Forecast Applications in Agriculture: Approaches, Issues, and Challenges
Forecast Applications in Agriculture: Approaches, Issues, and Challenges
Forecast Applications in Agriculture: Approaches, Issues, and Challenges
We discuss the path along which agricultural
applications research has evolved, and current approaches that
attempt to meet the challenge of utilizing seasonal forecasts in
farm management. Approaches used have evolved over the
period since they first become available in the mid 1980s.
From an early phase of searching for locations around the world
where predictable inter-annual variability influenced crop
outcomes and improving our understanding of the physical
interactions between climate and crop growth, our current
interest rests more in the human-oriented issues of perception of
probabilistic information and implications for decision making.
For small-scale and commercial farmers alike, we argue that
improving the comprehension of uncertainties associated with
climate outcomes and their implications holds the largest hope
for successful applications of forecasts to farm management.
1. Introduction
Applications of seasonal climate forecasts have been
contemplated for a number of years now in many places around
the world, with the agricultural sector considered one of the
most likely to receive benefits. Approaches to the promotion
and improved use of forecasts in farm management have
evolved over that time, yet a number of obstacles remain. From
an early stage of optimism about revolutionizing agriculture,
when anticipated benefits to dryland agricultural production
were heralded as the next Green Revolution (Cusack, 1983;
Sah, 1987), we now have a more realistic understanding of the
opportunities and limitations to applying seasonal forecasts, and
have more clearly identified the challenges.
Given the ubiquitous nature of the farming enterprise,
experience can be drawn from a wide range of farming systems
applications, across many continents, cultures, and levels of
development. Although details of the uses of seasonal forecasts
may differ from system to system, we will argue here that many
of the challenges are common to all. All farmers are faced with
managing a complex production system under a range of
constraints. Decisions are made with imperfect information
regarding future states of a number of variables, often
dominated by the uncertainty regarding weather outcomes.
Seasonal climate forecasts constrain the distribution of possible
outcomes of weather more narrowly than the climatological
distribution in the absence of forecasts. Yet the decisionmaking process remains the same (or should remain the same,
as we argue), if the new information is correctly understood.
One of the biggest challenges, then, is ensuring that decision
5. Summary
Research on the application of seasonal climate
forecasts has progressed from a focus on the physical impacts
of inter-annual climate variability on crop production to a more
human-centered consideration of how farmers can incorporate
this probabilistic information into decisions to minimize
production risks. It has become clear over the last few years of
working in this field that misinterpretation of what the forecast
represents can actually lead to poorer decisions and increased
exposure to risk. However, it can be shown that correct
interpretation of forecasts, and their wise use in farm
management will lead to improvements in overall agricultural
productivity, with likely benefits to resource use efficiency and
environmental sustainability. The greatest task before us is to
learn, along with the farm community, how to express forecast
information in such a way that the full range of possible
outcomes of various decision alternatives are made explicit, and
that farmers have the tools to apply that information to their
own specific decision context. Increasing awareness of climate
interactions with the farming enterprise will help farmers better
manage climate variability with or without a strong forecast. A
partnership between climate scientists, the agricultural research
community, and farmers on the ground will be necessary to
achieve this goal.
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