Cern 94 01 V1
Cern 94 01 V1
Cern 94 01 V1
P.J. Bryant CERN, Geneva, Switzerland ABSTRACT The history of accelerators is traced from three separate roots, through a rapid development to the present day. The well-known Livingston chart is used to illustrate how spectacular this development has been with, on average, an increase of one and a half orders of magnitude in energy per decade, since the early thirties. Several present-day accelerators are reviewed along with plans and hopes for the future.
High-energy physics research has always been the driving force behind the development of particle accelerators. They started life in physics research laboratories in glass envelopes sealed with varnish and putty with shining electrodes and frequent discharges, but they have long since outgrown this environment to become large-scale facilities offering services to large communities. Although the particle physics community is still the main group, they have been joined by others of whom the synchrotron light users are the largest and fastest growing. There is also an increasing interest in radiation therapy in the medical world and industry has been a long-time user of ion implantation and many other applications. Consequently accelerators now constitute a field of activity in their own right with professional physicists and engineers dedicated to their study, construction and operation. This paper will describe the early history of accelerators, review the important milestones in their development up to the present day and take a preview of future plans and hopes. 2. HISTORICAL ROOTS
The early history of accelerators can be traced from three separate roots. Each root is based on an idea for a different acceleration mechanism and all three originated in the twenties. 2 . 1 The main "History Line" The first root to be described is generally taken as the principal "history line", since it was the logical consequence of the vigorous physics research programme in progress at the turn of the century. Indeed, particle physics research has always been the driving force behind accelerator development and it is therefore very natural to also consider high-energy physics as the birth place. The main events along this "history line" are listed in Table 1. The line is started at the end of the last century to show the natural progression through atomic physics to nuclear physics and the inevitable need for higher energy and higher intensity "atomic projectiles" than those provided by natural radioactive sources. In this context, the particle accelerator was a planned development and it fulfilled its goal of performing the first man-controlled splitting of the atom. It was Ernest Rutherford, in the early twenties, who realised this need, but the electrostatic machines, then available, were far from reaching the necessary voltage and for a few years there was no advance. Suddenly, the situation changed in 1928, when Gurney and Gamov independently predicted tunnelling [1] and it appeared that an energy of 500 keV might just suffice to split the atom. This seemed technologically feasible to Rutherford and he immediately encouraged Cockcroft and Walton to start designing a 500 kV particle accelerator.
Four years later in 1932, they split the lithium atom with 400 keV protons. This was the first fully man-controlled splitting of the atom [2] which earned them the Nobel prize in 1951. Table 1 Main"History Line' 1895 1913 1906 Lenard. Electron scattering on gases (Nobel Prize). Franck and Hertz excited electron shells by electron bombardment. Rutherford bombards mica sheet with natural alphas and develops the theory of atomic scattering. Rutherford publishes theory of atomic structure. Rutherford induces a nuclear reaction with natural alphas. ... Rutherford believes he needs a source of many MeV to continue research on the nucleus. This is far beyond the electrostatic machines then existing, but ... 1928 1928 1932 Gamov predicts tunnelling and perhaps 500 keV would suffice ... Cockcroft & Walton start designing an 800 kV generator encouraged by Rutherford. Generator reaches 700 kV and Cockcroft & Walton split lithium atom with only 400 keV protons. They received the Nobel Prize in 1951.
1911 1919
Figure 1(a) shows the original apparatus, which is now kept in the Science Museum, London. The top electrode contains the proton source and was held at 400 kV, the intermediate drift tube at 200 kV and final drift tube and target at earth potential. This structure can be seen inside the evacuated glass tube in Fig. 1 above the curtained booth in which the experimenter sat while watching the evidence of nuclear disintegrations on a scintillation screen. The voltage generator, Fig. 1(b), was at the limit of the in-house technology available to Cockcroft and Walton and the design voltage of 800 kV was never reached due to a persistent spark discharge which occurred at just over 700 kV. However, the famous atom-splitting experiment was carried out at 400 kV, well within the capabilities of the apparatus. The Cockcroft Walton generator, as it became known, was widely used for many years after as the input stage (up to 800 kV) for larger accelerators, since it could deliver a high current. At about the same time Van de Graaff, an American who was in Oxford as a Rhodes scholar, invented an electrostatic generator for nuclear physics research and later in Princeton, he built his first machine, which reached a potential of 1.5 MV [3]. It took some time to develop the acceleration tube and this type of machine was not used for physics research until well after the atom had been split in 1932. The principle of this type of generator is shown in Fig. 2.
(b) DC generator
Fig. 1 Cockcroft and Walton's apparatus for splitting the lithium nucleus
Two new features appeared in later versions of the Van de Graaff generator. Firstly, the sparking threshold was raised by putting the electrode system and accelerating tube in a high-pressure tank containing dry nitrogen, or Freon, at 9-10 atmospheres, which enables operation typically up to 10 MV. The second was a later development, which has the special name of the Tandem accelerator (see Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 Two-stage Tandem accelerator The new feature in the Tandem accelerator was to use the accelerating voltage twice over. First an extra electron is attached to the neutral atoms to create negative ions. In recent years, a great deal of development has been done and it is now possible to obtain negative ion sources for almost all elements. The negative ion beam is injected at ground potential into the Tandem and accelerated up to the high-voltage terminal where it passes through a thin foil which strips at least two electrons from each negative ion converting them to positive ions. They are then accelerated a second time back to earth potential. The Van de Graaff generator and the Tandem provide beams of stable energy and small energy spread, but they are unable to provide as high currents as the Cockcroft-Walton generator The highest energy Tandem is at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and routinely operates with 24.5 MV on the central terminal. However, development is not at a standstill and there is a project (the Vivitron) underway at Strasbourg to build a Tandem operating at 35 MV. 2 . 2 The second "History Line' The direct-voltage accelerators were the first to be exploited for nuclear physics research, but they were limited to the maximum voltage that could be generated in the system (except for the astute double use of the applied voltage in the Tandem). This limitation was too restrictive for the requirements of high-energy physics and an alternative was needed. In fact, an alternative had already been proposed in 1924 in Sweden by Ising [4]. He planned to repeatedly apply the same voltage to the particle using alternating fields and his invention was to become the underlying principle of all of today's ultra-high-energy accelerators This is known as resonant acceleration . The main events along this "history line", starting with Ising, are given in Table 2. The difference between the acceleration mechanisms of Cockcroft and Walton and Ising depend upon whether the fields are static (i.e. conservative) or time-varying (i.e. nonconservative). The electric field can be expressed in a very general form as the sum of two terms, the first being derived from a scalar potential and the second from a vector potential,
(1) (2)
Ising proposes time-varying fields across drift tubes. This is "resonant acceleration", which can achieve energies above that given by the highest voltage in the system. Widere demonstrates Ising's principle with a 1 MHz, 25 kV oscillator to make 50 keV potassium ions. Lawrence, inspired by Widere and Ising, conceives the cyclotron. Livingston demonstrates the cyclotron by accelerating hydrogen ions to 80 keV. Lawrence's cyclotron produces 1.25 MeV protons and he also splits the atom just a few weeks after Cockcroft and Walton (Lawrence received the Nobel Prize in 1939).
The first term in (1) describes the static electric field of the Cockcroft-Walton and Van de Graaff machines. When a particle travels from one point to another in an electrostatic field, it gains energy according to the potential difference, but if it returns to the original point, for example, by making a full turn in a circular accelerator, it must return to its original potential and will lose exactly the energy it has gained. Thus a gap with a DC voltage has no net accelerating effect in a circular machine. The second term in (1) describes the time-varying field. This is the term that makes all the present-day high-energy accelerators function. The combination of (1) and (2) yields Faraday's law, E= B, t which relates the electric field to the rate of change of the magnetic field. There are two basic geometries used to exploit Faraday's Law for acceleration. The first of which is the basis of Ising's idea and the second "history line", and the second is the basis of the third "history line" to be described later. Ising suggested accelerating particles with a linear series of conducting drift tubes and Widere built a 'proof-of-principle' linear accelerator in 1928 [5]. Alternate drift tubes are connected to the same terminal of an RF generator. The generator frequency is adjusted so that a particle traversing a gap sees an electric field in the direction of its motion and while the particle is inside the drift tube the field reverses so that it is again the direction of motion at the next gap. As the particle gains energy and speed the structure periods must be made longer to maintain synchronism (see Fig. 4). Clearly, as the velocity increases the drift tubes become inconveniently long, unless the frequency can be increased, but at high frequencies the open drift-tube structure is lossy. This problem is overcome by enclosing the structure to form a cavity (in a circular machine) or series
of cavities (in a linear machine), working typically in the MHz range. The underlying principle remains unchanged, but there are several variants of the accelerating structure design. Ising's original idea can be considered as the beginning of the 'true' accelerator . Indeed, the next generation of linear colliders, which will be in the TeV range, will probably still be applying his principle of resonant acceleration, except that the frequency will probably be in the tens of GHz range.
Fig. 4 RF linac Technologically the linear accelerator, or linac as it is known, was rather difficult to build and, during the 1930's, it was pushed into the background by a simpler idea conceived by Ernest Lawrence in 1929 [6], the fixed-frequency cyclotron (see Fig. 5). Lawrence's idea was inspired by a written account of Widere's work and M. Livingston demonstrated the principle by accelerating hydrogen ions to 80 keV in 1931. Lawrence's first model worked in 1932 [7]. It was less than a foot in diameter and could accelerate protons to 1.25 MeV. He split the atom only weeks after Cockcroft and Walton. Lawrence received the Nobel Prize in 1939, and by that year the University of California had a 5-foot diameter cyclotron (the 'Crocker' cyclotron) capable of delivering 20 MeV protons, twice the energy of the most energetic alpha particles emitted from radioactive sources. The cyclotron, however, was limited in energy by relativistic effects and despite the development of the synchrocyclotron, a new idea was still required to reach yet higher energies in order to satisfy the curiosity of the particle physicists. This new idea was to be the synchrotron, which will be described later.
2 . 3 The third and fainter 'History Line' In the previous section, it was mentioned that there were two equipment configurations for exploiting Faraday's Law for acceleration. First, consider the application of Faraday's Law to the linac, which is made more evident by enclosing the gaps in cavities. For simplicity the fields in a single RF cavity are shown schematically in Fig. 6(a).
The azimuthal magnetic field is concentrated towards the outer wall and links the beam. Faraday's Law tells us the periodic rise and fall of this magnetic field induces an electric field on the cavity axis, which can be synchronised with the passage of the beam pulse. Suppose now that the topology is transformed, so that the beam encircles the magnetic field as shown in Fig. 6(b). Widere [8, 9] suggested this configuration and the acceleration mechanism, now known as "betatron acceleration". He called his idea a "strahlung transformator" or "ray transformer", because the beam effectively formed the secondary winding of a transformer (see Figs. 6 and 7)). As the flux through the magnet core is increased, it induces an azimuthal e.m.f. which drives the charged beam particles to higher and higher energies. The trick is to arrange for the increase in the magnetic field in the vicinity of the beam to correspond to the increase in particle energy, so that the beam stays on the same orbit*. This device, the betatron, is insensitive to relativistic effects and was therefore ideal for accelerating electrons. The betatron has also the great advantages of being robust and simple. The one active element is the power converter that drives the large inductive load of the main magnet. The focusing and synchronisation of the beam energy with the field level are both determined by the geometry of the main magnet. As noted in the third "history line" in Table 3, Widere put this idea in his laboratory n otebook, while he was a student, but it rema ined unpublished only to re-surface many years later when Kerst [10] built the first machine of this type. When in 1941 Kerst and Serber published a paper on the particle oscillation in their betatron [11], the term "betatron oscillation" became universally adopted for referring to such oscillations in all devices. ___________________
* Known as the Widere condition, or 2-to-1 rule.
Table 3 The third "History Line" 1923 Widere, a young Norwegian student, draws in his laboratory notebook the design of the betatron with the well-known 2-to-1 rule. Two years later he adds the condition for radial stability but does not publish. Later in Aachen Widere makes a model betatron, but it does not work. Discouraged he changes course and builds the linear accelerator mentioned in Table 2.
Kerst re-invents the betatron and builds the first working machine for 2.2 MeV electrons. Kerst builds the world's largest betatron of 300 MeV.
The development of betatrons for high-energy physics was short, ending in 1950 when Kerst built the world's largest betatron (300 MeV), but they continued to be built commercially for hospitals and small laboratories where they were considered as reliable and cheap. In fact the betatron acceleration mechanism is still of prime importance. In the present-day synchrotron, there is a small contribution to the beam's acceleration which arises from the increasing field in the main dipoles. If an accurate description of the longitudinal motion is required, then the betatron effect has to be included.
By the 1940's three acceleration mechanisms had been demonstrated:- DC acceleration, resonant acceleration and the betatron mechanism. In fact, there were to be no new ideas for acceleration mechanisms until the mid-1960's, when collective acceleration [12] was proposed in which heavy ions are accelerated in the potential well of an electron ring and the 1980's when there were several Workshops devoted entirely to finding new acceleration techniques. However, the acceleration mechanism is not sufficient by itself and other equally important developments are needed. In order to accelerate particles to very high energies, it is also necessary to have focusing mechanisms in the transverse and longitudinal (energy) planes. This was not always appreciated. In the early cyclotrons, for example, the field was made as uniform as possible only to find that the beam was unstable. Livingston [13] who was Lawrence's research student, told how they shimmed the magnet for each small step in energy to keep the beam stable, thus ending up with a field shape for transverse stability that decreased with radius. Theory has later shown that this decrease should be an inverse power law of the radius between zero and unity. The cyclotron is limited by relativistic effects, which cause the particles to slow down and lose synchronism with the RF field. At first glance it would appear that one would only have to reduce the frequency in order to maintain synchronism, but this is a little too nave since the spread in revolution frequency with energy would quickly exploit the natural energy spread in the beam and disperse the particles away from the peak of the RF voltage. In this case a longitudinal focusing mechanism is needed. This problem was overcome by E. McMillan [14] and independently by V. Veksler [15] who discovered the principle of phase stability in 1944 and invented the synchrotron . Phase stability is general to all RF accelerators except the fixed-frequency cyclotron. The effect is that a bunch of particles, with an energy spread, can be kept bunched throughout the acceleration cycle by simply injecting them at a suitable phase of the RF cycle. This focusing effect was strong enough that the frequency modulation in the synchro-cyclotron did not have to be specially tailored and was simply sinusoidal. Synchro-cyclotrons can accelerate protons to about 1 GeV, a great improvement on the simple cyclotron, but the repetition rate reduces the particle yield. In the synchrotron [14, 15] the guide field increases with particle energy, so as to keep the orbit stationary as in the betatron, but acceleration is applied with an RF voltage via a gap or cavity. In 1946 F. Goward and D. Barnes [16] were the first to make a synchrotron work, and in 1947 M. Oliphant, J. Gooden and G. Hyde [17] proposed the first proton synchrotron for 1 GeV in Birmingham, UK. However, the Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, built their 3 GeV Cosmotron by 1952, just one year ahead of the Birmingham group. Up to this time the only mechanism known for focusing in the transverse plane was called weak, or constant-gradient focusing. In this case, the guide field decreases slightly with increasing radius and its gradient is constant all round the circumference of the machine. The tolerance on the gradient is severe and sets a limit to the size of such an accelerator. The aperture needed to contain the beam also becomes very large and the magnet correspondingly bulky and costly. In the early fifties the limit was believed to be around 10 GeV. In the same year as the Cosmotron was finished (1952) E. Courant, M. Livingston and H. Snyder [18] proposed strong focusing , also known as alternating-gradient (AG) focusing. The idea had been suggested earlier by Christofilos [19] but it was not published. This new principle revolutionized synchrotron design, allowing smaller magnets to be used and higher energies to be envisaged. It is directly analogous to a well-known result in geometrical optics, that the combined focal length F of a pair of lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 separated by a distance d is given by
1 = 1 + 1 d F f f f f
1 2
1 2
If the lenses have equal and opposite focal lengths, f1 = -f2 and the overall focal length F = f 2 /d, which is always positive. In fact, F remains positive over quite a large range of values when f1 and f2 have unequal values but are still of opposite sign. Thus within certain limits a series of alternating lenses will focus. Intuitively one sees that, although the beam may be defocused by one lens, it arrives at the following lens further from the axis and is therefore focused more strongly. Structures based on this principle are referred to as AG structures. The synchrotron quickly overshadowed the synchrocyclotron and the betatron in the race for higher energies. The adoption of alternating gradient focusing for machines and transfer lines was even quicker. CERN for example immediately abandoned its already-approved project for a 10 GeV/c weak focusing synchrotron in favour of a 25 GeV/c AG machine, which it estimated could be built for the same price. The next step was the storage ring collider. In physics experiments, the useful energy for new particle production is the energy that is liberated in the centre-of-mass system. When an accelerator beam is used on a fixed target, only a fraction of the particle's energy appears in the centre-of-mass system, whereas for two equal particles in a head-on collision, all of the particles' energy is available. This fundamental drawback of the fixed-target accelerator becomes more punitive as the energy increases. For example, it would have needed a fixedtarget accelerator of over 1TeV to match the centre-of-mass energy available in the CERN ISR (2 x 26 GeV proton colliding rings). The storage-ring collider now dominates the high-energy physics field. Single-ring colliders, using particles and antiparticles in the same magnetic channel, were the first type of collider to be exploited at Frascati in the AdA (Annelli di Accumulazione) project (1961). The first double-ring proton collider was the CERN ISR (Intersecting Storage Rings), 1972-1983. The highest-energy collisions obtained to date are 2 x 900 GeV in the Fermilab, single-ring, proton-antiproton collider. Colliders have been very successful as physics research instruments. The J/ particle was discovered at SPEAR by B. Richter and at the same time by Ting at BNL they shared the 1976 Nobel Prize. The CERN proton-antiproton storage ring was also the source of a Nobel Prize for C. Rubbia and S. van der Meer in 1984, following the discovery of the W and Z particles. The proton-antiproton colliders were only made possible by the invention of stochastic cooling by S. van der Meer for the accumulation of the antiprotons [20]. The use of superconductivity in proton machines has made the very highest energies possible. There has also been another change taking place, which has been called the Exogeographical transition (a phrase coined by Professor N. Cabibbo at a Workshop held at Frascati in 1984). This refers to the arrangements that have made it possible to bury the very large machines such as LEP and HERA deep under property which does not belong to the laboratory concerned. Without such agreements, Europe could not have maintained its leading position in the world accelerator league. In order to fill in some of the bigger gaps in this brief history, it is now necessary to jump back in time to mention some of the other accelerators, which may not have featured as a highenergy machine, but have found their place as injectors or as being suitable for some special application.
The microtron, sometimes known as the electron cyclotron, was an ingenious idea due to Veksler (1945). The electrons follow circular orbits of increasing radius, but with a common tangent. An RF cavity positioned at the point of the common tangent supplies a constant energy increment on each passage. The relativistic mass increase slows the revolution frequency of the electrons, but by a constant increment on each passage. If this increment is a multiple of the RF oscillator frequency, the electrons stay in phase, but on a different orbit. Microtrons operate at microwave frequencies and are limited to tens of MeV. They are available commercially and are sometimes used as an injector to a larger machine. The radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) suggested in 1970 by I. Kapchinski and V. Telyakov is useful at low energies and is increasingly replacing the Cockcroft-Walton as injector. The RFQ combines focusing and acceleration in the same RF field. The electron storage rings have given birth to the synchrotron radiation sources, more usually referred to as light sources. These machines are now the fastest growing community in the accelerator world and the first commercially available compact synchrotron light source for lithography has just come onto the market. The linear accelerator was eclipsed during the thirties by circular machines. However, the advances in ultra-high frequency technology during World War II (radar) opened up new possibilities and renewed interest in linac structures. Berkeley was first, with a proton linear accelerator of 32 MeV built by Alvarez in 1946. The Alvarez accelerator has become very popular as an injector for large proton and heavy-ion synchrotrons all over the world with energies in the range of 50200 MeV, that is essentially non-relativistic particles. The largest proton linear accelerator to date is the 800 MeV 'pion factory' (LAMPF) at Los Alamos. The first electron linear accelerators were studied at Stanford and at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) in 1946. This type of accelerator has also had a spectacular development, up to the largest now in operation, the 50 GeV linear accelerator at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre (SLAC). Like betatrons they have become very popular in fields outside nuclear physics, particularly for medicine. The Livingston chart (see Fig. 8) shows, in a very striking way, how the succession of new ideas and new technologies has relentlessly pushed up accelerator beam energies over five decades at the rate of over one and a half orders of magnitude per decade. One repeatedly sees a new idea, which rapidly increases the available beam energy, but only to be surpassed by yet another new idea. Meanwhile the first idea continues into saturation and possibly into quasioblivion. This brings the section on the main development almost up to date, except for the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC), but this will be mentioned under future accelerators where it fits more naturally. 4. THE CURRENT SITUATION IN HIGH-ENERGY PARTICLE PHYSICS ACCELERATORS
Table 4 contains a selection of the main operating high-energy physics machines, those under construction and those under study. The latter two groups encompass the extremes of machines like RHIC [22], which are partially constructed and the linear colliders, which are very futuristic.
Fig. 8 Livingston chart [21] In the present situation circular colliders dominate the high-energy field. The protonantiproton colliders are now mature machines and it is unlikely that the USA or Western Europe will propose further facilities of this type. The technologies of stochastic and electron cooling that were developed for this class of facility are now being applied in smaller storage rings.
Once LEP [23] has been upgraded to around 100 GeV, it will almost certainly be the highest energy electron ring to be built, since the penalty to be paid in RF power to compensate the synchrotron radiation loss is already prohibitive at this energy. The solution is to change to linear electron colliders; a solution that was already foreseen in 1965 by Tigner [24]. The Stanford Linear Collider (SLC) [25] is a test bed for these future machines.
p p p e + , e - , p- , ions e + , ep p, pp, e p, pe + , ep, pe+, ee+, ee, p
Beam energy
[GeV] 12 33 28 (p) 3.5 (e) 9 800 (p) 450 (p), 20 (e) 2x315
c.m. energy
[GeV)] 5 8 7 18 40 30 (p),630 100
[cm -2 s-1] 10 3 2 -
Fixed target Fixed target Polarised p Fixed target Injector Collider Fixed target Injector F. target, injector Collider Linear collider s.c. collider
16 2 1(2) 1 (2) 1
At the moment, the proton community is poised to build the SSC (Super Superconducting Collider) in Texas [26] and the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) in CERN [27]. Both machines are superconducting and of very large dimensions. At present there is no hard limitation on the size of hadron colliders, except of course cost. However, synchrotron radiation is already a bothersome heat load in these machines and will be a very real problem in machines of the size of the Eloisatron [28] for example. The LHC is a high technology project, which will use highfield magnets (approaching 10 T) with probably 'niobium-titanium' technology at 2 K in the arcs and niobium-tin technology at 4 K in the insertions. The magnets will also be of the twinbore design first proposed by Blewett [29]. 5. CONCLUSION
Led by the example of the SLC, accelerator builders are now tackling formidable theoretical and technological problems in all stages of the accelerator design. In the next generation of proposed linear electron colliders the typical values required for the normalised emittance are of the order of 10-7 rad.m. Beam sizes at the interaction point will have to be 10 particles per around 1 to 30 nm high with pulse lengths of 200-800 m. With a few 10 bunch and a repetition rate of over 1000 Hz the beam power is then a few MW. The luminosity in such designs is around a few times 1033 cm-2 s-1, far higher than anything that has yet been achieved. Stability of the supporting structures and power converters driving the final focus become critically important with such small beam sizes and the fabrication of elements such as the final focus quadrupoles requires new techniques. At present the linear collider designs are called quasi-conventional. For example, the CERN CLIC study [30] assumes the use of a warm copper accelerating structure operating at 29 GHz giving 80 MV/m. If this sounds easy, then consider that the structure will be powered from a superconducting drive linac. Such high-gradient, high-frequency structures have never before been used and neither has a superconducting linac been used in this way to drive a second accelerator. In fact, the term "quasi-conventional" is really a misnomer. The future holds many challenges for the accelerator engineer both in the gigantic superconducting hadron machines now proposed and in the new generation of electron linear colliders. * * * REFERENCES [1] R.W. Gurney and E.U. Condon, Nature 122, 439 (1928) and G. Gamov, Zeit f. Phys. 51, 204 (1928). [2] J.D. Crockcroft and E.T.S. Walton, "Experiments with high velocity ions", Proc. Royal Soc., Series A 136 (1932), 61930. [3] R.J. Van de Graaff, "A 1,500,000 volt electrostatic generator", Phys. Rev., 387, (Nov. 1931), 191920.
[4] G. Ising, Arkiv fr Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik, 18 (1924), 14. [5] R. Widere, Elektrotechnik, 21 (1928), 387406.
[6] E.O. Lawrence and N.E. Edlefsen, Science, 72 (1930), 3767. [7] E.O. Lawrence and M.S. Livingston, "The production of high speed light ions without the use of high voltages", Phys. Rev., 40 (April 1932), 1935. [8] W. Paul, "Early days in the development of accelerators", Proc. Int. Symposium in Honour of Robert R. Wilson, Fermilab, 1979 (Sleepeck Printing Co. Bellwood, Ill., 1979), 25688. [9] R. Widere, "Some memories and dreams from the childhood of particle accelerators", Europhysics News, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Feb. 1984), 911. [10] D.W. Kerst, "The acceleration of electrons by magnetic induction", Phys. Rev., 60 (July 1942), 4753. [11] D.W. Kerst and R. Serber, "Electronic orbits in the induction accelerator", Phys. Rev., 60 (July 1941), 5358. [12] G.S. James, R.H. Levy, H.A. Bethe and B.T. Fields, "On a new type of accelerator for heavy ions", Phys. Rev., 145, 925 (1966). [13] M.S. Livingston, "Particle accelerators: A brief history", Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1969), 32. [14] E.M. McMillan, "The synchrotron - a proposed high-energy particle accelerator", Phys. Rev., Letter to the editor, 68 (Sept. 1945), 1434. [15] V. Veksler, J. of Phys, USSR, 9 (1945), 1538. [16] F.K. Goward and D.E. Barnes, Nature, 158 (1946), 413. [17] M.L. Oliphant, J.S. Gooden and G.S. Hyde, Proc. Phys. Soc., 59 (1947), 666. [18] E.D. Courant, M.S. Livingston and H.S. Snyder, "The strong-focusing synchrotron a new high-energy accelerator", Phys. Rev., 88 (Dec. 1952), 1190-6, and E.D. Courant and H.S. Snyder, "Theory of the alternating-gradient synchrotron", Annals of Physics, No. 3 (1958), 148. [19] N.C. Christofilos, Unpublished report (1950), and U.S. Patent no. 2.736,799, filed March 10, 1950, issued February 28, 1956. [20] S. van der Meer, "Stochastic damping of betatron oscillations in the ISR", CERN/ISRPO/7231 (August, 1972). [21] Livingston chart. First published in Livingston's book: "High-energy accelerators", Interscience Publishers Inc., New York (1954). [22] H. Hahn, "The relativistic heavy ion collider at Brookhaven", Proc. 1st European Part. Accel. Conf. (EPAC), Rome 1988 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1989), 10911. [23] E. Picasso, "The LEP project", Proc. 1st European Part. Accel. Conf. (EPAC), Rome 1988 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1989) 36. [24] M. Tigner, "A possible apparatus for electron clashing-beam experiments", Letter to the editor, Nuovo Cim., 37 (1965), 122831.
[25] R. Stiening, "The status of the Stanford Linear Collider", Proc. 1987 IEEE Part. Accel. Conf., Washington, March 1987, (IEEE, 1987), 17. [26] J. Peoples, "The SSC Project", Ibid 23741. [27] G. Brianti, "The large hadron collider (LHC) in the LEP tunnel", Ibid. 218222. [28] K. Johnsen, "Long term future", ECFA Study Week on Instr. Tech. for High Luminosity Hadron Colliders, Barcelona, 1989, CERN 8910, ECFA 89124, Vol. 1 (Nov. 1989), 25-34. [29] J.P. Blewett, "200 TeV Intersecting Storage Accelerators", 8th Int. Conf. on HighEnergy Accel., CERN, 1971 (CERN, Geneva, 1971), 5014. [30] W. Schnell, "Linear Collider Studies", Proc. 1st European Part. Accel. Conf. (EPAC), Rome 1988 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1989), 28589.
After the beam energy the most important parameter at a colliding beam facility, as far as the high energy physics user is concerned, is the counting rate. This is usually expressed by the term luminosity, which I shall define in a moment, but which as one can guess indicates the brilliance of the source. I shall first of all discuss the expressions which allow the collider builder to know what the luminosity will be in terms of his machine parameters. It is of course beyond the scope of this note to discuss the variation of these parameters with a view to increasing the luminosity. Once the machine is built and operating the high energy physicist needs to know the machine luminosity in order to be able to normalise his measurements and he usually requires a more accurate value than can be obtained directly from machine parameters. I shall therefore go on to discuss methods of measuring luminosity from the experimenters' point of view. 2. DEFINITION OF LUMINOSITY
At a colliding beam facility the total interaction rate depends on the geometry of the beams, their density and energy, but the last is usualIy fixed by other requirements. Consider first the interaction of a beam with a target of length l and particle number density n 2 , as sketched in Fig. 1. Then the number of interactions (R) per beam particle is proportional to n2 x l the total number of particles it can collide with and the constant of proportionality is defined as the cross section q for the type of interaction concerned. R = q n2 l (1)
on a stationary target with n2 particles per unit volume where q has the dimension cm2. The transverse dimensions of the beam and target do not enter as the target is assumed to be wider than the beam. If the beam consists of n1 particles per second the rate of interactions dR (2) d t = q n1 n2 l . All the characteristics of the incident beam and target can be combined into a single term defined as the luminosity L by writing dR dt = q L (3)
where L = n1 n2 l and has the dimensions cm-2 s -1. Hence luminosity is simply the interaction rate per unit crosssection 3. LUMINOSITY OF A SINGLE-RING COLLIDER
In a colliding beam machine the expression for L is more complicated because the target is moving and we cannot always assume that the target is wider than the beam. In a single-ring collider (e+ e-) the two beams circulate in opposite directions. Suppose we have N particles per beam and the beams have equal r.m.s. radii of x (horizontal) and z (vertical). The cross-sectional area of the beam is then 2x.z and the number of positrons which one electron encounters in one turn of the machine, assuminq the beams follow identical paths, is q 2xz where q is an effective cross section of the electron. dRT The total rate d t if the revolution frequency is f is dRT NfqN d t = 2xz (4)
We have not said anything yet about the azimuthal distribution of the particles around the machine and for continuous or DC beams these interactions would be spread around the whole machine circumference. Electrons must be bunched for other reasons and if we have K bunches in each beam there are 2K crossing points around the machine hence the interaction rate per crossing dR/dt is given by N 2f q dR = dt 4 k x z From our previous definition of luminosity in (3) N 2f 4 k x z (5)
or since it is more usual to measure beam currents I where I = N . e . f I2 L= (7) 4 kf x z x and z are the r.m.s. dimensions of the two beams at the crossing points and we have assumed that they are constant over the effective crossing region which is of course a function of the bunch length. We have also assumed identical positron and electron beams which is normally the case. If one beam has a much larger cross section than the other, has been blown up by the beam-beam interaction for example, then the xz term must be replaced by an effective area Aeff which will be approximately the area of the larger beam. In the case of a proton-antiproton collider there is no reason to expect equal beams and the same remarks apply. As an example of a more complicated formulation of these geometric factors, that given [1] for the electron proton ring HERA is perhaps instructive f . Np . N e L= (8) k . 2 ( 2 xp,eff + 2 xe ) 1/2 . ( 2 zp + 2 ze ) 1/2 where xp,eff = (2xp + (sp . )2 )1/2 , sp is the proton bunch length with the half crossing angle ( 5 mrad). xp and xe are the r.m.s. widths of the proton and electron beam respectively and zp and ze are the r.m.s. heights. 4. THE RMS AS A MEASURE OF BEAM HEIGHT
In all cases it has been assumed that the r.m.s. value of the beam density distribution is a good measure of beam size. It is interesting to consider to what extent this is true for different distributions or are we implying always a Gaussian distribution? To examine this further consider the simple case of two coasting beams interacting at an angle in one plane and with identical distributions (y) in the other plane. In the plane of the crossing there is no vertical dispersion and all particles of one beam intersect all particles of the other beam, hence the luminosity depends only on the distribution (y ). For convenience we can consider (y) as normalised to unity so that:
(y ) dy
= 1.
y 2 (y ) dy < y2> =
For given circulating currents (fixed numbers of particles) the interaction rate in this simple case is proportional to:
L= 2(y ) dy
which we notice means that L = <> since the general definition of an average is
In other words L is the density of the target beam, as seen on average by the bombarding beam. For a given distribution, we have seen (Eq. (6)) that L is inversely proportional to the width of the distribution parametrised by the r.m.s. width <y2>1/2 . Therefore L <y2>1/2 must be a constant. Suppose is a Gaussian distribution
exp -y2 / 22
2 -
y 2 exp -y 2 / 2 2 d y = 2 (14)
1 exp -y 2 / 2 d y 22 - 1
1 2
= 0.28209
The interesting observation made by H. Hereward [2] is that the same constant is approximately valid for many different distributions. For example consider a rectangular distribution defined by 1 = 2y for -yo y yo (16) o Hence
1 2 1 2 2yo - y d y = 3 yo
1 1 L= d y = 2y . 2 o 4yo - y
The range of the results given in the last column of Table l is only 3.7%. In fact Hereward [2] was able to show that L < y 2 > 1/2 is never less than 0.2683 (a parabolic distribution) for any distribution 0. Unfortunately he also showed that there is no equivalent limit to the maximum value and the distribution illustrated in Fig. 2 can have an arbitrarily large L <y2>1/2. Table 1 L <y2>1/2 for some typical distributions Distribution within - y o y y o 3 y2 Parabola = 4 y 1 - 2 o yo y = 4 y cos 2 y o o | 1 yo 2 exp -y2 / 22 y Limit o 0, yo where (x) is the "normal probability integral"
1 - 8 = 0.2685 2 2 1 = 0.2722 3 6
3 6 = 0.2887 1 2 = 0.2809
[ (x ) =
1 2
exp -t 2 /2 d t ]
y Minimum o ( 1.63 ) ,
= 0.2694
It can be argued that particle beams are much more likely to be something like a truncated Gaussian or one of the other distributions of Table 1 than that of Fig. 2. In particular since gas scattering or other random kick processes increase the width of a narrow beam making it more and more Gaussian. 5. LUMINOSITY WITH COASTlNG BEAMS AND FINITE CROSSING ANGLE
Colliding beam machines with two separate rings and a crossing angle can operate with coasting, that is to say unbunched beams. The interaction region length is then defined by the beam dimension in the plane of the crossing angle as illustrated in Fig. 3 for the ISR. We can again show that the luminosity is inversely proportional to the beam height.
In order to derive the luminosity formula assume two ribbon beams of height h and width w crossing in the horizontal plane with angle as in Fig. 3. We first note that since the number of particles encountered must be the same for all observers we can choose any convenient system such as the rest frame of beam 2. From Eq. (1) we know that we have to determine the effective particle density and the length of traversal of the test particle Q of beam 1.
Fig. 2 A particle distribution that can have L < y 2 > 1/2 arbitrarily large. A fraction of the particles are spread out over a constant width and contribute a constant amount of <y 2 >, while the remaining fraction is in a peak that contributes increasingly to L as it is made narrower,
L= 2 ( y ) d y .
Fig. 3 Schematic of coasting beams of width W and height h colliding with a crossing angle in the horizontal plane The Lorentz transformation needed to bring beam 2 to rest when applied to particle Q of beam 1 changes the angle of traversal to ' given by
(19) 2 2 c o s + 1 where 1 and 2 are the usual ratios of the velocities of beam 1 and beam 2 respectively to that
2 1/2 of light ( = v/c) and = (1- ) . The length of traversal l' is then W 2/sin'. Since for equal energy beams 1 = 2 = and 1 = 2 = , Eq. (19) becomes
tan ' =
tan ' =
( cos + 1)
For high energy beams ~ 1 and is large so that the second term can be neglected, giving tan /2 sin ' = and l '= W2 tan /2 (20)
The unit volume of beam 2 is also reduced by the Lorentz contraction so that the particle density (n2' ) seen by Q is given by n 2' = (21) Using (20) and (21) in Eq. (1) gives directly the number of interactions per traversal as (22) n2
n 2w 2 tan / 2
The number of particles per second in beam 1 is n 1v1w 1h and the total interaction rate is therefore n 1n 2v1w 1w 2 h dN dt = q . tan / 2 in terms of current (23)
Since we have two rings the beams can have different heights and profiles and are not necessarily well aligned, so that h must be replaced by heff where
- -
1 d z
2 d z (25)
heff =
1 2 d z
Using Eqs. (3) and (24) the luminosity L becomes I1I2 (26) L= ce 2 h eff tan /2 and once again the problem of determining the luminosity is essentially that of determining the beam geometry term heff. 6. MEASUREMENT OF THE LUMINOSITY
In principle Eq. (7) implies that at least in the case of a single-ring collider the luminosity is known provided the transverse beam dimensions can be measured. However, it is clear that if the beam profiles are measured elsewhere in the machine they must be transformed to the interaction point using a knowledge of y at the point of measurement and at the beam crossing point. In practice, while machine designers make use of such expressions, at an operating collider the experimenters require a more precise knowledge of the luminosity for normalization purposes and must find other means. At an electron machine the standard technique is to set up a monitor consisting of two small-angle electron telescopes to observe elastic (Bhabha) scattering as in Fig. 4. This process has a well-known, exactly calculable, cross section, so that from a measurement of the counting rate the luminosity can be determined using Eq. (3). The must of course be calculated for the acceptance of the detector
d B = d
with dB d
from quantum electrodynamics, where min and max are the minimum and maximum scattering angles accepted by the monitor, E is the beam energy and is the fine structure constant (e2 /hc). If care is taken to choose a counter configuration which minimises the effects
of interaction region displacements and other geometrical effects the luminosity can be determined to a few per cent [3]. But, since counting rates are low, less sophisticated monitors with larger counters are often used to give rapid values of the luminosity to ~ 10% accuracy. These monitors are then very useful diagnostic devices of the machine, giving information on beam sizes via Eq. (7) for example. BHABHA SCATTERING e+ e- e+ e-
Fig. 4 Layout of a typical luminosity monitor to detect Bhabha scattering at electron-positron storage rings 7. THE VAN DER MEER METHOD OF LUMINOSITY MEASUREMENT
For two-ring colliders Eq. (25) allows a calculation of heff from a knowledge of the vertical beam profiles but for the evaluation of the numerator the vertical distance between the centres of the beam distributions at the crossing must be known. In the ISR it was out of the question to use the standard bunched beam pick-up system to give this, mainly because of the dependence of the closed orbit on intensity as a result of space charge forces. The only possibility was to steer the beams vertically while observing a suitable monitor counting rate in order to maximise the luminosity and obtain the h = 0 point. This idea of vertical beam steering enabled S. van der Meer [4] to point out a much cleverer way of measuring the luminosity. If one measures the counting rate in a luminosity monitor, of a similar layout to that of Fig. 4, as a function of relative vertical separation (h ) of the two beams, a curve similar to that of Fig. 5 will result with a maximum at zero separation. Van der Meer showed that the area under this curve divided by the value at h = 0 is heff. At separation h the counting rate is 1 (z) . 2 (z - h ) dz A. (29)
where A is an unknown constant which includes the interaction cross section and the acceptance of the monitor but which can be assumed constant at fixed energy. Then the area under the counting rate curve is
Fig. 5 The counting rate in a luminosity monitor as a function of the vertical separation (z1 - z2) between the two coasting beams. 1 (z) . 2 (z ) dz A. If the integrals are taken over the entire non-zero region then 2 (z - h ) dh = 2 (z ) dz and therefore Eq. (30) divided by (31) is [ 1 (z) 2 ( z ) d z ]d z 1 (z) . 2 (z) dz 2 ( z )d z 1 ( z )d z 1 (z) . 2 (z) dz
= heff
With heff determined the luminosity can be calculated using Eq. (26). The currents I1 and I2 can be very accurately measured using a DC current transformer [5] and the crossing angle of the beams is known to high precision. Since from the definition of luminosity the counting rate (RM) in a monitor is given by RM = M . L
the monitor cross section M has in effect been measured by the above procedure and to the extent that the monitor rate is unaffected by backgrounds, geometry of the crossing region and its efficiency does not change, this monitor rate can be used as a direct measure of luminosity. At the ISR this technique worked extremely well and with occasional calibrations of their monitors the experimenters always knew the luminosity to within a few per cent. For particular experiments such as the measurement of the total p-p and p-p cross section special care was taken and an error of less than 1% was achieved. In particular this required a calibration of the beam displacement (h) used in the luminosity measurement. 8. VERTICAL BEAM DISPLACEMENTS AT THE ISR
The most convenient way of creating a local closed orbit bump is to place two dipole magnets a quarter of a wavelength before and after the crossing point. In practice, however, the phase advances cannot be exact because of lack of space or simply because the tune of the machine is not fixed. At the ISR this problem was solved by using the horizontal field steering magnets of the adjacent intersecting regions to make the necessary corrections. The orbit distortion was then as illustrated by Fig. 6. The problem was to ensure that the one millimetre nominal displacement at the intersection was correct to a few parts per thousand and was reproducible to a similar level. This is a much better precision than is obtainable with the usual programs such as AGS [6] or MAD [7] and in addition great care with power supply setting and magnet hysteresis was required. The solution was to calibrate the beam displacements using a scraper driven by a precision screw [8]. At the ISR special scrapers [9] were used for obtaining vertical beam profiles but as in this case only the precise centre of the distribution was required the technique was simplified so that it amounted to giving the beam a sharp edge with say the upper scraper and then finding that edge with the lower scraper. By repeating this procedure many times a very precise determination of the beam centre was possible. The location of the beam centre to 3 m was more than adequate to establish the linearity of the displacements, the success of a hysteresis correction routine, and to provide an absolute calibration to within 4 0 / 0 0 . Dependence of the bump amplitude on all sorts of parameters such as machine tune, beam intensity, betatron coupling and even the horizontal closed orbit were all studied in order to make sure that the displacement scale measured with the scrapers using single pulses was the same as for the beams of a few amperes which were used to measure the total cross sections. 9. CONCLUDING REMARKS
The use of the van de Meer method to measure heff and calibrate luminosity monitors was a great success at the ISR; where, as explained above, the luminosity depended only on the beam dimensions in one plane. In the more usual case of bunched beams, where both horizontal and vertical beam dimensions influence the luminosity it is in principle still possible to use the van der Meer method by scanning in both planes. However, the problems alluded to above become even more important and for finite crossing angles monitor acceptance as a function of longitudinal position has to be considered very carefully as the collision region is displaced as the beams are scanned in the plane of the crossing. In practice a combination of several methods including comparing small angle scattering with the total cross section, through the opticaltheorem, are used to establish the luminosity at colliders. For the next generation of hadron colliders such as the LHC and SSC there will be additional problems arising from the very small angles of elastic scattering in the 10 TeV region. Indeed most secondaries also stay in the beam pipe, which will not only make the use of the optical theorem very difficult but will also make the choice of a good luminosity monitor less than obvious. At this time it seems doubtful if the true luminosity of these future colliders will ever be known with an absolute accuracy better than a few percent.
used for luminosity measurements at an ISR intersection. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Study on the Proton Electron Storage Ring Project HERA, ECFA 80/42 (17 March 1980), DESY HERA 80/01, page III-9. H.G. Hereward, CERN Internal Report, How good is the r.m.s. as a measure of beam size? CERN/MPS/DL 6915 (1969). J.F. Crawford et al., A precision luminosity monitor for use at electron positron storage rings, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. 127 (1975) 173182. S. van der Meer, CERN Internal Report, Calibration of the effective beam height in the ISR, ISR PO/6831, June 1968. K. Unser, A torroidal DC beam current transformer with high resolution, Proceedings of the 1981 Particle Accelerator Conf. IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci. vol. NS28 No 3 (1981) 2344. E. Keil et al., AGS The ISR computer program for synchrotron design, orbit analysis and insertion matching, CERN 7513 (1975). H. Grote and F.C. Iselin, The MAD program, CERN/SL/90-13 (AP) (Revision 3) (1992). P. Bryant and K. Potter, Calibration of the beam displacements used in ISR luminosity measurements, CERN Internal Report, CERNISRESBOM/8215 (1982). K. Potter and S. Turner, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-22, No. 3, p1589 (1975).
During the design phase of an accelerator project a considerable amount of calculation and discussion centres around the choice of the transverse focusing system. The lattice, formed by the pattern of bending and focusing magnets, has a strong influence on the aperture of these magnets which are usually the most expensive single system in the accelerator. Figure 1 shows the lattice design for the SPS at CERN. The ring consists of a chain of 108 such cells. The principles of designing such a lattice have been treated elsewhere in this school by Rossbach and Schmser [1] and the methods of modifying the regular pattern of cells to make matched insertions where space is needed for accelerating structures, extraction systems and for experiments where colliding beams interact, will be the subject of another talk [2].
Fig. 1 One cell of the CERN 400 GeV Super Proton Synchrotron representing 1/108 of the circumference. The pattern of dipole and quadrupole magnets (F and D) is shown above. Beam particles make betatron oscillations within the shaded envelopes.
In this series of lectures I shall concentrate on those aspects of transverse dynamics which frustrate the designer or plague the person whose job it is to make the machine perform as well as theory predicts. I shall start with Liouville's theorem because this is an inescapable limitation to the beam size. Next I shall explain the distortion of the central orbit of the machine due to errors in the bending field. I shall then move on to explain how errors in quadrupole gradients may lead to instability of the betatron motion at certain Q values known as stopbands. Finally I shall explain why it is necessary to correct the variation of Q with momentum with sextupoles in order to avoid these stopbands. The more advanced topics of the influence of fields which couple the two transverse phase planes together and fields whose non-linear nature can excite resonances which extract particles are given in two separate talks in this school [3,4]. In those talks we shall move away from the predictable linear behaviour to glimpse the fascinating jungle of effects which stretch our minds at the boundaries of accelerator theory and which will be fully developed in the Advanced Course of this school. Since the effects I shall mention are annoying and best eliminated I shall try to indicate how measurements may be made on a circulating beam and its transverse behaviour corrected. Many of the effects I shall describe need only to be estimated rather than accurately predicted but it is very important to understand their mechanism. I shall therefore prefer to introduce concepts with approximate but physically revealing theory. I make no apologies for building the theory from elementary definitions. These have to be restated to give those not fortunate enough to have eaten and slept in phase space a firm basic understanding. I hope that others who become impatient with the redefinition of basic quantities will be eventually gratified by the later stages in the exposition of the theory and the references I have given for further study. 2. LIOUVILLE'S THEOREM
Fig. 2 Liouville's theorem applies to this ellipse Particle dynamics obey a conservation law of phase space called Liouville's theorem. A beam of particles may be represented in a phase space diagram as a cloud of points within a closed contour, usually an ellipse (Fig. 2).
The area within the contour is proportional to the emittance of the beam. At constant energy we express this as the area = y' dy in units of .mm.milliradians. We have shown the contour at a place where the function is at a maximum or minimum and where the major and minor axes of an upright ellipse are ( )and (/.) This emittance is conserved, whatever magnetic focusing or bending operation we do on the beam. This is a consequence of the conservation of transverse momentum or, more strictly, a consequence of Liouville's theorem which states that: "In the vicinity of a particle, the particle density in phase space is constant if the particles move in an external magnetic field or in a general field in which the forces do not depend upon velocity." Clearly this definition rules out the application of Liouville's theorem to space charge problems or when particles emit synchrotron light. However, with these exceptions, it allows us to be confident that though the beam cross section may take on many shapes around the accelerator, its phase space area will not change (Fig. 3). Thus if the beam is at a narrow waist (a) its divergence will be large. In an F quadrupole (d) where the betatron function is maximum, its divergence will be small and a small angular deflection can greatly dilute phase space.
