Jyotish Krishnamurthy Paddhati-Bansal

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The document discusses the methodology of casting an accurate horoscope and calculating sidereal time according to Krishnamurthy Paddhati. It also talks about the houses to be considered for analyzing different life areas.

The main steps involved in casting an accurate horoscope according to the document are: 1) Conversion of Indian Standard Time to Local Mean Time 2) Calculation of Sidereal Time from Local Mean Time

To calculate sidereal time from local mean time, one needs to take the sidereal time for 12 noon on the date from tables, apply yearly and time corrections to obtain the sidereal time for the given local mean time.


Arun Kumar Bansal
Chapter 1
Casting Horoscope ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
Chapter 2
Krishnamurthy Paddhati ----------"---------------------------------------------------------- 18
Chapter 3
Ruling Planets------------------"------------------------------------------------------:-------- 29
Chapter 4
Significant Points forK. P. Analysis-------------------------------------------------------- 33
Chapter 5
Krishnamurthy Paddhati Applied to Natal Horoscope ~ 41
Chapter 6
Horary Astrology using Krishnamurthy Paddhati ---------------------------------------- 45
Chapter 7
Twelve Houses ~ : 53
Casting Horoscope
An accurate casting of a horoscope enables closer predictions to the actual and this
is more so essential in utilising the "Krishnamurthy Paddhati" mode for predictions. In
K.P. System the horoscope casting is exactly the same as in traditional system but the
house system is different. After calculation of Ascendant and planet positions, the
house degrees are calculated as per Placidus system. Further for the planets and
houses both, Nakshatra lord and sublord are computed for further analysis of
An illustration will revive the methodology to be adopted to ensure accurate casting of
Birth Date: 12- 9-193S.
Birth Place: GUNA. [M.P.]
Birth Time: 9:08 P. M.
Latitude: 24 39' N. Longitude: 77 18' E.
The procedure of casting horoscope includes following main steps :-
The Earth moves in an ellipse round the Sun and revolves once on its axis in 24 hours.
It takes 4 minutes to revolve one degree from west to east direction and thereby every
solar body appears to move from east to west Hence in places in the same iatitude
about one degree east of any place, the Sun rise will be seen 4 minutes earlier than
p!_rces in the west. Indian Standard Time is always S hrs. 30 mts. ahead of Greenwich
Mean Time because it is fixed for the longitude 82 deg. 30 mts. E. For the calculation
of Local Mean Time it is necessary to note the Geographical Coordinates i.e. the
Latitude & Longitude.
Guna is west of the chosen meridian 82 30'. The diff. of Long is S
10'. The time
correction @ 4 minutes per deg. will be equal to S
10 X 4 = 20 mts. 40 sees.
So, when it is 9.08 p.m. I ST. it means [09-08]- [O hr. 20 mts. 40 sees.]
=8 hrs. 47 mts. 20 sees. p.m. LMT. at Guna.
Note :- If the locality is in the east of the chosen meridian 82 30' E. then the time
correction calculated @ 4 minutes per deg. for the difference of longitude of place of
birth should be added to the 1ST in order to obtain LMT for the birth place.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 1
After having obtained the Local mean time it would be necessary to calculate the
sidereal time of the location concerned. The local mean time of 8hr 47 mts 20 seconds
at Guna on 12.9.35 has been calculated above with Lat 2440'N & Long. 7720'E.
The sidereal time for 12.00 Noon on 12.9.1900 as given in Table of Lahari panchang
(enclosed) is 11 h23m14
To this a year correction as given. in Table II is to be taken.
This for 1935 is -1 m53
and correction for time interval of i.e. 1 h24m needs to added.
Accordingly, the sidereal time is
1. Sidereal time for 12 Noon on 12.9.1900
as given in Table 1 for 8230' E for 1900
2. Time correction for 1935th year as for table IV
3. Correction to time Interval as given in Table IV
4. The correction for different East Longitude
@ 1 sec per 1% degree difference i.e.
Standard long of 8230'- 7740'
5. Interval between 12 Noon & LMT at Birth
Sidereal Time
mt Sec.
23 14
1 53
21 21
1 24
22 45
0 3
22 48
47 20
10 08

