LP SCIENCE (Week 1 & 2)

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Lesson Plan in Science V

Date June 13,2016

Code: S5MTIa-b-1
Component: MATTER
Content: Properties of Matter
Sub Content: Useful and harmful materials
Learning Competency: Use the properties of materials whether they are useful
or harmful
Content standards: The Learners demonstrate understanding of properties of
materials to determine whether they are useful or harmful.
I Learning Objective:
Each learner identifies the materials which can be used for the given task.
Values Integration: Keeping ones house beautiful clean and safe.
II Subject Matter:
A. Science Concept/Idea:
Things that are useful to family members for the different activities in the
home are
called household materials.
Materials can be grouped according to their uses
a. Materials used for cleaning the house
b. Materials used in cooking
c. Material for personal Care and Hygiene
d. Materials for carpentry and gardening
e. Materials for laundry
B. Science Processes: Identification, observation
C. Materials:
Picture of different household materials
D. References:
My world of Science and Health 6, pages 124 131
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement
The house is the place we always want to go to. Why? What things are found in
your house?
Are there some things useful in your house? Are there some things harmful as
B. Exploration
Identify the names of the following household materials
feather duster
food condiments
bath soap
dust pans
C. Explanation
Give some materials used for cleaning the house and try to give its uses.
Example: Broom, husks, and dust pans are used for sweeping the floor
Give some materials used in cooking and try to give its uses.

Example: Kitchen utensil such as pans, knives, spoons, forks, cups, etc.
are used as
cooking containers, cutting food ingredients, and as eating utensils
Give some materials used for personal hygiene.
Example: Tooth paste, toothbrush, and mouthwash are used for care of
tooth and fresh
D. Generalization:
Different materials can be classified according to their uses.
There are materials which can be used for different task
E. Application:
The pupils will be group into three. Each group will list down materials
according to
their uses. The most number of listed materials within 3 minutes will win
the game.
Group I:
Materials used for cleaning the house
Group II:
Materials used in cooking
Group III: Materials used for personal hygiene
Match the given material to its uses.
1. detergent
2. disinfectant
3. refrigerator
4. knives
5. perfume

a. for cutting food ingredient

b. for killing germs
c. for body fragrance
d. for preserving food
e. for washing clothes

Draw and label five (5) household materials which are found inside your home
then write its uses.

Total number of pupils who are present: _________
Number of pupils who mastered the lesson: __________
Number of pupil/s who need/s remedial: __________

Lesson Plan in Science V

Date June 14, 2016
Code: S5MT-Iab-1
Component: MATTER
Content: Properties of Matter
Sub Content: Useful and harmful materials
Learning Competency: Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or
Content standards: The Learners demonstrate understanding of properties of
materials to determine whether they are useful or harmful.

I Learning Objective:
Each learner identifies the materials which can be used for the given task.
Values Integration: Keeping ones place orderly and safe to work to.
II Subject Matter:
A. Science Concept/Idea:
Things that are useful to family members for the different activities in the
home are
called household materials.
Materials can be grouped according to their uses
a. Materials used for cleaning the house
b. Materials used in cooking
c. Material for personal Care and Hygiene
d. Materials for carpentry and gardening
e. Materials for laundry
B. Science Processes: Identification, observation
C. Materials:
Picture of different household materials
D. References:
My world of Science and Health 6, pages 124 131
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement
The house is the place we always want to go to. Why? Want things are found In
your house? Are there some things useful in your house? Are there some things
harmful as well?
B. Exploration
Identify the names of the following household materials
washing machine
C. Explanation
Give some materials used for carpentry and gardening
Example: pesticides are used for eliminating pest
Give some materials used for laundry
Example: washing machine is used for washing clothes
D. Generalization:
Different materials can be classified according to their uses.

