Project Report of Extramarks

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Project Report
D!"!#!on$ B
Ro%% No& $ '
#t (e)r
#t (e)r
Co,r#e$ PP - SMU
BATCH$ *.'.$*.'*
Cont)ct No& $ .23.+'4'34+
PP *.''$*.'3
I, Chandan Kumar Singh, session 2011-2013, I declear that this project report has
been submitted by me in partial fulfilment of the reuirement of !ost "raduate
!rogram in #anagement $%&'(-#ar)eting * I+, of Indira School of Career
Studies $ISCS,, !une-

Chandan Kumar Singh (ISCS, Pune)
First of all I would like to thank the Management at Extra marks
Education !t" #td" for gi!ing me the o$$ortunit% in their esteemed
organi&ation" I am highl% o'liged to Mr" (mitesh Shukla to gi!e me the
o$$ortunit% to work in his team"
I would like to ex$ress m% gratitude to Mr" (mitesh Shukla )Manager
M"*+ who has 'een $ro!ided me with guidance+ ins$iration+ $ers$ecti!e
and stimulating discussion+ throughout the writing of this re$ort" ,is
excellent suggestions throughout the $ro-ect are highl% commenda'le"
( stud% like this cannot 'e com$leted without hel$ from other $ersons
and therefore m% heartfelt thanks go to all the executi!es who hel$ed
me gain knowledge a'out the actual working and the $rocesses
in!ol!ed in !arious de$artments"
T)<%e o= Content
Sr- no Contents !age no
1 Company !rofile .
2 !roduct !rofile 11
3 S/01 'nalysis 12
3 !ositioning 21
. 4ob !rofile 23
!erformance #anagement
5 &se 0f I-1 in 0rgani6ation 27
7 1ransaction !rocessing 27
8 Conclusion * 9ecommendation 30
10 (earning :;perience 33
11 +ibliography 3.
:;tramar)s is promoted by #r- 'tul Kulshrestha to pro<ide 320= ne> age
education solutions to school students- In a short period from its launch in 2008,
the company?s products ha<e gained e;treme popularity and are used by
prestigious institutions and students all across India- 1he company establishes
1echnology :nabled Classrooms in schools >hich use especially de<eloped digital
content >hile imparting education in the class rooms-
1he !edagogy follo>ed at :;tramar)s aims to pro<ide an engaging, child-centric,
teaching-learning en<ironment focused on o<er all de<elopment of the child- 1he
company also establishes <irtual labs and assessment centers- School Study
!rogramme initiated by :;tramar)s has more than one million learners using the
company?s product acti<ely- 1oday, the company has presence in about 2.0 cities
across India and employs 200 persons permanently, >ith another about 2000
persons being employed on contractual obligations-
1he 'fter School Study !rogramme of :;tramar)s is used by about 5,00,000 la)h
students- 1hese ser<ices are offered through internet, >hich enable students to
study any>here-any time- :;tramar)s has also created a community of Students,
1eachers and !arents >hich has become <ery popular >ith the internet users in a
short period-
#@s- 9eliance Strategic In<estments (td-, a >holly o>ned subsidiary of #@s-
9eliance Industries (td-, has made a strategic in<estment of 9s- 1,2.0 millions
and o>ns 37-.A of :uity of the Company-
Keeping pace >ith todayBs globali6ation and technological changes in education -
:;tramar)s :ducation !ri<ate (imited, in association >ith the largest-listed
company, 9eliance Industries, pro<ides 320= ne> age digital education solutions,
thereby, empo>ering Indian youth to step in >ith the latest technology and ha<e
anytime, any>here access to uality study support- 'lso, in the long run, being a
Computer 'ided (earning $C'(, Company, :;tramar)s desires to reach out to the
students in the remotest corner of the country- It endea<ours to add ne>
dimension in the learning process by ma)ing it more user-friendly, effecti<e and
affordable- 'nd >ith its uniue contribution, :;tramar)s >as a>arded >ith the
Special 4&9C '>ard for +est IC1 enabled content for K-12 segment in eIndia
a>ards 2012-
/ith the 9egistered 0ffice in %elhi and Corporate 0ffice in Doida, :;tramar)s has
a total of 12 offices in India >ith a total employee strength $including that of
employed on contractual obligations, of 2200 persons- 1he company?s products
are used in 2.0 cities all across India- !resence all across India-
9unning 1.000E :;tramar)s Smart (earn Classrooms in o<er 3.00 schools
including leading institutions li)e #ayo 'jmer, Sophia, Father 'gnel, 'irforce
School- 3.0E team of dedicated academicians - >ith <ast e;perience in school
management * teaching processes- 'll learning tools created in-house, 0<er 5-.
