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Alaba Adeyemi Adediwura

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Teachers Perception of School-Based Assessment in Nigerian Secondary Schools

Alaba Adeyemi Adediwura
Dept of Educational Foundations and Counselling Faculty of Education Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife Email [email protected]

Doi: 10.5901/mjss.2012.03.01.99
Abstract The study investigated the perceived effect of SBA on Nigerian secondary school teachers, with the specific aim of determining the preparedness of the teachers to conduct SBA as well as the perceived effect of the SBA on their teaching practices and students learning. The population for the study consist of secondary school teachers in the six South-Western State of Nigeria. From each of the six states, six secondary schools were purposively selected based on owner ship of the schools. A total number of 36 secondary schools were involved in the study. From each of the schools 15 teachers were randomly selected to take part in the study. Thus the study sample size was 540 teachers. An adapted questionnaire was used to collect the study data. The adapted questionnaire was named Nigerian Teachers Perception of School-Based Assessment Questionnaire. This questionnaire was divided into four sections of A, B, C and D. Sections B, C, and D of the instrument respectively have a test-retest reliability of (r = 0.72, 0.77 & 0.73 = < .05) over a period of two weeks and Cronbach coefficient alpha (0.79, 0.70 and 0.71). The result indicated that more than half of the sampled teachers were not adequately prepare to conduct SBA. However, teachers from Federal Government Colleges were better prepared. It was also discovered that more than fifty percent of the teachers have a negative perception of the effect of SBA on their teaching practices and on students learning. The study therefore suggests effective monitoring of educational policy implementation and timely in-service training for all teachers irrespective of school owner. Keywords: Teachers perception, School-Based Assessment, Teaching Practice, Students Learning

1. Introduction Studies in the field of general education have established the influence of testing on the process of teaching and learning (Chapman & Snyder, 2000; Wall, 2000; Wall & Alderson, 1993). Test results across the world are used as an indicator of the performance of teachers, schools, and the accountability of the education system. In many education systems around the world, assessment being used for summative, accountability, and evaluation purposes plays an important and indispensable part to cater for the diverse and often competing demands of the various stakeholders and users of assessment information, for example, selecting the best students for the next level of education, monitoring school performance, or allocating limited resources (Pongi, 2004). As a result of the great value placed on testing, some believe that testing provides incentives to students and their teachers to improve test performance. The society accessibility to test results also pushes schools to provide any support necessary for the same purpose. These efforts therefore, are believed to help raise the level of achievements. However, it has also been argued that testing only motivates teachers and students to work towards performance goals rather than learning goals. According to Linn, (2000) the increase in scores, especially in high-stakes testing context, most likely indicates teachers and students familiarity with test requirements and formats rather than the real improvement in learning. Linn also assert that the ability of standardized testing to measure the whole range of knowledge and skills that students are supposed to acquire is questionable. There has been abundant research in the literature examining the consequences when test results are used to inform these high-stakes decisions. For instance, high-stakes tests can induce test anxiety, lack of motivation for meaningful learning, and low self-esteem and self-efficacy, especially for low-achieving



