Power Semiconductor Drives3

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Code No: M0221/R07 Set No. 1

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2012
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. With neat sketch and necessary waveforms explain how continuous current opera-
tion is obtained with single phase full controlled converter fed to D.C series drive.
Also derive output current and voltage expressions. [16]

2. Derive the speed and torque expressions for a three phase fully controlled converter
connected to a dc series motor. [16]

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3. (a) Discuss in detail with suitable circuit diagrams and waveforms, the speed
control operations of a separately excited d.c.motor using a circulating current

dual converter.
(b) A 230 Volts, 870 rpm, 100 A separately excited d.c.motor has an armature re-

sistance of 0.05 ohm. It is coupled to an over hauling load with a torque of 400

N-m. Determine the speed at which motor can hold the load by regenerative
braking. [8+8]

t R
4. A 220V, 70A D.C series motor has combined resistance of armature and field is 0.12

ohms running on no-load with the field winding connected to a separate source. It

gave following magnetization characteristics at 600 rpm

FieldCurrent(A) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
TerminalVoltage (V) 64 118 150 170 184 194 202 210

Motor is controlled in regenerative braking by a chopper with a source voltage of

(a) Calcul;ate motor speed for a duty ratio of 0.5 and motor breaking torque equal
to rated motor torque.
(b) Calculate maximum allowable motor speed for a maximum permissible current
of 70A and maximum permissible duty ratio of 0.95.
(c) What resistance must be inserted in armature circuit for the drive to run at
1000 rpm without exceeding armature current beyond 70 A? the duty ratio of
the chopper has a range from 0.05 to 0.95.
(d) To What extent the number of turns in field winding should be reduced to
run at 1000 rpm without exceeding armature current beyond 70 A? [16]

5. A 3φ, 4 pole, 50Hz SCIM has the following circuit parameters r1 =0.05Ω r2 = 0.09Ω,
x1 + x2 = 0.55Ω The motor is star connected and rated voltage is 400v. It drives a
load whose troque is proportional to the speed and is given as T1 = 0.05w NW-M.
Determine the speed and torque of the motor for a tiring angle of 450 of the AC
voltage controller on a 400v, 50Hz supply. [16]

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Code No: M0221/R07 Set No. 1

6. Discuss in detail how the variable frequency control of an Induction motor can be
achieved using Current source Inverter. Mention the advantages and limitations of
the above method. [16]

7. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the operation of rotor- resistance control
using chopper. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of the above method of
control. [16]

8. In variable frequency control of asynchronous motor why (V/f) ratio is maintained

constant up to base speed and V constant above base speed. Draw the relevant
characteristics. [16]


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Code No: M0221/R07 Set No. 2

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2012
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Draw and explain the power circuit diagram of semi-converter feeding a separately
excited D.C motor. Explain with typical voltage and current waveforms, the oper-
ation in continuous armature current Mode. [16]

2. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the operation of three phase, half wave con-
verter drives. [16]

e r
3. With a neat diagram, explain the operation of a dc drive in all four quadrants when
fed by a single phase dual converter with necessary waveforms and characteristics.


4. (a) Discuss with the suitable diagrams I quadrant and II quadrant choppers.

(b) A constant frequency TRC system is used for the speed control of dc series
traction motor from 220v dc supply. The motor is having armature and series

field resistance of 0.025Ω and 0.015Ω respectively. The average current in the

circuit is 125A and the chopper frequency is 200Hz. Calculate the pulse width

if the average value of back emf is 60 volts. [8+8]

i r
5. An inverter supplies a six pole three-phase cage Induction motor rated at 415V,
50Hz. Determine the approximate voltages required of the inverter for motor speeds

600/800/1500/ 1800 rpm.

