BASIS of Astrology

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BASIS of Astrology


The Science of Hindu Astrology is based on the principle of evolution in time. Every cause
must produce an action. The actions of every object are far-reaching. in fact affecting the
whole universe as the object itself may be regarded as a responsible being. The Hindu
astrologer believes that the accumulated results of a past incarnation are brought into the
present. There are moral principles which must have a long tie. Every action-physical. moral
and mental-produces in its turn another action. Astrology simply indicates the results of such
actions. The human ego has undergone many births previous to this and has to still pass
through many an incarnation before it can become one with the Supreme Being. In the
course of its evolution it seeks higher or lower forms of terrestrial existence according to the
good or bad deeds (Karma) of its previous birth. Planets indicate the results of our past
actions. Viz., our future. which is divined by the Science of Astrology. Astronomy is the
foundation of astrology. Stars and planets are but manifestations of matter in space and
always obey the law of gravitation. They can be located if we know the time. The actual
factors employed are the planets, the signs, constellations and other celestial phenomena. [vide Hindu Predictive Astrology.]
The Zodiac and the Solar System - The zodiac is a broad band in the heavens extending 9
degrees on either side of the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the Sun's path. It passes exactly through
the centre of the zodiac longitudinally. The zodiac is invisible to the naked eye but is only
detected by watching the movements of the planets. The ecliptic is divided into 12 equal
compartments, the signs of the zodiac each being 30 degrees in extent. The solar system is
headed by the Sun and consists, including himself, of the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn. Along with these are, of course, included the shadowy planets Rahu and
The Constellations - The ecliptic is marked by 27 constellations or stellar points. They are
measured at intervals. from the first point of Aries along the ecliptic, of 13-1/3, degrees of
longitude. It is clear, therefore, if we know the longitude of a planet, we can say in which
constellation it is. According to the Hindus the zodiacal signs and constellations are identical.
Each constellation is further sub-divided into four quarters and each quarter is equal to 3-1/3
degrees of longitude on the ecliptic. The signs and constellations are both reckoned from the
same point, viz., the zero degree of longitude of Aries, that is, the initial point of Aries is also
the first point of the constellation Aswini.
The Signs of the Zodiac - The zodiac is divided into 12 signs or rasis of 30 degrees each. The
English and Sanskrit names of the signs with their symbols are as follows :Sign

Its English

























Its extent from






































Peculiarities of the Signs - Each sign has its own peculiarities. Their application in the
delineation of future events will be described in the subsequent chapters. Aries-Movable,
odd, masculine, cruel, fiery, of short ascension, rising by hinder part. Taurus-Fixed, even,
feminine, mild, earthy, fruitful, of short ascension, rising by hinder part. Gemini-Common,
odd, masculine, cruel, airy, barren, of short ascension, rising by the head. Cancer-Even,
movable, feminine, mild, watery, of long ascension, rising by hinder part and fruitful. LeoFixed, odd, masculine, cruel, fiery, of long ascension, barren, rising by the head. VirgoCommon, even, feminine, mild, earthy, of long ascension, rising by the head. Libra-Movable,
odd, masculine, cruel, airy, of long ascension, rising by the head. Scorpio-Fixed, even,
feminine, mild, watery. of long ascension, rising by the head . Sagittarius-Common, odd,
masculine, cruel, fiery, of long ascension, rising by hinder part. Cupricorn-Movable, even,
feminine, mild, earthy, of short ascension, rising by hinder part. Aquarius-Fixed, odd,
masculine, cruel, fruitful, airy, of short ascension, rising by the head. Pisces-Common,
feminine, watery, even, mild, of short ascension, rising by head and hinder part.
The Planets - Hindu Astrology takes cognizance of nine planets, viz.:Planet English Name
The Sun
The Moon
Budha Mercury
Sukra Venus
Rahu Dragons Head
Kethu Dragons Tail
Rahu and Kethu are two imaginary points of concourse of the orbits of the earth and the
Moon. They are included in somewhat forced name of planets. Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and a
host of others are considered to have no effect on human affairs. These move in the heavens
with ranging velocities influenced by other forces. Each of these planets influences us
according to its nature.
Planetary Natures and lndications - In this article we are giving some of the important
natures of the planets. The Sun-Masculine, malefic, copper colour, philosophical tendency,
royal, ego, father, patrimony, self-reliance, political power, windy and bilious temperament,
places of worship, money-lenders, goldsmith, bones, fires, coronation chambers, doctoring
capacity. The Moon-Mind, mother, benefic when Full Moon, malefic when New Moon,
feminine, white colour, Women, sea-men, pearls, gems, water, fishermen, stubbornness,

romances, bath rooms, blood, popularity, human responsibilities. Mars-Brothers, masculine,

blood-red colour, malefic, refined taste, base metals, vegetation, rotten things, orators,
ambassadors, military activities, commerce, aerial journeys, weaving, public speakers.
Mercury-Benefic if well associated, hermaphrodite, green colour, mercantile activity, public
speakers, cold, nervous, intelligence. Jupiter-Masculine, benefic. bright yellow colour,
devotion, progeny, truthfulness, religious fervour, philosophical wisdom, corpulence. VenusFeminine, benefic, mixture of all colours, wife, love affairs, sensual pleasure, family bliss,
harems, houses of ill-fame, vitality. Saturn-Malefic, hermaphrodite, dark colour,
stubbornness, impetuosity, demoralisation, wind diseases, despondency, gambling. RahuMalefic, feminine, renunciation, corruption, epidemics. Kethu-Hermaphrodite, malefic,
religious, sectarian principles, pride, selfishness, occultism, mendicancy.
These indications are general. Their application in particular cases will be discussed later on.
Malefics are always inclined to do harm but under certain conditions the intensity of the
mischief is tempered. Benefics, on the other hand, tend to do good but sometimes they also
become capable of doing harm. The properties of planets given above will be helpful to
make predictions. For instance, a masculine planet ruling the house of children, gives during
its period, male issues. The reader should become familiar with all technicalities described
Relations between Planets The subject is fully dealt with in my Hindu Predictive Astrology.
This is of two kinds, viz., permanent and temporary. A planet is said to be a friend of the
other whose rays it does not counteract.
Permanent Friendship The following is the table of permanent friendship :Planet
The Sun


The Moon















Temporary Friendship Planets found in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th and 12th signs from any
other planet become the latters temporary friends. The others will be enemies.





















In this diagram, for instance, take the Sun and find out his temporary friends. Jupiter is in
the 2nd. Venus and Mercury are in the 12th. The Moon and Mars are in the 3rd. Therefore
Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Mars and Mercury are the Suns temporary friends. Saturn alone is the
Suns enemy.

Mixed Relations - In order to find the strengths of planets we have to mix the temporary
relations and the permanent relations. Thus a temporary enemy plus a permanent or
natural enemy becomes a bitter enemy.
Example - In the horoscope illustrated above, the mixed relations between planets are as
given in the following table :Planet

Best Friend




Worst Enemy















Mercury Sun





















Relations between Planets and Signs - Definite relationships exist between the planets
and the signs. There are four kinds of relationships which are of particular importance, viz.,
Ownership, Exaltation, Debilitation and Moolathrikona.

Ownership - The Sun and the Moon own or rule Leo and Cancer respectively. Mars governs
Aries and Scorpio; Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo; Jupiter owns Sagittarius and Pisces;
Venus rules Taurus and Libra; Saturn is the lord of Capricorn and Aquarius. A planet situated
in its own sign is rendered powerful to do good.

Exaltation - Each planet is held to be exalted when it is in a particular sign. The power to
do good when in exaltation is greater than when in its own sign. The Sun. the Moon. Mars.
Mercury. Jupiter. Venus, Saturn. Rahu and Kethu are said to be in deep exaltation in Aries
10, Taurus 3, Capricorn 28, Virgo 15, Cancer 5, Pisces 27, Libra 20. Gemini 20 and

Sagittarius 20, respectively. Throughout the sign ascribed, the planet is exalted but in the
particular degree it is deeply exalted.

