Assessment Literacy For Teacher Candidates: A Focused Approach

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Assessment Literacy for Teacher Candidates: A Focused Approach

Christopher R. Gareis
The College of William and Mary

Leslie W. Grant
The College of William and Mary


The assessment of student learning has always been an integral element of the craft of teaching;

however, contemporary demands for demonstrable student growth and teacher accountability have

heightened the importance of this domain of professional responsibility. Additionally, there is evidence

that many novice and experienced teachers tend to be relatively weaker in this domain as compared to

other areas of professional practice, such as instructional planning, instructional delivery, and classroom

management. This article describes an approach to developing the assessment literacy of teacher

candidates in a nationally accredited, public university. A definition of assessment literacy and a

conceptual framework for the foundational knowledge and skills of assessment literacy are presented

and explained within the context of a focused, one-credit course for pre-service general education

teachers. Evidence of impact is provided, as are limitations and cautions. The article concludes with

grounded insights into the need to develop the assessment literacy of teacher candidates.

Keywords: assessment literacy, teacher candidates, teacher preparation

Assessment Literacy for Teacher Candidates: A Focused Approach

The assessment of student learning has always been part of the craft of teaching. Consider, for

example, the Socratic method: It is one of our oldest instructional models, and it can be characterized

simply as teaching through questioning. In modern parlance, the Socratic method is the use of

assessment for learning. The teacher poses a question to determine the present understanding of her

student, and then engages the student in a series of questions and answers with the intent of leading the

student to a new understanding of the topic at hand.

In the contemporary education context, assessment has taken on new roles beyond progressing

student learning. The passage of No Child Left Behind in 2001 established federal expectations for the

assessment of student learning by each of the states as an accountability measure. More recently, states

such as Virginia have enacted standards that require the demonstration of student progress as a

significant component of teachers’ evaluations (Virginia Board of Education, 2011). These movements

have placed increasing importance on the role of assessment for purposes of evaluation—that is, the

measuring of student learning in order to render judgments of the effectiveness or value of instructional


The Socratic method and current teacher evaluation standards represent two ends of what we

might consider the spectrum of assessment. At one end is the use of assessment as an instructional

strategy, and at the other end is the use of assessment as a means for holding educators accountable. In

between these sits a more classic view of assessment, which has been defined as the creation and use of

a technique or instrument to gather relevant and dependable information about the nature and degree of a

student’s acquisition of intended knowledge and skills (Gareis & Grant, 2008). Conventionally, such

assessment practices in the classroom might take the form of quizzes, unit tests, and formal assignments.

They might also take the form of standardized diagnostic assessments such as Phenomenological

Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) or teacher-made pre-assessments. Teacher-directed assessment

practices also include the use of techniques such as personal whiteboards, exit cards, thumbs-up/thumbs-

down, student conferences, and even watching facial expressions. This spectrum of classroom-based,

teacher-directed assessment practices represents the means by which a teacher gathers relevant and

dependable information about the nature and degree of student learning so that she can then draw

inferences, make decisions, communicate with others, and take instructional actions.

Taken together, the use of assessment for learning (e.g., the Socratic method), the use of external

standardized assessments (e.g., state assessments), and the use of a variety of assessments in the

classroom by teachers (e.g., thumb-up/thumbs down and unit tests) represent the domain of assessment

as a set of professional competencies. The assessment domain has been conceptualized by government

bodies and professional associations, and there is broad consensus on the competencies that constitute

the domain. A sample comparison is presented in Table 1, and it includes the Commonwealth of

Virginia’s Uniform Performance Standards, the Council of Chief State Schools Officers’ Interstate New

Teacher Support and Assessment Consortium (InTASC) standards, and the National Board for

Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS).

Table 1
Sample Standards for the Domain of Assessment as Articulated at the State and National Levels
Virginia Uniform Performance Interstate New Teacher National Board for
Standards (Virginia Board of Support and Assessment Professional Teaching
Education, 2011, p. 7) Consortium (2011, p. 9) Standards (1989)
“The teacher systematically “The teacher understands and “NBCTs know how to assess
gathers, analyzes, and uses all uses multiple methods of the progress of individual
relevant data to measure assessment to engage learners students as well as the class as
student academic progress, in their own growth, to a whole.”
guide instructional content and monitor learner progress, and “They use multiple methods
delivery methods, and provide to guide the teacher’s and for measuring student growth
timely feedback to both learner’s decision making." and understanding, and they
students and parents can clearly explain student
throughout the school year.” performance to parents.”