Referring to the table of houses in the Lahiri Ephemeris the position of the 1Oth cusp is
given for each sidereal time. For the sidereal time the 1Oth cusp is gven for 20 hr 8'
and 20 hrs 12' which is respectively 649' & 747'. For the difference for4 mts there
is 62 sec. difference. Thus for 2' 8" the proportionate increase would be 30' from 649'
i.e. 719'.
From the table of Ascendants Jar the !attitude 2439' as given in Table the cusp is
again given for 20hr 8' and 20 hr 12' as 1837' and 1948' respectively i.e. approx 44'
for 2 mts 8". The Ascendant would therefore be 1837' +36'=1921'. The span between
the 1 0-11 th cusp, 11th-12th, 12th- Asc, Asc-1 st, 1-2nd and 2nd-3rd cusp are given in
Krlshnamurthy Paddhati
Table. By adding 180 to the above cusps the 7th cusp from there on would be available.
Houses Rashi Cusp
1 Aries 19 21' 0
2 Taurus 1814'0
3 Gemini 12 39' 0
4 Cancer yo 19' 0
s Leo
so 10' 0
6 Virgo 10 21' 0
7 Libra 19 13' 0
8 Scorpio 18 14' 0
9 Sagitarius 12 39' 0
10 Capricorn 7 19' 0
11 Aquarius
so 19' 0
12 Pisces 10 21' 0
Cusps of Different Houses
Pisces Aries Taurus
Xll10-21 Asc.19-21
IV 7-19
Capricorn Leo
X 7-19 v 5-10
IX 12-39
Vll19-21 VI 10-21
Referring to the Lahiri ephemeris where the longitude for planets is given for the year
193S at S.30 p.m. I ST., the position of the planets can be worked .out as follows. The
Nirayana position of the Moon has been given for each day while that for other planets
are for 7 days. For arriving at the specific hour of 9.08 p.m. the method of log.
proportional should be applied. In case of ret.rograte planet the proportional motion
should be deducted from that of the previous day.
Krlshnamurthy Paddhatl 3
Position Position Motion Proportional Actual
Planets on on for one Motion position
8-9-1935 15-9-1935 day interval
Sun 4
2157' 4
2546' 58'25" 40'4" 14557'40"
Moon 10
2052'* 11
612'* 15.9'20" 218'14" 32310'14"
(* for 24 hrs span)
Mars 7"1 42' 7 621' 39'53" 243'32" 21425'32"
Mercury 5
1432' 5
2350' 118' 529' 17011'00"
Jupiter 6
2514' 6
2620' 9'24" 37'42" 20551'42"
Venus (R) 4
2144' 4
1737' -35'12" -228'48" 13915'12"
Saturn (R) 10
1315' 10
1244' -4'26" -18'41" 31257'19"
Rahu 26753'00"
Ketu 8753'00"
As birth has taken place 3 hrs. 08 mts. after 5-30 p.m. 1ST on 12-9-1935 find out the
proportional movement for this interval, and add the same to the position of 1 z.g.
1935, if the planet is in direct motion or deduct if the planet is retrograde. As Rahu's
position is given in ephemeris, so to fix Ketu's longitudes add 180.
Longitude of Lagna
Add Longitude of Moon
Sum of Lagna and Moon
Deducting Long. of Sun
14558' 24"
Longitude of Fortuna
Libra 1632'-11"
12 1
11 Sat(R)
Rahu 8
27"53' Mars .
4 25
2011 '0"
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Moon at the time of birth was in 231 0'14" Aquarius in Poorvabhadrapad star which
extends from 20 deg. Aquarius to 3 deg. 20 mts. Pisces. Therefore. the portion to be
covered by Moon is 952'5" or 609'. Jupiter has 16 years of Dasha. The Longitude of
a star is 13 deg. 20 mts. or 800 mts. Therefore, the balance of Jupiter Dasa at birth.
= 609'/800 X 16
== 12 years 2M 8 days.
1. Find the LMT for a Birth at 10.40 AM 1ST at Delhi.
2. Describe the procedure to arrive at the .sidereal time for a particular place.
3. Describe the position to find the cusp of the Ascendant & Xth house using the
Lahiri panchang and thereafter arriving at the cusps for all houses.
4. How should the accurate locations of the position of planets be done.
5. How should the position of Fortuna be determined.
6. Indicate the constellation & sub lord of the each planet using Table.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 5
Date Sid. Time
h m s
1 18 41 48
2 18 4545
3 18 4942
4 18 5338
5 18 5735
6 19 1 31
7 19 5 2
8 19 9 24
9 19 13 21
10 19 17 18
11 19 21 14
12 19 25 11
13 19 28 7
14 19 334
15 19 37 0
16 19 40 57
17 19 4453
18 19 4850
19 19 52 47
20 19 5643
21 20 0 40
22 20 4 36
23 20 8 33
24 20 12 29
25 20 16 26
26 20 2022
27 20 24 19
28 20 28 16
29 20 32 12
30 20 369
31 20 405
Sidereal Time
Table -1
Sidereal Time at 12h noon local mean time for days of year.
(For 82Y2 E. Longitude and for 1900 A.D.)
Date Sid. Time Date Sid. Time
Date Sid. Time Date Sid. Time
February March
April May
h m s h m s
h m s
h m s
1 20 442
1 22 34 25
1 0 36 39
1 2 3455
2 20 47 58
2 22 3822
2 0 4035
2 2 38 52
3 20 51 55
3 22 42 18
3 0 4432
3 2 42 48
4 20 55 51
4 22 46 15
4 0 4828
4 2 46 45
5 20 5948
5 22 50 12
5 0 5225
5 2 50 41
6 21 3 45
6 22 548
6 0 56 21
6 2 5438
7 22 585
7 1 0 18
7 2 5835
7 21 7 41
8 23 2 1
8 1 4 14
8 3 2 31
8 21 11 38
9 23 5 58
9 1 8 11
9 3 6 28
9 21 15 34
10 23 9 54 10 3 10 24
10 21 19 31
10 1 12 8
11 23 13 51 11 3 14 21
11 21 23 27
11 1 16 4
12 23 17 47 12 3 18 17
12 21 27 24
13 23 21 44
12 1
20 1
13 22 14 3
13 21 31 20
14 23 25 41 .
13 1 23 57
14 3 26 10
14 21 35 17 15 23 29. 37
14 1 27 54
15 3 307
15 21 39 14
16 23 3334
15 1 31 50
16 3 344
16 21 43 10
17 23 .37 30
16 1 35 47
17 3 380
18 23 41 27
17 1 3943
18 3 41 56
17 21 47 7
19 23 4523
18 1 4340
19 3 4553
18 21 51 3
20 23 4920
19 1 47 37
20 3 4950
19 21 550
21 23 53 16
20 1 51 33
21 3 5346
20 21 5856
21 1 5530
22 23 57 13 22 3 57 43
21 22 2 53
23 0 1 10
22 1 59 26
23 4 1 39
22 22 6 49
24 0 5 6
23 2 3 23
24 4 5 36
23 22 10 46
25 0 9 3
24 2 7 19
25 4 9 33
24 22 14 43
26 0 12 59 25 2 11 16 26 4 13 29
25 22 18 39
27 0 16 56 26 2 15 12 27 4 17 26
26 22 2236
28 0 20 52 27 2 19 9 28 4 21 22
27 22 26 32 29 0 24 49
28 2 23 6
29 4 25 19
28 22 3029 30 0 28 45
29 2 27 2
30 4 29 15
29 22 34 25
31 0 32 42
30 59
31 4 33 12
Date Sid. Time
h m s
1 4 37 8
2 4 41 5
3 4 452
4 4 4858
5 4 5255
6 '4
56 51'
7 5 0 48
8 5 4 44
9 5 8 41
10 5 12 37
11 5 16 34
12 5 20 31
13 5 24 27
14 5 28 24
15 5 32 20
16 5 36 17
17 5 40 13
18 5 44 10
19 5 486
20 5 523
21 5 560
22 5 59 56
23 6 3 53
24 6 7 49
25 6 11 46
26 6 15 42
27 6 19 39
28 6 2335
6 27 32
30 6 31 29
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Date Sid. Time
h m s
1 6 3525
2 6 3922
3 6 43 18
4 6 47 15
5 6 51 11
6 6 558
7 6 59 4
8 7 3 1
9 7 6 58
10 7 10 54
11 7 14 51
12 7 18 47
13 7 2244
14 7 2640
15 7 30 37
16 7 3433
17 7 3830
18 7 42 27
7 4623
20 7 50 20
21 7 54 16
22 7 58 13
23 8 2 9
24 8 6 6
25 8 10 2
26 8 13 59
27 8 17 56
28 8 21 52
29 8 25 49
30 8 29 45
31 8 33 42
Sidereal Time
Table -1 -Continued
Sidereal Time al 12h noon local mean time for days of year.
(For 82%
E. Longitude and for 1900 A.D.)
Date Sid. Time Date Sid. Time Date Sid. Time Date Sid. Time
August September October November
h m s h m s h m s
h m s
1 8 37 38
1 10 39 52 1 12 388 1 14 40 21
2 8 41 35
2 10 4348
2 12 42 5
2 14 44 18
3 8 45 31
3 10 47 45
3 12 461
3 14 48 14
4 8 49 28
4 10 51 41
4 12 49 58
4 14 52 11
5 8 5325
5 10 5538
5 12 53,54
5 14 568
6 8 57 21
6 10 59 34
6 12 57 51
6 15 0 4
7 9 1 18
7 11 3 31
7 13
1 48
7 15 ,4 1
8 9 5 14
8 11 7 27
8 13 5 44
8 15 7 57
9 9 9 11
9 11 11 24
9 13 9 41
9 15 11 54
10 9 13 7
10 11 15 21
10 13 13 37
10 '15 15 50
11 9 17 4
11 11 19 17
11 13 17 34
11 15 19 47
12 9 21 0
12 11 23 14
12 13 21 30
12 15 23 43
13 9 24 57
13 13 25 27
13 15 27 40 13 27 10
14 9 28 54 14 13 29 23
14 11 31 7 14 15 31 37
15 9 3250 15 13 33 20
16 9 36 47
15 11 353
16 13 37 16
15 15 3533
17 9 4043
16 11 390
17 13 41 13
16 15 39 30
18 9 4440
17 11 42 56
18 13 45 10
17 15 43 26
19 9 4836
18 11 4653
19 13 49 6
18 15 47 23
20 9 52 33
19 11 5050
20 13 533
19 15 51 19
21 9 58 29
20 11 5446
21 13 5859
20 15 55 16
22 10 0 26
21 11 5843
22 14 0 56
21 15 59 12
23 10 4 23
22 12 2 39
23 14 4 52
22 16 3-9
24. 10 8 19
23 12 6 36
24 14 8 49
23 16 7 6
25 10 12 16
24 12 10 32
25 14 12 45
24 16 11 2
26 10 16 12
25 12 14 29
26 14 16 42
25 16 14 59
27 10 20 9 26 12 18 25 27 14 20 39
26 16 18 55
28 10 24 5 27 12 2222 28 14 24 35 27 16 2252
29 10 28 2
28 12 26 19 29 14 28 32 28 16 26 48
30 10 31 58
29 12 30 15 30 14 32 28 29 16 3045
31 10 35 55
30 12 34 12
31 14 3625
30 16 34 41
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Date Sid. Time
h m s
1 16 3838
2 16 4235
3 16 46 31
4 16 50 28
5 16 54 24
6 16 58 21
7 17 2 17
8 17 6 14
9 17 10 10
10 17 14 7
11 17 18 4
12 17 220
13 17 25 57
14 17 2953
15 17 3350
16 17 37 46
17 17 41 43
18 17 45 39
19 17 4936
20 17 5333
21 17 57 29
22 18 1 26
23 18 5 22
24 18 9 19
25 18 13 15
26 18 17 12
27 18 21 8
28 18 255
29 18 292
30 18 3258
31 18 3655
Year Correction
m s
1900 -o 0
1901 -o 57
1902 -1 55
1903 -2 52
1904* -3 49
1904t +0 7
1905 -o 50
1906 -1
1907 -2 45
1908* -3 42
1908t +0 14
1909 -o 43
1910 -1 40
1911 -2 38
1912* -3 35
1912t +0 22
1913 -o 36
1914 -1 33
1915 -2 30
1916* -3 27
1916t +0 29
1917 -o 28
1918 -1 25
1919 -2 23
1920* -3 20
.192ot +0 37
1921 -o 21
1922 -1 18
1923 -2 15
1924* -3 12
1924t +0 44
1925 -o 13
1926 -1 11
Table 11- Correction for different years
(To be applied to the result of Table I above)
Year Correction
Year Correction Year Correction
m s m s m 5
1927 -2 8
1953 +0 38 1980*
-1 29
-3 5
1954 -o 19 1980t +2 28
1928t +0 51 1955 -1 16 1981 +1 30
1929 -o 6
1956* -2 13 1982 +0 33
1930 -1 3 1956t + 1 43 1983 -o 25
1931 -2 1
1957 +0 46 1984* -1 22
-2 58
1958 -o 12 1984f +2 35
1932t +0 59
1959 -1 9 1985 +1 37
1933 +0 1
1960* -2 6 1986 +0 40
1934 -o 56 1960t +1 51 1987 -o 17
1935 -1 53
1961 +0 53 1988* -1 14
1936* -2 50
1962 -o 4 1988t +2 42
1936t +1 6
1963 -1 2 1989 +1 45
1937 +0 9
1964* -1 59 1990 +0 47
1938 -o 49 1964t +1 58 1991 -o 10
1939 -1 46 1965 +1 0 1992* -1 7
1940* -2 43
1966 +0 3 1992t +2 50
1940t +1 13 1967. -o 54 1993 +1 52
1941 +0 16
1968* -1 51 1994 +0 55
1942 -o 41 1968t +2 5 1995 -o 3
1943 -1 38
1969 +1 8 1996* -1 0
-2 36
1970 +0 10 1996t +2 57
1944t +1 21
19'11 -o 47 1997 +1 59
1945 +0 24
1972* -1 44 1998 +1 2
1946 -o 34
1972t +2 13 1999 +0 5
1947 -1 31
1973 +1 15 2000* -o 52
1948* -2 28
1974 +0 18 2000t +3 5
1948t +1 28 1975 -o 39 2001 -o 5
1949 +0 31
1976* -1 36 2002 -1 3
1950 -o 26 1976t +2 20 2003 -2 0
1951 -1 24
1977 +1 23 2004*
-2 57
-2 21
1978 +0 25 2004t +0 59
1952t +1 36
1979 -o 32 2005 +0 2
Year Correction
m 5
2006 -o 56
2007 -1 53
2008* -2 50
2008t +1 6
2009 +0 9
2010 -o 48
2011 -1 40
-2 43
2012t +1 14
2013 +0
16 ..
2014 -o 41
2015 -1 38
-2 35
2016t +1 21
2017 +0 24
2018 -o 33
2019 -1 31
2020* -2 28
2020t +1 29
2021 +0 31
2022 -o 26
2023 -1 23
2024* -2 20
2024t +1 36
2025 +0 39
2026 -o 19
2027 -1 16
2028* -2 13
2028t +1 43
2029 +0 46
2030 -o 11
2031 -1 9
2032* -2 6
* For January and February only. t For March to December.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Table Ill- Correction for different localities
PlaCE! Long. Correction Place Long. Correction
m s m s
Allahabad 8152E + 0 0 Greenwich
+ 0 54
Ban galore 7736E + 0 2 Islamabad 7310E + 0 6
Bangkok 10030E - 0 12 Kuala Lampur 10143E - 0 13
Bombay 7250E + 0 6 Madras 8015E + 0 1
Calcutta 8823E - 0 4 New York 740W + 1 43
Colombo 7952E + 0 2 Pune 7353E +. 0 6
Dacca 9025E - 0 5 Rangoon 9610E - 0 9
Delhi 7713E + 0 3 Varanasi 831E
- 0 0
Correction is @ .66 seconds per degree of longitude from central meridian 8230' and positive for
West and negative for East.
Table IV - Correction to Increase the time Interval
Time Corr. Time Corr.
Time Corr. Time Carr. Time Corr.
h m s h m s h m s h m s m m s
1 + 0 10 8 + 1 19
15 + 2 28 22 + 3 37 24 + 0 4
2 0 20 9 1 29 16 2 38 23 3 47 30 0 5
3 0 30 10 1 39 17 2 48 24 + 3 56 36 0 6
0 39 11 1 48 18 2 57 m m s 42 0 7
5 0 49 12 1 58 19 3 7 6 + 0 1 48 0 8
6 0 59 13 2 8 20 3 17 12 0 2 54 0 9
7 + 1 9 14 + 2 18 21 + 3 27 18 + 0 3 60 + 0 10
The time correction is applied for the time interval of the given moment from Noon, increased by
the above correction.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 9
Tenth House or M.C. (For all places on the Earth)
Sidereal Tim_e
Oh 3h 6h 9h 12h
0 11 7 0 0 24 28 2 7 0 3 19 32 5 7 0
4 8
5 .
25 28 7 55 20 32 8 5
8 9 11 26 27 8 50
21 32 9 11
12 10 16 27 27 9 45 22 32 10 16
16 11 22 28 26 10 40 23 33 11 22
20 12 27 0 29 25 11 35 24 33 12 27
24 13 32 1 0 23 12 30 25 34 13 32
28 14 37 1 22 13 26 26 35 14 37
32 11 15 43 1 2 21 2 14 21 3 27 36 5 15 43
36 16 48 3 19 15 16 28 37 16 48
40 17 53 4 17 16 11 3 29 39 17 53
44 18 58 5 15 17 7 4 0 41 18 58
48 20 3 6 13 18 2 1 42 20 3
52 21 8 7 11 18 58 3 47 22 12
1'h .
4h 7h 10h 13h
0 11 23 17 1 9 5 2 20 49 4 4 49 5 23 17
4 24 21 10 3 21 44 5 52 24 21
8 25 26 11 0 22 40 6 54 25 26
12 26 30 11 57 23 36 7 57 26 30
16 27 34 12 54 24 32 9 0 27 34
20 28 38 13 50 25 28 10 3 28 38
24 11 29 42 14 47 26 24 11 7 5 29 42
28 0 0 46 15 43 27 20 12 10 6 0 46
32 0 1 50 1 16 40 2 28 17 4 13 14 6 1 50
36 2 53 17 36 2 29 13 14 18 2 53
40 3 57 18 38 3 0 10 15 22 3 57
44 5 0 19 28 1 6 16 26 5 0
48 6 3 20 24 2 3 17 30 6 3
52 7 6 21 20 3 0 18 34 7 6
56 8 8 22 16 3 57 19 39 8 8
2h 5h 8h 11h 14h
0 0 9 11 1 23 11 3 4 55 4 20 43 6 9 11
4 10 13 24 7 5 52 21 48 10 13
8 11 16 25 2 6 49 22 52 11 16
12 12 18 25 58 7 47 23 57 12 18
16 13 19 26 53 8 45 25 2 13 19
20 14 21 27 49 9 43 26 7 14 21
24 15 23 28 44 10 41 27 12 15 23
28 16 24 1 29 39 11 39 28 17 16 24
32 0 17 25 2 0 34 3 12 38 4 29 23 6 17 25
36 18 26 1 30 13 37 5 0 28 18 26
40 19 27 2 25 14 35 1 33 19 27
44 20 27 3 20 15 34 2 38 20 27
48 21 28 4 . 15 16 33 3 44 21 28
52 22 28 5 10 17 33 4 49 22 28
56 23 28 6 5 18 32 5 55 23 28
60 0 24 28 2 7 0 3 19 32 5 7 0 6 24 28
Proportional Parts
Variation in 4 mins : 1 -5' 1 -3' 1 -1.' 0-59'
Variation in 3 mins : 49' 47' 46' 44'
Variation in' 2 mins : 32' 31' 31' 30'
Variation in 1 min : 16' 16' 15' 15'
6 24 28 8
25 28
26 27
27 27
28 26
29 25
0 23
1 22
2 21 8
3 19
4 17
5 15
6 13
8 8
9 5 8
10 3
11 0
11 57
12 54
13 50
14 47
15 43
16 40 8
17 36 8
18 32 9
19 28
20 24
21 20
22 16
23 11 9
24 7
25 2
25 58
26 53
27 49
28 44
29 39
0 34 9
1 30
2 25
3 20
4 15
5 10
6 5
7 0 9
18h 21h
7 0 9 19 32
7 55 20 32
8 50 21 32
9 45 22 32
10 40 23 33
11 35 24 33
12 30 25 34
13 26 26 35
14 21 9 27 36
15 16 28 37
.16 11 9 29 39
17 7 10 0 41
18 2 1 42
19 53 3 47
19h 22h
20 49 10 4 49
21 44 5 52
22 40 6 5 ~
23 36 7 57
24 32 9 0
25 28 10 3
26 24 11 7
27 20 12 10
28 17 10 1314
29 13 14 18
0 10 15 22
1 6 16 26
2 3 17 30
3 0 18 34
3 57 19 39
20h 23h
4 55 10 20 43
5 52 21 48
6 49 22 52
7 47 23 57
8 45 25 2
9 43 26 7
10 41 27 12
11 39 28 17
12 38 10 29 23
13 37 11 0 28
14 35 1 33
15 34 2 38
16 33 3 44
17 33 4 49
18 32 5 55
19 32 11 7 0
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Ascendant for Latitude 2430' North
Oh 3h Sh
s .
0 2 17 17 3 26 34 5
4 18 10 27 27
8 19 3 28 20
12 19 56 3 29 13
20 49 4 0 6
20 21 42 0 59
24 22 34 1 52
28 23 28 2 46
32 2 24 20 4 3 38 5
36 25 12 4 31
40 26 5 5 25
44 26 57 6 18
48 27 50 7 12
52 28 42 8 6
56 2 29 35 8 58
1h 4h 7h
0 3 0 26 4 9 52 5
4 1 19 10 46
8 2 11 11 40
12 3 3 12 34
16 3 55 13 27
20 4 47 14 21
24 5 39 15 15
28 6 32 16 9
32 3 7 25 4 17 3 5
36 8 16 17 57
40 9 7 18 51 5
44 9 59 19 45 6
48 10 52 20 40
52 11 44 21 34
56 12 36 22 28
2h 5h Bh
0 3 13 28 4 23 22 6
4 14 20 24 17
15 12 25 11
16 5 26 6 6
16 16 57 27 0
20 17 49 27 54
24 18 42 28 49
28 19 34 4 29 44
32 .
3 20 26 5 0 38 6
36 21 18 1 32
40 22 11 2 27
44 23 4 3 22
48 23 56 4 17
52 24 49 5 11
56 25 42 6 6
60 I
3 26 34 5 7 0 6
Variation in 4 Mins : 0-52' 0-54'
Variation in 3 Mins : 39' 40'
Variation in 2 Mins : 26' 27'
Variation in 1 Min : 13' 14'
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Sidereal Time
9h 12h
0 .
7 0 6 17 26 7 26 43
7 54 18 18 27 37
8 49 19 11 28 30
9 44 20 4 7 29 24
10 39 20 56 8 0 18
11 33 21 48 1 12
12 28 22 41 2 6
13 22 23 34 3 0
14 17 6 24 26 8 3 54
15 11 25 18 4 48
16 6 26 11 5 43
17 0 27 3 6 38
17 54 27 56 7 33
18 49 28 48 8 28
19 43 6 29 41 9 23
20 38 7 0 32 8 10 19
21 32 1 24 11 15
22 26 2 16 12 11
23 20 3 8 13 8
24 15 4 1 14 4
25 9 4 52 15 1
26 3 5 44 15 58
26 58 6 36 16 56
27 51 7 7 28 8 17 53
28 45 8 21 18 51
29 39 9 13 19 49
0 33 10 5 20 48
1 27 10 57 21 47
2 20 11 50 22 46
3 14 12 41 23 46
11h 14h
4 8 7 13 33 8 24 46
5 2 14 25 25 46
5 54 15 18 26 46
48 16 10 27 47
7 42 17 3 28 48
8 35 17 55 8 29 50
9 29 18 48 9 0 52
10 22 19 40 1 54
11 15 7 20 33 9 2 57
12 8 21 25 4 0
13 1 22 18 5 3
13 54 23 11 6 7
14 47 24 4 7 11
15 40 24 57 8 16
16 33 25 50 9 22
17 26 7 26 43 9 10 28
Proportional Parts
056' 0-58' 1 -0'
42' 43' 45'
28' 29' 30'
14' 15' 15'
15h 18h 21h
0 .
' s
9 10 28 11 7 0 1 3 32
11 34 8 21 4 38
12 40 9 43 5 43
13 47 11 4 6 49
14 55 12 26 7 53
16 4 13 47 8 56
17 12 15 8 10 0
18 20 16 29 11 3
9 19 29 11 17 50 1 12 6
20 39 19 11 13 8
21 49 20 32 14 10
23 0 21 52 15 12
24 12 23 11 16 13
25 23 24 31 17 14
26 35 25 50 18 14
16h 19h 22h
9 47 48 11 27 1 0 1 19 14
9 29 1 28 29 20 14
10 0 15 11 29 47 21 14
1 29 0 1 5 22 13
2 43 2 23 23 12
3 58 3 40 24 10
5 14 4 58 25 9
6 29 6 14 26 7
10 7 46 0 7 30 1 27 4
9 3 8 46 28 2
10 19 10 2 28 59
11 37 11 16 1 29 56
12 54 12 31 2 0 52
14 13 13 45 1 49
15 31 14 59 2 2 45
17h 20h 23h
10 16 50 0 16 12 2 3 41
18 10 17 25 4 36
19 29 18 37 5 32
20 49 19 48 6 27
22 8 21 0 7 22
23 28 22 11 8 17
24 49 23 21 9 12
26 10 24 3 10 7
10 27 31 0 25 40 2 11 1
10 28 51 26 48 11 55
11 0 13 27 57 12 49
1 34 .o 29 5 13 43
2 55 1
4 17
5 39
11 7 0 1
1 -2' 1 -4'
46' 48'
31' 32'
16' 16'
0 12
1 19
2 26
3 32 2
1 -6'
14 37
15 30
16 24
17 17
Nirayana Longitudes of Planets at 5.30 PM 1ST for year 1935 Ayanamsa 2257'17"
Date Beng. Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Wednes
Jan 6 21 9 10 2 36 6 24 49 5 19 5 8 22 18 9 3 59 8 26 10 9 1 7
13 28 9 10 3 20 6 25 54 5 21 52 8 29 26 9 12 47 9 7 49 9 12 51
20 6 1C 10 4 6 6 26 53 5 24 24 9 6 34 9 21 33 9 19 34 9 24 30
27 13 1C 10 4 54 6 27 46 5 26 38 9 13 41 10 0 19 10 0 41 10 4 47
Feb3 20 10 10 5 43 6 28 32 5 28 32 9 20 42 10 9 4 10 8 56 10 1 0 38
10 27 10 10 6 34 6 29 11 6 0 2 9 27 53 10 17 47 10 10 29 10 8 35
17 5 11 10 7 25 6 29 41 6 1 5 10 4 57 10 26 30 10 4 27 1 0 1 7
24 12 11 10 8 16 7 0 3 6 1 37 10 12 0 11 5 11 9 27 38 9 2612
Mar3 19 11 10 9 6 7 0 17 6 1 34 10 19 2 11 13 50 9 25 57 9 26 50
10 26 11 10 9 56 7 0 21 6 0 54 10 26 3 11 22 27 9 29 9 1 0 1 34
17 3 ~ 10 10 46 7 0 16 5 29 36 11 3 1 0 1 2 10' 5 30 10 8 54
24 10 12 10 11 33 7 0 1 5 27 43 11 9 58 0 9 34 10 13 54 10 17 58
31 17 12 10 12 19 6 29 38 5 25 23 11 16 54 0 18 4 10 23 46 10 28 23
Apr 7 24 12 10 13 3 6 29 7 5 22 45 11 23 48 0 26 30 11 4 54 11 10 2
14 1 1 10 13 45 6 28 29 5 20 4 0 0 40 1 4 53 11 1715 11 22 55
21 8 1 10 14 23 6 27 44 5 17 37 0 7 30 1 13 13 0 0 50 0 7 2
28 15 1 10 14 59 6 26 55 5 15 35 0 14 19 1 21 28 0 15 31 0 21 59
MayS 22 1 10 1 31 6 26 3 5 14 7 0 21 7 1 29 38 1 0 29 1 6 37t'
12 29 1 10 15 59 6 25 10 5 13 18 0 27 53 2 7 44 1 14 15 1 19 27
19 5 2 10 16 23 6 24 17 5 13 7 1 4 38 2 15 43 1 25 37 1 29 38
26 12 2 10 16 43 6 23 26 5 13 34 1 11 21 2 23 34 2 4 7 2 6 49
Jun 2 19 2 10 16 58 6 22 40 5 14 34 1 12 4 3 1 18 2 9 26 2 10 37
9 26 2 10 17 9 6 21 59 5 16 5 1 24 46 3 8 53 2 11 8 2 10 45
16 1 3 10 17 15 6 21 25 5 18 2 2 1 28 3 16 15 2 9 19 2 7 46
23 8 3 10 17 16 6 20 58 5 20 22 2 8 8 3 23 23 2 5 29 2 3 57
30 15 3 10 17 12 6 20 40 5 23 3 2 14 49 4 0 14 2 2 35 2 2 17
July? 22 3 10 174 6 20 30 5 26 1 2 21 29 4 6 44 2 3 2 2 4 28
14 29 3 10 16 31 6 20 29 5 29 16 2 28 10 4 12 46 2 7 35 2 10 45
21 5 4 10 16 33 6 20 37 96 2 43 3 4 50 4 18 13 2 16 5 2 20 49
28 12 4 10 16 12 6 20 54 6 6 23 3 11 32 4 22 54 2 28 0 3 3 52
Aug4 19 4 10 15 47 6 21 19 6 10 15 3 18 14 4 26 36 3 12 4 3 18 18
11 26 4 10 15 20 6 21 52 6 14 16 3 24 56 4 29 1 3 26 31 4 2 30
18 1 5 10 14 50 6 22 32 6 18 26 4 1 39 4 29 49 4 10 10 4 15 40
25 8 5 10 14 19 6 23 20 6 22 44 4 8 24 4 28 44 4 22 42 4 27 44
Sep1 15 5 10 13 47 6 24 14 6 27 9 4 15 10 4 25 50 5 4 8 5 8 43
8 22 5 10 13 15 8 35 14 7 1 42 4 21 57 4 21 44 5 14 32 5 18 40
15 29 5 10 12 44 6 26 20 7 6 21 4 28 46 4 17 37 5 23 50 5 27 26
22 5 6 10 12 15 6 27 30 7 11 6 5 5 36 4 14 42 6 1 46 6 4 35
29 12 6 10 11 49 6 28 45 7 15 57 5 12 28 4 13 39 6 7 36 6 9 8
Oct 6 19 6 10 11 25 7 0 4 7 20 53 5 19 21 4 14 31 6 9 52 6 9 10
13 26 6 10 11 6 7 1 27 7 25 53 5 26 16 4 17 2 6 6 22 6 3 4
20 3 7 10 10 51 7 2 52 8 0 58 6 3 13 4 20 54 5 28 17 5 25 32
27 10 7 10 10 40 7 4 20 8 6 7 6 10 10 4 25 49 5 24 17 5 25 15
Nov3 17 7 10 10 32 7 5 50 8 11 20 6 17 11 5 1 30 5 28 36 6 2 9
10 24 7 10 10 34 7 7 22 8 16 36 6 24 13 5 7 49 6 7 42 6 12 12
17 1 8 10 10 38 7 8 54 8 21 54 7 1 16 5 14 36 6 18 25 6 23 9
24 8 8 10 10 48 7 10 28 8 27 6 7 8 20 5 21 46 6 29 29 7 4 14
Dec1 15 8 10 11 3 7 12 2 9 2 39 7 15 25 5 29 14 7 10 32 7 15 15
8 22 8 10 11 22 7 13 35 9 8 5 7 22 32 6 6 56 7 21 32 7 26 15
15 29 8 10 11 46 7 15 9 9 13 31 7 29 38 6 14 50 8 2 33 8 7 18
29 13 9 10 12 47 7 18 11 9 24 28 8 13 54 7 1 3 8 24 53 8 29 42
Jan 5 20 9 10 13 22 7 19 38 9 29 56 8 21 1 7 9 18 9 6 2 -
Stationary: Saturn-June 22R, November 8D, Jupiter- March 10R, July 12D, Mars- Feb. 27R, May 18D,
Venus -August 18R, Sept. 30D, Mercury-Feb. 8R, March 2 D, June 9R, July 3D, October 6 R, 27D.
12 Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Nirayana Longitudes of Moon at 5.30 PM 1ST for year 1935
Date Tithi & Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday Saturday
Jan 6
1 9
9 10 8 9 25 7 10 9 57 10 24 31 11 8 47 11 22 42 0 6 16
13 9 9 0 19 30 1 . 2 25 1 1 05 1 27 32 2 9 47 2 21 53 3 3 51
20 16 9 3 15 44 3 27 33 4 9 21 4 21 10 5 3 4 5 15 5 5 27 19
27 22 9 6 9 48 6 22 37 7 5 50 7 19 29 8 3 35 8 18 7 9 3 1
Feb3 30 9 18 9 , 10 3
23 10 18 33 11 3 29 11 18 4 0 2 13 0 15 55
10 7 10 0 29 11 1 12 3 1 24 35 2 6 51 2 18 55 3 0 50 3 12 40
17 14 10 3 24 29 4 6 17 4 18 8 5 0 2 5 12 3 5 24 11 6 6
24 21 10 6 19 1 7 1 49 7 14 55 7 28 23 8 12 15 8 26 32 9 11 12
Mar3 28 10 9 26 11 10 11 21 10 26 33 11 11 38 11 26 24 0 10 48 0 24 39
10 6 11 1 8 3 1 20 59 2 3 32 2 15 45 2 27 45 3 9 37 3 21 24
17 13 11 4 3 11 4 15 1 4 26 57 5 9 0 5 21 12 6 3 33 6 16 5
24 19 11 6 28 47 7 11 42 7 24 52 8 8 17 8 22 0 9 6 3 9 20 24
31 27 11 10 5 3 10 19 54 11 4 51 11 19 45 0 4 27 0 18 48 1 2 45
Apr 7 4 12 1 16 13 1 29 14 2 11 50 2 24 6 3 6 7 3 17 59 3 29 47
14 11 12 4 11 36 4 23 29 5 5 32 5 17 44 6 0 9 6 12 47 6 26 37
21 18 12 7 8 38 7 21 51 8 5 14 8 18 49 9 2 35 9 16 32 10 0 42
28 25 12 10 15 2 10 29 31 11 14 3 11 28 33 0 12 55 0 27 01 1 10 47
Mays 3 1 1 24 9 2 7 8 2 19 45 3 2 3 3 14 6 3 26 0 4 7 49
12 9 1 4 19 40 5 1 37 5 13 45 5 26 5 6 8 41 6 21 34 7 4 43
19 16 1 7 18 6 8 01 43 8 15 29 8 29 23 9 13 24. 9 27 30 1 0 11 39
26 24 1 10 25 50 11 10 1 11 24 10 0 8 14 0 22 8 1 5 49 1 19 14
Jun 2 1 2 2 2 21 2 15 10 2 27 41 3 9 56 3 21 58 4 3 53 4 15 43
9 8 2 4 27 35 5 9 34 5 21 43 6 4 7 6 16 50 6 29 52 7 13 15
16 15 2 7 26 58 8 10 57 8 25 9 9 9 29 9 23 54 10 8 17 10 22 37
23 22 2 11 6 51 11 20 55 0 4 49 0 18 31 1 2 0 1 15 15 1 28 16
30 30 2 2 11 3 2 23 36 3 5 55 3 18 3 4 0 2 4 11 55 4 23 46
Jul 7 6 3 5 5 27 5 17 35 5 29 44 6 12 7 6 24 50 7 7 54 7 21 23
14 13 3 8 5 16 8 19 30 9 4 3 9 18 49 10 3 39 10 18 27 11 3 6
21 21 3 11 17 31 0 1 38 0 15 27 0 28 56 1 12 8 1 25 3 2 7 43
28 28 3 2 20 11 3 2 27 3 14 35 3 26 35 4 8 29 4 20 20 5 2 9
Aug4 5 4 5 14 1 5 25 59 6 8 6 6 20 26 7 3 5 7 16 5 7 29 30
11 12 4 8 13 22 8 27 41 9 12 23 9 27 23 10 12 33 10 27 42 11 12 42
18 19 4 11 27 24 0 11 42 0 25 35 1 9 2 1 22 5 2 4 49 2 17 15
25 27 4 2 29 29 3 11 33 3 23 31 4 5 24 4 17 15 4 29 5 5 10 56
Sep1 3 5 5 22 51 6 4 51 6
16 59.
6 29 19 7 11 54 7 24 49 8 8 6
8 10 5 8 21 49 9 6 0 9 20 38 10 5 38 10 20 52 11 6 12 11 21 24
15 18 5 0 6 20 0 20 51 1 4 53 1' 18 25 2 1 29 2 14 10 2 26 31
.. 22
25 5. 3 8 38 3 20 36 4 2 28 4 14 17 4 26 7 5 8 0 5 19 56
29 2 6 6 1 58 6 14 5 6 26 21 7 8 47 7 21 25 8 4 18 8 17 31
Oct 6 9 6 9 1 5 9 15 3 9 29 26 101412 10 29 15 11 14 26 11 29 36
13 16 6 0 14 34 0 29 10 1 13 18 1 26 57 2 10 7 2 22 51 3 5 13
20 24 6 3 17 20 3 29 17 4 11 7 4 22 57 5 4 48 6 16 45
28 49
27 30 6 6 11 0 6 23 21 7 5 51 7 18 31 8 1 21 .8 14 24 8 27 41
Nov3 7 7 9 11 14 9 25 5 10 9 14 10 23 40 11 8 20 11 23 9 0 7 59
10 15 7 0 22 41 1 7 8 1 21 12 2 4 51 2 18 4 3 0 52 3 13 19
17 22 7 3 25 29 .4 7 28 4 19 20 5 1 11 5 13 4 5 25 5 6 7 15
24 29 7 6 19 37
. 7
2 12 7 15 0 7 28 0 8 11 13 8 24 37 9 8 11
Dec 1 6 8 9 21 56 10 5 51 10 19.56 11 4 9 11 18 28 0 2 50 0 17 10
8 13 8 1 1 24 1 15 26 1 29 13 2 12 40 2 25 48 3 8 34 3 21 3
15 20 8 4 3 15 4 15 16 4 27 11 5 9 3 5 20 57 6 2 59 6 15 12
22 27 8 6 27 39 7 10 24 7 23 27 8 6 48 8 20 25 9 4 17 9 18 19
29 4 9 10 2 29 10 16 43 11 0 58 11 15 11 11 29 20 0 13' 22 0 27 16
Jan 5 12 9 1 10 59
- - - - - -
Rahu on Jan 9 9 16 9
1 38 I
9 6 9 9 4. 30
1st of each month May 9 2 55 9 1 16 8 29 41 8 28 3
Sept 8 26 24 8 24 49 8 23 10 8 21 35
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Distance between the houses according to the Semi-arc system
Latitude oo N
Latitude 7 N
Latitude 13