Results of Exaltation - Sun exalted: learned, religious, strong, placid, charitable, Moon:
rich, sedulous, a man of letters. Mars: possessing great fervers, educated, famous, princely.
Mercury: learned, cheerful, fortunate, respected. Jupiter: chief of men, strong, respected,
given to anger, supporting a large number of men. Venus : charitable, lives to good old age,
many qualities. Saturn: skilful, charitable, opulence, long life, loving husband. Rahu or
Kethu : wealthy.
Debilitation - The debilitation or depression points are found by adding 180 to the highest
points given above. While in a state of fall, planets give results contrary to those when in

Planetary Avasthas Avasthas are states of existence which planets get when occupying
certain positions. They are 10 in number.
Deeptha or exaltation: good progeny, gains, respect from elders, wealth. Swastha or own
house: fame, position, lands, happiness. Muditha or a friendly house: happiness, good
temper, good wife. Santha or auspicious divisions: strength and courage, comfort and
happiness. Sakta or retrogression: courage, wealth, reputation. Peedya or residence in the
last quarter of a sign (inauspicious sub- division): incarceration, criminal tendencies, evil
nature. Deena or unfriendly house: mental worry, sickness, degradation. Vikala or
combustion (Note planets very near the Sun become combust) : disease, disgrace, loss of
children. Khala or debilitation: losses, mean birth, quarrels, unpleasantness. Bheetha or in
acceleration: losses from various sources, torture, mean habits.

Drishti or Aspects - According to Hindu Astrology aspects are counted from sign to sign.
An aspect is good or bad according to the relation between the aspecting and the aspected
planet. All the planets aspect the 3rd and 10th houses from their location with a quarter sight,
the 5th and 9th houses with a half sight. the 4 th and 8th houses with three-quarters of a sight
and the 7th house with full sight. Saturn. Jupiter and Mars have special aspects. Saturn
powerfully aspects 3rd and 10th houses. Jupiter 5th and 9th houses, and Mars 4th and 8th
houses. The aspect is signified by referring to the number of signs from the signification
which the aspecting planet may hold. Thus if the Sun is in Cancer and Saturn in Taurus (see
Diagram), we say that the Sun is in the 3 rd from Saturn and consequently receives the
powerful aspect (3rd house aspect) of Saturn.

The opposition (7th house) aspect becomes extremely good when it is produced by Jupiter
and the Moon. It is held to be good when benefics aspect each other. A planet aspecting its
own house whether by the 7th house aspect or special aspect will naturally increase the

signification of that house. For instance, Venus aspecting the 7th house gives a good and
fair-looking wife and happiness on that account.


We have said that Mars aspects 4th and 8th houses in addition to the 7th house aspect. The
4th house aspect is a square aspect and sometimes this is evil and sometimes beneficial.
For instance if Mars as lord of the 4th and 9th houses, in which circumstance he gets special
qualifications to produce good aspects (by the 4th house aspect) a friendly planet. the
significations of aspected planet and the house are greatly enhanced. The same principle
applies in case of the 8th house aspect. Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th houses which in
English astrology are trine aspects. The results vary according to the natural and temporal
dignities of the aspecting and the aspected bodies. Jupiter's aspect over finy planet as a
natural benefic is of weighty importance. apart from the fact that he may be temporarily ill

Saturn aspects the 3rd house and 10th house. As a natural malefic, his aspects are bad. But
they produce good in case Saturn acquires beneficence by temporal situations. The
opposition aspect has the same power to do good or had, as conjunction according to the
nature of the planet.

The Twelve Houses - A house is known as Bhava in Sanskrit. The twelve houses are not
necessarily coincident with the twelve signs of the zodiac. They are in fact variable. Each
sign is always 30 in extent. But the length of a house depends upon the time of birth and
the latitude of the place of the birth.

Each of the twelve houses signifies certain important events and incidents. The following are
the twelve houses and their significations:First house: build, body, appearance, Second house: family, source of death, property,
vision. Third house: intelligence, brothers, sisters. Fourth house: vehicles, general
happiness, education, mother and landed properties. Fifth house: fame, children. Sixth
house: debts, diseases, misery, enemies. Seventh house: wife or husband, tact, death,
Eighth house: longevity, gifts. Ninth house: God, guru, father, travel, piety. Tenth house:
occupation, karma, philosophical knowledge. Eleventh house: gains. Twelfth house: losses,

Kinds of Houses - The 4th, 7th and 10th are the Kendras or angles or quadrants. The 1st, 5th
and 9th houses are Thrikonas or trines. The 2 nd, 8th and 11th are the Panaparas or succeedent
houses and the rest are Apoklimas or cadent houses. Planets in angles generally become
fairly strong; in succeedent houses feebly strong and in cadent houses utterly weak. In
trines they become very strong.

Karakas Each planet is supposed to be Karaka, or indicator of certain events in life. They
are :- Sun is the Karaka of father; Moon-mother; Mars-brother; Mercury-profession; Jupiterchildren; Venus-wife or husband; Saturn-longevity; Rahu or Dragons head-maternal
relations; and Kethu-paternal relations. Read my A Manual of Hindu Astrology for further


In this chapter we shall give the method of casting the horoscope according to Western
system (which of course corresponds to Sayana amongst us) and its reduction to the Hindu
system. There is a difference of about 22 degrees between the Western and the Hindu
zodiacs. That is, if according to Hindu horoscope a planet is in 20 degrees Cancer, it will be
situated in the 12th or 13th degree of Leo according to European astrology. Why there should
be this difference is a matter with which a beginner should not worry? My books A Manual of
Hindu Astrology and Hindu Predictive Astrology throw light on this interesting subject. The
difference referred to above is called Ayanamsa or Processional distance. Erect a horoscope
as per rules given below and subtract from the positions so obtained the Ayanamsa for the
year of birth and the Hindu horoscope Deeded for our purpose is obtained. (See appendix
for determining Ayanamsa for the year of birth).
In an ephemeris (Raphael's, Ujjain or any standard one) the longitudes of planets are
calculated daily for Greenwich Mean Noon (G.M.N.). Therefore, Mean Time (L.M.T.) must be
turned into its equivalent Greenwich Mean Time. Add to the Local Mean Time of birth; if the
birth place is West of Greenwich, four minutes for every degree of longitude. Subtract four
minutes from the Local Mean Time of birth for every degree of longitude if the birth place is
East of Greenwich. Having converted this Local Mean Time of birth into Greenwich Mean
Time the planetary longitudes can be calculated from the ephemeris easily. To find out the
exact longitude of the planet, for a given time the difference of longitude between the
previous noon (if birth is A.M.) and the noon of the day or the difference between the noon
of the day (if birth is P.M.) and the next noon must be noted. (In some publications the daily
movements of planets would be given in a separate section. This difference is the motion of
the planet in 24 hours). Then the following rule must be applied. As 24 hours are to the
daily motion so is the difference between the given time and noon to the motion required.
Example Born 2nd November 1935, Saturday, 5-20 a.m. (L.M.T.), longitude 5 hours 10
minutes 20 sec. East and latitude 13 degrees North.
Local Mean Time of Birth
0 a.m.
Long. of Birth Place
40 a.m. or
G.M.T. of Birth
0h.10m a.m.