students (Assessment Reform Group, 2002; Harlen, 2005). Teachers, in order to drive up test scores, tend to teach to the test, focusing on what is to be tested and developing test taking strategies, but ignoring those skills not covered in the test (Andrews, Fullilove, Wong, 2002; Shohamy, 1996; Smith, 1991). High-stakes tests, as Harlen (2005) points out, designed to achieve maximum objectivity for all students, may exclude skills that cannot be easily tested in the exam situation, for example, problem solving and critical thinking. This results in what is referred to as narrowing of the curriculum (Alderson & Wall, 1993; Shohamy, 1992). As a result of the negative consequences of current testing practices researchers have revisited the purpose and value of assessment in the teaching and learning processes. It was noticed that testing mainly serves the purpose of summarizing students achievement by giving grades and reporting marks to students at the end of teaching and learning (Assessment Reform Group, 2002). In most cases, standardized tests are externally set, and therefore may lack strong linkage with instruction. Hamayan, (1995) also put it forward that, test information is often used to compare an individual to a larger student population. Due to these issues, it is pointed out that attention should refocus on assessment as an effective tool to promote learning and as an integral part of teaching and learning (Assessment Reform Group, 2002). With this shift in the priorities and commitment of assessment practice, a distinction is made between assessment of learning and assessment for learning. Assessment for learning refers to assessment activities that are embedded in normal teaching and learning processes with the purpose of providing feedback for both teachers and students to plan the next step of teaching and learning (Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall, & William, 2003). Assessment of learning, on the other hand, refers to formal tests carried out after a certain learning period or at the end of a course, the results of which are used mainly for comparison, selection, or accountability purposes (Black, et al., 2003). This distinction (between assessment for learning and assessment of learning) represents a paradigm shift in assessment, from psychometrics to a broader model of educational assessment, from a testing and examination culture to an assessment culture (Gipps, 1994). Based on the facts that every individual student is unique and possesses personal ability to learn, make progress and excel in their academic career, the school system should therefore develop the multiple intelligences and potentials of each student. The new Nigeria National Policy on Education therefore recommends a change in assessment practices and schools should put more emphasis on Assessment for Learning as an integral part of the learning, teaching and assessment cycle. It was against this background that a school-based assessment (SBA) component was added to the Basic School Certificate Examination (BSCE) and the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE). The SBA initiatives impose great challenge to the perceptions of teachers and students. For example, in a certificate-dominated culture such as Nigeria, teachers mainly serve as providers of knowledge, and students as the recipients. However, in the new SBA component, teachers are supposed to take up the roles of both teacher and assessor, assessing their own students work and providing constructive feedback for students to improve learning. SBA also claims to hand over much ownership and autonomy of the learning process back to students by promoting students skills in self/peer assessment. It is important, therefore, to explore how teachers and students adjust themselves to the shift of their roles, how they collaborate with one another to cope with the changes, and the extent to which SBA appears to influence their perceptions, and subsequently their behaviours. According to Yusuf (1994), school-based assessment provides a cumulative teacher judgment about the performance of individual students work, based on a systematic collection of grades or marks. If used appropriately, school based assessment can serve as a monitoring device by feeding back the information collected to teachers to adjust their teaching and to students to improve their learning. In Ahmed and Williams (1994) definition, school-based assessment contains the following features: a wide range of assessment tasks and skills assessed, flexibility in assessment form (written or oral), and the use of open ended questions. From these descriptions, it can be seen that views about school-based assessment are different, probably due to the different purposes that school-based assessment is used for in different educational settings. In school-based assessment (SBA), assessment for both formative and summative