C;j C\1 <'?

C\1 C\1
.r. .r.
6 -6
6 -6 :E 6 -6
0 C\J
0 C\J
c:: 0 C\1
C\J <(
0 0 322 299 279 279 299 327 31"1 290 26a 2aa 332 ;322 29"9 257 27a
0 30 31 a 292 277 2a2 306
324 30"5 2a
7 27"0 294 330 315 295 259
1 0 312 2a
7 276 2a
7 312 320 299 2a5 274 3ooo
326 3oa 292 263 291
1 30 306 2a 2 277 292 31 a
314 294 2a
4 2JC9 306 321 303 290 267 277
2 0 299 279 279 299 322
307 2a
9 2a
5 2a
5 312 315 29a' 2a9 2JC3 303
2 30 293 2JC7 2a2 305 325 302 2a
6 2a
7. 291 315 3oo 295 290 2ra 307
3 0 2a
7 276 2ao7 312 326
296 2a
5 290 297 317 305 293 291
3 30 2a3 277 292 31 a 325
292 2a5 294 302 31 a 3oo 292 293 2a9 31 2
4 0 279 279 299 322 322 2aa 2a
6 29a 307' 31"7 297 292 296' 294 31 2
ILL <tn
I ?77 ::>A ::> 1 R ?AR ?Ro <t1n 314
294 29R 29R 29R 1 1
5 0 2JC6 2ao7 312 326 312
5 292 306 312 31o 293 296 301 301 309
5 30 27"7 292 31 o7 325 3o5
6 296 309 313 305 293 299 302 302 3oa..
6 0 27"9 299 322 322 299 2ao7
301 312 312 301 295 302 303 303 302
6 30 2a3 306 325 317 292 290 306 313 309 296 29a 305 322 302 299
7 0 2a
7 312 326 312 2a7 295 310 312 306 292 3oo 3o9 301 301 296
7 30' 2a3 306 325 317 292 290 305 31"3 .3o9 296 29a 306 302 302 299
a 0 299 322 322 299 2JC9 304 317 307 29a 2ao 309 312 294 296 292
a 30 3o5 325 31 a 292 2r1 30 . 9
31a 302 294 2a
5 314 312. 2a9 293 .292
9 0 312 326 312 2a
7 27"6 315 317 297 290 2a
5 317 310 2a
4 291 293
9 30 317 325 306 2a
2 277 31"9 315 291 2a7 2a
6 320 307 2ra 290 296
10 0 322 322 299 2JC9 279 322 312 2a
5 2a
5 2a
9 322 303 27"3 2a
9 29a
10 30 325 31 a 292 277 2a2 323 305 279 2a
4 29"4 322 297 267 290 303
11 0 326 312 2a
7 276 2a
7 322 3oo 274 2a5 299 320 291 263 292 3oa
11 30 325 306 2a2 27"7 292 320 294 27"0 2a
7 305 31"7 264 25"9 295 315
12 0 322 299 279 279 299 316 28oa
26a 290 311 312
257 299 322
12 30 31 a 292 277 2a2 305 312 2a2 266 294 317 306 272 257 304 32a
13 0 312 2a
7 276 2a
7 312 305 275 267 300 324 299 267 25a 311 335
13 30 295 2ao2 27"7 292 31 a
29a 272 25a 3o6 329 292 263 260 31"9 339
299 27"9 27"9 299 322 291 269 27"2 31"4 333 2a
3 260 265 32a 343
I ::>77 ::>R::> ::l::>
!i ::>R"4 ?R
7 ::>7"7 1::>77 ?7n 4
15 0 2a
7 276 2a
7 31 2 326
27oa 267-c 2a
3 32oa 334 270 25a 279 344 343
15 30 2aa 27"7 292 31 a 325 274 26a 290 334 332 265 260 2aa 350 339
16 0 ' 27"9 279 299 322 322 270 271 3oo 339 327 262 264 299 354 332
16 30 27"7 2a 2 305 325 31 a 26a 2JC5 3oa 341 321 25o 269 310 356 324
17 0 276 2a
7 312 326 312 267 282 31a 34o 313 259 276 322 355 314
17 30 27"7 292 31 7 325 306 26a 2a8 325 338 305 25o 2a
4 333 351 305
18 0 27"9 299 322 322 299 27"1 297 333 333 297 203 294 343 343 294
18 30 2a 3 3o6 325 31 7 292 275 306 33a 325 2aa 267 305 351 333 2a
19 0 2a
7 312 326 312 2a7 2ao 313 34o 31 a 262 274 314 355 322 276
19 30 292 31 a 325 305 2a2 2a
7 321 34f 3oa 2JC5 2a1 324 356 31 o 269
20 0 299 322 322 299 27"9 294 327 33a 3oo 271 2a9 332 354 299 264
20 30 305 325 31 a 292 27"7 302 332 334 290 26a 29a 339 350 2aa 260
21 0 322 326 312 2a
7 276 31"0 334 32a 2a
3 267 306 343 344 279 25a
21 30 31 7 325 306 282 2JC.7 316 335 321 277 267 316 344 335 2JOO 25a
22 0 322 322 299 279 279 321 333 314 272 269 321 313 32
a 265 260
22 30 325 31 a 292 2r7 2a2 327 329 306 26a 27"2 327 339 319 260 263
23 0 326 31 2 2a7 27B 2a7 329 324 3oo 257 275 330 335 311 258 267
23 30 325 306 2a
2 277 292 329 317 294 266' 2a2 33"3 328 304 272
24 0 322 299 279 2JC9 299 327 311 290 26a 2aa 332 322 299 257 27a
14 Krlshnamurthy Paddhatl
House,5 Division
Distance between the houses according to the Semi-arc (Piacidus) system
Latitude 19" N
'd -:5
rn "O ~
. ;::: ~ .... c: ~
Time ..... N ,.,
1; 0-6
0 T"" N en c
T""" T""T"" <(C\1
0 0 33".733"3 30".8 24".6 26".8
0 30 33.6 32.5 30.2 24.8 27.5 .
1 0 33.3 31.9 29.8 25.1 28.2
1 30 32.9 31.3 29.5 25.5 28.8
2 0 32.3 30.7 29.3 26.0 29.5
2 30 31.8 30.3 29.2 26.6 30.0
3 0 31.3 30.0 29.2 27.2 30.4
3 30 30.9 29.9 29.3 27.7 30.6
4 0 30.6 29.8 29.3 28.2 30.8
4 30 30.3 29.9 29.4 28.6 30.8
5 0 30.1 30.1 29.5 29.0 30.7
5 30 30.1 30.2 29.5 29.3 30.5
6 0 30.2 30.3 29.4 29.4 30.3
6 30 30.4 30.5 29.3 29.5 30.2
7 0 30.7 30.7 29.0 29.5 30.0
7 30 31.0 30.8 29.6 29.4 29.9
8 0 31.3 30.8 28.2 29.3 29.8
8 30 31.6 30.6 27.7 29.3 29.9
9 0 31.9 30.4 27.2 29.2 30.0
9 30 32.1 30.0 26.6 29.2 30.3.
10 0
10 30
11 0
11 30
12 0
12 30
13 0
13 30
14 0
14 30
1.5 0
15 30
16 0
16 30
17 0
17 30
18 0
18 30
19 0
19 30
32.2 29.5 26.0 29.3
32.0 28.8 25.5 29.5
31.7 28.2 25.1 29.8
31.4 27.5 24.8 30.2
30.8 26.8 24.6 30.8
30.1 26.2 24.6 31.4
29.3 25.7 24.7 32.3
28.5 25.3 25.0 33.2
27.3 25.0 25.6 34.2
26.9 24.9 26.3 35.1
26.2 24.9 27.3 36.1
25.7 25.2 28.4 36.8
25.3 25.6 29.8 37.3
25.1 26.2 31.1 37.4
25.1 27.0 32.7 37.1
25.8 28.0 34.0 36.5
25.5 29.1 35.4 35.4
26.0 30.3 36.5 34.0
26.6 31.5 '37.1 32.7
27.4 32.8 37.4 31.1
20 0 28.8 33.7 37.3 29.8 25.6
20 30 29.3 34.6 36.8 28.4 25.2
21 0 30.3 35.2 36.1 27.3 24.9
21 30 31.4 35.4 35.1 26.3 24.9
22 0 32.5 35.4 34.2 25.6 25.0
22 30 32.9 35.1 33.2 25.0 25.3
23 0 33.4 34.6 32.3 24.7 25.7
23 30 33.7 34.0 31.4 24.6 26.2
24 0 33.7 33.3 30.8 24.6 26.8
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Latitude 23 N

34".1 31".4
33.4 30.7
32.6 30.2
32.0 29.8
31.4 29.5
30.9 29.3
30.5 29.2
30.3 29.2
30.2 29.1
30.2 29.1
30.2 29.1
30.3 29.0
30.4 28.9
30.5 28.6
30.6 28.3
30.5 27.9
30.4 27.4
30.2 26.9
29.9 26.3
29.4 25.7
. 32.9
28.0 34.1 38.6 29.6 25.0
29.0 35.2 38.1 28.1 24.5
30.2 35.8 37.3 26.8 24.3
31.3 36.2 36.3 25.7 24.2
32.2 36.3 35.2 24.9 24.3
33.0 36.0 31.1 24.3 24.6
33.6 35.5 33.1 24.0 25.0
34.0 34.8 32.1 23.8 25.6
34.1 34.1 31.4 23.8 26.1
a ~ d e 25" 19' N
- 0 ""C
:::: C\1 < c:
I "7 I C\1
5 = 0
:: ~ ~
34" 35" 32" 23
34 34 31 24
34 33 31 23
34 32 30 24
33 32 30 24
33 31 29 26
32 31 29 26
32 31 . 29 26
32 30 29 27
31 31 29 27
31 31 28
31 31 28
31 31 28
31 31 28
31 31 28
32 30 27
32 30 27
32 30 26
32 30 26
32 29 26
28 31
28 31
28 31
28 31
28 31
29 31
29 30
29 31
29 31
29 31
29 24 30
28 24 . 30
27 23 31
26 24 31
26 23 32
25 24 32
24 24 33
24 24 34
24 24 34
23 26 37
24 27 37
24 28 39
25 29 40
25 32 39
26 33- 40
27 35 38
28 37 37
28 37 37
31 <40 33
33 39 32
28 34 40 29 25
29 35 39 28 34
30 , 37 37 27 24
31 37 37 26 23
32 37 36 25 23
33 37 34 24 24
34 36 33 24 24
34 36 32 24 25
34 25 32 23 26
Distance between the houses according to the Semi-arc system
10th House Latitude 35 N Latitude 35 o N
Latitude 40 N
<t! <t!

"E C\l

t: t:



<t! <t!

C\1 C"l



..:. .;:;
0 C\l
en z

rn c:

rn t:

C\1 C\1

0 0 0.0 11
70 35 35' 32 23 25 36 37" 33 21 24 36 39 33 20 23
0 30 8.2 11 15.2 35 35 31 23 26 37 35 32 22 24 3,7 37 32 20 24
1 0 16.3 11 23.3 35 34 31 23 27 37 34 31 22 25 37 36 31 21 24
1 30 24.3 0 1.3
34' 33 30 24 27 36 34 30 23 26 36 36 30 21 25
2 0 32.2 0 9.2 34 32 30 24 28 36 33 29 23 27 36 34 30 22 26
2 30 39.9 0 16.9 33 32 29 25 29 35 33 29 23 28 36 33 29 22 27
3 0 47.5 0 24.5 33 31 29 25 29 35 32 29 24 28 35 33 29 22 28
3 30 54.8 1 1.8 32 31 29 26 30 35 31 29 24 29 35 32 28 23 29
4 0

29 26 30 34 31 28 26 29 34 32 28 24 29
14 ?Q ?7 ::!4 ::!1 ?7 ?7 ?Q .
34 31 28 24 30
5 0 76.2 1 23.2 32 31 29 27 30 34 30 27 28 29 34 31 27 25 30
5 30 83.1 2 0.1 31 30 28 28 30 34 30 27 27 30 34 30 27 26 30
6 0 90.0 2 7.0 31 30 28 28 30 33 30 27 27 30 33 31 26
26 3'1'-'
6 30 96.9 2 13.9 32 30 28 28 30 32 30 27 27 30 33 30 26 27 30
7 0 103.8 2 20.8 32 30 27 29 31 32 29 28 27 30 33 30 25 27 31
7 30 110.8 2 27.8 32 30 27 29 31 32 29 27 27 31 33 30 24 28 31
8 0 117.9 3 4.9 32 30 26 29 31 32 29 26 28 i31 33 29 24 28 32
8 30 125.2 3 12.2 32 30 26 29 31 32 29 24 29 31 33 29 23 28 32
9 0 132.5 3 19.5 32, 29 25 29 31 32 28 24 29 32 33 28 22
. 29 38
9 30 140.1 3 27.1 32 29 25 29 32 32 28 23 29 33 33 27 22 29 33
10 0 147.8 4 4.8 32 28 24 30 32 32 27 23 29 33 32 26 22 30 34
10 30 155.7 4 12.7' 32 27 24 30 33 31 26 23 30 34 32 25 21 30 36
11 0 163.7 4 20.7 31 27 23 31 31 31 25 22 31 34 31 24 21 31 30
11 30 171.8 4 28.8 31 26 23 31 35 30 24 22 32 35 30 24 20 32 37
12 0 180.0 5 7.0 30 25 23 32 35 29 24 21 33 37 29 23 20 33 39
12 30 188.2 5 15.2 29 25 23 33 36 28 24 21 34 37 28 22 20 35 39
13 0 196.3 5 23.3 28 24 23 34 37 28 23 21 35 38 27 21 20 37 40
13 30 204,3 6 1.3 27 24 23 35 37 27 22 21 37 39 26 21 20 38 41