Since the place of birth is east of Greenwich subtracting the difference of longitude in time
from Local Mean Time we get the corresponding Greenwich Mean Time, which is equal to 0
hours 10 minutes A.M. (12-10 midnight). Since the birth has occurred before noon,
difference of longitude between G.M.N. on the 1st November and G.M.N. on the 2nd
November should be taken. The number of hours passed from G.M.N. (on the 1st) to G.M.T.
of birth is 12 hours 10 minutes. Referring to Raphaels Ephemeris (page 22) for 1st
November 1935, the Suns longitude on that noon is given as Scorpio 8 degrees, 8 minutes
and 15 seconds. The daily motion of the Sun on the same day is given below, i.e., 1 degree
and 4 seconds.
Suns motion in 24 hrs.
Suns motion in 12 hrs. 10 m.
4 12 hrs. 10 m. = 31 x 24
8 (nearly)

Long. to Sun at noon on 1-11-1935

Sun's motion in 12 hrs 10 min
Sun's Longitude at birth

This is according to the European method. Subtract from this the Ayanamsa for 1935 to get
the Hindu Longitude.
Sun's European Longitude
Ayanamsa for 1935
Suns (Hindu) Longitude


39 Scorpio

If a planet is in retrogression it will be mentioned so in the Ephemeris. Repeating the same

process with regard to all planets we get their positions thus: (1) The Sun Libra 17 9;
(2) The Moon Sagittarius 22 35; (3) Mars Sagittarius 11 40; (4) Mercury Virgo 28
35; (5) Jupiter Scorpio 6 53; (6) Venus Virgo 1 45; (7) Saturn Aquarius 12 2;
(8) Rahu Sagittarius 24 34; and (9) Kethu Gemini 24 34.
Lagna or the Ascendant - Find out the Sidereal Time at G.M.N. which will be found in the
first column of the ephemeris. This is calculated for 12 noon Greenwich Time. Add to this
the Local Mean Time of birth (number of hours passed after the local noon) and also add 10
seconds per hour since noon as this represents the difference between the Sidereal Time
(S.T.) and the Mean Time. If the place of birth is east of Greenwich deduct at the rate of 10
seconds per hour or every 15 degree of longitude (or 1 hour in time) and if the place of
birth is west of Greenwich add a similar quantity. This quantity represents the Sidereal Time
at the moment of birth and when this is converted into degrees it represents what is called
the R.A.M.C. of birth. Then refer to the [Hindu Tables of Houses are under preparation and
they will be published very soon.] Table of Houses for the place of birth [or for the latitude
nearest to the place of birth.] The ascendant and the cusps of the six houses will be found
marked. Considering the same illustration we proceed thus ;-

Sidereal Time for noon preceding birth

Number of hours passed since previous noon
upto birth
Correction between S.T. & Mean Time
Less correction for the difference of time
between the place of birth









(East of Greenwich) and Greenwich

Expunging multiples of 24 we get true local Sidereal Time of birth as 8 hours 1 minute 24
The table of houses for Madras must be referred to as the latitude of Madras is nearest to
the latitude of birth place itself.
Having found the nearest time corresponding to 8 hours 1 minute 24 seconds (namely, 8
hours 1 minute under the column Sidereal Time) we see in the next column (10) the sign
Cancer and number 28 opposite the Sidereal Time showing that 28th degree of Cancer is on
the cusp of the 10th house. In the next column (11) we find Leo 29 degrees; 30 degrees
Virgo in the 12th; 30 degrees Libra on the ascendant or the 1st house; 29 degrees Scorpio
on the 2nd ; and 28 degrees Sagittarius on the 3rd. The cusps of the six houses are thus
obtained and adding 180 degrees to each of these, the cusps of the other six are
ascertained. Now. for example, by adding 180 degrees to the cusp of the 10th house that of
the 4th can be found and so on. From the ascendant so obtained and the cusps of the houses
deduct the Ayanamsa, namely, 21 degrees 30 minutes and the houses (Bhavas) and the
ascendant (Lagna) of the Hindu zodiac are obtained. Cusp of the Western house less
Ayanamsa will give the Bhavumadhya (mid-point) of the house of the Hindus.
Cusp of the first house or ascendant
Less Ayanamsa for 1935
Mid-point of lagna or ascendant

8 30



Similarly deduct the Ayanamsa from the cusps of the other houses obtained above and you
will get the corresponding Hindu Bhavamadhyas (mid-points of houses).
The Horoscope - For ordinary purposes of prediction a zodiacal diagram (Rasi Chakram)
with the ascendant marked is sufficient. The zodiacal diagram regarding the horoscope
illustrated is given below along with the navamsa diagram. The navamsa diagram plays a
unique part in Hindu astrology. It has a great bearing on the interpretation of horoscopes.
When a sign is divided into 9 equal parts each part measuring 3 20 is called a navamsa.
The nine navamsas are governed by the lords of the nine signs from Aries, in the case of
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; from Capricorn in the case of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn ; from
Libra in the case of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; and in the case of Cancer, Scorpio and
Pisces from Cancer. For instance, a planet is in Libra 20 10. This means the seventh
navamsa. In Libra the lord of the seventh navamsa is the lord of the seventh from Libra,
that is lord of Aries, viz., Mars. In Hindu astrology constant reference is made to navamsa
positions of planets. In a way navamsa is much more important that the usual rasi or
zodiacal diagram.
Therefore the reader should know how to construct the navamsa diagram.



Venus Mercury Moon

Vrishabha Saturn Saturn Jupiter





Mercury Venus



Venus Mercury Moon




Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter


Venus Mercury






Mercury Venus


Venus Mercury Moon



Saturn Saturn Jupiter










Mercury Venus



Venus Mercury Moon



Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter

Mercury Venus


Venus Mercury Moon


Saturn Saturn Jupiter



Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter


Venus Mercury

Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter

Mercury Venus



Venus Mercury Moon



Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter

Mercury Venus




Venus Mercury

Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter

Parents - Lord of father (Sun) in an enemy's house in conjunction with Saturn, who besides
being a natural enemy of the Sun is also lord of the 8th. Kethu in the 9th house and 9th lord is
in conjunction with 11th lord and again aspected by Saturn. Father died early in life. Lord of
the 4th is in lagna in conjunction with exalted Jupiter and aspected by Saturn a natural
friend. The Moon lord of mother is free from afflictions. Mother lived till about the 47th year
of the native.
Brothers - Mars lord of the brothers is in the 2nd. The 3rd house lord Mercury is in
conjunction with the Sun and Saturn. Lord of the 3rd has passed one navamsa. Hence the
native had only one brother who died just a few months before the native's own death.
Debts and Enemies - Lord of the 6th is also lord of the 9th and is in exaltation. The 6th is
free from occupation or aspect of any planet-good or bad. No debts or enemies. Rolled in
The study of astrology throws a flood of light on the important question of matrimonial
felicity or infelicity. Incompatibility of temperament is often alleged to be the cause of
separation of married persons. By means of this science such incompatibility should be
discovered before the knot is tied.
In judging the affairs of marriage, consideration should be bestowed upon Venus as he is
lord of the wife or husband (Kalathrukaraka), the 7th house and the lord of the 7th. The Sun
in the 7th house gives a proud, firm-minded partner. There will be delays in marriage. The
Moon, kind and domesticated partner with a wavering mind. Mars, a quarrelsome
domineering wife or husband. Likelihood of frequent separation by quarrels and
misunderstandings. Mercury, a quick minded, and a bad tempered (if afflicted) partner.
Jupiter, a good wife or husband and in general a happy marriage life. Venus, the marriage is
likely to be happy if Venus is not afflicted. Otherwise always quarrels. The native becomes
highly attracted towards the opposite sex. Saturn, difference of age or station between

