The document summarizes aircraft flight control systems and design. It discusses monocoque and semimonocoque designs, identifying key structural components like longerons, stringers, ribs, and formers. It also addresses the evolution of aircraft design and its impact on maintenance, such as more complex computer systems, larger aircraft that are difficult to inspect, and more stringent legal requirements.
The document summarizes aircraft flight control systems and design. It discusses monocoque and semimonocoque designs, identifying key structural components like longerons, stringers, ribs, and formers. It also addresses the evolution of aircraft design and its impact on maintenance, such as more complex computer systems, larger aircraft that are difficult to inspect, and more stringent legal requirements.
The document summarizes aircraft flight control systems and design. It discusses monocoque and semimonocoque designs, identifying key structural components like longerons, stringers, ribs, and formers. It also addresses the evolution of aircraft design and its impact on maintenance, such as more complex computer systems, larger aircraft that are difficult to inspect, and more stringent legal requirements.
The document summarizes aircraft flight control systems and design. It discusses monocoque and semimonocoque designs, identifying key structural components like longerons, stringers, ribs, and formers. It also addresses the evolution of aircraft design and its impact on maintenance, such as more complex computer systems, larger aircraft that are difficult to inspect, and more stringent legal requirements.
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BME) Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology (MIAT)
1. Summary of Semimonocoque and Monocoque design
a) Monocoque
The true Monocoque construction uses formers, stress skin, and bulkheads
b) Semimonocoque Consists of frame assemblies of longerons, stringer, skin bulkheads, and formers as used in the Monocoque design but, additionally
c) Advantages and disadvantages of Monocoque and Semi Monocoque.
Advantages Disadvantages
Monocoque - Extremely rigid structure that can support itself - Good deal of torsional and lateral stability - Lightweight - More space inside the structure - No load bearing pillars - Relatively fewer materials used in construction.
- Relies mostly on continuous surface to carry loads - Damage to exterior will compromise integrity on the structure - Repairs and modification are difficult
Semi-Monocoque - Leaves a large proportion of the inside free to accommodate crew, passengers and cargo
- Bulkhead, Frames, Stringers and Longerons aid in producing a streamlined fuselage and add to the strength and rigidity of the structure.
- Lot of time taking during finding crack - Lot of rivet bonding
2. Identification and define primary bone structure. a) Longerons - the skin is reinforced by longitudinal members called longerons. Primary bending loads are absorbed by the longerons, which usually extend across several points of support. They are typically made of aluminium alloy either of a single piece or a built-up construction. b) Stringers - The longerons are supplemented by other longitudinal members called stringers. Stringers are also used in the Semimonocoque fuselage. These longitudinal members are typically more numerous and lighter in weight than the longerons. They come in a variety of shapes and are usually made from single piece aluminium alloy extrusions or formed aluminium. Stringers have some rigidity but are chiefly used for giving shape and for attachment of the skin. c) Rib The ribs attach to the main spar, and by being repeated at frequent intervals, form a skeletal shape for the wing. Usually ribs incorporate the aerofoil shape of the wing, and the skin adopts this shape when stretched over the ribs. d) Former The primary purpose of formers is to establish the shape of the fuselage and reduce the column length of stringers to prevent instability e) Stress Skin - A type of rigid construction, intermediate between Monocoque and a rigid frame with a non-loaded covering. A stressed skin structure has its compression-taking elements localized and its tension- taking elements distributed.
3. Summary of aircraft design evolution related toward maintenance aspect point of view a) Complex system now days aircraft are equip lot of sophisticated equipment. Maintenance personal need to learn new thing to able to understand the system. b) Massive aircraft for example A380 aircraft. That aircraft too massive to inspect for crack. That may put some burden to maintenance personal. c) Time consuming modern aircraft now days equip with complex computer system and connected with lot of wiring. If something happen to it wiring, it hard to find the defect. d) Cost operating modern aircraft cost a lot of money, especially spare part and maintenance personal cost. e) Law today law in maintenance became more strict compare to old day. For archive 0 % fault during maintenance job. Aircraft manual became more detail and lot of test need to performance before aircraft airworthy to fly.