Meeting Notes FINAL Web 12 FEB 2009

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Stonegate HOA Board Meeting

February 12th, 2009

6:30 PM
Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening
a. 6:40pm – Roll Call
i. Present: Brent Orton, Jim Porter, Jennifer Scott, Amanda Gigray, Karla Baker
ii. Apologies: Alicia Brown
2. Neighborhood Forum
a. No non-board/officer homeowners present.
3. Minutes
a. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to accept the January meeting minutes as amended. Second: Ms.
Gigray. Vote: Unanimously approved.
4. Financial Report
a. Ms. Gigray reported that she had been sick and was unable to prepare proper comments.
b. She reported that MGM collected their pro-rated fee for March 2008.
c. The ICB account as of the opening balance in January was $13,099.42.
d. Checks were purchased for this account.
e. Ms. Gigray noted that the ICB statements were easy to read.
f. Mr. Porter commented that the Board packet statement was not for the entire month, but a
seemingly arbitrary date. He will ask MGM to provide statements for the entire month.
g. Mr. Porter requested that when Ms. Gigray takes over monthly reports that she prepare a report
for each month.
h. There was a discussion of what action was taken on the duplicate refunds by MGM.
i. Letters were sent out indicating the error was MGM’s, but the letter was signed “Board
of Directors.”
i. It was noted that Manchester Subdivision terminated their contract with MGM.
j. Ms. Gigray reported that she had looked at accounting software at Costco and found a “home and
small business” software that cost $64. This may/may not be adequate for the Board’s needs.
k. There was a discussion of purchasing a printer for the Board. Ms. Baker mentioned that she had
an old printer that the Board could have. She will make sure the printer works and report back to
the Board.
l. Ms. Gigray priced ink cartridges.
m. Mr. Porter asked Ms. Gigray to keep an eye out for a printer.
n. The Board authorized Ms. Gigray to purchase envelopes, paper and labels up to $100.
5. Business
a. Mr. Orton reported that Idaho Power would not provide any information on the HOA’s account to
anyone other than MGM. He will call MGM to get further information.
b. Mr. Porter will do the HOA’s 2008 taxes.
c. Ms. Gigray informed MGM of the Boards decision to leave the 2009 assessments in the MGM
account and to use MGM’s services for paying regular monthly bills, and that all other bills
should be presented to the Board for payment.
d. Mr. Orton shared an excel worksheet that calculated the interest for delinquent accounts, as well
as suggested payments for a payment plan.
e. There are 21 past due customers, and Ms. Gigray will prepare a letter to these homeowners to be
mailed by the 16th of February. The letter will indicated the amount of interest they will owe, and
a statement that if the Board has sent the letter in error, to please contact the Board immediately.
These letters will not go out to anyone just owing the first half of the 2009 assessments ($60).
f. Ms. Gigray requested an Assistant Treasurer. She will email Ms. Orton to ask formally if she is
interested in being an Assistant Treasurer.

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g. Mr. Orton reported that the repairs to the retention pond are more complicated than originally
believed. He will meet with the City of Caldwell about performing a percolation test. This test
cannot be preformed in the winter. Mr. Porter will write a letter to update homeowners adjacent
to the pond.
h. Mr. Orton reported that the City of Caldwell fixed the irrigation manhole that was leaking.
i. Discussion of the Annual Meeting.
i. Agenda
1. Explanation of the change in annual meeting.
2. MGM contract renewal, or use of other management services.
a. Ms. Gigray will create a cost/benefit summary of MGM’s services.
b. Secretary’s note: The Board made a motion on Sept 17, 2009.
3. Approval of 2009 Budget.
a. The Board needs to obtain the irrigation bill to update the budget.
4. Delinquency policy and automatic withdrawal options.
5. Changing the month of the annual meeting.
6. Board to begin conducting walk-throughs.
a. Suggestions for fees for CCNR violations.
7. Updates
a. Storm drain pond
b. Irrigation manhole
c. Landscaping
d. Sprinkler timing
e. Street Light
8. Events
a. Neighborhood Watch.
b. National Night Out.
c. Neighborhood Workday – suggested May 16th (Saturday).
d. Park Committee.
6. Close
a. The next scheduled meeting will be the Annual Homeowner’s Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on February
26th, 2009 at the Caldwell Public Library.
b. 8:00 P.M. – Motion: Ms. Gigray motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote:
Unanimously approved.

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