native and partner. Generally an unhappy married life, Rahu and Kethu. give tragic
The lord of the 7th should not occupy the 6th, or 8th and the 2nd should not be aspected by
malefics to assure marital happiness. If the 7th house is hemmed in between two malefics
(Papakarthariyoga) then married life proves burdensome and miserable.
If Venus be afflicted by Mars, we are likely to find tumultuous feelings and little emotional
calm or happiness with prolonged separation. Bad aspects between 5th and 7th lords may
denote lifelong celibacy. If the Sun and Rahu be in the 7th house it denotes loss of wealth
through the association of women. If malefics should occupy the 4th, 7th and 12th houses,
one will be bereft of wife and children. If the lord of the ascendant be in the seventh subject
to benefic influence, the native gets a wife or husband from a respectable family. If the
Moon be in the ascendant or in the seventh and Leo be rising in navamsa, then the
character of the native's wife becomes questionable. Venus well disposed in the 7 th denotes
good fortune after marriage and the enjoyment of all the fruits of married life.
In a woman's horoscope the 8th house plays significant part. Malefics in the 8th particularly
Mars bring about widowhood. Saturn in the 8th, makes the married life unromantic and
charm less. When the Moon along with Saturn occupies the seventh house the woman
concerned will have more than one marriage.
If the 7th house happens to be a common sign (Dwiswabhava Rasi) and Venus is there in
conjunction with malefics, more than one marriage is invariably indicated.
If the lord of the ascendant and that of the 7th are close to each other marriage takes place
early in life. A similar result may be predicted if benefics are posited in the ascendant, the
2nd and 7th. Marriage may occur during the Dasa (period) of the planet: (1) posited in the 7th
house; (2) Venus and the Moon; (3) planet aspecting the 7th house; or (4) owning the 7th
Issues - The 5th house rules children. Jupiter indicates progeny and the 5th lord is also
connected with issues. Favourable disposition of all these three factors is a great asset for
getting good, long lived and obedient children. If the 5th house (either from ascendant or
from the Moon) be occupied by benefic planets. well aspected by others, then the children
will be a source of happiness to the subject, and they will live long. When the 5 th house is
occupied by malefic planets or has other heavy afflictions, opposite results will be produced.
Illustrious children are born when the ruler of the 5th house is in elevation. well aspected
and in a congenial sign. When malefic planets are in the 12th in a female's horoscope there
are dangers in confinement.
No children should be predicted if Jupiter, ascendant lord and lords of the 7th and 5th are
weak and otherwise afflicted. If Saturn be in the 5th house and the lord of the 5th be in
conjunction with Rahu. the native will have no surviving children. If the 5th house and its
lord be placed in a male sign or be in conjunction with or aspected by male planets, then
most of the children will be males. The birth will be of daughters if the said house or its lord
be in a female sign, or be associated with or aspected by female planets. The number of
issues should be determined by a consideration of planets in the 5th house, or those that are
posited along with the lord of the 5th house, as to how many of them are in friendly, inimical
or depression navamsas. The number of navamsas gained by Jupiter, or lord of the 5th
indicates the number of issues to be born. Birth of children may occur during the dasa or
bhukthi of Jupiter, or lord of 5th (from ascendant or from the Moon) or planets in or
aspecting the 5th.




Born 6-7-1913 at 5-34

a.m Ahmedabad












Wife Karaka for the 7th, Venus is in the 7th, hence bad. He is in conjunction with lord of the
3rd. The 7th house, the 7th lord and Kalathrakaraka (Venus) are all hemmed in between Mars
and the Sun. Considered from the Moon also, the dispositions are highly unfavourable.
Hence the natives marriage has been most unsatisfactory. The couple are practically
divorced. Lords of the ascendant and the 7th are very near each other. Marriage took place in
the 13th year of the native. Venus is in the second navamsa. Hence more than one marriage
is clearly indicated.
Children Lord of the 5th is in conjunction with Venus, a Yogakaraka and the Sun, lord of
the 7th. Jupiter lord of the 2nd (and also Putrakaraka) is exalted. The 5th is aspected by the
Moon. Hence children are indicated. Mercury lord of the 5th has gained seven navamsas.
Birth of seven children is denoted, out of which surviving will be five or six as two malefics
intervene in between Aries and Libra in the navamsa diagram.





19-8-1896 at Gh.3340
Sun Venus

Sun Moon

Hindu Astrology has achieved remarkable success in the matter of timing events, as to when
the different indications of the horoscope-marriage, birth and death of children, death of
parents. financial gains and losses, access to wealth, loss of reputation, increase of fame
and so many other events occurring in our daily lives. would fructify or happen. Hindu
Predictive Astrology enables one to time and predict events with considerable accuracy. In
this book however we shall give the merest outlines, so that readers be given an insight into
the vexed question of timing events. It is not in the province of our discussion to investigate
into the rationale of the Dasa system but our task consists in giving a faithful account of
what in our humble opinion has a sound basis in actual practice and can be relied upon

safely. There are any number of dasas in vogue in India but we propose to deal with
Vimshottari or Udu Dasa. In the choice of any particular type of dasa, the guiding factor
should be experience. Vimshottari, in our humble opinion, has been built upon a firm
foundation. Some of the recent writers on astrology reject this system simply because,
according .to their views, which obviously seem ill-conceived, the system under discussion
has no scientific basis. In their over-enthusiasm to modernise Hindu Astrology, they forget
the value of experience which should of course be the true criterion of all knowledge.
In this system there are nine main periods, each presided over by a planet. In the following
table will be found the years enjoyed by each as well as the constellations corresponding to
the period.
Table of Dasas



4 Aswini

4 Makha

4 Moola

Kethu 7 Yrs.

4 Bharani

4 Pubba

4 Purvashadha

Venus 20 Yrs.

1 Krithika

1 Uttara

1 Uttarashada

Sun 6 Yrs.




3 Krithika

3 Uttara

3 Uttarashadha


4 Rohini

4 Hasta

4 Sravana

Moon 10 Yrs.

2 Mrigasira

2 Chitta

2 Dhanishta

Mars 7 Yrs.



2 Mrigasira

2 Chitta

2 Dhanishta


4 Aridra

4 Swati

4 Satabhisha

Rahu 18 Yrs.

3 Punarvasu

3 Visakha

3 Purvabhadra

Jupiter 16 Yrs.





1 Punarvasu

1 Visakha

1 Purvabhadra


4 Pushyami

4 Anuradha

4 Uttarabhadra

Saturn 19 Yrs.

4 Aslesha

4 Jyeshta

4 Revati

Merc. 17 Yrs.

Each of the main periods is divided into similar sub-periods (bhukthies) and each sub-period
is divided similarly into inter-periods (Antara). The Antaras are again sub-divided into

Antharuntharas and so on till swara or the period necessary for the inhaling and exhaling of
breath is reached. Nevertheless for all practical purposes the sub-period will be found to be
quite sufficient.
In order to calculate the ruling period at birth and date of its commencement it is necessary
to obtain the position of the Moon at the time of birth. Every constellation extend for 13 20'
of the zodiacal space. Now to determine the asterism at birth observe the exact longitude of
the Moon. In our example horoscope the Moon is in Sagittarius 22 35'. Reference to the
above table will show that in the






Gh. 33-40






sign Sagittarius (1) there are four parts (padas) of Moola, four of Purvashadha and one of
Uttarashadha. Each of these parts is 3 20' in extent. Therefore four of Moola = 13 degrees
20 minutes; and 22 35' minus 13 degrees 20 minutes = 9 degrees and 15 minutes should
be accounted for the Moon as having passed in the Purvashadha at the time of birth. We
know that Purvashadha is ruled by Venus whose period is 20 years. Each asterism being 13
degrees and 20 minutes we must find out what will be the period for 9 degrees and 15
13 degrees and 20 minutes (800') : 9 degrees and 15 minutes (555') : : 20: years 13,
months 10 and days 15. This period has expired before birth and from the time of birth only
the balance of (yrs. 20-yrs. 13, months 10, days 15) yrs. 6-1-15 will go to the benefit of the
child. After finding out the dasa, the sub-period in each of this particular period must be
thus determined. Multiply together the number of years of the dasa period or the planet by
the number of years of the dasa period of the planet whose sub-period is desired. Then

cutting off the last figure of the product, multiply it by 3 and keep that figure as days, the
other figures in the product will be months. Suppose we want to find the sub-period of
Saturn in the major period of Mercury. Saturn's period being 19 years and that of Mercury
17 years, 19 x 11 = 323 = 32 months and 9 days.

We know from the above how to find the unexpired (balance of) dasa at birth. With the
expired portion of dasa there are certain sub-periods ruling under the period which have
also expired. After determining them we can say under what sub-period one's birth has
occurred. To do this find all the sub-periods in a period. Add together the bhukthies from the
beginning of Janma dasa (ruling period). one by one, till the total is a little in excess over
the expired period of dasa at birth. Diminish the aggregate by the expired dasa and the
remainder gives the balance of un- expired bhukthi (of the planet in question) at birth.
Example: Required the balance of bhukthi at birth in the case of a person born with a
balance of years 6-1-15 in Venus period (Sukra Dasa).
The Ruling period = Venus 20 years.
Expired period = Yrs- 13-10-15.

Venus' sub-period in Venus' period











Total ...