purposes is integrated into the teaching and learning process, with teachers involved at all stages of the assessment cycle, from planning the assessment program, to identifying and/or developing appropriate assessment tasks right through to making the final judgments. As assessments are conducted by the students own teacher in their own classroom, students are meant to play an active role in the assessment process, particularly through the use of self and/or peer assessment used in conjunction with formative teacher feedback (Davison, 2007, p.38). The system is criterion referenced and progressive, with teachers making a judgment on the quality of students learning against a specified performance standard through collecting evidence of students learning over a period of time and collating the evidence in a student portfolio (Maxwell, 2004). Crook (2002), opined that from early childhood education to tertiary education, the responsibility of assessing individual students largely lies in the hands of their classroom teachers, except for the involvement of national examinations at the end of secondary education and some examinations for qualification purposes in polytechnics. According to Crooks (2000), the stakes associated with these standardized tests are usually low. The main purposes of SBA are to enhance students learning, provide feedback to parents and students, award senior secondary school qualifications, monitor overall nationwide educational standards, and identify learning needs to effectively allocate resources (Crooks, 2002). Among these various purposes, improving students achievement is the first priority. There are major differences between the SBA practices in primary schools and those in secondary schools, in the form of the feedback provided to students and the use of marks. In primary schools, teachers keep record of their observation and judgment of some of their students work and provide feedback to students while the work is in progress. Usually, especially in the earlier years of primary schooling, no end-of-term or end-of-year grades or marks are given. By contrast, much of the feedback students receive in secondary schools comes along with formal marks or grades. A final mark or grade is given based on the accumulated and aggregated marks in a number of significant pieces of work (Crooks, 2002). Research studies have gathered evidence showing benefits of assessment for learning or formative assessment to students learning. With the shift in teachers role to that of a facilitator in formative assessment, students change from passive recipients of information and knowledge to active participants in the classroom (Black et al, 2003). Students tend to take more responsibility for their learning and become more independent learners (Black, et al., 2003; Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2005). When students are offered some element of choice in terms of task type and the techniques used to tackle problems or express ideas, they are more motivated to find out solutions to problems themselves and thus develop knowledge and skills (Bullock, Bishop, Martin, & Reid, 2002). In other words, students enjoy the sense of ownership of their own work and the freedom they have in the assessment process. Black et al (2003) argues that once students become independent learners, they will develop skills in meta-cognition, which can bring about surprising consequences in terms of learning outcomes. The researchers noted in their study that formative assessment process encouraged students to think more, to develop skills in assessing themselves or their peers, and to learn to be collaborative learners. A large-scale study (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2005) conducted across eight countries reports similarly positive findings in relation to students skills development and knowledge building. With the use of formative assessment, students come up with better work product, learn to see the linkage between classroom learning and their real-life situations, and draw connection between new concepts and the knowledge they previously acquired. The effects of assessment for learning have also been found to lead to achievement gains in externally mandated examinations (Assessment Reform Group, 1999). Formative assessment or school-based assessment can also influence student affects, for example, motivation, self-esteem, and confidence (Black & Wiliam, 1998). Cowie (2005a, 2005b) found in his studies that students trust and respect were important in assessment for learning. Along with a sense of comfort or safety based on trust, the students identified respect as important to their active involvement in assessment interactions with teachers and peers. (2005b, p. 210).



Teachers willingness to re-explain ideas and giving feedback in the form of suggestions were appreciated by the students. In terms of student attitudes, Iredale (1990) found that, in comparison of summative assessment and formative assessment, a large majority of the students welcomed the latter, as they believed that their actual ability may not be well reflected in a single exam, and that formative assessment practice was fairer, especially to students with test anxiety. Other reasons for the popularity of formative assessment among the majority of students were that formative assessment provided feedback to their work, showed them the direction of work in relation to learning goals, and gave them a sense of achievement. Some studies have explored the possibility of using summative tests for formative purposes and the potential effects on learning. In the assessment for learning project conducted in the UK (Black, et al., 2003), because of the reality that it was not possible to stay clear of summative assessment, formative approaches were incorporated into the use of summative tests. These approaches were reported as effective. For example, the students were asked to use past exam papers to identify areas of knowledge that they felt secure of or their areas of weakness. The students were also involved in generating and answering their own questions. They claimed that this helped them to understand the exam process and to devote efforts to improvement. With the incorporation of formative strategies in summative test use, some students reported that the pressure to succeed in tests was removed by the need to understand what was to be covered in the tests. In their assessment for learning project, Black and his colleagues (2003) also noticed positive changes in teaching practices brought about by formative assessment. For instance, teachers increase the wait time of questioning to elicit from students longer replies to questions, and involve students in listening to and commenting on their peers answers. Through these, teachers are able to gather rich information about the current understanding of their students and evidence to plan the next steps in teaching and learning, rather than simply follow a pre-set scheme of work. This formative approach to questioning shifts teachers previous focus on accepting an answer to a focus on what students say. Alongside this shift of attention, teachers also move away from routine factual questions. They spend more time preparing quality questions often derived from incorrect answers in students class work or homework. The foci of the questions are on challenging common misconceptions, creating opportunity for discussion, and clarifying ambiguity. (Koretz, Stecher, Klein, & McCaffery, 1994) found in the Vermont portfolio program that when assessment practices aimed at providing high quality data about students achievement and inducing improvements in learning, teachers spent more time in problem solving and communication, and provided more chances for students to get involved in pair and group work. Formative assessment has also been found to increase teachers awareness in scaffolding students to achieve the learning goals, identifying students learning needs, adapting their instruction accordingly, and exploring teaching approaches that work effectively (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2005). Changes in teachers perceptions of teaching and of the role they play have also been reported as a result of formative assessment. As noted in Black et al.s (2003) project, teachers start to see teaching as facilitating students learning, rather than simply as completing the curriculum. They treat the curriculum as a set of goals for students to achieve, through which they are able to see the gap between the goals and students current state of learning. Teachers perceptions of students as having a fixed level of ability also change. They begin to see that their students are able to improve with appropriate help and support, and thus try to minimize competition among students, which they realize is demoralizing, especially to students who find it difficult to achieve some learning goals. Another benefit of formative assessment or teacher assessment to teachers is related to professional development. Hall et al. (1997) conducted a study to investigate teacher assessment (TA) at the level of classroom practice. The teachers participating in the study claimed that the need to assess the students pushed them to plan their teaching in greater depth for the short, medium and longer term. They became aware of the importance of keeping a regular and close eye on students work, which gave them a better insight into students ability and made them more focused on teaching. Similar to Hall et al. (1997), Valencia



