Newsletter Jan - June 2014

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Congratulations to all our graduandi who recently qualified with their Post Graduate Di-

plomas. We are also proud of our 22 Master students who completed their dissertations
and who will graduate during the June graduation.

Weve just about reached the halfway mark of 2014 and hopefully by now all our new students have come to real-
ise just how complex and challenging disaster risk reduction is. Much work was covered thus far, which hopefully
steered their thinking towards the real challenges we face in a fast changing global environment. The first semester
of the Post Graduate Diploma is rather arduous and the continuous good effort most students complete their as-
signments with, are heartening. These assignments lay a solid foundation for the upcoming exams and the second
contact session will serve as a final preparation - make good use of the opportunity to interact with your lecturers

DiMTECs vision include the development of our African Continent, hence our continual involvement in disaster risk
reduction actions in Africa. Africa is particularly vulnerable due to mostly low levels of education, poor governance,
greed by political leaders and conflict in large parts. Although scientists predict that climate change will threaten
food security in Africa, an honest evaluation of the state of development in this continent indicates that poverty,
food insecurity and most disasters are human induced. We cannot blame climate change for all the suffering of our
people. For that reason, DiMTEC interacts with institutions and organisations in Africa, of which the most recent
interactions are reported on elsewhere in this newsletter. The consequential relationships provide future opportuni-
ties for our students who will be the next leaders of our Continent.
New 2014 DiMTECtors !!
DiMTEC Newsletter
Jan - June 2014
2014 Dimtectors 1
Welcoming Func-
African Countries
Conference and
Visit to Congo
Courses 7
April Graduation 10
Art on Disasters 11
Whats Happen-
Inside this issue:
DiMTECs welcoming
function for 2014 stu-
dents was once again a
roaring success. The
evening was enjoyed by
all attendees and a great
opportunity to get to
know one another out-
side a classroom situa-

It was a privilege to have
our dean, Prof. Neil
Heideman and his wife
there to welcome our
new dimtectors.

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African Countries Visited
As a leading scientist in his field, Dr Jordaan,
Director at UFD-DiMTEC, paid visits to three
African countries on invitation form their Govern-
ments and different United Nations organisa-
tions. Dr Jordaan believes that South Africa will
not remain stable politically and economically
while it remains an island of wealth in a sea of
poverty and that the future for a stable South
Africa is through the development of the rest of
Africa. In line with these philosophies, he built
networks and actively contributed towards the
development efforts in Africa.

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) based in Geneva, Switzerland sought Dr. Jor-
daans expertise in the field of disaster risk reduction to advise the Governments of Ghana during November
2013 and Kenia during March 2014 on the use of space-based technology for disaster risk reduction. The mis-
sions to both countries are known as the UNSPIDER (United Nations Space Based Technology for Disaster Risk
Reduction) Technical Advisory Mission. Both invitations were requested by the host countries and apart from Dr.
Jordaan, who was the only expert invited to both missions, nine experts were selected from China, Netherlands,
Germany, US, Austria, UK and Nigeria for each mission.
Africa and UN acknowledge scientific
expertise at UFS-DiMTEC

Dr Jordaan was also invited to Ghana by the United Nations Environmental
Program (UNEP) to facilitate a workshop on Early Warning and Contingency
Planning for Extreme Events during February 2014. Experience gained by
developing and facilitating several contingency planning workshops for almost
all large cities and some municipalities in South Africa, served him well for this
exercise. Top officials from, among other, Ghana, Kenya and Burkina Faso
participated in this workshop presented in both French and English. Following
the workshop, UNEP requested Dr Jordaan to pilot a draft contingency plan
for west and east Africa intended as a world-wide template prescribed by the
United Nations.

After his visit to Ghana, Dr Jordaan attended the United Nations University
Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources
(UNFLORES) workshop on Water Point Mapping for Drought Risk Reduc-
tion in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Leading a team of scientists from Universi-
ties in Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Kenya, Dr Jordaan
serves as the UNFLORES focal point for drought and flood research in Africa.

Resulting from his visits and close cooperation with institutions and Universi-
ties from these countries, Dr Jordaan laid the foundation for future collabora-
tion between UFS and other African Universities. Universities ready to enter into MOUs with UFS includes Sokioni
Agricultural University and University of Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania, University of Ghana in Ghana, University of
Nairobi and Kenyatta University in Kenya as well as the Regional Mapping Unit for Development in Kenya.

