service inspections on ferritic pipes Page 17

KTA 3201.4

Item to be inspected

Test Flaw proce- oriendure / Test tation technique

Extent of testing for PWR

Extent of testing for BWR

Test intervals

Surge line

one connection weld and the highest loaded bend or elbow, in each case the outside and inside surface with their nearsurface regions 20 % of all connection or attachment welds of pipes of the nuclear residual heat removal system; selection in accordance with loading criteria hot ( 200 C) 40 %

5 years

cold (< 200 C) 20 %

Weld DN 150 seams on straight pipes, on bends LT and or US elbows or RT

or higher stress

of all connection or attachment welds of pipes of the nuclear residual heat removal system; selection in accordance with loading criteria

In each case the outside and inside surface with their near-surface regions of the entire seam length shall be examined. By agreement with the authorized inspector the pipes subjected to testing should vary from test cycle to test cycle. cold (< 200 C) hot ( 200 C) 10 % 20 % 10 % of all connection or attachment of all connection or attachment welds welds of pipes of other of pipes of other systems; selection in systems; selection in accordance with loading criteria accordance with loading criteria In each case the outside and inside surface with their near-surface regions of the entire seam length shall be examined. By agreement with the authorized inspector the pipes subjected to testing should vary from test cycle to test cycle.

locations < DN 150 > DN 50

The extent of testing may be distributed over two successive test intervals of 5 years each (cf. para. 5.3 (2))

Attachment welds of ferritic nozzles

(dissimilar metal welds)

DN 200

four attachment welds; selection in accordance with loading criteria

all attachment welds

In each case the outside and inside surface with their near-surface regions of the entire seam length shall be examined.

Abbreviations for the test procedures and test techniques are explained in Table 2-1.

l : longitudinal flaw

Table 5-7: Non-destructive in-service inspections on austenitic pipes

Item to be inspected Threaded bolts Nuts Washers

Test procedure / Test technique

Extent of testing Surface of the visible region of all threaded bolts

Test intervals


Region of threads and the loaded end face (contact surface) Both contact surfaces including the inside surface of the bore hole

Upon each unbolting of the bolted joint for operational reasons

Abbreviations for the test procedures and test techniques are explained in Table 2-1.

Table 5-8: In-service inspections of bolted joints in the pressure retaining wall of steam generators, pressurizers, primary coolant pump casings as well as valve bodies and control rod drives Page 18

KTA 3201.4

7 7.1

Preparation of tests, test instructions Preparation of tests

limit. If this is not the case, the component may be operated further (Step 12). (4) If indications exceed the acceptability limit they shall be termed relevant indication. At first, a comparison with the results of the previous in-service inspection IIn-1 shall be performed (Step 4). If findings have changed, the results of inservice inspections lying further back shall also be taken into account to possibly detect the time history of the change. On the basis of the comparison of the measured values it shall be decided whether it is a first occurrence of the indication or whether an existing indication has grown larger (Step 5). If this is not the case, the component may be operated further (Step 12). (5) In the case of ultrasonic examination techniques, evaluation methods may be used that are based on an image presentation of the test results. However, the recording limits in accordance with 4.2.7 or 4.3.4 shall remain discernible. The procedure shall be agreed with the authorized inspector for each individual case. (6) In the case of a first occurrence of an indication or of growth of an existing indication an analysis is required that leads to information on its type, location and size. Where required, further examinations employing more refined testing techniques (Step 6) shall be performed.

(1) The tests shall be adequately prepared with respect to general organization and required equipment. The preparation shall especially include the planning of the employment of test personnel taking the general organization of work, the Radiological Protection Ordinance and Guideline Radiological Protection into consideration. (2) The areas of the components that will be subjected to testing shall be put in a condition suitable to testing (e.g. by removal of insulation material, cleaning of surfaces). (3) Details of the tests shall be specified in test instructions (cf. KTA 1202). These include specifications of the locations to be tested, the test procedures to be applied and references to the corresponding standard test instructions or test specifications. 7.2 Test instructions