Fig. 3 The development of a constant emittance beam in phase space at a) a narrow waist, b) a broad waist or maximum in the beta function, c) place where the beam is diverging and d) at a broad maximum at the centre of an F lens. In regions where the function is not at a maximum or minimum the ellipse is tilted representing a beam that is either diverging or converging. In Fig. 4 we see the ellipse portrayed in terms of the Twiss parameters. The equation of the ellipse (often called the Courant and Snyder invariant) is:
( s) y 2 + 2 ( s) yy' + ( s) y'2 = .
and the invariance of this quantity as we move to different points in the ring is a consequence of Liouville's theorem. All of this is true for a beam circulating at constant energy, but we may go further and apply Liouville's theorem to a proton beam during acceleration. To do so we must express emittance in the canonical phase space (q , p ). and we must first look carefully at the coordinates: displacement, y, and divergence, y', we have been using so far. The canonical coordinates of relativistic mechanics are: q=y p= my 1 v2 c2 = mc y
Fig. 4 The parameters of a phase-space ellipse containing an emittance at a point in the lattice between quadrupoles where we are obliged to redefine the meaning of and : /c , y = y 2 + z 2 / c 2 2 + s = 1 x m = rest mass , c = velocity of light . The divergence is therefore: y' = where y dy y = = , ds s
[ (
) ]
1/ 2
=v/c .
and the canonically conjugate p and q are therefore related to y and y': p = mc y' q=y In its general form Liouville's theorem states:
where: p0 is the momentum of the particle, , the emittance, which is invariant at any given energy. Accelerator physicists often quote an invariant emittance:
* = [ mm.mrad ] .
As acceleration proceeds the normalized emittance is conserved; is just proportional to the momentum or, above a few GeV, to the energy of the proton. Thus, we expect the emittance to shrink "adiabatically" during acceleration as 1 / p0 and the beam dimensions to /2 shrink as 1 / p1 0 (Fig. 5). As a rule, proton accelerators need their full aperture at injection and it is then that their design is most critical. It is for this reason too, that multistage accelerators such as the LinacPSB-PS complex are used, since by inserting the PSB the energy of the Linac beam is increased, thus allowing a beam of larger normalized emittance * and containing more protons, to be injected into the PS.
In a chain of proton accelerators such as those at FNAL or CERN the invariant emittance, fixed by space charge at the beginning of the linac may be conserved to several hundred GeV. Of course, in practice there may be mismatches between machines or non-linear fields which dilate the emittance. There are even techniques, stochastic and electron cooling, which condense the emittance and appear to defeat Liouville's theorem. In fact they merely rearrange and centralise the particles within the emittance contour rather than affecting the mean density.
Another, more mathematical, description of Liouville's theorem is to consider the transformation of a small element of phase space bounded by eight particles, including a ninth and excluding a tenth particle. Suppose the two diagrams of Fig. 6 are related by the transformation, M. Then, in this picture area is related by the Jacobian determinant:
J= M =
=1 .
Since the determinant is 1, area is conserved and Liouville follows. In other words Liouville's theorem implies that the determinant of the transport matrix is unity.
Fig. 6 The development of 10 points in phase space undergoing a Liouvillian transformation 2.2 Exceptions to Liouville's theorem
By now, anyone who comes from a laboratory that has an electron synchrotron will be beginning to experience a rising tide of protest. In fact, the invariance of normalised emittance and the shrinking of physical emittance with energy is quite the opposite of what happens in an electron machine. As we shall read in later contributions on synchrotron radiation [5], electrons, being highly relativistic, emit quanta of radiation as they are accelerated. The size of the average quantum increases with E 3 and the rate of emission as E . This quantized emission causes particles to jump around in momentum, changes which couple into transverse phase space. At the same time there is a steady tendency for particles near the edge of the emittance to lose transverse energy and fall back towards the centre. In an electron machine the emittance, determined by the equilibrium between these two effects, grows with E2. Liouville's theorem only applies to particles guided by external fields and does not apply to electron machines where particles emit some of their own energy. 2.3 Definitions of emittance
Within the boundary of transverse phase space, the emittance of the beam, particles are usually distributed in a population which appears Gaussian when projected on a vertical or horizontal plane. The emittance boundary is traditionally chosen to include 95% of a Gaussian beam or 2 y in a proton machine. In an electron machine a 2 boundary would be too close to the beam. An aperture stop placed at this distance would rather rapidly absorb
most of the beam as quantum emission stirs it up in phase space. The physical boundary allowed, depends on the lifetime required but is in the region 6 to 10 . What is normally quoted as an emittance for an electron beam corresponds to of the Gaussian projection. There is consequently a factor 4 between emittance defined by electron and proton people. Beware! Just to complicate matters proton people have of late taken to using the 2/ definition of emittance used by electron people. 2.4 Acceptance
In contrast, the acceptance, A , the size of the hole which is the vacuum chamber transformed into phase space, is unambiguous. Remembering from the lectures on focusing that particles follow an elliptical trajectory with axes y = , and area we can write y' = /
protons =
( 2 )2
electrons =
r2 A= where r is the semi-axis of the chamber. 2.5 Measurement of emittance
It is my intention to give you some idea of the means used to measure the various optical quantities as they are mentioned. The methods of observing particle beams are much more limited than theory might suggest and it is as well to bear this in mind and aim for simplicity in arriving at a design rather than to rely upon a complex procedure. The most reliable and straightforward way to measure proton beam size is to drive a scraper into the beam or move the beam across the scraper and integrate the beam loss curve. Electron machines observe beam size by refocusing the synchrotron light emitted, though the beam dimensions can be so small that special image scanning techniques are needed to resolve the image. A clever, non-destructive device used for proton machines is the Ionisation Beam Scanner [6]. Figure 7 shows the principle in which a zero electrical potential scans across the beam allowing electrons to be collected from its surface as the beam ionises the residual gas. A typical signal is given in Fig. 8. This IBS has the advantage that it can give a "mountain range" display of how the beam shrinks during acceleration (Fig. 9). Its disadvantage is that the space charge fields of an intense beam can distort the width of the peak which represents the beam. For this reason it is rarely used nowadays except, as in this talk, for pedagogical reasons. Another diagnostic tool is a wire which is scanned across the beam very rapidly. Secondary particles generated are counted with a scintillation telescope. Here one must be careful not to dilate the beam by scattering (or burn the wire).
Fig. 9 Mountain range display and horizontal profile; 1 cm/division horizontal profile at 350 GeV 3. A SIMPLIFIED TREATMENT OF BETATRON MOTION
The earlier lectures on focusing treat betatron motion with all the rigour necessary to design a machine. However some readers who are new to the field might find the following sections too confusing if we carry through all the terms from the rigorous theory. We shall therefore use two models of the motion which are approximate but graphic. We shall confine our examination of the motion to maxima or minima in the beta function where the ellipse is upright as in Fig. 10.
In Fig. 10b we see the ellipse, plotted at a point where the amplitude function is large (as it is near F quadrupoles). The ellipse will be very wide and not very high in divergence angle and it is in such positions that a small angular kick has the greatest effect on the beam. Imagine, for example, how little angular displacement is needed to move the ellipse by its own height and increase the emittance by a factor 2. Thus, in a machine with a lattice like Fig. 1 most of the damage done to the beam by bad fields which cause angular kicks, happens near the F quadrupoles.
Fig. 10 Phase-space diagram at (a) a minimum and (b) a maximum Circle approximation positions that you can often do So predominant is the effect of perturbations near quite good "back of the envelope" calculations by closing your eyes to what happens to the protons in between F quadrupoles. At F quadrupoles the ellipse always looks the same, i.e. upright, with semi-axes in displacement and divergence 3.1
( ) , ( / )
This can be reduced to a circle radius by using the new coordinates y=y p = y' . If the machine has 108 periods and a Q of 27.6, the proton advances in phase by 2 Q/108 from one period to the next; this is just the angle subtended at the centre of the circle multiplied by Q. After one turn of the machine, it has made 27 revolutions of the circle plus an angle of 2 multiplied by the fractional part of Q, see Fig. 11. This renormalization of the phase space can be done in a more rigorous way by choosing new variables ( , ) which transform the distortion of the phase and amplitude so that the motion becomes that of a harmonic oscillator. We must, of course, transform back again to see physical displacements, but the mathematics becomes more transparent. This simplification is discussed in the next section.
Fig. 11 Circle diagram (locus at F quadrupoles) 3.2 The (,) description of AG focusing
A more rigorous renormalization of phase space which does not imply any approximation but which simplifies the problem is the (,) transformation to convert Hill's equation into that of a harmonic oscillator: d 2 2 2 + Q = g( ) d where g() is the azimuthal pattern of some perturbation of the guide field related to B( s ) . F(s) = B In the ideal case g() is everywhere zero. I will not bother you with how this transformation is found, but just state it. The new coordinates are related to the old:
= 1/ 2 y =
ds , Q g( ) = Q2 3/ 2 F( s) ,
where advances by 2 every revolution. It coincides with at each or location and does not depart very much from in between. 4. THE Q VALUES
A full understanding of transverse dynamics is rather difficult until one has an almost tactile appreciation of the nature of the oscillations. The simple models of the last section are intended to help but even more insight may be had from contemplating the methods of measuring the Q values. A number of methods are possible and each reveals a different aspect of the motion.
Measurement of Q by kicking
The method is to fire a kicker magnet with a pulse lasting less than one turn and observe the way in which the centre of charge of the beam oscillates as it passes a pick-up on sequential turns (see Fig. 12).
Fig. 12 Ideal Q-measurement signal following a kick which excites coherent betatron motion. Q = integer 1/6. In order to understand Fig. 12 it is convenient to imagine a beam consisting of one short longitudinal bunch. The line density current passing a detector is then a Fourier series
(t ) = an sin 2 nf0t .
This beam position detector sees the betatron oscillations following the kick as: y(t ) = y0 cos 2 f0Qt but modulated by (t). An oscilloscope connected to the pick-up will give a display of the modulated signal, the product of and y
( t ) y( t ) =
1 an y0 [sin 2 (n + Q) f 0t + sin 2 (n Q) f 0t ] . 2 n
The envelope of the oscilloscope signal will be the slowest of these terms in which (n-Q) is the fractional part of Q. The other terms in the series reconstruct the spikes in the signal occurring once per turn. Note that I have made use of the elementary relation: sin a cos b = 1 [sin (a + b) + sin (a b)] . 2
This will be often used when we come to look at resonances. 4.2 R.F. knockout and Q measurement
A very simple form of resonance can be induced by applying a deflecting field with the frequency of a betatron sideband as the frequencies (n Q)f 0 are called. We can easily invert the above treatment to show that if you apply a signal of the form sin[2 ( n Q) f0t ] then the particle passing the electrodes of the deflector sees the deflector every turn and experiences a kick sin[2 nf 0t ]sin[2 (n Q)nf 0t ] . Using again the elementary relation of Section 4.1 we see that the (a - b) component is in resonance with the betatron motion sin 2 Qf 0t . Once in resonance, the particle is deflected on each turn by a kick which increases its amplitude of transverse oscillations in phase with the excitation and blows up the beam. Note that this like the previous method gives a value of the fractional part of Q with respect to the nearest integer but gives no information about which integer this is. 4.3 Measurement by analysing the frequencies emitted by the beam
It is also possible nowadays to detect these betatron frequencies among the statistical noise signal detected by a transverse pick-up which can be just a pair of plates and displayed with an integrating spectrum analyser which is really a scanning radio receiver connected to an oscilloscope. Peaks appear as sidebands to the revolution frequency in the display of response versus frequency (Fig. 13). Their separation is 2 Qf 0 where Q is the fractional part of Q.
Fig. 13 Transverse pickup seen on a spectrum analyser One may wonder why the particles, evenly spread around the ellipse in phase space, can generate such a signal. The answer is that they are finite in number and the pick-up samples
but a small fraction of them. In a sample there are always significant statistical fluctuations of the centre of charge, or mean displacement, which the spectrum analyser picks up. 5. CLOSED-ORBIT DISTORTION
As an illustration of the power of (,) coordinates we look at closed-orbit distortions which are produced by field errors. Even the best synchrotron magnets cannot be made absolutely identical. Each magnet differs from the mean by some small error in integrated strength:
( Bl) = B dl
( B d )
These and other machine imperfections, such as survey errors which can be expressed as equivalent to field errors, are randomly spread around the ring. We can use the (,) coordinates to find out how this perturbs a proton which would otherwise have had zero betatron amplitude. Such a proton no longer goes straight down the centre of the vacuum chamber but follows a perturbed closed orbit about which the normal betatron motion of the other protons can be superimposed. One of the most important considerations in designing a machine is to keep this closed orbit distortion to a minimum because it eats up available machine aperture. Also, once we have succeeded in getting a few turns round the machine, we want to reduce this distortion with correcting dipole magnets. As a first step let us consider the effect on the orbit of such a correcting dipole located at a position where = K and observed at another position. A short dipole (we shall assume it is a delta function in s) makes a constant angular kick in divergence
y' = ( Bl) / ( B ) ,
which perturbs the orbit trajectory which elsewhere obeys d 2 + Q2 = 0 d 2
= 0 cos (Q + ) .
We choose = 0 origin to be diametrically opposite the kick. Then by symmetry = 0 and the "orbit" is that shown in Fig. 14.
Fig. 14 Tracing the closed orbit for one turn in (,) space with a single kick at = . (The Q value is about 5.6.) Since, by definition, the trajectory is closed, continuity demands that the kick y' matches the change in slope at = , the location of the dipole. Differentiating the orbit equation d = 0Q sin Q = 0Q sin Q , at = . d To relate this to the real kick we use d 1 = , ds Q K therefore d dy = K , ds ds
y' ( Bl) dy d d 0 = = = K = sin Q 2 2 B ds d ds K K y' . 2 sin Q Returning to physical coordinates we can write the orbit's equation in the range < (s) < : 0 =
( s) K ( Bl) y = ( s)0 cos Q ( s) = cos Q ( s) . 2 sin Q B The expression in square brackets is the maximum amplitude of the perturbation at (s). The above expression is rigorous but as an example of the use of the circle approximation consider the special case where the kink and observation are at the same value of beta. We see quite clearly from Fig. 15 how the equation for the amplitude of the distortion appear.
Fig. 15 Tracing a closed orbit for one turn in the circle diagram with a single kick. The path is ABCD. In estimating the effect of a random distribution of dipole errors we must take the r.m.s. average, weighted according to the K values over all of the kicks yi from the N magnets in the ring. The expectation value of the amplitude is: y( s ) =
(s) 2 2 sin Q
i yi'2
( s) 2 2 sin Q
( Bl)rms
The factor 2 comes from averaging over all the phases of distortion produced. The principal imperfections in a synchrotron causing orbit distortion are shown in Table 1 [7]. The first line in the table represents the random variations in the position of quadrupole magnets with respect to their ideal location. A small displacement of a quadrupole gives an effective dipole perturbation, kl y . The tilt of bending magnets causes a small resultant dipole in the horizontal direction which deflects vertically. Obviously random errors in magnet gap, length or in the coercivity of the steel yoke which determines remanent field contribute to the third line. Both remanent and stray fields in straight sections tend to be constant and their effect scales as l/B as the machine pulses. Their effect should therefore be evaluated where it is worst, i.e. at injection. In a modern superconducting machine the persistent current fields play the role of remanent effects. Table 1 Sources of Closed Orbit Distortion Type of element Gradient magnet Bending magnet (bending angle = i) Source of kick Displacement Tilt r.m.s. value <y> <> Bl ( B ) kili<y> i <> plane
x,z z
<B/B> <s>
i </> di Bs ( B )inj
x x,z
In designing a machine it used to be conventional wisdom to make sure that the vacuum chamber will accommodate twice this expectation value. The probability of no particles making the first turn is thus reduced to a mere 2%. More modern designs rely on closed-orbit steering to thread the first turn and thereafter assume that orbit correction to a millimeter or so will be feasible. 5.1 The Fourier harmonics of the error distribution
One of the advantages of reducing the problem to that of a harmonic oscillator in ( ,) coordinates is that perturbations can be treated as the driving term of the oscillator, broken down into their Fourier components, and the whole problem solved like the forced oscillations of a pendulum. The driving term is put on the right hand side of Hill's equation:
d 2 ik 2 2 = Q2 3/ 2 F( s ) , 2 + Q = Q fk e d n =1
where F(s) is the azimuthal pattern of the perturbation B/(B ); and Q2 3/ 2 comes from the transformation from physical coordinates to (,). The Fourier amplitudes are defined: f ( ) = 3 / 2 F( s ) = fk eik ,
where fk = 1 2
2 0
f ( )e
d =
1 1/ 2 F( s)e ik ds . 2 Q
But be careful. Before doing the Fourier analysis, B must be multiplied by 1/2 if the physical variable s is chosen as an independent variable, or 3/2 if , the transformed phase, is used. Looking carefully at the above expression, we see that this differs from the general solutions
= 0 e iQ
which describe betatron motion about the equilibrium orbit, because the wave number is an integer k . In fact it is a closed orbit, a particular solution of Hill's differential equation, to which we must add the general solutions which describe betatron oscillations about this orbit. The function Q2/(Q2 - k2) is sometimes called the magnification factor for a particular Fourier component of B . It rises steeply when the wave number k is close to Q , and the effect of the two Fourier components in the random error pattern with k values adjacent to Q accounts for about 60% of the total distortion due to all random errors. Figure 16 shows a closed orbit pattern from electrostatic pick-ups in the FNAL ring, whose Q is between 19 and 20. The pattern shows strong components with these wave numbers. If Q is deliberately tuned to an integer k, the magnification factor is infinite and errors of that frequency make the proton walk out of the machine. This is in fact an integer resonance driven by dipole errors. One instructive method of correcting orbit distortion is to apply a pattern of dipole correctors which excite an equal and opposite Fourier component of error at an integer close to Q.
Fig. 16 FNAL main ring electrostatic pick-ups show closed orbit around the ring (Q 19.2)
Closed-orbit bumps
It is often important to deliberately distort a closed orbit bump at one part of the circumference without affecting the central orbit elsewhere. A typical example of this is to make the beam ride close to an extraction septum or within the narrow jaws of an extraction kicker magnet placed just outside the normal acceptance of the ring. If one is lucky enough to find two positions for small dipole deflecting magnets spaced by in betatron phase and centred about the place where the bump is required, the solution is very simple. The distortion produced is: y( s ) = ( s) k sin ( 0 ) where (s) is the beta function at s, k is the beta function at the deflector and
( Bl) . B
This half-wave bump has a very simple configuration in normalised phase space (Fig. 17) We can immediately see that the central orbit (at the origin) is not disturbed elsewhere).
Fig. 17 An exact half-wave bump using two dipoles Note that the magnitude of the bump is not only proportional to the root of the local (s) but is proportional to k . Since is largest at F quadrupoles this is clearly where one should locate dipole bumpers. Very often F-quadrupoles are not apart in phase but 2 /3. this means the dipoles are slightly less effective (sin /3 = 3/2) but also we must introduce a third dipole to form a triad. The third dipole is best located near the peak of the bump. Figure 18 shows how the three bumps add up in normalised phase space. The case illustrated is the general one with dipoles of different strengths and spaced differently in phase. In order to find an exact solution to the problem of a triad bump we use the matrix which transforms a point in phase space from one location to another (Eq. 1 of Ref. [2]). / 0 (cos + 0 sin ) y0 , 0 sin y ' = y' 1 / ( ) cos + (1 + ) sin , / (cos sin ) y0 0 0 0 0
( (
) ){
} (
Fig. 18 A general bump using three dipoles It is the element which links y to y 0 which describes the trajectory. Following the kick
y2 = 1 21 sin ( 2 1 ) . The same argument can be used to describe the trajectory working back from 3 y2 = 3 2 3 sin ( 2 3 ) . The kick 2 must be the change in the derivative
2 = 1
3 1 cos ( 2 1 ) + 3 cos ( 3 2 ) . 2 2
Here the 2 in the denominator comes from multiplying by d /ds = 1 / 2 at the location of the cusp. We can rewrite these relations
Electrostatic plates with diagonal slots are commonly used to measure the transverse position of a bunched beam. We have seen that the predominant harmonic in the uncorrected orbit is close to Q and to establish its amplitude and phase one really needs four pick-ups per
wavelength. Given the present fashion for FODO lattices with about 90 per cell and the need to measure in both planes, the final solution is usually one pickup at each quadrupole. The ones at F-quadrupoles, where beta is large horizontally, are the most accurate for the horizontal plane while others at D-quadrupoles are best for the vertical correction. Similar arguments lead us to have one horizontally defecting dipole at each Fquadrupole where x is large, and one vertically deflecting dipole at each D-quadrupole, where z is large. Clearly so many correcting dipoles are unnecessary if only the two principal harmonics are to be corrected. In Fig. 19, one can excite the l9th harmonic with a single dipole, though a pair in opposition are necessary if their bending effect is to cancel and a further pair are needed in quadrature for the phase making four per harmonic and per plane. However, studies show that this simple harmonic correction still leaves about 30% of the initial distortion. Another method consists in applying a set of superposed beam bumps formed along the lines calculated above; each a triad which compensates the measured orbit position at its centre. Given the power of modern computers this kind of correction can be calculated and applied all round the ring in a few seconds.
Fig. 19 Diagram showing the sign of correction dipoles necessary to excite or compensate even or odd Fourier components of distortion around the ring of a synchrotron
Some machines do not have dipole correctors which are sufficiently strong to correct an orbit at their top energy and quadrupole magnets must be displaced upwards or sideways a distance y to apply an effective dipole: ( Bl) = ky . B Such displacements are tedious to apply to all quadrupoles in such large machines as the SPS or LEP and indeed the accumulated effect of errors in moving so many quadrupoles by a few tenths of a millimetre might even make the orbit worse. An alternative [8] to moving all quadrupoles (or powering all dipoles) is to select those which are most effective in correcting the orbit. Stored in the computer is a large matrix G with as many rows as pick-ups and as many columns as correctors. Each term describes the effect Yi of a corrector j at the ith pick-up Y = G .
Once the orbit is measured the column matrix Y is entered and can be converted into a set of corrections : 1 G = GG Y
( )
But since we first want to select the most effective correctors, we examine the terms of G which is a measure of efficiency. The best corrector is retained while a search is made Y for another one to form a doublet. At the cost of considerable computing time one can find any number of best correctors. The method also has the advantage that it can be used if one or more of the pick-ups is out of action. One last comment on orbit correction is that while originally invented to save on magnet aperture, orbit corrections now seem an essential procedure to reduce the effects of nonlinearities in the dynamics of synchrotrons. One example is that orbit distortion in the sextupoles, which all machines have for correcting chromaticity, will generate a pattern of quadrupole gradient errors and drive half-integer stopbands. 6. GRADIENT ERRORS
Fig. 20 Matrix representation of a small quadrupole, m0 subject to an error which is a component of the matrix for the whole ring, M Quadrupoles as well as bending magnets may have errors. Understanding the effect of such gradient errors is a useful preparation for the study of non-linear errors. We represent a ring of magnets as a circle in Fig. 20 and the matrix for one turn starting at A as:
The unperturbed transfer matrix for the whole machine: cos 0 + 0 sin 0 M0 ( s) = 0 sin 0 includes m0 . To find the perturbed transfer matrix we make a turn, back-track through the small 1 unperturbed quadrupole m0 , and then proceed through the perturbed quadrupole ( m). Translated into matrix algebra,
( )
1 M ( s ) = mm0 M0 .
0 sin 0 cos 0 + 0 sin 0 , M= . k ( s)ds(cos 0 + 0 sin 0 ) sin 0 , k ( s)ds 0 sin 0 + cos 0 0 sin 0
Now 1/2(Tr M)= cos . So the change in cos is (cos ) = sin 0 = 2 Q = = sin 0 0 ( s) k ( s)ds 2
( s) k ( s)ds . 2
Since betatron phase is not involved in this equation we are tempted to integrate around the ring to obtain Q = 1 ( s) k ( s) ds . 4
This result is often used in accelerator theory and is surprising in that we see that the change is independent of the phase of the perturbation. However, this equation is only approximately true since as we add each elemental focusing error it modifies (s) as well as Q so that there is a higher-order term which should be included if one wants accurate numerical results [see Ref. [9] Eqs. (4.32) to (4.37)]. Nevertheless, used with discretion it is sufficiently accurate to explain the physical basis of the resonant phenomena we shall be discussing in later sections which can usually only be estimated to within a factor of 2 anyway. The reason for our concern about the change in tune or phase advance which results from errors is that we must steer Q well away from certain fractional values which can cause the motion to resonate and result in loss of the beam. To understand how some Q values are dangerous let us return to the case of closed orbit distortion. Earlier we found the orbit distortion amplitude:
= y
( Bl) . 2 sin Q B
Clearly this will become infinite if Q is an integer value. What happens physically is that the beam receives a kick at the same phase on every turn and just spirals outwards. An error in gradient can have the same effect if the Q value is close to one of the lines: Qh = Qv = p , Qh + Qv = p where p is an integer. At this stage in the description of transverse dynamics we can only hint at the explanation for this. Particles spiral outwards in phase space if the perturbation has the same effect on each turn. The perturbation from a dipole is independent of the transverse displacement and can only build up in this way if the particle returns to the same point in phase space on each turn (Q = p). A quadrupole error has field proportional to x and if a particle makes half turns in phase space it will see alternately positive and negative kicks in divergence but both will reinforce the growth. One may extend this argument to understand why sextupole errors which have a quadratic x dependence excite third-integer "resonances" as they are called near the lines. 3Qh = p 2Qh + Qv = Qh + 2Qv = 3Qv = p 2Qh Qv = Qh 2Qv = p p p p 2Qh = p , 2Qv = p
This is simply a diagram with QH and QV as its axes. The beam can be plotted on it as a point but because there is a certain Q -spread among protons of different momenta it is better to give the point a finite radius Q (Fig. 21). We plot on the diagram a mesh of lines which mark danger zones for the protons. We have hinted that if Q in either the vertical or the horizontal plane is a simple vulgar fraction, then nQ = p , where n and p are integer and n < 5, a resonance takes over and walks the proton out of the beam. In general this is true when
QH + mQV = p ,
where |l| + | m| is the order of the resonance and p is the azimuthal frequency which drives it.
Fig. 21 SPS working diamond This equation just defines a set of lines in the Q diagram for each order of resonance and for each value of the integer p. Figure 21 shows these lines for the SPS. Somehow, by careful adjustment of the quadrupoles in the lattice and by keeping the Qspread (chromaticity) small, we must coax the beam up to full energy without hitting the lines. To make things more difficult, each line has a finite width, proportional to the strength of the imperfection which drives it. In some cases we must compensate the imperfections with correction multipoles to reduce this width. But before discussing resonances and their correction in another contribution to these proceedings [4], a word about chromaticity. 8. CHROMATICITY
This steering of Q depends on careful regulation of quadrupole and dipole power supplies. In fact, much of the setting up time of a large accelerator is devoted to tune Q to be constant as the fields and energy rise. Once beam has been accelerated the problem becomes one of reducing all effects which produce a spread in Q among the particles in the beam. The limit to this is usually reached when beam intensity is high enough to cause space-charge focusing effects whose strength varies with the local beam density. Before reaching this limit one must correct the tune spread due to momentum: the chromaticity. This is exactly equivalent to the chromatic aberration in a lens. It is defined as a quantity Q' p Q = Q . p It can be measured by changing the mean momentum of the beam by offsetting the r.f. frequency and measuring Q . Figure 22 shows such a measurement. Changing the r.f. frequency or momentum at a given field implies a change in radial position. As we have seen, an off-momentum particle will take up a new orbit following the dispersion function.
The chromaticity arises because the focusing strength of a quadrupole has (B) in the denominator and is therefore inversely proportional to momentum. The focusing strength of the lattice quadrupoles, k= 1 dBz , ( B ) dx
varies inversely with ( B ) , i.e., with momentum, p . A small spread in momentum in the beam, p/p, causes a spread in focusing strength:
Fig. 22 Measurement of variation of Q with mean radius made by changing the r.f. frequency
k p = . k p Since the Q-value depends on k, we can also write a formula for the Q-spread: Q = Q' p , p
where the constant Q' is the chromaticity, analogous to chromatic aberration in an optical system. An equation we derived earlier in the section on gradient errors Q = enables us to calculate Q' rather quickly: Q = 1 p 1 ( s)k ( s)ds = ( s)k ( s)ds . 4 4 p 1 ( s) k ( s) ds . 4
The chromaticity Q' is just the quantity in square brackets. To be clear, this is called the natural chromaticity. For the SPS and the PS, indeed most AG machines, its value is about 1.3 Q for H and V planes.
Imagine the situation at injection where p/p can be 2 x 10-3. In a large synchrotron with a Q about 25 this can make the working point in the Q diagram into a line of length Q = 0.15 which is too long to avoid the resonances. This must be corrected. Just to make matters worse the chromaticity one has to correct may well be much greater than that due to the natural chromatic properties of quadrupoles. The remanent field at injection into a large ring may well be half a percent of the guide field and has the parabolic shape of a sextupole. In a superconducting ring the sextupole fields at injection stem from persistent currents and are very much larger still. Storage rings are usually designed with lowbeta sections with zero dispersion for the interaction regions and the main low-beta quadrupoles being very strong make enormous contributions to the chromaticity. Since the dispersion is zero at the source of the error the compensation can only be made elsewhere in the lattice where the parameter D is large. One way to correct this is to introduce some focusing which gets stronger for the high momentum orbits near the outside of the vacuum chamber a quadrupole whose gradient increases with radial position is needed. Such a magnet has 6 poles, i.e. a sextupole. In a place where there is dispersion it will introduce a focusing k = B" D p . ( B ) p
We use an earlier expression for the effect of this k on Q and obtain 1 B" ( s) ( s) D( s)ds dp . Q = ( B ) 4 p To correct chromaticity we have merely to make the quantity in the square bracket balance the chromaticity. However, there are two chromaticities, one affecting Qx , the other Q z and we must therefore arrange for the sextupoles to cancel both. For this we use a trick which is common in many different contexts. Sextupoles near F-quadrupoles where x is large affect mainly the horizontal Q, while those near D-quadrupoles where z is large influences Qz. The effects of two families like this are not completely orthogonal but by inverting a simple 2 x 2 matrix one can find two sextupole sets which do the job. The correction of chromaticity is a subject on its own since there is a higher-order term, a parabolic variation of Q with momentum which is not compensated in this way. Sextupole patterns which minimise this, yet do not themselves excite serious non-linear side effects, are not easy to find. There are two ways of measuring chromaticity apart from the radial steering method shown in Fig. 22. The first of these is to observe the width of the betatron sidebands in the spectrum from a transverse pickup (Fig. 13). Secondly, we can measure the time it takes for a coherent betatron oscillation following a small kick to disappear as the Q smears out the phase relation between protons of different momenta (Fig. 23). A ringing time of 200 turns signifies a Q 1/200 and is about the best we can hope for using this rather crude method.
Fig. 23 Position pick-up signal following a kick showing decay of coherent betatron oscillation due to Q spread 1/24 9. CONCLUSIONS
We have now covered sufficient of the theory of transverse beam dynamics to understand the basic processes of designing focusing structures for a circular machine, the mechanisms which are produced by errors and how they may be compensated, at least in the case of those due to linear fields. The reader will also have learned enough about the behaviour of off-momentum particles to follow the explanation of longitudinal dynamics which follows. It remains only to list a bibliography of works which the author has found to be useful in understanding this topic. * * * REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] J. Rossbach and P. Schmser, Basic course on accelerator optics, Proceedings of this School. P.J. Bryant, Insertions, Proceedings of this School. P.J. Bryant, Linear coupling, Proceedings of this School. E. Wilson, Non-linearities and resonances, Proceedings of this School. R.P. Walker, Synchrotron radiation, Proceedings of this School. C.D. Johnson and L. Thorndahl, CERN/MPS/Int. Co. 68-13. C. Bovet, R. Gouiran, I. Gumowski and H. Reich, A selection of formulae and data useful for the design of A.G. synchrotrons, CERN/MPS-SI/Int.DL/70/4. B. Autin and P.J. Bryant, Closed orbit manipulation and correction in the CERN ISR, Proc. VIIIth Int. Conf. High Energy Acc. (CERN, Geneva, 1971). E. Courant ant, H. Snyder, Theory of the alternating-gradient synchrotron, Ann. Phys. 3 (1958).
BIBLIOGRAPHY Livingood, J., 1961, Principles of Cyclic Accelerators (Van Nostrand). Livingston, M. and Blewett, J., 1962, Particle Accelerators (McGraw-Hill). Steffen, K.G., 1965, High Energy Beam Optics (Wiley). Bruck, H., 1968, Accelerateurs circulaire de particules (PUF, Paris). Rosenblatt, J., 1968, Particle Acceleration (Methuen). Kolomensky, A.A. and Lebedev, A.N., 1966, Theory of Cyclic Accelerators (North-Holland). Sands, M., 1970, The Physics of Electron Storage Rings, SLAC Report 121 (SLAC, Stanford, California). The 300 GeV Programme, 1972, CERN/1050 (CERN). Lawson, J.D., 1979, The Physics of Charged Particle Beams (Oxford). Theoretical Aspects of the Behaviour of Beams in Accelerators and Storage Rings, 1977, CERN 77-13 (CERN). Wilson, E.J.N., 1977, Proton Synchrotron Accelerator Theory, CERN 77-07 (CERN).FROM US Conte, M. and Mackay, W.W., An Introduction to the Physics of Particle Accelerators (World Scientific Publishing). Edwards, D.A. and Syphers, M.J., An Introduction to the Physics of High Energy Accelerators (Wiley). Bryant, P. and Johnsen, K., The Principles of Circular Accelerators and Storage Rings (Cambridge).
S. Guiducci Frascati National Laboratories - INFN, Frascati, Italy Abstract A derivation of chromaticity formulae for circular accelerators is given, including the contribution of quadrupoles and sextupoles and with special attention to the general bending magnet. These are also exact for small radii of curvature. 1. INTRODUCTION
In the design of storage rings there are many similarities with the geometry of optics. In analogy to chromatic aberrations in optics, in particle accelerators a parameter called chromaticity is introduced. In optics rays of different wavelength find a different refraction index in a lens and therefore experience a different focal length. Similarly in a storage ring particles of different momentum see a different focusing strength in the quadrupoles and, as a consequence, have a different betatron oscillation frequency. We define the chromaticity as the variation of the betatron tune Q with the relative momentum deviation ( = p/p): Q'= dQ . d (1)
Let us point out the importance of the chromaticity in circular accelerators. The chromaticity has a deleterious influence on the beam dynamics for two main reasons: First, a momentum spread p is always present in a particle beam, therefore the chromaticity produces a tune spread in the beam:
Q = Q' p.
In large rings, with high tune values, this tune spread is so large that it is impossible to accommodate the beam in the space between the resonance lines in the tune diagram. How dangerous these resonances can be for beam stability has been described by E.J.N. Wilson [1]. Second, in the case of bunched beams the chromaticity produces a transverse instability called "head-tail effect" (see Ref. [2] for a detailed treatment). The wake field produced by the leading part of a bunch (the head) excites an oscillation of the trailing part (the tail) of the same bunch. In half a synchrotron period the head and the tail of the bunch interchange their positions and the oscillation can be anti-damped and may cause a beam loss. A complete mathematical treatment shows that the growth rate of this instability is much faster for negative than for positive chromaticity values and vanishes for zero chromaticity. It may be counteracted by a transverse feedback system, but this makes machine operation much more critical. Therefore most of the storage rings operate with zero or slightly positive chromaticity.
The "natural" chromaticity of a storage ring is that due only to the elements of the linear lattice, i.e. quadrupoles and dipoles. As will be shown later the "natural" chromaticity of a strong focusing storage ring is always negative and cannot be made zero. To correct the chromaticity nonlinear elements, the sextupole magnets, have to be introduced into the lattice. In strong focusing lattices the main contribution to the chromaticity is due to the quadrupoles, in particular, in large rings with very large radius the contribution of the dipoles can be neglected; for small rings, however, the dipole contribution is important and has to be carefully calculated. In Sections 2 and 3 it is shown how to calculate the chromaticity due to the quadrupoles and sextupoles respectively. Then, in Section 4, the effects on beam dynamics due to the chromaticity correcting sextupoles are briefly discussed. Finally, in Section 5, a detailed derivation of the chromaticity for a general bending magnet is given, following the approach given by M. Bassetti in Ref. [3], which is very simple and intuitive, avoiding long mathematical derivations. 2. QUADRUPOLE
Let us consider the motion in a quadrupole magnet of a charged particle which obeys the betatron equation: y" + kyy = 0 (y = x or z) (4) with k x = -k kz = k . Now we consider the dependence of k on the particle momentum p: e B k = p xz = k0 _ Bz e ~ k0 (1- + 2 -...) = (1+) p0(1+) x (5)
where is the relative momentum deviation respect to the reference particle. Taking the first order term in it is:
_ k (1-) = k - k . k~ 0 0 0
The chromatic variation has always the opposite sign with respect to the focusing strength, therefore a particle with a larger energy sees a weaker focusing strength. Conversely for light, the variation of the refraction index with the wavelength can be either positive or negative and the chromatic effect can be corrected to first order by combining lenses of different material. Substituting (6) into the equation of motion for a quadrupole yields: y" = -ky (1-) y (7)
which is equivalent to adding to the focusing quadrupole a defocusing one with a strength -ky and viceversa for the defocusing quadrupole. In a thin section of a quadrupole of infinitesimal length ds the particle receives an angular kick dy' = y" ds = ky y ds (8)
1 ky ds
0 1
To compute the effect of this kick on the betatron tune, the one-turn matrix is obtained by multiplying the unperturbed matrix ( = 0) by this thin lens. cosy ysiny M= -siny/y cosy cosy+ysinykyds ysiny 1 0 = -siny/y+cosykyds cosy ky ds 1 (10)
Then we compute the trace of M to get the new value of y (y=2Qy): 1 1 2 Tr M = cos(y+dy) = cos y + 2 ysiny ky ds since: d(cosy) = cos (y+dy) - cosy = -siny dy we get: 1 dy = - y ky ds 2 or dQy = 1 y ky ds . 4 (14) (13) (12) (11)
Integrating over all the ring circumference L, we obtain the total chromaticity for the two planes, horizontal and vertical:
Qx 1 = x (s) k x (s) ds 4 0
Qz 1 = z (s) k z (s) ds . 4 0
From these formulae we can see why, in a ring with strong focusing lattice, the chromaticity is always negative. A quadrupole is a focusing lens in one plane, either horizontal or vertical, and defocusing in the other one. The strength kx,z is positive in the focusing plane (negative in the defocusing plane) and the chromaticity has the opposite sign, therefore it is negative when the quadrupole is focusing. In a strong focusing lattice the x,z functions take the maximum values at the focusing quadrupoles, and the minimum at the defocusing ones, for each plane. Therefore the total chromaticity of a ring is dominated by the contribution of the focusing quadrupoles, negative in both planes.
Special magnets, the sextupoles, are inserted in the accelerator's lattice to correct the natural chromaticity produced by the focusing elements. In a sextupole a charged particle passing off-center receives a kick proportional to the square of its displacement from the center, i.e. a sextupole acts like a quadrupole with a focusing strength proportional to the displacement of the closed orbit from the sextupole center. This allows the chomaticity to be corrected because for off-momentumparticles the closed orbit is displaced with respect to the reference one by a quantity D, where D is the dispersion function and the momentum deviation. The field of a sextupole is given by : B x = g'xz (17) 1 Bz = g' (x2 - z2) 2 with g' =
B2 z . 2 x
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of a sextupole magnet cross section The equations of motion become: 1 x" + 2 r (x2 - z2) = 0 e where r = p g' 0 (18)
z" - rxz = 0 . and the sextupole kick is : 1 dx' = - 2 r (x2-z2) ds (19) dz' = r x z ds . Substituting the total coordinates for the off-momentum particle xt = D + x zt = z it becomes: 1 1 dx' = - D x + ( D ) 2 + ( x 2 - z 2 ) r ds 2 2 (21) dz' = [ D z + xz ] r ds . The first term of Eqs. (21) is equivalent to the kick of a quadrupole with gradient -rD and, analogously to Eq. (14), gives a tune shift
Q =
1 rD ds 4
Qx 1 = x (s ) r (s )D (s) ds 4 0
Qz 1 = z(s ) r (s )D (s ) ds . 4 0
The most efficient way to correct chromaticity is to perform a localized correction, i.e. to insert a sextupole just in the same position of each quadrupole, where the chromatic effect is produced. In this ideal case the strength required to make the chromaticity zero is minimum and is simply related to the quadrupole strength: kl r = - D lQ S (24)
where lq and ls are the lengths of the magnets. In pratical cases one tries to put the chromaticity correcting sextupole as close as possible to each quadrupole but often, for economical reasons, less sextupoles with higher strengths are used. In many cases, unfortunately, localized correction is not possible. For example collider storage rings have low- insertions with very strong quadrupoles and zero dispersion function. Similarly, storage rings for synchrotron light production have many zero dispersion
straight sections for insertion devices, like wigglers and undulators, and strong focusing quadrupoles to get low emittances. In these cases a strong chromaticity produced in the insertions has to be corrected in the arcs and the sextupole strengths become very high. If the arcs are built up by N periodic cells, two sextupoles are inserted in each cell, one in a high x place, to correct horizontal chromaticity, and the other in a high z position to correct the vertical one. The sextupole intensities are obtained by solving the following linear system of equations: ' Qx V H V rH lSH x D + rVlS x D = N (25) ' Qz V H V -rH lSH z D - rV lSz D = N . where rH and rV are respectively the strengths of the horizontal and vertical chromaticity ' , Qz ' are the values of the total chromaticity of the ring in the two correcting sextupoles and Qx ' and Qz ' are, usually, both negative it has to be: planes. Since Qx rH < 0 and rV > 0 and each sextupole corrects the chromaticity in one plane and increases it in the other. In order to reduce the sextupole strengths, it is important to place them where the dispersion is high and the functions well separated. In fact if the horizontal sextupole is placed where x >> z it is very effective in the horizontal plane and gives a negligible contribution in the other plane (viceversa for the vertical sextupole). Generally the vertical sextupole has a strength higher than the horizontal one because the dispersion function D follows the behaviour of the horizontal -function, i.e. it is higher at the horizontal sextupole and lower at the vertical one. This is specially true for collider storage rings, where, due to the low value of z at the interaction region, the vertical chromaticity is generally higher than the horizontal one. The sextupoles necessary to correct the chromaticity introduce unwanted effects due to the other two terms in Eqs. (21): - the chromatic aberration term (D)2 - the geometric aberration term (x2 - z2), xz . The geometric aberration term introduces higher-order terms in the equations of motion. In fact each sextupole inserted into the linear lattice, also in thin-lens approximation, doubles the order of the polynomial which links the initial and final coordinates for one turn in the ring. With N sextupoles in the ring the final coordinates depend on the 2N-th power of the initial one: x(L) = a11 x(0) + a12 x'(0)+ a13 +...a1j x(0)2N . When the nonlinear terms become important the stability of the particle trajectories in a circular accelerator is no longer obtained from the one-turn matrix M (|tr M| = |2 cos | < 2), but depends on the amplitude of the betatron and synchrotron oscillations so that the beam dynamics becomes much more complicated. In some very simplified cases an analytical calculation of the stability region is possible, for example in the unidimensional case (x,x' or z,z' phase plane) in the vicinity of a single resonance. In this case a closed curve, called the separatrix, can be found which divides the phase plane in two regions, a stable one inside the separatrix and an unstable region outside.
In more general cases tracking is used, i.e. a computer code which, given the initial coordinates for a particle in phase space, follows the evolution of a trajectory with the mathematical model chosen for the ring. A trajectory is considered stable if it remains confined in a certain phase space region for a given number of turns. The initial coordinates of the particle's tracking are changed to determine the largest region of phase space which contains all stable trajectories. This region is called the dynamic aperture. This procedure is limited by computer time and precision, in fact the range of initial coordinates which can be explored in a six-dimensional phase space is very poor and the number of turns is always much smaller with respect to the beam lifetime or damping time. After the linear lattice design a dynamic aperture optimization has to be carried out by choosing the distribution and the strengths of the sextupoles, the working point in the tune diagram, and even modifying the linear lattice to reduce chromaticities and sextupole strengths. A discussion of the methods for the determination and optimization of the dynamic aperture, a very important problem in the design of new accelerators, is given by A. Ropert [4]. 5. GENERAL BENDING MAGNET
In rings with large radius of curvature and small dispersion function the contribution to the chromaticity due to the bending magnets is negligible with respect to that of the quadrupoles. This is not the case for small rings. In the following is presented a derivation of the cromaticity formulae for the bending magnet valid also for small radii of curvature and taking into account the variation of the magnetic field in the ends. In a bending magnet the betatron motion is given by the following equations: y" + ky(s)y = 0 with kx = -k+h2 kz = k e h = - p Bz e B k = p xz . (y = x or z) (27)
The solution of these equations is represented, in each plane, by the two-by-two betatron matrix A. This matrix can be written as the product of N matrices Ai:
N i=1
lB A i N
where lB is the length of the bending magnet. We choose N to be large so that lB __ s = N > 0. This is equivalent to subdividing the magnet into N thin pieces of length s . To first
order in s, Ai can be written as the product of a thin lens and a drift space:
Ai =
1 -ky(s) s
0 1
1 0
Now we consider the changes that occur in the betatron motion (i.e. in the matrix A i) for a particle with a relative momentum deviation oscillating around the off-momentum closed orbit.
Two changes occur in the matrix Ai: i) an orbit lengthening (see Fig. 2)
As already seen, a change k in the focusing function at the position s gives a tune shift :
Q = - (1/4) (s) k
and, similarly, a change s in the length of a drift space gives:
Q = (1/4 ) (s)s
where (s) is the Twiss function. Integrating over all the circumference gives
Qy 1 = { y [ k 1y + k y h D ] + y hD } ds . 4 0
This formula is a generalization of that for a quadrupole, in fact for a quadrupole we have h = 0 and k1y = dky/d = -ky and we obtain again the formulae of Eqs. (15) and (16). In order to calculate k1y for the general bending magnet we need to know the fields seen by an off-momentum particle. First we write the second-order magnetic field expansion in the reference system of the design orbit for zero momentum deviation. The formulation of the field equations is that given by K. Steffen [5] with the only difference that h(s) has the opposite sign and its dependence on s is explicitly given, i.e: 1 h(s) = [h + h's + 2 h"s2 + 0(3)] . (35)
As it will be useful in the following to distinguish the second-order terms they have been enclosed in square brackets:
p 1 1 1 Bz = e -h - h's + kx + -2 h"s 2 + k'xs+ 2 rx2+ 2 (h" - hk - r) z 2 + 0(3)
Bx = Bs =
The previous equations are completely general, they are only based on the assumption of a field symmetry with respect to the median plane (z = 0). Therefore, if we change the momentum of the particle, the origin and the orientation of the axis in the z = 0 plane, the magnetic field has always the same form, but different values of the coefficients. Now we make a transformation to the reference system of the off-momentum particle, as shown in Fig. 3: p = p*/(1+) z = z* (37) x = d + x* cos + s* sin s = - x* sin + s* cos where d = D and = D'.
