Digital Publishing in WW

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Digital Publishing in Writers Workshop Third Grade - ADDIE Model Unit

~Information Literacy areas of weakness as determined by the classroom teacher. Executing effective online searches Citing resources ~Design of course This unit is designed to last 1 to 2 weeks. The students will be working in their classroom as well as the computer lab. Students will be divided into two groups. One will be creating an iBook and the other will create using FlipSnack. The classroom teacher and the media specialists will all lead at various times. ~Audience Elementary Students in grade 3 Subject area: Language Arts ~Objectives - Students will be able to locate images and other media online and save them to their flash drives organize images into a single file on their flash drives create a works cited page for all of their resources plan using a storyboard transform their fairy tale into a digital story

~Identify Environment and Delivery The environment is the classroom and the computer lab where computers and iPads are available.


~Procedures - overview Introduce digital publishing and discuss Divide into groups to create digital stories in iBooks Author and FlipSnack Using storyboards, plan Use images that are self created and found online to add to story Cite others work When all have completed their projects, share and enjoy

~ Vocabulary: Before the lesson begins review words that will be used in these lessons. Discuss what the students already know and explore connections that they make to prior learning. Embed to put something such as a graphic into a computer program or page on the internet Publishing the final step of the writing process in which writing is prepared for the audience Digital (electronic) publishing putting together written, visual or audio materials and making them available in a digital format to be viewed online Citing giving credit to sources that originally provided the information, graphics etc. You must point to the original author of ideas that are not your own. URL Uniform Resource Locator: the address of a Web page which allows people to find the page on the internet Format: PDF Portable Document Format: a file format that provides an electronic image of text or text and graphics that looks like a printed document and can be viewed, printed, and electronically transmitted. JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group: a format for compressing image files. PNG Portable Network Graphics: a file format for image compression GIF Graphics Interchange Format: image files that are compressed to reduce transfer time PPT file format for presentations created in Microsoft Powerpoint DOCX file format for documents created in Microsoft Word Context: All vocabulary terms will be discussed as they relate to our project. The format terms will only be addressed briefly to assist students in identifying the types of files that they are looking for or using. ~Materials needed for unit: Extra copy of fairy tale for each student Smartboard or other projection system Computers for each student Glue, scissors, pencils Storyboard pages Guidelines page Rubric ~Links: (Information on iBooks Author) (How to use FlipSnack) pdf

~Procedures: Day 1 (A-Day, March 24th) Ask students what they know about the writing process (particularly at the end). Discuss publishing and different ways to publish our writing pieces. List ways that they have already published and new ways that they havent tried yet. Read several storybooks, paying special attention to the design, layout and the flow of the story. Discuss. Explain that this time we will be publishing digitally. What does that mean? Introduce and show an example of iBooks Author and FlipSnack. (Teacher will assign each student to either iBooks or FlipSnack.) Handout project guidelines and discuss. Day 2 (B-Day, March 25th) Review our learning from yesterday. What did the authors have to do before they finally published? (plan) Discuss planning and what it might look like for a digital story. Introduce the storyboard and show the example. Explain that students should carefully consider how much of their story to put on each page. Also be sure that the images, video or audio that you plan support and fit with your story. Have the students begin drawing lines in their fairy tales where they plan to separate the writing for different pages. Look over each students choices before they begin to cut and paste onto their storyboard. Students should sketch or describe other elements that they would like to include on each page. Day 3 (C-Day, March 26th) Teacher will guide students in completing their storyboards during writers workshop time. Day 4 (D-Day, March 27th) Review the project guidelines focusing on images and audio. Demonstrate finding images on databases such as Britannica. Demonstrate and discuss the Storify on searching.
Show students how to create a file on their flash drives to store their images. Emphasize citing their sources and model how to create a source page in word. Have students use their storyboards to guide their searches and assist with saving, organizing and citing as needed. Day 5 (E-Day, March 28th) Continue work from yesterday. Check that all students have the files or links needed on their flash drives for each page of their storyboard. Day 6 (F-Day, March 31st)

First day that groups will be split into iBooks Author and FlipSnack groups I will demonstrate and review example for iBooks Author Jennifer will demonstrate and review example for FlipSnack, beginning with Powerpoint. Students will begin working. Day 7 (G-Day, April 1st) until completion Students continue to work in the classroom using laptops and iPads through project completion. Teacher and MS assist as needed. As students begin to finish in iBooks Author, demonstrate how to export. Upon Completion Share work and interesting parts of each project.

~Did the students achieve expected learning outcomes? Evaluate student work and progress using the rubric. Observe student work and use of technology terms. Consider previous check of flash drive for organization of files, images, audio, video and links. ~ Extensions: Allow students to explore the other groups publishing tool and possibly use it to publish another piece of their own work. Place students finished products on the media center website for all to see and enjoy! Allow students to teach other groups what they have learned.

This is an image of the storyboard page.

Name: ____________________ Project Guidelines for Digital Story

What is Digital Storytelling?

Digital storytelling brings the art of telling stories to life using technology. The ability to personalize stories with pictures, audio and video gives the story special meaning for both the author and the audience. Digital stories can be very engaging and are available to read, see and hear online. Our Goal: Create a thoughtful and engaging digital story using our fairy tale writing. We will use iBooks Author and FlipSnack as our tools. Guidelines: Did I? (Place a check beside each guideline as you complete that requirement.)
________ Create a title page for my story ________ Create a minimum of four pages in my digital story. ________ Include at least one image drawn by me with one point perspective ________ Include at least one image obtained from an online resource ________ Include an image or video file on every page of my story ________ Include at least one audio file in my story ________ Frame at least one object ________ Check to make sure that my story follows a logical sequence ________ Make certain that the images and other content support my story ________ Cite any sources of material that were not my own ________ Carefully edit my work to eliminate errors

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