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MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Vol. I Optimization of Materials Properties - H. M.



H. M. Flower
Imperial College, London, UK


Keywords: activation energy, allotropy, aluminum, anisotropy, case hardening, casting,

cold work, controlled rolling, creep, crystallographic texture, deep drawing, diffusion,
dislocations, dual phase steel, earing, grain size, growth, Guinier-Preston-(Bagariatski)
zones, hot forging, hot isostatic pressing, hot work, ion implantation, martensite, metal
matrix composites, metastable phase, microstructure, nucleation, Orowan looping,
particle cutting, plastic deformation, plasma nitriding, plasticity, porosity, precipitate
free zone, precipitation (age) hardening, recovery, recrystallisation, shape-memory, shot
peening, solidification, steel, stress corrosion cracking, superalloys, superelasticity,
superplastic forming, supersaturation, titanium, transformation toughening, vacancies,
work hardening.

1. Introduction
2. Optimization through Solidification Processing
3. Optimization through Mechanical Processing
3.1. Exploitation of Transformation Plasticity
4. Optimization through Heat Treatment
4.1. Precipitation Hardening
5. Optimization by local Microstructural Modification
6. Final Comments
Biographical Sketch

The optimization of microstructure in structural engineering materials through

processing is an essential factor in achieving satisfactory performance in service. The
development of microstructure through solidification, mechanical processing and heat
treatment, are considered in turn. The structural defects, which can occur, are examined
and interactions between the process steps are considered. In each case, practical
examples are presented to illustrate the principles involved.
1. Introduction
There are two principal requirements that have to be achieved in the processing of
materials for engineering applications. First, the material must be shaped into the form
required for the component being produced. Second, it must, at the end of processing,
possess an internal microstructure, which can provide the mechanical and physical
properties required for the service application of the component. Only in a very limited
number of cases can these two requirements be considered or dealt with separately. The
processes used to engineer shape also affect microstructural development, either directly

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Vol. I Optimization of Materials Properties - H. M. Flower

or indirectly, by changing the response of the material to further thermal treatments

designed to alter microstructure. The following sections discuss the principal methods
by which microstructure and shape can be achieved. The division into sections should
not, however, be considered rigidly, since in many cases, several of the methods may be
employed in order to achieve an optimized microstructure.
2. Optimization through Solidification Processing


Historically, the requirement to produce a particular shape was the dominant factor and
microstructure was compromised in order to achieve this. Casting is a process
developed as one of the earliest processes for making metallic implements. It has the
strong advantage of producing a net, or near net, shape. In terms of the process the mold
or die design must be such that complete filling with metal can be achieved without
trapping air within it, requiring good design of feeders and risers. However,
metallurgically casting has some inherent drawbacks. First, the solubility of gases
generally decreases sharply with the transition from liquid to solid (notably hydrogen in
aluminum) and the evolved gas, if trapped, will produce gas porosity in the final
casting. Degassing prior to casting is required to mitigate this phenomenon. Second,
engineering casting alloys all shrink on solidification, a phenomenon which can result in
the formation of shrinkage voids and internal stresses in the casting. Again the design of
the mold to facilitate the access of fresh liquid to regions of solidification shrinkage can
help to reduce the number and size of voids and choice of casting alloy (changing melt
fluidity and solidification temperature range) can be exploited to further improve the
situation. Third, turbulent flow taking place in mold filling can result in the entrapment
and folding over of surface oxide skin into the final casting, with serious consequences
for casting strength and toughness. Beyond this, the mechanism of solidification in
metals and alloys is itself, of very considerable importance in determining final casting
properties. Solidification will commence with relatively little undercooling and typically
begins on the mold walls. Nucleation sites are plentiful and a very fine equiaxed grain
microstructure (the chill zone) is formed unless the melt superheat was so great that the
mold itself becomes heated to a temperature above the bulk melt liquidus temperature
(an unlikely scenario). Growth of these crystals will be controlled, both in rate and
direction, by the heat flow. It will be fastest anti-parallel to the directions of fastest heat
loss from the system (in a simple shape growth will be at 90o to the mold walls). Since
the growth of crystals is crystallographically anisotropic, those grains whose fastest
crystallographic growth axes are closest to parallel to the thermally preferred direction
of solid growth will undergo faster development than others and they will form long
columnar crystals which will exhibit strong crystallographic texture. This texture will,
in itself, modify the mechanical behavior of the casting and render it locally anisotropic.
More seriously, where two such growth fronts meet the interface will be high angle and
is likely to contain insoluble inclusions originally present in the melt or picked up from
the mold and any products of invariant reactions which the melt may undergo on
solidification (a function of alloy chemistry). Such interfaces represent planes of
mechanical weakness within the casting and, in extreme cases, cracking can occur under
the action of shrinkage stresses post-solidification. Careful casting design and control of
heat transfer (e.g., by use of chill plates to stimulate local solidification) can be
employed to reduce these factors. Finally, in alloys and under appropriate thermal
conditions, a central zone of equiaxed crystals can be produced as a consequence of

