Bakerloo News (June 2015 Strike Ballot Special)

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June 2015 Strike Ballot Special @bakerloormt

Vote yes for strikes

Time to fight back

Why are we balloting?
Because LU has dug its heels in during negotations on pay and Night
Tube, and has not meaningfully responded to our claim for a substantial
pay award (particularly for the lowest-paid grades) and a four-day week
for all grades.
We are also balloting station staff for new action in the Every Job
Matters campaign because LU is still determined to cut over 800 jobs,
displace staff against our will, and impose anti-social rosters.
All three of our sister unions - TSSA, ASLEF, and Unite - are also balloting their members, creating the potential
for a joint strike involving all unionised workers on the Tube.

What does RMT want?

Our pay claim is very clear. We want a substantial pay award, particularly for the lowest-paid grades, a four-day
week for all grades, and staff travel passes for contractors and outsourced workers.
We also want LU to halt its job cuts plan on stations, scrap forced displacements and proposed anti-social
rosters, reverse ticket office closures, and abandon proposed attacks on our terms and conditions.

Why should I vote yes?

Withdrawing our labour is often our only means to make our bosses take our demands seriously. We have been
kicked around by our management for nearly two years, with attack after attack: huge job cuts on stations,
displacements, proposals for new (and worse) rosters, ticket office closures, and more. For many staff, their
insulting 0.75% pay offer is the final straw.
You should vote for strikes, and action short of strikes, so we can begin pushing management back. Its also
important that we get back into fighting mode now so were prepared for other attacks we know are being
prepared. LU is already comissioning designs for driverless trains, and they are planning renewed attacks on our

Industrial action is the only thing that can halt their plans. Theyve had the momentum for too long; its time to
take it back.

Unity is strength
All four Tube unions (RMT, ASLEF, TSSA,
and Unite) are balloting for strikes over
the pay and Night Tube settlement.
RMT will co-ordinate any strikes with
our sister unions, meaning we could have
a joint strike involving the vast majority
of workers on London Underground.
RMT is an industrial union. This means
that we believe all workers in a given
workplace or industry, whatever their
job, grade, or function, should be in the
same union. The division of workers in a
single workplace into different unions
benefits no-one but the employer.

But while different unions do exist, its

important we try to work together and
combine our struggles against the bosses.

Briefing on the strikes

for fixed-term contract


Resist Tory attacks!

political direct action by trade unions and
working-class community campaigns such
as Disabled People Against The Cuts
(DPAC) can halt Tory attacks and build a
movement for a different kind of
government - one that serves the interests
of our class as directly as the current
government serves the interests of the rich.

John McDonnell MP, Labour MP for Hayes

and Harlington and the convenor of the
RMT Parliamentary Group, addressed the
RMT Bakerloo branch meeting on Tuesday
2 June.
John outlined some of the attacks
working-class people face following the reelection of the Tories, including new
restrictions on the right to strike, cuts to
benefits and public services, and further
Although the outlook is bleak, John
emphasised that campaigns of industrial and

RMT Bakerloo Strike

Planning Meeting
Wednesday 17 June, 16:00,
upstairs @ The Royal
Exchange, 26 Sale Place,
W2 1PU (near Paddington
and Edgware Road stations)
RMT Bakerloo branch
Tuesday 7 July, 16:00, upstairs @
The Coach & Horses, 1 Great
Marlborough Street (W1F 7HG)

End Austerity Now:

national demonstration
against cuts and

Saturday 20 June
Meet 12pm
@ Bank of England - Look out for
the RMT Bakerloo banner!


More Q&As on the strikes

Why are there two seperate

How can I have my say on the


We currently have two distinct disputes

with LU. One is over pay and Night Tube. In
this dispute we are balloting all members, in
all grades. The other dispute is over job
cuts and other changes taking place
primarily on stations. In this dispute we are
balloting stations-grades members only at
this time. If both ballots return majorities
for action, stations members will essentially
be striking over two disputes at the same

There are lot of forums where you can

make your voice heard. RMT Bakerloo
meets on the first Tuesday of every month
at 16:00 at the Coach and Horses on Great
Marlborough Street.
We will also be organising extra meetings
to discuss and plan the strike campaigns
locally; the first of these is on Wednesday
17 June (see box, left).
The RMT London Transport Regional
Council will also be organising additional
meetings. See for

What is action short of strikes?

These upcoming meetings are
your chance to have your say in
what your union does:

John emphasised the 20 June

demonstration (see box, below) as an
important action; RMT Bakerloo
encourages all members to attend.

Industrial action short of strikes could be

a range of things, such as an overtime ban
or a refusal to carry out certain work tasks
outside of our specific job roles.
These kinds of action help keep the
pressure on the company between strike
days. We urge you to vote YES to action
short as well as YES to strikes.

When will strikes take place?

When the ballots are returned, if they show
a majority for action, the unions General
Grades Committee (a sub-body of the
Executive) will decide when to call strikes
and other action.
It will do this in consultation with local
branches, reps, and activists, as well as with
our sister unions. The ballots are due back
on 30 June, and ware legally obliged to give
the employer seven days notice of any

Fighting for decent pay

The anti-union press, particularly papers
like Evening Standard, will undoubtedly
denounced us as greedy for fighting for
a pay rise when we are already relatively
well-paid compared to some other
We should remember that its only
through fighting that we can protect
those benefits. We should support other
workers struggles to improve their pay,
not sacrifice our own to so we can level

Bakerloo News is a monthly

newsletter from the Bakerloo
branch of the RMT union.
To submit a story for Bakerloo News, or
to contact the branch, please email
[email protected], or ring Branch
Secretary Jim McDaid on 07917 131692

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