Caroni Arena Pump
Caroni Arena Pump
Caroni Arena Pump
The Arena Dam is located on the Arena River in the north central
region of Trinidad (Refer To Figure 1.0), it forms a 35,000 acre feet
reservoir which serves as the main raw water storage facility for Trinidad,
augmenting the dry season. Water from the Arena is impounded during the
wet season for release systematically during the dry season .The Arena River
provides about 40% of the water needed to fill the reservoir , the remainder
is obtained from the Tumpuna River. A weir is located downstream of the
confluence of the Arena and Tumpuna Rivers backs water up the Arena River
channel to the dam toe .Consequently During the wet season a pumping
station at the base of the dam pumps water back into the reservoir and
During the dry season water is released through the outlet works and flows
down the Arena and Tumpuna Rivers to the Caroni River an there it is
withdrawn for water treatment. This system allow for an approximate 75
million gallons per day of treated drinking water year round about half of the
island supply.
earth fill embankment is approximately 1.6 million cubic yards and has a
crest elevation of about 80 feet above the original streambed (Refer to
Figure 2.0 & 3.0). The upstream sloping core is composed of dispersed
clay, and the shells are composed of compacted fine sand and silty fine sand.
The Arena Dam is built upon deep, stiff, fissured clay soil interbedded with
sand .The Dam is located approximately 12 miles from the El Pilar Fault (a
major Caribbean fault with seismic activity which can be compared to that of
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the San Andres Fault).At the dam Site, a flood plain approximately 800 feet
wide lies at an elevation of an approximate 73 feet above the mean sea
level. This flood plain is underlain by up to 50 feet of alluvium. Prior to
construction, the Arena River flowed in a channel approximately 20 feet deep
in the flood plain. The reservoir consist of rolling hills with relief generally
ranging from 150 feet to 200 feet.
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Figure 5.0 shows the storage of energy by pumping water to elevated reservoir
A turbine extracts energy from a fluid which possesses high head .In
general there are two types, reaction and impulse, the difference lies in the
manner of head conversion. In the reaction turbine, the fluid fills the blade
passages, and the head change or pressure drop occurs within the impeller.
Reaction Designs are of the radial flow, mixed flow and axial flow types and
are basically dynamic devices designed to convert the high energy fluid to a
form of momentum .An impulse turbine first converts the high head through
a nozzle into a high velocity jet, which then strikes the blades at one position
as they pass by. The impeller passages are not fluid filled, and the jet flow
past the blades is basically at constant pressure.
discharging through the eye after giving up most of its energy to the impeller
.The first inward flow turbine was built by James B. Francis an now all radial
or mixed flow designs are now called Francis turbines however ,at lower
heads a turbine can be designed with only axial flow which is termed as a
propeller turbine , the propeller may either be fixed blade or adjustable
which is known as the Kaplan turbine .
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Figure 6.0 shows a typical large Francis turbine in which water is fed radially to
the runner from guide vanes which are disposed around the full circumference
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Figure 7.0 Shows details of a large Kaplan turbine through which the water flow
is essentially axial.
The impulse turbine utilizes the concept of Newtons Second law and is
suitable in applications requiring high head and relatively low power. Impulse
turbines changes the direction of flow of a high velocity fluid, the resulting
impulse then spins the turbine and leaves the fluid flow with a lower kinetic
energy than its initial. Before reaching the turbine the fluids pressure head is
changed to velocity head by accelerating the fluid with a nozzle, because of
this these turbines do not require a pressure casement around the rotor since
the fluid jet is created by the nozzle before reaching the blade on the rotor
which normally has an elliptical split-cup shape .the Pelton wheel is an
example of an impulse turbine and was named after Lester A. Pelton who
produced the first efficient design.
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Impulse Turbine
Reaction Turbine
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Fluid Mechanics Frank M White 4th edition
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