There are materials which can be used for different task

E. Application:
Enumerate 5 materials used for carpentry and gardening and another 5
materials used for laundry
Name one material which can be used for each given task.
1. for beautifying the house
2. for digging and cleaning the planting area
3. for the nutrients of the soil
4. for soaping and rising clothes
5. for hanging clothes
Go to the different rooms in your house. List down the materials you find in
a. bathroom
b. kitchen
c. dining room
d. living room

Total number of pupils who are present: _________
Number of pupils who mastered the lesson:
Number of pupil/s who need/s remedial: __________

Lesson Plan in Science V

Date ________________
Code: S5MT-Iab-1
Component: MATTER
Content: Properties of Matter
Sub Content: Useful and harmful materials
Learning Competency: Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or
Content standards: The Learners demonstrate understanding of properties of
materials to determine whether they are useful or harmful.
I Learning Objective: The learner can classify the given materials according to their

Values Integration: Keeping ones house beautiful clean and safe
II Subject Matter:
A. Science Concept/Idea:
Things that are useful to family members for the different activities in the home
are called household materials.
Materials can be grouped according to their uses
a. Materials used for cleaning the house
b. Materials used in cooking
c. Material for personal Care and Hygiene
d. Materials for carpentry and gardening
e. Materials for laundry
B. Science Processes:
Identification, observation
C. Materials:
Picture of different household materials
D. References:
My world of Science and Health 6, pages 124 131
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement
Draw your favourite spot inside your house then write a short paragraph about it.
B. Exploration
Read some paragraph that has been written by the pupils.
C. Explanation
What are the uses of the following materials?
a. broom, husk, dustpan
b. food condiments, additives and preservatives
c. toothpaste, toothbrush, and mouth wash
Are this materials useful? Why?
Will you give other examples?
D. Generalization:
Different materials can be classified according to their uses.
There are materials which can be use for different task
E. Values Integration:
Think about this:
1. Which part of the house should be the cleanest? Why?
2. Do we have to buy expensive appliances and materials for the house to keep it
beautiful, clean, and safe?

Classify the given materials according to their uses.




feather duster

bath soap

a. materials used for carpentry and gardening

b. materials used for
c. materials used for cleaning the house and try to give its uses.
d. materials used in cooking and try to give its uses.
e. materials used for personal hygiene.

Explore more on the different materials at home.

Total number of pupils who are present:
Number of pupils who mastered the lesson:
Number of pupil/s who need/s remedial:



Lesson Plan in Science V

Date ________________
Code: S5MT-Iab-1
Component: MATTER
Content: Properties of Matter
Sub Content: Useful and harmful materials
Learning Competency: Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or
Performance standards: The learner uses local, recyclable solid and/or liquid
materials in making useful products.
I Learning Objective: Each learner determines if the materials are safe in the hands of
children or not, and try to describe how they should be used.
II Learning Activity:

Observing Some Materials at Home

What You Need:
Materials/ products commonly used at home, pencil, paper, a chart
What to do:
1. Have a quick assessment of the processed products or materials in your home. Are
they properly stored
or kept?
2. List five processed product/materials kept in each of the following places at home
a. the kitchen
b. laundry
c. bedroom
d. stock room/store room/garage
e. bathroom
3. Classify these materials as:
a, solid, liquid, or gas (S, L, or G)
b. flammable or not flammable (F or NF)
c. poisonous or non-poisonous (P or NP)
d. environment friendly or not (EF or NEF)
e. generally safe to use or needs special procedure is using (GS or SP)
4. Make a chart with seven columns. In the first column, write the names of the
materials. in the second
column, indicate where they are kept. Label the next
succeeding five columns as A, B , C, D, and E.
5. To fill up the last five (A-E) columns, refer to procedure number 4. Write only the
letter .
A = S, L, or G
B = F or NF
C = P or NP
D = EF or NEF
E = GS or SP
5. Compare your answer with those of your classmates.
Conclusion (Answer briefly):
What special materials are commonly used at home? What characteristics are common
to them?