(1) Magnetic particle examinations and liquid penetrant examinations shall be performed in accordance with DIN 25 435 Part 2. (2) Eddy-current examinations as well as special ultrasonic techniques shall be performed by agreement with the authorized inspector. The in-service inspection of steam generator tubes shall be performed in accordance with DIN 25 435 Part 6. (3) Radiographic examinations shall be performed in accordance with Test Class B to DIN EN 1435. The general aim shall be to meet Test Class B to DIN EN 1435 without utilizing the replacement procedures cited therein. The image quality classes in aacordance with image quality class B to DIN EN 462 Part 3 shall be adhered to. (4) Automated ultrasonic examinations shall be performed in accordance with DIN 25 435 Part 1. (5) Manual ultrasonic examinations shall be performed in accordance with Annex B of KTA 3201.3. (6) Visual examinations shall be performed in accordance with DIN 25 435 Part 4. (7) Pressure tests shall be performed in accordance with DIN 25 435 Part 3. However, the visual inspection required therein is limited to a leakage check. (8) Functional tests of the safeguards against excessive pressure shall be performed in accordance with the test and inspection manual. 8 8.1 Evaluation of the test results Volumetric examinations as well as examinations of surfaces and near-surface regions
Note: The steps specified in 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 refer to Figure 8-1.

End of operational period

Performance of n th in-service inspection II n

2 3


Does the yes indication exceed the acceptability limit?

Comparison with II(n-1)

4 5


Growth yes of existing indication or first occurrence?

Analysis: use of various analysis techniques

6 7


Decison 5 confirmed?


Determination of cause and safety analysis?

Take measures, remove cause

control measures


Leave flaw as it is?


8.1.1 Decision-making procedure
Release for operation removal of cause

(1) At the end of an operational period (Step 1), the n-th inservice inspection IIn (Step 2) is performed. (2) If indications are found, the further procedure shall follow the decision-making procedure (Figure 8-1) structured as flow chart. (3) When evaluating the results (Step 3) it shall be decided whether or not the indications have exceeded the acceptability

repair control + measures or replacement

11 12

Figure 8-1: Schematic decision-making plan to evaluate the results of non-destructive examinations

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KTA 3201.4

(7) If it is found out that it is a first occurrence of an indication or an existing indication has grown (Step 7) then the cause shall be determined and subsequently a safety analysis shall be performed (Step 8). This shall be based, among other things, on the operational records. (8) The safety analysis may, for instance, comprise: - a stress analysis - a fracture mechanic analysis (see also Sec. of KTA 3201.2), - laboratory experiments, - checks on similar components in the case of indication of systematic defects - an evaluation of experience gained with other plants. (9) The results of the cause determination and the safety analysis are decisive regarding the specification of the acceptability limit, i.e., the decision whether or not a flaw may be left as it is (Step 9). If it follows that the flaw may be left in the component as it is then the causes, if possible, shall be removed e.g. by the following measures: a) change of the operational mode of the plant, b) installation of additional structures (e.g. pipe support structures). (10) The success of the measures taken shall be checked, e.g. by: a) instrumentation for a continuous monitoring of the flaw location, b) shorter intervals of in-service inspections. (11) Taking the measures specified above into account, the component may be operated further (Step 12). (12) If it is established that the flaw may not be left in the component as it is, the causes shall, as far as possible, be removed and a repair or replacement of the component initiated (Step 11). The success of the measures shall be checked, e.g., by a) instrumentation, b) shorter intervals of in-service inspections. Prior to the release for operation, a fabrication test or, if required in accordance with Section 4.1.3, a reference test shall be performed on the repaired component. 8.1.2 Acceptabilty limits

or - if their echo amplitudes reach or exceed the recording limit and show a linear dimension exceeding half the nominal wall thickness (at least 10 mm) or 50 mm; the method for determining the linear dimension shall be agreed with the authorized inspector, or - the echo amplitude of an indication not yet documented reaches or exceeds the recording limit and this indication cannot be explained by tolerances due to the examination technique employed. ac) The acceptability limit for the radiographic examination shall be specified for each individual case. Indications which suggest the presence of crack-like defects or incomplete fusions shall be treated as relevant indications. ad) In the case of an eddy-current examination the acceptability limit shall be specified for each individual case. b) Volumetric examinations ba) In the ultrasonic examination the acceptability limit shall be considered to be exceeded - if their echo amplitudes exceed the recording limit in accordance with Section 4.3.4 by 6 dB or - if their echo amplitudes reach or exceed the recording limit in accordance with Section 4.3.4 and demonstrate a linear dimension exceeding half the nominal wall thickness or 50 mm. The linear dimension shall be determined in accordance with Sec. B 5.2.4 of KTA 3201.3. bb) The evaluation limit for the radiographic examination shall be individually specified. Indications which suggest the presence of crack-like defects or incomplete fusions shall be treated as relevant indications. bc) In case of an eddy-current examination of steamgenerator tubes the acceptability limit shall be considered to have been reached if the results indicate a wall thickness reduction by 30 %. The linear dimension mentioned in ab) and ba) shall apply only to locations remote from discontinuities. In the case of other regions, e.g. the inner edge of nozzles and hole patterns, the length dimension shall be individually specified. 8.2 Visual examination