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Vol. I Optimization of Materials Properties - H. M. Flower


constitutional supercooling. The casting can, therefore, exhibit microstructurally diverse

regions with varying mechanical properties. The desirability of eliminating this
variability and producing a generally equiaxed microstructure underlies the important
industrial development of additives which act as inoculants to stimulate grain nucleation
and produce a refined and more equiaxed microstructure. In the case of alloys, in which
there is no fixed melting point, but rather a melting range of temperature (between
liquidus and solidus), it is possible to carry out casting of the alloy in this range, where
both liquid and solid co-exist. This has several advantages: first, the solid can consist of
small particles, leading to a fine grain size post-solidification, and second, there is much
less contraction on complete solidification, reducing shrinkage cavity formation and
residual stresses. The price paid is the much less fluid nature of material, which
decreases with increasing volume fraction of solid. This all assumes that the castings are
to be employed at low homologous temperatures where a fine and equiaxed grain
structure is generally beneficial in terms of mechanical properties exhibited by the
casting. However, at high homologous temperatures, time dependent deformation under
stress (creep) is an important mode of failure and one of the principal mechanisms for
this process is the diffusionally accommodated sliding of grains past one another along
their grain boundaries. In such cases there is benefit to be obtained from enlarging the
grains or even eliminating them altogether. This has been achieved very successfully in
high temperature nickel-based superalloys employed as cast turbine blades for gas
turbine engines (see Aerospace and Space Materials). The major stress axis in this case
is parallel to the blade length. The use of a chill plate and unidirectional heat flow can
be exploited to ensure that the metal solidifies in a columnar manner in which the grain
boundaries are predominantly aligned and contain the stress axis. Such boundaries do
not experience a driving force for sliding and creep strength is thereby enhanced. This
process has been further developed such that, after solidification begins on the chill
plate, the crystals have to grow through a growth selector, a region of three dimensional
geometry designed to progressively cut off the growth paths of all but one of the grains
(e.g., a spiral section consisting of one or more complete turns) such that on emerging
from this region, the solidification front consists of a single crystal, which then forms
the body of the blade. Although simple in principle, the success for the process depends
critically upon a combination of mold design, thermal control and alloy chemistry all of
which have to be matched to each other.
The use of pressure, exerted on the liquid, during mold (or die) filling is employed
industrially to ensure complete filling and production of complex shapes with
replication of fine surface detail. A similar principle is employed in the production of
polymeric and glass products via solidification processing, the simplest examples being
bottles, which are made using gas pressure to press the material against the die: in this
case the high viscosity of the liquid is exploited, so the process is not applicable to
liquid metals which have much lower viscosity. Since both the polymer and glass are
typically non-crystalline, there is not the same concern with microstructure development
in processing, which is associated with solidification casting of metals.
Pressure is also employed in the production of composite materials by infiltration of a
liquid matrix phase into a preform of another material, typically in the form of long or
short fibers. Examples include polymer resin infiltration of carbon fiber preforms (resin
transfer molding) and liquid metal infiltration of ceramic preforms to produce metal