Lesson Plan in Science V

Date ________________
Code: S5MT-Iab-1
Component: MATTER
Content: Properties of Matter
Sub Content: Useful and harmful materials
Learning Competency: Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or
I. Learning Activities:
A. Energizer
B. Reminders
C. Test Proper
Weekly Examination
I Identify the use of the materials below.
1. soap
2. knife
3. television
4. pans
5. paint
II Complete the table below.
6. Stove
7. spoon and fork
8. insecticide
9. hammer
10. sugar
11. water
13. fertilizer
14. toothpaste
15. LPG

liquid, or gas (S, L, or G)

B. flammable or not flammable (F or NF)

A, solid,

C. poisonous or non-poisonous (P or NP)

D. environment friendly or not (EF or NEF)
E. generally safe to use or needs special procedure is using (GS or SP)

D. Checking

Total number of pupils who are present:
Number of pupils who mastered the lesson:
Number of pupil/s who need/s remedial:



Lesson Plan in Science V

Date ________________
Code: S5MT-Iab-1
Component: MATTER
Content: Properties of Matter
Sub Content: Useful and harmful materials
Learning Competency: Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or
Content standards: The Learners demonstrate understanding of properties of
materials to determine whether they are useful or harmful.
I Learning Objective: The learners identify the useful and harmful effects of some materials
II Subject Matter:
A. Science Concept/Idea: Many products or materials which are made in the
factories are commonly used in homes. However, some products will not be safe if
they are not properly used or kept.
B. Science Processes:
observing, comparing and classifying
C. Materials:
pictures, chart
D. References:
My world of Science and Health 6, pages 132 - 150
III. Learning Tasks:
1. Engagement:
a. Review about the uses of different household materials
b. Identifying the material shown in each picture then tell whether they are using it
at home or not.

2. Exploration:

a. Look around the classroom then list down ten materials you can found inside the
classroom then try
to classify each material whether is it useful or harmful.
3. Explanation:
What are the materials that you found useful?
Why do you think these materials are useful?
What are the materials that you found harmful?
Why do you think these materials are harmful?
4. Elaboration:
A. Useful Effects
B. Harmful Effects
( See page 132 133 of My world of Science and Health 6)
5. Generalization:
Some household materials have useful and harmful effects.
Some household materials are beneficial because they are produced with intention
of making the
household task easier and faster to do.

Some products will not be safe if they are not properly used or kept
6. Application:
Raise your right hand if the given material is useful and left hand if it is harmful.
(the teacher will call one of the pupils to explain his/her answer)
On each blank, write U if the effect of the materials is useful and H if the effect is harmful.
______ 1. lead in gasoline
______ 2. soap for cleaning the teeth
______ 3. bleaching agents to clean dirty white line
______ 4. kerosene for cooking barbeque
______ 5. using chemical filters to lessen pollution
Draw the place where you kept the harmful materials inside your house. Write a short
paragraph about it.

Total number of pupils who are present:
Number of pupils who mastered the lesson:
Number of pupil/s who need/s remedial:



Lesson Plan in Science V

Date ________________
Code: S5MT-Iab-1
Component: MATTER
Content: Properties of Matter
Sub Content: Useful and harmful materials
Learning Competency: Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or
Content standards: The Learners demonstrate understanding of properties of
materials to determine whether they are useful or harmful.
I Learning Objective: The learners understand why some household materials become

Values Integration: Handling materials properly

II Subject Matter:
A. Science Concept/Idea: There are some materials that are considered harmful if
not handled
B. Science Processes:
C. Materials:
pictures, chart
D. References:
My world of Science and Health 6, pages 132 - 150
III. Learning Tasks:
1. Engagement:
a. Review about the uses of different household materials
2. Exploration:
Give some examples of harmful materials.
States why you consider these materials are harmful.
3. Explanation:
Why is the use of much additives and preservatives in food harmful?
Why is the use of pesticides and insecticides to get rid of many pests become
Why is the use of chemicals and mixtures harmful?
Why using paint, solvent, and rugby harmful?
Does the use of hair spray harmful? Why?
4. Elaboration:
a. use of much additives and preservatives in food
b. use of pesticides and insecticides to get rid of many pests
c. use of chemicals and mixtures
d. use of paint, solvent, and rugby
e. use of hair spray
(See page 134 136 of My world of Science and Health 6)
5. Generalization:
There are some materials that are considered harmful if not handled
Different materials have different effects on us and to the environment.
6. Application:

Sight some activities one which a useful material become a harmful one.
Write C if the statement is correct and IC if incorrect. Write your answer on the


Different materials have different effects on the environment.

Pesticides pollute our environment.
Paralysis is one result of pesticide poisoning.
Gasoline is highly flammable.
Acid rain helps plant grow.