24 21 21 41 41
?1 ?? 40
15 0 227.5 6 24.5 25 23 26 39 37 24 22 25 42 39 23 20 24 44 40
15 30 234.8 7 1.8 24 ;24 28 40 36 23 22 26 44 38 22 21 25 46 39
16 0 242.1 7 9.1 24 24 29 41 35 22 23 29 44 35 21 22 28 47 36
16 30 249.2 7 16.2 24 25 31 41 33 22 24 31 45 34 21 23 30 47 34
17 0 256.2 7 23.2 24 26 33 40 32 22 25 34 44 32 21 24 24 46 32
17 30 263.1 8 0.1 24 27 35 39 30 23 26 37 43 29 21 25 38 44 29
18 0 270.0 8 7.0 24 28 37 37 28 23 27 40 40 27 22 27 41 41 27
18 30 276.9 8 13.9 25 30 39 35 27 22 29 43 37 26 23 29 44 38 25
19 0 283.8 8 20.8 25 32 40 33 26 23 32 44 34 25 23 32 46 34 24
19 30 290.8 8 27.8 26 33 41 31 25 24 34 45 31 24 25 34 47 30 23
20 0 297.9 9 4.9 28 35 41 29 24 27 35 44 29 23 26 36 47 28 22
20 30 305.2 9 12.2 29 36 40 28 24 27 38 44 26 22 27 39 46 25 21
21 0 312.5 9 19.5 30 37 39 26 23 28 39 42 25 22 29 40 44 24 20
21 30 320.1 9 27.1 31 37 38 25 23 31 40 40 28 22 31 40 43 22 21
22 0 327.8 10 4.8 32 37 37 24 23 33 39 38 23 21 32 41
21 21
22 30 335.7 10 12.7 33 37 35 23 24 34 39 37 21 22 34 41 38 20 21
23 0 343.7 10 20.7 34 37 34 23 24 35 38 35 21 23 35 40 37 20 21
23 30 351.8 10 28.8 34 36 33 23 25 36 37 34 21 24 36 39 ,35 20 22
24 0 360.0 11 7.0 35 35 32 23 25 36 37 33 21 24 36 39 33 20 23
16 Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Distance between the houses according to the Semi-arc system
1Oth House Latitude 45 N Latitude 51 32' N Latitude so N
Sid. .
.s:: .s::

Time ca ca


(/) '0 ~
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' ' 1:.
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en z
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~ ~ ~
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~ ~ ~ <t:
0 0 0.0 11 7o
37 41 34 18 22 39
43 as 15 21 43 49 33 13 17
0 30 8.2 11 15.2 38 39 32 19 23 39 42 33 16 21 44 47 30 14 18
1 0 16.3 11 23.3 38 38 31 19 23 39 41 31 17 22 45 44 29 14 19
1 30 24.3 0 1.3 38 36 31 19 25 39 39 30 18 23 45 41 28 15 20
2 0 32.2 0 9.2 37 36 29 21 25 39 38 29 18 24 45 39 27 16 21
2 30 39.9 0 -16.9 37 34 29 21 26 39 36 28 19 25 44 38 26 16 22
3 0 47.5 0 24.5 37 33 29 21 27 39 34 28 20 25 44 36 25 17 23
3 30 54.8 1 1.8 36 33 28 22 27 38 34 27 20 27 43 34 25 18 24
I! ~ ~
~ ~ - ~ ~ 1 ~ - ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
42 34 23 19 25
4? ~ ? ? ~ 1 Q ?7
5 0 76.2 1 23.2 35 31 26 25 29 37 31 25 23 29 41 31 23 19 28
5 30 83.1 2 0.1 35 30 26 25 30 36 31 25 23 29 40 30 32 21 28
6 0 90.0 2 7.0 34 31 25 25 31 36 30 24 24 30 40 29 21 21 29
6 30 96.9 2 13.9 34 30 25 26 30 36 29 23 25 31 39 28 21 22 30
7 0 103.8 2 20.8 34 29 25 26 31 35 29 23 25 31 38 28 19 23 31
7 30 110.8 2 27.8 34 29 23 27 32 35 28 22 26 32 87 27 19 23 32
8 0 117.9 3 4.9 34 28 23 27 32 35 27 21 27 32 37 25 19 23 34
8 30 125.2 3 12.2 34 27 22 28 33 34 27 20 27 34 36 24 18 25 34
9 0 132.5 3 19.5 33 27 21 29 33 34 25 20 28
35 23 17 25 36
9 30 140.1 3 27.1 33 26 21 29 34 33 25 19 28 36 34 32 16 26 38
10 0 147.8 4 4.8 32 25 21 29 36 32 24 18 29 38 32 21 16 27 30
10 30 155.7 4 12.7 31 25 19 31 36 31 23 18 30 39 31 20 15 28 41
11 0 163.7 4 20.7 31 23 19 31 38 30 22 17 31 41 29 19 14 29 44
11 30 171.8 4 28.8 29 23 19 32 39 29 21 16 33 42 27 18 14 30 47
12 0 180.0 5 7.0 28 22 18 34 41 27 21 15 35 43 25 17 13 33 49
12 30 188.2 5 15.2 27 21 18 36 42 26 19 16 37 44 34 16 12 35 52
13 0 196.3 5 23.3 26 20 18 38 43 25 18 16 39 46 22 15 12 37 55
13 30 204.3 6 1.3 25 19
19. 40
43 23 18 16 41 48 20 14 12 41 57
I ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ 1 ~ - ~
~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~
22 17 16 45 48 18 14 11 45 60
17 1fl 4Cl
17 1? 1? <;? <;R
Ks o
227.5 6 24.5 21 20 21 48 41 20 17 17 53 45 15 13 11 60 56
5 30 234.8 7 1.8 21 19 24 50 39 19 17 20 56 42 14 12 13 69 50
16 0 242.1 7 9.1 20 20 26 52 37 18 18 22 60 39 13 13 14 78 43
16 30 249.2 7 16.2 20 21 29 52 34 18 19 26 60 35 13 13 17 85 35
17 0 256.2 7 23.2 24 26 33 40 32 22 25 34 44 32 21 24. 24 46 32
17 30 263.1 8 0.1 20 24 39 47 29 18 23 38 55 27 13 15 38 78 22
18 0 270.0 8 7.0 20 26 44 44 26 18 25 47 47 24 13 18 19 59 18
18 30
. 276.9
8 13.9 21 29 47 39 24 19 27 55 38 23 14 22 78 38 15
19 0 283.8 8 20.8 22 32 50 34 22 20 31 59 32 20 15 28 86 25 13
19 30 290.8 8 27.8 24 34 52 29 21 22 35 60 26 19 17 35 85 17 13
20 0 297.9 9 4.9 25 37 52 26 20 23 39 60 22 18 19 43 78 14 13
20 30 305.2 9 12.2 27 39 50 24 19 26 42 56 20 17 22 50 69 13 12
21 0 312.5 9 19.5 29 41 48 21 20 28 45 53 17 17 25 56 60 11 13
21 30 320.1 9 27.1 30 43 45 21 19 30 47 49 16 17 29 58 52 12 12
22 0 327.8 10 4.8 32 44 42 19 20 32 48 45 16 17 32 60 45 11 14
22 30 335.7 10 12.7 34 43 40 19 19 34 48 41 16 18 36 57 41 12 14
23 0 343.7 10 20.7 35 43 38 18 20 36 46 39 16 18 39 55 37 12 15
23 30 351.8 10 28.8 36 42 86 18 21 38 44 37 16 19 41 52 35 12 16
24 0 360.0 11 7.0 37 41 34 18 22 39 43 35 15 21 43 49 33 13 17
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 17
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
2.1. Purpose & Principles
The position of a planet either benefic or malefic covers a large domain of 30within
a Rasi. K.P. system tends to evolve a system by which the operation of a particular
planet in a Rasi, is determined by just not its placement but py the.constellation it
travels and the sub lord it is positioned in.
All planets moving from Vernal Equinox Aries according to the Nirayana system get
their results modified as they move in the Zodiac. Thus in the first 1320' any planet
transiting in Mesha will be influenced by the constellation called Aswini and so on till
Revathi in which the planet will be influenced by Mercury. As the duration of the zone
1320' for each Nakshatra is a broad zone, they are further classed into nine parts in.
proportion to their duration as per their Vimshotri Dasa. This is termed as the sub-
Normally, Jupiter, Venus, affiliated Mercury and waxing Moon are termed as natural
benefics while Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu as malefics. But in KP it is determined
by sub lord planet is posited in.
2.2 Computation of Sub-Lords
The Aswani nakshatra under the constellation lord Ketu has 1320' duration. This if
divided into 9 parts, for each planet starting from Ketu, in proportion to their Vimshottari
Dasa duration we get the period of the sub lords under the constellation Ketu. Thus
Ketu has 7 years off 120 years duration in the Vimshottari Dasa duration and therefore
Ketu sub in Ketu occupies 7 parts out of 120 of the total span of Nakshatra of 1320'
or 800'.
Thus Ket- Ket = 800 x 7 = 46 2/3' i.e. 46' 40" in Aswini
and for Venus sub in Ket 800x20 = 1
1/3' = 2.13'20"
Thus Venus sub lord will extend from 46'40" to 3.00'00" in Aries.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Sub Lord From OMS To OMS
1. Ketu 0 0.46.40
2. Venus 0.46.40 3.00.00
3.Sun 3.0.0 3.40.00
4. Moon 3.40.0 4.46.40
5. Mars 4.46.40 5.33.20
6.Rahu 5.33.20 7.33.20
7. Jupiter 7.33.20 9.20.00
8. Saturn 9.20.00 11.26.40
9. Mercury 11.26.40 13.20.00
A table for ready reference is given at the end of the chapter from which the Rasi lord,
star lord and sub lord could easily be ascertained. The position of planets, cuspal
position of the various bhaves and their constellations and sub-Lords worked out as
above for the horoscope cast in chapter-1 in respect of birth at 9.08 p.m. at Guna is
. giving below:
Planets s-o M ~ s Constellation Cons. Lord Sub Lord
Sun 04
0001'08" P-phalguni Venus Kethu
Moon 10
2310'14" P-bhadrapad Jupiter Saturn
Mars 07
04 25'32" Anuradha Saturn Saturn
Mercury 05
2011'00" Hastha Moon Kethu
Jupiter 06
2551'42" Vishakha Jupiter Kethu
Venus 04
1915'12" P-phalguni Venus Rahu
Saturn 10
1257'19" Shatbhisha Rahu Saturn
Rahu 08
2753'00" PooNashada Venus Kethu
Kethu 02
2753'00" PunaNasu Jupiter Kethu
Bhava S-0-M Cusp Sign Constellation Sub
Lord Lord Lord
I 0-19-21 Mars Venus Rahu
u 1-18-14 Venus Moon Mercury
Ill 2-12-39 Mercury Rahu Mercury
rv 3-7-19 Moon Saturn Mercury
v 4- 5-10 Sun Kethu Mars
VI 5-10-0 Mercury Moon Moon
VII 6-19 -13 Venus Rahu Mars
VIII 7-18-14 Mars Mercury Mercury
IX 8-12-34 Jupiter Kethu Mercury
X 9-7-19 Saturn Sun Kethu
XI 10-5-10' Saturn Mars Sun
XII 11-10"21 Jupiter Saturn Sun
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 19
2.3 Role of Planets, Rashi & Constellations:
Suppose (a) there is a light in the centre of a circular room provided with 12 glass
panes of different colours (b) around the room there is a verandah and outside it, there
are 27 glass panes of which the colour, 1, 0 and 19, is the same; 2, 11 and 20 differ
from 1, 10, 19 but these three are of the same colour; 3, 12 and 21; differ from others
but these three of the same colour as they belong to one group. Similarly, all the 27
panes are of 9 different colours.
If a person walks outside the circular verandah looking at the light inside, he will find
the colour of the light getting changed according to the colour of the coloured panes.
Similarly, the results of the planets are modified by the lord of the sign and indicated by
the lord of the Nakshathra or constellation.


Lord of the Constellation
or Nakshatra
If a planet is compared to a torch light then the influence of the sign and the influence of
the Zones of 13.20' called stars, change the colour of the light. Suppose a railway
guard shows the light, It may be plain or green or red according to the background
Similarly, imagine that the mirror used behind the bulb is the lord of the sign. It may be
clear and it may illuminate to a maximum or it may be dull rendering the light, weak.
The strength and modification of the colour depends, on the mirror behind the bulb
(which is the reflector) which denotes whether a planet is exalted and strong or
debilitated and weak.
Also suppose one coloured slide is inserted between the torch light and the observer
this colour depends on the lord of the constellation "C" when 'p' is the planet (which is
the bulb).
Therefore, the results of a planet in different positions in the Zodiac, in different signs
and different constellations, is similar to the light from the torch getting modified and
the resultant becoming absolutely different from the original light unless all the colours
are similar to that of the planet.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Prof. Krishnamurti found out that a planet does not invariably give the matters of the
houses it occupies or owns but offers to give matters of such planet in whose
constellatiofl it is deposited. He used the same 9 planets, the same 27 constellations,
and the 12 Rasis together with the same old Vimshottari Dasa system, and said that
a house' occupied by the constellation lord and also the houses owned by that planet.
The occupant of the house will move the matters of the house it occupies, apart from
the results it has to offer due to its constellational position if there is no planet in any of
its constellations.
Whether or not, such results as are indicated by the tenant planet will come to pass
depending upon the 'SUB' portion of the constellation occupied by the tenant planet.
And if the lord of the 'SUB' occupied by the tenant planet is favourably connected by
occupation, lordship to the matters signified by the constellation lord of the tenant
planet, the tenant planet fructifies the matters of which it is the significator due to its
constellation position.
If the tenant planet is placed in the 'SUB' of a planet who occupies or owns houses
detrimental to the affairs of the constellation lord, the matter is not fulfilled.
The 'SUB' lord should not be in unfavourable aspect to the CUSP of the house signified
by the constellation lord.The Aspects are to be computed by reckoning the distance
in terms of the longitude.'
If the constellation is akin to Dasa, the Bukthi is akin. to 'SUB', the Anthra is akin to
SUB-SUB, and so on.
A planet in the Padhdhati terminology becomes a maletic or benefic, not in
consideration of its nature in terms of the old traditional system, but by reason of its
owning benefic or malefic houses or occupying such houses.
Pref. K.S.K. was emphatic in saying that no planet is wholly a benefic nor infull a
malefic. Neither Jupiter is benefic nor Saturn is malefic.
Advantageous houses I, II, Ill, VI, X, XI
Disadvantageous houses IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, XII
Just as a planet is governed by the sub lord, so also the cusps of houses are governed
by the sub lords in accordance with the degree rising on the cusp of the Houses. The
degree of effects depends on the sub-lord of the Cusp : not only it should be the
significator of the Bhava where the cusp falls but also it should be the significatpf of
any of the houses of the matter concerned. Sri K.S.K. emphasised that of
each bhava-cusps is essential. ';
Prof. K.S.K. had advocated the house divisions under Placidus system in constructing
a birth chart or Horary chart.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 21
K.P. System emphasis that as the ascendant and the cusp of each house move faster
than the planets, it is these that explain rapid changes due to the occupation of the star
and sub. The ascendent can move in a sign for about two hrs but in a constellation, it
can only be for about 50 to 60 mts. As certain events can happen within 5 to 1 Omts,
sub lord becomes important. It would be wise to draw out the sign lord, star lord and
sub lord for all the cusps and the ascendent for better understanding of the horoscope.
Coming to the analytical part which is of supreme importance with such a large data
base we could narrow it down to the following in the order or importance.
1. The planet in a constellation will offer the result of Bhava house occupied by the
lord of the constellation.
2. The planet which is situated in a constellation is the strongest to offer the results of
the house occupied by the lord of the constellation..
3. The occupants of a house is strong to give the results of the house occupied by it.
Planets in the constellation of the occupants of a Bhava will indicate the fruits of the
4. Planet deposited in the constellation of the lord of the sign where the cu'sp of a
house falls.
5. Then only the lord of the sign where the cusp of a house falls.
The above form the various significators for the determination of a particular event. Only
the conjoined planets of the above should be utilised for determining the end result.
Hence it may be concluded that the planet is the resource, constellation indicates
nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is favourable or
not. Unless the last is favourable we do not call it a benefic.
Note:- Rahu & Kethu are Nodes. A node signifies firstly the results of the planet or
planets with which It Is conjoined, then the results of lord of the constellation in which It
is deposited, then the planet or planets aspecting it and lastly of the owner of the sign
in which it is deposited.
Planets in the Planets in the
House Const of the Occupants Const. of the Sign Lord
Occupants of the Bhava Cusp sign lord of Cusp
I Venus, Sun, Rahu Venus
Ill Ketu Mercury
rv Mercury Moon
v Venus,Sun,Rahu Sun, Venus Sun
Mercury Mercury
VII Moon, Jupiter, Ketu Jupiter, Mars Venus,Sun,Rahu Venus
IX Saturn Rahu Moon, Jupiter, Ketu Jupiter
Mars Saturn
XI Mercury, Mars Moon, Saturn Mars Saturn
Moon, Jupiter, Ketu Jupiter
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
1. Mars
2. Sun, Venus, Rahu
3. Mercury, Ketu
4. Moon Mercury
5. Sun, Venus, Rahu
6. Mercury
7. 'sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Rahu, Ketu
8. Mars
9. Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu
10. Mars, Saturn
11. Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn
12. Moon, Jupiter, Ketu
Sun 5, 2, 7
Moon 7,
11 1 9,
7, 10,
6, 4,
Jupiter 7, 9, 12
Venus 5, 2, 7
Saturn 9, 11 1 10
Rahu 5, 9, 2,
Kethu 7,
3, 9,
1. How do you arrive at No. 249 in K.P.
12, 4
11 8
2. What is Sub-Lord. Calculate Sub-Lord for a planet with dergee 2s 5 6'.
3. What is the role of significator in K.P. When is planet strong significator.
\ .
4. What are the ruling planets. What is the use of ruling planets.
5. Write Rashi Lord, Nakshtra Lord and Sub-Lord for seed No. 142.
6. What is the role of sub-lord in K.P.
7. Why 249 No. system was evolved.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 23
Pin -R
Sam pie horoscope
Date 12AJ9n935 Time 21:08:00 Place Guna Day
Lat 24:39:00 North Long 77:18:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:20:48
ChitrapakshAyanamsa22:57:48 Fortuna: Libra 16:30:55 Seed : 0 Asc. : 19:19:02 Ari
Planets Nirayima Bhava
Ruling Plmets
c Sign Lcrd ... : Mer
Reli Degree R-1.. N-1.. Sub S-S OJop Ralli De(J"ee R-L N-1.. Sub s.s
c Slarlotd ... : Ven
c Sib Lord ... : Reh
Leo 25:58:24 Su Ve Ke Ve 1 Ari 19:19:02 Ma Ve Ra Ke
oon Sign Lortl .. Sat
Aqu 23:10:17 Sa Ju Sa Ma 2 Tau 18:16:27 Ve Mo Me Ve
oon star Lortl ... : Jup
Sco 4:25:51 Ma Sa Sa Ve 3 Gem 12:49:52 Me Ra Me Ke
oon Sub Lortl ... : Sat
Vir 20:10:21 Me Mo Ke Ju 4 Can 7:20:59 Mo Sa Ke Ke
ey Lortl ............ : Jup
Lib 25:51 :11 Ve Ju Ke Ve 5 Leo 5:31:19 Su Ke Ma Mo
Vimsh ottari
Ve -R. Leo 19:11:53 Su Ve Ra Me 6 Vir 10:11:23 Me Mo Mo Ra
Juptter 1 TT 2M 1 OD
Sa -R Aqu 12:56:06 sa Ra Me Ve 7 Ub 19:19:02 Ve Ra. Ma Ra
Ra-R Sag 27:22:48 Ju su Mo Mo 8 Sco 18:16:27 Ma Me Me Sa Verus
Ke -R Gem 27:22:48 Me Ju Ve Ra 9 sag 12:49:52 Ju Ke Me Ju
Ur -R Ari 12:08:38 Ma Ke Me su 10 Cap 7:20:59 Sa su Ke Ra
Ne Leo 21:31 :56 su Ve Ju Ma 11 Aqu 5:31:19 Sa Ma su Ve
Venus 24103/1994
PI Can 3:59:51 Mo Sa Sa Ke 12 Pis 10:11:23 Ju Sa Ve Me
sun 241tl3/1995
Moon 2211111993
Significators of Houses Planet's Signification
Mrus 2210111993
Rehu 22101/2001
Ju;:iler Zl109/20!rl
Hous Plane!
Plan t House Saturn 22111/201E
Mercury 22109/2009
Sun 2nd- 5!h+ 7!h
Kelu 22111/2010
Sun Ven,
Mon 4!h 7!h, 9!h 11th, 12!h
Ill Mer-' Ket.
IV Mon- Mer
Mar 1s! 7!h, B!h 10th 11th+
Sun+Ven+Rah+ Mer 3rd- 4th ath. 11th.
VI Mer,
Jup 7th+ 9!h, 12th.
Saturn 24103/2004
VII Sun Mon, Mar. Jup+ Ven, Ket,
Mercury aJIOS/2004
Von 2nd, 5th+ 7th, Ketu 10111/2004
venus 2210512005
IX Mon Jup, Sal. Rah. Kel
Sal 9!h, 10th 11th.
Sun 19107/201E
){ Mar Sat-
Rah 5!h+ 9th.
Moon Zl/1 012005
Mon, Mar> Mer. Sat,
Mars 29112/2005
Ket 3rd, 7th. 9th 12th-
Rahu 211061201E
XII Mon- Jup,
Ju;:iter 221111201E
Lagna Nirayana Bhava Cha\it-Cuspal
Asc1o 110' 218'
Sun2o 107'
818' Me2D"
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Nirayana Bhava
Ruling Planets
Asc Sign Lord Ven ....
Asc Star Lord .... Mar
Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S Cusp Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s
Asc Sub Lord Rah ....
Moon Sign Lord .. Ven
Su Aqu 16:50:29 Sa Ra Ve Sa Leo 24:00:00 Su Ve Me Me
Moon Star Lord ... : Rah
Me Lib 15:57:54 Ve Ra Ve Ma 2 Vir 21:21:46 Me Mo Ve Ra
Moon Sub Lord ... : Ven
Ma Sag . 22:03:57 Ju Ve Sa Sa 3 Lib 21:42:47 Ve Ju Ju Ra
Day Lord Mar

