PC Study Bible Software - What Can You Get For Free?

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PC Study Bible Software - What Can You Get for Free?

PC study Bible software is now available for free on the Internet in many forms for the layman and the
novice. Over the last two decades, or perhaps a little more, the availability of the Holy Bible, the Word
of God for Christians, has made a couple of quantum leaps not seen since the advent of the printing
press. The first was through the invention of the computer and computer software, and the second is
through the ubiquity of the Internet. The Bible has literally become an "open book" to the masses, not
simply because the text is now available to all in many different translations, but because there is also a
myriad of tools and resources available to simplify the understanding of the Bible's content in both past
and present contexts. In addition, what used to be expensive collections of commentary in hard-copy
form available only to clergy, teachers, and theology students, is now available and accessible to all for
free on the Internet.

The free software falls into two broad categories, that which is downloadable standalone software, and
that which is only accessed interactively online. In some instances in the latter case, one may be able
personalize his connection to the software in order to preserve configurations and notes. Of the
standalone software, some products are complete in themselves and are fine for beginning Bible
students, even though they are not as extensive in scope as commercial Bible study software. Other
products are in fact limited editions of the larger commercial versions. Nevertheless, there is a lot
available without cost to those who wish to know more about the content of the Bible.

Here are several notable PC study Bible products. All of them have the capability of searching for
Bible text by keywords and by book, chapter and verse reference. All have cross references to related
verses. Other notable features are listed for each product. The feature lists are not intended to be


BibleGateway.com (http://www.biblegateway.com)
Versions: 20 English, 3 Greek, 1 Hebrew, 1 Latin, 40 other languages
Several audio versions
Topical index
Two commentaries
Reading plans
Mobile interface
Three Bible dictionaries

BibleStudyTools.com (http://www.biblestudytools.com)
Versions: 25 English, 1 Latin
Read the Bible in a year, with audio
Display 2 parallel versions
Sermon Helps

TheUnboundBible (http://www.unboundbible.org)
Versions: 11 English, 7 original Greek, 4 Septuagint Greek, 7 original Hebrew, 2 Latin, 54 other
Display 4 parallel versions
Bible reading plans
Topical indexes
One commentary

eBible (http://www.ebible.com/)
Versions: 5 English
Create personalized configurations
Bible Handbooks
Topical indexes


Bible Explorer (http://www.bible-explorer.com/) - PC, Mac

Versions: 7 English, 4 original Greek, 1 Latin, 1 Spanish
Display parallel versions
The free basic version includes a few of the following, with a large collection of additional
material available for free download:
Historical reference books
Topical indexes

An even greater selection of integrated tools and references are available for purchase from
WORDsearch (http://www.wordsearchbible.com).

eSword (http://www.e-sword.net/) - PC
Version: King James
Modular window with text, Strong's concordance, and editor space for personal notes
Additional versions, when installed, are tabbed
Advanced print capabilities

Large selection of add-on versions and resources available for purchase.

The NET (New English Translation) Bible (http://bible.org/downloads) - PC, Mac

NET text may be downloaded free, sample notes included
Premium versions with notes available for $19.95 download

The Online Bible (http://www.onlinebible.net/downloads.html) - PC, PDA

The Online Bible Edition 3.00
The Pocket PC Online Bible Program
Version: King James
Easton's Dictionary
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Greek and Hebrew Lexicons
Morning and Evening Devotional
Discussion forum

Add-on modules in the public domain are free.

43 versions, including English, original languages, and foreign languages

Addional modules available for cost of royalty fee only.

CD includes 7 English versions
10 English versions may be purchased for download

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