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Vol. I Optimization of Materials Properties - H. M. Flower


matrix composites (MMCs). The preform consists of the material to be infiltrated, either
woven in a mat or held together by use of a binder to provide a network of material with
interspaces between the individual fiber segments into which liquid can be infiltrated. In
the case of MMCs, the ceramic is generally not wetted by the ceramic, and pressure is
required to overcome the capillary resistance presented in the interspaces between the
fibers, as well as the frictional resistance to liquid flow between the fibers (itself a
function of melt viscosity). For polymer composites, the situation is a little easier as the
fibers are generally wetted by the resin. The complexity of the local fluid flow into the
preform makes gas entrapment and the occurrence of non-infiltration defects more
likely than in conventional casting but the scale of the defects is generally smaller. The
volume fraction and orientation of the fibers is employed to locally modify the material
properties, both mechanical (e.g., stiffness, strength and wear resistance) and physical
(e.g., density and conductivity). Components can be produced that are either fully
reinforced or contain the fibers in selected locations, such that the properties are tailored
to the local engineering requirements. For example, diesel engine pistons can be
manufactured in aluminum alloy by die casting. The crown of the piston can be locally
reinforced with ceramic by use of a shaped short fiber preform (typically alumina
based). The MMC so produced has improved wear resistance and thermal fatigue
resistance, which is needed in the material exposed to the high temperatures resulting
from fuel combustion. The cooler regions in the body of the piston exploit the greater
toughness associated with the unreinforced matrix alloy. Composites containing
particulates can also be made by liquid infiltration of preforms or, more simply, by
stirring particles into the liquid prior to casting. In the case of metal matrix composites,
the solidification structure produced within the composite is modified by the presence of
the ceramic, which can inhibit crystal growth. If the ceramic is not held in place in a
preform, it can undergo pushing by the melt, as a consequence of the non-wetting
behavior, and become concentrated between the solidified alloy grains. Chemical
reaction between the melt and ceramic may also occur, the nature and severity of this
being dependent upon the chemical nature of the matrix alloy and the ceramic and the
thermal conditions employed in casting. In general, such reactions are highly deleterious
to the development of required properties in the composite and preclude the use of
highly reactive liquid metals, such as titanium. However, there are materials that
actually exploit chemical reactions in the melt to produce a composite. The melt acts as
a solvent into which reactants are dissolved. A chemical reaction takes place producing
a product, which is precipitated from the melt to form a particulate reinforcement in the
subsequently solidified metal. The size and distribution of the reinforcement can be
modified by close control of the process conditions. The reinforcement is necessarily in
equilibrium with the matrix material, and has atomically clean interfaces with the
matrix, resulting in good interfacial bond strength, which may be lacking in other
MMCs where some degree of interfacial reaction can occur. Titanium and titanium
aluminide alloys containing dispersions of titanium boride particles can be produced
with refined grain size and improved mechanical properties by this route.
3. Optimization through Mechanical Processing
The ability to modify microstructure through mechanical processing is extremely
limited for non-metallic materials, which are generally brittle at low homologous
temperatures and undergo viscous flow in the glassy state at high homologous

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Vol. I Optimization of Materials Properties - H. M. Flower


temperatures. Engineering alloys, however, possess the ability to undergo permanent or