Therefore, yrs. 16 minus 13-10-15 = 2-1-15, i.e., Balance of Saturn's sub-period (Sani
Bhukthi) in Venus' period (Sukra Vasa) at birth = yrs. 2-1-15.

There are several considerations to be taken note of in judging the results of the dasas and
bhukthies. The general results due to a planet should be carefully weighed and incongruous
results, wherever they occur shou1d be avoided. The relations between the lords of the
main period and sub-period should be considered when predicting events during their time.
It is certainly difficult to lay down any particular result which will apply to all. Conclusions
should be drawn having regard to strength and propensity of the planet. The prediction

should always be consistent with the person for whom it is intended, under the condition or
life in which he is brought up as well as, the physical possibility at the time. As a general
proposition it may be stated that a planet during its dasa generally gives the results
pertaining to the houses it rules or aspects. Provided the lord is well placed, that is, is in its
own sign, exaltation, moolathrikona or friendly house, or is in conjunction with a yogakaraka
or otherwise powerful, it will give rise to good results during its dasa. Thus when the lord of
lagna is strong, the native will, during the dasa of the lord of lagna, have physical happiness
and will be happily placed in life. His prosperity will be on the increase. Provided the lord of
lagna is in debilitation and in conjunction with lords of 3, 6 or 11, the native will suffer
ailments during the dasa of the lord of lagna, will become unhappy and will suffer miseries.
Let us take a concrete case. In the adjoining horoscope the results of guru dasa have to be






Guru is the lord of the 2nd and 11th houses. He is placed in the 10th. Jupiter owning the 2nd is
good for wealth. Jupiter here is aspected by Moon (lord of the 6th), Saturn (lord of lagna and
12) and Mars (lord of 3 and 10). Whilst Jupiter will give during his dasa, majority of results
pertaining to 2nd (wealth, family and influence) and 10th houses. (professional advancement,
means of livelihood. etc.) he will also produce results due to the 1st, 6th and 3rd houses. Thus
the native will amass considerable fortune. There will be considerable professional success.
Jupiter being indicator of children. family will increase. As be occupies the 10th, the native
will have pilgrimage. As the Moon (lord of 6th) and Saturn (lord of lagna) happen to aspect
Jupiter the native is likely to suffer loss of reputation (of course in the sub-period of
Jupiter). The fourth house rules landed properties, education, etc. Jupiter is aspected by the
Moon and Saturn from the fourth house. Hence the subject will purchase landed and house

From the above it will be seen that a planet is capable of producing different kinds of results
which depend upon ownership, aspect, location and association. Therefore in interpreting
results of dasas and bhukthies one should exercise very great care in analysing the quality
and quantity of effects produced by a planet in the course of its dasa. The lord of the dasa
has a quality of his own stamped upon him. This will again be modified by the nature of the
house, the nature of the aspecting bodies, the favourable and unfavourable situation of the

lord of dasa in navamsa and other factors. The same argument applies when deciding the
results of bhukthies. In the latter case however the relations and inter-relations between the
lord (Dasanatha) and the sub-lord (Bhukthinatha) will be the deciding factor. Thus: (1) The
dasa period of lords of the 6th and 8th produce harmful results unless they obtain
beneficence otherwise. (2) The effects of the ruling planets are intensified at such time as
the Sun may be passing through the signs occupied by them or the signs over which they
rule. (3) In the course of a dasa a planet produces such effects as it indicates by virtue of
ownership, association, location and aspect. (4) The dasa results stand to be modified by
the effect of Gochara or transiting planets. (5) The periods of the lords of 5 and 9 are said
to give rise to good results. (6) Unfavourable results will be realised when the sub-lord and
major lord are situated in the 6th and 8th or 12th and 2nd from each other respectively. (7)
The general effects of the planets thus related must be taken into account, and their natural
relation, as well as their temporary relation in the horoscope must be well considered. Thus
Sun and Venus although natural enemies, may be respectively in Leo and Libra, in which
case they are in temporary good relations occupying the third and eleventh signs
respectively from each other. Judgment is made accordingly, but it is to be understood that
a temporary friendship will Dot entirely overcome a radical and constitutional enmity.

During the dasa of the lord of the 2nd, one can expect success to the family, marriage if not
already married, good earning and generally favourable results. During the dasa of a planet
that is strong and owns the 3rd house one can expect help and co-operation from brothers
and other relations, attainment of honour and approbation from others. Help to relations,
acquisition of vehicles, land and houses and higher status may be anticipated during the
dasa of lord of 4th. Merriment, birth of a son, and general prosperity are likely to result in
the dasa of the 5th house lord. One may predict enjoyment of good health, success over
enemies and litigation in the course of the dasa of the 6th house lord. 7th Lord: Marriage if
not married, or marital happiness, pleasure trips and family happiness. 8th Lord: Discharge
of debts, acquisition of amenities and general good. 9th Lord: Enjoyment of prosperity. birth
of grandchildren, happiness and wealth. 10th Lord: Professional Prosperity, pilgrimage,
reputation, respect and realisation of ambitions. 11th Lord: Influx of wealth, domestic
happiness, gains. 12th Lord: Spending money for good purposes and religious inclination.

The above results hold good provided the planets are strong and favourable. If they are
weak and unfavourable. the predictions have to be modified. Thus the lord of the 6th illdisposed gives rises to diseases, debts and machinations of enemies. Whatever natures,
characteristics, diseases, etc., have been mentioned as belonging to the different planets,
should be duly assigned to the planets concerned in their respective periods. Rahu and
Kethu give effects, good or bad as the case may be, according to the nature of the planet
they associate with or the planet in whose house they may be situated.

I give below some of the prominent results by way of example that are produced during
different dasas.

Sun's Period-6 Years

If the Sun is elevated, he displays wisdom, gets money, attains fame and happiness; Sun in
good position, in own house or joined with lord of 9 or 10-happiness, gains, riches, honours.
Sun with lord of 5, birth of children. Sun when related to lord of 2-becomes rich, earns
money, secures property, gains favours from influential persons. The Sun when debilitated
or occupies 6th or 8th house or in conjunction with evil planets-contracts evil diseases, loss of
wealth, suffers from reverses in employment, penalty and becomes ill.
The Dasa of the Sun in Deep Exaltation :- Sudden gains in cattle and wealth, much
travelling in eastern countries, residence in foreign countries, quarrels among friends and
relations, pleasure trips and picnic parties and lovely women. Moolathrikona :-Birth of new
children, much respect from high personages, gains in cattle and money, acquisition of
power and political success. Leo :- Respect from kings and noble personages, righteous
conduct, birth of children and respect among children. Libra :- Reduced to poverty. always
troubled by enemies. failure in any undertakings, death of brothers and friends and
miserable and complicated life. Aquarius :- Mental worries. death of wife, loss of property
and wealth. The Sun in conjunction with lord of lagna gives good gains in the latter half of
the dasa. pleasant functions, vehicles, travelling and respect. The Sun in the 2nd or 7th :Accidents, illness, and other bad results.
Moon's Period-10 Years
The Moon in Ascendant :- Gets riches and happiness, secures reputation. In Friend's
House :- Earns well, learns, and becomes successful; In Enemy's House :- Unfriendly, vexed
by family. loss of money in disputes; With an Exalted Planet :- Contented and happy; Evil
Planet :- Suffers loss from fire. stealing and judicial orders; With Good Planet :- Happy and
successful; Moon in 2nd House :- Increase in family and addition of riches. In 3rd House :Happiness to self and brothers, good earning; in 4th House :- Death of mother if afflicted,
earns by cultivation, and attains good name, in 5th House :- Gets children; In 6th House :Becomes unhappy, and gets into litigation; in 7th House :- Marries if not already married,
mentally worried; In 9th House :- Happy, wealthy and honoured; In 12th House :- Suffers
much. With Sun :- Quarrels with relatives, loss of parents or possessions. Taurus :- Increase
in fame and name, collection of enormous wealth, mental and physical happiness. Cancer :Addition in wealth, success in litigation, unexpected finding of treasure, travels.
Scorpio :- Fear from political heads, destruction of relatives, disappointments in every
respect, loss of wealth. liberty and honour at risk and much mental uneasiness. Neecha
(debilitation)-losses and troubles from various sources and mental worry. Moolathrikona
:-Respect from sovereigns, many gains, acquisition of landed property. much happiness and
sexual enjoyment.
Mars'Period-7 Years
Mars in Enemys House :- Unhappy for disputes. entails the displeasure of superiors and
bodily infirmity. In Friend's :- Acquisition of landed properties. With Debilitated Planet :Mental disorders and service. With Exalted Planets :- Good earning and reputation. Aspected
by good Planet :- Unhappy, loses his effects. By evil Planets :- Becomes destitute. In 1 st
house :- Suffers from thieves and poison; in 2nd house :- Favoured by others, secures good
position, but suffers from facial or eye disease; in 3rd house :-Happy, respected; in 4th
house :- Loss of position, quarrels and worries; in 5th house :-Loss of money and children.
accidents to children: in 6th house :- Quarrels, sorrows, debts and enemies; in 7th house :Unpleasantness with wife or husband, suffers from urinary or bladder troubles; in 8 th
house :-Suffers from boils, loses position, travels; in 9th house :- Bad to father. runs to
danger and losses; in 10th house :- Dispirited by failure, good and bad results in profession
depending on the strength or weakness of Mars; in 11th house :- Respected, gains and
success; in 12th house :- Loss of fortune and children.

