Nr410202 Power Semiconductor Devices Set1

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Code No: NR410202 NR

IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007

(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is the purpose of a free wheeling diode in converters when fed to DC
(b) A 1 φ, half controlled converter is fed from a 120V rms, 60 HZ supply and
provides a variable dc voltage at the terminals of a dc motor. The thyristor
is triggered continuously by a dc signal. The resistance of armature circuit is
10 Ω and because of fixed motor excitation and high inertia, the motor speed
is considered constant so that the back emf is 60V. Find the average value of
the armature current neglecting armature inductance. [8+8]

2. Describe the relative merits and demerits of the following types of braking for dc
motors: mechanical braking, dynamic braking and regenerative braking with neat
diagram. [16]

3. A class-A chopper, operating in time-ratio control, is supplying the armature of

the separately excited dc motor. Show that the motor speed-torque relationship is
ωm = δ.V
−K Ra
2 Ta , Where V - chopper input voltage, Ra - Armature resistance,

Ta - motor torque, K- torque constant. [16]

4. (a) Explain why stator voltage control is suitable for speed control of Induction
motors in fan and pump drives. Draw a neat circuit diagram for speed control
of scheme of 3 phase Induction motor using AC Voltage Controller.
(b) A 440V, 3 phase, 50 Hz 6 pole 945 RPM delta connected Induction Motor has
the following parameter referred to the stator.
RS = 2.0Ω, Rr = 2.0Ω, XS = 3Ω, Xr = 4Ω.
When driving a fan load at rated voltage it runs at rated speed. The mo-
tor speed is controlled by stator voltage control. Determine motor terminal
voltage, current and torque at 800 RPM. [8+8]

5. A three phase star connected 50 Hz, 4-pole induction motor has the following ap-
proximate per-phase equivalent circuit parameters referred to stator side: Rs=Rr’=0.024
Ω, Xs=Xr’=0.12 Ω. The motor is controlled by the variable frequency control with
constant (V/f) ratio. For an operating frequency of 12 Hz, calculate

(a) The breakdown torque as a ratio of its value at the rated frequency for the
motoring operation,
(b) The starting torque and rotor current in terms of their values at the rated
frequency. [16]

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Code No: NR410202 NR
6. A 440V, 50Hz, 50kW, 3-phase slip ring induction motor has the following equivalent
circuit parameters R1 = 0.07Ω, R2 ’ = 0.05Ω, X1 + X2 ’ = 0.2Ω, X0 = 20Ω. The
speed of the motor at rated load is 1420rpm. Determine the resistance in the
chopper circuit so that the speed can be controlled in the range 1420 - 1000rpm at
constant torque. Determine the time ratio for

(a) 1100rpm,
(b) 750rpm and
(c) 500rpm. [16]

7. Discuss the CSI method of speed control of synchronous motor and describe the
operation of the converter with waveforms. [16]

8. Describe self-controlled and load-commutated inverter controlled synchronous mo-

tor drives in detail and compare them [16]


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