and Au (1997) claim that by close examination of students work, teachers become clear about the meaning of learning outcomes and learn to interpret students performance based on multiple evidence. Despite the increasing evidence for the positive impact of assessment for learning or school-based assessment, it cannot be expected that the change process is easy to manage or predict, given the complex teaching context and multiple dimensions of teacher factors (Black, 2005; Sato, Coffey, & Moorthy, 2005). Any exploration of the possibility of implementing assessment for learning or school based assessment needs to look at a micro level, into the nature of this change, and at a macro level, into the contexts and condition in which it is being developed (Black, 2005, p. 133). Previous research has identified a number of factors which may influence the implementation of assessment for learning or SBA. The study therefore is aimed at determining the perceived effect of SBA on Nigerian teacher. Specifically the study is aimed at determining: 1. The preparedness of Nigerian secondary school teachers to conduct SBA 2. The relationship between teachers preparedness to conduct SBA and Teachers school. 3. Teachers perception of the effect of SBA on their teaching practices 4. The difference in teachers perception of the effect of SBA on their teaching practices based School. 5. The relationship between the perceived effect of SBA on students learning and school. 2. Research Questions 1. 2. How well prepared are Nigerian secondary school teachers to conduct SBA? What are the perceived effects of SBA on Nigerian secondary school teachers teaching practices?

3. Research Hypotheses 1. 2. 3. The relationship between teachers preparedness to conduct SBA and teachers school is significantly greater than zero The difference in teachers perception of the effect of SBA on their teaching practices based on School is not significant School has no influence on teachers perception of the effect of SBA on students learning

4. Method 4.1 Population and Sample The population for the study consist of secondary school teachers in the six South-Western State of Nigeria. From each of the six states, six secondary schools were selected based on owner ship of the schools. The schools were made up of; two Federal Government owned secondary schools, two state owned public secondary schools and two private owned secondary schools from each of the States. A total number of 36 secondary schools were involved in the study. From each of the schools 15 teachers were randomly selected to take part in the study. Thus the study sample size was 540 teachers. 4.2 Research Instrument A questionnaire adapted from Yu (2010) was used to collect the study data. The adapted questionnaire was named Nigerian Teachers Perception of School-Based Assessment Questionnaire. This questionnaire was divided into four sections of A, B, C and D. Section A contains items on demographic information such as, name of schools, sex and years of teaching experience. Section B contained eight items that centres on the



