Factors Influencing The Assessment Practices of Senior High School Teachers in Goa District, Philippines

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Volume: 14
Pages: 998-1005
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1309
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10045830
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-27-10
Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 998-1005, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1309, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045830, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Factors Influencing the Assessment Practices of Senior High School

Teachers in Goa District, Philippines
Jimmy P. Manigbas, III*, Yumi Vivien V. De Luna
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study explored the assessment methods and factors influencing the assessment practices of
Senior High School (SHS) Teachers in three selected public secondary schools in Goa District,
Division of Camarines Sur, Philippines. A descriptive survey method was employed. A total
enumeration of forty-five teachers teaching Senior High School subjects were the participants of this
study. The survey questionnaire was administered on-site to gather data from the participants.
Frequency count, Percentage distribution, and Ranking order were used to analyze and interpret the
collected data. The findings revealed that teachers generally utilized quizzes, practical exams or
performance exams, oral exams, checklists, rating scales, and rubrics as their assessment methods to
assess students’ performance during the teaching and learning process. This finding indicated that
teachers employed different assessment methods to assess and evaluate the student’s learning.
Moreover, several factors that influence the assessment practices of teachers were identified. It is
therefore recommended that teachers should always utilize and improve their assessment methods or
practices suited to the needs of the students and to properly measure student’s learning outcomes.

Keywords: assessment methods, senior high school, factors influencing assessment practices

Introduction and summative assessment. According to Ismail et al.

(2022) summative evaluation quantifies learning, and
formative assessment provides feedback to enhance
Classroom assessment is the process of finding, learning. Zhao, Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen and
acquiring, organizing, and analyzing quantitative and Veldhuis (2016) looked into how primary math
qualitative data regarding what students know and are teachers used the classroom assessment technique
capable of (DepEd Order no. 8 s. 2015). Classroom (CAT) as a form of in-class activities to gauge how
assessment is essential in the teaching and learning well their pupils understood particular mathematical
process. It provides valuable information on learner’s concepts. The study results showed that during the
progress and academic achievements. In other words, lecture, students were actively involved in meaningful
it is about monitoring students' progress inside the learning through the use of classroom assessment
classroom. Moreover, classroom assessment techniques. While Mohabut (2015) highlighted that
encourages self-reflection, personal accountability summative assessment provided positive experiences
toward learning, and profiling of students' academic for students and enabled teachers to help their students
performance. achieve student learning outcomes. In this study, the
researcher aimed to contribute to improving
Teachers should employ appropriate classroom educational assessment in the Senior High School
assessment methods to assess students’ work and curriculum by determining the assessment methods
performances that are aligned with the given utilized by the teachers to assess students learning and
curriculum standards and learning competencies. The the varied factors influencing their assessment
teachers are committed to providing appropriate practices.
assessment strategies to properly measure learners’
knowledge, competencies, and skills to facilitate Research Questions
learners’ learning development. Hence, teachers have a
key role in classroom assessment because they give This study aimed to determine the assessment methods
feedback to improve students’ performance (Monteiro, and factors influencing the assessment practices of
Mata, and Santos, 2021). In addition, it is important Senior High School Teachers in Goa District, Division
that teachers holistically assess, evaluate, and provide of Camarines Sur, Philippines. Specifically, this study
constructive feedback to ensure learners' success sought to answer the following questions:
throughout the teaching and learning process.
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents
Furthermore, classroom assessment can be formative in terms of:

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 998-1005, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1309, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045830, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