Although Table 1 presents a limited sample, it is evident that there is common agreement about what

constitutes the domain of assessment for classroom teachers.

The Importance of Assessment in Teaching and Learning

What is also becoming evident is that the use of assessment practices by classroom teachers can

have powerful effects in terms of student learning. This conclusion gained great attention in 1999 with

the publication of the work of the Assessment Reform Group (ARG) out of the United Kingdom. The

ARG researchers found that improving teachers’ classroom-based assessment practices could have an

impact on student learning equivalent to a year of instruction. This finding generated considerable

interest among researchers, practitioners, and policy makers, alike. The seminal publication of the ARG

marked the beginning of more than a decade of focused attention on such related topics as classroom

assessment, formative assessment, and assessment for learning.

More recently, a number of scholarly works have been published with the intent of synthesizing

the bodies of research and scholarship related to teachers’ assessment practices (e.g., Andrade & Cizek,

2010; McMillan, 2013). A review of these works makes evident a few key themes. First, there is a

strong theoretical foundation supporting the role that effective classroom assessment practices can play

in the learning and achievement of students. Second, there is a significant need for empirical research to

bolster this theoretical position. And, third, while the field of educational testing and measurement has

become more sophisticated and robust during the past half century, our understanding of the

effectiveness of specific assessment practices for pre-service and in-service teachers is still relatively


Assessment as a Relative Weakness

While classroom assessment is evidently important to teaching and learning, it is also a relative

weakness among many teachers. Research from more than 20 years ago bears this out (Stiggins &

Conklin, 1992). Despite this long awareness, the evidence that teachers continue to be ill-prepared in the

domain of assessment persists to the present day. For example, ten years ago, an empirical study of in-

service teachers in Virginia found that assessment was the least adequately documented domain of

teaching responsibility among the sample (Tucker, Stronge, & Gareis, 2003). In an anecdotal accounting

of the state of public education in the U.S. in the popular book Results Now by Mike Schmoker (2006),

the author observed that it was “apparent that student assessment was surprisingly rare and haphazard.

Students would spend days, even weeks, on activities without being assessed” (p. 86). That same year,

an empirical study of novice teachers concluded that assessment was the weakest competency among

first-year teachers (Good, McCaslin, Tsang, et al., 2006). In 2013, a review to the state of teacher

preparation for classroom assessment in the Journal of Teacher Education concluded that “despite

assessment education efforts, beginning teachers continue to feel unprepared to assess student learning”

(DeLuca & Bellara, 2013, p. 357).

In summary, there is evidence that teachers’ assessment practices in the classroom can have a

significant impact on student learning, but we have not had a clear understanding of what those

assessment practices should necessarily be nor have we done a particularly good job of preparing

teachers to engage in these practices as in-service teachers.

Current Standards for Assessment Literacy

Given the need for teachers to develop competencies related to the use of assessment in the

classroom, there have been recent calls to define and to develop teachers’ assessment literacy. Although

there is not currently a universally agreed upon definition of the term, assessment literacy can be defined

as the creation and use of the spectrum of assessment techniques and instruments as part of the teaching-

and-learning process. Another way to understand the term is by way of analogy. Literacy refers to one’s

ability read, write, and orally communicate in order to get along in the world. Similarly, assessment

literacy refers to a teacher’s ability to create and use assessment practices in order to progress student

learning in the classroom.

One of the early uses of the term assessment literacy was by Rick Stiggins in a 1991 article in

Phi Delta Kappan. More recently, the term has been used by the Council for the Accreditation of

Educator Preparation (CAEP) to describe the essential knowledge and skills in the domain of assessment

of which novice teachers must demonstrate mastery prior to completion of their professional

preparation. In a report by the firm Measured Progress commissioned by CAEP, the authors concluded

that the preparation of teachers in assessment literacy historically has been “incomplete and superficial”

(Kahl, Hofman, & Bryant, 2013, p. 3). Hence, the report recommends that teacher educators “flesh out

the domain of assessment literacy into a coherent and comprehensive set of objectives and learning

targets to provide specificity need for designing effective curricula, instructional materials, practica, and

formative and summative performance measures” (Kahl, Hofman, & Bryant, 2013, p. 3). To that end,

the authors present a conceptual framework for assessment literacy that focuses on three broad domains

of competency for teachers and educational leaders. These three domains are (1) types of measures, (2)

quality of measures, and (3) results and their uses. Additionally, the framework posits that these domains

must be relevantly and accurately applied to three levels of assessments, namely formative assessment

practices in the classroom, summative assessments in the classroom, and external standardized

assessments used by teachers and school leaders alike (Kahl, Hofman, & Bryant, 2013).