Me Aqu 29:24:51 sa Ju Su Ve 4 Sec 23:27:01 Ma Me Ma Ra
Ju -R Vir 23:47:32 Me Ma Ma Me 5 Sag 25:03:28 Ju Ve Me Ra
Ve Aqu 9:22:12 Sa Ra Ju Me 6 Cap 25:32:33 Sa Ma Ra Ve
Sa -R Gem 26:51:54 Me Ju Ve Ve 7 Aqu 24:00:00 Sa Ju Me Me
Rahu 00/00/0000
Ra Pis 29:37:48 Ju Me Sa Ra 8 Pis 21:21:46 Ju Me Ve Me Jupiter 00/00/0000
Ke Vir 29:37:48 Me Ma Sa Ra 9 Ari 21:42:47 Ma Ve Ju Ra Saturn 00/00/0000
Ur Aqu 13:03:26 Sa Ra Me Ve 10 Tau 23:27:01 Ve Ma Ma Ra Mercury 00/00/0000
Ne Cap 22:05:31 Sa Mo Ve Sa 11 Gem 25:03:28 Me Ju Me Ra
Ketu 01/03/2005
A Sag 0:24:08 Ju Ke Ke Ra 12 Can 25:32:33 Mo Me Ra Ve
Venus 28/02/2007
Sun 23/01/2008
Significators of Houses
Planet's Signification
Moon 24/07/2009
Mars 12/08/2010
House Planet
Planet House
Rahu- Venus
I Sun 01/03/2005
I Men, Mer+ Jup, Sat, Rah-Ket
Sun 1st, 6th, 8th
I Mar, Ven
Men 2nd 8th 12th
Venus 00/00/0000
IV Mar, Jup+ Ket+ Mar 3th 4th 6th 9th 10th
Sun 00/00/0000
v MerJup Sat
Mer 2nd 5th 7th 8th 11th
Moon 01/03/2005
VI Sun, Mar, Ven, Sat
Jup 2nd 4th 5th 8th 9th
Mars 27/03/2005
VII Mer, Sat, Rah
Ven 3th 6th 8th 10th . Rahu 08/09/2005
VIII Sun, Mon, Mer, Jup, Ven, Sat, Rah
IX Mar, Jup, Ket
Sat 2nd 5th 6th 7th 8th 11th
Jupiter 01/02/2006
XI Mer, Sat, Rah
Rah 2nd 7th 8th 11th
Saturn 24/07/2006
XII Men Ket 2nd 4th+ 9th
Mercury 27/12/2006
Ketu 28/02/2007
Nlrayana Bhava Chalil - Cuspal
Krishnamurthy Paddhati

249 Number Table for Krishnamurti Padhdhati
(D stands for degrees, M for minutes and S for seconds)
Sign Star Sub From To No. Sign Star Sub From To
lord lord lord D.M.S. D. M.S. lord lord lord D.M.S. D.M.S.
Mars Ketu Kelu 0.00.00 0.46.40
" "
0.46.40 3.00.00
42. IV1erruy Mar Mercury 0.00.00 1.53.20
" Ketu 1.53.20 2.40.00
Sun 3.00.00 3.40.00 44. "
Venus 2.40.00 4.53.20
" "
Moon 3.40.00 4.46.40 45. "
Sun 4.53.20 5.33.20
" " Mars 4.46.40 5.33 .. 20 46.
" Moon 5.33.20 6.40.00
" Rahu 5.33.20 7.33.20 47. " Rahu Rahu 6.40.00 8.40.00
" " Jupiter 7.33.20 9.20.00 48.
" Jupiter 8.40.00 10.26.40
Saturn 9.20.00 11.26.40 49. " " Saturn 10.26.40 12.33.20
Mercury 11.26.40 13.20.00
" \len. Venus 13.20.00 15.33.20
" Mercury 12.33.20 14.26.40
51. "
Ketu 14.26.40 15.13.20
" " Sun 15.33.20 16.13.20 52. " " Venus 15.13.20 17.26.40
" " Moon 16.13.20 17.20.00
" " Mars 17.20.00 18.6.40
53. "
" Sun 17.26.40
18.6.40 I'"
54. "
" Moon 18.6.40 19.13.20
Rahu 18.6.40 20.6.40 55. "
Mars 19.13.20 20.00.00
" Jupiter 20.6.40 21.53.20 56.
Jupiter Jupiter 20.00.00 21.46.40
" "
Saturn 21.53.20 24.00.00 57.
Saturn 21.46.40 23.53.20
Mercury 24.00.00 25.53.20 58.
" Mercury '23.53.20 25.46.40
" "
Ketu 25.53.20 26.40.00 59.
" "
Ketu 25.46.40 26.33.20
" Sun Sun 26.40.00 27.20.00 60.
Venus 26.33.20 28.46.40
" " Moon 27.20.00 28.26.40 61.
" Sun 28.46.40 29.26.40
" " Mars 28.26.40 29.13.20 62.
" " Moon 29.26.40 30.00.00
" " Rahu 29.13.20 30.00.00
No. Sign Star Sub
From To
Sign Star Sub From To
lord lord lord D.M.S. D.M.S.
lord lord lord D.M.S. D.M.S. 63. Moon Jupiler Moon 0.00.00 0.33.20
Venus Sun Rahu 0.00.00 1.13.20
.. ..
Jupiter 1.13.20 3.00.00
Saturn 3.00.00 5.6.40
" Mercury 5.6.40 7.00.00
" " Kelu 7.00.00 7.46.40
" " Venus 7.46.40 10.00.00
Moon Moon 10.00.00 11.6.40
.. ..
Mars 11.6.40 11.53.20
64. "
" Mars 0.33.20 1.20.00
65. "
u -1
R-dhu 1.20.00 3.20.00
Saturn Saturn 3.20.00 5.26.40
67. "
Mercury 5.26.40 7.20.00
" Ketu 7.20.00 8.6.40
69. "
Venus 8.6.40 10.20.00
70. " " Sun 10.20.00 11.00.00
71. " " Moon 11.00.00 12.6.40
72. " " Mars 12.6.40 12.53.20
.. ..
Rahu 11.53.20 13.53.20
73. " " Rahu 12.53.20 14.53.20
Jupiler 13.53.20 15.40.00
" "
Sal urn 15.40.00 17.46.40
.. ..
Mercury 17.46.40 19.40.00
74. "
Jupiter 14.53.20 16.40.00
75. " Mercury Mercury 16.40.00 18.33.20
76. "
Ketu 18.33.20 19.20.00
Ketu 19.40.00 20.26.40
77. " " Venus 19.20.00 21.33.20
Venus 20.26.40 22.40.00 78. "
Sun 21.33.20 22.13.20
" " Sun 22.40.00 23.20.00 79. "
Moon 22.13.20 23.20.00
Mars Mars 23.20.00 2_4.6.40 80. "
Mars 23.20.00 24.6.40
Rahu 24.6.40 26.6.40 81. " " Rahu 24.6.40 26.6.40
" Jupiter 26.6.40 27.53.20
82. " " Jupiter 26.6.40 27.53.20
.. ..
Saturn 27.53,20 30.00.00
83. "
Saturn 27.53.20 30.00.00
Krishnamurthy Paddhatl
No. Sign Star Sub From To
No. Sign Star Sub From To
lord lord lord D. M.S. D. M.S. lord lord lord D. M.S. D.M.S.
84. Sun Ketu Ketu 0.00.00 0.46.40 125 Venus Mars Mercury 0.00.00 1.53.20
85. " " Venus 0.46.40 3.00.00 126 " " Ketu 1.53.20 2.40.00
86. "
Sun 3.00.00 3.40.00 127
" "
Venus 2.40.00 4.53.20
" Moon 3.40.00 4.46.40 128 " " Sun 4.53.20 5.33.20
88. " " Mars 4.46.40 5.33.20 129 " " Moon 5.33.20 6.40.00
89. " " Rahu 5.33.20 7.33.20 130
Rahu Rahu 6.40.00 8.40.00
90. "
. ..
Jupiter 7.33.20 9.20.00 131
" Jupiter 8.40.00 10.26.40
" Saturn 9.20.00 11.26.40 132 "
Saturn 10.26.40 12.33.20
" Mercury 11.26.40 13.20.00 133
Mercury 12.33.20 14.26.40
93. " Venus Venus 13.20.00 15.33.20 134 " " Ketu 14.26.40 15.13.20
94. " " Sun 15.33.20 16.13.20 135 " " Venus 15.13.20 17.26.40
" "
Moon 16.13.20 17.20.00 136
" "
Sun 17.26.40 18.6.40
96. "
Mars 17.20.00 18.6.40 137 " " Moon 18.6.40 19.13.20
" Rahu 18.6.40 20.6.40 138 Venus " Mars 19.13.20 20.00.00
98. "
Jupiter 20.6.40 21.53.20 139
Jupiter Jupiter 20.00.00 21.46.40
99. "
Saturn 21.53.20 24.00.00 140
" "
Saturn 21.46.40 23.53.20
" "
Mercury 24.00.00 25.53.20 141 "
Mercury 23.53.20 25.46.40
101 "
" Ketu 25.53.20 26.40.00 142
" "
Ketu 25.46.40 26.33.20
102 " Sun Sun 26:4o.oo 27.20.00 143 " " Venus 26.33.20 28.46.40
103 " " Moon 27.20.00 28.26.40 144 "
Sun 28.46.40 29.26.40
" Mars 28.26.40 29.13.20 145 "
Moon 29.26.40 30.00.00