(plastic) deformation even at low homologous temperatures via the motion of
dislocations and, in some cases, by mechanical twinning or martensitic transformation
of crystal structure under an applied load. At low homologous temperatures, interactions
between dislocations lead to the creation of dislocation locks and tangles, which impede
further motion and which necessitate an increased applied stress to continue
deformation as the dislocation density within the metal increases. This phenomenon of
work hardening is exploited in metals deformed at low homologous temperatures (cold
worked) to increase mechanical strength, but at the price of reduced ductility. As
temperature is increased, the material can undergo recovery (involving cross-slip and
climb of dislocations past obstacles) or recrystallization (the nucleation and growth of
undeformed crystals which consume the deformed structure). The rate of work
hardening diminishes and can fall to zero. While this makes permanent, or plastic,
deformation easier, the lack of work hardening renders the material unstable under
tensile loading in which the material extends parallel to the stress axis and contracts
normal to it. Any small locally larger reduction in the dimensions of an initially uniform
load bearing section will, in the absence of work hardening, become unstable against
further deformation and tensile failure will occur at this site without additional
extension of the bulk of the material, a process known as necking. For this reason, all
mechanical working processes carried out at high homologous temperatures (e.g.,
forging, rolling, extrusion) avoid the imposition of tensile forces. Only at low
homologous temperatures where work hardening can stabilize the section against
necking, can tensile forces be employed to shape a product, most notably in wire
drawing (see Materials Processing and Manufacturing Technology).
Common engineering alloys are produced as large cast billets and must undergo
substantial mechanical deformation to convert the billet to a usable shape (e.g., plate,
sheet or rod): this can only be performed in the absence of work hardening at high
homologous temperatures. The processing breaks down the as-cast structure, and
produces a new grain structure. For most applications, a fine grain size is desirable, as it
gives improved combinations of strength, toughness and ductility and thus, the hot
working schedules must be carefully designed to produce the desired shape change in as
economical a manner as possible while also fitting the desired grain structure. For
example, control of the microstructure and composition of low carbon structural steels
for structural applications in civil, marine and chemical engineering, where large
quantities are used, typically in simple product forms (plates, pipes) and typically in
sections some millimeters in thickness. Strength and weldability are required service
properties, and are achieved by keeping the carbon content of the steel low to improve
the latter, while refining the grain size to increase the former. Reduction in grain size is
achieved by controlled rolling. The key is to create as large a grain boundary area in the
deformed austenite (face centered cubic (fcc) high temperature phase in Fe-C alloys)
upon which ferrite (body centered cubic (bcc) phase in Fe-C alloys stable at lower
temperatures) grains can nucleate during cooling, discouraging recrystallization and
grain growth in the austenite, while encouraging nucleation of the ferrite and inhibiting
grain growth in that phase. To this end, the steel is alloyed with very small amounts of
transition elements (vanadium, titanium and niobium) which form carbo-nitride
particles at about 1150 oC, and inhibit growth of the austenite grains. The metal is rolled
in the temperature range where the austenite recrystallizes during deformation (~1150

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Vol. I Optimization of Materials Properties - H. M. Flower


1050 C) allowing working loads to be kept low. It is finish rolled at a lower

temperature (~900800 C) at which the austenite only undergoes recovery and the
austenite grains become flattened and have a large surface area per unit volume. These
grain surfaces act as nucleation sites for the ferrite grains, which form on further
cooling: the larger the number of nucleation sites per unit volume, the finer the final
grain size. Careful control of rolling schedule results in a microstructure consisting of an
ultrafine grain (210 m) ferrite of low carbon content which is further strengthened by
additional precipitation of alloy carbides which occurs when austenite transforms to
ferrite. This combination of grain refinement and alloy carbide precipitation results in
very high strength in the hot rolled condition, while retaining ductility and enhancing
toughness. Where a high surface finish is required in the product, cold rolling is
employed. This necessarily work-hardens the material, increasing its strength but
decreasing the ductility. This can be acceptable for many applications including
relatively mundane products such as aluminum kitchen foil, but in cases where
extensive forming is required to achieve the final shape, annealing (heat treatment at an
elevated temperature to cause softening by recovery or recrystallisation) may be
required. The hardening resulting from cold work is also exploited in some engineering
components to effect local hardening in order to improve service behavior, or to repair
defects introduced at an earlier stage in processing, or as a consequence of service
exposure. Shot peening is used to harden surfaces and place them in compression to
render them more resistant to fatigue cracking. Hot isostatic pressing is also employed
to seal internal voids in engineering components including titanium alloy castings and
creep damaged turbine blades.
Formability rather than strength is the key property required for many applications
involving the use of thin sheet. This depends not only upon the shape and size of grains
within the metal, but also upon the range of crystallographic orientations they display. A
single crystal of a metal is necessarily anisotropic in its properties, elastic and plastic,
but in a polycrystalline metal in which grain orientations are random, this anisotropy is
lost. However, if grain orientations are not random (the material possesses a
crystallographic texture) a degree of anisotropy will be re-established. Texture can be
introduced by directional solidification, as noted earlier, and by deformation and
recrystallization of metals. In the case of aluminum-magnesium based alloys used for
the production of beverage cans, control of texture in the rolled canstock is essential to
the formability by deep drawing. The presence of texture can result in earing: nonuniform deformation in drawing, which results in the top edge of the can body having a
wavy profile necessitating trimming off material to produce a straight edge. To avoid
this, the alloy ingot is homogenized and slowly cooled after homogenization (a high
temperature soak for a sufficient period for compositional inhomogeneities introduced
during solidification to be eliminated by solid state diffusion), to about 510 C, to
produce a fine uniform manganese based dispersoid, which provides good control of
grain size on later recrystallization. It then undergoes a sequence of hot rolling
reductions and annealing treatments to develop a mix of deformation and
recrystallization textures in the finished thin sheet material. The internal microstructure
and texture are, thereby, optimized for the process of deep drawing and wall ironing
used to form the can shape, while inhibiting earing.
In addition to exploiting hot deformation and annealing to modify texture, it is also used