1.1 Sex; understanding. Still, they are both used to improve

1.2 Age; students’ learning.
1.3 Civil status;
1.4 Educational attainment; The study conducted by Erdol and Yildizli (2018)
1.5 Employment status; and, explores the assessment methods used by teachers at
1.6 Years in teaching experience? all levels (primary, secondary, and high school level).
2. What are the assessment methods utilized by the Based on the survey responses, teachers mostly used
teachers in terms of the following: assessment methods were multiple choice, open-
2.1 Traditional assessment; ended, true or false, short answer, performance
2.2 Experiential assessment; and assignments, and matching questions while the least
2.3 Alternative assessment? used assessment methods were manner scales, project
3. What are the factors influencing the assessment assignments, and group and peer assessment forms.
practices of the Senior High School Teachers?
Additionally, Rahman (2018) explored science
teachers’ perceptions of classroom assessment in
Literature Review secondary schools in Bangladesh. The study findings
revealed that the majority of teachers agreed that oral
question and answer, planned observation, and
Assessment Methods of Teachers students' written work were the most frequent
assessments used in the classroom while homework,
Educators make assessment choices when they create
essay tests, unplanned observation, and 1-3
assessment tasks. Teachers have access to a variety of
examinations were the least frequent used classroom
best assessment methods that may satisfy them
assessment methods.
because assessment provides them with information
about the effectiveness of their pedagogy and learning Furthermore, according to Pireh (2014), checklists and
curriculum materials however in the absence of rubrics support students' writing efforts and serve as a
principles of assessment practices the teachers would means of performance evaluation. It also demonstrates
face challenges to assess their students in everyday how checklists and rubrics assist teachers in providing
teaching and learning activity (Lingam and Lingam, constructive criticism by defining explicit standards
2016). The assessment methods have undergone that are directed at particular students, encouraging
significant modifications and diversification to cater to clear communication of writing goals and providing
the learner-centered approach of the K-12 curriculum clear and unbiased evaluation.
and foster the learners’ needs. Every teacher has their
own choice of assessment methods implemented in Factors Influencing the Assessment Practices
their classroom that work best for their students which
are considered as their own assessment practices. There are several studies proving that there are
These assessment methods are utilized to acquire different factors that influence the assessment practices
learners’ assessment results for evaluation and to make of teachers both in formative and summative
decisions to enhance the teaching and learning process assessments. These different factors were examined to
and to determine learners’ needs, progress, and show the underpinning knowledge and have several
achievement. Proving the significance of varied perspectives that have a bearing on this study.
assessment methods was evident in various research
studies. The teachers adopted an approach of Izci (2016) conducted a study on internal and external
assessment for learning to develop varied assessment factors that affect the teachers’ adoption of formative
practices to cater to the needs of their students (Erdol assessment in the classroom. The results showed that
and Yildizli, 2018). It means that teachers consider personal, contextual, resource- related and external
individual differences or student diversity in giving factors influenced teacher’s formative assessment
their assessment practices to assess students’ practices. Personal factors include teacher’s personal
performance and interaction in different learning areas and professional values which may include teachers'
and content objectives. Huerta and Hansen (2013) pedagogical content knowledge, attitudes, orientations,
confirmed that when possible it is best to utilize both perceptions, motivations, and others. These personal
quantitative and qualitative assessment methods in the factors influenced their assessment practices by their
classroom. The quantitative assessment methods willingness to provide suited assessment methods, own
obtain numerical data that can be analyzed and professional judgments during instruction, attitude
interpreted statistically while qualitative assessment shaped by external and accountability examinations,
methods deal with students in- depth perception and performance and learning orientation, abilities and

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 998-1005, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1309, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045830, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

expectations, and professional experiences. The While Erdol and Yildizli (2018) stressed that the
school context and policy, internal school support, characteristics of the student, curriculum, national
parents’ views, social and cultural preferences, and examinations, technology, and features of the subject
others were included in contextual factors that are the factors that affect or influence the classroom
influenced the assessment practices of the teachers. assessment practices of teachers. Among these factors,
Teachers were influenced by the pressure of school the most important factor affecting teachers’ classroom
administrators and head teachers to adopt the required assessment practices in primary school, secondary
assessment practices adhering to the school context school, and high school in Turkey was students’
and policies that affect their own assessment practices. characteristics. They revealed that students’
Effective support and collaboration with colleagues characteristics have the biggest influence on teachers’
and school leaders as internal support influenced classroom assessment practices because determining
teachers’ assessment practices. Parents' views in students’ characteristics is the first step before crafting
assessment influenced the teachers in making their the assessment methods to ensure the suitability and
assessment practices because parents preferred convenience of the students in the given assessment
traditional paper-pencil examinations because they are tasks.
accustomed to the grades of their children for
comparison and monitoring purposes. External factors Also, the study conducted by Mwanza et al. (2022)
such as state and local educational policies, curriculum identified the different factors that influenced
developers, and high stakes and accountability classroom assessment implementation in Lusaka and
assessment influenced teacher’s assessment practices. Chilanga Districts of Lusaka Province in Zambia. The
Teachers’ assessment implementation is influenced by study findings revealed that there are many factors that
state and local policies that encourage them to reform influence the classroom assessment of teachers
their practices. Standardized tests and national and including but not limited to abrupt changes in
local exams pressure teachers to prepare students for curriculum, lack of materials, poor infrastructures of
this prospective examination. Lastly, resource-related learning, absenteeism of the students, teachers'
factors include the working conditions of teachers, personal factors such as belief, values, knowledge and
materials and funding, teacher preparation programs, skills, lack of administrative supports and others.
and others. The working conditions of teachers
influenced their assessment practices by considering
the class size and number of lessons taught.
Assessment practices paying attention to individual
feedback and learning which is difficult to achieve in Participants
large classes. Materials and funding influenced
teachers by means of the availability of assessment The participants of the study were the 45 Senior High
materials suited to the specific learning area and School teachers in the selected public secondary
appropriate funding for purchasing assessment schools in Goa District, Division of Camarines Sur,
materials. Philippines that offered Senior High School programs.