(1) To avoid that measured values which are scattered due to the test technique used are to be evaluated as relevant indications, the following acceptability limits are specified for in-service inspections. (2) All indications reaching or exceeding the recording limit shall be documented in an examination record (except for indications clearly subject to component shape) and those above the acceptability limit (Step 3) shall be treated as relevant indications. The individual acceptability limits are defined by the values specified in a) and b) as follows: a) Examination of the surface near-surface regions aa) In the magnetic particle and liquid penetrant examinations the acceptability limit shall be considered to be exceeded if the indication shows a linear dimension of more than 10 mm. Areas with accumulated smaller indications shall be evaluated if the size of the area is larger than 1000 mm2. ab) Indications in the ultrasonic examination shall be considered to be relevant indications - if their echo amplitudes exceed the recording limit in accordance with Section 4.2.7 by 6 dB or more,

If anything unusual is noticed in the course of visual examination, then in each individual case it shall be decided whether or not further examinations and, if so, what kind of examinations are required. 8.3 Pressure test

The pressure test shall be considered to have been passed successfully if the components have withstood the required pressure level over the entire holding period (cf. Section 4.5). 8.4 Functional tests of safeguards against excessive pressure

The functional tests shall be considered to have been passed successfully if the values specified in the test instructions have been achieved.

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KTA 3201.4

9 9.1

Operational monitoring General requirements


Vibration monitoring

(1) Operational data that are important regarding the integrity of the components of the reactor coolant pressure boundary shall be monitored. (2) Only measuring equipment suitable for the respective defined task (e.g. with respect to sensitivity, resolution of measured values for data recording and representation, set point of alarms) shall be used. (3) If operating conditions occur that are not covered by the specified load regime, these operating conditions shall be evaluated with special regard to their safety-relevant effects. 9.2 9.2.1 Monitoring of loadings Monitoring of mechanical and thermal loadings

(1) The vibration behaviour of the components of the primary coolant system shall be measured during the first commissioning of the plant. This shall also take representative small lines into consideration. The results shall be evaluated with regard to the analysis of cyclic strength and shall be used as comparative basis for operational vibration monitoring. In the case of a follow-up plant, a smaller measurement program is allowed than for a first plant of this type (see also Sec. 9.4.2 of KTA 3204). (2) DIN 25 475-2 specifies the requirements for the system, the extent of monotoring of the reactor plant and the in-service inspections of the system. (3) The instrumentation for measuring the vibrations during commissioning should be chosen such that these measurements can also be performed during operation of the nuclear power plant. (4) The decision whether or not vibration monitoring is required during plant operation shall be made, taking into consideration the results of the vibration measurements during commissioning in conjunction with a substantiation by way of calculation as well as operational experience gained with comparable plants. (5) If vibration monitoring is performed during operation then the following boundary conditions shall be observed: a) The monitoring shall aim at the detection of changes in the vibration behaviour at representative locations of the primary coolant system. b) Vibration monitoring shall be possible at all times. It may be performed discontinuously. c) At least two measurements shall be performed for each refueling cycle. One of these measurements is required directly after refueling and one before the next refueling, with the plant being in steady-state operation. d) If vibration monitoring fails due to partial or complete failure of the measuring equipment, the latter`s returning to service may be postponed at the latest to the next regularly scheduled plant shutdown. 9.3 Monitoring of the chemical water quality