Rahu's Period-18 Years

Rahu in 1st house: illness, friends and relatives suffer. In 2nd house: deprived of land and
riches, gets bad food, financial troubles. In 3rd house: respected, happy in children, wealth,
wife and brothers. In 4th house: mother's death or sickness, considerable suffering. In 5th
house : mental worries. In 6th house: family suffers from thieves, fire, superiors and other
complications. In 7th house: is endangered by reptiles, wife suffers. In 8th house: great
danger of losing money, etc. In 9th house: misfortunes, loss of father or sickness to him,
expenses. In 10th house : religious interest, interest in the occult. In 11th house : good in all
matters, favours from superiors. In 12th house : gets disheartened, unexpected losses.
Rahu will not always produce malefic effects. If he occupies the house of a benefic who in
his turn is well fortified then Rahu will certainly produce good results. Taking the example
horoscope it will be seen that Rahu in the course of his dasa produced quite auspicious
Rahu is in the 2nd house and Jupiter, lord of the 2nd is in the 10th. Rahu is aspected by Mars
from the 7th. Rahu should give the results of Jupiter, who aspects the 4th house. Therefore,
the native began and completed his education (4th house) during Rahu's period, got a son
(because Jupiter is Putrakaraka). got married (Mars aspecting from 7th) and had beginnings
of professional career (Jupiter in the 10th). Moreover Rahu's dasa was the second, the ruling
period at birth being that of Mars. Hence predominantly beneficial effects were realised.
Jupiter's Period-16 Years
If Jupiter is in Deep Exaltation: gains wealth, happiness, royal respect, good reputation. in
Cancer: travels for good, but is anxious, generally fortunate. in Capricorn : disheartened,
worry, serving others. in own house: birth of sons. success in every undertaking. increase in
relations and family members, widespread fame, happiness, in 1st house: good health,
access to riches. In 2nd house : increased income and honours. family happiness. In 3rd
house: good relations with brothers and family members and success in undertakings. In 4th
house: respected, access to lands and houses, general happiness. In 5th house: official
favours, not quite good to children. In 6th house: redemption from debts. enemies will not
succeed. In 7th house: travels and pilgrimages, marriage if not already married. In 8th
house: homeless, physical and mental illness, increase of enemies. In 9th house: increase of
knowledge, gets riches, children and generally fortunate. In 10th house: happy with family,
professional success. In 11th house: gain of lands, family disputes. In 12th house: suffering
and uneasiness.
Saturn's Period-19 Years
This Vasa signifies deficiency of thought, dishonour and loss of wealth. It tends to expose
the native to the displeasure of the superiors. These results should be predicted when
Saturn is unfavourably disposed in the horoscope. Saturn in Capricorn: increase in lands,
gain in wealth, friendship with illustrious personages. Aquarius : travelling in Western
countries, success in litigation, health good. In Enemys house : quarrels, loss of position,
displeasure of superiors. In Friend's house: happy in general. In 1st house : becomes
physically weak, cerebral complaints and loss of money. In 2nd house: suffering, eye trouble,
disfavours from superiors and mental disorder if Saturn is heavily afflicted. In 3rd house; loss
of brothers Or sickness to them, indifferent, gets money. In 4th house : loses mother or
illness to her, litigation troubles, failure in examination. In 5th house: loss of children, weak
in mind, loss of wealth, trouble from servants. In 6th house : trouble from enemies, serious
illness. In 7th house: suffers losses, dissolution of partnership if on joint business, wife's
health a source of worry. In 8th house: generally unfavourable results. In 9th house; loses his
parents, breaks in fortune. In 10th house : nature of results depends upon the strength and

weakness of Saturn, misunderstandings and quarrels with officials. In 11th house:

happiness, gains and general good. In 12th house; constant worries and danger.
Mercury's Period - 17 Years
Mercury if Exalted: good earnings, interest in religious studies, helping others, getting lands
and good name. If Debilitated: quarrels, loss in business, reputation at stake. With
Benefics: much happiness, marriage, birth of children, and good profits in trade. With
Malefics : loss of reputation, quarrels with friends and relatives, low in the estimate of
others. In Gemini: access to great intellectual treasures, successful termination of
educational career, fame and wealth, happiness from wife and children, marriage
ceremonies. In Virgo: favour of royal courts, happy life, undisturbed health, charitable
foundings and unexpected gains. In 1st house: good health, fame, profits, education and
reputation. In 2nd house: access to wealth, family happiness and redemption from debts. In
3rd house: auspicious celebrations at home. getting jewels. marriage to a brother or a
cousin. and good name. In 4th house: securing a new house. but unsuccessful. In 5th house :
birth of children. learning. earnings, initiation into secret mantras, happiness, befriends high
circles. In 6th, 8th or 12th house: suffers from nervous troubles, enemies will multiply,
quarrels, invokes Government displeasure, disturbance from residence, mind wavering,
dangers from fires and thieves, and residence in foreign places. In 7th house: gets wife,
education, meets with new acquaintances and will have good happiness. In 9th house: does
great things, religiously inclined. In 10th house: happy, increase of fame. In 11th house:
given to charity and trade, earns lands and houses.
Mercury will give rise to bad results if placed in 6th, 8th or 12th from lagna.
Kethu's Period-7 Years
Kethu produces favourable results if exalted, otherwise the effects will be undesirable. When
Kethu is in 1st house: gets fever, loses reputation, will have mental worry and suffers from
wounds and cuts. In 2nd house: much expenditure, sick at heart, eye trouble, family worries,
disturbance, from native place. In 3rd house: happy but quarrels with brothers. In 4th house:
fear of thieves and fires, troubles to mother, litigation and generally unhappy. In 5th house:
spends much, loss of children and father, irreligious. In 6th house: endangered by poison,
fire and thieves, good earnings and in general beneficial results will be produced. In 7 th
house: suffers mentally and bodily and loses wife and children, quarrels with relatives. In 8 th
house: sickly, wife becomes ill, unnecessary fear. In 9th house: material benefits absent,
religious interest revived. In 10th house: gets conveyances, success in litigation. In 11th
house: happy in business and brothers, bad time for enemies. In 12th house: illness. travels
and generally bad results.
Venus' Period-20 Years
Venus is supposed by many to give always pleasant results while on the other hand all that
is evil has been ascribed to Saturn to be realised in his dasa. This view is rather erroneous.
Whether Venus, Saturn or any other planet, the nature of the results always depends upon
the natural and temporal dignities or afflictions to which planets are subject to in the
horoscope. No planet can ever produce either good unmixed with evil or evil unmixed with
When Venus is in Taurus: A life of ease and indulgence, travels to foreign lands, company of
beautiful girls, ambition of material life fairly realised, symptoms of venereal troubles,
access to lands, houses and conveyances. Libra : royal patronage, reputation, gain of
wealth, period of extreme passion. Exalted: is lost in revelry, gets riches. Debilitated:
agitated, frustrated, family put to great distress. In Friendly house: debaucheries life, does
good to others, cultivates fine arts. In Enemy's house: sickly, bad for the health of wife and
children, quarrels with friends and relatives, much expenditure. Venus in 1st house: bodily