extent to which teachers consider themselves ready for the implementation of SBA in terms of their understanding of SBA requirements and professional knowledge in conducting SBA. Section C of the questionnaire contained ten items that focuses on teachers perceptions of the effects of SBA on their teaching practices while section D contained nine items that were aimed at determining teachers perception of the effects of SBA on students learning. The items were designed in a 4-point Likert scale, with 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = agree, and 4 = strongly agree. For section B the minimum and maximum expected score obtainable respectively is eight and thirty-two. Scores below 20 in this section is considered not adequately prepared while scores equal to or greater than 20 were considered to mean adequately prepared. The expected minimum and maximum obtainable score for section C and D are 10 and 40 respectively. A teacher with less than a score of 24 in this section is considered to have negative perception while a teacher with a score that is greater than or equal to 24 is considered to have positive perception. Sections B, C, and D of the instrument respectively has a testretest reliability of over a period of two weeks (r = 0.72, 0.77 & 0.73 = < .05) and Cronbach coefficient alpha (0.79, 0.70 and 0.71). 3 Results In providing answer to the first research question of this study that is how well prepared are Nigerian secondary school teachers to conduct SBA?, teachers responses to section B of the questionnaire were analysed using simple frequency count and percentages. Table 1 presents the result of the analysis Table 1. Teachers Preparedness to Conduct SBA in Nigerian Secondary School
Teacher's Preparedness I have a good understanding of the requirement of SBA I have a good understanding of the procedures of SBA Teacher's Preparedness Response Strongly Disagree Disagree 199(36.9%) 211(39.1%) 121(22.4%) 109(20.2%) 111(20.6%) 106(19.6%) 111(20.6%) 101(18.7%) 105(19.4%) 110(20.4%) Agree 99(18.3%) 95(17.6%) 98(18.1%) 101(18.7%) 95(17.6%) 96(17.8%) 76(14.1%) 76(14.1%) Strongly Agree 121(22.4%) 125(23.1%) 122(22.6%) 119(22.0%) 125(23.1%) 124(23.0%) 144(26.7%) 144(26.7%)

I have a good understanding of the marking 209(38.7%) criteria of SBA I have a good understanding of the moderation system of SBA I have a good understanding of the underlying assessment philosophy of SBA I have had plenty of opportunities to attend professional development courses on SBA 214(39.6%) 209(38.7%) 219(40.6%)

I have had plenty of opportunities to discuss 215(39.8%) SBA with other teachers I have had plenty of opportunities to discuss 210(38.9%) the process and scoring criteria for SBA with my students

From Table 1, it could be observed that for all the items only 40.7% of the sampled teachers responded positively, indicating that more than half of the 540 sampled teachers responded negatively to the items. For a clearer picture of Nigerian secondary school teachers preparedness to conduct SBA, individual teachers actual response to the items were scored and the overall score of each teacher was used



determine their preparedness. A teacher with a score below 20 is considered to be inadequately prepared while a teacher with a score greater than or equal to 20 is considered adequately prepared. Teachers preparedness (adequate or inadequate) was then cross tabulated with school using SPSS so as to find out the relationship between teachers school and their preparedness to conduct SBA in Nigerian Secondary Schools. Table 2 presents the result of the analysis. Table 2. Relationship between teachers school and their preparedness to conduct SBA
Schools Teachers Preparedness to Conduct SBA Adequate Federal Government Colleges State Public Schools Private School 118 (65.6%)) 71(39.4%) 31(17.2%) Inadequate 62(34.4% 109(60.6%) 149(82.8%) 82.274 2 < .05 2 df p

It is presented in Table 2, that generally more than half of the sampled teachers were not adequately prepared. While 65.6% of Federal Government College teachers were adequately prepared only 39.4% and 17.2% of state public and private school teachers respectively were adequately prepared for the conduct of SBA in the schools. The chi-square value ((2 = 82.274) implies that Nigerian secondary school teachers preparedness to conduct SBA has a significant relationship with the teachers school. Thus, the relationship between teachers preparedness to conduct SBA and teachers school is not significantly greater than zero. Hence hypothesis one is rejected. To answer researcher question 2, what are the perceived effects of SBA on Nigerian secondary school teachers teaching practices? Teachers response to section C of the questionnaire were analysed and the result is as presented on Table 3. Table 3. Teachers Perceived Effectiveness of SBA on Teaching Practice
Teachers' Teaching Practices I teach my students according to the SBA requirement Perceived Effectiveness of SBA on Teachers' Teaching Practice Strongly Disagree 209(38.7%) Disagree 111(20.6%) 101(18.7%) 111(20.6%) 114(21.1%) 109(20.2%) 119(22.0%) 115(21.3%) 110(20.4%) Agree 91(16.9%) 100(18.5%) 100(18.5%) 101(18.7%) 91(16.9%) 91(16.9%) 74(13.7%) 70(13.0%) Strongly agree 129(23.9%) 120(22.2%) 120(22.2%) 119(22.0%) 129(23.9%) 129(23.9%) 146(27.0%) 150(27.8%)