(1) It shall be ensured that temporal and local temperature changes relevant to fatigue are monitored by a sufficiently dense net of measuring points. When selecting the measuring points the effects of the mode of operation (little mass flows, indifferent pressure conditions, switching operations, temperature differentials) and the construction (pipeline installation, isolating function of valves) shall be taken into account (2) Where thermal stratification is expected to occur, the temperature measuring points shall be located such that all relevant loading variables across the pipe cross-section and axially to the pipe run can be measured. (3) The results of measurement shall be assigned to the relvevant operating conditions and be evaluated with respect to their effects on component fatigue in accordance with KTA 3201.2. (4) Where the operating conditions as per para. 9.1 (3) affect component fatigue, it is necessary to recalculate the predicted cumulative usage factor determined in accordance with the design as per equation (7.8-1) of KTA 3201.2. Contrary to the specification of KTA 3201.2, equation (7.8-1), a cumulative usage factor D larger than 1 may be applied, provided it is ensured that the advance of fatigue is kept within safe permissible limits by appropriate measures taken with respect to operation, operational monitoring or in-service inspections, or by a combination of these measures. In particular, plant operation may be continued in the case of D larger than 1, as long as no crack formation has been detected and fracture mechanic analyses of postulated incipient cracks prove that there will only be a limited crack propagation in the time period until the next, maybe premature, in-service inspection. It shall, however, be ensured that no critical flaw size will develop even for the most unfavourable load case. The time of the next in-service inspection shall be determined on the basis of the fracture mechanic analysis and on the requirement that the new predicted cumulative usage factor will not increase by more than D = 0.1. Any changes in this respect will have no effect on the intervals of in-service inspections as specified in this safety standard. (5) Where new knowledge is gained with respect to thermal loadings, the measuring system shall be modified accordingly (6) Where the mode of operation, the pipe routing or components are changed, the thermal loadings shall be evaluated close to the time where the change took place. (7) The measuring results shall generally be evaluated once per refueling cycle and be documented in a report.

The chemical and physical limit values to be obeserved when monitoring the chemical water quality of the primary and secondary circuits as well as the frequency of measurements shall be specified by the plant manufacturer; these values shall be documented in the operating manual. 9.4 Monitoring of changes of metal properties

(1) The irradiation behaviour of the belt-line materials of the pressure-retaining wall of the reactor pressure vessel shall be monitored in accordance with KTA 3203. (2) From components repaced for retrofitting purposes, representative samples shall be taken which shall be examined for possible changes of material properties and damage due to operational influences. To this end, nondestructive and destructive examinations (determination of mechanical properties and examination of metallographic structure) shall be performed. The examination programm shall be fixed individually for each plant. 9.5 9.5.1 Leak monitoring Requirements

The leakage monitoring system shall be designed such that it is capable of detecting and localizing leakages with sufficient

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accuracy in the reactor coolant pressure boundary during plant operation. This system shall be sensitive enough to detect those leakages which would not yet lead to an automatic activation of safety measures due to pressure buildup in the surrounding building or due to the measurement of other system parameters (e.g. drop in pressure or coolant level). The detection sensitivity of the leakage monitoring system shall be demonstrated. 9.5.2 Measurement procedures

(9) The measured values of the leakage monitoring system shall be recorded in an adequate way. Selected measured values shall be displayed in the control room or in an adjacent or computer room such that the course of leakage development can be pursued over the time. (10) Adequate threshold values shall be specified for selected measured values which, when being exceeded, would trip an alarm annunciation to the control room during power operation of the plant. 9.5.3 Leakage monitoring of the control rod drives

(1) The following measured values, alone or in combination with other values, are suited for leakage monitoring: a) air humidity or dew point temperature, b) air temperature, c) radioactivity of compartment exhaust air, d) condensate or water level increase in the recirculating air coolers, e) water level in building sumps. (2) The corresponding measuring instruments shall be designed for the following ambient conditions: a) temperature 100 C, b) relative humidity 100 %, c) loadings by the leakage rate test of the containment (cf. Sec. 5.4 of KTA 3405). (3) For the localization of leakages it is advisable to group together individual compartment areas. (4) The leakage monitoring system should be designed as self-contained system for the individual compartment areas under para. (3). Available operational measuring equipment may be used for the evaluation provided its use is permitted for the changed ambient conditions upon the occurrence of leakages. (5) The measurement points for air humidity or dew point and air temperature shall be located in the directed flow of the air recirculation system such that the localization of leakages is possible. (6) If the air recirculation system is made up of partial systems that are correlated to different compartment areas, the condensate level increase in the recirculating air coolers shall be measured individually for each area. (7) The radioactivity monitoring of the compartment exhaust air shall be used to determine whether or not the leakage is from a system that carries a radioactive medium. (8) The water levels in the sumps of the building drain system shall be monitored individually.