Expertise from UFS-DiMTEC is also acknowledged by the European scientific community thereby the invitation
from the Imperial College in London and the Royal Society for Science in London to include Dr Jordaan as a fellow
researcher in the Blue Green Dream Project. The purpose of the project is the development of future and modern
cities that are self-sustainable in terms of green energy, water, waste and food supply. Top academics from around
the world form part of the research team, with Dr Jordaan and colleagues from Cape Town University as the only

Furthermore, the Academy of
Technical Sciences of Romania
and the University of Babes-
Balyai in Romania appointed Dr
Jordaan as a member of the
scientific committee for the 10

Edition of the Environmental
Legislation, Safety Engineering
and Disaster Management In-
ternational Conference.
Technical advisory Team in Kenia at the
Page 4 DiMTEC Newsletter
Dr. AJ Jordaan visited the FEWSNET (Famine Early Warning System Network) in the beginning of March this year. Here he
is with scientists from FEWSNET and the Technical Advisory Team.

Conference and training workshop in
From the 14th to the 24th of November 2013, Mr. Belle attended and actively participated in the Integrated
Watershed Management Research and Development Capacity Building workshop and field research organised by
IWM R & D. Mr Belle prepared a presentation on the importance of wetlands in integrated watershed management
as part of his ongoing PhD research. He also utilised this opportunity to visit the University of Yaounde and the
University of Buea to lay a foundation for possible future research and training collaborations.

Experts in watershed management from Germany, researchers from partner universities including the University of
Cologne in Germany, Jomo Kenyatta University in Kenya, University of Western Cape in South Africa, University of
Yaounde in Cameroon and the DAAD attended this workshop where Mr Belle represented the UFS. More than
eleven local chiefs who live in the Mefou catchment as well as local researchers, water management authorities in
Cameroon, Masters and Doctorate students involved in water, environment, disaster and other related fields of
study, were also present at the workshops.

Following conference presentations and field trips to collect data, a final report was written aiming to form a Water
Resources Users Association (WRUA) for the proper management of the Mefou catchment in Yaounde. This report
was presented to the water management authorities of Cameroon and a follow up conference was scheduled for
April 2014 in Yaounde.

A similar project, that is working effectively, was established in Kenya .

Field trip in the Mefou Catchment during the IWRM workshop in Cameroon
Page 4
Erosion is the most serious environmental
Mr JA Belle, one of the permanent lecturers at DiMTEC, paid a dual
purpose visit to Congo Brazzaville from the 18th to the 28th of Feb-
ruary 2014. Firstly, it was in response to an invitation from the city of
Brazzavilles Mayor to evaluate progress made on the establish-
ment of a municipal disaster management centre, and secondly to
assist two DiMTEC students who are in field collecting data for their
Masters degree projects.

During his stay in Brazzaville (the Political capital of the Republic of
Congo) Mr Belle met with high level government officials and UN
agencies officials for discussion. Issues raised centred around the
establishment and running of a national platform for disaster man-
agement in Congo Brazzaville as well as the establishment of a mu-
nicipal disaster management centre for the city of Brazzaville.

Among the dignitaries met, were the Chairperson of the Interminis-
terial Committee for the 4
of March 2012 Arm explosion disaster
who is also the technical adviser to the President of the Republic,
Mr Jean Marie Kamba; Brigadier General Philippe Longonda who is
in charge of strategic planning and DRR issues; Mr Ludovic Mpili
who is a technical adviser to the president in charge of urbanization,
habitat and tourism; Dr Tarande Constant of the World Health Or-
ganisation, Africa Regional Office; the director of Urban Develop-
ment and Settlement Mr Jean Jacque Yolou, other top management
of the municipality of Brazzaville etc.

Mr Belle also went to the field on many occasions to observe and
collect data on soil erosion in Brazzaville with Mr Monka Bruno and
his research assistants. It was observed that soil erosion is the most
serious environmental hazard in Brazzaville that warrants utmost
national attention.

While in Congo Brazzaville, he used the opportunity to meet with
the Director in charge of cooperation and international relations at
the Marien Ngouabi University, Prof Scholastique Dianzinga as well
as Dr Jean de Dieu Nzila, director of the Research Centre for soil
Conservation and rehabilitation (CRCRT) at the same university. In
doing so, Mr Belle laid the foundation for possible partnerships and
research collaboration between the University of the Free State and
the Marien Ngouabi University in Congo Brazzaville. UKZN and
UWC already have similar ties with Marien Ngouabi University.