Rahu 29.13.20 30.00.00
No. Sign Star Sub From To
No. Sign Star Sub From To
lord lord lord D.M.S. D.M.S.
lord lord lord D.M.S. D.M.S.
146 Mars Jupiter Moon 00.00.00 0.33.20
106 Mercury Sun Rahu 0.00.00 1.13.20
" "
Mars 0.33.20 1.20.00
107 "
Jupiter 1.13.20 3.00.00
148 " " Rahu 1.20.00 3.20.00
" "
'Saturn 3.00.00 5.6.40 149
Saturn Saturn 3.20.00 5.26.40
" "
Mercury 5.6.40 7.00.00 150 " " Mercury 5.26.40 7.20.00
'110 "
Ketu 7.00.00 7.46.40
" Ketu 7.20.00 8.6.40
111 "
Venus 7.46.40 10.00.00
152 "
" Venus 8.6.40 10.20.00
112 " Moon Moon 10.00.00 11.6.40
153 " " Sun 10.20.00 11.00.00
" Mars 11.6.40 11.53.20
154 " " Moon 11.00.00 12.6.40
" Rahu 11;53.20 13.53.20
" Mars 12.6.40 12.53.20
115 " " Jupiter 13.53.20 15.40.00
116 " " Saturn 15.40.00 17.46.40
" Mercury 17.46.40 19.40.00
118 " " Ketu 19.40.00 20.26.40
156 "
Rahu 12.53.20 14.53.20
" Jupiter 14.53.20 16.40.00
Mercury Mercury 16.40.00 18.33.20
" Ketu 18.33.20 19.20.00
160 " " Venus 19.20.00 21.33.20
119 " " Venus 20.26.40 22.40.00
" Sun 21.33.20 22.13.20
120 " " Sun 22.40.00 23.20.00
162 "
Moon 22.13.20 23.20.00
121 " Mars Mars 23.20.00 24.6.40
163 " " Mars 23.20.00 24.6.40
" .
Rahu 24.6.40 26.6.40
" Rahu 24.6.40 26.6.40
123 "
Jupiter 26.6.40 27.53.20
" "
Jupiter 26.6.40 27.53.20
" Saturn 27.53.20 30.00.00
" "
Saturn 27.53.20 30.00.00
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 27
No. Sign Star Sub From To No. Sign Star Sub From To
lord lord lord D.M.S. D.M.S.
lord lord lord D.M.S. D.M.S.
167 Uupiter Ketu Ketu 0.00.00 0.46.40
208 Satrun Mars Mercury 0.00.00 1.53.20
" Venus 0.46.40 3.00.00
.. ..
Ketu 1.53.20 2.40.00
169 "
Sun 3.00.00 3.40.00
.. ..
Venus 2.40.00 4.53.20
" Moon 3.40.00 4.46.40 211 "
Sun 4.53.20 5.33.20
171 " " Mars 4.46.40 5.33.20 212
.. ..
Moon 5.33.20 6.40.00
" Rahu 5.33.20 7.33.20
Rahu Rahu 6.40.00 8.40.00
" "
Jupiter 7.33.20 9.20.00
174 "
Saturn 9.20.00 11.26.40
214 " " u p i t ~ r 8.40.00 10.26.40
.. ..
Saturn 10.26.40 12.33.20
" Mercury 11.26.40 13.20.00
Venus Venus 13.20.00 15.33.20
.. ..
Sun 15.33.20 16.13.20
" Moon 16.13.20 17.20.00
.. ..
Mars 17.20.00 18.6.40
" Rahu 18.6.40 20.6.40
" Jupiter 20.6.40 21.53.20
" Saturn 21.53.20 .24.00.00
" Mercury 24.00.00 25.53:20
184 " " Ketu 25.53.20 26.40.00
Sun Sun 26.40.00 27.20.00
186 " " Moon 27.20.00 28.26.40
.. ..
Mercury '12.33.20 14.26.40
.. ..
Ketu 14.26.40 15.13.20
.. ..
Venus 15.13.20 17.26.40
219 "
Sun 17.26.40 18.6.40
.. ..
Moon 18.6.40 19.13.20
.. ..
Mars 19.13.20 20.00.00
222 " Jupite Jupiter 20.00.00 21.46.4()
223 "
Saturn 21.46.40 23.53.20
" Mercury 23.53.20 25.46.40
225 "
Ketu 25.46.40 26.33.20
226 " " Venus 26.33.20 28.46.40
" " Mars 28.26.40 29.13.20
" " Sun 28.46.40 29.26.40
" Rahu 29.13.20 30.00.00
" Moon 29.26.40 30.00.00
No. Sign Star Sub From To No, Sign Star Sub From To
lord lord lord D.M.S. D.M.S. lord lord lord D.M.S. D.M.S.
189 Saturn Sun Rahu 0.00.00 1.13.20
229 Jupiter Jupiter Moon 0.00.00 0.33.20
190 "
Jupiter 1.13.20 3.00.00
.. ..
Mars 0.33.20 1.20.00
191 " " Saturn 3.00.00 5.6.40
.. ..
Rahu 1.20.00 3.20.00
192 " " Mercury 5.6.40 7.00.00
193 "
" Ketu 7.00.00 7.46.40
.. ..
Venus 7.46.40 10.00.00
195 " Moon Moon 10.00.00 11.6.00
" Saturn Saturn 3.20.00 5.26.40
. 233
" " Mereu!) 5.26.40 7.20.00
" Ketu 7.20.00 8.6.40
.. ..
Venus 8.6.40 10.20.00
Sun 10.20.00 11.00.00
Mars 11.6.00 11.53.20
237 " " Moon 11.00.00 12.6.40
197 " " Rahu 11.53.20 13.53.20
.. ..
Mars 12.6.40 12.53.20
" Jupiter 13.53.20 15.40.00 239 "
Rahu 12.53.20 14.53.20
199 " " Saturn 15.40.00 17.46.40
.. ..
Jupiter 14.53.20 16.40.00
200 "
Mercury 17.46.40 19.40.00
Mercury Mercury 16.40.00 18.33.20
.. ..
Ketu 19.40.00 20.26.40
.. ..
Ketu 18.33.20 19.20.00
202 "
Venus 20.26.40 22.40.00
.. ..
Sun 22.40.00 23.20.00
.. ..
Venus 19.20.00 21.33.20
.. ...
Sun 21.33.20 22.13.20
.. ..
Moon 22.13.20 23.20.00
Mars Mars 23.20.00 24.6.40
.. ..
Mars 23.20.00 24.6.40 .
205 "
Rahu 24.6.40 26.6.40
.. ..
Rahu 24.6.40 26.6.40
.. ..
Jupiter 26.6.40 27.53.20
248 "
Jupiter 26.6.40' 27.53.20
.. ..
Saturn 27.53.20 30.00.00 249
Saturn 27.53.20 30.00.00
28 Krishnamurthy Paddhati
3.1 Ruling planet
Ruling Planets
The ultimate aim after assessing the matters of a house is to determine the time of
fructification. In assisting to arrive at this correct time of fructification K.P. evolved the
system of ruling planets. These are used to fix the time and date of realisation without
resorting to Horary or Natal charts;
These Ruling planets are :-
1. Lord of week day
2. Lord of Moon sign
3. Lord of Moon constellation
4. Lord of Lagna
5. Lord of Lagna constellation
6. Nodes tenanting the signs of Ruling planets.
Nodes, if they signify the sign position of aruling planet should be included as a Ruling
planet. While analysing the ruling planets, the following should be kept in view:-
1. Strength of ruling planet is in order of star lord of Ascendant, lord of the ascendant,
star lord of the Nakshatra (Moon), Lord of the Rasi and then the lord of the day.
2. Even though ruling planets are selected in the order given in Para 1 , if a ruling
planet were to be in the sub of another who is detrimental to the houses to be judge
~ particular matter- by being the signifactor for 8 & 12 to the houseto be judged,
then this will not be a fruitful ruling planet.
3. If Ruling planet selected, were to be in a sub of a planet which is retrograde it is not
4. A ruling plane1fails to offer results only when it is in a sub of the lord which is
3.1.1 Example :
The query was whether the orginal Horoscope cast was correct. The query was at 11
p.m I.S.T. on 4-2- 1976 at 8-29'N/76-59' E
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 29
Orginal Chart
Birth 4.25 a.m I.S.T. at Trivandrum on 15-12-1967
The rashi chart for the moment of judgement was casted and was as below:
Rasi Chart for the moment of Judgement
Kethu Kuja
Ruling Planets :
4-2-1976 Wednesday. Time 11 p.m. I.S.T.
Place 8-29'N/76-59'E
Ascendant Rasi 3-16' Thulam
Ascendant Star Chitra
Moon Rasi Pisces
Moon star
Sani (R)
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Kuja aspects Budha and Sukra. Guru is conjunctionwith Moon. So Kuja can act for
Sukra and Budha, and Moon can act for Guru.
When the Ascendant is calculated for 4-25 a.m.I.S.T., atTrivandrum on 15-12-1967 it '
comes to 0-8' in Scorpio. Since Mars is the star lord of Ascendant, it is the most
powerful of the ruling planets, so the Ascendant of the native must be Scorpio rasi only.
By applying the theory of Ruling Planets, we can get the ascendant position as Mars
Rasi, Guru star, Moon sub and Mars sub sub. So the Ascendant arrived at by casting
for the time is correct. Kanya Lagna given in the orginal horoscope is wrong and the
following is the correct horoscope of the native.
Birth star Krittika,
Balance of Rasi Dasa at birth time: 1Y-6M-18 Days.
3.1.2 Example :When will wife return :-
Query details :
Ruling Planets l
12-58' North
77-36' East
2nd April 1972
9-23 a.m. (I.S.T.)
The Ascendant lagna rising at the time of judgment was noted to be Taurus 1 0-09'
(Nirayana system).
Lord of the day Sun
Lord of the rasi transited by the Moon Sukra (Libra)
Lord of the constellation transited by the Moon Guru (Visakam)
Lord of the sign on the Ascendant Sukra (Rishaba)
Lord of the constellation rising on the Ascendant Chandra (Rohini)
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 31
The ruling planets were Chandra, Sukra, Guru and Surya. Although Surya was transiting
in the constellation of retrograde Budha and was conjoined with Budha, Yet as the
matter has to materialise in a short time, Surya was not rejected.
When the Ascendant moves in Rishaba owned by Sukra, in Chandra's Constellation
Rohini and to the sub of Guru and sub-sub of Surya. i.e. between 15-3'-34" and 15-
8'-34" in Rishaba, she should arrive. So the time of arrival should be 9 hours 23 minutes
28 sees. a.m. Local Mean Time. Adding 19 minutes 36 sees. being the difference in .
the local mean time between Bangalore Meridian and ttie Indian Standard Time
Meridian, the arrival time was calculated to be 9-43 a.m. (I.S.T.). She did knock at the
door at 9-43 a.m. (I.S.T.) exactly as surmised by the application of Krishnamurti
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Significant Points for
K.P. Analysis
4.1. Aspects and Significance
All planets have a seventh aspect while Saturn's 3rd & 1Oth, Jupiter's 5th & 9th and
Mars 4th & 8th have a stronger aspect than even their 7th aspect. However, these
aspects cover a wide range of 30 in a house and would mislead one into improper
interpretation. To arrive at proper aspects mentioned, it would be necessary to work
out the distance between the two longitudes of the planets concerned. Thus if Mars is
In Kanya 1st degree and Kethu in 29th degree in Dhanus then they show beneficial
results as they are at a distance of 118 degrees which is within the range of the trine
aspect. It is thus obseNed that the same two planets though posited in the same
house would have different aspects. They may be benefic or otherwise malefic,
depending on the actual longitudinal distance between the two.
No planets aspect the 2nd, the 11th and 6th houses subject to what is mentioned
It may therefore be concluded that if two planets form favourable aspects then both of
tnem will cooperate and offer such results which the lord of the dasa and the planet
indicate e.g. if the lord of the Dasa promises agreeable results, then planets forming
harmonious aspect will assist the dasa lord to offer desirable results. On the contrary
if a planet forms adverse aspects then it will not cooperate with the dasa lord.
ihe various aspects normally applied are given below :
Aspects Position
oo Apart
3. Opposition
180 II
4. Trine
5. Square
6. Sextile
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Very favourable and strong
Adverse in nature, indicative
of tension if planets are
malefic by nature or lordship
Powerful for good,
benign by nature.
Similar to trine
7. Semi square
450 II
Moderately evil
8. Semi Sextile
300 II
Slightly good.
9. Quincunx 150 II
1 0. Quintile
720 II
11. Biquintile 144 II
As good as trine
12. Sesquiquadrate
135 II
Similar to 45 aspects.
13. Vigintile
180 II
Slightly favourable
14. Quindecile
240 II
Slightly good
15. Decil Semiquintile 36 II
Moderatily good
16. Tredecile 108 II
540 II
Slightly good
18- 162 II
Slightly good
All aspects of multiple of 22% a are evil and of 18 and 30 beneficial except goa &
150. The conjunction is most powerful followed by opposition, trine, quincunx, biquintile,
sesquiquadrate, square sextile and quintile. The rest are moderate in affect. .
Orb : The distance during which a planet has an influence over another while
approaching it and till the distance its effect prevails while receding from it is known as
an orb. The orbs allowed to the Sun, Moon and other planets are:
Applying Separating
Sun 12 17
Moon 8
Other planets 6
It is to note that only faster moving planets will apply over a slow moving planet, overtake
it and then recede.
The order of fast moving planets are Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune. It may sometimes be seen that the motion of Venus is fasterthan
that of Mercury. Mercury when near the Sun moves faster than Venus than when it is in
a aphelion position. A table of the different aspects and their range of influence is
given below :
Major aspects
(I) Opposition
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
(3) 126 degrees 126 126-130
(4) Square 84-90 90 90-96
(5) Sextile 54-60 60 60-66
(6) Biquintile 141-144 144 144-147
(7) Quincunx 148-150 150 150-153
(8) Sesquiquadrate 132-135 135 135-138
(9) Tredecile 106- 108 108 108- 110
(1 0) 54 degrees 52-54 54 54-56
(II) Semi-square 43-45 45 45-47
(12) Decile 34-36 36 36-38
(13) Semi-sextile 28-30 30 30-32
(14) Vigintile 16- 18 18 18-20
4.2 Mutual Application : When two planets are in an aspect and one of them is
regtrograde, the other moves towards it at a faster rate. This is known as Mutual Appli-
cation. Retrogradation is an appearance caused by the combined motions of a planet
and the earth and their relative to Sun. No planet retraces in its orbit. If a planets
longitude goes on decreasing then it is said to be in retrograde motion . Sun & Moon
~ r never retrograde while Rahu & Ketu are forever retrograde.
4.3 Retrogression: There are different versions to what effect a retrograde motion
would give a few of which are :
1. Westerners feel when benefic planets are in retrograde they weaken their bePJeficial
results while a malefic planet in such a position improves the evil double fold. When
two planets which are retrograde are in good aspect, the results indicated by the
aspect would be deficient and disappointing. An evil aspect of a retrograding planet
accentuates evil effects.
2. Hindu mythology states a planet conjoined with a retrograde planet gets increased
strength. An exalted planet in retrograde attains neecha value while a debilitated plariet
attains exaltation. A retrograde planet possesses strength even in its depression or
inimical sign or amsa.
In Natal charts retrogression has no importance. However in Horary horoscope, the
following results accrue as per KP :
1. A retrograde planet in the constellation of a planet which is in direct motion, indicates
matter will materialize after obstacle and delay, when it is indirect motion and passes
beyond the point wherefrom retrograde motion started.
2. A planet in retrogression in the constellation of another retrograde planet or in its
own, promises only failure.
3. A planet in direct motion, in the constellation of a retrograde planet, one cannot
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 35
have success (Rahu & Ketu should not be taken as retrograde for this purpose of
4.4 Combustion of Light : Planets within a distance of so from the Sun are in
combustion (totally eclipsed). However, if they are 10 away from the Sun, the
combustion is moderate while beyond 15there is no combustion.
It may be mentioned, that if two planets may not be having a direct aspect between
themselves but could be having a link planet which produces the aspect. Thus if Mars
in Rishabha so and Jupiter in Vrischika 17they are not in opposition as Jupiter 4
falls beyond 13of Vrichika up to which the orb of opposition extends. If however, if
Moon is in 11 o Sinha it will be square to both Mars & Jupiter (after allowing the orb for,
square aspect) It will then transmute the influence of the malefic Mars towards the
benefic Jupiter.
Moon, situated in between them has brought about opposition aspect between Mars
and Jupiter though it did not prevail earlier. -,..
4.5 Exaltation & Debilitation
In K.P. if a planet is exalted, but is in a constellation of a debilitated planet, its ability to
do good or bad is limited. However, if a planet is in debilitation and is running in the
constellation of an exalted planet it magnifies its abilities manifold.
If any heavenly body Intercepts the light of another heavenly body and the onlooker is
unable to see the farther off planet it is said to be eclipsed. The nearer planet deprives
the light of the more distant planet. Its brilliance, the circular shape and splendour will
be lost.
In the Solar system, Sun is taken as the Central body around which the planets move
round and round. Each planet has its own orbit- its own pathway round the Sun. But the
earth and the Moon go round the Sun, together. The one feature of Moon which is
about 2,40,000 miles away from the earth goes round the earth once in 27.5 days and
both Moon and earth go round the Sun once a year.
Mercury and Venus are very near Sun. Sun is 93 million miles away from the earth. Mercury
is 36 millions miles away from Sun; Venus is 67 million miles away from the Sun.
Therefore, there will be occasions when Moon, Mercury and Venus can come between
the earth and the Sun.
Suppose you keep one of your fingers near either of your eyes. Close the other eye.
One elephant standing 100 meters, away is hidden by this small finger. This depends
on the size of the finger, its nearness to the eye and the farther distance of the elephant.
Now, your eye, the finger and the elephant are in the same line and plane. Suppose,
36 Krishnamurthy Paddoati
the elephant is lifted by a lift, in the same place. Even though the elephant was hidden
by the finger previously, as it is lifted up above the area covered by the finger, then the
elephant visible, slowly and steadily.
Thus Moon is a decently big body. It is very near to the earth. The Sun is very faroff. It
is very big like the elephant compared with finger. So, when the Moon comes in between
the observer and the Sun, the Sun is not visible. Slowly the shadow of the Moon, covers
the Sun. This is called the Solar eclipse. During the duration of the eclipse the declination
of the Moon and Sun will be the same. But if the declination is different, but the celestial
longitude of both is the same then it is only New Moon. Similarly, when earth comes
between Moon and Sun, earth prevents Moon from getting the light of the Sun, and
lunar eclipse is formed.
Just like, during Solar eclipse, Sun loss its brilliance and is hidden by Moon and during
lunar eclipse Moon loses its pleasant light and is hidden by the earth, so also the rays
of other planets are interrupted. Because, we, on the earth, do not receive very bright
light, illuminating the the earth, from other planets, we cannot see, notice
and realise the eclipse of the other planets.
The planets Mercury and Venus are called Inferior planets as they are nearer to Sun
than the earth and they can be between the Sun and the Earth, j\JSt like Moon during
New Moon days and Solar eclipse days. Moon is hidden from Sun by the earth during
lunar eclipse. But earth can never come in between Mercury and Sun or in between
Venus and Sun. So Earth can never eclipse Mercury or Venus.
4.6.1 What eclipsed planet can do in its period or sub-period: (as per KP)
Let us consider' the results of the planets situated in the constellation of those which
are eclipsed and what they signify. If a planet is deposited in the constellation of an
eclipsed one and if it is the sub-lord of the lagna cusp, the sub lord shows that the
will be imprisoned; he will lead the life incognito; will suffer from fear, disease
and anxiety, will participate in funeral rites; incur loss and may lose position too, will be
unfortunate, etc ..
Sub lord of 2nd cusp: Behaves stupidly in a public assembly, will be untrustworthy, will
receive annoying letters, write bad ones or anonymous ones suffer from eye troubles,
will be foul-tonguad, spend heavily, incur royal displeasure.
Sub lord of 3rd cusp: Demise of brother, evil advice, trouble through secret
mechanisation of internal enemies, humiliation, discomfitures and loss of pride thereby.
Sub lord of 4th cusp: Distress to mother, sickness to dear friends, danger to building,
trouble due to the loss of cattle, danger from water and conveyance.
Sub lord of 5th cusp: Loss of a child, aberration of the mind, deception, wearisome,
wandering, trouble in the stomach displeasure of the Government and bodily weakness.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 37
Sub lord of 6th cusp: Will have troubles through thieves, will suffer reverse, defeat, will
commit wicked acts, will do servile duties, will be despised, scandalised and injured.
Sub lord of 7th cusp: Distress to son-in-law, separation from beloved, untoward results
due to the troubles from the Opposite sex, intrigues with wicked women, diseases in
the private parts, ever wandering.
Sub lord of 8th cusp :-Excessive sorrow: want of sense, carnal appetite, jealousy,
unconsciousness, poverty, fruitless rambling, sickness, humiliation and death.
Sub lord or 9th cusp:- Will incur the wrath of the deity or Guru or preceptor or father
suffer something untoward, trouble to wife and children, will do wicked acts, elder's
demise, will suffer from poverty.
Sub lord of 1Oth cusp: Fruitless attempts, loss of honour, will become wicked, leaves
his permanent place, inauspicious happenings, will lead bad life, suffer troubles.
Sub lord of 11th cusp: Bad news, trouble to elder brother, sickness to children, wi!!
suffer misery, deception and ear disease.