Fig. 3 Transformation of the reference system The field equations change in the following way: Bz* = Bz[ x ( x *) ] Bx* = Bx[ x ( x *) ] cos - Bs[ x ( x *) ] sin Bs* = Bx[ x ( x *) ] sin + Bs[ x ( x *) ] cos . We are interested in the first-order field expansion, therefore we take only the first-order terms in Eqs. (36) and make the substitution : Bz* = p [ - h + kd + x* ( k cos +h' sin ) - s* ( h' cos - k sin ) ] e(1+) p Bx* = z[ k cos + h' sin ] e(1+) p Bs* = z[ k sin - h' cos ] . e(1+)
As already said, the various terms in the field equations have to be the same as in Eqs. (36), therefore equating the corresponding first-order terms we get the new coefficients: h* = h-kd 1+ k cos + h' sin 1 + h' cos - k sin . 1 + cos ~ 1 (40)
k* =
h'* = Using
sin ~ D' ;
and keeping only first-order terms in we get: kx* = h*2 - k* = (h2 - k) kz* = k* =k + (-2h2 - 2hkD + k - h'D') (41) + (-k + h'D') .
k z* = -k + h'D' . k1z =
Inserting these values into Eq. (34) we obtain the final formulae:
Qx 1 = { ( k - 2 h 2 - 2 hkD - h'D' ) + hD ( h 2 -k ) + hD } ds 4 0
Qz 1 = { ( - k + hkD + h'D' ) + hD } ds . 4 0
As we used only first-order terms in this derivation the contribution of the sextupole term rD, calculated in Section 3, does not appear in Eqs. (43). In Appendix I a similar derivation using the second-order field expansion is given. The final formulae contain the same terms as Eqs. (43) plus the sextupolar terms coming from the second-order terms in the field expansion which are linear in x and, applying the translation x = x* + D of Eqs. (37), produce linear terms. 5. END-FIELD EFFECTS
From Eqs. (43) it is possible to calculate the contribution of the fringing fields to the chromaticity, once an expression for h'(s) is known. In a paper by W. Hardt, J. J a ger and D. M o hl [6] the same formulae are obtained with a different derivation, moreover a detailed calculation of the fringing field effects is given. For completeness we report the final formula obtained there. In Fig. 4 is reproduced the illustration of Ref. [6] which shows the schematization used for the end fields, the corresponding parameter definitions are listed below. s1 s2 "1" "2" beginning of the central part end of the central part entrance of the fringing region exit of the fringing region entrance or exit angle of the trajectory radius of curvature of the end faces curvature of the reference orbit 1 B z(0,0,s) x B
1 cos 3 h= 1
quadrupole component
1 2B z(0,0,s) x2 B
D, D' , ,
The formulae to calculate the chromaticity of a magnet in terms of the lattice functions at the reference orbit are:
Qx 1 = [ ( h 2 -k ) + rD + h (2 k D + 2 D' - D ) ] ds 4 s 1
+[ - tg ( h + 2 Dk ) + h tg 2 ( D' - 2 D + hD tg ) + h D ] "1" +[ -tg ( h + 2 Dk ) - h tg 2 ( D' - 2 D - hD tg ) + h D ] "2" (44)
Qz 1 = [ k - rD - h ( k D + D ) ] ds 4 s 1
+[ tg ( h + 2 Dk ) - h tg 2 ( D' - 2 D - hD tg ) - hD'- h D ] "1" +[ tg ( h + 2 Dk ) + h tg 2 ( D' - 2 D + hD tg ) + hD' - h D ] "2"
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The calculation of the chromaticity for the bending magnet presented in this lecture is based on a paper written by M. Bassetti. I wish to thank him for the suggestions and helpful discussions during the preparation of this note. REFERENCES [1] E.J.N. Wilson, Non-linearities and resonances, these proceedings. [2] J.-L. Laclare, Introduction to coherent instabilities, Ibid. [3] M. Bassetti, A simplified derivation of chromaticity formulae, CERN LEP Note 504 (1984). [4] A. Ropert, Dynamic aperture, Proceedings CERN Accelerator School, Uppsala, Sept. 1989, CERN 90-04 (1990). [5] K. Steffen, High energy beam optics, Wiley (1965) and also Basic course on accelerator optics, CAS, Gif-sur-Yvette, Sept. 1984, CERN 85-19 (1985). [6] W. Hardt, J. J a ger, D. M o hl, A general analytical expression for the chromaticity of accelerator rings, CERN PS/LEA/82-5 (1982).
The chromaticity formulae in Section 5 are obtained using the first-order expansion of the magnetic field. To obtain an expression for the chromaticity which contains also the sextupolar terms, the same derivation is repeated here using also the second-order terms in the field expansion given by Eqs. (36). To get the new expressions for the magnetic field we apply the reference system transformation described in Section 5 to the second-order field expansion of Eqs. (36). Following the derivation given in Section 5 and using : sin ~ D' ; cos ~ 1
we get the expressions for the magnetic field in the new reference system: B z* = x*D'+s*) 1 1 + 2 r (D + x* + s*D')2 + 2 (h"-hk-r) z2] Bx* = p z{k+k'(-x*D' + s*) + r (D + x* + s*D') - [-h'-h"(-x*D' + s*) e(1+) + (hh' + k') (D + x*+s*D')] D'} Bs* = (45) p e(1+) [-h -h'(-x*D' + s*) + k(D+x*+s*D')+ k'(D + x*+s*D')(-
p z{[k + k'(-x*D' + s*) + r (D + x* + s*D')] D' -h' - h"(-x*D' + s*) e(1+) + (hh'+k')(D + x* + s*D')} .
Neglecting the second-order terms, except for the chromatic ones, i.e. the terms x , z and s, we obtain: Bz* = Bx* = p [-h + kD + x*(h'D' + k + rD) + s*(-h' + kD' + k'D) ] e(1+) p z[k +rD +h'D'] e(1+) (46)
p z[-h'+ kD' + (hh'+k')D] . e(1+) Comparing these equations with Eqs. (36) and equating the corresponding first-order terms, we get the new coefficients: Bs* = h* = h-kD 1+ k + h'D' + rD 1+ h' + kD' + ( hh'+k' ) D . 1 +
k* =
h'* =
Now, following the same procedure as in Section 5, we use the coefficients h* and k* given by Eqs. (47) to obtain the values of the focusing strength for the off-momentum particle: kx* = h*2 - k* = (h2 - k) kz* = k* =k + (-2h2 - 2hkD + k - h'D' - rD) (48) + (-k + h'D' + rD).
Then, we get the variation of the focusing strength with momentum, k1y(s) : k1x =
The variation of the orbit length with momentum has been already taken into account in Eq. (34), therefore inserting Eqs. (49) into (34) we obtain the final formulae for the chromaticity, which are more complete than those of Eqs. (43) because they contain also the sextupolar terms.
Bz Bs s = z
is valid, this is not true for Eqs. (46), for which it is: B * Bs* z . z s*
Equations (46) are anyway correct, but the new variable s* has to be modified. In cylindrical coordinates (z,x,), the radial component of the Maxwell equation is written:
B 1 Bz = z .
When making the transformation given by Eqs. (37), which is essentially a translation in the radial direction, in Eqs. (53) has to be replaced by + D. As a consequence, the Maxwell equation is written:
B z* 1 B z* 1 = = f(Bs*,z) ; +D 1+hD s*
This relation is in effect verified by Eqs. (46) to first order in .
1 .
The periodic energy exchange between two oscillators, or coupling, is a widespread phenomenon in physics. The couplinq action can take place via the amplitudes, velocities or accelerations of the oscillators. A classic example of amplitude coupling is a pair of pendulums linked by a weightless spring. This example also shows rather clearly the normal modes of the system (see Fig. 1). Any motion of the system can he expressed as a sum of these modes.
Fig. 1 Amplitude coupled pendulums The first storage ring projects in the 1960's and early 1970's stimulated an interest in betatron coupling. Initially the concern was over the couplinq from random quadrupole tilts, which introduce skew quadrupole field errors around the ring, and later over the axial fields of solenoids used as physics detectors. References 1 and 2 are early examples of the analysis of skew quadrupole errors in electron storage rinqs. There are two rather comprehensive references in the subsequent literature, Ripkin [3]in which the Courant, Livingston and Synder theory is extended to a 4-dimensional phase space, and Guiqnard [4] in which the theory of all sum and difference resonances in 3-dimensional maqnetic fields is developed by a perturbative treatment of the Hamiltonian for the single particle motion in a synchrotron. The method and essential results of this last reference were in fact anticipated in an addendum (July 1966) written for an internal SLAC note SR-11 (June 1966) by Morton [5] The present paper develops a simple theory for betatron couplinq in skew quadrupole and axial fields based on work done for the ISR in the 1970's [6-8]. The results from the more detailed theory [4] are simply quoted when needed.
2 . 1 Basic equations Coupling is a phenomenon which takes place over very many turns, so that it seems likely that average parameters such as the tunes are of more importance than the local lattice functions. On this premise, we will replace the equations of motion in the horizontal and vertical planes by sinusoidal approximations. We will also make the simplifying assumption that the coupling fields are spread uniformly around the rinq. This can be regarded as considering the zero order harmonic of the distribution. There are two categories of coupling fields: - the transverse skew multipoles, which arise as errors from maqnet tilts, and - axial fields, which are usually introduced by physics detectors in colliders. The first category causes amplitude coupling and the second velocity coupling. In accelerators, there is no equivalent of acceleration coupling as for example in inductancecoupled ac circuits, ql + LR1/L1|q1 + L1/L1C1Jq1 = -M12q2 Equations (1) give the sinusoidal approximation to the betatron motion of a sinqle particle in the presence of skew quadrupole and axial fields, which are uniform in distance and time.
2 x = bz' kz x" = x
2 z" = z z = bx' kx
Qx Q and z = z (2) R R R is the average machine radius and Qx and Qz the horizontal and vertical tunes respectively.
x =
1 Bx 1 Bz 1 = and b = Baxial B x 0 B z 0 B B is the magnetic rigidity, ' denotes d/ds differentiation alonq the beam path. k=
Let us try solutions to (1) which have the form of the uncoupled oscillations modified by an envelope term i.e. x = X(s) eixs and z = Z(S) eizs. By restricting ourselves to weak coupling conditions, we can neglect the terms in X" and Z", since X and Z will be slowly varying functions. Hence, 2i x X' == e i s bZ' ( k + i z b) Z where,
[ ] 2i z Z' == ei s [bX' ( k i x b) X ]
(4) (5)
= ( x = z ) = (Qx Qz ) / R . (6) By substituting for Z' in (4) using (5) and vice versa, it can he seen that the X' and Z ' terms on the right hand side are second order. By neglecting the b2 and bk terms, we get,
X' = i Z' = i
e i s (k + i z b) Z 2 x
ei s (7) (k i x b) X . 2 z Since we are interested in the second order coupling resonance Qx ~ Qz and x = z. Thus, in Eqs. (7) we put = x = z and maintain = (x = z) to qet, X' = Z' = ie i s (k + ib) Z 2 (8)
iei s (9) (k ib) X . 2 Equations (8) and (9) are now in the standard form for coupled mode analysis (i.e. X' = cl2Z, Z' = -c12*X, where the minus sign indicates positive enerqy flow in both oscillations and * indicates the complex conjugate). In obtaining (8) and (9), we put = x = z. This approximation is essential to keep the coupling coefficients of equal magnitude to ensure the equations are conservative. Efforts to make the above analysis more realistic often result in violatinq this requirement. The use of the Hamiltonian formalism and conjuqate variables avoids this pitfall and gives a rigorous result for a practical lattice (see Section 4). Equations (8) and (9) can be solved to give the qeneral solutions: i/ 2 )s ( ) e (i/ 2 )( + )s x = ei x s Ae( )( B k i b i/ 2 )s ( ) e(i/ 2 )( + )s z = ei z s Be ( )( +A k + i b (10) (11) (12)
At first sight, Eqs. (10) and (11) do not convey a great deal. A qreater physical insight is obtained by taking the squares of the modulii of the amplitude terms X and Z, which form the envelopes of the oscillations. 2 B 2 ( ) 2 AB * ( ) XX* = X 2 = A 2 + 2 2 cos( s - ) (13) 2 k / +b k 2 / 2 + b2
ZZ* = Z 2 = B 2 + where
(k 2 / 2 + b2 )
A 2 ( )
2 AB * ( ) k 2 / 2 + b2
cos( s - )
= tan -1[bk / ] . Thus there is a sinusoidal exchange of energy with the interchange wavelength, =
2 2 = 2 + + k 2 / 2 + b2 (15)
and the sum of the squares of the amplitudes is conserved, 2 A2 + B2 . (16) ( + ) It is worth considerinq the special case of a beam being kicked in one plane. The ensuing oscillations will be coherent and the amplitude interchanqe will be visible to a pick-up in either plane. Figure 2 illustrates this effect. Emax = X 2 + Z 2 =
Fig. 2 Behaviour of the envelope functions of the coherent oscillations following a kick in one plane In the case of Fiq. 2, let s = 0 at the kick, then |X|2 is a maximum (Emax) and Z is zero (real and imaginary parts). Equation (11) gives: A( ) (k + ib) and Eq. (13) gives the interchanged amplitude: B= ET = 4 AB * ( ) k 2 / 2 + b2 .
Making use of the definition of in (12), a little manipulation gives the modulation,
Emin 2 = . (17) Emax 2 At this stage it is convenient to define coupling coefficients, which effectively replace Eqs. (3), S= R2 1 Bx - for skew gradients, Cq = Q B x 0 R - for axial fields, Cb = Baxial . B These combine to give
2 2 + Cb . (20) C = + Cq Equations (15) and (17) can then be rewritten in terms of more easily observable quantities:
(18) (19)
1 frev 2 + C 2
2 Emin = 2 Emax + C 2
= (Qx Qz ) (separation of uncoupled tunes) Q = (Qx + Qz ) / 2 (average of uncoupled tunes) (23) frev = revolution frequency . Equations (21) and (22) give direct methods for measuring |C| by kickinq a beam and observing the coherent oscillations. It should be stressed that is the separation of the uncoupled tune values, which cannot be measured directly in the presence of coupling, but by eliminating 2 between (21) and (22) this problem is avoided. C= and S . frev T This provides a very precise and elegant method for measuring |C|. = (25) 1 frev T 1 S (24)
Despite the very simplified model used above, it turns out that (24) and (25) are still valid in the complete theory [4], which will be discussed in Section 4. The difference lies in how Cq and Cb should be interpreted in the case of a strong focusin~ lattice. For the moment, the first approximation to a real machine for Cq and Cb would be to replace (18) and (19) by: R 1 Bx Cq = ds 2 Q B x 0 1 1 C = Baxial ds . 2 B
2 . 2 Normal modes of oscillation The normal modes are of interest because they give some physical insight into what is happening, which will enable us to find a method for measuring the two parts (Cq and Cb) of the coupling coefficient. A quick indication of the normal modes can be found by rewriting (10) and (11) to give: x = Aei ( + / 2 )s z = Bei ( / 2 )s + using B( ) k / +b
2 2 2
ei ( / 2 )s + i e i ( + / 2 ) s i
(26) (27)
A( )
k 2 / 2 + b2
x = + ; z = ; 2 2
and where:
C b (29) = tan -1 = tan -1 b . k Cq The normal modes can now be found by putting either of the two arbitrary constants A and B to zero. This gives:
2 2 x + C i = (30) e . z C Equation (30) shows the characteristic of a normal mode that x and z bear a constant relationship i.e. the mode retains its "shape" at all times. The interpretation of (30) is that the normal modes lie on inclined planes and the complex phase shift indicates that they are elliptically polarised (see Figs. 3 and 4). This information helps us to solve the basic equations (1) and (2) in a different way. For a more detailed treatment of the normal modes see reference 6.
where the terms 2/4 have been neglected on the left hand side.
( ) z" +( 2 )z = bx' kx
(31) (32)
Fig. 3 Inclined (U,V) normal modes with skew quadrupole coupling. U "horizontal-like" mode, V "vertical-like" mode.
Fig. 4 Inclined elliptically polarised normal modes with skew quadrupole and axial field coupling Equation (30) suggests that it will be possible to partially decouple (31) and (32) by making a transformation to a coordinate system (U,V), which is inclined at an angle to the (x,z) system, so that, x = U ( s) cos - V(s) sin z = U ( s) sin + V(s) cos . (33) Substituting (33) into (31) and (32) yields two equations from which first V" can be eliminated and then U", to give, 2 + 1 + U 2 tan + U" tan + + 2k tan tan
1 1 (35) + U k tan + 2 k = U' b tan + tan tan By choosing such that the last terms in (34) and (35) are zero, the equations become decoupled for k. This value of is given by:
2 2 2 + k 2 / 2 + Cq = . (36) k / Cq This angle of inclination can be identified in (30) by putting Cb = 0. The two solutions can be called u and v and it is quickly verified that (u - v) = /2.
tan =
Equation (36) yields the skew quadrupole coefficient directly as, Cq = tan 2 . Thus at the privileged angle of U" + 2 + U = bV' (38) (37)
( ) V" +( 2 )V = bU'
= cos 2 + k sin 2 . (39) In the rotated U-V system only the axial field coupling is apparent, except for the shift /2 to get the "uncoupled" frequencies of the U-V system (k /2). Thus from (39), using (2), (3), (6), (19) and (23) UV = cos 2 + Cq sin 2 .
It is convenient to eliminate Cq by using (37) UV = / cos 2 . (40) We can now apply the Eqs. (21) and (22) of Section 2 directly to the U-V system to get, TUV = SUV = 1 frev 2 UV
2 + Cb
2 UV (42) 2 2 . UV + Cb By substituting (37) and (40) in (41), it can be shown that TUV = T of the original x-z system. Thus the period of the amplitude exchange is unchanged and only S and ~ change between the two systems. If we now eliminate UV, as before, we find, Cb = 1 frev T 1 SUV . (43)
If therefore, we could mount a kicker and pickup at variable anqle, then at the point that |C| fell to a minimum, we would have found the a of (36), the coupling coefficient would be Cb from (43) and as a check Cq would be qiven by (37) usinq ~ from the original measurement with = 0. 3. OBSERVATIONS
3 . 1 Tune measurements In (26) and (27) there are two frequencies, which are the frequencies of the normal modes
u =
1 1 2 2 2 Q + Cq + Cb . R 2
If Cq = Cb = 0, then u = Qx/R and v = Qz/R. When Cq 0 and Cb 0 their effect depends on their magnitude relative to . If is much larqer (i.e. the workinq point is far from the Qx Qz = 0 resonance) then Cq and Cb have little imoact on the value of the square root. Their effect then increases until at = 0, they are totally responsible for the split in the frequencies. However, we know that not only do the normal mode frequencies change, but also their inclination and shape. When is large relative to Cq and Cb the modes appear to be the usual horizontal and vertical oscillations with frequencies Qx/R and Qz/R. As Cq and Cb increase the modes rotate, until at = 0, = 45 from (36). In this situation the working point is exactly on the resonance Qx - Qz = 0 and the machine is said to be ful ly coupled. If one were to do this experimentally by increasinq Qx and decreasinq Qz in the region of the Qx - Qz = 0 resonance, whi le trying to measure Qx and Qz using horizontal and vertical kickers with the corresponding pickups, then the results would he similar to Fig. 5. The pickups see the frequencies of the U- and V-modes. While these modes are "nearly" horizontal and "nearly" vertical the measurements are reliable. As the modes rotate the horizontal pickup will start to "see" the V-mode as well as the U-mode and vice versa. Operational difficulties for the tune measurement will appear at around |C/| = 1.0. When |C/| > 1 tune measurements will become unreliable and the tune readinas will start to jump back and forth from the U-mode to the V-mode values, spanning the stopband in Fig. 5. At = 0, the pickups respond equally well to both modes, since they are now at 45 inclination. The difference in the mode frequencies (QU - QV) equals |C|, which provides another way of measuring |C|. As || increases on the far side of the resonance normality will be restored.
Fig. 5 Effect of coupling on tune measurements 3 . 2 Other measurement methods We have already seen how to measure |C|, |Cq| and |Cb| using a rotatinq kicker and pickup. The tune measurements in the previous section also gave a value for |C|. More information, such as the signs of Cq and Cb can be found in theory by carefully studying the waveforms following a kick [8], but this has never been demonstrated practically. A rather different method, whch can be used on "quiet" heams, i.e. on physics beams in colliders, uses the "coupling transfer function", which is obtained by correlatinq a horizontal transverse perturbation imposed on a heam to the resultinq vertical coherent motion (see Ref. 9). 4. RESULTS OF THE EXACT ANALYSIS [4]
The exact analysis for coupling in an alternatinq qradient lattice can be found in Ref. 4. This analysis confirms the formulae for T, S, u and v, but more importantly, it shows how to evaluate C for known errors in a lattice. In the formalism of Ref. 4, C is complex and is given by: 2 +0 1 M ( ) x z 1 M ( ) 1 C ( 0 ) = x z K ( ) + R i R + 2 R 2 2 x z x z 0 exp i ( x z ) ( x ( 0 ) z )( 0 ) ( 0 )
]) d
K ( ) = M ( ) =
1 R2 Bx Bz 2 B x z
R Baxial . (46) B The real part of C(0) is directly equivalent to Cq and the imaginary part is directly equivalent to Cb. By virtue of the exponential term in (44), the contributions from skew quadrupole-like fields and axial fields can contribute to both the real and imaginary parts of C(0). Thus contrary to what one might naturally expect from the simple theory, skew quadrupoles can be used to compensate solenoids, if the phasinq of this exponential term is correctly managed. In a qualitative way, one can see that a plane inclined oscillation will turn into an elliptically polarised one, when the horizontal and vertical phase advances differ. This is taken into account by the (x- z) term in (44), which will typically oscillate +0.5 radian in a reaular FODO lattice. If one were to measure Cq (ReC) and Cb (ImC) as described earlier at a sinale point, it would not be possible to distinauish whether the machine was sinusoidally smooth or not. However, by measurinq at several points this would become apparent, since althouqh |C| would be constant the balance between ReC and ImC would oscillate. Finally K() has a rather more general form than k(s) from (3) to take into account such situations as a solenoid with a slot in its end plates hy which the beam enters and leaves. In this case, either Bx/x or Bz/z could be zero. When calculatinq C(0) for a solenoid in a collider, the solenoid will most probably be inside a low- insertion. In this case, the M ( ) x z 2 term can be important, and since x and z are varying rapidly in the low- region the choice of the solenoid length and the type of end plate (open or slot) can lead to situations with selfcompensation.
REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] G. Leleux, Proc. of Int. Symposium on e+e- Storage Rinqs, Saclay, Sept. 1966 (Presse Universitaire de France) pp. VII b-3-1/7. P.L. Morton, Proc. of Int. Symposium on e+e- Storage Rinqs, Saclay, Sept. 1966 (Presse Universitaire de France) pp. VII b-1-7/5. G. Ripken, Untersuchungen zur Strahlfurung und Stabilitat der Teilchenkewequng in Beschlennigern und Storage-Ringen unter strenger Berucksichtiqung einer Kopplungder Betatronschwingungen , Int. Rep., DESY R1-70/4, June 1970.
G. Guignard, The general theory of all sum and difference resonances in a threedimensional magnetic field in a synchrotron, CERN 76-06 (1976). P.L. Morton, private communication. P.J. Bryant, A simple theory for betatron coupling, CERN ISR-MA/75-28 (1975). K. Takikawa, A simple and precise method for measuring the coupling coefficient of the difference resonance, CERN ISR-MA/75-34 (1975). See also, P. Bryant, P. Galbraith, J.-P. Gourber, G. Guignard and K. Takikawa, Measurement of the excitation of the coupling resonance Qh - Qv = , CERN ISR-BOM/77-4 (1977) also published in IEEE Trans. N.S., Vol NS-24, no. 3, June 1977, pp. 1340-42. P.J. Bryant and G. Guignard, Methods for measuring the complex couplinq coefficient for the second order difference resonance Qh = Qv~ CERN ISR-MA/75-42 (1975). J.-P. Koutchouk, Linear hetatron coupling measurement and compensation in the ISR, CERN ISR-OP/80-27 (1980) also, published in Proc. Xlth Int. Conf. on High Energy Accelerators, CERN, Geneva (Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 1980) pp. 491-495.
[8] [9]
Transmission of the position-velocity vector of a particle through a section of a transfer line, or circular machine, can be simply represented by a 2 x 2 matrix (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Transmission through a section of lattice (y represents either transverse coordinate) y2 C S y1 y1 = M1 2 . = C S y1 y2 y1 (1)
The transfer matrix M12 can be found by multiplying together the transfer matrices for the individual elements in the appropriate order. The individual matrices have the form, cos (or cosh) My = sin (or sinh) s where = s K and K = 1 dBz 1 + B dx 2 s sin (or sinh) cos (or cosh)
in accordance with the earlier lectures by J. Rossbach and P. Schmser in these proceedings.
However, we often use a parameterized form for the matrix for a section of line, which was also given by J. Rossbach and P. Schmser. 2 cos + sin sin [ ] 1 1 2 (3) M1 2 = 1 1 (1 + 1 2 )sin + ( 2 1 )cos [cos 2sin ] 2 1 2 In the first case of Eq. (1), the matrix is unambiguously determined, but in the second case of Eq. (3), there are in fact an infinite number of sets of parameters ( 1, 2 , 1 , 2 and ), which satisfy the numerical values of the matrix elements. This is the root of an important difference between circular machines and transfer lines, which sometimes leads to confusions. 1 . 1 Circular machines A circular structure has an imposed periodicity, which imposes the same periodicity on the parameters and and in fact determines them uniquely. If one samples the co-ordinates of an ion after each successive turn in a circular machine, the points will fill out an ellipse in phase space (y,y'). Only one set of and values fit that ellipse. It is the periodicity of the structure which makes it possible for that specific ellipse to be returned unchanged turn after turn and for this reason it is called the matched ellipse [Fig.2(a)]. Now suppose one injects a beam of particles, whose spatial distribution defines a different ellipse characterized by some other parameters, say * and *. The circular machine will not faithfully return this ellipse after each turn. Instead, the ellipse will tumble over and over filling out a much larger ellipse of the matched ellipse form [Fig. 2(b)] In a truly linear system, the original ellipse will tumble round indefinitely inside the matched ellipse conserving its elliptical form and area, but in a practical system small nonlinearities will cause an amplitude-frequency dependence, which will distort the ellipse. This is also shown in Fig. 2. Liouville's theorem requires the phase-space density to be conserved and in a strict mathematical sense this is true, since as the figure becomes more wound-up the spiral arms become narrower and the area is indeed constant. However it does not take long before the beam is apparently uniformly distributed over the matched ellipse and for all practical purposes the beam emittance has been increased. This is called dilution of phase space by filamentation, which is present to a greater or lesser extent at the injection into all circular machines. Since filamentation will quickly transpose any beam ellipse into the matched ellipse in a circular machine, there is no point in using any and values other than the matched ones. Since and depend on the whole structure any change at any point in the structure will in general (matched insertions excepted) change all the and values everywhere. 1 . 2 Transfer lines In a transfer line, there is no such restriction. The beam passes once and the shape of the ellipse at the entry to the line determines its shape at the exit. Exactly the same transfer line injected first with one emittance ellipse and then a different ellipse has to be accredited with different and functions to describe the two cases. Thus and depend on the input beam and their propagation depends on the structure. Any change in the structure will only change the and values downstream of that point. There is an infinite number of sets of and values, which can be used to describe the motion of a single ion in a transfer line (see Fig. 3)
and the choice of a particular set depends on the input ellipse shape. The input ellipse must be chosen by the designer and should describe the configuration of all the particles in the beam.
(Numerical values of coefficients in the matrix remain the same) Fig. 3 Two ellipses from the infinite set that include the test ion 2. ORBIT CORRECTION IN TRANSFER LINES
Orbit correction, or steering, is basically straightforward in transfer lines, whereas in circular machines we could fill an entire course on the subject. The usual philosophy is illustrated in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 Basic layout of diagnostic and correction elements for transfer line steering (i) At the entry to the line, it is useful to have a very clear diagnosis of beam position and angle and qualitative information on the shape, since this is usually the ejection from an accelerator and often a boundary of responsibility between groups. A pair of pickups and knowledge of the transfer matrix between them is in principle all that is needed to find the entry angle and position, but in practice, the precision and reliability of this measurement and its credibility as a diagnostic tool are greatly improved by having only a drift space between the pickups. The qualitative knowledge of the beam shape is most easily obtained with a luminescent screen and is of obvious diagnostic use. In the central section of the line, each steering magnet is paired with a pickup approximately a quarter of a betatron wavelength downstream, so that the trajectory can be corrected stepwise along the line. The direct application of this philosophy would lead to four pickups per betatron wavelength, but in practice, it is usual to find fewer pickups than this, especially if there are long straight sections. The measurement of beam emittance is usually made in the central part of the line in a dispersion-free section. The theory for the measurement of emittance and mismatches is treated in Section 4.
(iii) At the exit to the line, the last two dipole correctors are used as a doublet to steer the beam to the angle and position, dictated by the closed orbit of the following accelerator or by a target. For maximum sensitivity, the dipoles should be approximately a quarter betatron wavelength apart. The horizontal and vertical planes should be independent for correction elements. For example, tilted dipoles are sometimes used in the lattice of a transfer line, but correction coils for steering should be avoided on such magnets. Skew quadrupoles are occasionally used to interchange emittances between the horizontal and vertical planes. Such insertions also exchange the planes for steering. While being novel, this is quite acceptable, as long as no corrector is placed inside the skew quadrupole insertion, which would cause a coupling of its effect to both planes rather than a simple exchange. Some care is needed in the positioning elements for the best sensitivity. The monitor controlling a steering magnet should be on the adjacent peak of the downstream beam oscillation (see Fig. 5), i.e. for the section of line from the steering dipole to the pickup, the matrix element S in Eq. (1) must be relatively large or in other terms = /2 in Eq. (3). The monitors and magnets should be sited near maxima in the -function, since these are the most sensitive points for controlling and observing. This depends on the choice of input beam ellipse.
Fig. 5 Positioning of correction elements Monitors can also be profitably placed in bends at points where off-momentum particles would have their maximum deviations. Using three well-placed pickups a bend can be used for momentum analysis. The simple linear matrices make the analysis of such systems very easy. In a long line, a global correction may well be possible, followed by an exact beam steering at the end using two dipoles. It should be possible to set the magnets in a transfer line and to be sure that the beam will be transmitted with 100% efficiency on the first try and that only a fine steering will be needed at the output to the line. If this is not the case, check that: the line is always cycled in the same way when it is powered and that the cycle saturates the magnets to set the hysteresis conditions. the current does not overshoot the requested value, especially when approaching the minimum value in the cycle and the final value. This is achieved by reducing the ramp rate when approaching set values. when a steering correction is made, that it is made using the standard excitation cycle. In this way, the value stored in the current file will reproduce the field exactly the next time the line is powered. check the position, angle and cross-section of the incoming beam. Figure 6 shows computer output of the beam trajectory in the TT6-TT1 antiproton transfer line that was built in CERN. The first two pickups measure the incoming angle and position in both planes. These pickups are separated by exactly 10.75 m of free space. The next two pickups are in a long bend and act as a momentum analyser, in conjunction with an angle and position measurement made using the first two pickups. The remaining pickups have associated steering magnets. At the end of the line two dipoles match the beam to the ISR's closed orbit. For the example shown in Fig. 6, it was found that a single corrector could virtually correct the whole trajectory with the result shown in Fig. 6. This type of correction is only practical with non-destructive pickups, which reliably record the complete trajectory in one shot, and an online computer for logging, display, analysis and application. The correction was stable and was applied throughout the life of the transfer line. The cycling of the magnets ensured that the beam reached the ISR on the first shot and only a fine-tuning of the injection was required for each new run. The TT6 line achieved 0.1mm accuracy with as little as 109 particles. All readings were logged and stored for later analysis and the detection of trends. The steering magnets were also equipped with Hall probes (temperature stabilized to +0.1 C for outside ambient temperatures 15 C to 34 C). These probes made relative field changes extremely accurate, eliminating any hysteresis errors. This rather careful approach was justified by the scarcity of antiprotons and since setting-up could not be done with the reverse injection of protons.
Ideally long transfer lines consist of a regular cell structure over the majority of their length with matching sections at either end to coordinate them with their injector and user machines. The regular part of the structure is then regarded as periodic and the simple FODO cell theory, given in earlier lectures by J. Rossbach and P. Schmser, applies. Usually thinlens formulae are quite sufficient. The matching sections are complicated and a complete course could be given on this. Basically one needs to match , , D, and D' in both planes. In theory eight variables, that is eight quadrupole strengths and sometimes positions, need to be adapted. Some analytic solutions exist, but usually one uses a mixture of theory, intuition and computer optimization programmes. 4. EMITTANCE AND MISMATCH MEASUREMENT IN A DISPERSIONFREE REGION
With semi-destructive monitors, such as secondary emission grids or digitized luminescent screens, a density profile can be obtained of a beam. This profile is a projection of the population of the phase-space ellipse of the beam onto a transverse co-ordinate axis. In general, the profile is a near-Gaussian, but this is not really important for the following. From the profile, the standard deviation of the distribution, can be found and this can be used to define a beam width, W . W is then used to define the emittance , but unfortunately several definitions are current. ( 2 )2 Mostly used in proton machines, with or without W2 = = 2 Mostly used in electron machines, usually without Somewhat arbitrarily, = 2/ will be used in this paper.
If is known unambiguously as in a circular machine, then a single profile measurement determines by Eq. (4), but as can be understood from Section 1.2, it is not easy to be sure in a transfer line which to use, or rather, whether the beam that has been measured is matched to the -values used for the line. Indeed, the measurement of any mismatch is as important as the emittance itself. This problem can be resolved by using three monitors (see Fig. 7), i.e. the three width measurements determine the three unknowns , and of the incoming beam.
Fig. 7 Layout for emittance measurement By definition, Eq. (4), 2 2 2 0 = 1 = 2 (5) 0 1 2 where 0 , 1 and 2 are the -values corresponding to the beam and are therefore uncertain. Although we may not know and , we do know the transfer matrices and how and propagate through the structure (see lectures by K. Steffen in these proceedings). =
2 2CS S2 C = CC CS + SC SS 2 2C S S2 0 1 C
where = (1 + 2)/. Thus, from Eq. (6) S12 1 + 2 ( 0) 0 S2 2 2 = C2 0 2C2 S2 0 + 2 (1 + 2 0) 0 1 = C12 0 2C1S1 0 + and from Eq. (5), 2 0 2 1 1 = 0 0 0 = 2 = 2 0 0
(7) (8)
From Eqs. (7) and (8), we can find 0 and using Eqs. (10) and (11), we can express 0 as, 1 0 = 0 2 where
2 2 2 2 2 (1 / 0 ) / S12 (C2 / S2 ) + (C1 / S1 ) 2 / 0 ) / S2 ( = (C1 / S1 ) (C2 / S2 )
Since is fully determined, direct substitution back into Eq. (7) or Eq. (8), using Eq. (10) or Eq. (11) to re-express l or 2. yields 0 which via Eq. (9) gives the emittance, 0 = 1 / = ( 2 0)
( (
1 2
/ 0
1 2
) / S (C / ) / S (C
2 2
1 2
1 2
/ S1
1 2
1 2
) + (C / S ) + (C
1 2
/ S1 2 / 4
1 2
1 2
) / S )
1 2
(14A) (14B)
/4 .
The mismatch parameters and , the differences between what is expected and what exists, can now be found directly from Eqs. (14B) and (12). 5 . SMALL MISALIGNMENTS AND FIELD RIPPLE ERRORS IN DIPOLES AND QUADRUPOLES
One problem, which always faces a transfer line designer, is to fix the tolerances for magnet alignment and excitation currents. Although the following is rather idealistic and does not include such real-world problems as magnets having correlated ripple because they are on the same transformer, it does give a basis for fixing and comparing tolerances [1]. 5 . 1 Dipole field and alignment errors in transfer lines The motion of a particle in a transfer line can be written as y = A sin ( + B) This motion is an ellipse in phase space with y = Rearranging we have Y =y/ = A sin ( + B) (17) A A cos ( + B) sin ( + B) . (16) (15)
Y = y / + y = A cos ( + B) ,
where ( Y,Y' ) are known as normalized phase-space coordinates since with these variables particles follow circular paths. Note that y' denotes dy/ds, while Y' denotes dY/d and that = -1/2 d/ds. The transformation to (Y,Y') is conveniently written in matrix form as Y 1 / = Y / 0 y . y (18)
Consider now a beam for which the equi-density curves are circles in normalized phase space. If this beam receives an unwanted deflection, D, it will appear at the time of the deflection as shown in Fig. 8(a). However, this asymmetric beam distribution will not persist. As the beam continues along the transfer line, the particles will re-distribute themselves randomly in phase, while maintaining their distance from the origin, so as to restore rotational symmetry. This effect is known as filamentation (see also Section l.1). Thus after a sufficient time has elapsed the particles, which without the deflection D would have been at point P in Fig. 8(b), will be uniformly distributed at a radius D about the point P. For one of these particles the projection onto the Y-axis will be Y2 = Y1 + D cos , where the subscripts 1 and 2 denote the unperturbed and perturbed positions respectively. Taking the square of this amplitude Y22 = Y12 + 2Y1 Dcos + D2 cos2
Fig. 8 Effect of an unwanted deflection and then averaging over the particles around the point P after filamentation has randomized the kick gives* Y22 p = Y12 p + 2 Y1 D cos p + D2 cos2 p . Since Yl and D are uncorrelated (i.e. D does not depend on Y l ), the second term can be written as 2 Y1 D cos p = 2 Y1 p D cos p . The second factor is zero, since D is a constant [Fig. 8(a)], which gives, Y22 = Y12 + 1 2 D 2 = Y12 + 1 2 D . 2
However, this result is true for any P at any radius A and hence it is true for the whole beam and 1 Y22 = Y12 + D2 . (19) 2 Thus the emittance blow-up will be 2 = 1 + 2 D , 2
where, by definition (4), = < Y 2 >, since Y = y/ and 2=<y2>. The subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the unperturbed and perturbed emittances respectively. The expansion of the deflection, D, gives 2 2 (1 + ) 2 2 2 2 + ( y ) (21) D = ( Y ) + ( Y ) = ( y ) so that (20) becomes 2 2 (1 + ) 2 2 = 1 + ( y ) + ( y ) , (22) 2
where y is a magnet alignment error and y' = lB/B an angle error from a field error B of length l. 5 . 2 Gradient errors in transfer lines Consider once again a beam for which the equi-density curves are circles in normalized phase space. If this beam sees a gradient error, k , the equi-density curves directly after the perturbation will be ellipses as shown in Fig. 9(a). Since the object of this analysis is to evaluate the effects of small errors, it is sufficient to regard this gradient error as a thin lens with the transfer matrix y2 1 0 y1 (23) = k 1 y1 y2 where k = -lG/B an amplitude-dependent kick due to a gradient error G of length l.
Denoting the matrix in Eq. (18) as T, it is easy to show that Y2 1 0 1 Y1 1 0 Y1 T = . = T k 1 Y1 k 1 Y1 Y2 It is now convenient to find a new co-ordinate system (YY,YY' ), which is at an angle to the (Y,Y') system, and in which the perturbed ellipse is a right ellipse [see Fig. 9(b)]. YY2 cos sin 1 0 Y1 . = YY2 sin cos k 1 Y1 (24)
If the initial distribution Yl = A sin ( + B ), Y' l = A cos ( + B ), is introduced into the above expression, the new distribution.will be YY2 = A 1 + k 2 2 sin 2 2 k sin cos sin ( + B + ) (25) YY2 = A 1 + k 2 2 cos2 + 2 k sin cos sin ( + B + ) , where
sin cos 1 = tan 1 and = tan . cos k sin sin + k cos The (YY2,YY'2) ellipse will be a right ellipse when (-') = /2, which gives the condition tan (2) = 2 / k . (26) Equations (25) can be simplified using (26) and the relationship ( - ') = /2. Equation (24) can then be rewritten as 0 YY1 YY2 tan (27) = 1 / tan YY1 YY2 0 where YY1 = A sin ( + B ) i.e. Y1 and Y1 with a phase shift YY1 = A cos ( + B ) B = B + = B + tan -1 (1 / tan ) . Thus it has been possible to diagonalize Eq. (24) by introducing a phase shift into the initial distribution. Equation (27) is therefore not a true point-to-point transformation, as is Eq. (24) but since the initial distribution is rotationally symmetric the introduction of this phase shift has no effect. The distance from the origin of a perturbed particle is given by Eq. (27) as YY22 + YY2 2 = A2 sin Averaging over 2 in gives YY22 + YY2 2 = but A2 = YY12 + YY1 2 = Y12 + Y1 2 and from (26) tan 2 + Thus, YY22 + YY2 2 = 1 = k 2 2 + 2 . 2 tan 1 2 2 k + 2) YY12 + YY1 2 . ( 2 (28) 1 2 1 2 tan + A , 2 tan 2
( + B)tan 2 + A2 cos2 ( + B)
1 tan 2
As in the previous case for dipole errors, the asymmetric beam distribution will not persist. The beam will regain its rotational symmetry by filamentation Each particle, however, will maintain its distance from the origin constant. Once filamentation has occurred, the distribution will not distinguish between the YY and YY' axes and Eq. (28) can be rewritten as YY22 = and hence the emittance blow-up will be 2 = 5 . 3 Combining errors 1 2 2 ( k + 2 )1 . 2 (30) 1 2 2 k + 2) YY12 ( 2 (29)
If there is a circular machine at the end of the transfer line, filamentation will take place there and the above expressions will give the emittance blow-up due to a single error in the preceding transfer line. A series of errors can be treated by taking them in beam order and assuming complete phase randomization between each error, although this is unlikely to be true in practical cases. By themselves, transfer lines are usually too short for the effects of filamentation to show and certainly there is never complete randomization between elements in a line. In the real world adjacent magnets are often on the same transformer, which also gives correlated errors. Having pointed out these deficiencies, the above method still gives a basis upon which to compare errors and fix tolerances. The assumption that full randomization takes place between elements will give a pessimistic result for the usual case of many independent elements, which errs on the correct side for fixing tolerances. For small numbers of elements with correlated errors however, the analysis may underestimate the effect. 6. EMITTANCE BLOW-UP DUE TO THIN WINDOWS IN TRANSFER LINES
Transfer lines are often built with a thin metal window separating their relatively poor vacuum from that of the accelerator or storage ring that they serve. The beam must pass through this window with as little degradation as possible. Luminescent screens are also frequently put into beams with the same hope that they will have a negligibly small effect on the beam emittance. It is therefore interesting to know how to calculate the blow-up for such cases. The root mean square projected angle s due to multiple Coulomb scattering in a window is given by [2,3] s 2 = L 1 L 0.0141 Zinc 1 + log10 [ radian] , Lrad Lrad c p[MeV / c] 9 (31)
where Zinc is particle charge in units of electron charge, p is the particle momentum in MeV/c, c = v/c, L is thickness of scatterer and Lrad is radiation length of material of the scatterer. Consider a particle with a projected angular deviation of y' 1 at the window due to the,initial beam emittance. This particle receives a net projected kick in the window of s and emerges with an angle y'2 given by y2 = y1 + s . By squaring and averaging over the whole beam this becomes
2 + 2 y1 s y2 2 = y1 2 + s
Fig. 10 Effect of a thin scatterer in normalized phase space Using the same arguments as in Section 5.1, we see that this initial distribution filaments and the average angular divergence becomes y2 2 = y12 + 1 2 s . 2 (33)
which is found by re-writing (4) as = 2 / = Y 2 = Y 2 and applying (17). The first term in (34) is unchanged by the scattering since the scatterer is assumed to be thin, so that <y22>=<y12>. The second term directly after the scattering yields, y2 y2 = y1 ( y1 + s ) = y1 y1 + y1s but since y1 and s are uncorrelated the second term can be writen as <y 1>< s> and is zero. Finally the third term can be evaluated by (33) after filamentation, so that, 2 = 1 + 2 s . 2 (35)
This is basically the gradient error problem of Section 5.2 seen from a slightly different view point. It often happens that the constraints on the linear optics are such that an a nalytically perfect match cannot be found between the end of a transfer line and the accelerator its serves. It may also be that measurements of the beam ellipse reveal a mismatch of unknown origin. These situations pose the problem of what error in and can be tolerated? The designer must therefore be able to convert the mismatch into an emittance increase that can be judged against criteria such as the acceptable loss of luminosity in a collider.
The transformation of the phase-space motion to normalised coordinates (Y,Y' ) was given in (18). If this transformation is prepared for an ellipse characterised by 1 and 1 , but is then applied to a mismatched ellipse characterised by 2 and 2 [using (15) and (16)] as indicated below, Y 1 / 1 = Y 1 / 1 0 1 / 1 y = / 1 1 y 1 0 A 2 sin ( + B) A A 2 1 cos ( + B) sin ( + B) 2 2
then an ellipse is obtained in the normalised phase space (see Fig. 11) with the equation ,
2 1 2 1 Y + 1 2 + Y 2 2 2YY 1 2 1 2 = A2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2
that can be compared to the circle given by the matched beam Y 2 + Y 2 = A2 (38)
Fig. 11 Betatron mismatch in normalised phase space Equation (37) is exactly similar in form to a general phase space ellipse in normal space and if we apply the equivalents, 1 + 1 2 1 2 , 2 and 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1
all the standard formulae [4] can be used. One can easily check for example that =(1+2)/ still holds. Thus, we can avoid a lot of tedious algebra and quote directly the major and minor axes, a and b of the mismatched ellipse, A A a= H + 1 + H 1 and b = H +1 H 1 (40) 2 2
Multiply out (36) and then eliminate the sine and cosine terms by squaring and adding the two equations for Y and Y'.
2 1 2 2 1 1 H = + 1 2 + . 2 1 2 1 2
As in Section 5.2, the circle of the matched beam can be converted to the ellipse of the mismatched beam by the application of a diagonal matrix of the form 0 0 1 / after a suitable rotation. The rotation has no significant influence since the original distribution is rotationally symmetric. From (40) we see that = 1 2
H + 1 + H 1 and
1 1 = 2
H +1 H 1 .
It is quickly verified that the two equations in (42) are consistent. Thus the square of the distance of a particle from the origin is Y 2 + Y 2 = 2 A2 sin 2 ( + B) + 2 A2 cos2 ( + B) . Averaging over all phases simplifies (43) to Y 2 + Y 2 = 1 2 + 2 ) A2 . ( 2 (44) (43)
Since the factor (2+2) is independent of radius and orientation, (44) applies to the whole beam independent of its distribution. Thus, we can express the effective increase in emittance as, 1 1 diluted = 2 + 2 0 . (45) 2 First we note that even for quite large values of , the effect on the emittance is less than one might intuitively expect. For example, if =1.4 the circle in normalised phase space is deformed in the ratio 2:1 and yet the emittance is only increased by 23%. Evaluting (2+2)/2 by use of (42), we find that diluted
2 1 2 2 1 1 = H 0 = + 1 2 + 0 2 2 1 1 2
where the subscript 1 denotes the expected values for the beam ellipse and subscript 2 denotes the mismatched values. 8. EMITTANCE EXCHANGE INSERTION
Beams usually have different emittances in the two transverse planes and it can happen that there is a preference for having the smaller value in a particular plane. For example, in a
collider with a horizontal crossing angle the luminosity is independent of the horizontal emittance and it is therefore an advantage to arrange for the smaller of the two emittances to be in the vertical plane. The exchange of the emittances can be made in the transfer line before injection to the collider. A complete exchange of the transverse phase planes requires a transformation of the form, 0 m13 m14 x 0 x 0 x ' 0 m23 m24 x ' (47) . = 0 z m31 m32 0 z 0 z' 1 z' 2 m41 m42 0 This can be achieved by using skew quadrupole lenses. First we shall derive a thin-lens formulation for a skew quadrupole and then search for the conditions to satisfy the above transformation. For a rotated co-ordinate system (see Fig. 12), the rotation matrix, R, is given by cos sin so that R = . -sin cos yy = x sin + y sin xx = x cos + y sin (48)
Fig. 12 Rotated co-ordinate system The skew quadrupole lens is just a normal lens rotated by 45 . Thus the transfer matrix, M s, in the thin-lens approximation would be related to the transfer matrix, Mq, of the normal lens by, MS = R1 Mquad R cos 0 MS = sin 0 1 cos 0 -sin s 0 cos 0 0 sin 0 cos 0 1 s cos2 MS = 0 ssin2
0 -sin 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 s 0 Ms = . 0 0 1 0 s 0 0 1 Consider now three skew quadrupoles 1, 2, and 3 in a normal lattice (see Fig. 13).
