Hwy Pre Int Unittests 10b

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Unit test 10B

1 Complete the table with the words in the box.

3 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

number waves man news website card

program call deal virus laptop

do make start send play take

1 Could you make me a cup of coffee,

1 point for each correct answer

I havent _________ the housework yet.

They are thinking of _________ a family


Shell _________ us a text to arrange where

to meet later.

Do you like _________ games on your


What research has been _________ so far?

Was Darwin the first to _________ a big

discovery about evolution?

Can you help? The car wont _________ .

My father didnt _________ a business until

he was in his fifties.


2 Complete the sentences with compound nouns from

exercise 1.

We offer great business deals online on many

types of mobile phone.

Have I had any _________ this afternoon?

Yes your wife left a message.

_________ come from many different

sources from television and radio
broadcasts to mobile phones. It is not
clear whether they cause health problems
or not.

Many brands of desktop and _________ are

available online at competitive prices.

We always watch Money News on TV to

catch up on the latest _________ .
1 point for each correct answer

10 Do you usually _________ a size 42?

11 Many people _________ photos with their
1 point for each correct answer


4 Choose the correct options.

The instructions are written / wrote in


Paper was invented / invent by the


Tickets will be sell / sold on the Internet.

X-ray machines are / have been used for

over a hundred years.

Has my laptop be / been repaired?

The electricity supply is / was switched off


The radio wasnt invented / invent by John

Logie Baird.

Wasnt / Were these tickets booked


A six-figure password is required / require

to access this website.


All the computers have been / isnt

infected with the same virus.
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Unit test 10B Continued


Isnt / Arent this book written by a friend

of yours?
1 point for each correct answer


5 Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it.

Who was Amazon found by?

Who was Amazon founded by?

Mobiles often used to take photos.


When is the first text message sent?


My laptop was took from my bag.


Many new recipes have added to my


Was the telephone invent by John Logie


The lights havent be switched off yet.


Were any special effects use in The X Men


Which president were awarded a Nobel

Prize in 2009?


How many iPads were sell in the first two



I was introduce to you at the British Film

1 point for each correct answer


6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verbs in brackets.

Two million of these cars were bought last

year. (buy)

Top physicists _________ on the Hadron

Collider since 2008. (work)

Bill Gates _________ his charitable

Foundation with his wife in 1994. (found)

The boss _________ all employees about

the new arrangements tomorrow. (tell)

All the arrangements for next weeks

event ______ last week. (make)
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Unit test 10B Continued


______ any complaints ______ (receive) by

Google about the blog?

Will you _________ your house next year?


Did you _________ (throw) away

yesterdays newspaper?

I _________ a couple of calls to your

landline yesterday. (make)


This luxury hotel _________ last month.



It says in this book that it _________ (print)

in 1985.
1 point for each correct answer


7 Write the sentences and questions in the passive.

We require more information.

More information is required.

People throw a huge amount of plastic

away every day.

We announced a deal on 14 March 2010.


What kind of things do you store in your


Researchers havent found a cure for

cancer yet.

When did they launch the new web


They predict good weather for this


Engineers made some mistakes in the

construction of the building.

You need a secure password to access

your account.

10 The company will launch a new pocketsized mini-computer.

11 I keep the boss up to date with whats
going on.
1 point for each correct answer


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Unit test 10B Continued

8 Complete the text with the correct active or passive

form of the verb in brackets.

The 1980s race to create a home computer
(1) was (be) the subject of BBC4s Micro Men
a TV drama which (2) _________ (show)
recently. Chris Curry, co-founder of Acorn
computers, and Sir Clive Sinclair
(3) _________ (be) competitors but they were
also close friends.
The creators of the BBC Micro computer (4)
_________ (invite) to the museum to celebrate
the teams contribution to computing in
Britain today. It (5) _________ (attend) by
Micro Men producer Andrea Cornwall and
some of the fantastic stories about Acorn
that (6) _________ (tell) that day inspired the
programme and the writer Tony Saint.
The effect of the BBC Micro on the UK
computer market (7) _________ (be)
enormous. The BBC Micro (8) _________ (lead)
to Acorn developing the ARM microprocessor
which you might (9) _________ (find) in your
mobile phone or iPod.
But we mustnt forget the contribution of Sir
Clive Sinclair, who (10) _________ (create) the
first home computer under 100 and (11)
_________ (sell) millions of machines into
British homes.
1 point for each correct answer


9 Complete the conversations with the phrases in the

How can I help?
Can I speak to Dr Pierce please?
Im sorry but Dr Pierce is out to lunch until
Im afraid his lines busy.
Sorry, who am I speaking to?
Its ringing for you now.
1 A Hello. (1) Can I speak to Dr Pierce please?
B (2) ________________Would you like to
A Yes, please.
B (3) ________________
A Thank you.
C Hello. Dr Pierces office. (4)
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Unit test 10B Continued

A This is Mrs Ferdenzi. (5) ________________
C Im his secretary. (6) ________________

Is it urgent?
Please ask her to call back as soon as she
Will do.
Hello, this is Liv from Petersson Gund.
2 A (7) ________________ Can I speak to Elena,
B Oh, Im afraid she has someone with her
at the moment. (8) ________________
A Yes, its quite important. (9)
B (10) ________________ I hope there isnt a

1 point for each correct answer

10 Translate the sentences.

How many emails do you usually get

every day?

Give me your business card and Ill be in

touch next week.

Its important to be well-dressed when you

go for a job interview.

Interactive whiteboards have been used in

schools and universities for a few years.

My computer froze this morning and Im

worried its been infected with a virus.

I dont buy newspapers anymore I read

the news online.

Do you do any of your shopping online?

She tried to talk to an operator and got an

annoying recorded message.

Do you hate driving in London? It drives

me completely mad!


Id like two large cappuccinos, please.

1 point for each correct answer


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Unit test 10B Continued

11 Complete the conversations with an adjective formed

with well- or badly- and a past participle from the

paid behaved written equipped dressed
1 A

Do you ever read News Today?

Yes, I love it. The articles are so wellwritten!

2 A

Im really happy Ive finally got a

_________ job.
Thats great news. You deserve more
money for all your hard work!

3 A

Where are all the cups and plates?

Hmmm. I dont know. This kitchen is
pretty _________ .

4 A

I cant believe youve never heard of

Loudon Wainwright III. Hes very
_________ .
Well, Bob Dylan is my folk hero.

5 A

Could you cook this steak some more,

please? Its not very _________ .
Certainly, sir.

6 A

Your children are so _________ !

They arent usually so quiet.

7 A

For a wealthy business man, Anthony

is very _________ . His shirt is dirty!
Thats true. And he hardly ever wears
a suit.

1 point for each correct answer



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