happiness, increase of reputation. In 2nd house: spends and earns well, everyone respects
the subject.
In 3rd house: prosperity to brothers and to native. In 4th house: gains, happiness, lands,
vehicles, worships mammon and otherwise happy. In 5th house: gets fame, honours, gold,
lands and children, his ambitions will be realised. In 6th house: sickly, troubles from
enemies, misunderstandings; etc. In 7th house: good gains, family happiness. In 8th house:
venereal troubles, unnecessary travels, eating in other houses. In 9th house: makes his
superiors happy and derives benefits from them, generally a good period. In 10 th house:
gets fortune, honours and education, fame, money and new friends. In 11th house : happy
in children and wealth, general prosperity. In 12th house: is dispossessed, suffers and goes
to foreign lands. There will be unnecessary quarrels.
As already indicated in the beginning of this chapter, the above results are of a general
character and they should be adapted in such careful manner that peculiarities obtaining in
horoscopes under consideration are under no circumstances omitted or overlooked. The
periodic influence stated above, will serve as an outline and the reader after consulting the
horoscope will be in the best position to determine the nature of influence which will guide
the period.
In the sub-period (bhukthi) the lords will have the same influence as in the periods stated
above. In this case, however, the influences of both planets (major lord and sub-lord) are to
be compounded as also the relation between them should be taken into account.
A fuller description of the results of sub-periods is given in my book Hindu Predictive
Prasna or Horary Astrology consists of divination by means of planets. This branch of
astrology will be really useful as it enables us to answer questions arising in everyday life, in
moments of the profoundest anxiety-when life or fortune may be trembling in the balance.
The horary astrologer, without the slightest acquaintance with anatomy, physiology and
pathology can take upon himself to decide when doctors disagree and to diagnose the
nature of disease which baffles even the wisest physicians. Horary Astrology can be quickly
learned by any person of moderate ability and may be well understood and reduced to
constant practice. After considerable experience I have found the rules of Horary Astrology
(as expounded in Chappanna and Jinendramala) unfailing. The rules of Horary Astrology, to
be presented below in a condensed form should be carefully applied to events of great
importance. Prasna Sastra (Horary Astrology) is so vast that it would be impossible to give
all the important rules which enable one to anticipate on the mere basis of the question
time, what exactly is in the mind of the querist and how the result would be. For a fuller
understanding of the subject, readers are referred to my book Prasna or Horary Astrology.
First of all cast a horoscope for the time of the question and place the planets both in rasi
and navamsa diagrams. Estimate the strength and weakness of the various planets and
note the following instructions. Below are given a few of the typical questions and how to
answer them :
(1) Whether an event to occur suddenly will be good or bad? If the rising sign be Leo, Virgo,
Libra, Aquarius, Scorpio or Gemini and the rising lord is beneficial then the event to happen
will be fortunate. If other signs than mentioned above are rising and the ascendant lord is
not well disposed then the result will be unfavourable.

(2) Will my health improve? If the ascendant lord is in 5th or 9th joined or aspected by
benefics and the ascendant is free from malefic aspects, the health will improve. If the
ascendant lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th afflicted then the health will not become better.
(3) Whether the questioner shall become rich? Lord of the 2nd in conjunction or good aspect
with lord of the 9th. The 2nd house should be free from the aspect of the 6th, 8th or 12th lordthe question will be fulfilled. The nature of the rising sign and navamsa-whether movable,
common or fixed, reveals the time of becoming rich. Movable signs denote speedy
realisation; common signs indicate early consummation and fixed signs suggest uncertainlyextending to years. As regards the exact period within which an event happens, reference
should be made to my Horary Astrology.
(4) Is it advisable to take a certain journey? If the lord of ascendant or the Moon be strong
and placed in the 3rd or in reception with the lord of the 3rd, then the journey may be
safely undertaken. Otherwise it is not advisable to undertake the journey.
(5) Will it be advisable to sell or buy a certain property? If the lord of the ascendant and
that of the 7th are well situated, as also the 4th lord, then the transaction may be done with
advantage. If Jupiter or Venus be in the 4th, it will be a profitable investment. If Saturn be
there, good will not result to purchaser or seller.
(6) Will it be beneficial to shift from one place to another? If the 7th house and its lord are
well disposed and free from afflictions, he will do well to remove to the place or house to
which he thinks of shifting. Otherwise it is not advisable to shift.
(7) Will the patient recover from his illness at an early date? If the lords of the 1 st and 6th
are in conjunction, the patient is unlikely to recover. If a common sign be in the 6th house
the disease will be of its average duration. If the 6th happens to be a movable sign, the
sickness will be short. If the 6th be a fixed sign, the disease will be long and hard to cure.
(8) Is there any treasure in the ground? If the 2nd house be Taurus. Libra or Cancer and the
Moon and Venus or Mars and Rahu be there. then the chances of securing a treasure trove
are remote. If the 4th house be Cancer and Jupiter and the Moon occupy it, the ground
contains a treasure trove. If Mars or Rahu is associated with the 4th then the questioner will
not get access to the treasure trove though it may be present.
(9) Whether the child to be born will be male or female? If the lord of the 5 th be in a
masculine sign and the 5th be a masculine sign then birth of a boy is indicated; otherwise a
girl. If the 5th lord be associated with or aspected by a masculine planet, it will be a boy.
(10) Shall I win a prize? When benefics are in 3, 5, 7 and 11 and when lord of 2nd, 9th and
11th are strong and free from the effects of the 6th and 8th lords, you will be successful.
(11) Whether the questioner shall marry a certain person if so, when? If Saturn be in the 7 th
house, you will be married within three months from the date of question. If the Moon be in
3, 5, 7 or 11 and is aspected by Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury and if benetics occupy
quadrants or trines, you will have marriage very early. The lords of the ascendant and the
7th must be well disposed between each other.
(12) Will the stolen article be recovered? If a powerful benefic occupies the 11th house from
the Prasna Lagna (ascendant at question time) or (and) aspected by Jupiter or Venus,
predict speedy recovery of the lost article. If the ascendant falls in a fixed sign, or in a fixed
navamsa, the article will have been stolen by a near relative. The particular direction

towards which the article is removed should be ascertained by the most powerful planet
found in quadrants at the time of query. In the absence of planets in quadrants the direction
is indicated by the rising sign. In the case of planets the directions will be as follows :- SunEast, Venus-S.E., Mars-South, Rahu-S. W., Saturn -West, Moon-N.W., Mercury-North,
Jupiter-N.E. In the case of signs :- Aries-East, Leo and Sagittarius-S.E., Taurus-South Virgo
and Capricorn-S.W., Gemini-West, Libra and Aquarius-N.W., Cancer-North, Scorpio and
The questions pertaining to each Bhava (house) and how to answer them, have been
detailed in my book Prasna or Horary Astrology with numerous examples.
Example :- On 24th August 1938 at 5-57 pm (Bangalore) a question was put to the author
by a friend who had lost an article. The following were the planetary positions at the time of
Saturn Kethu









Lord of the ascendant is in the 2 (house of wealth). Rising sign is a fixed one. The powerful
aspect of Mars on the ascendant suggests the nature of the person involved as also the
aspect cast on lagna by Mercury and the Sun. The author gave it as his opinion that, if there
were any truth in Horary Astrology, the querist had lost some money that the person
involved was his own employee and that with effort the money would be recovered. The
forecast was exactly verified as upon the clue furnished by the author, the person that stole
the money was discovered and the money itself recovered.

The application of Horary Astrology to idle questions should be deprecated and it should be
applied to affairs of great importance and at times of deep anxiety.
Astrology sank to a low ebb owing to the absurd use made of this branch and it is our
earnest desire that Horary Astrology should never become popular in that sense. By
proper application, astrology may be made of greatest utility to mankind.