More specifically, the CAEP report on assessment literacy states, “Teachers must be able to

create/select and effectively use classroom assessments for a variety of purposes” (Kahl, Hofman, &

Bryant, 2013, p. 5). Doing so requires specific knowledge, such as an understanding of the purposes and

limits of item and assessment types (i.e., select-response, constructed-response, and performance tasks),

as well as practical conceptualizations of the principles of validity and reliability as they apply to

teacher-made assessments. According to the CAEP report, assessment literacy also demands that

teachers have mastery of certain skills, such as being able to unpack standards both for content elements

and for clarity of the target cognitive level. Assessment literacy also requires practiced skill in ensuring

the technical adequacy of classroom-based assessments in terms of construct alignment, and assessment

literacy requires that teachers be able to use data to inform instruction, including providing accurate,

relevant, and constructive feedback to students in order to progress their learning.

One Current Approach to Developing Assessment Literacy

In this section, we describe one current approach to developing assessment literacy within the

context of a state-approved, nationally accredited preparation program for elementary and secondary

teacher candidates. We make no claims that the approach is transferable to all settings, nor do we

suggest that it is necessarily the best or only way to prepare novice teachers. However, we are confident

(and we have some evidence) that the approach has both theoretical merit and actual impact on

improving teachers’ knowledge and skills in the domain of assessment literacy. We will touch on these

points as we present an overview of our approach.

Before describing the approach, it is important to provide some background and then some

context. Regarding background, the approach presented here was developed out of work that we have

undertaken with in-service teachers beginning ten years ago and continuing to the present. Specifically,

a number of our K-12 partners in the field recognized the relative weakness of their teachers in the

domain of assessment and brought us in to assist. Our work with in-service teachers began on a very

small scale, collaborating with an interdisciplinary team of three middle school teachers and their

principal (Holler, Gareis, Martin, Clouser, & Miller, 2008). It has since grown into a refined model of

professional development that we have undertaken with literally hundreds of teachers in schools, whole

school divisions, state agencies, national conferences, and even international settings.

Regarding the context of our approach to the preparation of teacher candidates, it is important to

note that a core piece of the assessment literacy competencies are currently addressed within a one-

credit course, which meets five times for a total of 12.5 contact hours. Currently in the Commonwealth

of Virginia, teacher preparation programs at the baccalaureate level are capped in terms of the number of

education credit hours that may comprise the program. Consequently, very intentional decisions about

what is taught and how it is taught must be made, and every choice to add to the program necessarily

results in a decision to subtract something else. While our program had a long-held practice of

integrating assessment competencies into instructional methods courses, we had recognized that

classroom assessment was a relative weakness in our program. Thus, we developed a course on

classroom-based assessment, but had to limit it to the one credit that we could extract from an already

full curriculum for professional preparation. As a one-credit course (and as a professional development

series for in-service teachers), our approach had to be very tightly focused on what we believe are the

core competencies (not the comprehensive competencies) of assessment literacy.

Conceptual Framework of the Approach

The conceptual framework of our approach to assessment literacy is driven by our definition of

assessment literacy:

A teacher’s knowledge, skills, and wherewithal to construct and use relevant and dependable

assessment instruments and techniques as part of the teaching process in order to progress

students’ learning.

Similar to the conceptual framework of assessment literacy posited by the CAEP report, our conceptual

framework also focuses on a limited number of high-leverage concepts and skills, which can be broadly

outlined as follows:

1. Unpacking curricular objectives for students, with particular focus on targeted cognitive


2. Creating and using a table of specifications to guide the construction of an assessment

3. Using a table of specifications to critique and improve current assessments

4. Creating and using select-response items (including “technology-enhanced items”) and

constructed-response items

5. Using a table of specifications to conceptualize a unit assessment plan, with particular focus on

the role of performance-based assessments to tap important objectives at the highest cognitive


6. Using a table of specifications to analyze student learning in order to communicate the nature

and degree of learning to others (including providing constructive feedback to students), to make

instructional decisions (in the near- and long-term), and to critique and improve teacher-made

assessments for future use.