la)hs students studying through :;tramar)s site- "o<ernment !rojects li)e KGs,
4DGs, state go<ernment implementing IC1 program in o<er 2.00 schools-
Vision, Mission and Values -
1o pro<ide 320= education support in schools and after school, to ma)e the
teaching learning process engaging and interesting-
:;tramar)s aims to pro<ide ne> age %igital :ducation Solutions thatH
+ring the best of global technology to pro<ide an engaging, child-centric
teaching-learning en<ironment in the classroom and at home-
:mpo>er the teaching fraternity >ith the latest education pedagogy-
!ro<ide the best learning and teaching tools so that the schools are at par
>ith the latest de<elopments in education-
:nsure o<erall de<elopment of the child and bring the /orld into the
classroom- al>ays connected, al>ays updatedI
:;tramar)s belie<es that the educational aspirations are simplicity in learning and
continuous child engagement- 1he <alues that dri<e us underscore our
commitment are JS!IC:B-
SimplicityK :nsuring simple learning methods-
!edagogyK &niue layered pedagogy to cater to multiple intelligences of the
students in the class rooms-
Inno<ationK 1o pro<ide global technological child centric solutions, both at
home and at school-
ContinuousK Connecti<ity >ith the child-
:ngage #eK 1o continuously engage the child to ensure learning-
Management Team -
Atul Kulshrestha, Chairman.
Le is finance professional >ith o<er 2. years of e;perience in Ser<ice Industry-
Le conceptuali6ed M:;tramar)sN and loo)s after +usiness %e<elopment and
Strategy- Le is a serial entrepreneur and also promoted an International +!0
Company- Le also launched t>o prominent internet portals i-e- +harnet-com and
Salaha)ar India-com-
Rohit Jain, CEO .
9ohit 4ain has rich e;perience in implementing projects and handling ser<ice and
manpo>er dri<en organi6ations- Le has successfully implemented the concept
and ideology behind :;tramar)s- Le has created the team :;tramar)s and
constantly monitors the uality, inno<ation and ne> technologies-
Poonam Jamal, CMO.
'lumnus of &ni<ersity of +radford, &K, 1S# and 'mity &ni<ersity, ha<ing o<er 21
years of e;perience in education and media mar)eting- She is #asters in
:ducation and +usiness #anagement- Che<ening Scholar >ith a successful stint
as %irector Communications at 'mity &ni<ersity and 1imes Internet (imited, she is
best )no>n for 1he 1imes of India DI:?s success story-
' Chartered 'ccountant >ith o<er 15 years of e;perience, out of >hich 12 years in
education industry- !rior to joining the company, she >as M"roup CF0N in
:ducomp Solutions (imited- Las rich * <aried e;perience in finance $primary *
secondary,, accounts, legal, ta;ation, secretarial etc-
She >as a>arded the M+est /oman CF0N +C IC'I $1he Institute of Chartered
'ccounts of India, in 2011- She >as also a>arded one amongst 13 chosen IndiaBs
best CF0 under the category of MSustained /ealth #anagementN in 2011,
conferred by Lonorable Finance #inister, organi6ed by +usiness 1oday-
Meena!shi "u#ta, CAO.
#eena)shi has o<er 23 years of e;perience in the field of teaching and education-
She is a post graduate and #-:d >ith >or) e;perience of at all le<els including
that of !rincipal and %irector- She >as associated >ith "-%- "oen)a Schools as
%irector $'cademics,-
She has conceptuali6ed <arious inno<ati<e learning-teaching methods and has
introduced many re>arding ideas for students-
$agata Ro%, C&O.