Fig. 13 Three skew quadrupoles embedded in a normal lattice The normal lattice matrix is C = BA , and the lattice with skews is, M = (3)B(2)A(1). To save you the bother of matrix multiplication we quote the result,
c12 (c11 + b12 a341 2 ) c21 + b22 a341 2 (c22 + b34 a12 2 3 ) + 3 (c341 + b34 a11 2 ) M= (c341 + b34 a11 2 ) b34 a12 2 3 (c11 + b12 a341 2 ) (c12 3 + b44 a12 2 ) + c441 + b44 a11 2
c221 + b22 a33 2 b22 a34 2 + 3 (c33 + b34 a121 2 ) + 3c34 c34 (c33 + b34 a121 2 ) 3 (c121 + b12 a33 2 ) b12 a34 2 3 + c44 + c43 + b44 a121 2
b12 a34 2
In order to force (51) into the form of (47), we need the top left-hand side and bottom righthand side sub-matrices to be zero. Thus, 0 = c11 + b12 a341 2 0 = c21 + b22 a341 2 + 3 (c341 + b34 a11 2 ) 0 = c12 0 = c22 + b34 a12 2 3 0 = c33 + b34 a121 2 0 = 3 (c121 + b12 a33 2 ) + c43 + b44 a121 2 0 = c34 0 = b12 a34 2 3 + c44 .
The most basic requirements are, cl2 = c34 = 0. Thus, the basic lattice should give, x = n and z = m ( n, m integer). (52)
For example, an [FDFD] structure with 90 phase advance per cell, or an [FDFDFD] with 60 phase advance per cell would be suitable. Assuming that this phase condition is satisfied, then we can write for the lens strengths 1, 2 and 3 1 2 = c11 c = 33 a34 b12 a12 b34 c22 c = 44 a12 b34 a34 b12 (53)
2 3 =
Equations (53) and (54) indicate that symmetry is needed between the horizontal and vertical planes, which can be satisfied by the FODO cells mentioned above. Despite the apparent complexity of the coefficients it is possible to find solutions. For example let us choose an [FDFD] structure with 90 per cell and the skew quadrupoles set at symmetric positions as shown in Fig. 14.
Fig. 14 Example of insertion for phase-plane exchange By symmetry A = B and the input and values will equal the output values and also the values at the central skew quadrupole. So,
( A (= B ) (
x z x z
x sin x
cos x x sin x z z z
z z
Matrix C will have a similar form with the phase shifts 2x and 2z. For this case we have chosen x = z = /2, so that
x 1 (1 + 2 x ) x A= B= 0 0
x x 0 0 0 0 -1 0
0 0 0 0 z z 1 (1 + 2 z z ) z 0 0 0 -1
1 (57) x z Referring back to the thin-lens formulation.of a FOD0 cell in the lectures by J. Rossbach and P. Schmser in these proceedings, we see that L L sin = F = D 2 2 2 and for = /2 2 L where L is the half-cell length. Other examples can be found in Ref. [5]. F = D = * * * (58)
REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] H.G. Hereward, "How Good is the R.M.S. as a Measure of Beam Size?", CERN/MPS/DC 69-15 (1969). Particle Physics Group, Review of Particle Properties, CERN, Geneva, August 1982 (reprinted from Physics Letters, Vol. 111B, April 1982). E. Fischer, private communication, (ISR-VA/EF/sm, Beam blow-up due to multiple scattering in the injection windows, 25 Jan. 1974, Internal Note). C. Bovet, R.Gouiran, I. Gumowski, K.H. Reich, A selection of formulae and data useful for the design of A.G. synchrotrons, CERN/MPS-SI/Int. DL/70/4, (April 1970). L.R. Evans, A phase plane exchange section for the SPS antiproton iniection beam line, CERN/SPS-DI(MST)/80-2.
The first step in designing an accelerator or storage ring is to choose an optimum pattern of focusing and bending magnets, the lattice. At this stage, non-linearities in the guide field are ignored. It is assumed that the bending magnets are identical and have a pure dipole field. Gradient magnets or quadrupoles have radial field shapes which have a constant slope, unperturbed by higher-order multipole terms. Before going too far in fixing parameters, the practical difficulties in designing the magnets must be considered and the tolerances which can be reasonably written into the engineering specification determined. Estimates must be made of the non-linear departures from pure dipole or gradient field shape, and of the statistical fluctuation of these errors around the ring at each field level. We must take into consideration that the remanent field of a magnet may have quite a different shape from that defined by the pole geometry; that steel properties may vary during the production of laminations; that eddy currents in vacuum chamber and coils may perturb the linear field shape. Mechanical tolerances must ensure that asymmetries do not creep in. At high field the linearity may deteriorate owing to saturation and variations in packing factor can become important. Superconducting magnets will have strong error fields due to persistent currents in their coils. When these effects have been reviewed, tolerances and assembly errors may have to be revised and measures taken to mix or match batches of laminations with different steel properties or coils made from different batches of superconductor. It may be necessary to place magnets in a particular order in the ring in the light of production measurements of field uniformity or to shim some magnets at the edge of the statistical distribution. Even when all these precautions have been taken, non-linear errors may remain whose effect it is simpler to compensate with auxiliary multipole magnets. Apart from the obvious need to minimize closed orbit distortion, these measures must be taken to reduce the influence of non-linear resonances on the beam. A glance at the working diagram (Fig. 1) shows why this is so. The QH, QV plot is traversed by a mesh of non-linear resonance lines or stopbands of first, second, third, and fourth order. The order, n , determines the spacing in the Q diagram; third-order stopbands, for instance, converge on a point which occurs at every 1/3 integer Q-value (including the integer itself). The order, n , is related to the order of the multipole which drives the resonance. For example, fourth-order resonances are driven by multipoles with 2n poles, i.e. octupoles. Multipoles can drive resonances of lowerorder; octupoles drive fourth- and second-order; sextupoles third- and first-order, etc., but here we simply consider the highest order driven. The non-linear resonances are those of third-order and above, driven by non-linear multipoles. Their strength is amplitude-dependent so that they become more important as we seek to use more and more of the machine aperture. Theory used to discount resonances of fifth- and higher-order as harmless (self-stabilized), but experience in the ISR, FNAL and SPS suggests this is not to be relied upon when we want beams to be stored for more than a second or so. Each resonance line is driven by a particular pattern of multipole field error which can be present in the guide field. The lines have a finite width depending directly on the strength of the
Fig. 1 Working diagram or QH, QV plot showing the non-linear resonances in the operating region of the CERN SPS error. In the case of those driven by non-linear fields, the width increases as we seek to exploit a larger fraction of the magnet aperture. We must ensure that the errors are small enough to leave some clear space between the stopbands to tune the machine, otherwise particles will fall within the stopbands and be rapidly ejected before they have even been accelerated. In general, the line width is influenced by the random fluctuations in multipole error around the ring rather than the mean multipole strength. Systematic or average non-linear field errors also make life difficult. They cause Q to be different for the different particles in the beam depending on their betatron amplitude or momentum defect. Such a Q-spread implies that the beam will need a large resonance-free window in the Q diagram. In the case of the large machines, SPS, LEP, HERA, etc., the window would be larger than the half integer square itself if we did not balance out the average multipole component in the ring by powering correction magnets. Paradoxically, when a "pure" machine has been designed and built, there is often a need to impose a controlled amount of non-linearity to correct the momentum dependence of Q or to introduce a Q-spread among the protons to prevent a high intensity instability. Sextupole and octupole magnets may have to be installed to this end and techniques studied which will enable the control room staff to find the correct settings for these trim magnets once the machine works. Yet another set of multipole magnets is often required in a pulsed synchrotron to deliberately excite non-linear betatron resonances and extract the beam in a long slow spill. With modern computer control, the correction of closed orbit distortion due to linear field errors has become a routine matter and, particularly in large accelerators, most of the emphasis has shifted to calculation and elimination of the non-linear effects which prove to be of considerable importance in the running-in of FNAL and the SPS. In this talk I hope to outline sufficient of the physics and mathematics of non-linearities to introduce the reader to this important aspect of accelerator theory.
Before we come to discuss the non-linear terms in the dynamics, we shall need to describe the field errors which drive them. The magnetic vector potential of a magnet with 2n poles in Cartesian coordinates is: A = An fn ( x, z ) ,
where fn is a homogeneous function in x and z of order n. Table 1 Cartesian solutions of magnetic vector potential Multipole Quadrupole Sextupole Octupole Decapole n 2 3 4 5 Regular fn x 2 - z2 x3 - 3xz2 x4 - 6x2z2 + z4 x5 - 10x3z2 + 5xz4 Skew fn 2xz 3x2z-z3 4x3z - 4xz3 5x4z - 10x2z3 + z5
Table 1 gives fn (x,z ) for low-order multipoles, both regular and skew. Figure 2 shows the distinction. We can obtain the function for other multipoles from the binomial expansion of fn ( x, z ) = ( x + iz )n . The real terms correspond to regular multipoles, the imaginary ones to skew multipoles. (2)
Fig. 2 Pole configurations for a regular sextupole and a skew sextupole For numerical calculations it is useful again to relate An and field, remembering that for regular magnets: Bz ( z = 0) = so that
As 1 d ( n 1) Bz n 1 ( n 1) = nAn x = ( n 1) x x n =1 0 n =1 ( n 1)! dx
1 d ( n 1) Bz An = ( n 1) . n! dx 0
As a practical example of how one may identify the multipole components of a magnet by inspecting its symmetry, we digress a little to discuss the sextupole errors in the main dipoles of a large synchrotron. Let us look at a simple dipole (Fig. 3). It is symmetric about the vertical axis and its field distribution will contain mainly even exponents of x , corresponding to odd n values: dipole, sextupole, decapole, etc. We can see, too, that cutting off the poles at a finite width can produce a virtual sextupole. Moreover, the remanent field pattern is frozen in at high field where the flux lines leading to the pole edges are shorter than those leading to the centre. The remanent magnetomotive force Hc dl is weaker at the pole edges, and the field tends to sag into a parabolic or sextupole configuration. This too produces a sextupole. These three sources of sextupole error are the principle non-linearities in a large machine like the SPS. Note that these sextupole fields have no skew component. However, before launching into nonlinearities let us examine a simple linear resonance.
Fig. 3
The field in a simple dipole. The N and S poles superimposed on the magnet poles give the effect of cutting off the poles to a finite width.
A small elementary quadrupole of strength (Kl) is located close to an F quadrupole . Suppose a proton describes a circular trajectory of radius a = and where =
encounters the quadrupole at phase: Q ( s) = Q , where is the azimuth which corresponds exactly to at the quadrupoles of a FODO lattice.
The first step is to write down the unperturbed displacement at the small quadrupole: x = a cos Q . It receives a divergence kick (Fig. 4): x' = ( Bl) / B = ( Kl) x / B . x' , The small change in x' , p = perturbs the amplitude, a, by a = p sin Q . Even more significantly there is a small phase advance (Fig. 4): p cosQ . a By successive substitution of Eqs. (7), (6). and (5), we get 2 Q = (lK ) cos2Q . 2 Q = ( B ) Over one turn the Q changes from the unperturbed Q by Q = On the average this shifts Q by Q = (lK ) . 4 ( B ) (11) (lK ) (cos 2Q + 1) . 4 ( B ) (10) (8) (7) (6) (5)
Similarly the change in amplitude, a, is on average: a 2 Q . a The first term, however, tells us that, as the phase Q on which the proton meets the quadrupole changes on each turn by 2 x (fractional part of Q), the Q-value for each turn oscillates and may lie anywhere in a band
Q =
about the mean value.
(lK ) 4 ( B )
Fig. 4
Circle diagram shows effect of kick pat phase Q advancing phase by 2 Q = ( p cos Q )/a
Suppose this band includes a half-integer Q-value. Eventually, on a particular turn, each proton will have exactly this half-integer Q-value (Q = p/2). Because the first term in Eq. (10) is cos 2Q, the amplitude increases by 2Q on the next and all subsequent turns. The proton has been perturbed by the (Kl) error to a Q-value where it "locks on" to a half-integer stopband. Once there, the proton repeats its motion every two turns, and the small amplitude increase from the perturbation a builds up coherently and extracts the beam from the machine. We can visualize this in another way by saying that the half-integer line in the Q diagram, 2Q = p (p = integer) , has a finite width Q with respect to the unperturbed Q of the proton. Any proton whose unperturbed Q lies in this stopband width locks into resonance and is lost (Fig. 5). In practice each quadrupole in the lattice of a real machine has a small field error. The ( lK )'s are chosen from a random distribution with an r.m.s. value (lK)rms. If the N have their principal effect, we can see that the r.m.s. expectation focusing quadrupoles at value for Q is, from Eq. (11), ( Kl) N rms Q rms = . 2 4 B The factor 2 comes from integrating over the random phase distribution. The statistical treatment is similar to that used for estimating closed orbit distortion. Now let us use some Fourier analysis to see which particular azimuthal harmonic of the (Kl) pattern drives the stopband. Working in normalized strength k = K/(B) we analyse the function (k) into its Fourier harmonics with k cos( p + ) k ( s) = p and (12)
k = 1 p R
2 0
ds [ k (s)] cos( p + ) .
In general all harmonics i.e. all values of p , have equal expectation values in the random pattern of errors. We substitute the pth term in Eq. (12) into Eq. (6) and work through the steps to obtain a new form for Eq. (10), namely: k p cos( p + ){cos 2Q + 1}ds . 2 Q = 2 The integration can be simplified by writing ds = Rd: k R 2 p Q = cos 2Q cos( p + )d . 4 0 The integral is only finite over many betatron oscillations when the resonant condition is fulfilled: 2Q = p . We have revealed the link between the azimuthal frequency p in the pattern of quadrupole errors and the 2Q = p condition which describes the stopband. For example, close to Q = 27.6 in the SPS lies the half-integer stopband 2Q = 55. The azimuthal Fourier component which
drives this is p = 55. Similarly, a pattern of correction quadrupoles, powered in a pattern of currents which follows the function i = i0 sin (55 + ) , can be used to compensate the stopband by matching i0 and empirically to the amplitude of the driving term in the error pattern. This has been used at the SPS, and in other machines powering sets of harmonic correction quadrupoles, each with its own power supply. We look for a sudden beam loss due to a strong stopband at some point in the cycle where Q' and p/p are large and gradient errors important. This loss will appear as a downward step in the beam current transformer signal. We then deliberately make Q sit on the stopband at that point to enhance the step and alter the phase and amplitude of the azimuthal current patterns of the harmonic correctors to minimize the loss. We may have to do this at various points in the cycle with different phase and amplitude. Two sets of such quadrupoles are used: one set near F lattice quadrupoles affecting mainly 2QH = 55; the other set near D quadrupoles affecting 2QV = 55. 4. THE THIRD-INTEGER RESONANCE
The third-integer stopbands are driven by sextupole field errors and are therefore nonlinear. First imagine a single short sextupole of length l, near a horizontal maximum beta location. Its field is d 2 Bz 2 B" 2 x = x , 2 dx 2 and it kicks a particle with betatron phase Q by B = p = (13)
inducing increments in phase and amplitude, a p lB" a = sin Q = cos2Q sin Q a 2 B a = = (15)
Suppose Q is close to a third integer, then the kicks on three successive turns appear as in Fig. 6. The second term in Eq. (17) averages to zero over three turns and we are left with a phase shift: 2 Q = =
lB" a cos 3Q . 8B
Fig. 6 Phase-space trajectory on a 3rd-order resonance We can again guess how resonances arise. Close to Q = p/3, where p is an integer, cos 3Q varies slowly, wandering within a band about the unperturbed Q0 as in Fig. 5: Q0
As in the case of the half-integer resonance this is the stopband width but in reality is a perturbation in the motion of the particle itself. We can write the expression for amplitude perturbation a lB" a = sin 3Q . a 8 B (20)
Suppose the third integer Q-value is somewhere in the band. Then, after a sufficient number of turns, the perturbed Q of the machine will be modulated to coincide with 3p. On each subsequent revolution this increment in amplitude builds up until the particle is lost. Growth is rapid and the modulation of Q away from the resonant line is comparatively slow. Looking back at the expressions, we find that the resonant condition, 3Q = integer, arises because of the cos3 Q term in Eq. (16), which in turn stems from the x2 dependence of the sextupole field. This reveals the link between the order of the multipole and that of the resonance. We see that the a2 in Eq. (14) leads to a linear dependence of width upon amplitude. This term was a1 in the case of the half integer resonance which led to a width which was independent of amplitude and will become a3 in the case of a fourth-order resonance giving a parabolic dependence of width upon amplitude. It is also worth noting that the second term in Eq. (17), which we can ignore when away from an integer Q-value, suggests that sextupoles can drive integer stopbands as well as third
integers. Inspection of the expansion of cosn will suggest the resonances which other multipoles are capable of driving. Returning to the third-order stopbands, we note that both stopband width and growth rate are amplitude-dependent. If Q0 is a distance Q from the third integer resonance, particles with amplitudes less than 16 ( B )Q (21) a< lB" will never reach a one third integer Q and are in a central region of stability. Replacing the inequality by an equality, we obtain the amplitude of the metastable fixed points in phase space where there is resonant condition but infinitely slow growth (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7 Third-order separatrix The symmetry of the circle diagram suggests there are three fixed points at = 0, 2/3, and 4/3. For a resonance of order, n, there will be n such points. The fixed points are joined by a separatrix, which is the bound of stable motion. A more rigorous theory, which takes into account the perturbation in amplitude, would tell us that the separatrix is triangular in shape with three arms to which particles cling on their way out of the machine. We have seen how a single sextupole can drive the resonance. Suppose now we have an azimuthal distribution which can be expressed as a Fourier series: B" ( ) = B" p cos p . =
(22) (23)
As in the earlier case of the second-order resonances this reveals why it is a particular harmonic in the azimuthal distribution which drives the stopband. It is not just the Fourier spectrum of B"() but of B"() which is important in this context. Periodicities in the lattice and in the multipole pattern can thus mix to drive resonances. This is particularly important since some multipole fields, like the remanent field pattern of dipole magnets, are inevitably distributed in a systematic pattern around the ring. This pattern is rich in the harmonics of S, the superperiodicity. Even when this is not the case and errors are evenly distributed, any modulation of beta which follows the pattern of insertions can give rise to systematic driving terms. It is an excellent working rule to keep any systematic resonance, i.e. QH + mQV = S (superperiod number ) integer = p out of the half integer square in which Q is situated. This is often not easy in practice.
As in the second-order case, the third-order stopbands can be compensated with sets of multipoles powered individually to generate a particular Fourier component in their azimuthal distributions. The above equation defines four numerical relations between QH and QV which are resonant. The keen student can verify this with an extension to the mathematics of the previous section. He will find that two of the lines are sensitive to errors of a sextupole configuration with poles at the top and bottom, the other two to sextupoles with poles symmetrical about the median plane (Fig. 2). By permuting these two kinds of sextupoles with the two types of location, we can attack the four lines more or less orthogonally. 5. GENERAL NUMEROLOGY OF RESONANCES
We have seen how the Q-value at which the resonance occurs is directly related to a frequency in the azimuthal pattern of variation of multipole strength. We can now generalise this. Suppose the azimuthal pattern of a multipole of order n can be Fourier analysed:
n 1) B( n 1) ( ) = B( cosp , p p
where is an azimuthal variable, range 0 to 2 . We shall show that if the resonance is in one plane only, a particular component, p = nQ, of this Fourier series, drives it. For example, the 83rd azimuthal harmonic of sextupole (n = 3) drives the third-order resonance at Q = 27.66. The more general expression is
QH + mQV = p
l + m = n (an integer ) . (28) Each n-value defines a set of lines in Fig. 1, four for third-order resonances, five for fourth-order, etc. Each line corresponds to a different homogeneous term in the multipole Cartesian expansion (Table 1). Some are excited by regular multipoles, others by skew multipoles.
So far we have thought of resonances as a disease to be avoided, yet there is at least one useful function that they can perform. We have seen that a third-order stopband extracts particles above a certain amplitude, the amplitude of the unstable fixed points which define a separatrix between stability and instability
(Fig. 7). The dimensions of the separatrix, characterized by a are determined by Q , the difference between the unperturbed Q and the stopband. As one approaches the third integer by, say, increasing the focusing strength of the lattice quadrupoles, Q shrinks, the unstable amplitude, a, becomes smaller and particles are squeezed out along the three arms of the separatrix. If we make Q shrink to zero over a period of a few hundred milliseconds, we can produce a rather slow spill extraction. At first sight we might expect only one third of the particles to migrate to positive x-values since there are three separatrices, but it should be remembered that a particle jumps from one arm to the next each turn, finally jumping the extraction septum on the turn when its displacement is largest. The septum is a thin walled deflecting magnet at the edge of the aperture. The growth increases rapidly as particles progress along the unstable separatrix, and if the stable area is small compared with the distance between beam and septum, the probability of a particle striking the septum rather than jumping over it is small. It clearly helps to have a thin septum. The SPS it is a comb of wires forming a plate of an electrostatic deflector. Magnet or quadrupole ripple can cause an uneven spill, making the Q approach the third integer in a series of jerks thus modulating the rate at which particles emerge. A spread in momentum amongst the particles can help, however, since if the chromaticity is finite, we will have swept through a larger range of Q-values before all separatrices for all momenta have shrunk to zero. The larger Q change reduces the sensitivity to magnet ripple. 7. LANDAU DAMPING WITH OCTUPOLES
Another beneficial effect of multipoles is the use of octupoles to damp coherent transverse instabilities due to the beam's own electromagnetic field. For a transverse instability to be dangerous, the growth time must win over other mechanisms which tend to destroy the coherent pattern and damp out the motion. One such damping mechanism is the Q-spread in the beam. Coherent oscillations decay, or become dephased, in a number of betatron oscillations comparable to 1/Q, where Q is the Q-spread in the beam. This corresponds to a damping time, expressed in terms of the revolution frequency, 0/2: 2 d = , (29) 0 Q which is just the inverse of the spread in frequencies of the oscillators involved, i.e. the protons. The threshold for the growth of the instability is exceeded when g (which increases with intensity) exceeds d 2 g = . (30) 0 Q This is a very general argument which affects all instability problems involving oscillators and is an example of Landau damping. Thinking of it another way, we can say that the instability never gets a chance to grow if the oscillators cannot be persuaded to act collectively for a time g. If they have a frequency spread f , the time for which they can act concertedly is just l/f.
Unfortunately, in our quest for a small Q to avoid lines in the Q diagram by correcting chromaticity, improvements in single particle dynamics can lower the threshold intensity for the instability. A pure machine is infinitely unstable. In practice, at the SPS this happens at about 5 x 1012 particles per pulse if Q is less than 0.02 and g about 1 msec. Suddenly the beam begins to snake under the influence of the resistive wall instability. A large fraction of the beam is lost before stability is restored. The first remedy is to increase Q . Landau damping octupoles are installed for this purpose in the SPS. Octupoles produce an amplitude Q-dependence which is thought to be more effective than the momentum-dependent Q-spread produced by sextupoles. Each particle changes in momentum during a synchrotron oscillation, and in a time comparable to g all particles have the same mean momentum. Sextupoles do not spread the mean Q of the particles. Octupoles, producing an amplitude Q-dependence, do. The circle diagram can be used to calculate the effect of an octupole which gives a kick: p = The change in phase is 2 p = = which averages to Q = ( Bl) lB"' 3 = a cos3Q . 3!( B ) B (31)
Of course if the octupoles are placed around the ring they can excite fourth-order resonances. A good rule is to have as many of them as possible and to distribute them at equal intervals of betatron phase. If there are S octupoles thus distributed their Fourier harmonics are S, 2S, etc. and they can only excite structure resonances near Q values: 4Q = S an integer . Although these systematic resonances are very strong it should not be difficult to choose S so that Q is not in the same integer square as one of the values of nS/4. * * * FURTHER READING G. Guignard, Effets des Champs Magnetique Perturbateurs d'un Synchrotron - CERN 70-24 (1970), p. 67-lOS. M.H. Blewett (Editor), Theoretical Aspects of the Behaviour of Beams in Accelerators and Storage Rings - CERN 77-13 (1977), p. 111-138. G. Guignard, A General Treatment of Resonances in Accelerators, CERN 78-11 (1978).
1 . 1 Early days In principle a linear accelerator is one in which the particles are accelerated on a linear path. Then the most simple scheme is the one which uses an electrostatic field as shown in Fig. 1. A high voltage is shared between a set of electrodes creating an electric accelerating field between them. The disadvantage of such a scheme, as far as high energies are concerned, is that all the partial accelerating voltages add up at some point and that the generation of such high electrostatic voltages will be rapidly limited (a few ten MV). This type of accelerator is however currently used for low energy ion acceleration, and is better known as the Van De Graaf accelerator.
Fig. 1 Electrostatic accelerator scheme In the late 1920's propositions were made, essentially by R. Wideroe, to avoid the limitation of electrostatic devices due to voltage superposition. The proposed scheme, later on (early 1930's) improved by E. Lawrence and D. Sloan at the Berkeley University, is shown on Fig. 2.
An oscillator (7 MHz at that time) feeds alternately a series of drift tubes in such a way that particles see no field when travelling inside these tubes while they are accelerated in between. The last statement is true if the drift tube length L satisfies the synchronism condition: L= vT 2
where v is the particle velocity (c) and T the period of the a.c. field. This scheme does not allow continuous acceleration of beams of particles. 1 . 2 Improved methods for non-relativistic particles Consider a proton of 1 MeV kinetic energy entering the previous structure. At a frequency of 7 MHz such a particle, with = v/c = 4.6 10-2, will travel a distance of roughly 1 meter in half a cycle. Clearly the length of the drift tubes will soon become prohibitive at higher energies unless the input RF frequency is increased. Higher-frequency power generators only became available after the second world war, as a consequence of radar developments. However at higher frequencies the system, which is almost capacitive, will radiate a large amount of energy; as a matter of fact if one considers the end faces of the drift tubes as the plates of a capacitor, the displacement current flowing through it is given by I = CV where C is the capacitance between the drift tubes, V the accelerating voltage and the angular frequency in use. It is therefore convenient to enclose the gap existing between drift tubes in a cavity which holds the electromagnetic energy in the form of a magnetic field (inductive load) and to make the resonant frequency of the cavity equal to that of the accelerating field (Fig. 3). In that case the accelerator would consist of a series of such cavities fed individually with power sources.
Fig. 3 Single-gap accelerating structure Such single-gap cavities could also be placed adjacent to each other as shown on Fig. 4. In the 2 mode case, since the resulting wall current is zero, the common walls between cavities become useless. Then a variant of that scheme consists of placing the drift tubes in a single resonant tank such that the field has the same phase in all gaps. Such a resonant accelerating structure was invented by L. Alvarez in 1945 and was followed by the construction of a 32 MeV proton drift tube linac (Fig. 5) powered by 200 MHz war surplus radar equipment.
Fig. 5 Alvarez-type structure In the 2 mode of operation the synchronism condition is: L = vT = 0 where o is the free space wavelength at the operating frequency. Notice that in Fig. 5 the drift tubes are maintained by metallic rods to the tank walls. The Alvarez structure is still used for protons, as well as heavy ions, operating mostly at 200 MHz. Most of our present day proton linear accelerators are used as injectors for circular machines such as synchrotrons and their energy lies from 50 MeV to 200 MeV. At 200 MeV protons are still weakly relativistic with = 0.566. Note: Since the progress in methods of acceleration came from the use of resonant structures which can provide high accelerating field with less power consumption, the new definition of a linear accelerator or "Linac" implied machines in which particles are accelerated on a linear path by radio frequency fields. Then electrostatic devices no more appear in this definition, but it is worthwhile mentioning that they are used as front-end proton linacs. 1 . 3 The case of ultra-relativistic particles While is getting close to unity for protons of 10 GeV kinetic energy, is almost unity for electrons of 10 MeV. Hence above these energies the particles will have a constant velocity v = c and the length of the drift tubes will remain constant as well. The higher velocity needs higher frequencies. However triode and tetrode tubes could not handle high RF power at high frequency. The invention of the klystron in 1937 and its successful development during the war led to high power sources at 3000 MHz. At this frequency the free-space wavelength is 10 cm, small enough that the perspective of accelerating electrons to high energies soon became an aim.
At the same time emerged the idea that ultrarelativistic particles could be accelerated by travelling guided waves. It is a matter of fact that in a resonant structure the standing wave pattern can be expanded into two travelling waves, one which travels in synchronism with the particle and the backward wave which has no mean effect on the particle energy. However TM modes (with an electric field in the direction of propagation) in rectangular or cylindrical guides have phase velocities bigger than c. Then it was necessary to bring the phase velocity at the level of the particle velocity (vp ~ c) and to do so the simplest method consists of loading the structure with disks as shown on Fig. 6, where the size of the holes determines the degree of coupling and so determines the relative phase shift from one cavity to the next. When the dimensions (2a, 2b) have been tailored correctly the phase changes from cavity to cavity along the accelerator to give an overall phase velocity corresponding to the particle velocity.
Fig. 6 Disk-loaded structure This type of structure will continuously accelerate particles as compare to the drift tube structure which gives a discontinuous acceleration corresponding to the successive gaps. Figure 7 is a more complete drawing of such a travelling-wave structure showing both, the input coupler which matches the source to the structure and the output coupler which matches the structure to an external load (resistive load for instance) to avoid the backward wave.
Fig. 7 Travelling-wave accelerating structure These structures generally operate in the /2 mode or the 2/3 mode. For the former the height of each cell is equal to /4 while it is equal to /3 for the latter. This is important, as will be seen later, for the electromagnetic energy to propagate. The interesting thing with travellingwave structures, in which the energy propagates relatively fast, is that the RF power source can
be pulsed during a short period corresponding to the filling time of the structure. In this pulsed mode of operation much higher peak power pulses can feed the structure, increasing the accelerating field. As a consequence only pulsed beams can be accelerated leading to small duty cycles. Standing-wave structures can also be used for ultrarelativistic particles. In that case the mode of operation is efficient, where the field has opposite phase in two adjacent cells. This type of structure as shown on Fig. 8, often called "nose cone structure", is very similar to the drift tube one in which the length of the tubes has been made very small. A variant of this scheme is used in the high energy proton linac (E = 800 MeV) at Los Alamos, where the coupling between cavities has been improved by adding side coupled resonant cavities as sketched on Fig. 9.
Fig. 9 Side-coupled structure 1 . 4 Induction linac Resonant structures as described previously cannot handle very high beam currents. The reason is that the beam induces a voltage proportional to the circulating current and with a phase opposite to that of the RF accelerating voltage. This effect known as "beam loading" disturbs the beam characteristics and can even destroy the beam by some instability mechanism. A cure for such an effect in the case of very high currents consists of producing an accelerating field with a very low Q resonator. This is obtained with an induction accelerator module (Fig. 10) in which a pulsed magnetic field produces an electric field component, according to Maxwell equations, just similar to the betatron principle. The accelerator will consist of an array of such modules triggered at a rate compatible with the particle velocity, and fed by high power short pulse generators.
Fig. 10 Linear induction accelerator module 1 . 5 Radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) At quite low values (for example low energy protons) it is hard to maintain high currents due to the space charge forces of the beam which have a defocusing effect. In 1970 I.M. Kapchinski and V.A. Teplyakov from the Soviet Union proposed a device in which the RF fields which are used for acceleration can serve as well for transverse focusing. The schematic drawing of an RFQ is shown on Fig. 11. The vanes which have a quadrupole symmetry in the transverse plane have a sinusoidal shape variation in the longitudinal direction. In recent years these devices have been built successfully in many laboratories making it possible to lower the gun accelerating voltage for protons and heavy ions to less than 100 kV as compared to voltages above 500 kV which could only be produced earlier by large Cockcroft-Walton electrostatic generators.
Fig. 11 Schematic drawing of an RFQ resonator 1 . 6 Other methods and future prospects Among the other methods of acceleration one can at least distinguish between two classes: collective accelerators and laser accelerators. In both cases the idea is to reach much higher gradients in order to produce higher energies keeping the overall length of the accelerator at a reasonable level. Collective accelerators are already in use for ion acceleration but up to now they never reached the desirable high gradients. The oldest idea of collective acceleration is the Electron Ring Accelerator (ERA) where an intense electron beam of compact size is produced in a compressor (Fig. 12). The electron ring is then accelerated either by an electric field or by a
pulse magnetic field (induction acceleration) and loaded with ions. Through the space charge effect the electrons (hollow beam) will take the ions along.
Fig. 12 Principle of the Electron Ring Accelerator (ERA) Laser accelerators hold out the promise of reaching high energies with a technology which is new to accelerator physicists. Plasma media can be used to lower the velocity of the laser wave. It is also worthwhile to mention that extensions of conventional techniques are also studied extensively for very high energy electron linacs. 2. FUNDAMENTAL PARAMETERS OF ACCELERATING STRUCTURES
2 . 1 Transit time factor Consider a series of accelerating gaps as in the Alvarez structure (Fig. 13a) and assume the corresponding field in the gap to be independant of the longitudinal coordinate z (Fig. 13 b). If V is the maximum voltage in the gap, the accelerating field is: Ez = V cos t g
If the particle passes through the center of the gap at t = 0 with a velocity v , its coordinate is: and its total energy gain is:
+ g/ 2
z = vt z eV cos dz v g g/ 2
E =
= eV
sin / 2 = eVT /2
g v
For a standing-wave structure operating in the 2 mode and where the gap length is equal to the drift tube length: g = o / 2 one gets: T = 0. 637 . To improve upon this situation, for a given V it is advantageous to reduce the gap length g which leads to larger drift tubes as in the Alvarez design. However a too large reduction in g will lead to sparking, for a given input power per meter, due to an excessive local field gradient. Usual values of T lie around 0.8. In the more general case where the instantaneous field is not homogeneous through the gap, the transit-time factor is given by: T=
Ez ( z)e dz Ez ( z)dz
j t
The transit time factor generally shows the amount of energy which is not gained due to the fact that the particle travels with a finite velocity in an electric field which has a sinusoidal time variation. However this factor may become meaningless, for instance if the mode is such
that the denominator is equal to zero while the numerator remains finite as would be the case for a TM011 mode in a pill-box cavity (see Fig. 14). So one has to be careful when using this concept.
Fig. 14 TM011 mode in a pill-box cavity Exercise: Energy gain when the field Ez in the gap varies with z One has: E = e e Ez ( z )e j t dz
o g
t =
z p v
where p is the phase of the particle, relative to the RF, when entering the gap. Hence
z j g j E = ee e p Ez ( z )e v dz o g z j j = ee e p e j i Ez ( z )e v dz o
which has a maximum value for = 0. Now appears as the phase of the particle referred to the particular phase which would yield the maximum energy.
2 . 2 Shunt impedance The shunt impedance Rs for an RF cavity operating in the standing wave mode is a figure of merit which relates the accelerating voltage V to the power Pd dissipated in the cavity walls: Pd = V2 . Rs
The shunt impedance is very often defined as a quantity per unit length. So, a more general definition which takes also care of travelling-wave structures is: dP E2 = z dz r with r = Rs L
where L is the cavity length, r the shunt impedance per unit length, Ez the amplitude of the dP accelerating field, and the fraction of the input power lost per unit length in the walls dz (another fraction will go into the beam). The sign in the right hand side means that the power flowing along a travelling-wave structure decreases due to the losses. In the case of standing-wave cavities an uncorrected shunt impedance Z is sometimes defined (computer codes for designing cavities) where V is the integral of the field envelope along the gap. Then, to take care of the transit time factor the true shunt impedance becomes Rs = Z T 2 . Shunt impedances up to 35 M/m are reached in proton linacs operating at 200 MHz and relatively low energy, while shunt impedances up to 100 M/m can be obtained at 3 GHz in electron linacs. For the latter a peak power of 50 MW (for instance supplied by a high power pulsed klystron) would give an accelerating gradient of 70 MV/m in a 1 meter-long structure. However, most of the present electron linacs work in the range of 10 to 20 MV/m with less efficient structures and lower peak power from more conventional pulsed klystrons. If a standing-wave structure, with shunt impedance R s , is used in the travelling-wave mode then the shunt impedance is doubled. This comes from the fact that a standing wave can be considered as the superposition of two travelling waves of opposite direction, each wave leading to power losses in the walls. It is desirable to have a shunt impedance per unit length r as high as possible. Let's have a look to the dependance of r upon the operating frequency: - the RF power loss per unit length is proportional to the product of the square of the wall current iw and the wall resistance rw per unit length: dP 2 iw rw dz - the axial electric field Ez is proportional to the wall current divided by the radius b of the cavity: Ez iw / b
- the wall resistance rw per unit length is equal to the resistivity of the wall material divided by the area of the surface through which the current is flowing: rw = / 2 b where is the skin depth given by:
= (2 / )
1/ 2
and is the permeability of the walls. Combining all these expressions and knowing that b 1 / yields the result: r which shows, from the viewpoint of RF power economy, that it is better to operate at higher frequencies. But there is however a limit in going to very high frequencies due to the fact that the aperture for the beam must be kept large enough. 2 . 3 Quality factor and stored energy The quality factor Q is defined by: Q=
Ws Pd
where Ws is the stored energy. Clearly Q remains the same if the structure is used either in the standing-wave mode or the travelling-wave mode. It is also common to use the stored energy per unit length of the structure ws = dWs/dz. Then Q=
ws dP / dz
Another quantity of interest is the ratio r/Q: r E2 = z Q ws quantity which only depends on the cavity geometry at a given frequency, and which can be measured directly by a perturbation method. The other quantities depend on other factors like the wall material, the quality of brazing etc. ... Q varies like 1/ 2 , hence r/Q varies like . Exercise Fields, quality factor Q and ratio r/Q for a pill-box cavity Note that pill-box cavities are very representative of single-cell accelerating structures in most cases. The field components for TMnpq modes in cylindrical cavities are given by:
E =
vnp a
4 2 q 2 vnp = + a 2 l
where vnp is the pth root of Jn(x) = 0 and the free-space wavelength. The most simple mode in a cylindrical cavity is the mode TM010. This is the fundamental mode which however requires l/a < 2. This mode has only two components (Fig. 15):
Ez = Jo ( kr ) H = j J1 ( kr ) Zo
( Jo' = J1 )
For = 10 cm one gets a = 3.8 cm.
In a resonant RLC circuit, Q is expressed as follows: 1 2 LI L o 2 Q = 2 f = 1 2 R RI 2 So, one can write for the definition of Q Q = 2 Stored energy Energy lost during one period 1 . LC
with o =
which can now be extended to a resonant cavity. The stored energy in the cavity volume is given by: Ws =
2 2 H dV = E dV . 2V 2V
For the power losses in the walls, one notices that the magnetic field induces in the wall a r r r current i = n H or i = H. Then the losses are given by: Pd = 1 Rw H 2 dS 2 S
where Rw is the surface resistance for a layer of unit area and width (skin depth): Rw = 1 with = 1 f
and where is the material conductivity and f the RF frequency. So: dPd = The energy lost during one period is: dWd = and for the total wall surface:
2 H f dS . 2
2 1 dPd = H dS f 2
Wd = Hence:
dS .
H 2
2 2
dV dS = 2 KV S
where K is the form factor of the given geometry. Considering again the TM010 mode in a pill-box cavity one gets:
2 H
1 = Q
al J ( k r )rdr + J ( k a) 2
2 1 2 2 1 2 o
J (k r )rdr
2 1 2 o
a2 2 J1 ( k2 a) 2
= 10 6 m a = 3.8 10 2 m
gives Q = 21590.
= 5 10 2 m
In addition one can also get the quantity r/Q (r being the uncorrected shunt impedance) r V2 = = 2.58 f Q Ws l hence
r 1/ 2 . 2 . 4 Filling time From the definition of Q one has for a resonant cavity: Pd =
Ws . Q
If the cavity has been initially filled, the rate at which the stored energy decreases is related to the power dissipated in the walls: dWs = Ws . dt Q Hence the time it takes for the electric field to decay to 1/e of its initial value is: tf = 2Q
which is the filling time of the cavity. In the case of a travelling-wave structure the definition of the filling time is different tf = L ve
where L is the length of the structure and ve the velocity at which the energy propagates. In a travelling-wave structure the stored energy exists but never adds up because it is dissipated in a terminating load and does not reflect 2 . 5 Phase velocity and group velocity These two concepts are of high importance in the case of particle acceleration by means of travelling guided waves. As mentioned before such methods are mostly used for particles whose velocity is either close or equal to the light velocity c. Let's first assume a cylindrical waveguide, and search for the simplest TM (or E) mode which can propagate. Such a mode, with an axial electric field component Ez, is the TM01 mode which also has two transverse components Er and H : Ez = Eo Jo ( kc r )e j z Er = j H = Zo =
Eo J1 ( kc r )e j z kc
1 k j Eo J1 ( kc r )e j z Zo kc
o = 377 ohms o
where is the propagation factor of the wave travelling in the +z direction, satisfying the relation:
2 2 = k 2 kc
2 = c Jo ( kc a) = 0 kc a = 2.4 2 c = c c
kc =
and where a is the inner radius of the cylindrical waveguide, the excitation frequency, c the cut off frequency. The wavelength g of the propagating wave is such that:
2 = g vp
where vp is the velocity of the wave or phase velocity. In order for the wave to propagate g must be real and positive which means:
< c
or vp > c
In order to lower the phase velocity the waveguide is loaded by disks, equally spaced if the particle is ultra-relativistic (v ~ c). The disks act like capacitive loads and reduce the speed of propagation as in loaded transmission lines. It is usual to draw the Brillouin diagram for the type of propagating wave under consideration. This diagram relates the frequency to the propagation factor (Fig. 16).
Fig. 16 Brillouin diagram The straight line vp = c separates the two domains corresponding respectively to slow and fast waves. For the latter, as obtained in a normal guide, the relation
2 2 2 c = v2 c2 c2 p
gives a hyperbola for a given c. For a slow wave it will exit an operating point P in the diagram and the corresponding phase velocity is given by tg = vp/c. If varies, P moves on a certain curve; the slope of this curve at point P is: tg = d ( / c) 1 d 1 = = vg c d c d / vp
where vg = (d/d)1 is called the group velocity and happens to be equal to the velocity of the energy flow in the waveguide: vg = ve Exercise: Calculation of the energy flow velocity The average power which flows through a transverse cross-section of a waveguide is given by the integral of the Poynting vector: P= 1 Re ( ET HT ) dS 2 S
where only the transverse components of the field have to be considered. For a TM mode the relation between ET and HT is:
ET = Zo g HT
P= 1 1 k 2 ET dS 2 S Zo
The energy stored in the magnetic field (purely transverse component) per unit length is: wsm =
1 k2 2 H dS = T 2 2 4 4 Zo S
The energy stored in the electric field per unit length is equal to that of the magnetic field. Hence the total stored energy per unit length is: ws = wse + wsm = 2 wsm The velocity of the energy flow is then given by:
1 P 2 Zo ve = = ws 1 2 2 Zo ve = Since:
k 1 1 Zo = 2 = k k 2
o o k
c k
2 2 2 dk d / c kc =c = d d
vg = one gets:
d d
1/ 2 1
vg =
c2 c = = ve k
2 . 6 Space harmonics in loaded waveguides In an infinite periodic structure (Fig. 17) the wave equation must satisfy the periodic boundary condition imposed by the disks. This is obtained by choosing a solution of the form: E(r, , z ) = e z E1 (r, , z ) H (r, , z ) = e z H1 (r, , z ) where E1 and H 1 are periodic functions: E1(r, , z + d) = E1(r, , z). Considering two similar terminal planes in two consecutive cells, that means the fields will repeat except for the multiplication factor e d which can be related to the propagation time from one cell to the next.
The possibility of expressing the field in the above form is often referred to as Floquet's theorem (the original Floquet's theorem dealt with differential equations with periodic coefficients, the case of periodic boundary conditions is an extension of that work). Any periodic function such as E 1(r,,z) can be expanded into an infinite Fourier series; thus E1 (r, , z ) =
n =
E1n (r, )
e j 2 n z / d
= j o
Hence the field becomes: E(r, , z ) = with
n =
E1n (r, ) e j z
n = o + 2 n / d
o is the propagation factor of the fundamental space harmonic.
In addition the field has to satisfy the usual transverse boundary conditions of cylindrical waveguides. Thus, if one concentrates only on the lowest TM type mode the field components in a periodic disk-loaded structure are: Ez = Eon Jo kc, n r e j n z
Er = j
2 2 n = k 2 kc ,n
Notice that all the space harmonics exist at a given frequency . Once o is known all n's are known. Moreover each space harmonic has a different phase velocity given by: v pn =
2 n o + d
d d n = = d n d
d = d
= vg
The Brillouin diagram for a loaded structure (or slow wave structure) is represented on Fig. 18. At a given frequency there is an infinite number of points P corresponding to the propagation factors n . If the frequency changes, the points move on curves which have all the same slope, corresponding to the group velocity. Hence one gets pieces of curve which can all be deduced by a simple translation of 2/d . Since these curves must join, obviously they must have zero slopes somewhere leading to the shape of Fig. 18. It happens that the first part of the curve has a zero slope, hence zero group velocity, at d = 0 and which give the lower /c and upper /c frequencies of a pass band which remains true for the higher space harmonics. The condition of propagation hence corresponds to: 0 cos d 1
Fig. 18 Brillouin diagram for a slow wave structure At d = the phases in two successive cells are opposite ( mode) and one gets a standing wave pattern in the combination of all the space harmonics. The calculation of the real fields in loaded structures which would take careful account of all boundary conditions is tedious. Generally a reasonably accurate description of the dispersion curve, relating to k , is obtained by an equivalent transmission line analysis or a coupled resonators chain analysis. In order to accelerate electrons which already have the velocity of light c the operating point in the Brillouin diagram must correspond to the intersection of the k, curve with the 45 line (Fig. 19). In a travelling wave structure the mode is avoided according to the previous remarks. Either /2 or 2/3 modes are used. For the former a phase shift of 2 is obtained over four cells while for the latter it needs three cells.