As may be apparent from this outline of key competencies, we view the creation and use of a table of

specifications (TOS) as a critically important skill in the practical development and employment of

assessment in the classroom. Yet the introduction of TOSs to teacher candidates is not new. The use of

TOSs has been around since the advent of the first standardized assessments in the early 1900s.

However, our experience suggests that this tool has typically not been put into the hands of teachers in a

way that provides much utility. Our experience is reflected in the relative lack of emphasis that TOSs

have in the published resources typically used in the preparation of new teachers. We recently undertook

a content analysis of a convenience sample of 52 books on assessment. Of those, fewer than half (48%)

mentioned “tables of specifications” (or equivalent terms such as “test blueprint”). What’s more, of

those that did include some discussion of TOSs, the average number of pages within these books that

was devoted to such discussion was approximately one percent. Clearly, TOSs are known about, but

their practical or core value is just as clearly untapped.

What also may be apparent from our enumerated outline of key competencies of assessment

literacy above is that the use of a TOS to create an assessment is only one of four practical uses that we

believe a TOS can have. The other uses are to critique and improve an existing assessment; to create a

unit assessment plan (that is, conceptualizing complementary assessments necessary to assess all of the

objectives in a given unit, since a single assessment is not typically adequate); and to analyze student

learning. In our content analysis of assessment books, we found that 88% mentioned the first and most

common use of a TOS—creating an assessment. However, only 8% mentioned (much less described or

demonstrated) how to critique and improve an existing assessment; only 20% mentioned using a TOS to

conceptualize a unit assessment plan; and only 4% mentioned using a TOS to analyze student learning.

This last finding is particularly troubling, because assessment in and of itself is a worthless activity. It is

only the use of assessment results that can progress student learning. Since our aim is to prepare novice

teachers who are ready to meet the inherent challenges of teaching real students on the first day of their

career, we believe our focus on developing a practical but grounded skill set in the creation and use of

assessments is essential.

Two Essential Understandings of Assessment Literacy

While our approach is framed by the practical uses of a TOS, we are also very intentional about

weaving two essential understandings throughout our work with teacher candidates. We use the image

of “weaving” purposefully because our approach involves introducing these two elements and then

returning to and emphasizing them repeatedly throughout the course. These two essential understandings

are (1) operationally defining validity and reliability in very practical terms and (2) understanding the

central importance of alignment among curriculum, instruction, and assessment. We briefly explain

these here, although we recognize that our discussion is not adequate to the multifaceted elements of

each of these essential understandings.

The principles of validity and reliability are staples of any assessment course, and they are

typically introduced early in the study of assessment. What’s more, we have yet to meet a teacher

candidate who did not know these terms before beginning their teacher preparation coursework.

However, we have also noticed a strong trend among pre-service (and in-service!) teachers, which is that

most are unable to clearly differentiate between validity and reliability much less apply these core

assessment principles to the creation and use of assessments in the classroom. For this reason, we take

the perspective that validity and reliability are practical steps to which a teacher attends when designing,

using, and then analyzing the results of assessments. By way of illustration, consider the concept of

reliability, which is typically defined as the consistency of results on an assessment. When this concept

is introduced in many assessment courses, explanations about standard error, reliability coefficients, and

the like are often made. While such topics are, indeed, concepts and considerations related to reliability,

we believe they have little practical utility for a classroom teacher. Therefore, we define reliability


Reliability is the degree to which a student’s results on an assessment are not unduly influenced

by chance, systematic error, bias, or cheating.

Conceptually, our definition is the same as any conventional definition of reliability. What is different is

the directionality that it implies. Our approach is to have teachers think in practical terms about what

steps they can take in the creation, administration, grading, and use of assessments to control the

inevitable presence of random chance, systematic error, their own biases (or the biases of commercial

publishers), and student cheating. When a teacher has some confidence that these influences are

reasonably controlled, then she can have greater confidence that a given student’s results are indicative

of their actual learning, which, in a nutshell, is what we mean by reliability.