Mr. Belle (middle) with the two French-
speaking Masters students (Bruno- left and
Donald-right) in Congo Brazzaville
Page 6 DiMTEC Newsletter
Mr. JA Belle during the field trip to one of
the rehabilitated donga created by erosion

PhD Block Course in Port Elizabeth
This years Block Course, in collaboration with the UNU, was held in Nelson Mandela Bay, Port Elizabeth. We
had the privilege to use the well known Bay world facilities. There were 15 participants and the fact that each one
was from a different background, different sectors and disciplines, made everything much more interesting. Not
only did participants learn and gain information from lecturers, but also from each other. Below are a few quotes
from attendees:

What made this course worthwhile for me is the international exposure through the UNU partnership
Liza van der Merwe
Enterprise Resilience Assessment Manager (Eskom)

The training material was well distributed through memory sticks and will help tremendously. I mostly enjoyed
the presentations and interaction with Dr Jorg Szarzynski. The risk assessment done at Power line Informal Set-
tlement in Motherwell, opened my eyes to realize that other provinces have the same problems as we experience
in Ekurhuleni. The tours to Port Elizabeth harbour, the weather station at the airport, and the Disaster Manage-
ment Centre were very interesting. I also enjoyed the company of every one who attended
(Ms) Corrie Bodenstein
Senior Disaster Management Officer (Ekurhuleni)
Page 7
This is it! Exactly what I wanted! What an experience combining both theory and practice
interrogating the notion of vulnerability and disaster risk reduction. The diverse back-
grounds of participants demonstrated the multidisciplinary nature of disaster risk reduction
and the impetus for making DRR everyones business. I really appreciated the conceptual
frameworks for measuring risk and vulnerability including the practical field exercises, more
especially the sustainability science perspective on measuring risk and vulnerability.
Thanks DiMTEC and UN-EHS for the learning excursion.
Joseph Kudzanai MUTSIGWA
In my profession I conduct regulatory risk assessments on major hazard installations such as factories that
have large quantities of flammable or explosive materials or materials that can release toxic gases. The risk
assessments are done in accordance with South African legislation contained in the Major Hazard Installation
Regulations 2001 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act No 85 of 1993. These installations pose a
threat to surrounding communities, in other words the prescribed regulatory process focuses entirely on the
installation itself: the probability and consequence of a major incident that can affect the public around it. The
regulatory requirements do not include an assessment of the vulnerability of the surrounding local communities
who will be at the receiving end of a major disaster. The DiMTEC course provided me with the instruments to
evaluate the vulnerability of communities around hazardous installations. It now allows me to evaluate the risks
from both sides: from the installation side, but also from the receptor (community) side. In addition, the course
provided me with valuable background knowledge that will assist with my current PhD study. In fact, I can highly
recommend that all PhD candidates at DiMTEC should complete this course as part of their studies.
Alfonso Niemand
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Peace Relief Mission and
Reconstruction Course
Page 9
This course developed by Dr Jordaan, was presented in Pretoria on the
military base for the second year running. It was attended by various mili-
tary personnel and police officers who are often deployed to conflict areas.
Me. A Ncube (lecturer) and Mr P Ncube (lecturer)
Prof H A Strydom (lecturer) Prof D Sakulski (lecturer) and Me. A Ncube (lecturer)
Course Participants working together in groups
Lt Col P.T. Mokoakoa (Chief Instructor/Coordinator)
Graduation April 2014
DiMTEC takes great pride in announcing and celebrating the graduation of our advanced diploma students. The
following students received their advanced diploma in Disaster Management on the 11th of April 2014.
MONCHO, Lesego
MOSHOKE, Seabata Leslie
MUHAME, Collins
MUHOMBA, Cornelia
MUTEKWA, Clemance Josiah
NDLOVU, Tobias
NETSHIDZATI, Tshilidzi Pinkie
NGARA, Tinashe Faith
NGOBENI, Deviking James
NKUTHA, Ntombizandile Sweetnoreen
NSANGWE, SERITI, Thabang Monica
NWOGU, Caroline Chioma
NYAHWO, Moddie Zvanguzvino
PHETHI, Mpho Dockles
RUST, Marthinus Dawid
SABELA-RIKHOTSO, Phindile Tiyiselani Zanele
SIBIYA, Reitumetse Pearl
SITHOLE, Nkateko Wilson
TSHIMWANGA, Lukusa Jonathan
TYALI, Lauretta Pumeza
ZWANE, Nomasu Betholda
BOOYSEN, Boitumelo Constance
CHISUTA, Kagele Makoye
DIGWA, Wellington
GAMEDZE, Nokuthula Nonhlanhla
HLALELE, Bernard Moeketsi
MAGAGULA, Lawrence Mangaliso
MAHLANGU, Elsie Sisi
MASEMOLA, Victoria Ngwanabokone
MATHEBULA, Mathabo Ntlai
MATIWANE, Siphokazi
MAWANDA, Shaban Juuko
MBANO, Fumiso
MKHIZE, Bhekizitha Maxwell
MODISANE, Cynthia Kefilwe
MOGOATA, Ntsokolo William
MOKETE, Charles
MOKGOTHU, Tebogo Dorsley
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Art on Disasters
Disasters have a devastating effect on societies which bring fear, uncertainties and usually post-traumatic stress
disorders. Many survivors and the affected seek comfort in art. Moreover, Disaster Managers are at war with man-
made and natural disasters, sometimes they win and sometimes they lose. In loss, the art seeks to console as a
reminder of the struggle and continuous efforts to alleviate pain and suffering. Art and pictures have served as a
memorial and healing process, it has helped affected communities interpret their emotions. Art on Disaster is a
project on collecting art that seeks to educate people about the risks and impacts of disasters. It will help
advocates of humanity to communicate world peace effectively.