Fig. 19 Operating point for vp = c For an acceleration to take place one chooses the fundamental space harmonic such that:
o = od = 2
or 2 3
The fundamental is the only one to give a net accelerating field since the higher space harmonics have no effect on the average. Hence, most of the particle dynamics in a travelling wave structure can be treated only using the fundamental space harmonic which can be calculated, for any structure having cylindrical symmetry, with the help of powerful computer codes like LALA or SUPERFISH. The radial dimension of the structure is determined to fit the operating frequency . 3. ENERGY GAIN IN LINEAR ACCELERATING STRUCTURES
3 . 1 Standing-wave structures The energy gain in a standing-wave structure is straightforward when the shunt impedance corrected by the transit time factor is known. However, when the power source is matched to the resonant structure through a coupling loop, such that no power is reflected toward the source, then the loaded Q value becomes: QL = Q 1+
where the coupling coefficient is unity when the power given to the beam is negligible. The corresponding filling time now becomes: tf = 2QL 2Q = (1 + )
For long power pulses there is no peculiar effect, but for short power pulses whose length is of the order of the filling time (acceleration of short beam pulses) there will be a transient effect during the filling of the cavity where reflected power cannot be avoided. Hence the minimum power required to attain a certain accelerating voltage will depend on the coupling coefficient and not only on the shunt impedance. 3 . 2 Travelling-wave structures For travelling-wave structures the energy gain will depend on the RF characteristics of the cells in a more complicated way. It is usual to distinguish between constant-impedance structures and constant-gradient structures. 3.2.1 Constant-impedance structure In a constant-impedance structure, for instance of the disk-loaded type, all the cells are identical. Hence the group velocity v g , which depends on the geometrical parameters of the cells, remains constant all along the structure. If L is the total length of the structure the filling time is: tf = L vg
For a disk-loaded structure such as the one drawn on Fig. 7, operating in the 2/3 mode at 3 GHz, the group velocity, which is a strong function of the iris diameter 2a is approximately given by: vg / c =
(2 a)3.23
where 2a is expressed in cm. For instance, vg = 0.01 c for 2a = 1.97 cm. As the waves propagate in such a structure, part of the input power is dissipated into the walls and the remaining power will lead to a smaller accelerating field. Hence the accelerating gradient decreases continuously along the structure. It was shown in the previous section that: Q=
ws dP / dz
/ 2 vg Q z
At the input of the structure the accelerating field Eo is related to the input power Po:
2 Eo = Po
r vg Q
Integrating the field along the structure leads to the energy gain: Vtotal = E( z )dz = 2 Eo vg
o L
Q ( / 2 vg Q) L 1 e
1 L 1 = tf 2 Qvg 2 Q
[(2 ) (1 e ) / ]
1/ 2
Exercise: Consider a disk-loaded structure, 1-meter long, operating at 3 GHz in the 2/3 mode and assume an iris diameter of 1.97 cm which gives vg/c = 0.01. For such a structure made of copper the shunt impedance per meter is roughly: r [ M / m ]= 86 3.6(2 a)2[ cm ] = 72 M / m while Q is practically independant of (2a) and equal to 15000. For this example the performances of the structure are: t f = 0.33 s
= 0.21 neper
V[ MeV ] = 5 Po[ MW ] 3.2.2 Constant-gradient structure In order to compensate for the variation of the accelerating field along the structure, due to power dissipation, it is possible to lower the group velocity from cell to cell, by changing the geometry for the same operating frequency. In fact this is obtained by reducing the iris aperture and by reducing the diameter of the cell at the same time. Such a scheme will make a better use of the available power. In a perfect constant-gradient structure E = cte, so one must have: dP = cte dz
assuming the shunt impedance is not too much affected by the change in the iris aperture. Then one can write: P = Po ( Po PL ) z L
where L is the length of the structure, Po the input power and PL the output power. By analogy with the constant impedance case it is usual to define the attenuation factor such that: PL / Po = e 2 Then one has: z P = Po 1 (1 e 2 ) L dP P = Po (1 e 2 ) / L = dz vgQ leading to a linear variation for the group velocity: 1 1 e 2 z L L vg ( z ) = 2 Q 1 e The values of the group velocity at both extremities are: vg (o) = vg ( L ) =
( (
) )
L 1 Q 1 e 2 L e 2 Q 1 e 2
The attenuation factor is well defined when the output group velocity is known. e2 = 1 +
L Qvg ( L )
In practice the iris diameter at the end of the structure is made as small as possible compatible with the dimensions of the accelerated beam. Setting the output group velocity and the length of the structure give the input group velocity. The filling time in the present case is: tf =
dz Q L = Ln 1 + v (z) o g Qvg ( L ) t f = 2 Q
Integrating the accelerating field gives the energy gain: Vtotal = Po rL(1 e 2 ) with Po r 1 e 2 ) E= ( L
1/ 2
1/ 2
Exercise: Let's take the previous set of parameters and keep the shunt impedance constant. One gets: vg ( L ) / c = 0.01
Up to now a synchronism condition has been defined as a necessary condition for the particles to be accelerated in a linear structure. However this simple approach to the problem is not sufficient as it only describes the behaviour of selected particles which enter the accelerator at the right time with the right velocity. In fact a bunch of particles, as it is produced by the gun, has a spread in velocities as well as a finite transverse dimension (beam emittance). Depending on their initial conditions the particles will undergo different stories during the acceleration. It is usual to differentiate the transverse motion of the particles from their longitudinal motion.
4 . 1 Longitudinal motion: phase stability If particles enter continuously in an accelerating structure obviously a fraction of these particles will see the axial field Ez at the wrong time (or wrong phase) due to the sinusoidal time variation. This already gives a feeling of the bunching phenomenon that will occur in the two types of accelerators (discrete acceleration through gaps or continuous acceleration with travelling waves).
Fig. 20 Particle phases relative to the RF field Two particles which arrive at different times of the accelerating half period (see Fig. 20) can be either subject to equal energy gains (M 1, N 1) or different energy gains (P, P' ). Considering for instance an Alvarez structure in which the synchronism condition is obtained for a given energy gain eVs, then particles M 1, N 1 , M2 etc. will always see the same phase of the accelerating field. A particle P which arrives in a gap in advance as compared to M1 will get less energy and its velocity will be smaller so that it will take more time to travel through the drift tube. In the next gap it will appear closer to particle M 1. The effect is true for particle P' which will get more energy and reduce its delay time as compared to M1. Points M1, M2 etc. are stable points for the acceleration since particles slightly away from them will experience forces that will reduce their deviation. On the contrary it can be seen that points N1, N2 etc. are unstable points in the sense that particles slightly away from these points will shift even more in the next gaps. In order to study the longitudinal motion one uses variables which give relative position, and energy, as compared to the synchronous particle:
= s = (t ts ) = t
w = W Ws where s is the RF phase of the synchronous particle and W s the energy of the same particle. The accelerating field can be simply described by: z = Eo cos Ez = Eo cos t vp
t = t ts
dz in the forthcoming vp expressions so that they will remain valid. The azimuthal position z is generally taken as the independant variable instead of t. When the phase velocity varies, z/vp must be replaced by 4.1.1 Non-relativistic case Adiabatic damping The rate of energy gain for the synchronous particle is given by: d 1 2 d dWs = ( mvs ) = eEo cos s = mvs dt dz 2 dz where Eo would take into account the transit time in the case of standing-wave drift-tube linacs. For other particles the energy gain can be expressed in reduced variables: dw = eEo cos( s + ) cos s dz In addition one has: 1 1 dt dt d = s = dz dz dz v vs which turns out to be: d = 3w dz mvs having assumed that: w = W Ws = 1 2 m v 2 vs mvs (v vs ) 2
Considering small deviations from the synchronous particle one gets the following set of first-order linear equations:
d = 3w dz mvs
dw = eEo sin s dz which respresent a phase harmonic oscillation: d 2 2 2 + s = 0 dz with angular frequency relative to the independant variable z: 2 s = eEo sin s mvs3
showing that sin s has to be negative for stable solutions. Notice that this is true since vs is a constant parameter. But the approach is still valid if vs varies slowly. The wavelength of the small amplitude phase oscillation is given by:
s = 2 / s
and increases rapidly along the accelerator. Considering larger amplitudes one should write:
The restoring force F can be derived from an effective potential energy function U U = F d which is drawn on Fig. 21. An analysis of the non-linear motion in the phase space w , shows that the oscillation is bounded at some energy wmax. The corresponding curve is called the separatrix. The motion can be derived from a Hamiltonian H satisfying the canonical equations:
One gets: H=
A particle with some initial conditions will perform an ellipse in the phase space. Its maximum energy w max is obtained when = 0 and correspondingly its maximum phase excursion max is obained when w = 0. One has the relation: wmax eEo sin s mvs3 = max
1/ 2
Liouville's theorem stipulates that for a conservative motion the area of the phase space ellipse is an invariant wmax max = cte This is normally true for a constant vs, but can still be applied when considering adiabatic variation of this parameter (adiabatic theorem). It follows from the previous relations that: eE wmax = cte o sin s mvs3 eE max = cte o sin s mvs3
1/ 4
1/ 4
It appears that max will decrease during the acceleration and the bunch length will become shorter. On the contrary w max will increase, but the relative energy spread w/W s , in which the user is interested, will decrease. 4.1.2 Relativistic case Electron capture In the case of relativistic particles:
1/ 2 dt 1 1 = = 2 1 dz v c
with v c Then it happens that the previous formulae remain valid just replacing vs by s v s and taking m as the rest mass.
= 1 2
1/ 2
The same phenomena occur for relativistic particles but the phase oscillation becomes very slow at high energies, so that in practice a particle can travel all along a linac in less than one oscillation period and some of the previous statements cannot have the same meaning any more. For instance if a short bunch of particles is captured in an electron linac and if all the particles have the light velocity they will keep that velocity and always arrive at the same RF phase in the gaps. In that case the phase spread of the bunch will remain constant. Moreover if this phase spread is very small, for instance around the peak of the RF, all the particles will get the same energy and the absolute energy spread will also remain constant while the relative energy spread will go down like --1. It is now interesting to consider the case of electron linacs, where the structure has a phase velocity equal to c, and to look at what happens when particles enter the structure having still a velocity smaller than c, as for instance produced by electron guns. So let's consider an accelerator with a phase velocity equal to c and an axial electric field Ez which has a sinusoidal time variation with constant amplitude Eo along the trajectory. Then if Ez is the field seen by a particle one defines the phase angle between the wave and the particle by means of the relation: Ez = Eo sin If v is the particle velocity, then dl = (c v )dt is the difference in path between the wave and the particle in the time dt. This path difference can also be expressed in term of the phase difference d: dl =
g d 2
where g is the wavelength of the propagation in the waveguide. From the above equations one gets: d 2 c = (1 ) dt g The equation of motion for the particle, in the relativistic case, is simply: d d ( mv) = moc 1/ 2 = eEo sin dt dt (1 2 ) and using a new variable such that:
= cos
it becomes d eE = o sin sin 2 dt mo c with
Integrating from time t1 where v = c, to time to where = o , = o and = o, one gets: cos 1 cos o = Knowing that: 2 mo c 2 g eEo tg 1 tg o 2 2
1 cos 1/ 2 1 tg = = 2 1 + cos 1+
one gets:
1/ 2
1/ 2
Since the left hand side cannot be greater than 2 one must have:
moc 2 1 o Eo ge 1 + o
1/ 2
This "capture condition" must be satisfied in order to capture the electrons injected at a velocity less than the phase velocity. For example, for g = 10 cm and an injection energy of 150 keV the condition gives Eo 7.6 MV/m which is technically possible. In practice however, to improve the capture efficiency it is common to use a small bunching section, with a variable phase velocity, in which the energy is brought to a few MeV. 4 . 2 Transverse motion: defocusing
Looking at the electric field pattern in the gap between two drift tubes it is seen that there are radial components (Fig. 22), which are focusing at the gap entrance and defocusing at the end. In an electrostatic accelerator where the field is constant this gives a global focusing effect since the particle having more energy at the end of the gap makes the defocusing effect smaller. In an RF accelerator the behaviour is different. From the phase stability requirement (s < 0) it appears that the field increases with time during the passage of the particle. Hence the defocusing force becomes larger than the focusing one resulting in a transverse instability as the particle may strike the drift tubes.
Fig. 22 Field pattern in the gap of a drift tube accelerator It is possible to show the effect mathematically using approximate transverse field expressions only valid for small transverse deviations from the axis: dz Ez = Eo cos t - vp Er = B = dz r Eo sin t - vp 2v p dz r Eo sin t vp 2c 2
The transverse force acting on the particle is given by the Newton-Lorentz equation: d ) = eEr evB ( mr dt = vv p dz er Eo 1 2 sin t vp 2v p c
Considering the synchronous particle for which v = vp and dz = s t vp one gets: d er Eo ) = 1 2 sin s ( mr dt 2v p
For ultra-relativistic particles (v c) the transverse defocusing effect becomes negligible. In other words the transverse magnetic force compensates exactly the electric one. This is a well known behaviour in relativistic particle dynamics.
There are many other reasons for radial deflection of the particles than the normal transverse field components in a waveguide. For instance, in the input and output couplers of a travelling-wave structure there is an axial field asymmetry which induces transverse components and gives a transverse kick to the beam, even at v = c. So finally in practice it is necessary to use external magnetic fields, such as those given by solenoids or quadrupoles, to ensure a stable transverse motion within the aperture of the linac. 4 . 3 Dynamics in a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) Conventional proton (or heavy ion) linear structures, like the Alvarez structure, which use magnetic focusing, are only efficient in the range: 0. 04 < = v < 0. 5 c
For > 0.5 it is better to use high- linac structures. For < 0.04 successful activity in designing low- structures is very recent (in the past, the solution consisted of applying a very high voltage on the gun to extract particles at energies that could match a drift-tube structure). The biggest success has been the invention of the radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) which combines three functions: electric focusing, bunching and acceleration. The RFQ is a four-vanes resonator with quadrupolar symmetry which provides a transverse electric gradient for transverse focusing (at low velocity, magnetic focusing is not efficient because of the v term which appears in the force equation). Modulated pole shapes (Fig. 23) lead to a longitudinal variation of the transverse field gradient giving a longitudinal electric component for acceleration and bunching. In a drift tube structure the transit time factor is worse at low ; in the RF quadrupole many cells are made (since is small) in an overall practical length which permit a continuous acceleration and perfect adiabatic conditions to produce a very good bunching efficiency (~ 100%).
Fig. 23 Modulated pole shapes in an RFQ The spatially continuous fields also cure the space charge effects that could freely develop in the drift tubes of conventional structures. The lowest-order potential function, in cylindrical coordinates, which satisfies the quadrupole symmetry of an RFQ can be written as follows: U=
2 V r X cos 2 + AIo ( kr )cos kz sin ( t + ) 2 a
where V is the difference potential between adjacent pole tips, and: k = 2 / From this, the following electric field components are obtained: XV kAV r cos 2 I1 ( kr )cos kz 2 a 2 XV E = 2 r sin 2 sin ( t + ) a kAV Ez = Io ( kr ) sin kz 2 Er = with A = ( m 2 1) / ( m 2 Io ( ka) + Io ( mka)) X = 1 AIo ( ka) The quantity VA is the potential difference that exists on the axis between the beginning and the end of a unit cell. Then the space average longitudinal field is: Eo = 2 AV
The energy gain for a particle with charge e and synchronous velocity c traversing a unit cell is approximately: W = eEo l T cos s l=
and T = /4 is the transit time factor for a longitudinal field with space variation sin kz and time variation sin t, knowing that when the particle travels one period = 2 /k, the RF phase changes by 2. Applying the equations of phase oscillations to the RFQ gives the angular frequency for small oscillations: 2 s = the angular length of the separatrix, m: tg s = and the spatial length of the separatrix: sin m m 1 cos m eAV 2 sin s 4m oc 2 2
zm =
m 2
Note that here m is the phase difference between the two extreme elongations of the separatrix. To avoid space-charge phenomena it is interesting to keep the longitudinal density constant during bunching which means: zm = cte condition which determines s and A as functions of . The next interesting aspect of the RFQ is the transverse focusing during bunching and acceleration. The magnitude of the electric quadrupole strength is XV/a2 which means that: for given a, m, the strength is constant in a unit cell the same strength can be maintained in every unit by keeping XV/a2 constant. The equation for the transverse oscillation is:
2 2 AV d 2 x XV = cos 2 2 2 2 2 sin x 2 moc d moc a
= ( t + ) / 2
The previous equation is of the Mathieu type: d2x + [ A + B cos 2 ]x = 0 d 2 which means that solutions can be stable for some combinations of A and B . It can be shown that the oscillations will be stable if the following conditions are satisfied: VA XV sin 2 2 <1 2 moc 2 2 2 moc a X 2V A sin 3 2 > 8 moc a 2 2 An analysis of these inequalities shows that in practice the transverse oscillations are stable with any values of the synchronous phase (up to -90) just as in accelerators with static lenses. In practice an RFQ can bring proton (or ion) energies from a few 10 keV to a few MeV over a very reasonable overall length (1 to 2 meters).
4 2
BIBLIOGRAPHY M.S. Livingston, J.P. Blewett, Particle Accelerators, McGraw-Hill Book Company, INC, N.Y. 1962 E. Persico, E. Ferrari, S.E. Segr, Principles of Particle Accelerators, W.A. Benjamin, INC, N.Y. 1968 P. Lapostolle, A. Septier (Editors), Linear Accelerators, North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1970 P. Lapostolle, Introduction l'tude des Acclrateurs Linaires, CERN 66-20, 1966 P.B. Wilson, High Energy Electron Linacs: Applications to Storage Ring RF Systems and Linear Colliders, SLAC PUB 2884. Also in AIP Conference Proceedings N87, N.Y. 1982 G.A. Loew, Elementary Principles of Linear Accelerators, SLAC PUB 3221. Also in AIP Conference Proceedings N105, N.Y. 1983 I.M. Kapchinskii and V.A. Teplyakov, Linear Ion Accelerator With Spatially Homogeneous Strong Focusing, Pribory i. Tekhnika Eksperimenta, 119, N2 (March-April 1970) R.H. Stokes, K.R. Crandall, J.E. Stovall and D.A. Swenson, RF Quadrupole Beam Dynamics, IEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-26, N3 June 1979 R.E. Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engineering, International-Student Edition, McGrawHill, INC. 1966
1 . 1 Time varying magnetic field: the betatron concept The betatron accelerator is the only circular machine which uses a time varying magnetic field to accelerate the particle. It is typically an induction accelerator. Notice that induction linear accelerators are also used. The betatron, as shown on Fig. 1, is a very simple machine which consists of a magnet fed by an alternating current at a frequency usually between 50 to 200 Hz. The magnet poles which surround the vacuum chamber where particles circulate are truncated cones. In this machine the magnetic field is used for guiding the particles on a circular trajectory as well as for acceleration.
Fig. 1 The betatron scheme The variable magnetic field produces an electric field component according to Maxwell's equations: E = gradV
A t B = H = curl A
In the present case where there is no scalar potential, and according to the field symmetry, one has: V=0 Ar = Az = 0 E = A = A(r, z,t )
A t showing that the electric field is tangent to the circular orbit defined by
Bo R = p / e where e is the algebraic particle charge. Moreover, from the single component A one gets the magnetic field components: Br = B = 0 Bz = 1 A (rA) = A' + r r r
A z
1 (rA)r dr = 2 rA . r r o
Denoting by Bz the average field value inside the circle, the flux will be also: = r 2 Bz which shows that: A= Then one gets: E = 1 rBz . 2
A 1 r = rBz ) = Bz . ( t 2 t 2 t
which is a well known law in electronics that a time variation of the flux induces a voltage. The induction accelerator is often considered as a transformer in which the primary current is the alternating current and the secondary current is the circulating electron beam. The acceleration is given by the Newton-Lorentz equation: dp = e E dt dp e d 1 dB = = eR z dt 2 R dt 2 dt If one wants to keep the particle on the same trajectory the following relation must also be fulfilled: dp dB = e R 0 dt dt
and hence B0 = which is the betatron relation. 1 . 2 Time varying electric field: the cyclotron case The cyclotron is an example of a circular accelerator using a radio frequency accelerating field. A magnet (Fig. 2a) produces a constant B field in the useful area for the particle trajectories. The box in which the particles circulate is divided into two pieces, separated by a gap (Fig. 2b) fed with an RF signal which produces an alternating electric field. 1 Bz + cte 2
Each time the particle crosses the gap it experiences an acc elerating force provided the phase of the RF has the right polarity. After each crossing the particle, with velocity , follows a circular trajectory with radius r, due to the vertical magnetic field perpendicular to the particle velocity: m r= eB Having described half a circle the particle comes back through the gap and is accelerated once more provided the field polarity has reversed. Since the magnetic field is constant the particle trajectory will spiral as shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3 Cyclotron orbit A synchronism condition for the accelerator is obtained by proper choice of the RF frequency:
RF = r =
eB m
where r is the angular revolution frequency and m the mass. However, since standard cyclotrons have a fixed RF frequency, this relation can only be satisfied for constant mass, which implies non-relativistic particles: m = m0 . This would be the case for instance, for heavy particles (protons and ions) for which the kinetic energy remains small compared to the rest energy. Within the previous assumptions the cyclotron would remain a rather low energy machine. So let us consider the case of higher energies where particles become relativistic. At each transit in the gap the energy gain is: sin E = eV where is the phase of the particle with respect to the RF phase:
= RF t
being the azimuthal angle of the trajectory. Differentiating with respect to time gives:
= RF r or = ec 2 B RF E
It is seen that with RF and B constant, it is not possible to have a synchronous particle with = cte ( = 0 ). The formula shows that starts decreasing, reaches a minimum value ( = 0 ) and then increases. Notice that the maximum tolerable range of variation during acceleration is . Since phase and energy are related let us now consider their evolution during the acceleration cycle. A smooth approximation consists of assuming that the acceleration is made continuously, hence: = = r Tr / 2 where is the relative phase change at each half revolution, Tr being the revolution period. Hence one obtains:
= RF 1 r r
E = RF 1 ec 2 B
Differentiating the phase with respect to the energy, within the smooth approximation, leads to:
d RF E 1 = dE E eV sin ec 2 B or d (cos ) =
RF E 1 dE ec 2 B eV
Integrating both sides gives the energy-phase equation of the cyclotron: cos = cos 0
RF 2 E 2 E0 ( E E0 ) 2 eV 2ec B
where index 0 refers to the initial conditions: E0 = rest energy 0 = injection phase It is interesting to represent on a graph the phase-energy evolution. Using the kinetic energy W = E - E0 as the new variable one gets: cos = cos 0 +
RF RF 2 1 W W r0 eV 2eVE 0 r0
where r0 = ec2 B/E0 is the starting revolution frequency. Figure 4 shows the variation of cos as a function of W for different initial conditions 0. Plots which, during acceleration remain within the range -1 < cos < 1, only are meaningful from the stability point of view.
Fig. 4 Energy-phase diagram Selected particles, according to their initial phase 0 can reach high energies, ;but the cyclotron is nevertheless limited in energy as seen in the figure. The machine parameters must be chosen to obtain the largest useful 0 range. This implies for instance RF < r0 but it also depends very much on the particle species.
In the attempt to reach higher energies the concept of the synchrocyclotron has been quite important. Here the RF frequency is varied to keep the synchronous condition during acceleration. A new limitation however occurs due to the size of the magnet. A more efficient synchronous machine is the so-called synchrotron, which will be treated in more detail in the next sections. 1 . 3 Time varying electric field: the synchrotron case A synchrotron is a circular accelerator where the nominal particle trajectory is kept at a constant physical radius by means of a magnetic field variation, as well as an RF frequency variation, to follow the energy variation. Let's assume now that an RF cavity with an electric field component parallel to the particle trajectory is located at some azimuthal position of such a circular accelerator. In the cavity gap the electric field is supposed to have a sinusoidal time variation with angular frequency RF. Then one can write: E( z,t ) = E1 ( z ) E2 (t ) where E1(z) is shown on Fig. 5 as a periodic function of period L = 2 R , while E2(t) is of the form: t E2 (t ) = E0 sin RF dt + 0 t0
Fig. 5 RF field envelope along the circumference The particle position is given by: z = z0 + vdt
t0 t
RF = h r = h
2 v L
where v is considered here as the average particle velocity over one turn. The periodic function E1(z) can be expanded in a Fourier series:
2 z E1 ( z ) = A0 + An cos n L n =1 g A0 = L ng 2 An = sin L n
The integral of the force over many revolutions shows that all the trigonometric terms in the expansion will give no effective contribution to the energy gain, apart from a single term which corresponds to n = h. Then the average energy gain per turn can be written: t W = e E1 ( z ) E2 (t )dz = eE0 g sin RF dt + 0 t0 g/ 2
+ g/ 2
0 = 0
W = eE0 W=
+ L/ 2 L/ 2
2 hz0 L 2 hz sin 0 dz L
Ah cos2
hg eE L eE0 Ah L sin 0 = 0 sin sin 0 2 L h hg sin L sin eE gsin for g small enough W = eE0 g 0 0 0 hg L
The energy gain per turn can also be expressed as:
W =e
t E z E t dz = eE g sin ( ) ( ) 1 2 0 RF dt + 0 t0 g/2
and since the gap center is at z = o one has: sin W = eE0 g sin 0 = V 0 showing that 0 represents the RF phase seen by the particle when crossing the gap. From above it is seen that the force acting on the particle can be considered as an average force, continuously acting on the particle all over the circumference, provided the initial phase of the particle entering the gap is maintained constant. In other words the effect is equivalent to a force given by a travelling wave propagating at the same velocity as the particle velocity. Since only one harmonic of the Fourier expansion is acting effectively, one can write the equivalent field as:
2 hz sin RF dt + 0 L E 2 hz 2 hz + sin RF dt + 0 + E = o Ah sin RF dt + 0 L L 2 E = E0 Ah cos where the first term in the bracket represents a travelling wave with wavelength = L/h and phase velocity equal to the particle velocity, while the second term in the bracket gives no effect on a time average. 2. DISPERSION EFFECTS DUE TO THE GUIDE FIELD IN A SYNCHROTRON
2 . 1 Momentum compaction By definition the momentum compaction is the constant parameter which relates the variation of the orbit length of a particle, in a circular accelerator, to the momentum deviation (note that the nominal closed orbit has been defined for the nominal energy E).
p dL p dR = L dp R dp
where p , L and R are respectively the particle momentum, the nominal circumference and the physical radius (2R = L). One has: E = m0 c 2 = 1 2 p = mv = E= pc
1/ 2
m0 c 2
m0 c 2 = 1 2 c
1/ 2
m0 c 2 c
The average magnetic field along the nominal closed orbit is given by:
Bc.o. =
1 Bc.o.ds 2 R p / e ds p / e = = R 2 R
( = bending radius)
Bc.o. R = p / e and by differentiating d Bc.o. dR dp + = Bc.o. R p p Bc.o. or 1 R d Bc.o. = dR Bc.o. Exercise: calculation of Consider an isomagnetic guide field where all the bending magnets have the same curvature 1/ and are separated by straight sections(1/ = 0) which can include quadrupole magnets. To first-order approximation only the curved part of the orbit in the bendings contributes to a change of the length of the trajectory with momentum. In a bending magnet one has: ds0 = d ds = ( + x )d ds ds0 dl x dxc.o. = = = ds0 ds0 The radial change in closed orbit with momentum is given by: dx Dx = c.o. dp / p where Dx is the dispersion function (or local momentum compaction factor). A summation of all these small changes in the orbit length will give the change in the circumference. d Bc.o. =1 dp
dl = dL = 2 dR
dR = 1 1 dl = xds0 = x 2 2 m
where the subscript m means that the integral has to be calculated in the magnets only where 1/ 0. Finally one gets:
Dx p dR p x m = = R dp R dp R
2 . 2 Revolution frequency versus momentum If fr is the nominal revolution frequency corresponding to the nominal energy E (or momentum p), the parameter will be defined as follows:
p dfr fr dp
fr = one gets
c 2 R
dp dp dfr d dR = = 1 2 p p fr R
For an electron machine - 2 . 3 Transition energy
1 2
tr = 1 / Qx
For small machines Qx is of the order of a few units, while for very large machines it can approach 100. Hence, tr will be in the range of 1 to 100 which is of interest only for proton machines because for electron machines >> tr . Indeed it is possible in electron storage rings to make very small by using special focussing to make the transverse emittance very small as required for instance by synchrotron radiation users. In that case it is necessary to look to higher order in dp/p to get correct
dispersion relations. There are specific problems in proton synchrotrons related to the crossing of the transition energy which can be found in another lecture. 3. SYNCHROTRON OSCILLATION IN ADIABATIC LIMIT
One will consider the acceleration of particles with a radio frequency (RF) electric field which has a resonant condition with the nominal revolution frequency, or at least approximately. 3 . 1 Synchronous particle The accelerating voltage across the gap of the RF cavity can be expressed as: sin dt' = V V =V RF sin (t )
0 t
and RF are slowly varying functions of t, but can also be constant as for instance in where V storage rings. The RF frequency fRF is set up to be an integer multiple of the nominal revolution frequency fr fRF = hfr where h is called the harmonic number. In these conditions a particle which has the nominal energy and circulates on the nominal trajectory will always experience the same RF phase when passing the RF gap:
(t ) = s
It is called the synchronous phase and it is related to the synchronous particle. During the acceleration in a synchrotron the energy of the synchronous particle varies and so does the revolution frequency (unless particles are ultra relativistic). Clearly, if one wants to keep the accelerated particle on the same trajectory (R = cte) the magnetic field must vary with time: e B R = p = m0 c = m0 c 1 2 dp d B = eR = eR B dt dt The energy gain per turn for the synchronous particle is:
1/ 2
( p)turn = eR
where Tr is the revolution period: Tr = Hence:
T B r
1 2 R = fr c
( p)turn =
2 eR2 2 e R B = B c c
( ) (
( E )turn = 2 eRB
where the energy gain per turn is obtained from the RF cavity: sin ( E )turn = eV s Exercise Assume a 10 GeV proton synchrotron where the magnetic field reaches 1.5 Tesla in one second, following a linear variation. For a 10 GeV proton kinetic energy one has: pc = E 2 m0 c 2
1/ 2
= 10. 9 GeV
= 0. 996 ;
hence and As a result:
= 11. 7
B = P / e = 36. 4 T.m
= 24 m
( R 1. 5 = 36 m)
Notice that in an electron synchrotron the particle radiates some energy per turn, and the amount of energy gain per turn must be greater than this loss in order to get an acceleration process. 3 . 2 Non-synchronous particle In the following the parameters of the synchronous particle will be defined by subscript s. Any other particle will then be defined by its deviation from the synchronous one: revolution frequency: fr = frs + fr (or = s + ) RF phase: momentum: energy:
= s +
p = ps + p E = Es + E
azimuthal angle:
= s +
The azimuthal angle is related to the azimuthal position by ds = Rd. Over one revolution this angle varies by 2 while the RF phase varies by the quantity 2h. Hence, one has: = h The - sign comes from the fact that a particle behind the synchronous particle ( < 0) arrives later in the gap (t > 0 and > 0). Moreover, since = dt, one has: = and from the definition of d 1 d 1 d ( ) = ( ) = dt h dt h dt ps h s
dE p = vp = Rp dp
E pR = h On each revolution the particle gains the energy: sin ( E )turn = eV which corresponds to the momentum increment:
( p)turn = ( p)turn
eV sin R
Dividing by the revolution period one gets the rate per second: = p or = eV sin 2 R
sin = eV 2 R p and for the synchronous particle: sin s = eV 2 Rs p s By subtracting the two last expressions one gets: (sin - sin ) ) = eV 2 ( Rp s gives: Expanding the left hand side to first order in R and p
s = ( Rs + R)( p s + p s Rs p ) Rs p ) = Rp ( Rp s R + Rs p p dR s p + Rs p p dp s d d E p + R p Rs p) = R ( s s = dt dt s The motion of any arbitrary particle in terms of deviations from the synchronous particle is then expressed by the following set of first order differential equations: dW (sin sin ) = eV s dt d 1 h s = W dt 2 ps Rs where the new variable W = 2 Rs p = 2 E/s has been introduced. It is worthwhile mentioning that the two variables , W are canonical since the equations of motion can be derived from a Hamiltonian H(, W, t): d H = dt W dW H = dt with: cos - cos + ( )sin 1 h s W 2 H ( ,W,t ) = eV s s s 4 Rs ps
From the set of first-order equations of motion one can also derive a second-order differential equation for each variable. For instance the phase motion is given by: d Rs ps d eV + (sin - sin s ) = 0 dt h s dt 2 3 . 3 Small amplitude oscillations phase stability are constant or at least Let's consider the case where the parameters Rs, ps, , s and V change very slowly with time as compared to the variable = - s. Hence one can write:
2 + s (sin - sin ) = 0 s cos s
Within the approximation <<1 the equation of motion for small amplitudes becomes: + 2 = 0 s where s now represents the synchrotron angular frequency. This quantity must be real in order to get a stable motion which means that cos s has to be positive. Stable synchrotron phase motion needs the following conditions to be satisfied:
< tr > tr
having eliminated the cases where sin s < 0 which correspond to a deceleration. At transition energy vanishes, s goes to zero and there is no more phase stability, at least within the first order approximation. During acceleration through transition energy, in a proton synchrotron, the RF phase must be switched rapidly from s to - s in order to maintain stability above transition. In the case of electron machines, either synchrotrons or storage rings, where the particle velocity is practically constant and equal to c, one has the following simplifications:
s = c / Rs
c s = Rs
ps = Es / c
1/ 2 h cos s eV Es 2
The synchrotron tune which is the number of synchrotron oscillations per turn is represented by the bracket: s Qs = c / Rs Note In an electron machine the RF frequency does not change and this is also true for Rs and s. 3 . 4 Large amplitude oscillations RF acceptance Considering again the equation of motion:
2 + s (sin - sin ) = 0 s cos s
and integrating lead to the invariant of the motion: multiplying by 2 2 s (cos + sin s ) = cte 2 cos s It is already known that around the stable synchronous phase s the small amplitude motions are pure harmonic oscillations which correspond to circles in the frame ( /s,). For larger
amplitudes the circles will be distorted by the non-linearity of the motion but the curves will still close on themselves (Fig. 6). The extreme elongations of the oscillation correspond to = 0 and the constant of the motion can be expressed in terms of these values. When reaches the value - s the factor (sin - sin s) in the equation of motion becomes zero and for higher values of the force is no more attractive so that the motion becomes unstable. Hence - s is an extreme elongation corresponding to a stable motion. The corresponding curve in the ( /s,) space or in the (W,) space is called the separatrix and the area delimited by this curve is called the RF bucket. The equation of the separatrix is:
Fig. 6 Stable phase space trajectories 2 2 2 s s cos + sin s ) = cos( - s ) + ( s )sin s ( 2 cos s cos s
= 0, is such that: The second value m, for which cos m + m sin s = cos( - s ) + ( s ) sin s reaches an extremum when = 0 From the equation of motion it is also seen that corresponding to = s. Introducing this value in the equation of the separatrix gives the and W: maximum stable values of 2 = 22 2 ( 2 )tg max s s s
ps Rs ] 2h
1/ 2 eV E = G( s ) Es max h Es
This last expression is called the RF acceptance. The function G(s) is given by: G( s ) = 2 cos s ( 2 s ) sin s and varies from + 2 to 0 when sin s varies from 0 to 1.
The RF acceptance plays an important role when designing a machine, since it determines the capture efficiency at injection and the lifetime of stored beams. Outside the stable region plots of the trajectories (Fig. 7) show that particles get out of synchronism, their phase sliding along. Moreover the energy is continuously changing which means that the particles may get lost.
Fig. 7 Phase space trajectories for different s For any invariant of the motion there exists a relation between the maximum energy and the maximum phase deviations. However it is in general difficult to derive it analytically unless special assumptions are made. For instance in the case of small amplitude oscillations the invariant becomes simply: 2 2 2 + s = cte 2 2 which leads to: h Es E max = ps Rs s Es max since max is directly related to Emax. In the case of ultra relativistic electrons this reduces to: max = 3 . 5 Potential energy function The synchrotron motion is produced by a force field which can be derived from a scalar potential:
h E Qs Es max
The sum of the potential energy and the kinetic energy is a constant (the total energy): 2 + U ( ) = U0 2 The RF voltage as well as the corresponding potential energy function are shown on Fig. 8. The shape of the latter corresponds to the sum of a linear function and a sinusoidal one. An oscillation can only take place if the particle is trapped in the potential well which means that the total energy cannot exceed a certain value (dotted line) otherwise the particle will slide along the curve. Hence the maxima of the curve correspond to unstable equilibrium for the synchrotron motion.
Fig. 8 Accelerating voltage and potential energy function 4. ADIABATIC DAMPING OF SYNCHROTRON OSCILLATIONS
did not change appreciably So far one has assumed that the parameters Rs, ps, s and V at least over a time scale of one synchrotron period. However in a synchrotron these parameters will vary over a large range, even slowly, during an acceleration cycle. Then one needs to study the long term evolution of the motion under adiabatic changes of these parameters. This is possible with the help of the Boltzman-Ehrenfest adiabatic theorem which states that, if p and q are canonically conjugate variables of an oscillatory system with slowly changing parameters, then the action integral is constant: I = pdq = cte the integral being taken over one period of oscillation. It has been already mentioned that the variables W and , describing the synchrotron motion, were canonically conjugate. Hence applying the theorem leads to:
I = Wd = cte Consider the corresponding Hamiltonian of the motion and let's expand it to second order approximation to take care of small amplitude oscillations only H (W, ,t ) eV 1 h s 2 cos s 2 W 2 4 Rs ps
leading to harmonic solutions for the motions: cos t W =W s sin t = s Since: 1 h s d H = = W dt W 2 Rs ps one gets the action integral: d dt dt 1 h s I= W 2 dt 2 Rs ps I = W I= 2 1 h s W = cte 2 Rs ps s
is the amplitude of the energy oscillation related to the amplitude of the phase where W displacement through: = 2 Rs ps s W h s So one gets: 2 Es Rs V cos s
1/ 4
Keeping all parameters constant except the energy which is ramping, the formula shows is reduced as the one-fourth power of the energy. that the phase excursion is invariant which means that the phase space area It appears also that the product W. is invariant and Liouville's theorem still holds in adiabatic conditions. The phase space area is not damped, only the shape of the ellipse is modified. From the previous treatment one also gets:
2 V cos s Es Rs E s
1/ 4
cos V s R 3 2 s Es Rs
1/ 4
the last formula representing the orbit excursion due to the momentum deviation during the ramping. The adiabatic damping can also be treated without the Hamiltonian formulation. Remembering the general equation for synchrotron oscillations limited to small phase deviations: cos d Es d eV s = 0 (for the case = 1) + 2 dt h s dt 2 one can write it in the form: cos d eV Es d 2 E s s = 0 + + 2 2 dt 2 h s dt 2 h s or d d 2 E s + 2 s = 0 2 + Es dt dt where the second term represents a damping term. From the definition of s one has: E s = 2 s . Es s To integrate this equation the procedure consists of choosing a solution similar to the one obtained without the additional damping term: t (t ) sin (t ) = sin s ( )d + cte = are small first-order quantities (adiabatic limit). Putting this solution and assuming and s into the differential equation and neglecting all second-order terms gives: 2 cos (t ) = 0 s s 2 s =0 s and integrating leads to:
1/ 2 s E 1/ 4 s result which is similar to the one obtained previously. 5. TRAPPING, MATCHING, ACCUMULATING AND ACCELERATING PROCESSES
Whether the circular accelerator is used as a synchrotron or a storage ring, the operation of the RF will be quite different. 5 . 1 Acceleration into a synchrotron In that case, as mentioned before, the accelerating cycle is fast. Only a single injected pulse is accelerated. This injected pulse must be trapped in the RF buckets with a maximum efficiency which means that the RF acceptance hence the RF voltage has to be large enough, compatible with the energy spread of the transferred pulse. The RF frequency at injection must be such that it will fit with the bending field and the injection orbit. The synchronous phase is then set automatically at s = 0 or which means no average acceleration. Matching means that the RF frequency and the RF voltage are adjusted such that the phase-space trajectories are homothetic to the contour of the injected bunch. If this was not the case the shape of the bunch would change during the synchrotron period and, for instance, the bunch length could become short giving rise to instabilities. Matching also requires careful adjustment of the injector to make it compatible with the possibilities of the synchrotron. To start the acceleration it is necessary to move the synchronous phase so that the synchronous particle gets energy at each revolution from the RF cavities. This can be done by offsetting the magnetic field followed by a change of the RF frequency. The synchronous particle is the one for which the revolution frequency satisfies
s =
RF h
and it follows a closed orbit for which the physical radius satisfies
( B, Rs ) = s
As mentioned previously the rate of change of momentum for the synchronous particle is: dps = eRs B dt Hence the RF frequency must follow: fRF (t ) 1 1 e = c = B(t ) h 2 Rs 2 m( t ) fRF (t ) 1 ec 2 = B(t ) h 2 Es (t ) Rs
2 Es = m0 c 2
2 2 + ps c
the RF frequency must follow the magnetic field variation with the following law: B(t )2 f RF (t ) c = 2 Rs m c 2 / ec 2 + B(t )2 h 0
1/ 2
moc2/ec one
This asymptotically tends towards fr = c/2Rs when B is getting large compared to corresponding to v c (pc >> moc2). In practice the magnetic field can either follow an approximately linear law or a sinusoidal B(t ) = B sin 2 t . (1 cost ) = B 2 2
In the case of an electron synchrotron it is not necessary to vary the RF frequency because the particle velocity is very close to c and does not change with energy. However the electron loses energy in each revolution due to synchrotron radiation. Hence the synchronous particle is the one which arrives at the right phase s to compensate for both this energy lost and the field variation. 5 . 2 Accumulation into a storage ring A storage ring is roughly a synchrotron operating at fixed energy. In some cases a very slow ramping can be done if the operating fixed energy differs from the injection one. 5.2.1 Electron storage rings As for the electron synchrotron the energy lost has to be compensated. If the energy lost per turn is E, then the synchronous phase is such that: sin E = eV s . Moreover the energy lost per turn which means that s will depend on the peak RF voltage V is a strong function of the operating energy:
E[ keV ] = 88. 4
E[4 GeV ]
[ m ]
If the storage ring operates between two energies, the maximum voltage will be determined by the upper energy and for the reason of beam lifetime due to particle diffusion through the separatrix, sin s 0.7. If one keeps at injection the same voltage as required at the highest energy then sin s at injection can be very small leading to a large bucket acceptance. Since the particle motion is damped around the synchronous particle the bunch length and energy spread become quite small leaving most of the bucket empty for a new injected pulse which will damp also and so on. This is the simple way of accumulating particles in an electron storage ring where Liouville's theorem does not hold any more due to non-conservative forces.
However accumulation of very high circulating currents in an electron storage ring may lead to typical instabilities related to coherent motion in the transverse phase space. Hence it is often desirable to keep Q constant when ramping the energy even slowly. Of course this will lower quite a lot the peak voltage required at injection and make the bucket smaller. Then the injector and the transport system to the storage ring have to be matched to the injection conditions. 5.2.2 Proton storage rings Here the accumulation process is often called "stacking". It consists of trapping particles into buckets on a special orbit, called the injection orbit, close to the injection septum. Then the buckets are accelerated towards an inner orbit in the vacuum chamber. Such an acceleration is done with constant bending field, just by changing the RF frequency. Finally the RF voltage is switched off so that the particles will debunch. Hence, the RF is switched on again at the injection RF frequency to take care of new injected particles and the new buckets are accelerated to another stacking orbit close to the previous one. In doing so the previous injected particles will be slightly disturbed. The energy difference Es between RF switch off of successive pulses is normally chosen to be approximately the bunch area divided by 2 which corresponds to the energy width of an ideally debunched pulse. In this process the stacking efficiency suffers from the non-linearity of the motion in the neighbourhood of the separatrix.
BIBLIOGRAPHY M. Stanley Livingston, John P. Blewett. Particle Accelerators Mc Graw-Hill, Book Company, INC. N.Y 1962 E. Persico, E. Ferrari, S.E. Segre. Principles of Particle Accelerators, W.A. Benjamin, INC. N.Y 1968 H. Bruck, Acclrateurs circulaires de particules, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1966 B.W. Montague, RF acceleration, Proceedings of the first Course of the International School of Particle Accelerators, ERICE CERN 7713, 19 July 1977 M. Sands, The physics of electron storage rings, SLAC report 121 (1970). Also in Proceedings of the International School of Physics, B. Touschek, Editor (Enrico Fermi) Varenna 1969, Academic Press, N.Y. 1971
In the first part of the lecture, we will limit ourselves to storage rings with a coasting beam which implies: - Constant magnetic field - no radio frequency applied. These conditions are met in proton or heavy-ion cooler rings. They are also met in pulsed machines during injection or extraction of a debunched beam. This regime does not exist on electron machines in which the RF is always on. With bunched beams, because of synchrotron motion, coherent instabilities manifest differently. However, the theoretical approach is essentially similar and easier to follow once the coasting beam case has been fully understood. The bunched beam case will be dealt with in the advanced course lecture. The source of the instability can only be an electromagnetic field. With a very weak (very low intensity) beam, individual particles behave essentially like single particles. The external guiding field imposes the trajectories and has been designed so that these trajectories are stable. With an intense beam, the large number of moving charges is responsible for the generation of an extra:
Fig. 1 If the intensity is large enough, this self field becomes sizeable in the sense that it can no longer be neglected when compared to the external guiding field. It can strongly influence the collective particle motion. We will also limit ourselves to situations in which the external guiding field magnitude largely dominates. In other words, particle behaviour is still almost single particle behaviour. The self field acts as a perturbation. As far as units are concerned, all formulae will be written in the International System units. Our formulae will make extensive use of the following standard quantities:
We will do our best to avoid detailed calculations of electromagnetic fields and therefore to make explicit reference to their form. However, since these equations govern the fields and therefore the source of the instabilities, it is advisable to keep them in mind. Let E and B be the electric field and magnetic induction respectively. Then, E and B can be drawn from the potentials
2 V and A solutions of : V - 1 V = - 0 c2 t2 where is the particle charge density 2 A - 1 A = - 0 j c2 t2 where j is the particle current density by means of E = - grad V - A and B = rot A t
properties of the environment (vacuum chamber, surrounding magnets, etc.) strongly influence the solution and therefore the perturbed motion of particles. 2. SINGLE-PARTICLE MOTION
We will first ignore the self field and consider the unperturbed single particle motion. For a coasting beam, in the first order, the longitudinal motion is very simple.
dp = e [ E + v B ] dt
For the longitudinal component
T=2 = L c
It depends on the particle momentum and can be expanded in terms of momentum deviation. Let us choose a reference (machine axis for instance) Let us then expand:
p//0 = m000c
(8) (9)
p -p p -p = 0 ( 1 + 1 // //0 ) and L = L0 ( 1 + // //0 + ..) p//0 p//0 2 0 L0 = 2 R is the perimeter of the machine p L = // momentum compaction L p//
Below transition: E0 < Et and < 0 particles with a positive momentum deviation circulate faster than the reference. Above transition : E0 > Et and > 0 particles with a positive momentum deviation circulate slower than the reference. When dealing with longitudinal (//) or transverse () instabilities the sign of is essential. It indicates whether the slow particles at the tail, moving in the wake field, have a higher or lower energy than the fast particles at the front which create this wake field. In order to describe trajectories two coordinates are necessary. Let p/ / 0 and 0 in rad s-1 be the momentum and angular revolution frequency respectively for the reference. We define two coordinates attached to the reference particle frame.
and = d dt
is expressed in s (seconds) and represents the time delay between the passing of the reference particle and the test particle at the same point around the circumference.
is the time derivation of . The couple , defines the coordinates of the test particle in the
longitudinal bidimensional phase space. With the definition of as given above:
dp = dT = // p// T
t is a linear function of is a constant of the motion. Accordingly, the time delay: = 0 + time. The differential equation of motion is:
Until now the right hand side has been null. Later on it will take into account the self field as a perturbation.
Fig. 2 3. LONGITUDINAL SIGNAL OF A SINGLE PARTICLE With a view to expressing the self field, one has to solve Maxwell's equations. On the right hand side of Maxwell's equation, the expression of the beam current density j (t,) and therefore of the current which will be noted S//(t,) (in Ampere) is required. Machine physicists are used to visualizing the beam current by looking with an oscilloscope at the signal drawn from longitudinal PU electrodes. We will assume a perfect longitudinal PU electrode with infinite bandwidth located at position around the ring. We will also assume that a single test particle rotates in the machine. At time t = 0 the fictive reference is at = 0. The PU is located at position as shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3 The reference loops its turn with a period T0 and passes at the PU location at times:
p t0 = 1 ( + 2 p ) 0
p p t p = t 0 + = 0 + t0 ( 1 + )
The elementary signal is a series of periodical impulses delivered at each passage :
The series of periodical Dirac functions can be transformed into a series of exponential functions:
s// (t,) =
= 0 + t
Under this form, the signal can easily be Fourier analysed in the frequency domain.
s// (,) = 1 2
t = + t = -
The latter expression shows that when plugging the signal on a spectrum analyser, with along the horizontal axis, we get a series of infinitely sharp lines at all harmonics p of the test particle revolution frequency: = 0 (1-) with p running from - to +
p = p = p 0(1-)
The spectral power amplitude is the same for all harmonics.