A second essential understanding woven throughout our conceptualization of assessment literacy

is the principle of alignment, namely alignment among curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

Returning to the enumerated outline of our conceptual framework, the first “step” in creating and using

assessments is to “unpack” the curricular objectives of a unit of instruction. The process of unpacking

curriculum requires considerable subject-area expertise on the part of a teacher, as one must accurately

identify the content of the intended learning as well as the targeted cognitive level of performance.

(Additionally, one must consider developmental appropriateness and also understand the position of the

particular set of objectives with the vertical and horizontal articulation of the K-12 curriculum.) Having

teacher candidates master the complex skill of unpacking curricular objectives for content and cognitive

level of demand is a key step in developing assessment literacy, but, in doing so, an essential

understanding begins to emerge. That understanding is that if the intended learning outcomes for

students (i.e., curriculum) involves a given set of content with which students are engaging at particular

cognitive levels, then an assessment of students learning should not only address that same content but

should also have students doing so at the intended cognitive levels. When we work with teacher

candidates (as well as in our work with in-service teachers), we repeatedly highlight each time their

discussions of assessment lead to discussions of curriculum, which, in our experience, inevitably lead to

considerations of instruction, too. In short, we emphasize the essential understanding that curriculum,

instruction, and assessment are simply different manifestations of the same thing. A helpful analogy is

the three states of matter: liquid, solid, and gas—the same thing, but in three different forms.

Throughout our work with teacher candidates, the “elements” of intended content and targeted cognitive

level of demand of the objectives are what must remain the same regardless of whether we are

considering what we intended students to learn (i.e., curriculum), how we’re going to help them learn it

(i.e., instruction), or how we’re going to determine the nature and degree of their learning (i.e.,


Evidence of Impact

Weaving these essential understandings throughout our work with teacher candidates in

developing their understanding and application of these four practical uses of a TOS represents the core

set of knowledge and skills that we believe comprise assessment literacy. As previously explained, this

currently occurs within our program within the structure of a one-credit course comprised of a total of

only five class meetings over a five-week period. Due to the short duration of the course, every class

meeting and assignment is designed with the intent of maximizing the leverage it provides in developing

the assessment literacy of teacher candidates. For example, teacher candidates complete a series of

scaffolded exercises, such as unpacking objectives, creating a table of specifications, critiquing an extant

assessment, and creating various item types and justifying their validity and reliability in practical terms.

Through these and other exercises, teacher candidates apply and extend their knowledge and skills of

assessment literacy. In addition, we strongly believe that as instructors it is our responsibly to model

these knowledge and skills and to share our thinking in developing assessments for the course and

providing feedback.

One way that we have monitored the impact of the course design on candidates’ development is

through self-reporting. Figure 1 presents one such sample from a cohort of undergraduate and graduate-

level initial teacher preparation candidates in our secondary education programs in the spring of 2013.

On the first and fourth days of the course, candidates were asked to rate whether they own, know, or

were unsure of each of three key concepts related to our conceptual framework of assessment literacy.

(See the operational definitions of the three levels beneath Figure 1.) As depicted in Figure 1, these self

ratings were converted to a 3-point numeric scale, and self-reported evidence of teacher candidates’

learning is evident. Within this sample, teacher candidates had some sense that they already “owned”

Bloom’s taxonomy prior to instruction in the assessment class (anecdotally reporting that they were

introduced to it in a previous educational psychology course); they “knew” about unpacking objectives;

and they were “unsure” about a table of specifications. By the end of the fourth day of the course,

teacher candidates indicated strong ownership of each of these key concepts.

Figure 1
Mean of Teacher Candidates’ Self-reported Understanding of Key Concepts (n=42)
3 2.9 2.98 2.91



Bloom's Taxonomy Unpacking Objectives Table of Specifications

Day 1 Day 4

3-point self-report scale:

3 = I “own” this concept and could provide a clear explanation and examples to someone else.
2 = I “know” with concept, meaning that I am familiar with it, but could provide only a limited
1 = I am “unsure” about what this means and could not confidently provide an explanation or
illustration to someone else.

Figure 1 represents only one cohort, but we have collected similar data with previous cohorts,

elementary teacher candidates, and even from in-service teachers when we lead similarly structured

professional development initiatives. The pattern depicted in Figure 1 is consistent with every group of

pre-service and in-service teachers with whom we have worked, which suggests to us a clear impact on

teachers’ understanding of these key concepts.