In addition, Aloitabi (2018) found that the top 3 factors Instruments of the Study
influencing teachers to the adoption of formative
assessment are curriculum materials (source books and The researchers utilized a survey questionnaire to
syllabuses) policies and support of the school collect the needed data in this study. The survey
management, and teacher’s pedagogical knowledge questionnaire underwent face validity and content
influenced by the students’ strengths and weaknesses. validity by the four experts in the field of education.
It simply means that these factors influence the Prior to the distribution of the survey questionnaire,
teachers’ assessment practices by promoting student the researchers strictly observed ethical considerations
diversity, learning materials, and pedagogical during the conduct of this study. Likewise, the
challenges to deal with, and associating the policies permission of the School Principal and respondents
and direction of the institution. However, results was solicited following the research's ethical
further revealed that formative assessments are considerations.
influenced by working conditions such as class size
and workload, by motivations of principals and peer Procedure
groups, and by assessment practices influenced by
prevailing traditional learning placed in the bottom The researchers followed a series of action plans to
rank. gather the data from the respondents that are needed in

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 998-1005, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1309, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045830, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

this study. The approval of the communication letter Table 2. Distribution of the respondents when grouped
from the Office of the Schools Division according to their age
Superintendent was sought before the distribution of
the survey questionnaire. Likewise, the researchers
also asked permission from the Office of the Principal
and the respondents. Afterward, the researchers
prepared and administered the survey questionnaire
on-site. The researchers gave adequate time and
provided assistance to the respondents in answering
the survey questionnaire to ensure its correctness.
Table 2 presents the distribution of the respondents
Ethical Considerations when they grouped according to their age. The
majority of the respondents belonged to the age
The researchers secured informed consent from the bracket of 26-30 that garnered 14 or 31.11% while the
participants to ensure their voluntary participation in age bracket ranging from 46-50 has 1 or 2.22%. This
the conduct of this study. The confidentiality and result implies that most of the teachers are belonged in
anonymity of the answers were maintained throughout younger generations that conform the study of Morallo
the study process. Likewise, the researchers strictly and Abay (2019).
handled and ensured the protection of the data,
Table 3.. Distribution of the respondents when
security, and privacy of the participants throughout the
grouped according to their civil status

Results and Discussion

Profiles of the respondents

Table 1. Distribution of the respondents when grouped Table 3 illustrates the civil status of the respondents.
The majority of the teachers are married (27 or 60%);
according to their sex
some of them are single (17 or 37.78%); and, only 1 or
2.22% was widow. This is similar to the study findings
of Francisco (2020) that the majority of the public
school teachers are married.