Fig. 5 If one considers a population of test particles with different momentum p// and therefore , then the width of the frequency band around harmonic p is proportional to p.
Fig. 6
In the above figure, the noise spectrum of a coasting beam with a uniform population of particles between two momenta
p// = p//0 ||
p0v with:
One can anticipate an overlap of the frequency bands for |p| values larger than or equal to
p 1 = || // p//0 2p0v +1
These bands are called incoherent frequency bands. The adjective incoherent is used to specify the fact that particles behave like independent particles, there beeing no coupling between them. In accelerator physics, the electromagnetic noise picked up from the beam by means of a spectrum analyser is often called a Schottky scan. These longitudinal Schottky scans of a coasting beam make it possible to measure the momentum distribution within the beam. 4. DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION
In the previous section, we obtained the expression of the current or signal of a single particle. Maxwell's equations require the total beam current. This can be obtained by adding the individual signals of all the single particles constituting the beam.
(,,t) which represents the particle density in the bidimensional phase space and we write
the signal of the entire beam:
=T 0 =+ (,,t)dd 1= =0 =-
Let us now introduce some basic notions and definitions concerning distributions.
A distribution is called a stationary distribution when the density does not change with time around any point of the phase space. There are as many incoming particles as departing particles around this point. We have seen that phase space trajectories are horizontal lines. Therefore, any function of only would satisfy our requirement.
On the contrary, a stationary cannot depend on . As a matter of fact, a dependence would automatically move to other points. Accordingly, a stationary coasting beam can be represented by: (,,t) = g0() (27) Such a function can represent the distribution of an unperturbed beam. It must be pointed out that the resulting signal is constant in the time domain. S// (t,) = I (28) In the frequency domain there is a single line at zero frequency:
S// ( ,) = I ( )
The whole rich frequency spectrum of the individual particles composing the beam has disappeared. Such a dc current can only generate a dc electromagnetic field with essentially a transverse electric field and an azimuthal magnetic field.
The conclusion is that a perfect coasting beam is always stable. In fact, a perfect coasting beam does not exist. A beam is a collection of point-like moving charges. On an average it can be represented by a stationary distribution. However, on top of it, some statistical noise is always present (Schottky scans).
Fig. 8
When we used an integral over a distribution function (instead of a sum over individual particles) to draw the signal of the entire beam, we removed this noise. In addition, there are always distribution defects remaining as a memory of previous beam manipulations (injection kickers, remaining RF structure from a linac or a booster injector, etc...). Therefore, there are physical reasons for representing the beam by the sum of a stationary distribution plus a perturbation. Any density perturbation is automatically periodic in with a period T0. We will consider a single harmonic: harmonic p of the circumference. Accordingly, we assume a perturbation which consists of a prebunching of the beam with p wavelengths around the ring.
In addition, there is no reason to imagine that the perturbation will move exactly with the average particle frequency 0 . We will assume a slight frequency shift: //pc This can be obtained by multiplying the previous term by:
exp j//pct
Finally, we assume:
The perturbation rearranges the particles but does not change the total number N.
The perturbation increases exponentially with time. The whole beam gets bunched on harmonic p. The growth rate for self bunching is given by:
1 = - Im( //pc) p
On the contrary,
We find the dc component induced by the stationary distribution at zero frequency and in addition the frequency line induced by the perturbation at:
c = p 0+ //pc
This frequency line is not an incoherent frequency line but on the contrary a coherent one in the sense that we had to arrange the particles by means of a distribution to obtain this line. We have assumed an initially coherent motion. The signal or current of the beam is a complex quantity. It will be associated with complex impedances (usual practice in classical electricity). With a view to finding a solution for electromagnetic field induced by the beam.
Perturbation spectrum
As already stated, the solution of Maxwell's equations depends on the boundary conditions imposed by the environment. It is obvious that: the detailed environment seen by the beam is different for different machines and changes around the circumference of a given ring. one cannot expect to analytically express exact solutions for the electromagnetic field with handy formulas.
In view of this, in this chapter we will consider the most simple type of environment and use the resulting electromagnetic field expression to introduce the notion of machine coupling impedance. Let us consider a round beam of radius a travelling in a straight line along the axis of a circular pipe of radius b. For the time being, we will also assume a perfectly conducting pipe.
Fig. 11 With a perfectly conducting pipe, the solution of Maxwell's equations inside the pipe is independent of the environment outside the pipe. In particular the induced EM field is null outside the pipe and also in the wall thickness. It is completely stopped on the pipe inner surface by a return current Iw = - S//p uniformly distributed around the pipe, with the same amplitude as the direct signal but with the opposite sign.
Fig. 12
Let : E//(t,) = E// exp j( ct - p) (K (z )I (z )+I (z )K (z )] ab = 1 a 0 b 1 a 0 b I0(z b) In and Kn being the usual Bessel functions Also let r z r = c for 0 ra c 2 E//=j( p R2 Then 2 S//p 1 - c ) 0 [ - ab I0(z r)] z 2 c a za c
For this simple case of beam environment, the expression of the EM field is already complicated. In the longitudinal direction, the electric field is 90 out of phase with respect to the signal. It is null on the crests and in the valleys of the line density when the signal is maximum, and maximum on the front and back slope when the signal is null. Transversally, the field varies across the beam cross section:
I0( c r ) for 0 ra c
Fig. 13 This variation is small provided the argument of Bessel's function remains small at the beam edge and more generally across the pipe: r = b.
z b = c b 1 c
The longitudinal wavelength with a relativistic correction in the direction of motion is equal to the pipe perimeter, or the frequency of the perturbation is equal to the pipe cut-off frequency. c = c = pipe cut-off (46)
The EM field configuration is drastically changed around and above the cut-off frequency. Let us evaluate orders of magnitude.
Assume b = 0.03 m pipe cut-off = c = 1. 1010 rad s-1 b pipe cut-off fpipe cut-off = = 1.6 GHz 2
The frequency around which tthis is occurs depends very much on machine energy. Consider two examples:
c =1 wpipe cut-off implies fc(z b=1) = fpipe cut-off = 1.6 GHz zb= 50 MeV/Amu =0.3 =1.05 fc(z b=1) = 0.5 GHz and z b 1 leads to fc 50 MHz 100 GeV/Amu =1 =101 fc(z b=1) = 160 GHz and z b 1 leads to fc 16 GHz
In the following, we will assume that we stand well below these limits, in which case a good approximation for the electric field can be obtained by using the development of Bessel's functions for small values of the argument.
Under all these assumptions, we have obtained the usual handy expression of the "longitudinal space charge electric field". The 02 dependence shows that this field can 0 severely affect very low energy particles. 6. NEGATIVE-MASS INSTABILITY
In this section, a qualitative treatment of the longitudinal instability induced by space charge forces is presented. Immediate conclusions can be drawn from the fact that the space-charge electric field is 90 out of phase with respect to the signal. Then, the sign of
d = - dp with = 1 - 1 p//0 0 2 2 t 0
defines whether the perturbation amplitude increases (instability) or decreases (stability). Below transition energy ( < 0)
acceleration on the front slope (2 in Fig. 14) means increased momentum and therefore higher revolution frequency. Particles move ahead.
deceleration on the back slope (3) implies that particles will move backwards.
Fig. 14 Conclusion: Particles will move from the crests to fill the valleys and the initial perturbation will disappear. It can be concluded that space charge has a stabilizing effect below transition energy. Obviously, the reverse applies above transition when > 0. Above transition, space-charge fields make the coasting beam potentially unstable. This effect is commonly called negativemass instability in view of the apparently strange fact that above transition, particles with higher energy go slower in the machine (longer trajectory even though their velocity is higher). 7. INTRODUCTION OF THE LONGITUDINAL COUPLING IMPEDANCE Z//
At this point, we could have started a quantitative treatment of the detailed motion of the perturbation. However, our pipe model of beam environment is very crude and our conclusions regarding stability would not be relevant to an actual machine. On the other hand, our mathematical possibilities are very limited. The analytical solution for the simple pipe model was complicated already. Extracting complete solutions of Maxwell's equations taking due account of an actual machine environment (all the changes of the geometry and electromagnetic properties of the vacuum chamber around the circumference) is definitely impossible. In order to remain as general as possible in our discussion about stability we shall introduce a new machine parameter: the longitudinal coupling impedance Z/ / ( ) Z/ / ( ) is in fact a parameter which can only be drawn once Maxwell's equations have
been completely solved. It gathers all the details of the electromagnetic coupling between the beam and the surroundings. By varying its form, we will be able to consider any type of beam self electromagnetic field. To introduce this parameter, let us use the expression of the space charge field. This expression shows that the field is proportional to current.
It is written in a form identical to Ohm's law and the quantity between brackets must be expressed in . This latter quantity will be called the longitudinal coupling impedance in general:
Z//SC() = Z0 g 2 0 2j00
At this stage, some generalization is necessary. Since both electric and magnetic forces act on the particles:
Up to now we have considered a pure perturbation at a single frequency. However, the most general beam signal spectrum (bunched beam for instance) is not limited to a single frequency but is spread over a wide frequency range. Each individual frequency present in the Fourier transform of the signal contributes to the force and must be combined with the corresponding impedance at .
[E+vB]//(t,)= -1 2R
=+ =-
Z //( )S//(,)exp j t d
S// (,) = 1 2
With a view to obtaining an expression of Z //( ) in terms of physical quantities, let us apply the previous relation to a Dirac charge e rotating at frequency 0 in the machine.
S//(t,) = S//(,) = e 0 2
) e(t- +2k 0 p
p e -2R[E+vB]//(t,) = 0 2
We now follow the field particle while remaining behind it by taking = 0(t-) and obtain
The voltage per unit charge G() expressed in volts per Coulomb is usually called the Green function. It is expanded into a series over all harmonics of the revolution frequency. If the impedance is smooth enough or the machine long enough so that the wake field is null after one revolution, the series can be approximated by an integral.
G() = 1 2
+ -
Z //( ) exp(j ) d
Z //( ) =
+ -
G() exp(-j) d
In other words, Z/ / ( ) is the Fourier transform of 2G(). Ideally, this relation can be used in numerical codes to calculate the function Z/ / ( ) . A short bunch of particles is sent on axis through a structure. Maxwell's equations are solved step by step at predetermined mesh points. This allows the Green function and afterwards its Fourier transform to be obtained numerically. LONGITUDINAL COUPLING IMPEDANCE Z / / ( ) OF AN ACCELERATOR RING
Designers are confronted with the problem that they have to include in their machine all sorts of bellows, flanges, cross section changes, PU electrodes, RF gaps, kickers, septum magnets, etc., which influence the impedance. During the last two decades, progress has been made towards estimating impedances better. Numerical codes and experimental tools have been developed. However, RF properties are difficult to predict or measure and we are still far from the situation where we could predict the curve Z / / ( ) accurately enough before commissioning a machine. We have also learnt a lot from existing machines. Most of them suffering from instabilities despite many attempts to measure and lower their impedance. As already stated, the impedance is a complex function of frequency. A priori, it has an imaginary part and a real part. The space charge impedance from a perfectly conducting round pipe was an example of a purely imaginary impedance. Basically, in the broad sense, a ring impedance can be inductive, or capacitive or resistive. Our equations are written in such a form that we have to consider the complete frequency axis (positive and negative ). In addition, for reasons which will be understood later in the course of this lecture, the quantity of interest is not directly
Fig. 15 In a standard machine, out of the four major components of the impedance, the first one is the space charge component already introduced.
It corresponds to a pure negative inductance (imaginary part only) very large for low energies. For instance:
50 MeV/Amu 0=0.3 0=1.05 g2.4 Z//SC = -j1.4 k p 10 GeV/Amu 0=1 0=11.7 g2.4 Z//SC = -j3.3 p
Fig. 16 The resistive wall impedance is the second major component. Previously, the pipe was assumed to have a perfectly conducting wall (conductivity = ) and no resistance was opposed to the return wall current Iw . For finite , Iw flows in a strip of length 2R, width 2 b, thickness : the skin depth at frequency . On top of the space-charge field, the beam sees a uniform longitudinal electric field set up by Iw . 0 being the skin depth at frequency 0. We will write:
2 0 2= 2 2 = 0 with 0 0
and consider two regimes.
At very low frequency, the skin depth is larger than the wall thickness w (thin wall). The impedance seen by Iw is the pipe resistance
Z//RW = 1 2R 2bw
or Z //RW = R 1 p bw p
The impedance seen by the beam is exactly the same. At high frequencies, the wall is thicker than the skin depth. It can be shown that the previous formula must be amended by replacing w by and multiplying by (1+j) (an imaginary term appears).
Fig. 17
The energy lost in the wall is drawn from the beam which is decelerated. As far as instabilities are concerned, the resistive wall impedance is not the source of problems in the longitudinal direction. It essentially affects the transverse motion. The two last major components correspond to resonating objects. Let us start by some general definitions and remarks concerning resonators. The impedance of a resonator is often written:
Z// =
Rs 1 + jQ( - r ) r
= p 0 r
Z // = j Rs 0 p Qr
= p 0 = r
At high frequencies,
Z // = R 0 s p r
= p 0 r
it behaves like a pure capacitance.
Z // = R 0 r s p jQ 2
Fig. 18
Rs) at the resonant frequency. The As shown in Fig. 18, the real part is maximum ( resonator bandwidth full width, half height is given by: = r Q .
It can be shown that the time t during which a resonator of bandwidth memorizes the energy left by a Dirac excitation is given by:
t = r t 1 Q
(uncertainty principle).
Fig. 19 The immediate consequence is that the response or wake field of a narrow-band resonator
(high Q and small ) lasts for a long time. Particles well separated in time are coupled by such a resonant object. The RF cavities are the most current sources of narrow-band resonators. They are tuned to resonate at the fundamental frequency h0. However, resonant higher-order longitudinal (and also transverse) modes with high Q are always present. The Z representation of a narrow-band resonator in the impedance diagram with / / along the vertical p axis is sketched below.
Fig. 20 Narrow band resonators constitute the third type of impedance usually met in an accelerator ring. The last component of the impedance corresponds to the numerous changes of cross sections, bellows, flanges, etc. It is obvious that these structures can trap some magnetic field and therefore behave like an inductance at low frequencies. This has been measured on existing machines. We also learnt that when no special care is taken, the vacuum chamber is essentially resistive at frequencies around the pipe cut-off frequency. This is due to the fact that the path followed by the return current is very complicated and the resistance high when the vacuum chamber wall is not smooth or correctly shielded along the longitudinal axis. It has also been observed that the resistive part drops at frequencies higher than the cut-off frequency. The object is to represent the above observations with the simplest impedance model. In this respect, a broad band resonator with a resonant frequency around the vacuum pipe cut-off frequency:
rBB cut-off = c b
can give an overall satisfactory result. To a certain extent, most experimental results drawn from existing rings have been correctly fitted by assuming the existence of such a component with Q 1 (as sketched below) and a shunt impedance Rs adjusted to obtain the good value of the low frequency inductance.
has been found. The lowest values are obtained with modern machines. At present, a considerable effort is being put into designing a very smooth chamber. Unavoidable changes of cross section are systematically shielded and are no longer seen by the beam. For such low-Q objects, the impedance curve varies slowly with frequency and the resonator bandwidth is large. Therefore, the wake field decays rapidly. It is a local interaction which can only couple particles close to each other along the longitudinal axis. This handy broad band-model can only be used as a crude representation of reality. It will constitute the last component of our inventory of contributions to a ring impedance. 9. VLASOV'S EQUATION AND DISPERSION RELATION
At this point, all necessary ingredients to start the most general discussion on beam stability have been gathered. distribution function: (,,t) = g0() + gp() exp j(p 0 + //pct) perturbation signal: S//p (t,) = IT0exp j[(p0+//pc)t-p] the general impedance of a ring Z//, the general expression of the EM field generated by a signal in a ring with impedanceZ//
[E+vB]//(t,) = -1 2R
= - I Z//(c)exp j ct-p 0c
when the expression of the perturbation signal is used. The EM force acts back on the particles, .
c or //pc
and to discuss beam stability via the imaginary part. governed by the collision-free Boltzmann equation:
+ div(v) = 0 t
This equation is similar to the one commonly used in electromagnetism for the charge density
and then simplified, since div v = 0 when canonical variables like , are used.
+v grad = 0 t + + = d = 0 dt t
In this form, it is called Vlasov's equation. We now apply Vlasov's equation to the assumed distribution :
= j //pc gp() exp j(p 0 + //pct) t = j p 0 gp() exp j(p 0 + //pct) g g g = 0 + second order term p 0
gp() = j
in which
g0 p 0 + //pc
At first glance, it seems difficult to exploit this expression since the function g p which gives the details of the initial perturbation appears explicitly. However, one can integrate both sides of the equation over values. The equation then obtained from which the solution c will be drawn is called the Dispersion Relation. It is independent of g p . In other words, the growth rate of the instability is independent of the exact form of g p .
q ( )I A 1= j Z //( c) p 0 m0c2 2 ( ) 0 0 e
g0 d //pc + p 0
The Dispersion Relation has been written for all types of particles :
q = 1 for protons or electrons A q= A= number of charges number of masses for heavy ions 0.511 MV for electrons
q - ( )I A 1= j Z //( c) p 0 m0c2 2 ( ) 0 0 e
under the integral sign and as an argument of
g0 d //pc + p 0
Z // ( c) = Z// (p 0 + //pc)
However, it is assumed that
//pc p 0
and therefore, the value of the impedance can be taken at p 0 . Accordingly, we will write:
q ( )I A // = m c2 2 2 ( 0 ) 0 0 e
and write the Dispersion Relation
1 = - 2 // j Z //(p) 0 p
g0 d //pc + p 0
1 = - 2 // j Z //(p) 0 p
g0 d //pc + p 0
1) Let us first consider a pure resistive component. The equation has two roots and whatever the sign of p, one of the two roots has Im( //pc) < 0. The beam is unstable.
3) We now consider the effect of a pure inductance, for instance the broad-band impedance at low frequencies. The results obtained with space charge must be inverted. In particular the beam is stable above transition. The mathematical tools used to solve our problem (Vlasov's equation, Dispersion Relation, complex plane for frequencies and impedances, etc.) are very powerful. However, the physical meaning is rather lost in this series of mathematical treatments. We have begun with a prebunching of the beam with p wavelengths around the circumference. This prebunching coupled with the impedance creates a longitudinal force at a frequency close to p 0 which reacts back on particles like an RF cavity would do. As a matter of fact the expression of //pc is in all respects identical to the standard expression of the synchrotron frequency s on a flat top of a magnetic field.
q 2 -( )VRFcoss h0 A 2= s m c2 2 2 0 00 e
2 //pc 2 s
jZ//(p)I VRFcoss
The results (curves corresponding to a given growth rate Im( //pc)), are generally represented in the impedance complex plane as shown below. With the exception of the vertical axis (pure space charge below transition and broad band inductance above transition), all the working points in the impedance diagram correspond to an unstable motion. For a given impedance, the Dispersion Relation tells us at which rate a perturbation will grow. This is certainly the essential piece of information. However, the details of the evolution of the beam deterioration are inaccessible. s.Let us qualitatively describe the instability in phase space. With a working point along the vertical axis in the unstable region (point A, Fig. 22), the resistive part of the impedance is null. The frequency shift //pc has no real part which means that the RF field generated by the perturbation is exactly tuned to p 0 . The peaks of longitudinal density get trapped in the center of the buckets as shown in Fig. 23. The growth time is the synchrotron period in these bucket
Fig. 22
Fig. 23 When the working point is associated with a resistance (point B, Fig. 22), the frequency shift has both a real and an imaginary part. The RF buckets are generated at (109) The initially monochromatic beam starts wiggling far away from the bucket centers (Fig. 24).
c = p 0 + Re ( //pc)
Fig. 24 As already indicated, the resistive part contributes directly to the imaginary part of the frequency shift.
//pc 2 Z (p) = - j // // p p 0
It is interesting to analyse the solution of the above equation by drawing the curves
Re(Z//(p) ) p
Im( //pc) p2
corresponding to a fixed growth rate in the frequency domain. One can easily conclude that the resistive wall is far less harmful to the beam than the broad-band resistance peaked at high frequencies around the pipe cut-off frequency. In general the instability is of the microwave type with hundreds or thousands of mini-bunches around the circumference. The conclusion of this section is that a cool beam with a very small momentum spread is unstable with respect to longitudinal instability. This is a problem to be faced by the new generation of cooler rings making use of either stochastic or electron cooling. There exists a threshold at which the instability growth rate is equal to the cooling rate. Under this threshold, the momentum spread can no longer be reduced. The case of a beam with momentum spread is dealt with in the next section.
Fig. 25 1 1 . COASTING BEAM WITH MOMENTUM SPREAD It has been shown that in a ring, a very cool beam is subject to microwave instabilities which lead to a beam blow up in momentum. In this section, we will comment on the solution of the Dispersion Relation when a momentum spread is assumed. It will be shown that a sufficient momentum spread in the beam can cure the instability. Different realistic momentum distributions can be assumed. We will treat the case of a parabolic spread:
g0() = and
Fig. 26
The important quantity is the spread. Different distribution models with the same Full Width at Half Height spread behave almost identically. Only minor differences can be expected. With the present model,
xdx x+ //pc p 0 L -1
U = Im(
can be drawn.
Fig. 27 The stability limit corresponds to the curve U = O. It is divided into two parts, the heart shape curve around the origin and the positive part of the vertical axis. The actual shape of the stability limit depends on the distribution edges. Sharp edge distributions are less stable. A small rounding of the edges makes the contour more circular in the direction of the vertical axis. Distributions with long tails like a gaussian for instance are stable along the lower part of the vertical axis. When one neglects this distribution edge effect, the stability limit can be approximated by a circle.
//pc 2 = p 0
q - I A j Z //(p) p m c2 2 2 0 00 e
It is clear that around the harmonic p of the revolution frequency the incoherent frequency band is pd wide. The two formulae can be combined and the result can be expressed as follows: Stability requires the monochromatic beam coherent frequency shift to remain sufficiently inside the incoherent frequency band.
//pc p 0
d = 0 HWHH
pd p 0 HWHH
Fig. 28 Coherent frequency shift for a monochromatic beam The stabilizing effect linked with the incoherent frequency spread is a general mechanism called Landau-Damping. The way it physically acts against the forces which drive the instability is hidden in Vlasov's equation which was used to establish the Dispersion Relation. Let us try at least to qualitatively explain this Landau-Damping. We will proceed in two steps: We first ignore the self force and assume at t = 0 a prebunching of the beam with p wave lengths around the circumference. i) With a monochromatic beam, all particles have the same revolution frequency; the initial prebunching remains forever and a spectrum analyser indicates an infinitely narrow line at p 0 ii) Now, we introduce a spread in momentum and therefore in revolution frequency in the beam. The initial prebunching will disappear. After a time interval
t =
2 pdFWHH
two particles which have a difference in revolution frequency equal to dFWHH and which had started from the same position at t = 0 are now separated by one wavelength. Therefore, after t the prebunching has disappeared. t will be called the coherence time. Obviously, the larger the spread the shorter the coherence time. After this introduction, we have all the elements to understand Landau-Damping. From now on, we reintroduce the self field. In the case of a monochromatic beam, the growth time of the instability is:
p =
There are two extreme cases.
-1 Im( //pc)
In the first case, the incoherent frequency band is so narrow that the coherence time is much longer than the growth time of the monochromatic beam. Then, the beam behaves essentially like a monochromatic beam and blows up. At the other extreme, the incoherent frequency band is so wide that the coherence time is much shorter than the monochromatic beam growth time. Then, the edges of the distribution
are rapidly out of phase with respect to the driving force. They do not contribute to the coherent signal anymore nor as a consequence to the amplitude of the force. The beam remains stable. The regime where the beam is just at the stability limit stands between these two extreme cases. One can advance that the threshold is reached when the coherence time is of the order of the growth time. - Im(//pc) pdFWHH (124) For comparison, in our summary of the results we noted:
The order of magnitude is correct. 1 3 . LIMITS OF THE THEORY
2 pdFWHH p
Several generations of accelerator physicists have worked on this problem of coherent instabilities. The synthesis of their work presented in the previous sections is a powerful and well established theory. This should not hide two major difficulties. The first difficulty is that before applying this theory, one has to know the impedance of the ring perfectly. Unfortunately this is very difficult and even though a continuous effort is being made on the subject, the design of vacuum chambers is still largely empirical. Development of tools allowing for a more reliable approach to the design of vacuum chambers is progressing. A certain number of numerical codes solving Maxwell's equations in a structure excited by the passage of a mini bunch exist. They have been successfully tested on several types of structures. An example is shown for the Petra multicell RF cavities traversed by a short gaussian bunch.
Fig. 29 Fields excited by a Gaussian bunch ( = 2 cm) traversing a PETRA cavity The second difficulty is that the theory has its own limitations. It is a perturbation theory which uses Vlasov's equation to first order. Therefore, it applies to conditions where the
instability remains very weak. Furthermore, the result drawn from this theory is a single complex number, namely the frequency shift. This is certainly an essential piece of information. However, in the case of unstable conditions, one cannot have access to the time evolution of the beam deterioration. To answer such a question, the only possibility is again to use numerical simulation codes working in the time domain. An example of simulation is given in the next figure. It shows the development of a microwave instability. The beam-environment coupling assumes a broad band impedance centered around the pipe cut-off frequency. The simulation starts with an initial 10% longitudinal modulation of the particle density at the pipe cut-off frequency corresponding to harmonic 10 in the present case.
Evolution of Momentum Distribution Evolution of Fourier Spectra Fig 30 Development of a longitudinal microwave instability
REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] C.E. Nielsen et al., Proc. of Int. Conf. on High Energy Accel. and Instr., CERN (1959) 239 V.K. Neil, R.J. Briggs, Plasma Physics, 9 (1967) 631 V.K. Neil, A.M. Sessler, Rev. Sci. Instr. 36 (1965) 429 B.W. Montague, Single Particle Dynamics, 3rd lecture, Int. School of Particle Accel., Erice (1976) B.W. Montague, Single Particle Dynamics, 5th and 6th lectures, Int. School of Particle Accel., Erice (1976) H.G. Hereward, Landau Damping, Int. School of Particle Accel., Erice (1976) K. Hbner, V.G. Vaccaro, CERN report ISR-TH/70-44 (1970) B. Zotter, CERN report ISR-GS/76-11 (1976) A.G. Ruggiero, V.G. Vaccaro, CERN report ISR-TH/68-33 (1968)
[10] E. Keil, W. Schnell, CERN report ISR-TH-RF/69-48 (1969) [11] F. Sacherer, Proc. 1973 Part. Accel. Conf., San Francisco, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Vol. NS-20, n3, 825 [12] F. Sacherer, CERN report SI/BR/72-5 (1972) [13] A. Hofmann, Single beam collective phenomena-longitudinal, Int. School of Part. Accel., Erice (1976) [14] I. Hofmann, Non linear aspects of Landau damping in computer simulation of the microwave instability, Computing in Accelerator Design and Operation, Berlin, Sept. 2023 1983 [15] J.L. Laclare, Bunched-beam instabilities, 11th Int. conference on High Energy Accelerators, Geneva (July 1980) 526 [16] J.L. Laclare, Instabilities in storage rings, Proc. of the Symposium on Accelerator Aspects of H I Fusion, Darmstadt FRG (1982), GSI Report 82-8.
In the longitudinal plane, the coherent motion is driven by a longitudinal modulation of particle density which creates a longitudinal electric field along the beam axis. When reverting back to the example of the round pipe, this self field is associated with a return or image current Iw flowing downstream and uniformly distributed on the inner side of the chamber wall. In the transverse case, we will arbitrarily choose the X plane, the perturbation consists of a slight initial transverse displacement of the beam. Due to the focusing of the external guide field, the beam then oscillates from side to side when progressing along the machine. The first remark is that the total wall current Iw has the same magnitude as before but is no longer uniformly distributed in the wall. When comparing the new situation with the unperturbed one, the beam sees a differential current Iw which flows in the opposite direction on either side of the pipe.
Fig. 1 This requires a longitudinal electric field, which varies linearly in strength across the
aperture, and also a vertical and constant dipole magnetic field. This magnetic field acts back on the beam.
where = = Q x is the betatron advance per second, Qx the particle horizontal tune, and the particle revolution frequency. The transverse position will be expressed as:
dt +0]
1 2 d = and x = x2+( x ) 2 dt
are two invariants of the unperturbed motion.
Both parameters Qx and depend on momentum p// and transverse betatron amplitudes
x and z . In the following we will restrict ourselves to: = (p//) and Qx = Qx(p//,x) p = // dQx and = Qx00 Qx dp//
Concerning the dependence on momentum, we introduce the following complementary definitions. (5)
where is called the machine chromaticity. We develop with respect to the reference
p//0 , Qx0 .
We assume an unperturbed longitudinal motion: and obtain
Later on, we will perturb the motion by applying the transverse beam self field in the right-hand side of the equation of motion.
x +2x =
The transverse PU electrodes deliver a signal proportional to the local beam centre-ofmass position and to the current.
S = S// xCM
Let us analyse the transverse signal of a single particle.
S// = s//(t,)
The longitudinal signal consists of a series of periodic Dirac impulses with amplitude e and period
T = 2
The transverse amplitude is simply: therefore,
x = x cos (t)
Qx = nQx + Qx with nQx the integer part and 0<Qx<1 the non integer part
n (modulo 1) the integer part Qx of the wave number. As a consequence, the same signal is obtained for Qx and 1 - Qx
After development of the series of Dirac's, the signal expression becomes:
Beam sampling at the position of the PU turn after turn makes it impossible to identify
s(t,) =
Thus, in the spectrum, around every harmonic of the revolution frequency, there are two betatron (upper and lower) sidebands. It is interesting to look for the incoherent frequency spread induced by a momentum spread and a betatron amplitude spread.
The spread arising from momentum via the chromaticity varies with p. On the contrary, the spread due to amplitude spread is constant whatever the value p of the harmonic of the
revolution frequency. As an example, for the lower sidebands, the incoherent spread due to momentum vanishes for
p = Qx0 -
Fig. 4 As seen on the above figure, for this value of p the incoherent band is very narrow. The
x0 0 . same picture would apply for the upper sidebands around A priori, these narrow betatron frequency bands represent a potential danger since there will be minimum Landau damping by momentum spread at this frequency. One will have to avoid chromaticity tunes which associate these narrow sidebands with large values of the transverse impedance. In the following we will arbitrarily privilege the lower sidebands whenever it is necessary to solve the dispersion relation, or when we support our comments by figures. However, lower and upper sidebands are intimately linked and indissociable. We will further develop this fact in the following paragraphs. (p+Q
4. DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION To study transverse instabilities, we consider the following distribution:
g0()d =
0 and f0(x)xdx = 1 2 2 x
The second part p is the perturbation. Due to the dependence, it consists of a sinusoidal
(exp j(p0)) transverse displacement of the beam with p wavelengths around the circumference.
p 0. The frequency offset pc is a complex number. For a lower sideband, we will write: pc = -Qx0 0 - Qxpc0
It is the sum of two quantities: the coherent Qxpc0 transverse betatron frequency shift. The stability is evaluated from the expression the central incoherent Qx00 betatron frequency and, (22)
pc apart from
In order to measure the total signal induced by the beam, one has to integrate the single particle signal over the distribution.
S(t,) = v
Let represent the following integral:
gp()fp(,x)x2cos ddxd
in the frequency domain. The chosen form of our perturbation leads to a single frequency line which will be used to probe the environment.
Now we introduce the transverse coupling impedance. It relates transverse electromagnetic field and transverse signal at a given frequency as follows:
[E+v x B](t, ) =
-j0 S(t, ) 2R
with the units: the signal S in Am and transverse impedance Z in m-1 . The generalization to any signal is straightforward, it combines spectrum amplitude and impedance over the entire frequency range:
In general, one cannot analytically express Z ( ). The solution of Maxwell's equations is never simple. To support the above definition, we just write down the results that one would tediously obtain for a continuous pipe of radius b through which a circular beam of constant radius a would travel. For frequencies below the pipe cut-off frequency:
pipe cut-off = c b
one could write:
[E+v x B](t, ) =
provided the pipe wall is perfectly conducting = . The quantity between brackets is the transverse space-charge impedance:
Z SC = -jRZ0 ( 1 - 1 ) 2 a2 b2 02 0
is a pure imaginary quantity and constant in the low frequency domain.
For a non-perfectly-conducting wall, , one has to add the resistive-wall contribution. One would find that the transverse and longitudinal resistive-wall impedances are linked by:
Z RW = 2c Z//RW b2
This handy formula is only valid for the resistive wall contribution of a circular pipe. It shows that the curves (impedance diagram)
Z RW and Z//RW
will be very similar. For completeness, let us recall that
1 Z Z//RW = (1+j) 0 0 0 2 0 2b 0 =
in which 7.
In qualitative terms, observations made on several machines agree with the following description for the transverse coupling impedance of an accelerator ring. There are four major components. The space-charge impedance was already introduced in a previous section under crude assumptions. Below the pipe cut-off frequency its expression is:
Z SC = -jRZ0 ( 1 - 1 ) 2 a2 b2 02 0
Space charge negative inductance
Fig. 7 It is a negative inductance large for slow particles in a pipe of small cross section. The resistive-wall impedance was also previously mentioned. It will be shown later on that this component of the impedance is the main source of transverse instabilities. Provided the skin depth
2 = 2
at the considered frequency and is thinner than the wall thickness w, then the resistive wall impedance can be expressed as:
1 0 2 RZ 0 Z RW = (1+j) 0 3 b
At lower frequencies,
2cR b3w
Resistive wall impedance
Fig. 8 Due to the b3 dependence, machines with vacuum chambers of small cross section present a large impedance to the beam. The third contribution to the machine impedance corresponds to high-Q resonators. As was the case for the longitudinal impedance, the main sources of such resonant objects are RF cavities.
Z Im(Z)
Fig. 9
With regard to the broad-band transverse impedance, up till now we have assumed a perfectly smooth circular pipe with neither cross section changes, bellows, nor flanges, etc. With a view to seeing the difference between an actual chamber and the circular pipe by means of a simple impedance model, it is common practice to introduce a transverse broad-band resonator. A priori, there is no physical reason to believe that the parameters of this transverse resonator are linked to the parameters of the longitudinal broad-band resonator. However, measurements made on existing machines show that in the low frequency range the relation
strictly valid for the resistive wake of a circular pipe, can lead to correct orders of magnitudes. If one remembers that a typical range of longitudinal broad-band impedance value is:
0.2 Z//BB 50 p
then it can be concluded that the transverse broad-band impedance is in the M/m range.
The scaling factor puts large machines with small vacuum chamber cross-section at a
Z//BB p disadvantage. However, it is also easier to achieve the lowest values of in large
machines. The use of a transverse broad-band impedance model to roughly simulate the effect of abrupt variations of the vacuum chamber, bellows, flanges, etc. leads to the introduction of: a positive inductance at low frequencies largely counterbalanced by the space-charge negative inductance for low energy machines, a resistive contribution around the pipe cut-off frequency, a capacitance at higher frequencies.
Fig. 10
At this stage it is necessary to point out an essential difference between transverse and longitudinal cases. The longitudinal motion is slow when compared to the revolution period. It takes many turns to perform a complete synchrotron oscillation and one can, in most cases, ignore the fact that some of the sources of impedance (RF cavities for instance) are localized. In the transverse case, this approximation is not valid. A particle performs Qx0 oscillations per turn and the modulation of the amplitude function x cannot be ignored. The fact that particles are more (less) sensitive to impedance sources localised in high (low) x has to be taken into account. We can continue to assume a smooth machine with uniformly distributed focusing and impedance provided we introduce a kind of effective impedance to which localized objects contribute as follows:
In this paragraph, we will gather all the results of previous paragraphs and then apply Vlasov's equation to find out consistent solutions for coherent motion. We will obtain a general dispersion relation. The solution of this equation will give the coherent frequency at which the perturbation oscillates.
pc = -Qxpc0
The sign of the imaginary part will tell us whether coherent motion is stable or instable. Hereunder,the successive steps leading to the dispersion relation are summarized.
Transverse signal
Electromagnetic field
x=Vlasov's equation
d = 0 = + + x + + dt t x = j pc gp()f p(,x)exp j(*) t = g () fp(,x) exp j(*) p x = g ()f0 (x) sin I jZ (p) exp j(*) 0 x x m00c e + neglected second order term = jp g ()f (,x)exp j(*) 0 p p t = 0 no longitudinal electromagnetic field
Intermediate equation
dependences on the other. In view of this, we introduce an intermediate function: h(x,) and write:
In the perturbation gpfp we separate the dependance on one hand and the x and
(p0+ pc)
f g0 0 x
h(x,) x2dxd
In the previous expression of Vlasov's equation, after multiplication of both sides by x and integration with respect to x and one finally gets the dispersion relation:
In the next three paragraphs examples of solutions of the dispersion relation are given. 9. BEAM WITHOUT TUNE SPREAD
First, we assume a very cool beam in the longitudinal transverse plane: no momentum spread. In addition the wave number does not depend on the transverse betatron amplitude. In mathematical terms:
g0() = 0 () 2
2 2 2 ) = 2(Q2 - Q 2 ) (pc - Qx0 0 0 xpc x0 ( q )Ic A = jZ(p) m 0c2 2( )0 e Q2 xpc is the coherent wave number.
The equation always has two roots (lower and upper sidebands):
=Q pc pc 0
For small perturbations they are given by:
If the impedance has a resistive part, the coherent motion is always unstable. The two series of coherent frequencies corresponding to lower and upper sidebands are solutions of the coherent motion:
+ + = p0 + pc and - = p 0 + pc
Due to the properties of the impedance, for opposite values of the frequency :
both series lead to identical results. For instance one can look for conditions for instability: (64)
+ (p + Qx0)0 is negative
Unstable motion for the lower sidebands when
- (p - Qx0 )0 is positive
This can be sketched in the impedance diagram:
(p+Qxpc) 0 wave unstable when combined with a negative resistance (negative part of axis)
(p-Qxpc) 0 wave unstable when combined with a positive resistance (positive part of axis)
Fig. 11 In this figure, it is obvious that the transverse instability of a coasting beam is essentially a low frequency mechanism. This is because the beam is very sensitive to the low frequency region where the skin resistance tends to be very large, in particular much larger than the broadband resistance. In the stability diagram with
1. 0
pcIm() diagram . 5 0 . 5
Fig. 12
The beam is always unstable except along the vertical axis. If the impedance were a purely imaginary number (inductance for instance), then the frequency shift would be real and coherent motion would be stable. In this respect, for the transverse plane we do not find the equivalent of the negative mass instability for the longitudinal plane. When the beam is stable, a tune measurement device (RF knock out for instance) which necessarily detects the coherent motion only, indicates a certain value Qxpc of the coherent wave number. A priori, our results indicate that Qxpc is a linear function of beam intensity and one could imagine that the experimental curve Qxpc versus current would allow the imaginary part of Z (p) to be measured. Unfortunately this is not the case. As a matter of fact, the space-charge contribution is not accessible and one will measure
Im(Z-Z SC)
This specificity of the space-charge component deserves some explanation. Let us assume a perfectly centered intense beam at low energy. The actual wave number of particles oscillating around the beam center, called incoherent wave number, is the result of two quadrupolar fields: the focusing of the external guide field the space-charge defocusing effect. This incoherent wave number is the quantity noted Qx0 in this report. In other words:
However, it must be pointed out that the space-charge field is null at the beam center. Now we rigidly displace the beam center and look for the coherent wave number. The beam center motion is influenced by: the focusing from the external guide field, the coherent deflecting magnetic field due to the broad-band inductance, the coherent deflecting field due to space-charge.
However, the space-charge field is still null at beam center. The coherent wave number logically compensates the incoherent tune depression due to space-charge. As a conclusion, with a tune measurement device one cannot have access to Z SC simply because the beam center of mass is not influenced by this field. A practical remark can be made concerning the choice of the wave number. We have seen that the resistive wall impedance is likely to be the main source of instability. It behaves like
in the thick wall assumption. It is therefore necessary to have the lowest coherent line at a frequency as high as possible
(p - Qx0 )0
In view of this, with a tune 0.1 above an integer, the first coherent frequency line is at
For Qx0 just above an integer the lowest (p-Qx0) 0 line is associated with a small Re(ZRW)
For Qx0 just below an integer the lowest (p-Qx0) 0 line is associated with a large Re(ZRW)
Fig. 13 On the contrary, with a tune of 0.9 (0.1 below the closest integer), this first coherent frequency line is at 0.10. This factor 9 in frequency leads to a factor 3 in the value of corresponding resistive-wall impedance and consequently instability growth rate. Therefore, preference must be given to tunes just above an integer. As shown in this paragraph a beam with no spread in tune is always unstable. A spread in tune can provide the necessary Landau damping. There are two principal possibilities for providing a tune spread: - chromaticity via momentum spread, or - transverse non linearities (tune variation with amplitude). These two cases are studied independently in the two next paragraphs. 1 0 . LANDAU DAMPING BY MOMENTUM SPREAD We will assume a parabolic stationary distribution in momentum:
g0() =
and solve the dispersion relation.
2 3 0 1- 2 8L L
The denominator of the quantity in the integral can be written as the product of two terms
(pc-Qx00+((p+Qx0)0-w)) ( pc+Qx00+((p-Qx0)0+w))
They are associated with the upper (for the first one) and lower (for the second one) sidebands. We know from the previous paragraph that both waves lead to the same result. We will therefore concentrate on the slow wave (second term above) and look for the solution
pc -Qx00 . In this case, the first term above can be approximated by -2Qx00.
The then simplified dispersion relation can be written as follows:
g0() d pc+Qx00
(70) This quantity represents half the full width band (measured at the foot) of incoherent spread of frequency around the considered lower sideband line (p-Qx0)0.
p = (p-Qx0) 0+ (p ) p L
x1 is the coherent betatron frequency shift normalized to the incoherent spread defined above.
We also use:
J =
1-x2 dx x-x1 -1
1 = pc jZ (p) J
Circle 0 approximation
0 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Im(x1) = 0
-0.6 -0.8
Im(x1) = -0.1
Fig. 14 The imaginary part of the coherent frequency is positive and the movement is damped for small values of the transverse impedance. When compared to the previous example of a monochromatic beam, provided the impedance is reasonably small, the incoherent frequency spread arising from momentum can stabilize the coherent motion. On the contrary, for large
Z (p) Landau damping is not strong enough and coherent motion is instable. The curve Im(x1) = 0 defines the stability limit. Its contour can be approximated by a circle: pcZ(p) < 3 2 F 4
Although the detailed form of the stability limit curve depends on the exact momentum distribution function, very similar results would be obtained for other realistic distribution
( p ) functions with the same p FWHH. The criterion can be rewritten in terms of the incoherent
spread. We will use the FWHH as a reference:
p FWHH = 2 p
Then stability requires:
It is interesting to note that the quantity on the right hand side of the above relation can be very simply linked with the coherent betatron frequency sh ift one would obtain with a monochromatic beam (cf previous paragraph).
remains within the stable band
stable band
Fig. 15 For standard uncorrected optics, -1 and
It can be seen that the low frequency region is the most dangerous and for two reasons. The resistive wall impedance is large and the frequency band is narrow.
Fig. 16 This is the reason why transverse instability is currently a low-frequency mechanism. If Landau damping is insufficient, coherent motion can also be stabilized by a feedback system. Fortunately, the conception of such a system is easier at low frequency. 1 . LANDAU DAMPING BY AMPLITUDE DEPENDENT TUNE
Now we separately consider the influence of a tune spread arising from a betatron amplitude spread in the beam. In order to write down the corresponding dispersion relation, we assume a monochromatic beam:
g0() = 0 () 2
x dx Qxpc QL
QL = Qx x2 L x2
is used to measure the total incoherent tune spread due to amplitude in the beam. We then note:
x1 =
Qxpc QL
This complex number measures the coherent tune sh ift in total incoherent tune spread units. The integral can then be written:
1 J =
We also note
x dx x - x1
1 = pcjZ (p) J
drawing the curves corresponding to a given value of Im(x1) in the stability diagram.
As was already done in the previous examples, the solutions can be worked out by
Circle approximation
0 0 0,5 1 1,5
Im(x 1) = 0 -1
Im(x 1) = 0.1
Fig . 17
f 0 distribution. The transverse distribution enters the integral via its derivative x which for the
As already mentioned, the details of the stability contour depend on the tails of the
specific suggested example presents a discontinuity at the edges. This explains the heart shape of the stability contour which would be much less pronounced, and even not exist, for a smoother distribution. In view of this, we suggest using (89) as an approximation of the stability criterion. The interpretation is very similar to that
given in the previous paragraph for a momentum spread. When the incoherent tune spread due to amplitude spread is large enough,
If one compares the above result with that previously obtained for a momentum spread,
apart from the distinction between the definitions used for FWHH and total (L), the main difference is that the width of the incoherent band due to amplitude spread is now independent of p. Another way to summarize the results is to express the necessary incoherent spread in terms of the coherent betatron frequency shift one would obtain with a monochromatic beam.
BIBLIOGARPHY C.E. Nielsen et al., Proc. of Int. Conf. on High Energy Accel. and Instr., CERN (1959) 239 V.K. Neil, R.J. Briggs, Plasma Physics, 9 (1967) 631 V.K. Neil, A.M. Sessler, Rev. Sci. Instr. 36 (1965) 429 B.W. Montague, Single Particle Dynamics, 3rd lecture, Int. School of Particle Accel., Erice (1976) B.W. Montague, Single Particle Dynamics, 5th and 6th lectures, Int. School of Particle Accel., Erice (1976) H.G. Hereward, Landau Damping, Int. School of Particle Accel., Erice (1976) K. Hbner, V.G. Vaccaro, CERN report ISR-TH/70-44 (1970) B. Zotter, CERN report ISR-GS/76-11 (1976) A.G. Ruggiero, V.G. Vaccaro, CERN report ISR-TH/68-33 (1968) E. Keil, W. Schnell, CERN report ISR-TH-RF/69-48 (1969) F. Sacherer, Proc. 1973 Part. Accel. Conf., San Francisco, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Vol. NS20, n3, 825 F. Sacherer, CERN report SI/BR/72-5 (1972) A. Hofmann, Single Beam collective phenomena-longitudinal, Int. School of Part. Accel., Erice (1976) I. Hofmann, Non linear aspects of Landau damping in computer simulation of the microwave instability, Computing in Accelerator Design and Operation, Berlin, Sept. 20-23 1983 J.L. Laclare, Bunched-beam instabilities, 11th Int. conference on High Energy Accelerators, Geneva (July 1980) 526 J.L. Laclare, Instabilities in storage rings, Proc. of the Symposium on Accelerator Aspects of H I Fusion, Darmstadt FRG (1982), GSI Report 82-8.