The pressure retaining wall of the control rod drives shall be integrally monitored for leakages during operation. 9.5.4 Monitoring of the leakage between primary and secondary circuit

In plants with pressurized water reactors the main steam shall be monitored for radioactivity. If a leakage is detected, the measured values shall be evaluated with respect to the size of the leakage in the steam generator tubes. 9.6 Monitoring the primary circuit for loose parts

(1) For an early detection of damage and the localization of loose parts, the primary circuit shall be monitored by a loose parts monitoring system. (2) The requirements for this system, the extent of reactor plant monitoring and the in-service inspections of this system are specified in DIN 25 475-1. (3) If the structure-bound sound monitoring system fails due to partial or complete failure of the measuring equipment, its reactivation may be postponed at the latest to the next regular scheduled pant shutdown. 10 Participation in in-service inspections and operational monitoring

(1) The nuclear power plant user shall take the necessary steps to ensure that the tests and examinations listed in the test and inspection schedule are performed at the dates fixed and by the institutions specified in Table 10-1. (2) Where, for the purpose of inspection, the authorized inspector himself has to perform manual examinations, then the corresponding examinations need not be performed by the plant user. (3) The authorized inspector shall participate in operational monitoring measures. Details shall be fixed individually for each plant. Certification, countersignature S X X X X 1) X X

Type of examination Examination of the surface with its nearsurface regions Volumetric examination Visual Examination Pressure test Functional test
B : Plant user (licensee)

Performed by B X X X X X
S : Authorized inspector

Surveilled by S X X

Recorded by B X X X X X S

X 1) X X

1) Random examination of bolted connections in accordance with Table 5-1 and 5-8

Table 10-1: Participation of plant user and authorized inspector in in-service inspections Page 22

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11 11.1

Documentation General

The performance of in-service inspections, tests and operational monitoring as well as the results obtained shall be documented. The requirements specified in KTA 1404 apply. 11.2 Documents required for in-service inspections

mode, requirements to be met by the measuring and evaluation system) b) measuring system (temperature measuring range, response times, recording frequency, measuring accuracy) c) location and site of measuring points, type of measuring points, recording frequency d) measuring results and component-specific fatigue analysis

(1) The documents required for documenting the automated ultrasonic examinations are specified in Figure 11-1. Similar documents shall be established for other test and examination procedures. (2) In accordance with KTA 1202, the test and inspection schedule 1 shall contain the basic specifications regarding areas, procedure, extent and interval of the tests and examinations. The details regarding the performance of the tests or examinations shall be specified in test instructions 2 relating to the specific test object or general standard instructions/specifications 3 for each test or examination procedure. (3) In order to be able to smoothly perform the examinations at the test/examination locations, documents 4 specific to the test/examination areas shall be established. In the case of automated ultrasonic examinations, these shall contain, e.g., the manipulator drive sequence, channel identification, sensitivity adjustment requirements. (4) To be able to reproduce the results of an examination, the essential data of the examination equipment shall be documented in a technical manual 5. (5) The examination shall be started on the basis of documents 1 to 5. Should the conditions at the examination location require that changes be made to the examination area documents or to the equipment data, these shall be documented in revision sheets 4a. (6) At first, all measured values (base data 6) shall be recorded on data storage media. Upon evaluation of the test results 7 all indication liable to recording shall be entered in the list of relevant indications 8. (7) All relevant indications shall be recorded in the relevant indication record 9. The indication lists and the relevant indication records shall be contained in the test report (final test report 10). 11.3 Period of document filing for in-service inspections

Test and inspection schedule

Test instructions

Standard test instructions/specifications

Documents specific to examination/test areas

5 Technical description/manual of test equipment

Commencement of test/examination


Updated documents specific to test/examination areas

Base data storage medium

Test results

List of relevant indications

(1) The documents 1 to 5 and 10 shall be stored at the nuclear power plant for the operating life of the component. (2) The base data storage medium 6 shall be filed at least until the completion of the next in-service inspection of the particular examination area of the component. Should the evaluation of indications show up changes with respect to the previous examination (cf. Step 7 of Figure 8-1), the base data storage medium shall be filed for the operating life of the component. (3) Since there are justified fears that over the period of storage and despite appropriate storage conditions documents or data storage media will show distorting data loss, the data shall be copied to new data storage media in time. 11.4 Documents required for the monitoring of mechanical and thermal loadings

