The Conceited Coachman 2-21-14

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8 Teacher: Kimberly F. Cabigao (CT: Enrique S.

Reyes) Date: February 21, 2014 Sections: Narra (7:05-7:50); Mahogany (7:50-8:35); Yakal (8:35-9:20); Kaimito (9:40-10:25); and Acacia (10:25-11:10) I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: a. enumerate the traits of the Chinese people based on the folktale, The Conceited Coachman b. compare and contrast the traits of Chines people from the Filipino people in terms of a graphic organizer c. write a 5-sentenced paragraph explaining the similarities and differences of Chinese traits and Filipino traits II. Subject Matter Topic: The Conceited Coachman References: Colliers Encyclopedia Merriam Websters Dictionary Materials: Chinese blouse, siopao, cartolina, and masking tape Procedure Teachers Activites A. Routine Activities 1. Prayer Everybody stand. Let us have the prayer leader in front. 2. Attendance Checking Class secretary, will you report the absentees today? Thats nice to hear that no one is missing. I am glad you have a complete attendance today. 3. Class Organization Are you in your proper places? Pick up the liters around if theres any. Arrange your chairs. Wear your IDs. All settled, class? Students Activities


S: Are you ready to pray, classmates? All: Yes, we are ready to pray. S: In the name of the FatherAmen.

Maam, no one is absent today.

Yes, Maam. (Students do as they are told.) Yes, Maam.

Good morning, Narra. What a warm greeting that was, class! You sit down now. 4. Assignment Checking Do you have any hometask yesterday? Very good. You have passed your assignments a while ago, havent you? B. Lesson Proper 1. Presentation Let us have the recap first, then, the two-minute speech.

Good morning, Maam Cabigao. Were glad to see you. Thank you, Maam. Yes, Maam you asked us make our own short speech choir piece. Yes, Maam. We have passed them already.

2. Motivation Class, do you know what this is? (Teacher shows a picture of fireworks.) Very good. Its correct. How about this picture? (Teacher presents a siopao.) Okay, I like the description. Now, tell me what this is? (Teacher shows a Chinese blouse.) Amazing! You keep on using descriptive words correctly. Now, I want you to tell what the common thing is among these items. Of course, that is correct. What else? Correct as well. Is there any other commonality among these items? 3. Discussion Very good. All of these are from China. Today, class, we are going to discuss something from China. It is called a(teacher shows a piece of paper) Everybody read. Can anyone tell the class what is a folktale? Correct. It has a lesson. Is there any other idea about a folktale?

S: Last meeting, we have dicussed about (Another student stands in front.)

Maam, it is a fireworks display, I guess. Maam, it is a yummy food called sipao.

Maam, it is a red blouse.

Maam, they are tangible. Maam, they are man-made. Maam, all of them originated from China.

Folktale. Maam, a folktale is a story which has a lesson. Based on its word, a folktale is a tale

That is also correct. Does a folktale have an author? Is it always possible to locate the author of a folktale? Okay then, we could define folktale as(teacher posts a visual aid) Everybody read.

or story of folks or people in a certain place. No, Maam.

It means that even if it exists for a very long time, a folktale never goes outdated. 3.1. Pre-reading Activities Class, I have five words here which you will surely encounter upon reading the folktale from China. The definition and a sentence with the words proper usage are already provided. Kindly come in front oneby-one and get the synonym of each word from the synonym tree. Is that clear? The first word is conceited. It is an adjective pronounced as \kn-std\. Everybody read the definition. And the sentence is What is the synonym of this word, class? Correct. The second word is coachman. It is a noun pronounced as \kch-mn\. Read the definition altogether. Read the sentence. A coachman looks like this. (Teacher shows a drawing of a coachman.) Now, what is the synonym of this word? Good. The third word is misdeed. It is a noun pronounced as \misdd\. Read. How about the sentence? Now, what is the synonym of this? Good job. The fourth word is smug. It is an adjecteive pronounced as \smg\. Read. What is the synonym of this word? Good. The last word is modestly. It is an adverb pronounced as \mdst-li\. Read.

A characteristically anonymous, timeless, and priceless tale circulated through spoken language among a people

Yes, Maam.

Having or showing an excessively high opinion of oneself A conceited actor was too busy even just to sign autographs. Maam, egoistic.

A man who drives a coach or carriage The coagman drives a carriage for tourists in Luneta Park.

Maam, it is driver.