Table 4. Distribution of the respondents when grouped

according to their educational attainments

Table 1 reveals that majority of the respondents are

male that has 25 or 55.56% while female accounts for
20 or 44.44%. The result infers that most of teachers
in Goa District teaching in Senior High School are
male rather than female which contradicts the findings
of Morallo and Abay (2019) that female teachers
outnumbered male teachers in upland areas of Goa,
Camarines Sur. Table 4 indicates the distributions of the respondents

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 998-1005, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1309, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045830, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

when grouped according to their employment status.

of teaching experience while 7% have less than 3 years
Based on the data sources almost all of the teachers
have Bachelor’s Degrees with MA/MS units (23 or
in teaching.
51.11%) and Bachelor’s Degrees (17 or 37.78%) while
only a few of them earned Masteral and Doctoral Classroom Assessment Methods of Teachers
Degrees which both obtained 1 or 2.22%. It simply
means that the respondents generally need to enroll in The research's primary goal is to explore the
graduate studies for their own professional assessment methods of the teachers. Among the varied
development. According to Maviş-Sevim and Akin traditional, experiential, and alternative assessment
(2021) engaging in graduate courses help teachers
methods, teachers identified the assessment methods
build their academic career because it provides them
with scientific skills, research skills, teaching and
that they utilized in their classroom assessment.
evaluation, and other teaching-related skills that
improve their teaching professions Table 7. Traditional methods as used by teachers

Table 5. Distribution of the respondents when grouped

according to their employment status

Table 5 shows the employment status of the

respondents. Most of the teachers are permanent that
obtained 35 or 77.78% while 10 or 22.22% are in
Table 7 shows the assessment methods employed by
probationary status. the teachers in classroom instruction along with
traditional assessment methods. Among the eight (8)
Table 6. Distribution of the respondents when grouped traditional methods, the majority of the teachers agreed
according to their Years in teaching experience that they use quizzes as their most frequent assessment
method with 41 or 91%. However, the least traditional
method utilized by teachers is the take-home exam
with 3 or 7%. Results imply that the quiz is the
traditional method utilized by the teachers on their
classroom assessment which is considered their most
frequent assessment method because a quiz can
immediately assess the learning or level of
Table 6 reveals the years of teaching experiences of understanding of the students from the lessons. This
the respondents. The majority of the respondents have finding accords with Anteneh and Silesh (2019) who
less than 3 years in the teaching profession garnered
postulated that a quiz is one of the most frequent
22 or 48.789%; 15 or 33.33% have 3 to less than 6
years while 1 or 2.22% have 9 to less than 9 years. The assessment practices utilized by teachers to assess the
results imply that most of the Senior High School learning of the students. It is contrary to the results
teachers are young and new to teaching professions. revealed by Yildizli (2020) that observation and open-
This is contradicted by the National Center for ended questions are the most frequently used by
Education Studies (2023), based on the published data teachers while true or false questions and activities are
for the school year 2020-2021, 37% of teachers both in
the least frequently utilized assessment methods.
elementary and secondary levels have 10 to 20 years

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 998-1005, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1309, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045830, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 8. Experiential methods as used by teachers teachers because they allow the students to participate
in the assessment process to accommodate
heterogeneous classes by soliciting their cooperation
and collaboration of the students to provide guidelines
and record results according to the activity being
observed. It is comparable to the study by Pireh
(2014), which found that checklists and rubrics help
students write and are used as a self-assessment tool to
encourage students' performance. It also shows that
checklists and rubrics help teachers give constructive
feedback by establishing clear requirements that are
targeted at specific students, fostering clear
communication of writing objectives, and offering
clear and impartial feedback. However, the results of
this study contradicted the study of Effrosyni (2019),
Table 8 illustrates the identified experiential
the study findings show that the learning log entries
assessment methods utilized by the teachers. Among
and diaries were successfully used as an assessment
the fourteen (14) indicators of experiential assessment
tool to determine how well the students in the current
methods, the majority of the respondents have
responded that practical exams/performance and oral teaching environment had mastered the use of
exams are their most frequent assessment methods common reading strategies, strategic reading,
utilized in the classroom which both have 35 or 78% awareness of and use of global metacognitive reading
placed in the highest rank. However, the debriefing strategies, and the development of their ability to
interview is the least frequent assessment method construct meaning through reading. Hence, even
teachers utilized, placing at the bottom rank (6 or diaries and writing folders placed at the bottom, it can
13%). Results imply that teachers are after the be used in particular cases to assess the student’s
assessment methods that produce tangible results or performance.
learning outcomes involving performance tasks,
practical tests/tasks, and oral exams honing the Table 10. Factors influencing the assessment practices
communication skills and measuring the skills of the of Senior High School Teachers
learners. This result coincides with the findings of
Erdol and Yildizli (2018) and Rahman (2018) that the
assessment methods that solicit students’ performance
and oral questions are the most frequent assessment
methods used by teachers in the classroom.