Relevant indication record


Test report (Final report)

Figure 11-1: Documents for the documentation of automated ultrasonic in-service examinations

For the purpose of documentation, the documents shall contain the following data on the: a) measuring and evaluation system (systems and components to be monitored, their function and operational Page 23

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Annex A Regulations referred to in this Safety Standard

(The references exclusively refer to the version given in this annex. Quotations of regulations referred to therein refer to the version available when the individual reference below was established or issued.)


Ordinance on the Protection against Damage and Injuries Caused by Ionizing Radiation (Radiological Protection Ordinance StrlSchV) October 13, 1976 (BGBl I Page 2905, 1977 Page 184, 269), as promulgated on June 30, 1989 (BGBl. I, 1989, Page 1321) corrected on October 16, 1989 (BGBL.I, 1989), at last amended by the Ordinance of August 18, 1997 (BGBl. I Page 2113) RSK Guidelines for pressurized water reactors, 3rd Edition, October 14, 1981 (Bundesanzeiger No. 69 of April 4, 1982) Guideline Relating for the Protection against Radiation of Personnel During the Execution of Maintenance Work in Nuclear Power Plants with Light Water Reactors; Part 2: The Radiological Protection Measures During Commissioning and Operation of the Plant, made public on August 4, 1981 (GMBl. 1981, Page 363) Requirements for the testing manual Documentation during the construction and operation of nuclear power plants Components of the reactor coolant pressure boundary of light water reactors; Part 1: Materials and product forms Components of the reactor coolant pressure boundary of light water reactors; Part 2: Design and analysis Components of the reactor coolant pressure boundary of light water reactors; Part 3: Manufacture Monitoring Radiation Embrittlement of Materials of the Reactor Pressure Vessel of Light Water Reactors Reactor pressure vessel internals Integral leakage rate testing of the containment vessel with the absolute pressure method In-service inspections for primary circuit components of light water reactors; Remote-controlled ultrasonic inspection In-service inspections for primary circuit components of light water reactors; Magnetic particle and liquid penetrant method In-service inspections for primary circuit components of light water reactors; Hydrotest In-service inspections for primary circuit components of light water reactors; Visual examination In-service inspections for primary circuit components of light water reactors; eddycurrent examination of steam generator tubes Ultrasonic Equipment for Manual Testing Nuclear facilities; Surveillance systems; Monitoring of structure bound sound for loose parts detection Nuclear facilities; Operational monitoring; Vibration monitoring for early detection of changes in the vibration behaviour of the primary circuit Non-destructive testing; Penetrant inspection; Verification of penetrant inspection materials Non-destructive testing; Image quality of radiographs; Part 3: Image quality classes for ferrous metals; German version of EN 462-3:1996 Non-destructive examination of welds; Radiographic examination of welded joints; German version of EN 1435:1997

RSK Guidelines Guideline Radiological Protection

KTA 1202 KTA 1404 KTA 3201.1 KTA 3201.2 KTA 3201.3 KTA 3203 KTA 3204 KTA 3405 DIN 25 435 -1 DIN 25 435 -2 DIN 25 435 -3 DIN 25 435 -4 DIN 25 435 -6 DIN 25 450 DIN 25 475 -1 DIN 25 475 -2 DIN 54 152 -2 DIN EN 462-3 DIN EN 1435

(06/84) (06/89) (06/98) (06/96) (06/98) (03/84) (06/98) (02/79) (11/87) (Draft 04/96) (11/87) (Draft 04/96) (Draft 04/96) (09/90) (10/83) (Draft 03/94) (07/89) (11/96) (10/97)