' Chartered 'ccountant >ith o<er 13 years of >or) e;perience in audit, finance
and ta;ation domain and ha<ing e;perience in %ebt raising @ pri<ate euity
financing etc-
$MART 'EAR( C'A$$)
:;tramar)s Smart (earn Classes are ta)ing the schools to 21st century learning-
teaching en<ironment- >hen children are technology from a young age, the
classrooms are remaining in the same traditional state in today?s >orld- 1he
pedagogy used by :;tramar)s by implementing a layered content structure in the
technology-enabled classrooms using latest technology allo>s complete freedom
to the teachers to use the technology as per their o>n choice- !rofessionals
ha<ing years of e;perience in teaching ha<e de<eloped these teaching modules
>hich present e<ery subject in a manner >hich ma)es the teaching-learning
process <ery interesting in the classrooms- 's the modules are mapped to the
curriculum follo>ed by the school, they not only pro<ide ease of use but also
standardise the education process- +y amalgamating state-of-the-art infrastructure
and professionally de<eloped content, :;tramar)s Smart (earn Classes transform
the con<entional classrooms to an ad<anced student-centric learning en<ironment-
1hese 1echnology :nabled Class 9ooms use State of the 'rt Lard>are
Infrastructure >hich include 9egular @ Short-thro> !rojector, Interacti<e +oard and
/hite +oard, Ser<er, Computer, &!S, !odium and other installation and net->or)
1o bring forth and nurture the indi<iduality of e<ery child, :;tramar)s has
especially de<eloped a Continuous and Comprehensi<e :<aluation $CC:, 9eport
CC: includes Formati<e $F', and Summati<e $S', 'ssessments- 's per the
C+S: guidelines, e<ery S' consists of one test per term and F' includes a
minimum of si; tests e<ery term, hence increasing the number of tests three folds
for both teachers and students, as >ell as ma)ing the the tas) of collecting and
collating data tedious for teachers- 1his comple; tas) is made easy by :;tramar)s
CC: 9eport Card, >hich has become an imperati<e tool for the teachers- 1his
intelligent soft>are, after entering the mar)s, collates the data automatically and
generates the report card >ithout in<ol<ing any manual >or), in just 3 minutesI
!ro<ides ease and freedom of use to teachers to e<aluate each child continuously
and comprehensi<ely-
0fficialK In conformity >ith C+S: guidelines-
1ime Sa<erK :ach report card ta)es atleast 20 minutes if prepared
manually, but :;tramar)s 9eport Card can reduce the time ta)en for this
e<aluation to three minutes-
Comprehensi<eK !ro<ides fle;ibility for selection, alteration * customi6ation
of tools * sub tools-
9educes errorsK %escripti<e indicators of :;tramar)s CC: 9eport Card
help to o<ercome spelling @ grammatical mista)es-
Las premium <alue additions li)eK
Student >ise performance graph
:;port * import options
'ttendance percentage calculator
Intelligent 1ime Sa<erK 1here is no need to collate data in the end- 4ust by
the entry of mar)s, the data is automatically collated and generated in the
format of record-
&se by Single or #ultiple &sersK 'llo>s use by multi-users li)e !rincipal,
1eachers and Students-
$C+OO' 'A,$)
In order to foster e;periential learning amongst the students, :;tramar)s has
de<eloped a uniue product- :;tramar)s School (abs, to create an end-to-end
learning en<ironment and pro<ide teachers and students >ith an inno<ati<e
teaching-learning solution-
/ith the help of demonstration models, list of e;periments, detailed manuals and
learning objecti<es, :;tramar)s School (abs help students in understanding the
concepts in a better >ay by letting them e;perience the theory themsel<es and
connecting them to the day-to-day life- 1hese e;periments inculcate scientific
temperament and logical thin)ing in them from an early age, thus shaping up their
minds for lifelong learning-
Assessment Centre
1his automated module allo>s teachers to assess the o<erall performance of the
student- 'ssessment Center maps the studentBs and teacherBs I% and cuts do>n
the lengthy test preparations, manual chec)ing, result preparations and filing of
documents, gi<ing instantaneous results >ith a detailed analytical sheet indicating
the >ea) areas-
Test Centre
1est Center pro<ides automated CC: mapped #COs testing modules for self
re<ie> and impro<ement >ith instant results- 1hese can be conducted as per the
fle;ibility of subject, time, and difficulty le<el >ith automated and tabulated results-
/ith a data ban) of o<er .00000 uestions, Summati<e 'ssessments, Chapter-
>ise O*', CC:-based Short @ (ong 'ns>er tests, CC:-based #COs, !ractice
papers, #odel papers and +oard e;am papers, it helps in identifying StudentBs
Impro<ement Pone as teachers come to )no> if a student is lac)ing in
understanding the basic fundamentals of the concept or its application-
!an India presence-
3.0E team of dedicated academicians - >ith <ast e;perience in school
management * teaching processes-
"o<ernment !rojects li)e KGs, 4DGs, state go<ernment implementing IC1
program in o<er 2.00 schools-
Company has both in-school * after school study support programs to help
Students to gain in depth )no>ledge-
Company has dedicated 'ccount #anagers to pro<ide prompt after-sales
'll learning tools created in-house-
(arge pool of technically s)illed manpo>er >ith in depth )no>ledge and
understanding of the mar)et-
"ood client base in all o<er india in C-+-S-: School-
Company has huge 0perational Cost-
(ess dependency on channel partners-
Company not has its content in regional languages-
(esser number of animations in K-12 segment-
Company is not ha<ing some complementary to offer to school digital lab,
or :9! school -
"roing o##ortunities in India and o/erseas mar!et-
/ith a student base of around 232 million in schools and 1.-.