I put more emphasis on fostering the 219(40.6%) development of students' all round skills I put more emphasis on the integration 209(38.7%) of skills I put more emphasis on giving my students feedback I used feedback on my students' SBA performance to improve my teaching I involve my students more in self assessment I involve my students more in peer assessment I have provided more opportunities for my students to interact during class 206(38.1%) 211(39.1%) 201(37.2%) 205(38.0%) 210(38.9%)


ISSN20392117MediterraneanJournalofSocialSciencesVol.3(1)January2012 I am more motivated to share my teaching material/ideas with other teachers I have made more efforts to promote extensive reading habit in my students 209(38.7%) 111(20.6%) 100(18.5%) 120(22.2%)





It could be observed in Table 3 that while only 23.9% of the 540 sampled teachers strongly agreed with items; 1, 2 and 3, a total of 38.7%, 39.1 and 37.2% respectively strongly disagree with the items and in all for the three items more than 50% of the teachers negatively responded to the items. Furthermore, while 40.6% and 38.7% of the teachers respectively strongly disagreed with items 2, 3 and 4, 22.2% of the teachers strongly agree with the items. In general from the Table it could be concluded that more than half of the sampled teachers do not perceive the effectiveness of SBA on their teaching practice positively. To test hypothesis 2, The difference in teachers perception of the effect of SBA on their teaching practices based on school is not significant, teachers response to section C of the questionnaire was scored and it was sorted into positive and negative perception based on their scores (< 24 implies negative and > 24 positive). UNIANOVA analysis was then carried out on the data generated based on school and sex. Tables 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 present the results for school and sex respectively. Table 4. Descriptive Statistics of Teachers Perception of the Effects of SBA on their Teaching Practices
Teachers Perception of the Effects of SBA on their Teaching Practices Mean 31.8318 20.3699 28.2375 18.4200 29.0476 17.7319 30.0655 18.5723 23.4463 Negative Perception State Public School Private School Total Positive Perception Negative Perception Positive Perception Negative Perception Positive Perception Negative Perception Total


Std. Deviation 3.31801 3.03455 3.41346 2.72727 3.42838 2.62926 3.75454 2.94143 6.57728

N 107 73 80 100 42 138 229 311 540

Federal Government College Positive Perception

Table 4 presents the mean and standard deviation of teachers perception of the effects of SBA on their teaching practices as well as number of teachers from the sampled schools with positive as well as negative perception. The Table revealed that 107 of the 180 teachers from the Federal Government Colleges has positive perception of the effect of SBA on their teaching practices, while 80 and 42 from state public schools and private schools respectively has positive perception of the effects of SBA on their teaching practices. Perception means as shown in the Table reveal there are differences in the sample perception of SBA effect on teaching practices, hence, a UNIANOVA analysis using SPSS was carried out to determine the strength of the interaction between school and teachers perception that was noticed in the Table.



Table 5. UNIANOVA Showing the Interaction Effect between School and Teachers Perception of the effect of SBA on Teaching Practices.
Source Intercept School Hypothesis Error Hypothesis Error Teachers Perception Hypothesis Error School * Teachers Perception Hypothesis Error Type III Sum of Squares Df 276899.791 13869.963 836.253 70.456 13869.963 70.280 70.456 4915.818 1 1 2 2 1 2.012 2 534 Mean Square F 276899.791 13869.963a 418.127 35.228b 13869.963 34.923c 35.228 9.206d 3.827 .022 397.159 .002 11.869 .078 19.964 Sig. .140