Sub lord of 12th cusp: Various diseases, dishonour, disappearance of wealth, detention,
These results will be experienced by a person when he runs the dasa, bhukti or anthra
of the sub lord as mentioned above.
4.7 Principles of Judgement
Aspects are the modifying influences in horoscope and a prediction is never complete
unless the aspects are properly computed, studied, and the results judged Actually,
the diametrically opposite results enjoyed by the twins can be scientifically explained
by the aspect between the cusp and the significator.
A few useful hints are given below to enable one to arrive at a correct judgment.
(1) First assess the strength of the-aspect. Decile or 36 degrees aspect is not so
powerful for good as a trine or 120 degrees aspect; not semi-square or 45 degrees
aspect is so harmful as square or 90 degrees.
(2) What Is the quality of the aspect? Is it a beneficial aspect or an evil one?
(3) Is the aspect exact (rapt, partile) or is it wide (platic)?
If platic, note whether the aspect is in the process of formation or dissolution.
(4) Note the affairs governed by the house occupied by the aspected planet. Is it
conjoined with any other planet at the same time? Association with a benefic (lord
of a beneficial house in the chart) is very good and auspicious. Any connection
with malefics, more especially with lord of 6 or 8 or 12 either by being conjoined
with them or occupying their nakshatras, etc. portends evil. The nakshatra occupied
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
by a planet is the most important as the results denoted by the nakshatra lord (by
its ownership) will mostly predominate.
(5) What does the aspected planet denote by his lordship? Is he a benefic or not? No
doubt a planet possesses certain natural characteristics and these results will
operate, but what the planet has to give by lordship will even change the results
indicated by its nature e.g ... Jupiter, a benefic by nature will be evil by owning evil
houses. Saturn by owning favourable houses becomes a benefic. Even these
results are modified and changed by the occupation of various houses in the chart.
The correct way is to Judge by taking the planet's occupation, lordship of houses
and its nature. Occupation in a particular constellation and the modification by the
lord of the constellation are still more important. Jupiter and Venus who are natural
benefics prove to be the worst evils for a number of people and the natural malefics,
Mars and Saturn, immensely benefit some, as they occupy the constellation of the
planets owning and occupying good houses.
(6) Is the aspected planet placed in house which is 6 or 8 or 12 to the one it owns?
Find out whether it is in a good angle (aspect) to the cusp of the house of which it
is the owner. Suppose a person is born when the 29th degree of Aries (Mesha)
was rising In the East. Then Mars rules the first house. If Mars happens to occupy
Kanya (Virgo) 2nd degree, according to the Hindu method. Mars would be
considered as being in 6th to the lagna and therefore badly. placed. Actually,
however, Mars is at a distance of 123from the Ascendant and so it is in good trine
aspect. (7) Is the aspected planet dignified? A planet in its exaltation sign is the
strongest. Next is the one in a Vargottamma position, i.e., occupying the same
sign both in the rasi and in the navamsa chart. The third is the one in its
Moolathrikona house. The fourth, the one in its swakshetra (own house) and the
fifth is the planet which is in its friend's quarters. A planet in debilitation or in enemy's
. camp or connected with malefics in any manner, is said to be weakly posited and
(8) Then note the nature of the sign occupied by the aspected planet. Is it a movable
. (chara) sign, or fixed (sthira) sign or common, (ubhaya) sign? Is the sign fiery,
earthy, airy or watery, positive or negative, fruitful or barren, etc.
Similarly, find out whether the aspecting planet is a benefic by lordship, whether he is
dignified or afflicted, beneficial or adverse by occupation and whether it aspects from
a sign congenial to its nature. Also whether the aspecting planet in a kendra (angular)
panaphara (succeedent) or apoklima (cadent) house. Houses 1, 4, 7 and 10 are termed
kendra houses and planets herein are said to be accidentally dignified, i.e., they attain
full strength to express themselves. Planets in 2, 5, 8 and 11 called succeedent
(panaphara) houses gain moderate strength. The houses 3, 6, 9 and 12 are called
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 39
cadent (apoklima) and planets in these houses get weakened and lack opportunity for
expression. It is also important to note who is the lord of the constellation in which
aspecting planet is situated.
If one has correctly assimilated the basic elements constituting a horoscope and has
acquired the ability to analyse properly, the value of this method to predict the nature of
event and the time of the event.
1. Define in short the advantages of using the Krishnamurthi Padathi system for
analysis of an horoscope.
2. State the order of importance for arriving at the conclusion as to which planets are
the main significators for a particular event.
3. Why should the longitudinal difference between planets be taken for arriving its
aspects. State with example. ,...
4. Give the various aspects and their significance.
5. What are effect of retrograde planets?
6. How does exalted & deblitated planets effect the strength of a planet?
7. Mention the effect of an eclipsed planet during its period or sub period as per K.P.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
KFishnamurthy Paddhati Applied
to Natal Horoscopes
5.1 While applying Krishnamurthi Padhathi to Natal Horoscoppes it is ncessary that
one should be aware of the significance of each houses. It may be mentioned that
while analysing a Natal Horoscope retrograde motion is of no consequence.
The constellation ruled by a planet indicates the matters signified by the bhava occupied
and owned by it.
The sub-lord occupied by a planet denotes whether it is auspicious for the progress of
that bhava or inauspicious so that one meets with obstacle or faces dis-appointment
or negation of the matter.
This applies to all bhava results. If lagna is occupied by a planet or owned by one and
if a planet either the same lagnadhipathi or any other planet is deposited in the
occupant's or owner's star, then they indicate first house matters. If the depositor in
that constellation is in the favourable sub, matters indicated by lagna will thrive. If the
depositor in that constellation is in an unfavourable sub, the matter indicated by the
lord of the constellation as per its occupation or ownership will suffer : must suffer.
Accordingly systematic analysis by the K.P. mode requires the following:
1. Cast the Horoscope with planets and their Degrees
2. Define the cusps of the 12 Bhavas.
1. Ascertain the Bhavas for the query under consideration.
4. Determine the significators for the Bhavas concerned as enuciated in Chapter-2 i.e.
a) Bhava Lord, Its constellation and Sub-Lord
b) The planets ~ the constellation of the occupants of the Bhava
c) The planets signifying the particular Bhavas under consideration
d) Determine the effect of the different aspects upon the Bhava as well as on the
signifactors concerned. This will include whether the aspecting planet is in benefic or
malefic longitudinal difference, whethers it is in retrogression etc. as enunciated in
5. Having obtained the signifactors, ascertain the conjoined signifactors that will operate
the particulars Bhava under consideration.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 41
6. Finally determine the Dasa, Bhukthi and Anthara when the signifactors will conjointly
. operate.
5.1.1 Example :
Let us take the following chart:-
Kethu Dasa balance 0 yrs 5 months 23 days.
Lord of lagna is Sun: no planet is in lagna. Sun's
stars are Karthik, Uthrapalguni and Uthrashada.
Planets, if deposited in these stars will refer the
matters signified by the first house. If there is no
planet, Sun gives lagna bhava results. This is similar
to a Secretary who has 3 Deputy Secretaries & are
given 3 rooms to carry out the instructions of the
Secretary. If all3 rooms are vacant, if no deputy is
found, Secretary does the job. Even when they are
there, Secretary can do other than what the Deputys
There is no planet in Sun's star. Hence Sun gives
Mer. 29-27
VI 0-30
Mar 14-59
v 1-30
IX 030 X 1-30
12-25 23-23
7-06 P.M.
13-04 N
Asc 004
80-15 E
II 2830'"
Ill 0-30
lagna results. Sun is in Moon's star. Moon is in 9 and owns 12. Hence Sun mostly
refers to the matters signified by 9 and 12, i.e., long journey; staying outside; loss of
father: permanent possession of father, separation from father. 3.1.1 judge the death
of his father.
Note the sub occupied by Sun. It is in Jupiter's sub. What can Jupiter do to the 9th
house. What can Jupiter do to the 12th house?
Jupiter is in Saturn star. As Saturn is the Bhadhakasthana Adhipathi to 9, Jupiter
indicates Bhadhaka to father. Therefore, if a constellation indicates father, then the
sub of Jupiter in that constellation indicates danger to the father.
Therefore Sun in the constellation of Moon in 9 and sub of Jupiter-the Bhadhaka to
father, promises danger to father.
9th house is owned by Mars. It governs Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanishta stars. Rahu
and Mercury are in Mars star Rahu is in the sub of Mars who denotes longevity to
Mercury .is the sub of Saturn, Bhadhaka to father. Hence Rahu is a benefic
whereas Mercury is evil.
To the longevity of father houses 2 and 3 counted from 9th is evil. Both are owned by
Venus. Rahu occupies 2 to 9; Mars occupies Venus star; none in Rahu star. Mars is in
the sub of Venus. So it is harmful; Rahu is in the sub of Mars. It is good.
Therefore Sun, Mercury and Mars are eviL Venus is in Jupiter sub. Venus is also evil.
42 Krishnamurthy Paddhati
(Venus is in the constellation of Kethu who represents 4th and 9th houses. Therefore
Venus indicates the houses 9, 1 0 and 3 danger to father)
His father c;lied during Sun Dasa, Mercury Bhukti Venus Anthra in July 1952.
5.1.2 Let us judge 4th house. It is occupied by Sani and Kethu. It is owned by Mars. So
planets in Saturn's stars, Kethu stars and Mars stars are those which refer 4th house
Venus in Kethu star, Jupiter in Saturn star, Mercury in!
Mars star indicate 4th house matters.
Venus is in the sub of Jupiter, Marakasthana adhipathi and Venus is in Marakasthana
Jupiter is in Venus sub. It is evil. Mercury is in Saturn sub. As Saturn is in rapt conjunction
with Kethu and Saturn is in the constellation of the 8th from 4th, Mercury is evil; Saturn
is also evil.
Now Venus, Mercury, Mars; Saturn, Moon, etc. refer 4th house matters. It is the lord of
the sub which indicates whether 4th house matter will thrive or not.
Venus in 2 in the sub of lord of 2.
Mercury in the constellation of planet in 2 to 4, owner of 4 and in sub of evil in 4.
Saturn in the sub of Jupiter and Kethu in the sub of Jupiter, both occupying 4th house
are evil. Hence he lost his mother during Venus Dasa Mercury Bhukti Saturn Anthra on
Venus in the fifth house, i.e., the second to the 4th house by occupation and it refers
the fourth house being the owner of the 4th.
Hence Mars indicates about health and causes of death during the period of the planet
in.,he star, if any, and which is in the sub of one referring the 4th or 5th or 1Oth (5th and
1Oth are Maraka houses to the 4th). Mercury is in Mars star and sub of Sani who
signifies the 4th.
Let us find out the date of the death of his mother. It was on 27 .4.4 7 when Venus Dasa
(in the constellati.on of occupant of 4 arid sub of the occupant of 1 0) Mercury Bhukti
(constellation of planet in 2 to 4 and sub of planet in 4) and anthra of Saturn which
refers the 4th house to give life or cause death depending on the sub which Saturn
occupied) and it is in the sub of Mars and Shookshma of Rahu in 10 which is also in
the constellation of Mars in 2 to 4 and sub of Mars.
Day of demise-Friday. Star Moolam where Dasanatha was. (Jupiter rasi-Jupiter
significator of 4 in Saturn star and sub of Venus in 2 to 4) at night which lagna was in
poorvashada 15in Dhanus.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 43
5.1.3 Death of child: Happened during Moon Dasa Jupiter bukti Rahu Anthra. Moon
is in the constellation of Kethu and sub of Mercury. Kethu has to give the results of
planet with which it is conjoined, as it is a node. Saturn is lord of 2 to 5 and situated in
12 to 5. Hence Moon is definitely evil as it is in the constellation of the node representing
the second house to the 5th and in the sub of lord of 7 to 5, situated in 2 to 5.
Jupiter is in the constellation of Saturn, lord of 2 in 12 to 5th house and sub of Venus,
which is the occupant of 5 in the constellation of node in 12 to 5. Venus itself is evil to
5. Mars in Venus star and Venus sub is also evil. Rahu in Venus sign, Mars star and
Mars sub is definitely evil. Hence, Moon Dasa Jupiter Bhukti Rahu A[lthra was evil. Let
us take pleasant functions
5.1.4 Marriage: Judge houses 2, 7 and 11 counted from lagna. 2, 7 and 11 are vacant.
2 is ruled by Sun. 11 is ruled by Mercury. 7 is owned by Saturn. Saturn and Kethu are
in Mercury star. Jupiter is in Saturn's star. Kethu is stronger than lord of 7. Moon and
Venus are in Kethu star. Sun is also strong as there is no planet in Sun's star.
Marriage took place during Venus Dasa Kethu Bhukti Venus Anthra Moon Shookshma
on 6-7-194 7 on Sravanam star day Venus is in Kethu star. Kethu is stronger than
Saturn; lord of 7 (7th house vacant). Kethu is in the star of Mercury (lord of 1 and 11 ).
Both houses vacant. Moon is in Kethu star. Kethu stronger than Saturn, lord of 7. Kethu
has to predominantly indicate Saturn's result: then only that of Mars, Moon's star is not
in Mars sign. Hence, Sravanam star governed by Moon is Saturn's sign gave marriage.
Normally when one finds Saturn and Kethu in 4, 9 & 11 house occupied by lord of 12,
one following traditional Astrology must say that the native will have no tendency towards
education. Also that he cannot come up nicely in studies. Not a word can be mentioned
about marriage.
But according to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Saturn and Kethu in 4 are in the constellation
of Mercury, lord of 11 and sub of Mars, owner of 4 and 9 shows higher education.
According to Prof. Krishnamurti, if the dasanatha is connected with houses 4 and 9,
they will give education. Venus', the constellation of node in 4, gave studies throughout
Venus Dasa. Sun in the constellation of Moon in 9 gave higher studies. As Moon is
also significator of 12, Sun in the constellation of Moon, gave the break and ended his
studies. He discontinued his studies after successfully completing Medical College
course during Sun Dasa Saturn Bhukti Sun Anthra in December, 1952.
1. Give the various factors to be kept in view while applying KP to Natal Horoscopes.
2. A query is given at 9.45 am at Delhi on 24.9.04 as to when marriage will pccur. The
girl was born in Delhi on 1.5.1982 at 12.30 pm (1ST).
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Horary Astrology
using Krishnamurthy Paddhati
6.1 Why is Horary Astrology preferred
To determine the events that are due to occur in ones life, there are basically two
1. Natal Astrology and
2. Horary Astrology.
The accuracy of the Natal horoscope, even today is of doubt as the time of birth itself
is questionable. This leads to wrong predictions. Similarly to pinpoint the predictions
of an event especially those in the near future, more articulation of the Natal Horoscope
is called for. The Horary Astrology does come to the rescue especially where accurate
Natal Horoscopes are not available. Horary Astrology can be of two mode.
1. Through horoscope cast at the time of query
2. Through any numerical number between 1 &249 on a special query.
Examples for evaluation in the former mode is given below :
6.2 Krishnamurthy Padhathi applied to Horary Astrology through Time of query
While applying Horary Astrology one must be confident of the Bhavas that enhance
the significators for a particular query. In this connection one must also keep in mind
. the order of preference of significators as enumarated in chapter -3. The Bhava
for some common functions are given in chapter 3 .
An illustration using the above mode would make it clear.
Consider the houses 3, 9 and 11. Take the sub-lord of the 11th cusp and find out
whether the lord qf the constellation in which the sub-lord is deposited, is not retrograde.
If it were to be retrograde, no purpose will be served by that call. If the lord of the
constellation in which third cusp sub-lord is deposited is retrograde, the call will not
materialise. If the sub-lord of the 9th cusp is retrograde, the other party cannot. be
contacted. But if they are in direct motion find out the significators of the houses 3,9
and 11 as It will materialise.
Since the call is to materialise in minutes or in hours one need not work out dasa
balance, one has to note only the movement of the ascendant and calculate when the
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 45
ascendant will come to the position in the zodiac which is governed by the ruling planets
and also the significators of the houses 3, 9 and 11.
A planet which is the significator of 3 should also be the significators of 9 or 11. Similarly
the significator of 9 also should be the significator of 3 or 11. The significator of 11
Should be the significator of 3 or 9. Such of the significatdrs alone must be taken. If a
planet is not the significator of 9 and 11 but is the significator of 6 or 8 or 12, one can
take it that, that particular planet is not the significator for this trunk-call, even though it
is the significator of the third house. Similarly if a planet is the significator of the 9 and
it is also the significator of 6 or 8 or 12, and is not the significator of 3 or 11 , then the
party in, the other end will be absent, only when significator ot" the 9th is also a significator
or either 3 or 11, then alone he will answer the call. If a planet is the significator of the
11th house and not the significator of 3 or 9, but is the significator of other houses
reject this planet. Select those planets which are the significator of the 11 th house and
also the significator of 3 or 9 or both. ..
On 2-9-69 a telephone trunk call to Kandy was booked at 9.00 A.M. As it was an
urgent call and Kandy was about is miles away from Matale. I expected the trunk call
within an hour or two if the line is in order. Before I could get the calllworked out the
time of fructification of the call according to Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
Time of judgment: 9.00 A.M: 21-9-1969; 728'N; 8022'E.
Lagna : 20-22', Ayanamsa used : 2320'
Sa 1448'
9.00 A.M.
Mo 152'
Ve 414'
I Xll1955'
Su 438'
1855' 2022'
Ju 191'
Me2015' .
Lord of Constellation Lord of sub.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Saturn (R)
For the fructification of telephone trunk call, houses 3 and 11 have to be judged.
The third house is occupied by the Moon. Mercury and Jupiter occupy the star of Moon.
Jupiter is the lord of 3rd.
Rahu is in Jupiter star. So the significators are Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu.
The eleventh house is occupied by Kethu, Sun and Jupiter. Mars and Venus are posited
in the constellation ruled by Kethu. Moon, Sun and Kethu are in Sun's constellation.
Rahu is in the star of Jupiter; So the significators are Mars, Venus, Moon, Sun and
Now the significators that contribute to the fructification of the telephone trunk call are
Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu, Mars, Venus, Moon and Sun.
The 3rd cusp is in the star of Kethu and sub of Moon.
The 11 th cusp is in Venus star and Mars sub.
As the sub-lords of these cusps happen to be strong significators, the fructification of
the call is assured.
In order to fix the significators which will rule the moment when the call materialises,
take the ruling planets at the time of judgment:-
1. The day was Sunday whose ruler is Sun.
2. The star in which Moon was transiting at the time of booking was ruled by Sun.
3. The sign in which Moon was transiting was Makara, ruled by Saturn.
4, The rising at the time of booking was Thula, owned by Venus.
s: The rising star in which lagna falls was Jupiter.
So the ruling planets arc Sun, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter.
The common ones found among the significators' are Sun, Jupiter and Venus. These
planets conjointly indicate the time of fructification of the trunk call, irrespective of
whether it is a minor or major event. As the call will be realised within a few minutes or
hours, the transit of the lagna is to be considered, So I calculated the position of Zodiac .
to rise in the East. It can be Venus sign, Jupiter star, Sun sub, Venus sub sub. So, as
stated above, the rising lagna will be 2920' Thula.
The correct time of fructification of trunk call was calculated taking Nirayana lagna as
2920' Thula. The Ayanamsa adopted was 2320'. Sidereal time for the Moon at
Metale on this date is 11 hr. 59 mts. 52 sec. When calculated, the result arrived at was
9.41 A.M. So I declared the trunk call will materialize at 9.41 A.M. only.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 47
As predicted the telephone trunk call came through sharp at 9.41 A.M.
6.3 Krishnamurthy Padhathi applied to Horary Astrology through a query vide
a number
A number is requested for between 1 &249 and the ascendant is fined through the
Ready Reference table given at Chapter -2. The cusps and planetary positions are
accordingly worked out for the time of query. While analysing and evolving the
significators the principles as mentioned in Chapter- 2 should continue to be applied.
An example will illustrate this application more clearly :
6.3.1 How Long will one live?
Ask for a number between 1 and 249: for that number fix the ascendant referring to the
Table for Krishnamurti padhdhati.
If the ascendant is in a movable sign, 11th house is the badhakasthana, if the ascendaru
falls in a fixed sign, 9th house is the badhakasthana if the ascendant falls in a common
sign, the 7th house is the badhakasthana.
Whatever be the sign in which the ascendant falls, the 2nd and the 7th houses are
marakasthanas. Therefore one is to judge all these three houses and find out the
One has to erect the map and note down the dasa balance to find out the date of
According to western system, the ascendant, the Moon and the Sun should not be
forming evil aspects with the lord of 4,6,8 and 12, and at the same time the lord of the
ascendant the Moon and the Sun must be strong. In that case, long life is promised.
Jupiter and Venus ruling good houses and the lord of the ascendant forming good
aspect with Moon or Sun promises long life. But if the ascendant, Moon and Sun are
receiving bad aspects like square, opposition, conjunction etc., from the lord of 4, 6, 8
or 12, only short life is indicated. This is how the westerners proceed, they say that the
ascendant, its lord and the Moon indicate the consultant's health and longevity. They
add that lord of the ascendant retrograde or deposited in 8, or lord of 8 in one, or
malefics occupying one and 8 will cause short life. To note for how many more years
one would live, they calculate as follows: If the lord of the ascendant will from either
conjunction or square or opposition with Sun or to the lord of 8, 6 or 4, calculate how
many degrees he is away from that planet. Then calculate according to the rules given
Note the sub-lord of the ascendant. If he is deposited in the constellation of the
significators of badhakasthana and marakasthana the life will be short after the time
of judgment. It will not be for many years. If sub-lord of the ascendant were to be in the
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
constellation of the significator of sixth house, the person will suffer from disease but
will not succumb to it; but if the sub lord of the ascendant is deposited in the constella
tion of the significator of the 8th house, he will meet with an accident. If the sub-lord of
the ascenaant in the Horary Chart is the significator of the 12th house, he will be in bed
for long period and may be admitted in a hospital. Death is indicated only by the
significators of marakasthana and badhakasthana According to the strength of the
lord of the constellation in which the sub-lord of the ascendant is deposited, one is to
fix the dasa and the sub-periods. Calculate from the horoscope erected for the num-
ber (Horary) and work out, after how many years and months, the conjoined period of
the significators will operate.