million in colleges the Company has ample opportunities to
gro> in the domestic mar)et- 'lso the Indian go<ernment
spends around &S% 30 billion annually in the sector- 0ther
countries li)e #alaysia, Singapore, !eople s 9epublic of
China and &nited States of 'merica ha<e also been
increasing impetus on the educational sector pro<iding the
Company >ith opportunities for thri<ing in the respecti<e
"o/ernment initiati/es-
o "o<ernment of India has allocated ID9 310-32 +n to %epartment of
School :ducation and (iteracy and ID9 110 +n to %epartment of
Ligher :ducation- #oreo<er, the states >ere granted an amount
of ID9 32-5. +n for elementary education- 1his may increase
demand of Company s products resulting into increase in top line
and bottom line of the Company-
$hi0t in s#ending
Indian households are increasingly spending more money on
education, and for a majority of households today, children?s
education is one of the )ey moti<ations for sa<ing- :stimates from
Dational Sample Sur<ey 0ffice $DSS0, data re<eal that e<en though
food has been a priority in the consumption bas)et of Indian
households, its share has been declining- /e estimate that the
household budget share of education increased from 2A to 5A
bet>een 1883-83 and 2011-12- :ducation has >itnessed one of the
fastest gro>th rates among different e;penditure heads of Indian
/hile the o<erall consumer mar)et has gro>n at 13-.A per annum
in nominal terms o<er the last .-2 years, spending on education rose
by 21A per annum-
In 2003-0., 30A of rural and .5A of urban families said they >ere
spending on education- 1he corresponding numbers jumped to 23A
rural and 53A urban in the latest DSS0 sur<ey in 2008-10- ' number
of uestions arise-
$ti00 Com#etition-
1he Company faces stiff competition from e;isting entities and ne>
entrants in the industry- 1he Company obtains majority of its re<enue from
the Indian mar)ets >hich is dominated by the public sector >ith around
82-.A participation >ith regards to schools and by the pri<ate sector >ith
around 53A participation >ith regards to colleges- 1his lea<es out ample
mar)et to capture especially in case of schools for the pri<ate sector- 'lso,
many foreign institutions are setting up in the country in collaboration >ith
Indian institutions thereby increasing competition for the Company-
9estrictions made by "o<t- agencies-
C+S: 1utoring are no> a<ailable >hose price are less or more beneficiary
for the students-
.ni1ue Com#etiti/e Positioning
:;tramar)s enjoys a uniue competiti<e position and early-mo<er ad<antage in the
Indian education industry, >hich >e belie<e is capable of rapid and sustainable
long-term gro>th- /e forecast by FC1., a 2; increase in Smart (earn Class
installations, dri<en by product superiority and peer pressure among schools, and
a significant ramp-up in K-12 schools $22.schools,- Key ris)s include e;cessi<e
acceleration at the e;pense of e;ecution and ser<ice uality- /e initiate >ith a
+&C and a 12-month %CF-based target price of 9s72.-Indian education Q a large
opportunity in the ma)ingK ' large Junder-23B population of R.00m, one of the
>orldBs lo>est ":9s $15A,, lo> literacy rates and number of schooling years $.-1,
in the >orld, promise long-term gro>th- 'ccording to C+S: $Central +oard of
Secondary :ducation,, by FC12 India >ill need R1.0,000 more pri<ate schools
t>ice as many as it has at present- Garious education ser<ices, including more
schools, smart learn classrooms, faculty training, and <ocational trainingSall of
>hich face serious shortagestodayS>ill be needed- &psides for :;tramar)s from
early start in Smart Class and K-12 businessesK /e belie<e that Smart learn Class
$and similar products, >ill increasingly be adopted by schools, fuelled by product
superiority $o<er traditional methods, and peer pressure among schools-
:;tramar)s product, currently in 2,1.3 schools $forecast to e;ceed 13,000 schools
by FC12, is the clear class leader and >e foresee a >idening lead o<er
competition- :;tramar)s is also increasing focus on the K-12 business at the right
time, and >e forecast it >ill be in use in 200E schools by FC1. $currently 32,-
Securiti6ation of Smart learn Class recei<ables and K-12 e;ecution through the