It will be seen in the preparation of a horoscope that planetary positions will be fixed in their
respective longitudes. Though the positions of planets in the horoscope are fixed, there is no
stoppage of planetary movements. Planets take varying periods for moving from one
constellation to another and from one sign to another sign; such movements give rise to the
stimulation of radio-active disintegration which on falling on the individual produces psychophysical changes in his character, disposition and surroundings. In predicting Gochara
results the Moon and the birth constellation play a prominent part. The sign in which the

Moon is situated in the birth horoscope is the Janma Rasi. The passage of planets through
certain angular positions from the radical Moon is technically termed Gochara. Such transits
afford a precise and reliable source of prognostication. The Gochara results should never be
interpreted with- out reference to the ruling period and sub-period. Suppose illness is
indicated according to the prevailing dasa and bhukthi; if according to Gochara the period is
likely to be bad then the illness would be of a serious type. The results of the prevailing
dasa and bhukthi should be combined with the effects of Gochara before any predictions are
Gochara (Transits) records the effects of the changes in the positions and movements of the
planets on individual life for any desired time. To read the combined Gochara influence of
the planets at any moment a circle of the zodiac is drawn and the radical Moon's position is
marked in it. Next the positions of all the nine planets are noted and the combined
transiting influence is read.

The following results are produced by the different planets while transiting the different
signs from Janma Rasi (Radical Moon).

The Sun: The Sun transiting through the sign occupied by the Moon (at birth), signifies
change of place; in the 2nd house, loss of wealth; in the 3rd, advent of money and success;
in the 4th, portends dishonour; in the 5th, sorrow. ill-health and embarrassment; in the 6th,
causes ruin to foes; in the 7th, travelling and ill-health; in the 8th, quarrels and
unpleasantness; in the 9th, humiliation and separation; in the 10th, success in undertakings;
in the 11th, honour, health and earnings; in the 12th, quarrels and pecuniary loss.

The Moon: While transiting the 12 houses from her radical position signifies the following
results :- (1) Good disposition and food, (2) expenditure, (3) gains of money, (4) accidents
or ill health, (5) unpleasantness, (6) auspicious results. (7) friendship and gains, (8) trouble
and expenses, (9) intimidation and worry, ( 10) gains and well being, (11) happiness and
pecuniary gain, and (12) misery and loss.
Mars: (1) Sorrow and accidents, (2) loss and expenses, (3) pecuniary gain and pleasure, (4)
trouble from foes, (5) loss of money and illness to children, (6) gain of money, (7)
quarrelling, fatigue, accident to wife. (8) fear and danger, (9) indisposition and expenses,
(10) change and sorrow, (11) acquisition of money and peace of mind, and (12) disease and
falls from elevations.
Mercury : (1) Trouble and servitude, (2) gain of money, (3) ill-luck, (4) good fortune, (5)
poverty and loss, (6) success, (7) illness and vice, (8) pleasure and auspicious events, (9)
misery and worry, (10) comfort, (11) happiness and profit, and (12) expenses and

Jupiter : (1) Travelling and fear, (2) rewards, profits and gain of money, (3) obstacles, illhealth, (4) loss of money and expenses, (5) happiness, birth of children and pleasure, (6)
grief and misery, (7) good health and fortune, (8) danger and dissatisfaction, (9) access to
wealth and risk of losing position and reputation, (10) separation, loss of health and wealth,
(11) profit and success in undertakings, (12) affliction and unexpected troubles and mental

Venus : (1) Good health and pleasure, (2) gain of money and good luck in general, (3)
happiness and pleasant associations, (4) pecuniary gain, (5) happiness and birth of a son,
(6) fear of foes and unexpected expenses, (7) worry, grief and quarrels with wife, (8) good
income, (9) gain of money, apparel and friends, (10) indisposition and scandal, (11)
pleasure and profit, and (12) good finance and peace of mind.

Saturn : (1) Danger and loss of money, (2) sorrow and accidents, (3) gain and prosperity,
(4) expenses, sickness and worry, (5) grief and trouble, (6) happiness and access to
property. (7) mental and physical affliction and great suffering, (8) fear, bad reputation and
worry, (9) loss of money, ill-health and misfortune, (10) loss of wealth, (11) cruel and
access to money, and ( 12) danger, worry and financial strain.
Note :- Regarding Saturn his transit in the 12th, 1st and 2nd from the radical Moon has special
significance as it goes under the technical Dame of Sade-Sati (7 years Saturn) as, to pass
through the three signs, in his usual course it takes 7 years. This particular period is
dreaded by many as highly malefic; unless the ruling period is powerful, the subject of the
horoscope is bound to suffer unexpected miseries. The results produced during Saturn's
transit through the 12th, 1st and 2nd houses may be summarised thus :- quarrels and
misunderstandings, implication, entanglement in litigation, failure of business, restlessness
of mind, change of place, sickness among family members, death of children and mental
worry. One having a good longevity can come under the sway of 7 years Saturn thrice
in his lifetime. During first time most of the above results will manifest; in the second time
no evil results will occur while during the third time the death of the Dative is invariably

Rahu and Kethu: (1) Sickness and fear, (2) loss of wealth, quarrelling and
misunderstandings, (3) happiness and good findings, (4) sickness, danger and sorrow, (5)
financial loss and worry, (6) pleasure and happiness, (7) loss and fear, (8) danger to life, (9)
quarrelling, mental worry and loss, (to) enmity, (11) happiness and acquisition of money,
and (12) expenses and danger.
There are exceptions under which certain planets said to produce malefic effects while
transiting certain houses, do not manifest anything unfavourable at all. All these details are

enumerated in my articles in Vols. 26 and 27 of The Astrological Magazine and also in my

book Gochara or Transits.

Mars and the Sun produce effects during their transit when they are in the first 10 degrees
of a sign. Jupiter and Venus become effective when they are in the 2nd ten degrees while
Rahu produces results throughout the entire sign.

Of the different planets, the transiting effects of slowly moving ones, viz.,
Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are universally held to be most powerful. The triennial influence
may be read from Saturn, the yearly influence from Jupiter, the monthly influences from the
Sun and Mercury, and the daily influence from the Moon. For ready reference the benefic
and malefic positions of planets are given in the following table :Planet

Benefic Signs

Malefic Signs
















1,2,4,5,7,8,9, 10,12



1,2,4,5,7,8,9, 10,12

There are two systems of Astrology in India namely, the Nirayana and the Sayana. The
former traces observations of planets to a Fixed Zodiac, while the latter considers the
Moving Zodiac commencing from the shifting vernal equinox. It is certain that the greatest
Hindu Astrological writers referred to the Fixed Zodiac for predictions. And this fact is borne
out by experience.
The increment between the beginning of the fixed and the movable zodiacs or the
Nirayana and Sayana positions is referred to as Ayanamsa which increases about 50-1/3
seconds every year. Western astronomy is based upon the Sayana system so that it

considers the moving zodiac commencing from the shifting vernal equinox. Thus if we
deduct this ayanamsa from the positions of planets and cusps of the houses obtained
according to the Western system we will arrive at the Hindu positions.
When exactly the two zodiacs were in the first point is doubted by a number of astronomers
and accordingly the ayanamsa processional distance-varied from 190 to 230. I do not wish
to enter into explaining the complicated processes of astronomy at large which centre
attention on the discussion of the exact nature of ayanamsa but merely confine myself to
giving a suitable and simple method of determining the ayanamsa.

First of all, cast the horoscope of birth according to the European manner (See Chapter II)
and convert it into the terms of the Hindu zodiac by the following process :(1)

Subtract 397 from the year of birth (A.D.)

Multiply the remainder by 50-1/3 seconds; and reduce the product into degrees,
minutes and seconds.
Subtract this number of degrees, minutes and seconds from the cusps of the
houses and the planets positions in the European figure of birth and the figure thus obtained
will be according to the Hindu system.
Example :
Determine the Ayanamsa for 1935 A.D.?
1935-397 = 1538 x 50-1/3 = 77412
77412 = 210 30 12
This is the Ayanamsa for 1935 A.D.

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