Predict that he will live only for so many years and months. Never omit to confirm by
taking the ruling planets at the moment of judgment.
Number 246 is given for judgment at 5-30 P.M. on 24-1 0-'67.
By 246 it is meant that Jupiter's sign Pisces, Mercury star Revathi and the sub of Mars
is the Ascendant.
The sub-lord Mars is in the constellation of Kethu in the 7th house. Hence the death is
inevitable and by transit when lord of 1, the ascendant conjoins the node in the 7th
house, in that year, when Sun transit in Sun's star and Kethu sub and when Moon
transits the constellation of Rahu or Guru or Kethu, the end will come.
Ruling planets : Day lord, Mars. Ascendant is in Aswini, Kethu star, sign is Aries,
owned by Mars; Moon is in Arudhra star governed by Rahu and the lord of the sign
where Moon is Mercury, hence the ruling planets are Rahu, Mars, Mercury and Kethu.
Jupiter and Mars are in Kethu constellation. Since Mercury is in the sign and house,
where Kethu is, take Kethu.
Therefore in the conjoined period of the ruling planets there is danger to his life.
For danger to life, we must consider the badhakasthana and the marakasthanas. As
Pisces is lagna, it is a common sign. 7th house from this sign is badhakasthana. For
common sign the 7th house is badhakasthana and marakasthana, and Kendhrasthana.
So it is trebly evil to cause the death.
According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, the following are the significators of death:
(a) The planets posited in the constellation of the occupants of badhakasthana and
(b) The planets occupying the above said houses.
(c) The planets In the constellation of the lords of the above said badhaka and maraka
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 49
(d) The lords of these houses.
(e) Those which are conjoined with.the significators or aspected by them, thereby
having connection with these matters.
Now let us analyse houses 2 and 7.
The second bhava Is unoccupied by any planet. Mars is lord of 2. Rahu is in Aries,
representing Mars. Rahu (a node) is therefore more strong to give the result. Select
Rahu. Sun is in Rahu star.
The seventh bhava is occupied by Sun, Kethu and retrograde M e r e u ~
Mercury rules Ashlesha, Jyeshta, and Revathi. No planet is in any. Mercury (R) is in the
constellation of Jupiter and in the sub of retrograde Saturn.
Sun is conjoined with Kethu. Kethu rules Aswini, Magha and Moola. Rahu, Mars and
Jupiter are in the constellation of Kethu, Jupiter is in 6th sign and aspects both Mars
and Rahu. Jupiter is also in sub Rahu, a significator of death. Mars is represented bf
node Rahu. Kethu is also occupant of 7th bhava. Kethu is in the constellation of Mars
(lord of 2) and in the sub of Venus (lord of 8), a strong significator of death. Finally take
Rahu, Kethu and Jupiter.
If we analyse dasa system, the native is running Rahu Dasa, Mercury Bhukti. (Balance
1 year and 26 days).
Thus we come to the conclusion that during Rahu
Dasa Kethu Bhukti Rahu Anthra, Jupiter
Shookshma there would be danger to the native's
life. ,
4.3.2 Example 2
Query will the delivery of my child be normal or not?
The number given within 249 on 2.7.1969, 7.30 PM
1ST (Lat. of Place : 1855'N) at Bombay was 1 00.
The ascendant at the time of query falls in 24.00
Leo in Venus constellation & Mercury sub. The chart
is as follows:-
Sat (R)
5-30 P.M.
Ven 21-24
Jup 7-31
Sun 7-05 23-20
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Sat13.34 Ven 2.11
Mer 27.23
X 24.21 X124.21
7-30 P.M.IST
26.05 18.55N
VI 24.21
v 24.21 IV 24.21
Ill 23.21 Ketu
8.35 (A)
Jup 5.05
1 . The Lagna Bhava is occupies by Ketu & Jupiter.
2. Owner of Lagna is posted in 1Oth
3. Mars aspects lord of Lagna by 8th aspect.
The owner of Lagna in 1Oth is well deposited and therefore no danger to the lady. 8th
Aspect of Mars on Sun, Lord of Lagna and Ketu in Lagna Bhava are not favourable. It
indicates that the lady would undergo Ceaserian birth as Mars indicates surgery. How-
~ v r delivery will be frutful and with no danger to the lady's life as Jupiter is in Lagna
Bhava. It may also be noted that though Mars is retrograde it is Mercury in the constel-
lation of a Saturn which is in direct motion, thereby leading to use of surgical equip-
ments but not for any control purpose.
What about ailment ?
Health is generally good if the sub-lord of the ascendant is deposited in the constella-
tion of the planet occupying the house 1 or 11. But, if the sub-lord of the ascendant is
deposited in the COI)Stellation of a planet which is the significator of 1 and 6, one will
suffer from disease during its periods and sub-periods. If the sub-lord of the 6th house
iS<Ieposited in the constellation of a planet which is the significator of the 6 and 1 and
not of 11, then the sub-lord. During its sub-period, will give the disease.
If the sub-lord is deposited in a constellation, the lord of which is connected in any
manner, with Saturn, the disease is a chronic one. Even, if the sub-lord is Saturn, the
disease is a chronic one. But, if the sub-lord is in any manner connected with Mars, it
is an acute disease. Mercury shows complications.
Cure When?
Generally, one falls ill at the time when the conjoined period of the planets connected
with the 6th and the first house in any manner operates; but, the cure comes only when
the significator of the 5th or 11th house follows the period governed by the disease
producing 6th house significator. One will survive from the disease after the cure; only
when his longevity is promised, For longevity, one has to find out the Badhaka Sthana
Krishnamurthy Paddhatl 51
and Maraka Sthana. These will give a clear picture).
As regards the nature of the disease, I have already published what each sign, star
and sub indicates and said what it would be. Therefore, you have to refer to it and then
ascertain which part of the body will be affected.
In Astrology, there is nothing as 'Accident'. Astrological dictionary does not have this
word because, for every result, there is a cause. Therefore, even that which the people
call as 'Accident' is something which happens when least expected. Anything that is a
surprise and an unexpected one alone is classified as an accident, whether the result
is favourable orunfavourable.
Therefore, the sub-lord of the 8th house is to be deposited in the constellation of the
planet which is the significator of the 8th house. If the significator happens to be also
the significator of the 6th house, then he will have fever, etc., following the accident.,.. If
the same sub-lord is in the star of a planet who is also the significator of the 12th, he
will be admitted in a hospital. If the sub-lord happens to be the significator of Bathaka
Sthana, and Maraka Sthana ; he will succumb to it, provided his longevity is not further
more promised. If the longevity is promised, he will get over this, and the condition of
the patient would be threatening. Some may be unconscious; some may be given
blood transfusion and also oxygen. Therefore we have to judge both the longevity and
also the duration of the disease.
1. What is Horary Astrology & its advantages.
2. What are the diff::1rent modes of KP applied to Horary Astrology?
3. What are the important items to be kept in mind while answering a query by using K.P.
4. Using KP for a query at 9.00AM, 21.9.1 969 r28'N & 8022"E as to whether a
trunk all will materialize.
5. What is the numerical method adopted by KP for Horary Astrology. How is it applied?
6. Which are the bhavas that need to studied for the longevity, education and prosperity
of an individual?
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
Chapter -7
Twelve Houses
Lagna (First Bhava}: Physical stature, colour, form and shape, constitution, health,
vitality and vigour, habit of thinking, natural disposition and tendencies, personality
and struggle for life, success or failure in attempts. General candour, honour, dignity,
prosperity, general well-being. Head and upper part of the face. People in the country,
person asking the question. Virtues, longevity, age, suffering. Appropriating other's
money, gambling on other's money, skin Gains and profit to younger brother. Name,
fame. reputation and the patrimony of mother. Higher studies, long journey, life in a
!oreiqn place or connection with strangers to native's children ; hostel, danger to
;JlJ!Arnai uncle, demise of partner, speculation of father, neighbours to elder brother
and his si1ortjourncys.
Second house: Money matters, fortune, profit, gain or loss. One's power and
resources, wordily attainments possessions of extrinsic value, jewellery; precious
stones and metals, documents, bonds, securities, stocks and shares, promissory notes,
mortgages, bank balance or negotiable or exchangeable assets.
Ability to express his thoughts. Second marriage, vision or the power of observation,
right eye, memory, imagination, nail, tongue, nose, teeth, cheeks and chin.
Protects others, family members, law suits, extravagant or economical, loans, money
lent, money borrowed, death of individual, national wealth, banking activities, revenue.
Money of the querist, truth or tongue, eyes, nails, garment, copper, diamond,
gM1, pearl, trade, softness of speech, perfume to support others, effort in acquisition
of wealth, miserliness or liberality, oratorical ability, gold, good silver, corn, cereals;
close dependent, pearls, ruby, minerals, clothes.
Loss to younger brother and his changes, mother's gains, profession and success of
children, rank, long journey to maternal uncle, danger to partner, common
disease of the native's father, purchase of a house, or land or vehicle by elder brother.
Third house: Mental inclination, ability, memory, intellect, inclination to study.
Courage firmness, valour, prowess and heroism. Younger brother or sister, cousins,
kindred, casual acquaintance, neighbour, short travel, cycle, bus, tram, or railway.
Correspondence letter, papers, writings, accounting, mathematics, communication, .
post offices, letter boxes, telephone, telegraph, teleprint, television, telecommunication,
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 53
radio-reports, signal, airmail, mediator, messenger, publicity officer, reporter, editor,
information officer, Journalist. Change of residence, restlessness, Library, bookstore,
bargain, signature, signing contracts or agreements, rumours, carrying tales.
Hands, throat, shoulder blade, collar bone, arms and nervous system.
Neighbouring countries, treaties, Roadside, place, confusion of the mind, eating
unspoiled or pure food, partition of property, female servant, Edible roots and fruits.
Fourth house: Mother, one's home, residence; domestic environments, grave, Private
affairs, curious, secrets an secret life. Vehicles, fields, pastures, cornfields, farms,
orchards, mines, real estate, gardens, buildings, ancient dwellings, monuments and
antiquities. Hereditary properties and treasures, School and collegiate Mines, gardens,
public builpings, crops, agriculture, Learning, boats, oil bath, small well, water, milk,
trust, false allegation, tent, pavilion, pond, mansion, art, entrance into a house, celestial
food, where stolen property is kept, vedic and secret texts. Herbs and caves.
Fifth house: Progeny, inclinations, pleasure; with tastes and fancies, artistiC
talents and gains, to wife or business partner's luck, recreation, entertainment,
amusement, sports .. Romance and similar interests, games, cinema opera, drama,
music, dance, banquets, merriment and amusements. Cards, crossword puzzles, dice,
horse, shares. Lottery, gambling or betting and stock exchange. Love affairs, courtship
and licentiousness, kidnap, rape. Envoys, ambassadors, banquets. Good morals,
mechanical art, discretion, discrimination between virtue and sin, chanting of vedic
hymns, religious mindedness, profound learning and wisdom, enormous riches, festive
occasion, intense satisfaction, liaisons with courtesans. Chanting of mantras and
spiritual practice.
Sixth house: 'House of sickness'. Disease, nursing food, dietary habits, service
exhaustion, employees, subordinates or servants, debt or borrowing pet animals, small
cattle, tenants, enmity, dress, and hygiene, sanitation, herbs, food and clothing.
Favourable result in competition. Obstacle in any undertaking, maternal uncle, insanity,
enmity, miserliness, intense anguish, incessant eye trouble, untimely meals, theft,
calamity, prison house. Industries, sanitation and public health. Purchase or sale of
conveyance, by younger ,brother or sister, short journeys of the mother, the bank position
and profession of the first issue, and his family, loss to the partner, investment or
purchases made by the partner, the secret enemies of the partner, separation from
the partner. Occupation or business of the father. Danger to one's elder brother.
Seventh house: 'House of the union or earthy ties', legal bondage, partner in trade,
those with whom the native transacts, litigation, duels. Mix up freery in society. Fines,
divorces, legal bondage, contracts, break of journey. Influence in foreign countries,
honour and reputation achieved there, danger to longevity. Recovery of lost property,
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
describes the thief, international relationships, arbitrations, war and foreign affairs,
international trade, public meetings, open warfare. Self-acquisition of the native's
servant, mother's immovable property, vehicle, adopted child. Secret enemy's danger,
difficulties, death, associates and friends of father, partnership with his father's friend.
Eighth house: Longevity or span of life. 'House of death', inheritance, legacies, wills,
Insurance, gratuity. disincarnation, death-natural or unnatural, drowning, fire, accident
or suicide. Mystery and misery, misfortune, sorrow and strife, worries and privations,
delay and dejection, disappointment and defeat, loss and obstruction, blame and ill-
repute, accident, danger from enemies. Wrong actions, crossing river, theft,' robbery,
siege of a fort, fighting. Dowry, unearned wealth, share of profit. Surgeons, medical
officers, health inspectors, slaughter houses, butchers, corners and so on. Public
mortality the death rate, suicide, serious accidents, infection, fiood, fire, famines,
disease, earthquake, national calamity or grief, financial relation with foreign countries,
the nation's exports and imports debts due to foreign countries, surrender or loss,
territory of another country, public loans, debts and interest rates, deficit budget, estate
duties and public sales, Insurance, money of the deceased. Difficulties in journey,
sufferings caused by enemies, corruption, mother may gain by way of lottery, prize
bond or in speculation.
Ninth house: Faith, wisdom and divine worship, fortune philosophy, religious and
philosophical beliefs, devoted, orthodox, methodical meditation intuition and
forethought, temples, churches, mosques, spiritual welfare, pilgrimage to holy places,
circular reservoirs, sacrifices and charity, research, invention, discovery, exploration,
the father-spiritual- preceptor: or guru of the children. Law, legal arbitration, teaching,
dharma, dreams and visions, communications with spirits, lo11g journeys, sea voyage,
air travel.
fublishing books of intrinsic value, international affairs, reverence and devotion to
God, communication, sea voyage, shipping, air and land travel, legal departments,
matters relating to religion, temples, churches, Science, Universities, emigration and
immigration, import and export of the nation, national trade,shortwave radio, long-
distance communications, cables an wireless.
Charity, visits, to holy places, vedic sacrifice, purity of mind, penance, good conduct,
mythology, horses, buffaloes, coronation hall, circulation of money.
Wells, lakes, tanks, watersheds, temples, monetary vows, pilgrimage. Short travels of
the wife, servant's vehicle and landed property, child's speculative benefits and
pleasures, Mother's illness, younger brother's wife, friends to the elder brother.
Tenth house. Lordship, honour, dignity and public esteem, name and fame, power
and prestige, credit and 'conduct, success and status, rank and renown, respect and
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 55
reputation, ambition ports and authority. Worldly activities, responsibilities.
Permanency promotion, advancement, appointment Profession occupation or
business. 'Karmasthana'. Last rites, to one's parents, religious functions, employer,
superior, master, judge and the Government.
Pilgrimage to holy places, Honour from Government, honourable living, permanence,
preeminence, seal of authority, horse riding, athletics, service, sacrifice and the like,
agriculture, doctor, name, fame, depositing treasure', talisman, morality, medicine,
thigh, prosperity, adopted son, teaching, intellectual command mantras.
Rain, retirement from the world, one's valour, prowess learning and fame, substances
taken away by the thieves, judges, stewards, president in the race clubs, aristocracy
of the owners of the horses and the trainers. Head of the State, national leaders, national
trade, father's self-acquisition, maraka house to both father and mother permanent
possessions or conveyance of the business, or married partner, pleasurable pursuits
of servants, ill-health to children, debts incurred by them, litigation, election, bangerit>
younger brother, mother's opponents, loss and secret inimical activities to one's elder
Eleventh house: House of friends, society community, favourites, flatterers', admirers,
associates, advisers, adherents, supporters, well-wishers, close acquaintances, hopes,
wishes and aspirations and their realisation. Success in all undertakings, foreign
collaboration, election, litigation, speculation, writings, health. Profit, incoming wealth.
Principal and interest, pleasure, prosperity, profit, progress in attempts, peace after
achievement of aspirations, partnership and permanent tie of friendship, reformative,
unconventional activities. Elder brother, cure of the disease, "Trusts".
Left ear, the right foot, the left hand and the two shanks prosperity and wealth. One's
influence, eldest brother, paternal uncle, devotion to God, luck, easy gains, brother-in-
law, mothers longevity, the knee, happy news, ministership, dawn of fortune.
Bhadhakasthana for persons born in movable sign. Knowledge, income, horses,
elephants, vehicle, chariots, furniture, ornaments, singing cradles, decoration,
sovereign, money, son-in-law, daughter-in-law.
Jewels, parliament or equivalent .legislative branches, Lok Sabha, Lower House of
State Assemblies, Corporations, Municipal Bodies, District Boards, Panchayats.
Government policies and planning, international friendships and exchange of amenities,
companies, stores associations, societies, in horse racing the committee under the
control of the stewards. Number of the winner is shown by this house.
Government loans, electric companies, gas, museum, agriculture, estate, irrigation,
silk. Hopes and desires, father's short journeys, gains through correspondence, birth
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
of children, partner's pleasurable pursuits, speculation. Recovery from ill health and
victory over enemies. Children's competitors, danger, younger brother, long journeys,
Freedom from misery and pain, discharge from hospital.
. .
Twelfth house: Loss and impediments restraint and limitation, waste and
extravagance, expenses, drudgery and deception.
Purchases, investments, donations, charity and association with philanthropic institution.
Separation from family and going to a place far away, sorrow and sin, sedition and
segregation; obstacles and impediments, misery and misfortune, poverty and
persecution, Intrigue and imprisonment, secret toil of mind.
Fear, inferiority complex, solitude, secret, silent suffering and self undoing. Greatest
self-sacrifice, seclusion and social barriers, limitations and restrictions, unseen or
unexpected troubles.
Secret plots and schemes, conspiracy and cunningness, envy and malice, fraud and
treachery, intrigue and deception and suicide, murder or assassination. Exile and
extradition, secrecy, mystery, mediumship, psychic research, occult investigations,
detective work, confinement in hospital, nefarious scheme, deception, fraud, scandal,
disgrace and secret sorrows.
Success through occult, affairs, invention of chemical processes, danger from animals,
disgrace, laborious occupations, bruises through animals, success in places remote
from the place of birth and with large animals. Aid from charitable institutions. Banished
persons, malefactors, lost goods never recovered, long hidden wrath, vile persons
reproaches and disobedience. Hidden house, hidden side of life, sound sleep arnot
(third house show one's awakening from sleep), the 6th house signifies trance, the 9th
relates to dreams, Mental pain, agitation, the feet, the left eye, fear from enemies,
mutilation of a limb, bodily injury, harm, wretchedness, imprisonment, anger, termination
>f appointment.
Comfort of bed, unexpected demands, pressure of money, uncommon expenses, gift,
charity, donation, segregation as jails, asylums, invalid and the prisoner. Sanatorium
and nursing home, Mental Hospital.
Life in a foreigll place, trials and tribulations, sorrow and self-undoing, arson, loot,
rape, poisoning, bootlegging, smuggling, blackmailing, the limitations and restrictions
brought on the owners of the horses, the barring of jockey's from riding, fraud and
deceptive action, sedition, treason, assassination, Philanthropic, charitable or
reformative institutions, jails, asylums, crime in general, spies, underground movements,
secret and occult societies, father's permanent possession, vehicle, sickness of wife,
the litigation, danger, difficulties and disappointment to children, long journeys to mother,
younger brother's profession, popularity and his prosperity.
Krishnamurthy Paddhati 57
1 . Longevity
Houses to be considered for specific functions
Houses to be considered
1. Self
2. Father
3. Mother
4. Brother
2. Property
. 1. Purchase
2 Sale
3. Prosperity
1. Self
2. Mother
3. Father
4. Communication
5. Interviews
6. Finance
i. In service
ii. Gain in Lottery
7. Profession
1 . Competitive
2. Speculation
3. Promotion
4. Competition
5. Nature of work changed
6. With change of place or not
7. Transfer
8. Marriage
a. Prosperity
b. Breakup
c. Rejoining
9. Children
1. Birth
2. Prosperity
10. Overseas
1 . Permanent
2. Temporary
1. Within country
2. Higher Studies
a. Within country
b. Outside Country
1' 8, 12
3,9,6, 10
2,5, 10
4, 11,12
3, 11' 5
1' 2, 11
9, 10, 7
3, 9, 11
3, 9, 11
2, 6,10 .
6, 10, 11
2, 11,6
2,5, 11
2, 10,11
6, 11,2,10
11' 12, 2
3, 11,2
3, 10, 12
2, 7,11
2,6, 12
2, 7,11
2, 5,11
5, 9,2
3, 7,9, 11
3,9, 11,12
9, 11,12
Krishnamurthy Paddhati
A note on Ayanamsa
To ascertain the exact position of the commencement of the Fixed Zodiac the points
that are necessary tocalculate are:
1. One should know when the fixed or Nirayana Zodiac and the Sayan a Zodiac were
in the same degree i.e. when both coincide.
2. The rate at which the moving Zodiac moves backward.
3. Which is the point to be taken as the first point of Aries according to Hindu method,
i.e. Nirayana Zodiac.
1. The date of coincidence of both zodiacs: The following are the different opinions of
the various scientists or astrologers.
Cheiro 388 B. C.
G. Massey 255 B. C.
P. Councel 0 A. D.
Lahiri 285 A. D.
P.S.Ray 319A.D.
D. Davidson
C. Fagan
317 B. C.
125 B. C.
213A. D.
291 A. D.
498 A. D.
2. The rate at which the point of intersection of the Ecliptic and the celestial quator
moves in retrograde motion is as follows and there too, there is no agrement.
Aryabhata 46.3" Parasara 46.5"
Varabamihira 50.0" K.P. follows Newcomb 50.2388475
Surya Siddhanta 54.0" Bhaskara 59.9"
3. Some astronomers take aswini group of stars as the starting point but it is difficult to
~ a point when it is a group of stars. Others take a point which is 180 from the one
bright star SPICA which is taken as the guide to locate the area of the constellation .
Chitra: It is the 14th star of the 27 stars making up the Zodiac, each extending to 13
degrees 20 minutes. Spica is taken to be at the end of Virgo and at the commencement
of Libra; hence it is takeri to be at the sixth degree and 40 minutes from the
commencement .of the asterism Chitra. Spica is considered to be exactly in the
autumnal equinox on the fixed Zodiac.
With the variation so vast in fixing ayanamsa, difference between K.P, Lahiri and C.G.
Rajan is negligible and any one can be taken for all astrological purposes. Lahiri
ayanamsa or so called Chitrapakha ayanamsa is widely accepted. However, followers
of KP System like to use KP ayanamsa only.
Krlshnamurthy Paddhati 59

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