Wrong deed or act She was punished because of her misdeeds. Offense, Maam. Highly self-satisfied Its alright to celebrate your success, but dont be too smug about it. Proud, Maam.

The observance of the proprieties of

What is the synonym of this word? Very good, class. Now, before reading the text, even though you are so ready with the vocabularies, I want you to take note of the following questions about the story. First, whose carriage is the coachman driving? Second, what caused the wife to say she wants to leave her husband? Third, did the coachman change? Lastly, do you agree with what Yen tzu and the wife did? 3.2. Reading Activities I will give you five minutes to read the folktale silently. While reading, try to answer the questions on your notebook. 3.3. Post-reading Activities Okay, times up. What is the title of the folktale? Correct. Now, who are the characters in the story? Okay, good. Let us now go to the plot. Is there anyone brave enough to tell the beginning of the story? How about the rising action of or the event which leads the readers to the climax of the story? Simply, what happened next?

dress and behavior A true gentleman acts modestly. Maam, humbly.

(Students read quietly.) The Conceited Coachman, Maam. The Prime Minister who is Yen Tzu, the wife, and the coachman, Maam. Maam, it started that one day when Yen Tzu went out with his carriage.

Good. How about the most exciting part of the story or the climax?

The coachmans wife, from her gate, saw her husband looking thoroughly smug and conceited under the great carriage awning as he drove his four horses, Maam. The climax is when the coachman went home, his wife told him that she wants to leave him and they had a confrontation. No, Maam. Instead, the coachman behaved more modestly. Yen Tzu noticed the change in his behavior that is why he gave the coachman a promotion. The Prime Ministers, Maam. The conceited and smug behavior of

Okay, how about the falling action? How did it develop? Did they fall apart? Ang how did it end? Let us now try to answer the questions posted before you read the text. The first one is whose carriage is the coachman driving? Good. What caused the wife to say she wants to leave her husband?

Lastly, Did the coachman change? Do you agree with what the wife and Yen Tzu did? 4. Analysis Now, may I ask the group leaders in front please and pick a piece of paper to know your task. Now, based on the folktale, I want you to do those tasks. I will give you 5 minutes to prepare and a minute for each group to present. Is that clear? (Teacher assigns places for each group.) Go to your respective places now, quietly. Are youready now? Youre times up. Go back to you proper places. Your turn to present is based on the number written on the paper which contains your task. Lets start with number 1. Very good. Since the setting in the folktale is not really described, we could assume that it is a city-in-the1900s kind of setting just like in the presentation of group 1. How about Group 2? Very good. So that is your interpretation of the first part of the story. I think ther will be future radio actors here. Group 3, start. Best actors and actresses are in the house, class. Let us have Group 4. Nice comparison, class. Group 5, go in front. 5. Generalization Class, what is the title of the folktale again? Who are the characters again? Why did the wife told the husband that she is about to leave him?

her husband who is a mere coachman of the Prime Minister who is humble. Yes, Maam the coachman changed. I agree with what they did because it is effective.

(Group leaders do as theyare told.)

Yes, Maam.

(Students do their tasks.)

(Group 1presents a map of the story showing the probable setting of the story.)

(Presents a radio drama relaying the beginning up to the climax of the story)

(Presents a skit about the ending of the story) (Presents a Venn diagram about a horse and the coachman) (Discusses the effects of being a smug using a Fishbone diagram) The Conceited Coachman, Maam. The Prime Minister, the wife, and the coachman. Because he is more conceited than the Prime Minister who has a higher position than his.

6. Application Let us now continue with the group presentation. If you were the wife and Yen Tzu, would you do the same? Why?

(Group 6 gives concrete example of

Thank you group 6, now, lets have group 7. Very good. Lats but definitely not the least, Group 8. Very good, class. Give yourselves a round of applause. You see, class, the Chines people value humility, respect for authority and respect for their spouses or family. Somehow, they are the same with Filipinos. Do you agree? IV. Evaluation If you agree, then, get a whole sheet of paper. Compare and contrast the Chinese traits and Filipino traits using this graphic organizer.

the situation.) (Interprets the lesson of the story into a song.) (Presents a news cast about the Chinese traits evident in the story.)

Yes, Maam.

(Students do their seatwork quietly.)

The boxes are for the topics, the circles on the left and the right side are the unique traits of each topic and the circles in between the squares are the similarities. I will give you 10 minutes to do it. Okay, pass your paper to the isle the, forward. V. Agreement In your notebook, write a paragraph composed of 5 sentences explaining the similarities and differences of the Chinese and Filipino traits.

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