Jdry managementB models are important steps to>ards accelerating e;ecution,
>hich is <ital to capturing this opportunity- +&C >ith %CF 1! of 9s72.K /e belie<e
that acceleration >ill gain <isibility in the coming uarters $management has
guided for 2.00 Smart Class schools in FC11, compared to 3..added in 3OFC10,-
(onger-term triggers may include :;tramar)sBs ban)s foregoing recourse to
:;tramar)s for securiti6ed recei<ables- Key ris)s are :;tramar)sBs accelerating too
fast for its e;ecution capability to )eep pace, as >ell as increased in<ol<ement in
go<ernment business purred by the 9ight to :ducation 'ct- +&C >ith %CF 1! of
9s72. >ith 11-.A /'CC and3A 1"9-
TOP TE( E-'EAR(I(" &IRM$ I( I(*IA)
$.(o. Com#an%
1 :ducom
2 De;t :ducation
3 :;tramar)s
3 1ata class :dge
. LC(
2 :durite
5 Class 1eacher
7 #e;us
8 DII1
10 :<erron
'pproaching schools-
#a)ing the proposition to the management@concerned department-
'rranging the demo-
Landling all the documentation >or) until completion
#aintaining and reporting the school-
!re and !ost <isit reporting to the lined manager-
'ssigned SchoolBs data collation-
#aintain strong 'fter Sale 9elations >ith the customers-
School?s profiling $'ll pertinent information about the school,-
"enerating (eads-
Strategi6ing <arious In-School@'fter-School acti<ities for re<enue
;or> Proce##
&irst $tage -
Client profiling - Identify the decision ma)er in first t>o or three meetings-
Keep in constant touch and recall >ith the client-
Stay in touch through creati<e means T as) for articles, principal
inter<ie>s, >or)shops and much more-
$econd $tage -
"i<e the school the <ision by pitch ('9": number of classes $>ith or
>ithout poc)ets to implement,-
Create aspiration-
!itch >ith the ser<er model >ith ma;imum no of access points-
%iscuss price only after demo T $for most of the accounts, not >here you
can close >ithout a demo,-
!itch some complimentary product li)e CC: report card etc-
Third $tage -
:nsure !ost dated cheues
:<ery page of the contract to be signed and stamped
#a)e t>o copies of contract
$er/icing Cues -
1- 1he buc) stops at you for M:G:9C1LID"N, be it implementation, content,
mar)eting, ser<ices T so ha<e o>nership T +e the jac) of all trades along
>ith being the master of allI
2- %onBt be tentati<e @ hold bac) - if you ha<e doubts, unresol<ed issues, scale
up T :SC'('1: as per hierarchy but 4&%ICI0&S(C-
Per=or5)nce M)n)8e5ent Sy#te5
1he process of Luman 9esource %e<elopment $L9%, in :;tramar)s
helps the employeeBs to acuire and de<elop technical, managerial and beha<ioral
)no>ledge, s)ills * abilities and the <alues , beliefs * attitudes necessary to
perform present and future roles- 1he process of !erformance 'ppraisal helps the
employees and management to )no> the le<el of employees !erformance
compared to the standard or predetermined le<el-
!erformance 'ppraisal is important in :;tramar)s to understand and
impro<e the employeeBs performance through L9%- In fact, !erformance 'ppraisal
is the basis of :;tramar)s- It >as <ie>ed that !erformance 'ppraisal >as useful
decide employeeBs promotion or transfer, salary determination- +ut the recent
de<elopments in L9% indicate that !erformance 'ppraisal is the basis for
employee de<elopment- !erformance 'ppraisal indicates the le<el of desired
performance le<el and actual performance and the gape bet>een these t>o- 1his
gap should be bridged through training, counseling and moti<ation etc-
In :;tramar)s, the process of L9% helps the employeeBs to acuire
and de<elopment technical, managerial and beha<ioral )no>ledge, s)ill, and
abilities, belief and attitudes necessary e;ists to achie<e goalsU the degree of
success obtained by the indi<idual employee in achie<ing indi<iduals goals directly
determines to the :;tramar)s effecti<eness- 1he assessment of the degree of
success of an indi<idual employee is an important part of L9# that leads to the
!erformance 'ppraisal
1he !erformance 'ppraisal system undergone in :;tramar)s helps
the employees of the 0rgani6ation to impro<e their abilities so as to meet both the
personal and organi6ational present and future reuirements- /hether the
organi6ation is reaching its standards by !erformance 'ppraisal resulting in
increase in uality and producti<ity of the employees obser<ed-