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Annex B (informative) Changes with respect to the edition 6/90 and explanations
(1) This safety standard was adapted in several sections, especially with regard to terms and requirements for test procedures and techniques in consideration of applicable DIN standards and in conjunction with KTA Safety Standard 3211.4 (6/96), to the state of science and technology to ensure the use of equal terms and uniform rules for periodic inspections. (2) The term calibration block was specified to indicate that corresponding to the current examination practice not only standard, but also non-standard calibration blocks are used. The calibration blocks are unclad to ensure a sufficient reproducibility of in-service inspections. (3) For a better understanding of the safety standard text, some new definitions were included. (4) The stipulations for the test and examination procedures and techniques in Table 2-1 were specified in correspondence with KTA 3211.4 to adapt to the current examination practice. Here, the examination techniques developed further since the adoption of KTA Safety Standard 3201.4 (06/90) were taken over. Today the examination techniques described as special techniques in the edition 6/90 are used as standard techniques, use of radiography for surface examination) and editorial changes were included. (5) A new section 3 General Principles was included to cover the stipulations for ensuring the component integrity by in-service inspections and operational monitoring. By this means the principles mentioned in the section Fundamentals which have been used in practice up to now are comprised to form a systematic procedure. (6) In clause 4.1.1 it was made clear that the test procedures and techniques are to be selected for the detection of operational flaws. (7) In correspondence to KTA 3211.4 a new clause 4.1.5 Permissible examination procedures was included in this safety Standard. (8) Section 4.2 Examination of surfaces was completely revised and adapted to the state-of-the-art as laid down in KTA 3211.4. The inclusion of ultrasonic examination for small wall thicknesses (up to 8 mm) takes the current state-of-theart in ultrasonic examination techniques into account. This, however, does not mean that ultrasonic examinations are preferable to radiography. The establishment of a wall thickness range with s 25 mm for the use of radiaography was based on the idea that also double-wall radiography is permitted (wall thickness radiographed by double wall technique 50 mm). The selective visual inspection was additionally included as surface examination procedure since this examination is used additionally or alone for specific tasks to correspond to the state-of-the-art. (9) The use of longitudinal wave dual crystal search units as mentioned in section 4.2 is described in a DGZGP guideline (in preparation) where the search unit parameters, the determination of the focal zone, the influence of the radius of curvature as well as the dependence of the sensitivity from the depth by using groves, transverse bores or flat bottom holes are dealt with (10) The stipulations of the volumetric examination (Section 4.3) were revised to correspond to the ultrasonic examination requirements as per DIN 25435 Part 1 adapted to meet the state-of-the-art by including new ultrasonic examination techniques and precise requirements for radiography editorially revised with respect to the recording limits and adapted to the reduced wall thickness range with s > 8 mm for ultrasonic examination

(11) Section 4.4. Integral visual examination was revised to correspond to KTA 3211.4. (12) Since the closing behaviour and not the reseating pressure of safety devices is decisive for the test and it shall not be the intention of functional testing to always reduce the system pressure to reach the reseating pressure, subpara c) in section 3.6 was deleted without replacement text. (13) Section 5 Extent of testing and test intervals was completely revised to include the following main items: new text was included to say that where new findings are made from the monitoring of causes and consequences of operational damage mechanisms as well as from the observation of the state of knowledge of the plant condition, the stipulations of sections 5.2 and 5.3 regarding examination procedures, areas and intervals shall be reevaluated. all tables were adapted to the current examination practice in which case the examination procedures and techniques were revised to the current state of technology and in many cases the selective visual inspection of claddings was included the examinations on the reactor pressure vessel were adopted to the current examination practice with regard to ligament areas on account of operating experience gained the text interval for the bolted joint on RPV (Table 5-1) was changed such that, alternatively to the current rule, the examination may be performed as one single examination (100 %) at an interval of 8 years. In addition, a visual examination of bolts, nuts and washers was laid down to correspond to the current examination practice after each unbolting of the bolted joint. the nozzles of the control rod drives and in-core instrumentation as well as the control rod drive housings pipes, which up to now had been considered by a footnote to Table 5-1, now are included in a separate Table 5-2 due to damage occurred in foreign nuclear power plants. This test was included as precautionary measure although German plants cannot be compared to those plants where damage occurred on the above mentioned components. For the next revision, the necessity of including Table 5-2 further will be checked on the basis of experience gained until the next revision. footnote 2 in Table 5-3 was deleted. However, it is assumed that the application of this footnote may become necessary which then shall be agreed for each individual case. in Table 5-6, footnote 3 was revised to the current state of examination practice and footnote 5 was supplemented since in the case of visual examination of pipe claddings it shall be fixed in each individual case whether an integral or selective visual examination has to be performed. Here it is agreed that the performance of visual examinations must be performed by means of specific devices (underwater inspection instruments).