Briefly answer this question.
How can we avoid the harmful effects of materials to us and on the environment?

Total number of pupils who are present:
Number of pupils who mastered the lesson:
Number of pupil/s who need/s remedial:



Lesson Plan in Science V

Date ________________
Code: S5MT-Iab-1
Component: MATTER
Content: Properties of Matter
Sub Content: Useful and harmful materials
Learning Competency: Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or
Content standards: The Learners demonstrate understanding of properties of
materials to determine whether they are useful or harmful.
I Learning Objective: The learner enumerates the different precautionary measures in
handling some materials.

Values Integration: Caring for the environment

II Subject Matter:
A. Science Concept/Idea: The best way to control the pollution of our
environment is to reduce,
reuse, and recycle materials.
Chemicals filters in industries and pollution control devices
also be used in automobiles and factories to lessen the emission of toxic smoke into
the atmosphere.
B. Science Processes:
C. Materials:
Chart, manila paper
D. References:
My world of Science and Health 6, pages 136 - 138
III. Learning Tasks:
1. Engagement:
Review about useful and harmful materials
Identify the following materials
2. Exploration:
Give some examples of harmful materials.
States why you consider these materials are harmful.
3. Explanation:
As you show each picture of each materials let the learner try to complete
the given guide sentences.
When buying food in the market we should always ________.
Flammable materials should be stored in ________.
When taking or storing medicine we should ________.
Chemical cleaning materials should be stored in ________.
Before plugging on the appliances like television, electric and LPG stoves we
should ______.
4. Elaboration:
Precautionary Measures in Handling and Storing of Household materials
(See page 136 138 of My world of Science and Health 6)
5. Generalization:
Precautionary measures should be observed in handling and storing materials
Waste materials should be disposed of properly. Waste segregation should be

6. Values Integration:
What can we do avoid the harmful effects of materials to us and on the
7. Application:
What will you do in the following situation?
a. When you took some chocolate candies from the refrigerator, you
observed that the
candies are expired.
b. As you entered your room you sensed the odor of sprayed insecticide.
Enumerate five (5) the different precautionary measures in handling some materials
Make a campaign poster against the use of materials that harm the

Total number of pupils who are present:
Number of pupils who mastered the lesson:
Number of pupil/s who need/s remedial:



Lesson Plan in Science V

Date ________________
Code: S5MT-Iab-1
Component: MATTER
Content: Properties of Matter
Sub Content: Useful and harmful materials
Learning Competency: Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or
Performance standards: The learner uses local, recyclable solid and/or liquid
materials in making useful products.
I Learning Objective: The learner understands the effect of some materials on the
II Learning Activity:

What are the effects of some materials on the environment

What You Need:
Jar with sugar
What to do:
Caution: Be careful in handling chemicals. These are very dangerous.
1. Attract ants or cockroaches by putting a little sugar in a jar.
2. Pour insecticide in the jar with the ants or cockroaches.
3. Pour the insecticide on the grass.
4. Record what happens in the table below.
Effects of the insecticide on the environment
Conclusion (Answer briefly):
What are the effects of poisonous materials on the environment?

Lesson Plan in Science V

Date ________________
Code: S5MT-Iab-1
Component: MATTER
Content: Properties of Matter
Sub Content: Useful and harmful materials
Learning Competency: Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or
I. Learning Activities:
A. Energizer
B. Reminders
C. Test Proper

Weekly Examination
A. Match column A with column B. Write the letter only.


a. highly flammable
b. poisonous substance in paints and gasoline
c. can burn our skin
d. cleaning agent at home
e. commonly used but non biodegradable

B. Write YES if you should do it and NO if you should not. Write the answer on
the blank.
______ 6. Keep things in their proper place.
______7. Keep flammable items in a safe place.
______8. Smell and taste any liquid material.
______9. Take medicine without doctors advice.
______10. Label all medicine and other materials
______11. Use substance without reading the label.
______12. Throw garbage in canals and rivers.
______13. Keep harmful materials out of childrens reach.
______14. Eat food with plenty of preservatives.
______15. Separate food additives from poisonous substances.

D. Checking

Total number of pupils who are present:


Number of pupils who mastered the lesson:

Number of pupil/s who need/s remedial:


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