1he o<erriding purpose of !erformance 'ppraisal is to help
:;tramar)s employees to impro<e and thus to impro<e organi6ational
effecti<eness- !erformance 'ppraisal therefore institutional needs as >ell as staff
member needs, abilities, moti<ation and e;pectancies-
1he performance appraisal is done in :;tramar)s by calculating o<er
all business gi<en by employees- Garious contests >ere organi6ed by the sales
manager and certificates >ere issued-
's e;tramar)s itself an I-1 company >ho ma)es educational soft>are for schools,
!ro<ides lots of I-1 support to its employees and customer-
For its Sales department e;tramar)s gi<es S#S $Sales #anagement System,
>hich helps sales person to do daily reporting of his daily >or), he can also fill his
con<eyance details in this for reimbursement purpose * he can also do the !rice
calculation of Smart learn classes-
For Consumers :;tramar)s pro<ide 0nline tutoring program for after school
%ay 1- Signining ofagreement
%ay 2. T Implementation of S(C
%ay 30 T 1eachers 1raining
0ngoing T 9egular Content &pdation
0ngoing T !erodic 9e-training
Company has not >ide range of product portfolio in its bas)et in
comparison to its competitors-
Company should de<elop a separate 1echnical 1eam for fast solution of
problem because the 0S is (inu;e 'nd problem cannot be sol<e >ithout
technical help-
1here is lac) of technical support staff-
1he Company reach is di<erse, but in some areas the reach is good >hile
in some other areas it is not up to the mar)-
'lso Company should >or) to>ards impro<ement of its after sale ser<ice-
#ain complain of schools to>ards :V19'#'9KS is ser<ice problem-
1here is a lac) of animations in the content part and some of the feature in
dashboard ha<ing same use-
Customers >ere complaining about the communication support-
Should de<elop a standard agreement document because many clients
>ant many changes in agreement >hich is not feasible and it ta)es time to
get appro<als from legal department * if it >ill be same for all the chances
of closing the deal increases
Company should e;pand its product >idth * length-
"rab the opportunity by targeting 9ural mar)et +ecause the all the big
schools are tapped by the company >ho are ha<ing first mo<er ad<antage
hence the only mar)et left is tire 2 * tire 3 cities
1hough databases are there they are not used properly- 1he sales person
should ha<e to understand customer relationship management concept *
not just sell but maintain good long-term sustainable relations >ith Schools
because in future if they become loyal to us then they >ill differentiate us
from the competition * they ha<e to <isit each Schools at least t>ice a
Company should also increase the product portfolio in its bas)et to attract
customer, so sales e;ecuti<es can cross sell companyBs product to e;isting
Complaint handling and telephonic help department should be there for
instance complain and for sol<ing small problem
:;tramar)s should concentrate on customersB needs and start doing mass
customi6ation and should come >ith some ne> product in K-12 segment
>hich can be penetrated in masses li)e gi<ing content of )-12 >ith ne>
laptop or 1ablet-
#y personal >or) e;perience altogether >as good because I de<elop myself
professionally and learn a lot of things about life- It ma)es me more ali<e
practically and changes my perspecti<e to see life- It helps me to sync my
professional life >ith personal- It groomed me a lot- 1he hectic >or) schedule
helps me to manage my time effecti<ely- #y job K9'Bs helps me to nourish certain
s)ills, >hich are as follo>sK-
(istening s)ills-
!lanning and organi6ing s)ills-
Spea)ing s)ills-
Co-operating s)ills-
Self dependency
#y professional e;perience helps me groomed professionally- It helps me to
de<elop inter-personal s)ills and it also teaches me ho> to deal >ith colleagues,
subordinates and boss- From my >or) I learn ho> to complete tas)s in more
perfectionist >ay- From my >or) I de<elop certain professional s)ills >hich areK-
-+usiness %e<elopment
Key 'ccount #anagement-
Degotiation S)ills-
Landling pressure
+asic )no>ledge of (inu; 0S-
%ecision #a)ing S)ills-
%ata #anagement
The Content has 2een collected 0rom the 0olloing sites and e2#age)

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