R.P. Walker Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy Abstract The basic properties of synchrotron radiation are described, and their relevance to the design of electron and proton rings is discussed. The development of specialized sources of synchrotron radiation is also considered. 1. INTRODUCTION
The electromagnetic radiation emitted by a charged particle beam in a circular accelerator is termed "synchrotron radiation" (SR) after its first visual observation nearly 50 years ago in the General Electric (G.E.) 70 MeV Synchrotron. The theoretical basis for understanding synchrotron radiation however goes back much further. Maxwell's equations (1873) made it clear that changing charge densities would radiate electromagnetic waves, and Hertz demonstrated these waves in 1887. The first more directly relevant development was the publication of Linard's paper entitled "The electric and magnetic field produced by an electric charge concentrated at a point and in arbitrary motion" [1]. This work includes the energy loss formula for particles travelling on a circular path with relativistic velocities. Later, Schott published a detailed essay that included also the angular and frequency distribution of the radiation, as well as the polarization properties [2]. No further interest appears to have been taken in the topic until the early 1940's, when theoretical work in the Soviet Union showed that the energy loss may pose a limit on the maximum energy obtainable in the betatron [3]. Then in 1946 Blewett measured the energy loss due to SR in the G.E. 100 MeV betatron and found agreement with theory, but failed to detect the radiation after searching in the microwave region of the spectrum [4]. It was later pointed out by Schwinger however that the spectrum peaks at a much higher harmonic of the orbit frequency and that the power in the microwave region is negligible [5]. The first direct observation of the radiation as a "small spot of brilliant white light" occured by chance in the following year at the G.E. 70 MeV synchrotron, when a technician was looking into the transparent vacuum chamber [6]. Later accounts of the event may be found in Refs. [7,8]. Soon after the discovery of SR the first systematic studies of the spectral distribution of the radiation were carried out in the visible part of the spectrum [9]. The results showed agreement with theory, which had been re-derived by Schwinger and expressed in a convenient form for practical computation [10]. At the 300 MeV synchrotron at Cornell experiments were carried out which accurately confirmed that the energy loss rate was proportional to the fourth power of electron energy, in agreement with theory [11]. Later, detailed spectral measurements were carried out in the UV and soft X-ray region by Tomboulian and Hartman [12]. Agreement between theory and measurement was also reported in the work carried out at the synchrotron of the Lebedev Institute, Moscow [13]. The emission of synchrotron radiation exerts a strong influence on the electron beam dynamics. It was already known before the first observation of SR that the energy loss would lead to a damping of the energy or synchrotron oscillations, a process known as Radiation Damping [1416]. It was subsequently discovered, firstly by means of a quantum mechanical treatment [17] and later by a classical approach [18], that quantum fluctuations in the emission would give rise to a growth of oscillation amplitude and that the combined effect of the two processes would lead to a stable equilibrium [18]. Soon after, the same processes were found to occur also for the betatron oscillations [19,20]. Experimental verification of these effects was carried out at the synchrotron of the Lebedev Institute, Moscow [21].
Synchrotron radiation is of major importance in the design of electron synchrotrons and storage rings. The energy loss strongly affects the size of accelerator needed to reach a given energy. The design of the magnet lattice affects the processes of radiation damping and quantum excitation, and determines whether an equilibrium can be reached and the magnitude of the resulting beam dimensions. The emission of SR also has important implications for the design of ring components. A powerful r.f. system is needed to replace the energy lost due to SR. The design of the vacuum system must take into account the heat generated and the large amount of gas desorbed when SR beams impinge on the vacuum chamber walls. At high energies it becomes necessary to shield the vacuum chamber to prevent high energy photons escaping into the air and causing damage to other accelerator components. On the positive side, SR is widely used as a sensitive means of observing the electron beam. Synchrotron radiation is also of major importance as a source of radiation for experiments. Following the work at Cornell in the early 50's it was pointed out that SR would be a useful source both for absorbtion measurements and as a standard for calibrating detectors in the VUV (vacuum ultra-violet) region of the spectrum [12]. Subsequently, in the early 1960's, several SR facilities were set up on rings built initially for High Energy Physics, in the U.S.A, Japan and in Europe. So successful was this "parasitic" use of the SR that a second generation of storage rings were built, for dedicated use as synchrotron radiation sources. At present a third generation of more sophisticated rings are under construction, and further developments are likely to continue. In this Chapter the basic properties of synchrotron radiation and the way it affects the design of electron rings are described. Subsequent Chapters consider in more detail the effect of SR on beam dynamics. The development of specialized SR sources is treated briefly in Section 6. SR is emitted by any accelerated charge, but until recently particle energies have been sufficiently low that the effects have needed to be considered only in the case of electrons. For the next generation of high energy proton machines however the effects of SR emission will become significant. Although the treatment in this and subsequent chapters will be directed to the most common case, i.e. electrons, the formulae presented are valid for both electrons and protons unless indicated otherwise. Some special aspects of SR emission in proton rings are considered in Section 7. 2. BASIC PROPERTIES
2 . 1 Radiated power The instantaneous power radiated by a moving electron, valid in the relativistic case, is given by the Linard formula: P= 2 e2 2 2 6 3 4 0 c
where c is the velocity and ((1-2)-1/2) is the usual relativistic factor. The result is most easily derived by a Lorentz transformation of the result for a non-relativistic electron [22], obtained by Larmor: 2 2 e2 v P= (2) 3 4 0 c c 2 We consider first the case of linear motion, for which = 0 . In this case it can be shown that: e2 dp 2 2 (3) P= 3 4 0 m 2 c3 dt
where p is the relativistic momentum (mc). Since the rate of change of momentum (dp/dt) is equal to the gain in energy per unit distance (dE/ds), we can write the ratio of the rate of energy loss to the rate of energy gain as follows: e2 2 dE = 2 r0 dE 2 4 3 4 0 m c ds 3 mc 2 ds (4)
Thus, unless the rate of energy gain is comparable to the rest mass energy (0.511 MeV) in a distance equal to the classical electron radius (2.8 10-15 m) the radiative energy loss is negligible. As a further demonstration of this fact, it can be calculated that the energy loss in a typical 2 GeV linac, 200 m long, is only 7 10-5 eV. In the case of circular motion, we have = . In this case it may be shown that: P=
2 e2 2 2 dp 3 4 0 m 2 c3 dt
Thus, for the same applied force (dp/dt) the power radiated is a factor of 2 larger than for linear motion; moreover, it should be remembered that a given force is much more easily generated with a magnetic field compared to an electric field: a field of 1 Tesla produces the same force as an electric field of 300 MV/m. For circular motion we have from the above that the instantaneous rate of power emitted is: P= 2 e2c 4 4 3 4 0 2 (6)
Evaluating this expression we find that the resulting instantaneous power is apparently very small - only 7 W even in the case of LEP at 100 GeV. A more directly meaningful parameter is the total energy loss per turn: U0 = ds P 2 e2 ds = 3 4 2 c 3 4 0 (7)
For an isomagnetic lattice (uniform bending radius in the bending magnets) the result simplifies to: U0 = In practical units, for electrons: U0 [eV] = 8.85 10 4 E 4 [GeV] = 2.65 10 4 E 3[GeV] B [T] [m] (9) e2 3 4 3 0 (8)
Since an accelerating voltage at least as great as the energy loss per turn is required for the electron to be stable it can be seen from the examples in Table 1 that this can be an appreciable quantity. For a beam of electrons the total power emitted can be obtained as follows:
U 0 Ne U Ib Pb = T = 0 e 0
where Ne is the number of electrons in the ring, T0 the orbit time, and Ib the average beam current. In practical units therefore the total power (in Watts) is simply the energy loss per turn (in eV) multiplied by the beam current (in Amps). With beam currents in the few mA to few 100 mA range it can be seen that the total SR power can be very large. This is also the power that the r.f. system must provide to make up for the losses due to SR emission. It can be seen that there is a rapid increase in SR emission with energy, varying as E 4. There is therefore also a strong dependence on the mass of the particle, ~ 1/m4, and so for protons with the same energy and bending radius the quantities are reduced by a large factor, ~1013, compared to electrons. Table 1 Energy loss per turn (U0 and critical energy (c) in various electron storage rings Ring EPA SRS DORIS PEP HERA LEP E [GeV] 0.6 2.0 5.0 18 30 55 100
1.43 5.6 12.3 166 550 3100 3100
c [keV]
0.34 3.2 22.5 78.1 109 119 715
2 . 2 Qualitative description of angular and spectral properties Consider an electron travelling with speed c along a circular path with constant radius in a bending magnet (Fig. 1a). Viewed in a frame moving with the same speed in a direction tangent to the curve at some point P, the motion appears as shown in Fig. 1b. There is clearly an acceleration of the electron in the x' direction which gives rise to the emission of radiation. Since the motion in this frame is non-relativistic the radiation pattern is that of the familiar dipole radiation with sin2 distribution, where is the angle with respect to the acceleration (x') axis [22]. Transformation of this distribution into the laboratory frame results in a distribution which is strongly peaked in the forward direction. This is evident from the fact that the angle at which zero emission occurs (x' axis, = 0) transforms to an angle 1/ in the laboratory frame (Fig. 1c), which can be a very small angle, e.g. 1/10 mrad for 5 GeV electrons. The compression of the radiation into a narrow range of angles has an important consequence for the spectrum of the radiation. The radiation received in a given direction corresponds to only a small arc of the electron trajectory, of length 2/ (see Fig. 2). The radiation pulse length is the difference between the time it takes for the electron to travel around the arc from A to B (te) and the time for the photons to travel directly from A to B (t). The radiation pulse length is then:
t = te - t =
2 sin (1/ ) c 3c
The short time interval implies a wide frequency range with typical frequency given approximately by ~ 1/t ~ 3c/. In terms of the electron revolution frequency (rev c/) we see that /rev ~ 3. The spectrum therefore extends to very much higher frequencies than the orbit frequency.
P x z
x' x z x 1/ z c)
s z'
Fig. 1 Circular particle motion (a), the trajectory and dipole radiation emission pattern as seen in a frame moving with the average electron speed c(b) and the corresponding radiation pattern transformed into the lab. frame (c). As an example, if we take the parameters of the G.E. synchrotron (E = 70 MeV, = 29.2 cm) we obtain a typical wavelength of about 7000 , i.e. in the visible part of the spectrum. It is evident also that with higher electron energies, 1 GeV, the emission will extend into the Xray region.
A 1/ 1/
Fig. 2 Illustration of the limited arc of the trajectory which contributes to the radiation seen by an observer in a given direction
A complete calculation of the spectral and angular distributions of the radiation is somewhat lengthy and therefore beyond the scope of this introduction and so here we only sketch the main features of the calculation and present the most important results. Further details may be obtained from various reports and textbooks [2227]. 3.1 Observer and emitter time
For charges in relativistic motion a fundamental concept is the distinction between observer and emitter (or "retarded") time. An electron at position r at time t' emits radiation towards an observer at a distance R(t') away in a direction defined by the unit vector n ( t'), see Fig. 3. The radiation arrives at the observer at a later time t, where: R(t') t = t' + c (12)
Although this relation between the two times appears relatively simple, the fact that the distance R is changing with t' complicates the analysis significantly. Taking the derivative of the above it can be shown that: dt dt' = 1 - n = 1 - cos (13)
Thus, when the direction of motion () is pointing close to the direction of the observer (n) we see that a time interval for the emitter (dt') is seen as a much shorter time interval (dt) for the observer: dt 1 1 2 ~ _ 2 + dt' 2 (14)
This is another description of the compression of the pulse length, with its consequent effect on the radiation spectrum, that was discussed in section 2.2. It also explains why the radiated intensity is very much greater for relativistic particles. The intensity of the radiation per unit solid angle at the observer can be related to the square of the apparent acceleration of the particle, i.e. the acceleration seen in the time frame of the observer, which is therefore increased by a large factor due to the time compression effect [27]. e r (t') ^ n R(t')
Fig. 3 Geometry of the emission of synchrotron radiation from a charged particle in arbitrary motion
3 . 2 Potentials and fields of a moving charge The scalar electric and magnetic vector potentials of a slowly moving charge are given by the standard expressions: V= e 40R A= ev 40R (15)
where R is the distance from the charge to the observer and v the charge velocity. In the case of a relativistically moving charge we must take into account that the potential created by the charge reaches the observer at a later time, according to Eq. (12). Charges moving towards the observer contribute for a longer time and therefore result in a larger potential [26]. It can be shown that the resulting expressions are similar, but includes the time correction factor Eq. (13): V (t ) = e 1 4 0 R(1 - n ) ret. A(t ) = e v 4 0 R(1 n ) ret. (16)
where [ ]ret.means evaluated at the emitter, or retarded time t'. The electric and magnetic fields can then be calculated by applying Maxwell's equations: E = V 0
A t
B = 0 ( A)
The operation is not so straightforward however, since derivatives with respect to the observer's position involve changes in emitter time. The resulting expressions are given as follows: e E( t ) = 4 0 B(t ) = n E c n e n (n ) + 3 2 2 1 n R ( ) (1 n )3 R ret. 4 0 c
From the above expressions we note the following features: E and B are mutually perpendicular; = 0 we recover Coulomb's Law E = e n / 4 R; for a static charge = 0 the first term is independent of acceleration and is proportional to 1/ R2, and is therefore negligible at large distances; this is termed the "velocity field"; the second term depends directly on the acceleration, and since it varies as 1/R dominates at large distances; this is called the "acceleration field" or the "far field".
The second term is therefore the one that we shall consider. For this term we see that E and B are perpendicular to n.
3 . 3 Power distribution The flow of energy is described by the Poynting vector, S: S= 1 ( E B) 0 (19)
which is the energy passing through a unit area in direction S . The energy received per unit solid angle in direction n at distance R from the source is therefore: dP 1 = R2 ( S n) = ( RE)2 d 0c (20)
To express this in terms of the energy radiated per unit time of the emitter, we must include the factor in Eq. (13): dP dP dt dP = (t' ) = (1 n ) d d dt' d (21)
Inserting the expression for the electric field, Eq. (18), gives the general result for the angular distribution of the instantaneous power radiated by the charge: n (n ) dP e2 (t' ) = d ( 4 )2 0 c (1 n )5 In the case of circular motion = c/ distribution is given by:
( {
2 2 2 4 4 dP e2 c 6 1 + 2 1 2cos + (t' ) = 2 2 2 5 d 2 0 2 1 +
( (
(See Fig. 4). Thus, in agreement with the results of section 2, we see that the distribution is strongly peaked in the forward direction within a cone 1/. In the non-relativistic limit the electric field, Eq. (18), reduces to: e n n E( t ) = 4 0 c R and hence the power distribution becomes: dP e2 = n n 2 d ( 4 ) 0 c
( {
e2 2 sin 2 = 2 4 0c
with as the angle between the acceleration axis and the radiation direction. Figure 5 shows a comparison of the instantaneous power distribution in the two cases.
Fig. 5 Illustration of the instantaneous radiation pattern from a charged particle in a circular orbit in the non-relativistic (a) and the relativistic cases (b), from Ref.[12]
3 . 4 Spectral and angular distributions In order to obtain the frequency dependence we define the Fourier transform of the ( ) , and its inverse: electric field, E ( ) = E 1 2
E(t ) e
(t) = E
1 2
( ) e-it d E
The total energy received per unit solid angle during one passage of the electron past the observer is from Eq. (20): dW dP 1 = dt = d 0c d
2 ( RE) dt
Inserting the expression for the electric field and simplifying, results in the following integral over frequency: dW 1 = d 0c
( ) 2 RE
The integrand in the above is therefore the required spectral and angular density. Inserting now the expression for E( ) we obtain finally: d 2W 1 = d d 2 0 c
- 2
( RE ) e
Thus, the total energy received per unit solid angle per unit frequency interval is the modulus-squared of the Fourier transform of the electric field seen by the observer. Inserting the expression for the Electric field, Eq. (18), we obtain:
n (n ) d W e = d d 16 3 0 c (1 n )3
2 2
eit dt ret.
Thus, the general prescription for calculating the spectral/angular . distribution for arbitrary electron motion is as follows: calculate the electron motion (r , , ) and the direction and distance to the observer (n, R) as a function of retarded (emitter) time, t'; calculate the electric field, Eq. (18); express as a function of observer time using t = t' + R(t')/c and perform a Fourier transform. Alternatively, the integration can be expressed directly in terms of emitter time t': e d W = d d 16 3 0 c
2 2
n (n )
(1 n )
R( t' ) i t' + c
For circular motion the result can be derived analytically in terms of Airy integrals or alternatively modified Bessel functions: d 2W e2 = 2 3 d d 16 0 c c where,
(1 + 2 2 ) (
2 2 2 2 K2/3 ( ) + 2 2 K1/3 ( ) 1+
2 2 1+ = c 2
3/ 2
Because of the horizontal motion of the source the result depends only on the observation angle in the vertical plane, (Fig. 6). c is the critical frequency defined by:
c =
3 3c 2
This is very similar to the value of the typical frequency derived earlier from consideration of the pulse length. Note that some authors use a value which is twice the above value [22]. Practical formulae for calculating the critical frequency are given in the Appendix. The two terms in Eq. (32) above correspond to the radiation polarized in the horizontal () and vertical () planes. The angular distributions at several different frequencies are shown in Fig. 7, for both polarization components, normalized in each case to the peak value on axis ( = 0). On axis the radiation is linearly polarized in the horizontal plane. As increases the vertically polarized component increases, and because of a /2 phase shift, not directly apparent from the intensities in Eq. (32) above, this results in circularly polarized radiation. The angular divergence changes markedly with the radiation frequency. At = c, and approximating as a Gaussian function, the effective standard deviation is 0.57/.
Fig. 6 Geometry of the emission of synchrotron radiation in the case of circular motion
Fig. 7 Angular distribution of synchrotron radiation polarized in the orbit plane (solid lines) and in the plane perpendicular to the orbit plane (dotted lines) The variation of the peak intensity on-axis as a function of frequency is given by: d 2W e2 e2 2 2 = K 2 H2 = 2/3 3 3 d d 16 0 c 16 0 c c 2 c c
The function H2 is shown in Fig. 8. As anticipated in section 2.2, it can be seen that the spectral range is very broad. The peak value occurs close to the critical frequency (/c = 0.83) where H2 has a value of 1.47. Integrating Eq. (32) over all angles one obtains the energy radiated per unit frequency interval, per turn:
Fig. 8 Functions describing the spectral distributions of peak angular density (H2) and intensity integrated over vertical angle (S) dW 3 e2 = ( / c ) d 4 0 c This can be written as follows: dW U0 = S ( / c ) d c where S (/c) is the normalized spectrum, shown in Fig. 8, defined by: S ( / c ) = 9 3 8 c
/ c
K5/3 ( / c ) d ( / c )
/ c
K5 / 3 ( / c ) d ( / c )
S ( / c )
d ( / c ) = 1
S ( / c )
d ( / c ) = 0.5
In other words, half of the power is emitted above the critical frequency, and half below. The peak of the total spectrum occurs at /c = 0.29 at which point S = 0.57. The spectrum of vertically integrated intensity is also often written in terms of the function G 1 (/c) which includes all but the numerical factor in Eq. (38) and so the relation between the two is simply S (/c) = 0.620 G1 (/c). Integrating over frequency one obtains the total energy radiated per unit solid angle (per pass):
dW 1 7e 2 5 = d 64 0 1 + 2 2
5 2 2 1 + 7 1 + 2 2
This distribution is shown in Fig. 9. The Appendix includes practical versions of the above formulae.
Fig. 9 Angular distribution of power density, polarized in the orbit plane (), in the plane perpendicular to the orbit (), and total (tot). 4. PHOTON DISTRIBUTION
So far we have considered that an electron radiates energy continuously, which is an acceptable assumption from the point of view of calculating the spectral properties etc. In reality however, radiation is emitted in discrete 'quanta' or photons, each with an energy, u, given by: u = h (42)
where h = Planck's constant / 2 . The distribution of the number of photons emitted as a function of angle and frequency is of interest for a number of reasons. One of the effects on beam dynamics ("quantum excitation") depends directly on the number of photons emitted as a function of energy. Also, since individual photons desorb gas molecules, the effect on the vacuum system depends on the number of photons, not simply total power. In addition, the common unit of intensity employed by SR experimenters is the spectral flux the number of photons per second per unit frequency. Expressions for this quantity are given in the Appendix. For the effect on beam dynamics the important quantity is the instantaneous rate of emission of photons. We define a quantity n(u), the number of photons per second radiated (on average) by a single electron per unit energy interval: n( u ) u = dW c 1 d 2 h (43)
hence, n(u) = where, uc = h c The photon distribution function is shown in Fig. 10. (45) P S (u / uc ) 2 uc (u / uc ) (44)
Fig. 10 Photon distribution function The total number emitted (per electron per second) is then: N = n(u)du = e2 15 3 P 5 = 8 uc 2 3 4 0 h (46)
From the above we can obtain the simple result that the number emitted per radian is: N
= c 94. 9
which depends only on the energy, ; similarly the number emitted per metre is:
N c = 6.2 B
which depends only on the magnetic field strength. It can be appreciated that the number of photons emitted per electron is a small quantity, and will therefore be subject to large statistical fluctuations. This has an important consequence for the beam dynamics that will be treated in the Chapter on "Quantum Excitation". For a beam of electrons, the total number of photons emitted is given by:
photons/sec/mrad horizontal
In most cases therefore with average beam currents in the mA to several 100 mA range the total photon flux is large, with important consequences for the vacuum system (see section 5.2). Two other expressions that will be of use in later Chapters are the mean and mean-square photon energy. The mean energy is: u =
n(u)du N
P 8 = uc N 15 3
which is related by a numerical factor to the critical energy. Similarly the mean-square energy is related to the square of the critical energy: u
u =
n(u)du N
8 11 2 2 uc u / uc )S(u / uc )d (u / uc ) = uc ( 15 3 0 27
5 . 1 R.f. requirements To make up for the losses due to the emission of SR the r.f. system must provide a sufficient accelerating voltage and sufficient power. There is an additional voltage requirement above that of the energy loss per turn in order to maintain sufficient beam lifetime, as will be described in a later Chapter on "Quantum Excitation". The total power needed from the r.f. system must also take into account the significant losses in the walls of the accelerating cavity. The very strong dependence of the energy loss with energy is a limiting factor in the construction of increasingly high energy circular electron accelerators. Some reduction in the r.f. requirement can be achieved by reducing the bending magnet field strength, but at the expense of a larger and therefore more costly machine. It can be seen from Fig. 11 that in electron storage rings built so far, parameter optimization has resulted in a bending radius that increases roughly as E2 i.e. the field decreases as 1/E. Thus the energy loss per turn, U 0, still increases as E2. In LEP a field as low as 0.059 T is used at 55 GeV. Even so, 128 five-cell r.f. cavities are needed with sixteen 1 MW klystrons to power them [28]. To reach 100 GeV superconducting cavities will be used to reduce the power dissipated in the cavity. Because of the limitation imposed by SR emission attention is focussed on linear colliders for the next generation of high energy electron accelerators rather than circular machines. As can be seen from Fig. 11, the situation is entirely different for proton machines. In this case SR emission is not a limiting factor and bending fields have increased by use of superconducting magnets. 5 . 2 Vacuum system The power in the SR beams can be very high, up to several kW per metre of orbit length, and so water-cooled absorbers must be provided. The main gas load in the system is also caused by SR [29]: photons hitting the vacuum chamber produce photoelectrons which in turn desorb gas molecules from the surface. If the surface is clean before installation the main gas
Fig. 11 Relationship between energy and bending radius for various circular electron and proton accelerators molecules desorped are H 2, CO, CO2 and CH4. The consequence of this is that the gas pressure will increase, and hence the beam lifetime will decrease, when the beam current increases. However, the desorption decreases as a function of the total beam 'dose', as the SR cleans the vacuum chamber surface. Typically it is assumed in the design of the pumping system that a dose of about 50 Amp-hours is required before nominal pressure and lifetime is reached. 5 . 3 Radiation shielding When the critical energy of the photons becomes sufficiently large, scattered high energy photons can escape from the standard type of aluminium or stainless steel vacuum chamber and cause radiation damage to ring components (e.g. magnet coils and water hoses), failures of electronic components, production of ozone and nitric oxide in the air, and in the presence of humidity corrosion of the vacuum chamber by nitric acid. Problems of this type were experienced first in PETRA [30] and TRISTAN [31] when energies were raised above 15 GeV, which required lead shielding to be added around the chambers. Later higher-energy machines took this into account at the start. In the HERA electron ring a copper-bronze alloy was used for the chamber, and use was made of the dipole magnet yokes as extra shielding [32]. The LEP vacuum chamber is surrounded by a lead shield between 3 and 8 mm thick [28]. 5 . 4 Electron-beam diagnostics SR is widely used to form visible images of the electron beam [33] both for direct observation and qualitative measurement of beam size, position, stability and also bunch length. A typical arrangement is to reflect the visible part of the SR emitted by a bending magnet off a water-cooled mirror, through the radiation shield wall and into a diagnostics area. By focussing the light with a lens onto a screen a direct image of the electron beam can be formed. Linear photodiode arrays or CCD matrices can be used to obtain accurate information on the beam profile and a position sensitive detector can provide information about the positional stability of the beam. Bunch length information can be obtained from streak cameras or fast photomultipliers [34]. In storage rings used as synchrotron radiation sources, the stability of the position and angle of the radiation source points is very important. For this reason monitors which determine the position of the SR in the beam-lines have been developed. Using signals from these detectors feedback systems can then be used to stabilize the electron beam orbit.
As many as 28 electron storage rings are currently used for research using SR, and of these 17 are fully dedicated to SR. In addition, 16 new dedicated rings are under construction or commissioning, and several more are under study [35]. Not included in this list are about 10 smaller rings built exclusively as sources for X-ray lithography. The properties of SR that it make it so attractive as a research tool are as follows: high intensity or photon flux; continuous spectrum covering a broad range from the far infra-red to hard X-rays; small vertical angular divergence; small source size, determined mainly by the electron beam dimensions; high "brightness" and hence high partial coherence, resulting from the combination of small source size and divergence; polarization - linear in the orbit plane, with a circular component above and below the orbit plane; pulsed time structure, determined by that of the electron beam; calculable spectral intensity, allowing use as a calibrated source.
The wide range of applications cover the whole range of basic and applied science, and also include industrial (e.g. lithography and micro-mechanics) and medical (e.g. angiography) uses. By convention the development of synchrotron radiation sources is usually described in terms of various "generations". The first generation includes synchrotrons and storage rings built initially for High Energy Physics and used "parasitically" for SR. The first experimental facilities for using SR were set up on the SURF and INS-SOR rings in 1963, followed by Frascati, DESY and Tantalus. Others followed, including the SPEAR ring (Stanford, USA), now dedicated to SR. The second generation rings are storage rings designed and built from the outset as dedicated SR sources. The first was the 300 MeV SOR-Ring in 1974, the first Xray ring being the 2 GeV SRS (Daresbury, England). The third generation are newer dedicated rings with lower beam emittance (i.e. smaller beam sizes and divergences), and with many long straight sections into which special "insertion devices" (see below) can be placed. Third generation rings fall into three categories, according to the spectral region that they have been optimized for. Apart from one operating 0.8 GeV UV/VUV ring (SUPERACO, Orsay, France) the rest are either 1.2-2.0 GeV VUV/Soft X-ray rings or 6.0-8.0 GeV Soft/Hard Xrays rings. The insertion devices that will form the main radiation sources in the third generation rings are magnetic devices with a field polarity that alternates along the electron beam trajectory [36]. A periodic deflection of the electron beam is produced, resulting in the emission of radiation with special properties that depend on the form of the magnetic field distribution. Compared to conventional bending magnet sources of SR, insertion devices can produce: higher photon energies; increased flux; increased brightness; different polarization characteristics.
Higher photon energies can be produced if the insertion device field, and hence critical photon energy, is larger than that of the bending magnets. If the device has a single high field pole, then it is often termed a wavelength shifter. The first such device was tested in the 240 MeV TANTALUS ring [37]. Several superconducting wavelength shifters are now operating with peak fields of 5-6 T. If the device has several magnet poles, then the output flux and brightness are increased accordingly and the device is generally called a multipole wiggler. If the parameters are such that interference effects are important, then very high brightness can be produced with a line, rather than continuous, spectrum; in this case the device is usually termed
an undulator. In the standard case where the insertion device deflects the particle in the horizontal plane the radiation is linearly polarized. Different polarization characteristics can be produced with more complicated helical, elliptical or non-sinusoidal electron trajectories [38]. Some aspects related to the design of third generation radiation sources and the effects of insertion devices on electron beam properties are considered in the Chapter on Quantum Excitation. Further details may be found in the Proceedings of a special CERN Accelerator School on Synchrotron Radiation Sources and Free Electron Lasers, Ref. [26]. 7. SYNCHROTRON RADIATION FROM PROTONS
7 . 1 High energy proton rings The equations governing the emission of Synchrotron Radiation are the same for both protons and electrons, however the total power radiated is inversely proportional to the 4th power of the rest mass, while the critical frequency of the spectrum varies as the inverse of the mass to the 3rd power. Thus, for the same energy and magnetic field electrons radiate 1013 more power and with a critical frequency 6 109 times higher. Until recently the emission of SR in proton rings has not been of major concern, however, with the advent of the LHC and SSC this situation has changed. Table 2 lists the relevant parameters for some existing and future high energy proton machines. Table 2 Main parameters for various high energy proton accelerators Ring HERA Tevatron LHC SSC E [TeV] 0.8 1.0 7.7 20.0
It can be seen that there are significant differences in the properties of the SR between the present and future generation of high energy proton machines. The consequences are particularly significant in the case of LHC and SSC since both rings employ superconducting magnets with a cold-bore vacuum tube [39, 40]. The SR power, although modest by electron ring standards, must be absorbed at cryogenic temperatures and represents a significant fraction of the heat input to the cryogenic system. To overcome this problem screens will be employed at a higher temperature than the vacuum pipe, on which the SR power will be absorbed more efficiently. A second problem is the effect on the vacuum pressure. The critical energy of the radiation in the LHC and SSC is sufficiently high to cause photo-desorption of gas molecules. These molecules will then be physisorbed by the screen which acts as a powerful cryopump. After a time a monolayer of adsorbed material can build up, whereupon the thermal vapour pressure of H2 will increase rapidly leading to a catastrophic pressure rise. Solutions to this problem, involving slots in the shield to pump the desorped gas molecules onto the colder vacuum tube surface, away from the impinging synchrotron radiation, are presently receiving detailed attention [41]. 7 . 2 Modified synchrotron radiation properties Although the spectrum of radiation emitted by a proton is in general described by the same equations as for an electron, an important difference can arise under certain conditions. In the derivation of section 3 it was assumed implicitly that the magnetic field was constant over the arc length seen by the observer (Fig. 2) i.e. over a distance Lo given by:
Lo ~ _
mc = eB
With a field of 1 T for example this corresponds to a length of 1.7 mm for electrons and 3.1 m for protons. Thus in general magnet lengths exceed the required value for the previous calculation to be valid. It has been shown however that an effect can be produced on the spectrum if at the edge of the magnet the field rises from zero to B, or falls from B to zero, in a distance L that is smaller than Lo [42]. In the case of electrons this condition is not normally met, but in the case of protons a typical magnet edge (L ~ 0.1 m) is usually much smaller than the distance Lo. Since the effect is to shorten the emitted radiation pulse the resulting spectrum extends to higher critical frequency than that corresponding to the central magnet field, c, and is given approximately by:
' c ~ _
Lo c L
This "edge-effect" was observed for the first time on the SPS [43]. At 270 GeV and with a 1.2 T dipole field the standard critical wavelength of 16 m lies in the infra-red region of the spectrum. The magnet edge, L ~ 0.1 cm, was much shorter than the value of Lo = 2.5 m, and so the radiation emitted by the edge of the magnet had a critical wavelength of about 0.6 m, in the visible range. Later a special undulator magnet, which can be considered to be a series of short magnets with length smaller than Lo, was installed to produce visible radiation from both protons and anti-protons [44]. More recently a visible light beam monitor was also tested in the Tevatron using the edge-effect [45]. Critical frequencies in the LHC and SSC are already sufficiently high that visible radiation will be produced even without the edge-effect. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT C.J. Bocchetta is thanked for many helpful suggestions and useful comments during the preparation of this and the following two chapters. * * * REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] A. Linard, L'clairage lectrique 16 (1898) 5. G.A. Schott, Electromagnetic Radiation, Cambridge University Press, 1912. D. Iwanenko and I. Pomeranchuk, Phys. Rev. 65 (1944) 343. J.P. Blewett, Phys. Rev. 69 (1946) 87. J. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. 70 (1946) 798. F.R. Elder et. al., Phys. Rev. 71 (1947) 829. H.C. Pollock, Am. J. Phys. 51 (1983) 278. J.P. Blewett, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A266 (1988) 1. F.R. Elder, R.V. Langmuir and H.C. Pollock, Phys. Rev. 74 (1948) 52.
[10] J. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. 75 (1949) 1912. [11] D.A. Corson, Phys. Rev. 90 (1953) 748.
[12] D.H. Tomboulian and P.L. Hartman, Phys. Rev. 102 (1956) 1423. [13] Iu.M. Ado and P.A. Cherenkov, Soviet Physics Doklady 1 (1956) 517. [14] N.H. Frank, Phys. Rev. 70 (1946) 177. [15] D. Bohm and L. Foldy, Phys. Rev. 70 (1946) 249. [16] J. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. 70 (1946) 798. [17] A.A. Sokolov and J.M. Ternov, J. Exp. Theor. Phys. USSR 25 (1953) 698. A.A. Sokolov and J.M. Ternov, Soviet Physics JETP 1 (1955) 227. [18] M. Sands, Phys. Rev. 97 (1955) 470. [19] A.A. Kolomenski and A.N. Lebedev, CERN Symposium (1956) p. 47. [20] I.G. Henry, Phys. Rev. 106 (1957) 1057. [21] F.A. Korolev at. al., Soviet Physics Doklady 6 (1960) 1011; Nuovo Cimento 18 (1960) 1033. [22] J.D. Jackson, Classical Electrodymanics, Wiley, New York (1962). [23] H. Bruck, Acclrateurs Circulaires de Particules, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris (1966). [24] A.A. Sokolov and I.M. Ternov, Synchrotron Radiation, Akadamie-Verlag, Berlin (1968). [25] G.K. Green, Spectra and Optics of Synchrotron Radiation, Brookhaven National Laboratory, BNL 50522, April 1976. [26] A. Hofmann, Proc. CERN Accelerator School, Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers, CERN 90-03, p. 115. [27] K.J. Kim, Characteristics of Synchrotron Radiation, AIP Conference Proceedings, 184 vol. 1, AIP, New York (1989) p. 565. [28] LEP Design Report Vol. II, CERN-LEP/84-01 (1984). [29] O. Grobner, Proc. CERN Accelerator School, General Accelerator Physics, CERN 8519, p. 489. [30] The PETRA Storage Ring group, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. High Energy Accelerators, CERN, July 1980, Birkhaser Verlag (1980) p. 16. [31] T. Momose et. al., Proc. 1st European Particle Accelerator Conference, Rome, June 1988, World Scientific (1989) p. 1284. [32] HERA-Proposal, DESY HERA 81-10, July 1981. [33] A. Hofmann and F. Meot, Nucl. Instr. Meth. 203 (1982) 483. [34] V.P. Suller, Proc. CERN Accelerator School, Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers, CERN 90-03, p. 74.
[35] V.P. Suller, Proc. 3rd European Particle Accelerator Conference, Berlin, March 1992, Editions Frontieres (1992) p. 77. [36] F. Ciocci, Proc. 3rd European Particle Accelerator Conference, Berlin, March 1992, Editions Frontieres (1992) p. 86. [37] W.S. Trzeciak, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-18 (1971) 213. [38] P. Elleaume, Proc. 1991 US Particle Accelerator Conference, IEEE 91CH3038-7, p. 1083. [39] W. Chou, Proc. 1991 US Particle Accelerator Conference, IEEE 91CH3038-7, p. 126. [40] J. Gomez-Goni et. al., Proc. 3rd European Particle Accelerator Conference, Berlin, March 1992, Editions Frontieres (1992) p. 1576. [41] A.G. Mathewson, these Proceedings. [42] R. Coisson, Opt. Comm. 22 (1977) 135. [43] R. Bossart et. al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. 164 (1979) 375. [44] J. Bosser et. al., J. Physique Lett. 45 (1984) L343. [45] A.A. Hahn and P. Hurh, Proc. 1991 U.S. Particle Accelerator Conference, IEEE 91CH3038-7, p. 1177.
APPENDIX PRACTICAL SYNCHROTRON RADIATION FORMULAE We first consider the most common case of electrons. Equation (32) gives the energy radiated per unit solid angle per unit frequency interval during the passage of a single particle. In the case of a beam of particles the total energy per second, i.e. the radiated power (in Watts) is proportional to the number of particles that pass the observer per second: d2P d 2 W Ib = d d d d e where Ib is the average beam current in Amps. The frequency interval can be expressed in any desired unit e.g. Hz, ngstrom, wavenumbers etc. We use here the photon energy (), expressed in eV, which in practical units becomes (in Watts/mrad2/eV): d2P = 2.124 10-3 E 2 [GeV] Ib [A] 1 + 2 2 d d c
2 2 2 2 K + ( ) 2/3 2 2 K1/3 ( ) 1+
[ ]
2 2 2 2 K + ( ) 2/3 2 2 K1/3 ( ) 1+
and on-axis, ( = 0): d2F = 1.325 1013 E 2 [GeV] Ib [A] H2 ( / c ) d d / Integrating over the vertical angle, the spectral distribution per unit horizontal angle becomes (in Watts/mrad/eV):
d2P = 6.347 10-3 E [GeV] Ib [A] S ( / c ) d d and expressed in terms of photon flux (photons/s/0.1% bandwidth/mrad horizontal): d2F = 3.96 1013 E [GeV] Ib [A] S ( / c ) d d / The angular distribution of total power, Eq. (41), becomes (Watts/mrad2): dP 1 = 5.42 E 4 [GeV] B [T] Ib [ A ] d 1 + 2 2 5 2 2 1 + 7 1 + 2 2
On-axis therefore the peak power density is given by: dP 4 d = 5.42 E [GeV] B [T] Ib [A] Integrating over vertical angle gives the linear power density: dP = 4.22 E3 [GeV] B [T] Ib [A] d W/mrad horizontal W/mrad2
The formulae above are valid for electrons. In the case of protons the results must be scaled by an appropriate factor n where is the ratio of electron to proton mass i.e. = 1/1823. Thus, c scales as 3 , c as 1/ 3, d2P/dd and d2F/d(d/) as 2 , d2P/dd and d2F/d(d/) as , dP/d as 5, dP/d as 4.
R.P. Walker Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy Abstract The basic formulae for the damping of the energy and betatron oscillations are derived. The results are applied to a number of examples of different lattice designs in which radiation damping effects are important. Methods of modifying and measuring the damping rates are also discussed. 1. INTRODUCTION
The loss of energy due to the emission of synchrotron radiation, and its replacement by the r.f. cavities, can give rise to a damping of the oscillations in energy and transverse displacement (synchrotron and betatron oscillations), a process known as "radiation damping". The only feature of the synchrotron radiation emission that is involved in this process is the rate of emission of energy, given in the previous Chapter on Synchrotron Radiation: P= 2 e2c 4 4 3 4 0 2 (1)
From this can be obtained the total energy loss per turn, U o, which in the case of an isomagnetic lattice (uniform bending radius in the bending magnets) is given by: U0 = e2 3 4 3 0 (2)
Because of the dependence on the fourth power of the rest mass the synchrotron radiation emission, and hence radiation damping effects, are only relevant for electrons at the energies of present-day accelerators. However, in the next generation of high energy proton accelerators the effects of radiation damping may start to become significant. The process of radiation damping is important in many areas of electron accelerator operation: i) it can give rise to a stable (Gaussian) distribution of transverse and longitudinal beam dimensions due to an equilibrium between the competing forces of radiation damping and "quantum excitation" the growth of oscillation amplitudes due to the discrete emission of radiation quanta; it permits an efficient multi-cycle injection scheme to be employed in storage rings, by allowing the beam dimensions to damp in size between injection pulses; it allows large beam dimensions, produced in a linac for example, to be reduced in specially designed "damping rings"; it helps to counteract beam growth due to various processes such as intra-beam scattering and collective instabilities.
In this chapter the basic formulae for the damping of the energy and betatron oscillations are derived, following closely the treatment in earlier texts [13]. The main results are illustrated by a number of examples of different lattice designs in which radiation damping effects are important. Methods of modifying the damping rates in a given ring are then discussed and finally techniques for the measurement of the damping rates are considered. The
following Chapter deals with the related quantum excitation process and the derivation of the equilibrium beam dimensions. 2. ENERGY OSCILLATIONS
Figure 1 shows the accelerating voltage, and hence the energy gain, in an r.f. cavity as a function of the time of arrival of an electron. The particle which arrives on every turn at the correct time (and hence phase with respect to the r.f. voltage) in order to make up the loss due to synchrotron radiation (U0) is called the synchronous particle, and its energy is the nominal energy of the design orbit, E0 An electron with a higher energy will in general travel on a longer path and therefore arrive later at the cavity. It can be seen from Fig. 1 that such a particle will receive less energy at the cavity, which therefore compensates for the energy deviation. Similarly, a lower energy particle travels on a shorter path, arrives earlier at the cavity and therefore has a higher energy gain. This describes the usual stable oscillations in energy and time that occur about the synchronous point, which are analysed in more detail in Ref. [4]. If in addition the energy loss due to synchrotron radiation increases with the energy of the particle, then it can be seen that this will provide a damping of the oscillations.
eV Accelerating voltage Synchronous Particle, E o Time of arrival at cavity t
Fig. 1 Variation of accelerating voltage in an r.f. cavity as a function of electron arrival time We now consider this damping process in more detail. The standard terminology will be used which refers to the time displacement of an electron with respect to the synchronous particle, or equivalently to the centre of the bunch, as shown in Fig. 2. In this description an electron which is ahead of the synchronous electron by a distance s has a positive time displacement = s/c. An electron with a positive energy deviation = E-E0 has a larger orbit length (L) and hence orbit period (T) with respect to the synchronous particle (denoted by the subscript o) given by: x,z Synchronous particle
Fig. 2 Location of the synchronous particle and an electron with a positive time displacement in an electron bunch
T L T0 = L0 = E0
where is the momentum compaction factor, neglecting the relativistic factor which is negligible for electrons [4]. We assume that changes in energy and time displacement occur slowly with respect to the orbit period, which permits use of a differential notation: d = dt E0 (2)
Considering the energy equation, in one turn an electron loses an energy U() and gains from the r.f. cavity eV(); the net change is therefore:
E = eV() - U()
and so on average: eV() - U() d = dt T0 Taking the derivative of the above then gives: d 2 e dV ( ) d 1 dU ( ) d 2 = T0 d dt T0 d dt dt Inserting Eq. (2) gives: d 2 1 dU() d e dV() + + T0 d dt T0 E0 d = 0 dt2 (3) For small oscillations it can be assumed that the accelerating voltage varies linearly with respect to the arrival time around that of synchronous particle: eV() = U0 + eV 0 where V 0 is the slope of the accelerating voltage dV()/d at = 0. Using this expression Eq. (3) can be written as follows: d d 2 + 2 dt + 2 = 0 2 dt where: 1 dU = 2 T (4) 0 d
e . 2 = T V 0 E 0 0
This can be recognised as the usual equation of harmonic motion for the energy oscillations [4] with an additional damping term. Assuming that the damping rate is small with respect to the oscillation frequency , the solution can be written as follows:
- (t) = E A e-t sin (t - ) 0 where A and are constants determined by the initial conditions. It can be seen that as anticipated the damping rate depends on the change in energy loss with energy deviation (dU()/d).