6. A 440V,50Hz,4 pole 1420 rpm delta connected Induction motor has the following
Rs = 0.35 Ohm, Rr ’ = 0.4 Ohm, Xs = 0.7 Ohm, Xr’=0.8 Ohm. The motor is fed

from a Voltage Source Inverter. The drive is operated at a constant (V/f) control
upto 50 Hz and at rated voltage above 50 Hz.
Calculate the breakdown torques for a frequency of 75 Hz both for motoring and
braking operations. [16]

7. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the operation of rotor- resistance control
using chopper. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of the above method of
control. [16]

8. Explain the principle of operation of separately controlled synchronous motor fed

from VSI source. [16]


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Code No: M0221/R07 Set No. 3

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2012
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Derive the Speed, Torque Equations of a fully controlled converter connected to

separately excited D.C motor with continuous current operation with necessary
waveforms. [16]

2. The speed of a 25 HP 380V 1800 rpm separately excited dc motor is controlled by a

three phase semi controlled converter and is fed from a 415V, 50 hz supply .motor

parameters are Ra=0.9Ω, La=10mh.Ka=50.Calculate the speed of the motor at a
torque of 50 Nm when the converter is fired at 450 . Neglect losses. [16]

k e
3. With a neat diagram, explain the operation of a dc drive in all four quadrants when
fed by a single phase dual converter with necessary waveforms and characteristics.

a n
4. Derive relation between Speed torque, duty ratio and armature current of a D.C
series motor using chopper control under

(a) Motoring mode

s t R
(b) Regenerative braking. [16]

5. A 3 phase, 4 pole, 50 Hz Induction motor has rotor resistance of 0.2 ohm and stand

still reactance of 0.1 ohm. At full load it operates at a slip of 4%. If the voltage
is reduced to 50 %, at what speed will the motor operates with full load torque
applied. [16]

6. Explain

(a) Why the variable frequency control is of Induction motor is more efficient than
stator voltage control.
(b) Why the variable frequency control yields high torque to current ratio during
starting. [8+8]

7. A 3 Phase,400V,50 Hz,10 KW 960 rpm, 6 pole star connected slip ring Induction
motor has the following constants referred to the stator.
Rs = 0.4 Ohm, R’r = 0. 6 Ohm, Xs = Xr ’ = 1.4 Ohm. The motor drives a fan
load at 960 rpm. The Stator to rotor turns ratio is 2.
What resistance must be connected in each phase of the rotor circuit to reduce the
speed to 800 rpm? [16]

8. (a) Why a self controlled mode is free from hunting oscillations?

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Code No: M0221/R07 Set No. 3

(b) When operating in true synchronous mode, why the frequency must be changed
in small steps? [8+8]


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Code No: M0221/R07 Set No. 4

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2012
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Draw and explain the power circuit diagram of semi-converter feeding a D.C series
motor. Explain with typical voltage and current waveforms, the operation in both
continuous armature current Mode. [16]

2. (a) Explain how four-quadrant operation is achieved by dual converters each of 3

Φ full wave configuration for d.c. separately excited motor.


e r
(b) Distinguish between circulating current and non-circulating current mode of

n k
3. Explain the modes of operation of electric drive.

4. (a) Discuss with the suitable diagrams I quadrant and II quadrant choppers.

(b) A constant frequency TRC system is used for the speed control of dc series
traction motor from 220v dc supply. The motor is having armature and series

field resistance of 0.025Ω and 0.015Ω respectively. The average current in the

circuit is 125A and the chopper frequency is 200Hz. Calculate the pulse width

if the average value of back emf is 60 volts.


F i
5. Discuss why the rotor of an Induction motor should have very large rotor resistance
when it is controlled from a three phase ac voltage controller.

6. A 3 Phase,1500 rpm Induction motor is developing torque of 3000 Syn. watts at


an input frequency of 50Hz. If the motor torque is now reduced to 1500 Syn.watts,
determine the new value of stator frequency. The motor is operating in constant
HP region. Assume constant rotor frequency and neglect effect of rotor resistance.

7. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the operation of rotor- resistance control
using chopper. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of the above method of
control. [16]

8. Explain the principle of operation of self control of synchronous motor fed from
VSI source. [16]


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