Table 9. Alternative methods as used by teachers

Table 9 reveals the alternative methods used by

teachers in assessing the student’s learning. Of all the
five (5) indicators on alternative assessment methods,
33 or 73% of the respondents have agreed that they
used checklists, rating scales, and rubrics on classroom
assessment. However, 10 or 22% agreed that they
utilized least frequently the diaries and writing folders
as alternative assessment methods. Results imply that
checklists, ratings, scales, and rubrics are utilized by

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 998-1005, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1309, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045830, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

In an attempt to investigate the predominant factors m e t h o d s , out of 15 m e t h o d s , p r a c t i c a l

that influence the assessment practices of teachers, the exam/performance and oral exam were the best
researchers provided various indicators that can fall assessment methods utilized by the majority of
under content-related factors, peer-related factors, teachers which ranked 1st and they both hold 35 or
student-related factors, and teacher-related factors. 78% while debriefing interview placed on the bottom
And, the respondents were surveyed to indicate the rank. On alternative assessment methods, most of the
frequency of their actual practice. The results obtained teachers settled that checklists, rating scales, and
are presented in Table 10. rubrics (33 or 73%) were the best assessment methods
utilized in the classroom assessment however; diaries
Teachers’ responses indicate that the most and writing folders (10 or 22%) were the least frequent
predominant factors influencing assessment methods alternative assessment methods. Therefore, it can be
are “Assessment methods influenced by differences in concluded that teachers have utilized multiple
student abilities” and “Implementation of assessment assessment methods implemented in their classroom
methods influenced by the availability of assessment assessment to obtain assessment data and provide
materials such as source books, syllabuses, etc.” which tangible results to improve their teaching and learning
both garnered 45 or 100% or placed as the highest practices. The researchers recommend that Senior
rank. While the indicator falls on “Practices in High School teachers should create, modify, or merge
assessment methods are influenced by the motivations methods to create their own best assessment practices
of principals as observers.” garnered 34 or 76% which to continuously cater to the diverse intelligence of the
placed in the bottom rank. Results imply that it is students; teachers should encourage peer and self-
worth noting that the factors that predominantly assessment to give responsibilities to the students to
influenced the use of assessment methods are student assess themselves during assessment; and, teachers
and content-related factors. Teachers should invest should always facilitate the integrative learning
considerable attention to the student's abilities, source environment to promote learner-centered environment
books, syllabuses, and other curriculum materials as during assessment. (3) The study results revealed that
bases for implementing their various assessment the majority of the respondents agreed that content-
methods. It coincides with the study of Erdol and related factors and student-related factors have
Yildizli (2018) who confirmed that the characteristics influenced their decision to implement their
of the students was the most important factor that assessment methods other than other factors. It can be
influenced teachers’ classroom assessment practices as concluded that Senior High School teachers gave
well as curriculum materials such as source books, importance to students’ characteristics, and teachers
syllabuses, and the like as stressed by the study utilized source books and curriculum materials as a
findings of Aloitabi (2018). basis for making their assessment tasks. The
researchers recommend that factors deliberated in this
study must be considered and given full attention by
Conclusion the school administrators for curriculum management
which are very useful to address the challenges of the
The following conclusions are drawn from the salient Senior High School teachers influencing their
findings of the study: (1) Of all the 45 respondents, 25 assessment practices to minimize their barriers to
or 55.56% are male, and 20 or 44.44% are female. The effective implementation of multiple assessment
majority of the respondents belong to age 26-30 that methods for the improvement of the teaching and
holds 14 or 31.11%; married that has 27 or 60%; learning process.
Bachelor’s degree with MA/MS units garnered 23 or
51.11%; Permanent status harvested 35 or 77.78%; References
spent less than 3 years (22 or 48.89%) in the teaching
profession. It is concluded that most of the Senior Aloitabi, Khalid Abdullah. (2018). Teachers’ perception on factors
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