Strengthening teachers’ understandings is necessary but not sufficient in developing their

assessment literacy, since, by definition, assessment literacy must be applied. In our work with teacher

candidates, there are two culminating assignments that they must acceptably complete in order to pass

the course. First, candidates create a paper-pencil unit assessment using the principles and processes

they have practiced through in-class activities and follow-up exercises. The central tool that they use is

the table of specifications, which serves as the means through which essential elements such as validity

and reliability are attended to in practical ways. Additionally, the original assessment must be

accompanied by a narrative explanation of the purposes, structure, validity, and potential reliability of

the assessment. Of course, we use an aligned rubric to evaluate teacher candidates’ products, and they

must meet or exceed expectations as operationally defined on the rubric. Through this culminating

assignment, we have evidence that teachers are able to construct valid and reliable classroom-based


The second culminating assignment in the course is for teacher candidates to administer their

original assessment in the field. Then, guided by four focused prompts, teacher candidates (1) analyze

student results in the aggregate and draw inferences about student learning, (2) analyze the learning of

two or more individual students and draw inferences about their learning, (3) make instructional

decisions about what to do in the near term and what to do in the long term based upon the inferences

they have drawn, and (4) critique the evidence of the validity and reliability of their assessment and

revise the assessment accordingly for future use. This second culminating assignment represents a

significant indicator of a teacher candidates’ assessment literacy, for through this process, they are

making use of student results on an assessment for purposes of progressing the students’ learning.

Similar to the assessment creation assignment, the assessment analysis assignment is graded using an

aligned rubric, and teacher candidates are required to meet or exceed expectations in order to pass the

course. Since the course is required in order to complete the teacher preparation program, we ensure that

each graduate is able to demonstrate the ability to analyze and use assessment results. In short, they are

able to use assessment for learning (Earl, 2003).

Implications for Improving the Assessment Literacy of Novice Teachers

In 2008, Rick Stiggins published a white paper titled Assessment Manifesto: A Call for the

Development of Balanced Assessment Systems. In it he made this clarion call:

I issue this assessment manifesto because I believe that we have reached a tipping point in the

evolution of our schools when we must fundamentally reevaluate, redefine, and redesign

assessment’s role in the development of effective schools. The work to be done is so crucial as to

require urgent pedagogical, social, and political action. (p. 2)

Stiggins went on to make three key points: (1) We must always be clear about our purposes when

assessing student learning; (2) assessment should always be used to inform instructional decision

making and, in turn, student learning; and (3) the current era of accountability has co-opted and misused

“assessment,” necessitating a reclamation of effective classroom-based assessment practices by teachers.

We agree, and, as we reflect on our respective roles as teacher educators, we would add these

final thoughts to clarify our sense for our role. First, assessment should not be considered an after-

thought of instruction, a necessary evil, or something that is done in order to put a grade in the grade

book. In other words, there are innumerable misuses of assessment in classrooms. Since much of what

teacher candidates know about assessment is based upon their own experiences as students, we

sometimes have to undo the previous learning that has occurred with many of our candidates. To

reiterate an earlier essential understanding at which we aim, assessment must ultimately be made

integral to instruction. A second thought is that a great deal is already known about assessment as a field

of research and scholarship. However, collectively, we have not done a particularly good job heretofore

of translating this body of knowledge into practices that work for novice teachers. As teacher educators,

we believe this is one of the great challenges that is before us, and, as we undertake this, we must always

ensure that the principles, tools, and strategies that we aim to develop in our teacher candidates are not

only appropriate and technically adequate, but also feasible and, ultimately, useful to the process of

teaching and learning (Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, 2003). Third, to

reiterate a point from the introduction to this article, the approach that we have described is couched

within a one-credit course. Such a short duration is not wholly adequate to the development of

assessment literacy, in our judgments. Were we to expand the course by two credits, we would

strengthen the attention given to item construction, performance-based assessment practices, grading

practices, and analyzing results of curriculum-based standardized assessments (such as the Standards of

Learning tests). Finally, we saw in ourselves many years ago that our own assessment literacy was

lacking, and we took it upon ourselves to change that through action research, empirical research,

collaboration, and application to our own practice. For many of us in teacher education, assessment

literacy is, indeed, a relative weakness. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to develop our own

competencies in this domain so that we are able to model and teach best practices to current and future



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