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Vol. I Optimization of Materials Properties - H. M. Flower

to control grain size, shape and phase distribution to optimize the material for further
shape processing. Notably, alloys such as titanium 6% aluminum 4% vanadium, can be
thermomechanically processed to produce sheet with a very fine duplex grain structure
of and grains a few microns in diameter which, at ~930 C, co-exist in
approximately equal volume fractions. Such a microstructure can be further hot worked
into complex panel structures by superplastic forming (SPF). Superplastic formability
can also be achieved in a range of alloys, including steel and aluminum, and even
ceramics by developing specific microstructures through controlled processing.



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Campbell J. (1991). Castings, pp. : Butterworth Heinemann. [This work provides a comprehensive
introduction to the science and technology of solidification processing of shaped components].
Honeycombe R. W. K. and Badeshia H. K. D. H. (1995). Steels, 2nd edition, pp. : Edward Arnold. [This
work provides an account of the basic materials science and properties of steels]
Hull D. and Bacon D. J. (1984). Introduction to Dislocations, 3rd edition, pp. : Pergamon Press. [This
work provides the basic theory of dislocations, their generation, mobility and interactions in crystalline
Martin J. W. (1998). Precipitation Hardening, 2nd edition, pp. : Butterworth Heinemann. [This work
provides a comprehensive account of the scientific principles of precipitation reactions in the solid state
and the consequences of precipitation for the mechanical properties of engineering materials]
Polmear I. J. (1995). Light Alloys, 3rd edition, pp. : Edward Arnold. [This work provides an account of
the basic materials science, technology of production and application of aluminum, titanium and
magnesium alloys in cast and wrought forms]
Porter D. A., and Easterling K. E. (1992). Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys, 2nd Edition, pp. :
Chapman and Hall [A concise account of phase transformations including liquid to solid, solid state,
diffusive and shear and incorporating the basic thermodynamics and kinetics of the transformations]
Biographical Sketch
Harvey Flower is a graduate of Cambridge University and presently Professor of Materials Science at
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in the University of London. His research
interests center on electron microscopy and light alloy development with emphasis on aerospace
applications. He was awarded the Imperial College Armstrong medal in 1974 and the Rosenhain medal of
the Institute of Materials in 1988 for his research on titanium and aluminum based alloys. In recent years
his research has extended into metal matrix composites with particular emphasis on low cost net shape
cast aluminum based materials. He is author, or co-author, of about 170 scientific papers and has edited

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Vol. I Optimization of Materials Properties - H. M. Flower


and co-authored the book High Performance Materials in Aerospace.

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

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