It was revealed in Table 3 that within each school there is no significant difference with an F-value (F = 11.869 p > .05). However, within the teachers perception the result as contained in the Table indicated a significant difference with an F-value (F = 397.159, p<.05) that is the difference between positive and negative perception of the effect of SBA on teaching practice is significant. Final when teacher perception is compared based on school where the teachers perform their professional function, it was discovered that the difference in perception is significant with F-value (F = 3.827, p < .05). Thus it could be concluded that based on school the difference in teachers perception of the effect of SBA on their teaching practices is significant, therefore the null hypothesis 2 is rejected. To test the third hypothesis school has no influence on teachers perception of the effect of SBA on students learning, teachers responses to section D of the questionnaire was scored and sorted into positive and negatives perception along the schools where the teacher works. The teachers school was then crosstabulated with their perception using SPSS to determine the influence. The result is as presented on Table 6 Table 6. Chi-Square showing the influence of School on Teachers Perception of Effect of SBA on Students Learning
Schools Teachers' Perception of the Effect of SBA on Students Learning Positive Perception Federal Government Colleges State Public Schools Private School 113(62.8%) 81(45.0%) 44(24.4%)
2 Negative Perception


67(37.2%) 99(55.0%) 136(75.6%) 53.748 2 < .05

Table 3 showed the proportion of teachers from each school and there corresponding perception of the effect of SBA on students learning. Out of the 180 sampled teachers from Federal Government Colleges, a total of 113 (62.8%) teachers were of the opinion that SBA has positive effect on students learning. However only 45.0% and 24.4% of the teachers from the state public schools and private schools respectively perceive the effect of SBA on students learning positively. It thus implies that the school could have influence on teachers perception of the effect of SBA on students learning. The strength of this influence was determined bybcarrying out chi-square analysis of the data available. The chi-square value (2 = 53.748, df = 2, p < .05)



is an indication that the influence of school on teachers perception of effect of SBA on students learning is significant. 4. Discussion The introduction of SBA into Nigerian schools is intended to increase the validity and reliability of assessment and to encourage students to perform to their best. In this study it was found that some of the sampled teachers irrespective of the school where they perform their professional duties recognized the advantages of SBA. For example, it is considered that having the students own subject teachers as the assessor in SBA was beneficial as the teachers knew their students well. They also pointed out that the assessment conducted in the classroom setting in SBA created a relaxing assessment environment for the students. In addition, they felt that the multiple assessment opportunities permissible in SBA allowed the students to demonstrate their actual abilities. These findings suggest that the teachers from the sampled schools showed some understanding of the rationale for SBA. However, the result of the study also showed that less than half of the sampled teachers were really prepared for the conduct of SBA in the schools. Such preparedness include good understanding of the requirements, procedures, marking criteria, moderation system of SBA and opportunity for professional development on the conduct of SBA. Furthermore, it was revealed that greater numbers of teachers from Federal Government Colleges were predominantly more prepare to conduct SBA in their school. However, teachers attitudes towards SBA were found to vary, ranging from positive to negative. Some teachers were at the very positive end of the continuum, while some were at the opposite end, i.e. rather negative. Most of the teachers had a mixed feeling of yes-but in relation to SBA, i.e. they acknowledged the ideas behind SBA and the possible benefits that it could bring to students, but found it difficult to put the ideas into practice. It was also revealed by the results of the study that less than fifty percent of the sampled teachers were of the opinion that the effect of SBA on teachers teaching practices as well as students learning is positive. This implies that most of the sampled teachers failed to see the effectiveness of SBA on their teaching skills and students learning. However, more than half of the sampled teachers from Federal Government Colleges perceive the effectiveness of SBA on their teaching as well as on their students learning positively. Thus, to a large extent teacher perception of the effect of SBA is influenced by the school. Reason for these was not looked into in this study, however it might be that teachers in the Federal Government colleges might be more compel to implement national policies than those in the state public schools and private schools. It might also be that they have more access to in service training than others. Since the goal of every school is geared toward achieving Nigeria educational objectives as contained in the National Policy of Education, it is expected that every teacher irrespective of school where they teach practice what the national policy says. Therefore it is suggested that there should be thorough monitoring of policy implementation in all schools. Teachers irrespective of school should have access to in service training so as to equip the teachers with necessary skills that will prepare them for smooth conduct of SBA in our schools. References
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