Lechatelier Virtual Lab1

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LeChateliers Principle Lab Pre-Lab 1. Which describes a solution that contains a system at equilibrium? Explain your answer. One in which the color of the solution is changing slowly, or one in which the color is not changing.

2. The following equilibrium is established when copper ions and bromide ions are placed in solution. heat + Cu(H2O)6+2 + 4 BrBlue 6 H2O + CuBr4-2 Green

The tube on the left contains only copper sulfate dissolved in solution. The tube on the right is the result of adding some potassium bromide solution. Given that the Cu(H2O)6+2 ion is blue and that the CuBr4-2 ion is green, answer the questions below.

a. What happened to the concentration of the product when the KBr was added?

b. Explain why the solution changed color.

c. Would the tube feel hot or cold when the KBr was added?

d. This reaction is in equilibrium. What does that tell you about the rate of the forward reaction compared to the reverse reaction?


Virtual Lab You will be performing the reaction below to investigate how equilibrium of a reaction can be disrupted CoCl4-2 + 6 H2O Blue/Violet Co(H2O)6+2 + 4 Cl- + heat Red/Pink

Based on your knowledge of how changes in concentration can affect reaction rate attempt to perform the following tasks, with the following materials.

KCl (hint KCl K+ + Cl-) H2O AgNO3 (hint AgNO3 + Cl- AgCl + 3NO-) Ice Heat Go to the following website to do this lab virtually: http://www.harpercollege.edu/tmps/chm/100/dgodambe/thedisk/equil/co.htm

Problem one: Using only ONE of the materials from the list to turn your reaction in the test tube pink.

Which material did you decide to use?

Were you successful? If so why were you right? If not why were you wrong?

Problem two: Using only ONE of the materials from the list to turn your reaction blue.


Which material did you decide to use?

Were you successful? If so why were you right? If not why were you wrong?

Problem three: Using a different material than in problem two turn to your reaction blue.

Which material did you decide to use?

Were you successful? If so why were you right? If not why were you wrong?

Problem four: In order to turn your reaction in the test tube pink, will you use hot plate or ice bath? (hint: look at the only non-chemical part of the reaction)

Were you successful? If so why were you right? If not why were you wrong?

Post-lab questions. 1) Before you started any experiment your reaction was in equilibrium. Which of the following is true about reactions at equilibrium a) b) c) d) no more reactants are transformed into products concentrations of reactants and products are equal all of the reactants have been transformed into products the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction


2) If added more CoCl42- to the reaction what would happen to the color of my reaction?

Why would this happen?

3) What would happen to the color of my reaction if I put it on a hot plate?

4) Use the reaction below to predict what would happen in the following situations.

Fe + SCN FeSCN + heat

a) Fe is added to the reaction. What happens to the forward reaction rate?

b) FeSCN is added to the reaction. What happens to the reverse reaction rate?

c) Fe is added to the reaction. What happens to the concentration of FeSCN?

d) FeSCN is added to the reaction. What happens to the concentration of SCN?

e) The reaction is performed on a hot plate. What happens to the concentration of Fe?

f) The reaction is performed on a hot plate. What happens to the reverse reaction rate?



2 NO2 {brown}

N2O4 {colorless} + heat

Predict the color of the reaction when you add the following:

Perform the reaction on a hot plate:

Cool down the reaction:

Go the following website to check your answer: http://www.harpercollege.edu/tmps/chm/100/dgodambe/thedisk/equil/no.htm

Were you successful? If so why were you right? If not why were you wrong?

Kidneys and Dialysis Go to http://www.chemistry.wustl.edu/~edudev/LabTutorials/Dialysis/Kidneys.html http://kidney.niddk.nih.gov/kudiseases/pubs/hemodialysis/index.htm#how Type/handwrite a response that explains how properly functioning kidneys maintain equilibrium in your body. How does dialysis work for those whose kidneys have failed? Relate this to the concept of solution or chemical equilibrium and then relate to Le Chateliers principle regarding relieving stress. Your response should demonstrate you understand these chemistry concepts as well as the biology of the kidney and dialysis machine.

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