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the extent of in-service inspection on austenitic pipework (Table 5-7) was enlarged to take into account the current state of knowledge on hot reactor-water containing piping systems of German BWR plants. The systematic evaluation of these crack formations clearly shows the influences of the specific conditions (e.g. O2-content) prevailing in BWR plants. In-service and special inspections in BWR plants confirmed this; no operational defects were detected during the extensive non-destructive examinations. In correspondence with KTA 3201.1 (6/98) and KTA 3201.3 (6/98) hot piping systems are those with an operating temperature 200 C. It was considered reasonable in this connection to fix the limits for nominal diameters anew and to include the examination of the internal surfaces in the case of pipework with < DN 200 which up to now only had to be subjected to liquid penetrant and visual examinations of the external surfaces, and to have austenitic pipework DN 50 covered by the extent of testing. The extent of testing shown in Table 5-7 was fixed on the basis of the current state of knowledge and corresponds to twice the extent of testing provided for external systems in KTA 3211.4. It is planned during the next review of this safety standard, to check whether changes are necessary with respect to the increased extent of testing for BWR plants. the limitation of nominal diameters for valve bodies (clause was reduced to DN 150, thus corresponding to the limitations of Table 5-7. The exception of valves having smaller nominal diameters is not considered necessary since they are subject to only little loadings (oversizing) the test intervals for main coolant pump casings have been concretized. For valve bodies a further concretization was not necessary due to the higher number of valves and the related large number of tests and examinations as well as in due consideration of the operational monitoring. When fixing the extent of testing and test intervals for main coolant pump casings it was considered that a selective visual examination of the main coolant pump may e.g. be performed by means of underwater inspection equipment to take the specific design of KSB Pumps into account. the stipulations for the functional testing of safety valves in clause 5.2.4 were specified in consideration of the examination practice usual for the various valve designs features section 5.3 (Test intervals) was adapted to the current state of knowledge in due consideration of the operating experience gained, the international practice, the current technical rules and standards (especially Pressure Vessel Ordinance as reworded on 21st April 1989) and the position of the reactor safety commission on in-service non-destructive examinations and operational monitoring (Annex 1 to the records of the 321st meeting). In addition, stipulations were added with respect to the procedure in the case of deviating test intervals. Here, by agreement

with the authorized inspector, the procedure shall be fixed in the case of unplanned deviations from the test interval and a differentiated optimization of in-service inspections be made possible. (14) Section 8 Evaluation of Test Results was revised to correspond to KTA 3211.4. In clause 8.1.1, subpara 8, the stress analysis was added as additional safety analysis procedure since the assumption of crack growth is not reasonable in each case. In the same subpara the requirement was fixed again to perform control checks on similar components in the case of systematic defects. The requirement of clause 8.1.2 (2) a), third dash, to treat not yet documented indications which exceed the recording limit like findings has been laid down to prevent the growth of new defects, if any, in due time. This is only required if such indications give rise to the suspicion that important defects may be the cause of indication. (15) Section 9 Operational monitoring was revised and supplemented with the following main items the requirements for monitoring the mechanical and thermal loadings and for monitoring changes in material properties were extended stipulations were included regarding the procedure to follow if a cumulative usage factor D > 1 is attained. The next time of inspection depends on the intervals laid down in this safety standard. Where the calculation proves that the predicted cumulative usage factor is exceeded, a safe statement on the detection of new crack formation can only be made in consideration of the difference between number of load cycles for crack initiation and the number of load cycles to failure of NA > (0.2 to 0.8) NB, if the loadings during the operating period until the next date of inspection do not lead to an increase of the predicted usage factor by more than D = 0.1. Further explanations can be found in Annex 1 to ADMerkblatt S2 (3/90). Here, specific reference shall be made to the literature mentioned in the Annex which was used to establish the load cycle curves for crack initiation. A further criteria for the determination of the next date of inspection is the fracture mechanic analysis especially on the crack propagation behaviour in the case of a postulated incipient crack to ensure that until the next date of inspection no critical flaw size will develop from an undetected incipient crack. (16) Sections 10 and 11 which up to now only contained requirements for in-service non-destructive examinations, were supplemented to include operational monitoring requirements.

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