No damping
With damping
Synchronous particle
Fig. 3 Illustration of energy oscillations with and without radiation damping Figure 3 illustrates the above solutions. In the absence of damping an electron executes a harmonic oscillation in energy and time with a fixed amplitude that is represented by an ellipse of a given size. With positive damping the particle spirals slowly towards the fixed point, namely the synchronous particle. dl x ds s reference orbit, Eo
Fig. 4 Elements of the reference orbit and a displaced trajectory We now consider how to calculate the damping rate () from the rate of change of energy loss with energy (dU/d). When the energy deviates from the nominal energy E0the energy loss changes because of several factors. Firstly, the energy loss is itself a function of energy and secondly because the orbit deviates from the reference orbit there may be a change in magnetic field and a change in the path length. Figure 4 shows a curved element of the design orbit in the horizontal plane for a particle of the nominal energy E0, where the radius of curvature is . Also shown is the trajectory of another particle with transverse displacement, x . In general the path length for the elements are related as follows: dl x(s) ds = 1 + For an off-energy particle the closed orbit is defined by: (5)
x(s) = D(s) E 0 where D(s) is the dispersion function. In this case therefore:
dl D = 1 + ds E0
The energy radiated per turn is defined as the integral of the radiated power (P) around the off-energy orbit: 1 U ( ) = Pdl c Using Eq. (7) for the path length this can be expressed as an integral over s: U ( ) = 1 D P 1 + ds c E0
We now expand P as a function of energy and transverse displacement, given the fact that P is proportional to E2 and B2(x), Eq. (1): P(s) = P0 + 2P0 2P0 dB + E0 B 0 dx x (8)
where P0(s) is the power radiated on the design orbit, corresponding to the field B 0. Inserting in the expression for U() together with Eq. (6) and keeping only linear terms in we obtain: U ( ) = 1 2 P0 dB P D + D + 0 P0 + ds E0 E0 c dx E0
For the damping rate we require the derivative: dU ( ) 1 2 P0 2 P0 k D P0 D = + ds E0 d c E0 E0 where the usual focusing parameter k for gradient fields has been introduced (k = [-dB/dx]/B0). Since the integral of P0/c around the design orbit is U0, we obtain: dU ( ) 2U0 1 = + P0 D(1 / 2 k )ds d E0 cE0 and hence the equation for the damping rate can be expressed in the following standard form: 1 dU 1 U = 2T = 2T E 0 (2+D) 0 d 0 0 where: D= 1 P0 D(1 / 2 k )ds cU0 (9)
Using the fact that P0 depends on 1/2, the important parameter D can be expressed in the following standard forms, involving only integrals over various lattice functions: D
It is clear that D is a dimensionless number, with contributions only from the ring bending magnets (1/ 0). One term involves both bending and focusing fields (k/ 0) which is present in "combined function" or "synchrotron magnets". For these magnets it is convenient to define a field index, n: dB n = - dx B = k2 0 which appears in the second expression above for D. From the expression for the damping rate, Eq. (4), we recall that dU/d must be positive for the oscillations to be damped and hence D > -2. In the most common case of a "separated function" lattice (as will be seen later) D is a small positive number, in which case dU/d is determined only by the E2 dependence of P. In this case we have the result that:
T0 E0 1 U 0
i.e. the damping time is approximately the time it would take for an electron to radiate away all its energy (at constant rate), a useful and easily remembered result. We conclude this section with a table giving various parameters connected with the energy oscillations for two widely different electron machines at CERN, the EPA [5] and LEP [6]. It can be seen that in both cases the damping time is much longer than the synchrotron oscillation and orbit periods, justifying the approximations used in the derivation above. Finally, we note that for protons even at the high energy expected at the SSC (20 TeV) the damping time is still extremely long, about 12 hours. Table 1 Energy oscillation parameters for two electron storage rings EPA [5] 0.6 8 0.42 0.27 64 LEP [6] 55 260 103 89 1 18
Energy, E0(GeV) Energy loss per turn, U0 (keV) Orbit period, T0(s) Synchrotron oscillation period (ms) Synchrotron oscillation damping time, (ms)
We consider now the damping of the betatron oscillations, starting with the more simple case of the vertical plane. 3 . 1 Vertical plane
It is convenient to use the following approximate form for the oscillations: -A z = A cos ((s) + 0) z' = sin((s) + 0) where A is the normalised amplitude of the oscillation: A2 = z2 + (z')2
vertical betatron
However, it is easy to show that the same result is obtained if the complete form for the amplitude is used: A2 = z2 + 2zz' + z'2 Emission of a photon: p
z p
pII , p
Fig. 5 Effect of energy loss and energy gain processes on the electron momentum We wish to consider the effect on the oscillation amplitude A of energy loss due to synchrotron radiation and energy gain in the r.f. cavities. These processes are illustrated in Fig. 5, occurring at an arbitrary point with respect to the phase of the betatron oscillation. It can be seen that since photons are emitted in the direction of the motion of the electron, there is a change in the value of the momentum, but no change in angle z' . On the other hand, in the r.f. cavity there is an increase in the longitudinal component of the momentum (p) which therefore reduces the angle. Since z' = p/p , after the cavity we have z' + z' = and hence:
p z'(1 - p ) p + p
z' = -z' E 0
Using Eq. (12) the change in oscillation amplitude is given by:
<A> 1 = -2 E A 0 Since the gain in energy over one turn is small compared to the electron energy we can average over one turn to obtain: -U0 A = A 2 E0 (13)
The motion is therefore exponentially damped (exp - zt) with a time constant z given as follows: U 1 dA z = - A dt = 2 E 0 T 0 0 which is one half of the approximate value for the energy oscillations derived in the previous section, Eq. (11). 3 . 2 Horizontal plane x
x x
s x Fig. 6 Effect of energy loss on the off-energy orbit and betatron motion in the horizontal plane The same process as above occurs in the horizontal plane also, but there is an additional effect due to the emission of synchrotron radiation at points where there is finite dispersion (which is usually zero in the vertical plane). As before, there is no change in x or x' due to the radiation emission (see Fig. 6), however the change in energy implies a change in the offenergy orbit (x = D(s) /E0) and hence an equal and opposite change in the betatron amplitude x, since x = x + x. We have therefore:
x = - x = - D E
2 A2 = x2 + x '
If the rate of energy loss were constant then averaging over the betatron phase would yield no net increase in amplitude, however, this is not the case and it is necessary to include the variation of energy loss with x. Since the energy loss in a small element is given by = -P/c l, where (Eq. (5)): x l = 1+ s and expressing P as a function of x, as in Eq. (8): P = P0 + gives the result: x P = - c0 1 - 2kx + s Combining with Eq. (14) and averaging over the betatron phase, given that <x> = 0, <x'> = 0, <xx'> = 0, and <x2> = A2/2 gives: P0 <A> = 2cE D ( 1 / - 2 k ) s A 0 Over one turn therefore: 2P0 dB B 0 dx x = P0 (1 - 2kx)
inappropriate. However, it can be seen from Fig. 5 that in fact the opposite is true if the canonically conjugate variables of position and momentum are used rather than the more usual position and angle , since the transverse momentum, p , is reduced when a photon is emitted but is unchanged in the r.f. cavity [7]. The choice of variables therefore determines the apparent location of the damping effect, however the final result is the same. 4 . DAMPING PARTITION AND THE ROBINSON THEOREM The results obtained in the previous two sections may be summarized as follows: Ji U 0 i = 2 E 0 T0 where i represents x, z or and Ji are the Damping Partition Numbers: Jx = 1-D Jz = 1 J = 2+D (16)
so called because the sum of the damping rates for the three planes is a constant: Jx + Jz + J = 4 (17)
a result known as the Robinson Theorem [8]. For damping in all planes simultaneously it is required that all Ji > 0 and hence that -2 < D < 1. We have obtained the above result for the total damping explicitly by analysing each oscillation mode independently, however it may be obtained in a more general and direct way using the following method [8]. The general transverse and longitudinal motion of a particle with respect to that of the synchronous particle on the design orbit may be described using 6x6 transfer matrices, relating particle coordinates at some initial position s1 to those at some later position s2 as follows: x x' z z' /E o
= M (s 2, s 1)
x x' z z' /E o
Since the elements of M are real then the eigenvalues of the one-turn matrix M(s + L,s ) can be written as three complex conjugate pairs exp (-'j i'j) with j = 1,2,3. Using the fact that the determinant of a matrix is the product of its eigenvalues [9] we have:
3 3 det M ( s + L, s) = exp 2 'j 1 2 'j j =1 j =1
since 'j <<1. The amplitudes of the three oscillation modes vary as exp (-jt) where j = 'j/T0 i.e. j are the damping rates. Considering a general infinitesimal element of orbit between s and s+ds, the matrix can be written: M (s+ds,s) = I + M where I is the identity matrix. Since all elements of M are small, it can be shown that:
det M (s+ds,s) 1 + Tr (M) where Tr represents the trace of the matrix. In the absence of energy loss and gain the determinant of M is equal to unity. The only diagonal terms in M therefore are those calculated earlier representing changes in x' and z' due to gain of energy 1:
= - 2 E 2 0
since the rate of emission is proportional to E2. We have therefore:
1 2 det M (s+ds,s) = 1 - 2 E - 2 E 0 0
For the one-turn matrix, since the determinant of a product of matrices is the product of the determinants and since the total energy gain and the total energy loss are equal to U 0, we have that: 4 U0 det M(s+L,s) = 1 E0 irrespective of the location of the energy loss and gain. Combining with Eq. (18) gives the final result:
1 = E
j =1
2 U0 0 T0
which is identical to the one obtained earlier, Eqs. (16) and (17). The present derivation however shows that the result is independent of the nature of the magnetic and electric field distributions acting on an electron, provided that they are determined a priori, i.e no beam induced fields are included. It is valid therefore even in the case of linear coupling between the horizontal and vertical planes, and when there is bending in the vertical plane. In the absence of these factors the matrices for the (z,z') and (x,x', /E 0 , ) motion and may be treated separately, giving the result: 3U x + = 2 E 0 0 T0 or equivalently, Jx + J = 3. 5. RADIATION DAMPING ASPECTS IN VARIOUS LATTICE DESIGNS
5 . 1 Weak focusing lattices Early accelerators employed "weak focusing" magnets that provided focusing in both planes simultaneosly for which the field index must lie in the range 0 < n < 1 [10]. There is a
further constraint on the field index in order that the motion is damped in all three planes. To derive this we first write the expression for D in a form that is valid in the case of an isomagnetic lattice: D= D 1 (1 2 n) ds 2 p (19)
We leave inside the integral to indicate that it includes only the bending magnets and not any straight sections. We can simplify this by making use of the expression that defines the dispersion function: 1 1 D" = k - D + 2 from which it follows by integration that:
(1 /
k Dds = (1 / )ds
If the focusing is due entirely to combined function magnets, with field index n = k 2 , then the above may be written in the isomagnetic case as follows:
(1 n)
= 2
If we now include the fact that the field index is also constant in the bending magnets, then combining Eqs. (19) and (20) gives: 1-2n D = 1-n It follows that the damping partition numbers are then given by: n Jx = 1-n Jz = 1 3-4n J = 1-n
and so for damping in all three planes 0 < n < 0.75. The fact that energy oscillations become undamped for n > 0.75 was appreciated even before the first observation of synchrotron radiation [11-13]. A present day example of this type of lattice is the NBS 250 MeV storage ring which is used as a synchrotron radiation facility (SURF). Originally however the ring was operated as a 180 MeV synchrotron with a field index of 0.8; when it was converted for use as a storage ring extra gradient coils were added to lower the field index to 0.6 in order to obtain the necessary damping of all oscillation modes [14]. A more recent example is the compact superconducting synchrotron radiation source AURORA whose field index varies in the range 0.30.7 as the energy is varied between 150 and 650 MeV [15]. 5.2 Strong focusing, combined function
Several early types of alternating gradient or "strong focusing", synchrotrons were constructed using magnets with combined bending and focusing fields, for example the CEA and DESY I electron synchrotrons, as well as the PS proton synchrotron. If there are no separate focusing fields (k 0 only if 1/ 0) then combining Eqs. (19) and (20) above, gives in the isomagnetic case:
D =2
( D / )ds = 2
L 2
where is the momentum compaction factor. Since is usually small it may be seen that D ~ 2 and hence Jx ~ -1, Jz = 1 and J ~ 4. In the case of a combined function lattice therefore the betatron motion is anti-damped in the horizontal plane [1618]. Electron synchrotrons can however be built with a combined function lattice, provided the growth that occurs in the horizontal beam size is acceptable. In order to overcome the anti-damping of the combined function lattice various correction methods have been proposed [8,16,17,19,20], some of which are discussed in Section 6. 5.3 Strong focusing, separated function
It has been shown that radial damping can be achieved in a combined function lattice by using focusing and defocusing magnets of slightly different strength [8, 21]. The most common lattice arrangement however which produces damping in all three planes, is the socalled separated function lattice i.e. one in which the functions of bending and focusing are divided in separate dipole and quadrupole magnets [22,23]. One possibility may be seen directly from Eq. (10). It is clear that with a value of n = 0.5 in the bending magnets D = 0, and hence Jx = Jz = 1, J = 2, irrespective of additional quadrupole magnets which may be arranged to produce an alternating gradient structure. Such an approach was taken in the design of both the ACO and ADONE storage rings. In the case of zero field gradient in the dipole magnets, it may be seen from Eq. (10) that in the isomagnetic case we have: D=
( D / )ds = 2
L 2
The value of D in this case results only from the path length effect in the dipole magnets, which is usually very small. In all of the above analysis we have assumed that the bending magnets have a sector geometry, however, only small modifications usually result in the case of non-zero entrance and exit angles. In the special case of a lattice with parallel edged dipole magnets it may be shown that the effective field gradient at the entrance and exit of the magnet cancels the path length effect exactly, resulting in D = 0. In separated function lattices therefore Jx ~ 1, Jz = 1 and J ~ 2, and so the motion is damped in all three planes. This type of lattice is now generally used not only for storage rings, but also for synchrotrons since this also leads to smaller beam sizes. The difference between the two lattice types may be illustrated by the performance of the original DESY I synchrotron (combined function) and the later DESY II (separated function) [24], shown in Fig. 7. In DESY I the increase in horizontal beam size after an initial period of adiabatic damping is due to fact that the horizontal motion is anti-damped. A high repetition rate of 50 Hz was necessary in this case in order to limit the growth of the beam size. On the other hand, in DESY II the beam size approaches the equilibrium value even for widely different injected beam sizes and a much slower repetition rate could be used (12.5 Hz). 5 . 4 Damping time and injection energy A common type of injection scheme for electron storage rings is multi-cycle injection, in which the injected beam damps in size due to radiation damping in the interval between injections so preventing loss on the injection septum magnet. In this way a high current can be
accumulated without needing a very high performance injector. The maximum possible injection rate depends to some extent on the damping time for the plane in which the injection is performed, usually the horizontal. This is particularly important when a ring is being filled at a lower energy than its final operating value since the damping time varies rapidly with energy, ~ 1/E3.
Fig. 7 Variation of horizontal beam size with time during the acceleration cycle in the DESY I (left) and DESY II (right) synchrotrons [24] The importance of injection energy is illustrated by the unique system of beam storage that was employed at the CEA when it was operated as an electron storage ring with a low injection energy of 260 MeV [25]. In order to increase the current that could be accumulated the energy was cycled repeatedly between injection energy and 2.1 GeV, so that sufficient radiation damping could occur at the higher energy between successive injections. The topic of injection energy is particularly relevant in the field of modern compact sources of synchrotron radiation [26]. Since the critical wavelength of the radiation at the operating energy varies as /E03, it follows that the same value can be obtained with a lower operating energy using superconducting magnets with a smaller bending radius than conventional magnets. This tends to reduce the overall circumference and so make the ring more compact. In addition, since the damping time at the injection energy varies as T0/Ei3 it follows that a lower injection energy may be used while maintaining the same damping time, which permits a more compact and cheaper injector to be used. Table 2 Damping times and injection rates in some electron storage rings with low energy multi-cycle injection Injection energy (MeV) Damping time (s) COSY [29] 50 2.5 MAX [27] 100 2.5 ALADDIN [30] 100 13.6
Injection rate
Many other factors, however, affect the injection process at low energy, such as trapped ions, intra-beam scattering, instabilities etc., as well as complex beam dynamics [26,27], and the connection between damping time and injection rate is not well established. Table 2 gives data for three storage rings with a low energy injection, showing that multi-cycle injection can be achieved with a period as short as 1/25th of a damping time. At even lower energies a multicycle injection becomes impossible, however, it may be possible to inject sufficient current in a single shot. For example, the 600 MeV Super-ALIS ring in Japan can be injected in this way at only 15 MeV, where the radiation damping time is very long indeed (~ 4 min) [28]. 6. MODIFICATION OF DAMPING RATES
In the following sections we consider various ways in which the damping rates can be modified in an existing lattice. 6 . 1 Gradient wiggler magnet x
-B/2 + dB dx
+B - dB dx
-B/2 + dB dx
Fig. 8 Schematic diagram of a gradient wiggler magnet. In order to modify the damping partition between the three planes a wiggler magnet with a gradient field may be used. This was first proposed by Robinson in 1958 as a means of overcoming the radial anti-damping of the CEA electron synchrotron, which has a combined function lattice [8,17]. For this reason it is often referred to as a "Robinson wiggler". The method is to reduce the damping of the energy oscillation, thereby increasing the damping of the radial motion, by using a magnet in which higher energy electrons radiate less than lower energy electrons i.e. dU/d is reduced. From Eq.(10) it can be seen that D reduces if 2kD/ > 0 i.e. DB(dB/dx) < 0. A series of magnet poles with alternating polarity of dipole and gradient fields as shown in Fig. 8 will therefore achieve this. Such magnets were installed at CEA in order to permit operation as a storage ring [25,31] and also in the PS to permit operation with electrons [5]. The magnets used in the latter case are shown in Fig. 9. Gradient wigglers have also been proposed as a means of decreasing the beam emittance in various synchrotron radiation sources, as will be discussed in the following Chapter. 6.2 Variation of r.f. frequency
Another technique that can be employed in large rings for modifying the damping partition numbers is variation of the r.f. frequency [20]. The effect of a change in frequency (f) is to cause the orbit length (L) to vary, so forcing the electrons to move onto an off-energy orbit:
f L f = - L = - E0
Fig. 9 Cross-section of the gradient wiggler magnet used in the PS [5] where is the momentum compaction factor. The shift in the orbit where there is finite dispersion, x = D(s) /E0, has various effects, the largest of which results from the dipole field seen by the particle in the quadrupole magnets, (1/)quads = -kD/E0 [32]. It follows from Eq. (10) that there is a change in D given by:
2 D k / E0 ds D 2 1 / ds
2 2
Table 3 shows the magnitude of the effect for three rings of different size, expressed as the change in the horizontal damping partition number with energy deviation and with mean orbit radius (R = L/2). It can be seen that in order to change Jx by unity the mean orbit position needs to be shifted by only 0.5 mm in LEP, with a corresponding energy deviation of only 0.13%, whereas in the EPA this change would require a movement of 30 mm, with an energy deviation of 5.6%. The method is effective therefore only in large rings; for example it was used regularly in PETRA [33] for luminosity optimization. Table 3 Variation of horizontal damping partition number in various electron storage rings
The techniques discussed in the above two sections both involve changing the damping partition between the horizontal betatron motion and the energy oscillations. Another possibility is to vary the partition between the horizontal and vertical planes by means of skew-quadrupole or solenoidal fields, without affecting the energy oscillations. This was one of the additional techniques originally proposed as a means of overcoming the radial anti-damping in combined function lattices [8,20]. 6 . 4 Dipole wiggler magnet It follows from Eq. (16) that an increase in the energy loss per turn U0 will bring about an increase in all three damping rates. This can be achieved using a series of magnets with alternating polarity, arranged so that there is no net deflection of the electron beam as shown in Fig. 8, but in this case without the gradient field. Such a device is known as a dipole wiggler, or alternatively as a damping wiggler. A dipole wiggler also affects the equilibrium between the radiation damping and quantum excitation processes and so modifies the emittance in a complicated way, depending on the ring energy, wiggler parameters and the dispersion function, and will be discussed further in the following Chapter. Dipole wigglers are in operation in LEP and Fig. 10 shows the design of the magnets that are used [35].
Fig. 10 The dipole wiggler magnet design for LEP [35] 7. MEASUREMENT OF DAMPING RATES
In general, the damping rates are of less interest as compared with other parameters, such as for example beam sizes and bunch lengths, and for this reason there are few published reports about such measurements. Several measurements have however been made at the SLC damping rings, whose performance depends very much on the damping rate. In one experiment the sum of the three damping rates was inferred indirectly by measuring the energy loss per turn U0 (Eq. (16)) [36]. This was done by using the relation U0 = Vrf sin (), by measuring the peak accelerating voltage (Vrf) and the phase angle (), extrapolated to zero
current. The damping time was also obtained by measuring the variation of the extracted beam size as a function of storage time. More recently a synchrotron light monitor was used with a fast gated camera to directly measure the beam size as a function of time after injection. Figure 11 shows a typical result [37].
Fig. 11 Variation of the beam size in the SLC electron damping ring as a function of time after injection [37] By fitting the data with an expession of the form: 2t 2t 2 = i2 exp - + o2 1 - exp - , where 0 is the r.m.s. equilibrium beam size and i is the inital value after injection, the damping times in both horizontal and vertical planes (x and z)were obtained. A similar method was used also in the EPA to measure the horizontal and vertical damping rates. In this case a stored beam was excited with a fast kicker magnet and the changing beam profile observed with a synchrotron radiation beam profile monitor [38]. Figure 12 shows a sample result, from which the damping time may be extracted using the expression above, with i equal to the inital value after the blow-up using the kicker magnet (assuming zero dispersion at the measurement point). For the longitudinal damping rate there is the possibility of making the same observations as above in the horizontal plane but at a point with large dispersion. This is because the total beam size contains contributions from the betatron motion and the energy spread, 2total = 2 + D2(2/E02) with different damping rates, x and respectively. Alternatively, some form of r.f. excitation could be applied and the resulting changes in the bunch length could be measured directly using an appropriate electron beam pick-up or synchrotron light monitor system.
Fig. 12 Variation of the transverse profile of the beam in EPA after excitation with a fast kicker magnet [38] REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] M. Sands, SLAC-121 (1970). S. Krinsky, M.L. Perlman and R.E. Watson, "Characteristics of Synchrotron Radiation and its Sources", Handbook on Synchrotron Radiation, Vol. Ia, North Holland, 1983. K. Hbner, Proc. CERN Accelerator School, General Accelerator Physics, CERN 8519, Nov. 1985, p. 239. J. Le Duff, These proceedings. LEP Design Report, Vol.1, The LEP Injector Chain, CERN-LEP/TH/83-29, June 1983. LEP Design Report, Vol.2, The LEP Main Ring, CERN-LEP/84-01, June 1984. J.M. Jowett, AIP Conference Proceedings 153, Vol.1, Physics of Particle Accelerators, American Inst. Phys. (1987) p. 864. K.W. Robinson, Phys. Rev. 111 (1958) 373. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, E. Kreyszig, John Wiley (1988).
[10] K. Steffen, Ref. 3, p. 25. [11] N.H. Frank, Phys. Rev. 70 (1946) 177. [12] D. Bohm and L. Foldy, Phys. Rev. 70 (1946) 249. [13] J. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. 70 (1946) 798. [14] G. Rakowsky and L.R. Hughey, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-26 (1979) 3845. [15] H. Yamada, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B8, (1990) 1628. [16] A.A. Kolomenski and A.N. Lebedev, CERN Symposium (1956) p. 447. [17] M.S. Livingston, CERN Symposium (1956) p. 439.
[18] I.G. Henry, Phys. Rev. 106 (1957) 1057. [19] Yu.F. Orlov et. al., Proc. Int. Conf. High Energy Accelerators, CERN (1958) p. 306. [20] H.G. Hereward, Proc. Int. Conf. High Energy Accelerators, Brookhaven (1961) p. 222. [21] A. Hofmann and B. Zotter, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-24 (1977) 1875. [22] L. Mango, Frascati National Laboratory, LNF-62/34, May 1962. [23] F.E. Mills, Nucl. Instr. Meth. 23 (1963) 197. [24] G. Hemmie, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-30 (1083) 2028. [25] H. Winick, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-20 (1973) 984. [26] E. Weihrehter, Proc. 3rd European Particle Accelerator Conference, Berlin, March 1992, Editions Frontieres (1992), p. 93. [27] M. Eriksson, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A291 (1990) 461. [28] T. Hosokawa et. al., Rev. Sci. Instr. 60 (1989) 1783. [29] E. Weireter et. al., Proc. 2nd European Particle Accelerator Conference, Nice, June 1990, Editions Frontieres (1990), p. 237. [30] E.M. Rowe, Proc. 1987 US PArticle Accelerator Conference, IEEE CH2387-9/87/00000391, (1987) p. 391. [31] A. Hofmann et. al., Proc. 6th Int. Conf. High Energy Accelerators, Cambridge, 1967, p. 123. [32] J.P. Delahaye and J. Jger, SLAC-PUB-3585, February 1985. [33] A Piwinski, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, NS-30 (1983) 2378. [34] M. Donald et al, SSRL-ACD-Note 42, December 1986. [35] J.M. Jowett and T.M. Taylor, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-30 (1983) 2581. [36] L. Rivkin et al, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-32 (1985) 2626. [37] F.J. Decker et. al., Proc. 3rd European Particle Accelerator Conference, Berlin, March 1992, Editions Frontires, p. 342. [38] J.F. Bottollier and J.P. Delahaye, CERN PS/LPI Note 87-11, March 1987.
R.P. Walker Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy Abstract Effects arising from the discrete, or quantized, nature of the emission of synchrotron radiation are considered. Combined with the results of the previous Chapter on radiation damping, the equilibrium beam distributions and loss of particles due to finite acceptance (quantum lifetime) are derived. The changes in the equilibrium values that are introduced by insertion devices are also considered. 1. INTRODUCTION
In the previous Chapter it was shown that the loss of energy due to the emission of synchrotron radiation (SR) and its replacement in the r.f. cavities can give rise to a damping of the betatron and synchrotron oscillations. When this process was first understood it led to speculation that the bunch size would eventually become so compressed that emission of coherent radiation would set a severe limit on the maximum beam intensity [13]. However it was later realized, firstly in connection with the energy oscillations [4,5] and later also for the betatron oscillations [6,7], that the emission of SR gives rise to another effect quantum excitation that causes a growth in the oscillation amplitudes, and that the combination of the two effects can give result in a stable equilibrium. How can the emission of SR give rise to both a damping and excitation ? As shown in the previous Chapter, radiation damping is related to the continuous loss and replacement of energy. However, energy is lost in discrete units or "quanta", i.e. photons, whose energy and time of emission vary randomly. This randomness introduces a type of noise or diffusion, causing growth of the oscillation amplitudes. The damping effect is linearly proportional to the energy loss or gain, , and so the total effect depends on the sum of such events, ()i, and therefore on the total energy loss per turn Uo, independent of how the photons are distributed in energy. However, as will be seen later, the quantum effect depends on ()2 and so the total effect is no longer simply related to the total energy loss per turn ()i2 Uo2 but depends on the numbers of photons with different photon energies i.e. the photon distribution function. A further distinguishing feature of expressions that describe the quantum excitation is that they all contain Planck's constant, h, whereas in the expressions for the radiation damping this factor is absent. In this Chapter we consider the equilibrium distribution of the particles that results from the combined effect of quantum excitation and radiation damping, and derive expressions for the emittance, energy spread and bunch length. An estimate is also made of the rate of loss of particles resulting from the finite acceptance for the betatron and synchrotron oscillations, known as the quantum lifetime. A basic approach has been taken, following closely that of Sands [8]; more sophisticated treatments may be found in Refs. [9,10]. An introduction is also made to the topics of low emittance lattices and the effect on the equilibrium beam properties caused by insertion devices. 2. ENERGY OSCILLATIONS
2 . 1 Mean-square energy deviation We recall the basic equations for the energy oscillations, with no damping:
(t) = A cos (t - )
- (t) = E A sin (t - )
(1) (2)
where is the momentum compaction factor and the synchrotron oscillation frequency. The invariate oscillation amplitude is thus given by: E 2 A2 = 2 (t ) + 0 2 (t ) . (3)
When a photon is emitted the energy deviation changes, ( - u), and so the change in A2 is therefore:
A2 = - 2 u + u2
The first term is linear in u and corresponds to the radiation damping, as can be seen as follows. If the energy loss (u) were independent of energy deviation () then over the synchrotron oscillation period this term would average to zero, i.e. no damping. However, by including the linear part of the variation of the energy loss with energy deviation, and averaging over one turn, we arrive at an equivalent expression for the damping as derived in the previous Chapter but in terms of A2 rather than A: dA 2 -A2 dU -2A2 = = dt T 0 dE where is the synchrotron oscillation damping time. We will consider now the second term in the above, which being always positive can be seen to give rise to a growth in A 2 . Since each emission is independent the average rate of increase is obtained by summing the effect of the n(u) du photons emitted in each energy interval du: dA2 = u 2 n(u) du = N u 2 (6) dt 0 where n(u) is the photon distribution function introduced in the Chapter on Synchrotron Radiation. Both N and <u2> vary around the orbit, however since the effects that we are interested in occur slowly with respect to the orbit time we may average over many turns. Also, it can be shown that the betatron and synchrotron oscillations have only a small effect, and so we may simply take the average over the design orbit. Including the radiation damping term, we have therefore the following total rate of change of A2: dA2 - 2 A2 = + N u2 dt (7) (5)
An equilibrium is reached when dA2/dt = 0, in which case the mean value of A2 is given by: A2 =
N u2
It follows that the mean-square equilibrium value of the energy deviation is therefore:
A2 2
N u2
2 . 2 Distribution of the energy deviation The above calculation results in a value of the mean-square energy deviation, but tells us nothing about the distribution function of the energy deviation, which is also of interest. In the approximation used so far that the energy oscillations are linear with respect to energy deviation, we can write an expression for the energy deviation at a given time as a sum of all the previous photon emissions, including the damping term:
(t) =
Since the typical energy deviation far exceeds the typical photon energy, the sum therefore contains a large number of small terms. These terms are also statistically independent and equally positive or negative (due to the phase factor). Therefore, according to the Central Limit Theorem of probability theory [11], the resulting distribution of the energy deviation is Gaussian, independent of the probability distribution function for u. Furthermore, the variance of the distribution is equal to the sum of the variances of the individual terms:
u2 2
-2 (t - ti ) exp
N u2 2
N u2 -2 (t - ti ) dti = exp 4
in agreement with Eq. (9). Thus, we can relate the previous mean-square deviation to the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution for the energy deviation:
2 e = 2
= N u2
It is interesting to note that, as one might expect, the resulting value corresponds closely to the statistical uncertainty in the number of photon emissions that occur in one damping time, multiplied by the typical photon energy: N uc (14)
2 . 3 Equilibrium energy spread We use the following results from the previous Chapters:
2 uc
11 2 15 3 P uc N = 8 uc 27
and therefore:
N u2 where, P= Also, e 2 c 4 6 0 2
55 P uc 24 3 3 h c 3 2
uc =
Inserting in Eq. (13) results in:
2 E0 T0 2 E0 = J U0 J P
1 / 3 55 3 = hc 32 3 1 / 2
E0 J
55 h 2 = 32 3 mc J
1 / 3 1 / 2
which simplifies in the isomagnetic case to: E0 where the constant Cq is defined by: Cq = 55 h = 3.84 10-13 m 32 3 mc (electrons) (22)
= Cq
2 J
Since in most existing rings the chosen bending radius increases roughly as energy [2], the resulting energy spread values are very similar, typically about 0.1% as can be seen from the examples given in the table below. Table 1 Energy spread in various electron storage rings. Ring EPA ESRF PEP LEP E (GeV) 0.6 6.0 18.0 55.0
2 . 4 Equilibrium bunch length A Gaussian distribution in energy results in a similar distribution in the time deviation , and hence a Gaussian bunch shape in the longitudinal direction with standard deviation given by:
= E 0
In the isomagnetic case therefore:
2 a 2 2 = Cq J
Inserting the expression for the synchrotron oscillation frequency,
2 =
we obtain:
eV 0 T0 E0
(mc2 )
3 T0 E0 J eV 0
/ U , for the Expressing the slope of the r.f. voltage in terms of the overvoltage, q = eV 0 case of a sinusoidal variation in voltage with peak value V : = q2 1 eV 0 gives the following:
2 =
1/ 2
U0 r . f .
E1 T0 2 J E0
q2 1
1/ 2
r. f .
where r.f. is the angular r.f. frequency, E1 is a constant = (55 3 / 64) hc / r0 = 1.042 108 eV, and r0 is the classical electron radius (2.818 10-15 m). The bunch length, c, thus depends on many parameters such as energy, r.f. frequency and voltage, and the momentum compaction factor, which depends on the lattice design. Typical bunch lengths lie in the range 15 cm, however there are wide variations as can be seen from the examples in the table below: Table 2 Natural bunch lengths in various electron storage rings Ring EPA SLC damping ring ESRF LEP E (GeV) 0.6 1.2 6.0 55.0 r.f. (MHz) 19.3 714 352 352 c (cm) 25 0.5 0.5 1.6
In a given ring the bunch length is most commonly adjusted by changing the r.f. voltage. If the overvoltage (q) is large, then Eq. (28) shows that the bunch length is inversely proportional to q . Another possibility is to change the r.f. frequency, by using a separate set of accelerating cavities. For example, using two r.f. systems (62.4 and 500 MHz) and r.f.
voltage adjustment the bunch length in the BESSY storage ring was varied over a wIDe range between 0.7 and 8 cm [12]. A further technique that has been used in some cases is an additional r.f. cavity operating on a higher harmonic of the r.f. frequency in order to change the slope of the r.f. voltage, V0 in Eq. (26). It should be noted that the bunch length calculated above is usually only obtained in practice with very small beam currents. Most rings exhibit the phenomenum of "bunch lengthening" as a function of the beam current, due a collective interaction of the beam with its surroundings. 3. BETATRON OSCILLATIONS
3 . 1 Horizontal plane We recall from the previous Chapter that photon emission at a point with non-zero dispersion gives rise to a change in the off-energy orbit, and hence introduces a change in the betatron motion. For an individual photon of energy u therefore: u x = - D(s) E
u x' = - D'(s) E 0
The betatron oscillation invariant is given by: A2 = x2 + 2xx' + x'2 and hence the change due to the photon emission is therefore: (30)
A2 = ( D 2 + 2 DD' + D' 2 )
u2 E 02
Only terms in u2 have been included, since the linear terms correspond to the radiation damping, as was the case with the energy oscillations. Defining the important quantity, H:
and following the same procedure as for the energy oscillations, the average rate of increase of A2 is then given by: dA2 dt = N u2 H
2 E0
where as before the average is taken around the design orbit. Including the radiation damping term: dA 2 -2A2 = dt x results in an equilibrium with mean-square value given by: (34)
A2 2
= x 4
N u2 H
2 E0
This defines the important quantity known as the (horizontal) beam emittance, x , which by analogy with the earlier result for the energy oscillations is given as follows:
x =
A2 2
2 = Cq Jx
H / 3 1 / 2
The same argument about the cumulative affect of a large number of small deviations can be applied in this case also, leading to the conclusion that there is a Gaussian distribution in the conjugate variables x,x '. Figure 1 illustrates this distribution, which consists of a series of ellipses each with a constant value of A 2 . The ellipse with A 2 = x defines the "1 " contour and hence the r.m.s. beam size (x) and divergence ( x ') of the distributions projected on the x, x' axes respectively. x' x'
x' x P(x') x Fig. 1 Gaussian distribution of electron density in the (x,x') plane It follows from the properties of the ellipse defined in Eq. (30) that: (37)
P(x) x
Area =
x =
x' =
Thus, although the emittance is a constant for a given lattice and energy, the beam size and divergence vary around the design orbit. At a symmetry point in the lattice therefore, where = 0 and (s) = 1/(s), we have the simple interpretation that the emittance is the product of the beam size and divergence, = x x'. At a point in the lattice where there is finite dispersion the total horizontal beam size and divergence includes also a contribution from the energy spread. Since the betatron and synchrotron motions are uncorrelated the two widths add quadratically, and hence:
2 2 = x x (s) + D (s) E0
1/ 2
2 1/ 2
In a given ring both the emittance and energy spread vary with E2, and so the beam size and divergence vary linearly with energy. This is in sharp contrast to the situation for heavier particles for which radiation effects are negligible. In that case, the normalized phase-space area occupied by the beam is constant, in other words emittance is inversely proportional to energy. 3 . 2 Vertical plane In the usual case of no bending and hence no dispersion in the vertical plane, the previous calculation would predict no quantum excitation and hence zero emittance in the vertical plane. A small effect arises due to the fact that the photons are not emitted exactly in the direction of the electron motion, which was neglected in the previous Section. If a photon of energy u is emitted at angle z with respect to the median plane, the change in angle of the electron is given by: u z' = E z (39)
A2 =
u2 2 (s) E 02 z z
2 z
2 z
1/ 2 2
z =
which in the isomagnetic case is:
Cq 2
1 Jz
z / 3
1 / 2
z = Cq
z 2
bending magnets
where the average is taken over the bending magnets. Taking into account the value of Cq, Eq. (22), it can be seen that this value is very small indeed. In practice the vertical emittance is not given by the value above, but arises from other processes:
coupling of the horizontal and vertical betatron motion, arising from skew-quadrupole field errors. The latter can arise from angular positioning errors of the quadrupole magnets, and also from vertical closed orbit errors in sextupole magnets. vertical dispersion errors, arising from vertical bending fields produced by angular positioning errors of the dipoles, and vertical positioning errors of the quadrupoles.
The resulting vertical emittance thus depends only on errors, which can only be estimated statistically. It is common to describe the effect in terms of a coupling coefficient, , defined such that the sum of the horizontal and vertical emittances is constant:
x =
1 x0 1+
z =
x0 1+
The quantity x0, calculated with Eq. (36), is often called the "natural beam emittance". The vertical beam size and divergence are then calculated as follows:
z (s) =
z z (s)
z'(s) =
z z (s)
Typically, without correction, the coupling has a value of 110 %. In a given ring the coupling can be adjusted by means of an appropriate distribution of skew-quadrupole magnets, which excite a linear coupling resonance [13]. 4. SYNCHROTRON RADIATION INTEGRALS
The equations derived above and in the previous Chapter can be expressed in a general form that is valID also in the case of a non isomagnetic lattice, using the following Synchrotron Radiation Integrals [14]: 1 I2 = 2 ds D 1 (1 2 n) D I4 = 2 - 2k = 3 I3 = (46) I5 = 1 ds
It should be noted that a modulus sign has been included in some cases, in order that the correct values are obtained for elements with an opposite curvature to that of the main bending magnets e.g. in insertion devices. The beam parameters that can be calculated using the integrals are as follows: Energy loss per turn: U0 = Damping partition numbers: Jx = 1 Damping times: I4 I2 Jz = 1 I J = 2 + I 4
2 4 I2 6 0
x =
Energy spread:
1 I 3 r0 2 - I4
3 T0
z =
3 T0 1 r 0 3 I2
t =
3 T0 r0
1 2 I2 + I4
2 I3 C q 2 I3 = Cq 2 = 2I2+I4 J I2 E 0
Natural emittance: Cq 2 I5 I5 = I2 - I 4 Jx I2
x 0 = Cq
where Cq is defined in Eq. (22). It can be noticed in the above that I2 and I4 are related to the radiation damping, whereas I3 and I5 are related to the quantum excitation. At this point it is worth mentioning that the above equations are valID also for protons, with appropriate numerical values for r0 and Cq. In a given lattice therefore, the energy loss and damping times are reduced as the fourth power of the ratio of the masses of the particles (mp/me = 1823) and the energy spread and emittance as the third power. Thus, even in the case of the next generation of high energy proton machines such as LHC and SSC, the equilibrium values calculated from the above formulae are so small that in practice the beam dimensions will be limited by other processes such as intra-beam scattering. 5. QUANTUM LIFETIME
5 . 1 Betatron oscillations The distribution of beam intensity, both radially and vertically, is Gaussian and therefore in principle extends to infinity. However, the aperture defined by the vacuum chamber is finite and so there will be a constant loss of those electrons that approach the vacuum chamber walls. To calculate the effect we cannot simply use the probability distribution of the beam displacement (x) at a given point in the ring, since the particles at a given x but lying on different phase ellipses will arrive eventually at different maximum values (see Fig. 1). We need therefore the probability distribution for the maximum value reached at that point in the ring, xmax, or equivalently the invariant A2, since xmax2 = A2. h(W) a) h(W) b)
W0 A B C
W W Fig. 2 Distribution of oscillation energies with no aperture (a) and with an aperture (b) A 2 , which we shall call W , is a kind of "oscillation energy". probability distribution for W is as follows: h (W ) = 1 W - W exp W It can be shown that the (52)
Consider the number of electrons with oscillation energies increasing above or decreasing below a value W o which corresponds to the aperture limit, i.e. W o = xmax2/. Figure 2 illustrates the situation. With no aperture, and in the steady state, the number of electrons crossing Wo in each direction must be equal (A = B). If the aperture is sufficiently far from the centre of the beam distribution the number of electrons which increase in amplitude, and hence _ are lost on the aperture limit, will be very nearly the same as if there were no aperture i.e. A ~ C. Hence the loss rate (C) can be estimated by the rate at which particles cross the limit Wo due to radiation damping, in the steady state (B). The rate is therefore: dN dt W where: dN = N h( W ) = dW and: ) dW -2W0 = , since W = W exp (-2t / x ) dt x Hence: dN 2 = -N dt x The loss is therefore exponential: N = N0 exp -t / q ; where q is the "quantum lifetime" defined by: - W0 W0 exp W W (56) (55) -W N exp 0 W W (54) dN = dW dW dt W 0 (53)
dN -N = dt q
q =
We can write this in the standard form:
W x W exp 0 2 W0 W
q =
x exp ( ) 2
W0 xmax 2 = = W 2 x 2
The lifetime is determined by the minimum value of xmax/x, or equivalently xmax/, that occurs at some point around the ring (neglecting the effect of any closed orbit errors). This is known as the limiting acceptance, which because of the dependence on may not correspond to the smallest physical aperture. Because of the exponential factor the quantum lifetime increases rapidly with and hence xmax/x. To illustrate this fact, the table below gives values of the quantum lifetime for a range of values of xmax/x for a typical damping time of 10 ms. Table 3 Quantum lifetime as a function of limiting aperture. xmax/x 5 1.8 min 5.5 20.4 min 6.0 5.1 h 6.5 98.3 h 7.0 103 days
Hence, one arrives at the 'Golden Rule' for long lifetime: xmax/x 6.5 (61)
i.e. the beam aperture should be at least 13 times the r.m.s. beam size in order that the quantum lifetime does not play a significant part in determining the overall beam lifetime. Other processes will then dominate, such as scattering off res IDual gas molecules, Touschek scattering etc. [15]. 5 . 2 Energy oscillations There is also a quantum lifetime resulting from the finite r.f. acceptance for the energy oscillations. The synchrotron oscillations become non-linear at large energy deviations, but if we assume that the maximum possible energy deviation, max, is large compared to the r.m.s. energy deviation, the calculated loss rate should be approximately correct. We can estimate this loss rate in the same way as for the betatron oscillations. With the oscillation amplitude given by: E 2 W = A2 = 2 + 0 2 we obtain a similar result to Eq. (59): (62)
q =
2 max W0 = = 2 W 2
= E1
J E0 F(q ) h
2 F(q ) = 2 q -1
1/ 2
cos-1 (1 / q )
and h is the harmonic number of the r.f. system (r.f. frequency divided by orbit frequency). The overvoltage (q) required to ensure adequate quantum lifetime therefore is smallest in a lattice with small momentum compaction () and high harmonic number (h). As an example, the 2 GeV SRS storage ring in its first phase had a relatively large momentum compaction ( = 0.135) which gave rise to a high overvoltage requirement of 7.2, for 100 hours quantum lifetime. After changing the magnet lattice in order to reduce beam emittance this also resulted in smaller momentum compaction ( = 0.029) and hence a significantly smaller overvoltage requirement of 2.7, with a consequent reduction in r.f. power demands. It can be seen that similar terms appear in the expression above for as in the expression for the bunch length, Eq. (28). We can use this fact to make a rough estimate for the bunch length under the conditions that the quantum lifetime is large. Combining the relevant equations we obtain: 2 F(q) 1 (67) = 1/ 2 2 T r.f. ( 2 )2 q 1
where T r.f. is the r.f. period, i.e. the time interval between r.f. buckets. F(q)/(q2 - 1)1/2 by its limiting value for large overvoltage (=2) then gives: t T r.f.
1 2 2
Thus, with a value of = 21 for good lifetime (equivalent to a value of max/ = 6.5), we obtain the simple result that the total bunch length (for example, the full wIDth half maximum) is about 10% of the bunch separation. 6. LOW EMITTANCE LATTICES
Here we examine two applications of an electron storage ring in which a low emittance is a particular requirement. 6 . 1 Synchrotron radiation sources A small beam size and divergence, i.e. a small beam emittance, is a general requirement of synchrotron radiation sources, in order to increase the brightness of the emitted radiation. From the expressions derived earlier, e.g. Eq. (51), it can be seen that to obtain low emittance requires a lattice design which minimizes the average H function in the bending magnets. In particular a small dispersion is required, which is not achieved in the classic separated function lattice, the FODO. Various types of lattice have therefore been developed in order to achieve this [16,17]. The first was the Chasman-Green (CG) structure, which is based on an achromatic arc composed of a pair of bending magnets with a focusing quadrupole in between [18]. Such a design results in zero dispersion in the straight sections between achromats which are therefore suitable locations for insertion devices (see Section 7). The limited flexibility of this lattice has led to the extended CG or double-bend achromat (DBA) and triple-bend achromat (TBA). For each lattice type there is a minimum achievable emittance which is given by an expression of the form:
x 0 , min = f
Cq 2 Jx
3 b
where b is the bending angle, assumed equal for all magnets. The factor f varies depending on the lattice type from 0.05 in the case of a DBA lattice to 0.36 for a FODO lattice. It should be noted however that in all cases the emittance increases as the square of the energy and varies inversely with the third-power of the number of bending magnets. In the case of several of the third generation synchrotron radiation sources that are under construction, the typical natural emittance is 7 10-9 m rad even though the rings vary widely in energy from 1.5 to 8 GeV. This is achieved by adjusting the number of achromats (and hence b) between 10 and 44. It can be seen from the equations in Section 4 that some reduction in the emittance can be obtained by increasing Jx which can be achieved by adding a vertically focusing field gradient (k and n positive) in the dipole magnets [19]. Some new storage rings (e.g. ALS, Berkeley, and ELETTRA, Trieste) employ such a gradient field both for emittance reduction and for optimization of the lattice functions. In the latter case for example, the bending magnet has a field index of 13, giving Jx = 1.3. 6 . 2 Damping rings A damping ring serves as a temporary storage ring to reduce the emittance of an injected beam by means of radiation damping. It can be seen from Eqs. (33) and (34) that a combination of quantum excitation and radiation damping processes leads to a general equation for the emittance, of the form: 2 d = constant dt x The emittance () therefore varies in time as follows: 2t 2t (t) = i exp - + o 1 - e x p - (71) x x where o is the equilibrium emittance (t = ) and i is the injected beam emittance (t = 0). For a given storage time, the optimum ring energy is thus a compromise between the need for both small equilibrium emittance (low energy) and fast damping (high energy). Since from Eq. (49) the damping time is proportional to To/Eo3 it follows that a fast damping requires also a small orbit circumference and small bending radius (high field strength). An example is the 1.21 GeV SLC positron damping ring [20], which has a small circumference (35 m) and bending radius (2 m, corresponding to a 2 T magnetic field) resulting in a small damping time of 3.1 ms, sufficient to reduce the initial positron beam emittance by about a factor of 300 with a storage time of 11.1 ms. 7. CHANGES IN BEAM PROPERTIES DUE TO INSERTION DEVICES (70)
An insertion device (ID) is a magnetic device located in a straight section of a ring that produces a transverse field component that alternates in polarity along the beam direction. Such devices are used both as special sources of synchrotron radiation [see Chapter on Synchrotron Radiation] and as a means of controlling various beam parameters [21]. In general, IDs give rise to both additional radiation damping and quantum excitation, and so result in different equilibrium values of damping times, emittance and energy spread etc. which depend on the ID parameters and on the lattice functions at the ID location.
The Robinson, or gradient, wiggler introduced in the previous Chapter was the first type of insertion device, and was developed as a means of overcoming the radial anti-damping of combined function lattices. Such a device can also be used in separated function lattices that are already damped in all 3 planes as a means of reducing beam emittance. The dominating effect is the change introduced in the I4 integral, which affects the damping partition numbers. It can be seen directly from Eq. (51) that an increase in Jx from its usual value of 1 to 2 can reduce the emittance by a factor of 2, while still allowing damping of all oscillation modes. The more common type of insertion device is the dipole or damping wiggler, which in general contributes to all of the Synchrotron radiation integrals. It can be seen from the equations in Section 4 that I2 always increases and hence the damping times all reduce, as described in the previous Chapter. The effects on energy spread and emittance are however more complicated. It follows from Eq. (50) that the ratio of the modified to the original (no ID) equilibrium values can in general be written as follows: ' ID / I3 1 + I3 = ID ID I + 2 I2 + I4 / ( 2 I2 + I 4 )
1/ 2
where the contributions of the insertion device to the integrals are labelled ID. In the common case of a sinusoidal field variation these contributions can be written as follows:
ID I2 =
L 2 2 ID
ID I3 =
4 L 3 3 ID
ID I4 = -
2 1 o 4 L 32 2 ID
where L is the length of the ID, o the period length and is the bending radius corresponding to the peak field of the ID. The I4ID term arises from the dispersion generated by the device itself, the so called self-dispersion. In most cases however it is negligible compared to the larger I2ID term. Simplifying for the isomagnetic lattice case, and also neglecting the I4 term, i.e. assuming Jx = 1, results finally in the following: 1 + = 1 + L 4 3 2 ID 1 L 2 2 ID
'e e
1/ 2
It can be seen from the above that if the peak field in the ID is less than that of the bending magnets (ID > ) there is a reduction in energy spread, whereas if the peak ID field exceeds the bending magnet field (ID > )the energy spread is increased. In the case of the emittance the effect is complicated by the fact that the ID self-dispersion must be added to the dispersion that is present in the straight section without the ID: D( s) = 0 2
2 s 1 cos ID 0
D' ( s) =
2 s 0 1 sin 2 ID 0
The net result must in general be evaluated numerically, however some limiting cases can be examined. In the case that the dispersion in the straight section is large we can write (in the isomagnetic case):
'x 0 x0
3 L H ID 4 1 + 3 2 H ID = 2 1 L 1+ 2 2 ID
Thus the emittance can be increased or decreased depending on the relative values of H and in the insertion device and in the bending magnets. It can be seen that if H/ in the ID exceeds H/ in the bending magnets then the emittance will be increased. In modern synchrotron radiation sources therefore, where it is usually wanted to preserve the low emittance, the insertion devices are usually placed in straight sections with zero dispersion. If however they are placed in a straight section with finite dispersion and if it is wanted to minimize the emittance increase then it can be seen from the above that the quantity 1 / 3 ds should be minimized in the magnet design. In the case where there is zero dispersion in the straight section, the self-generated dispersion in the ID dominates. The largest term involved is:
ID I5 =
2 0 x L 3 5 15 ID
A similar expression can be derived in the case of a rectangular, rather than sinusoidal, field model. From the above a condition for the emittance not to be increased can be derived as follows: 3 9 E [GeV] x 0 2 (78) 0 B 5.87 10 x It can be seen therefore that except for very high field devices in low emittance and low energy rings the emittance is generally reduced by the ID.
Fig. 3 Beam emittance in PEP as a function of the total damping wiggler length It follows from the above that dipole wigglers may be used as a means of either increasing or decreasing the beam emittance. For example, they have been proposed as a means of obtaining a very low emittance in PEP, for operation as a synchrotron radiation source [22]. With a 1.26 T wiggler with a period length of 12 cm, Fig. 3 shows that a
reduction in emittance of nearly a factor of 10 can be achieved, albeit with a total wiggler length of some 200 m. The possibility of including dipole wigglers in the design of damping rings for the next generation of linear colliders has also been considered [23]. Two sets of dipole wigglers are in routine operation in LEP [24]. One set is located in a dispersion free region and is used at injection to increase the energy spread and bunch length by 56 times the normal value in order to improve beam stability. A second set is in a finite dispersion region and is used to increase the emittance in order to optimize the beam luminosity.
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