Aims of the project
To collect art about the various disasters that have occurred in and around South Africa for example,
paintings on Marikana mine killings, Rwandian Genocide, September 11, Philippines typhoon etc.
Display paintings collected in a gallery at disaster management or relevant conferences e.g. DMISA and
Auction or sell the paintings as office or home decoration to humanitarian officials or private collectors.
Rites obtained from the auction will be donated to a cause.

Launching of this project will take place on the 23rd of May 2014 in the Gallery on Leviseur.
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The famous Japanese woodblock artwork of Katsushika Hokusai was created in 1830 and is com-
monly known as The Great Wave. It is one of the greatest depictions of a vulnerable situation in the
history of art and inspired the Arts on Disaster project.
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What's happening??
Visit the Prevention Web in order to get the latest training and conference
Here is a few to put on your calendar!! These are only examples of a few.
There are many more happening. Dont miss out!!
02 Jun 2014 - 06 Jun 2014: World landslide forum 3, International Consortium of Landslides, China
World landslide forum 3 aims to provide an information and academic exchange platform for landslides research-
ers and practitioners. It creates an opportunity to promote worldwide cooperation and to share new theories, tech-
nologies and methods in the fields of landslide survey/investigation, monitoring, early warning, prevention and
emergency management. The purpose of the forum is to present the achievements in landslide risk reduction in
promoting the sustainable development of society.

02 Jun 2014 - 04 Jun 2014: Pacific platform for disaster risk management 2014, United Nations Office
for Disaster Risk Reduction - Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific, Fiji (Suva)
The 2014 Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management will be held in Suva, Fiji from the 2nd - 4th June 2014.
The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR),
as co-Conveners, ask that you set aside these dates in your schedule for this important meeting.

04 Jun 2014 - 06 Jun 2014: 9th international conference on risk analysis and hazard mitigation, Wessex
Institute of Technology, United Kingdom (New Forest)
The analysis and management of risk and the mitigation of hazards is of fundamental importance to planners and
researchers around the world. We live in an increasingly complex society with the potential for disasters on a
worldwide scale. Natural hazards such as floods, earthquakes, landslides, fires and others have always affected
human societies. Man-made hazards, however, played a comparatively small role a few centuries ago until the
risk of catastrophic events started to increase due to the rapid growth of new technologies. The interaction of nat-
ural and anthropogenic risks adds to the complexity of the problem.

05 Jun 2014 - 06 Jun 2014: United Nations/Germany expert meeting on space technologies for flood and
drought risk management, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, Germany (Bonn)
Description: This year's United Nations/Germany Expert Meeting on the Use of Space-based Information for flood
and drought risk reduction will focus on the use of space technologies to improve Disaster risk reduction. Floods
and droughts will serve as examples for hazard types that have recently affected countries around the globe. Re-
cent examples are the UK floods in February 2014, floods in Central Europe in June 2013, the floods following
super typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines in November 2013, or the droughts in Eastern Africa 2011 and droughts
in Bolivia in 2013.

Sep 2014: DMISA (Disaster Management Institution of Southern Africa) Conference, Durban, KwaZulu-
Natal (South-Africa)

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