Newsletter November 7-11

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News from Mrs.

November 7-11

[email protected]
Important Dates:
November 10-Veterans
Day Program (9:3010:00am)
November 11-No SchoolVeterans Day Holiday
November 16Thanksgiving Meal
November 18-Progress
November 23-25Thanksgiving Holiday
and Voting

Biblioburro: A True Story

From Colombia by Jeanette Winter

p. 256-277

By Marcia Brown


trudged fetch
Phonics: Long o: o, oa. oe, ow
Grammar: Expanding Sentences
Chapter book/Read Aloud;

Charlie and the

Choclate Factory

Big Cheese
Symone Wilson
Star Student
Jaden Dorsey

Math News
GO MATH Chapter 4
Two Digit Addition
We will continue with
Chapter 4 this week. Students will
find a sum by breaking apart a 1digit addend to make a 2-digit addend a multiple of 10, apply place
value when using a break-apart
strategy for 2-digit addition, and
model 2-digit addition with regrouping. I sent home the HW Ch.
4 packet for practice last week.

By Roald Dahl
We will talk this week
about the upcoming election
and the voting process. We
Gail Gibbons
will read a variety of election
themed books including Duck
*Math words: sum, added, tens,
for President, Grace for
and hundreds.
President, My Teacher for
We will continue taking timed
President, and We the Kids
November 10th addition fluency tests on Tuesday
to jump start a unit on eleceach week. For more practice go to
tions. We will talk about the
candidates and how the
cess works. Some vocabulary
words that we will focus on
are candidate, vote, election,
ballot, president, debate,
A Note from Mrs. Danley...
campaign. democrat, and republican. Students will write
about what they would do if Dear Parents,
Students will begin to collect and bring in canned food items
they were President.

Veterans Day

for our AEEC Food Drive this week. Second graders learned
about why food is collected and what happens to it when it
reaches the East Alabama Food Bank and who it helps in our
community on our field trip last Friday. Students will collect
Read 20 minutes each night
food items from pre-school, K, and 1st graders beginning the
and complete one page
weeks of November 7-11 and November 14-16.
in Math HW packet.
2nd graders will put out posters and advertisements
Monday-Read weekly story.
on the daily news letting students at our school know
Wednesday-Study Vocabuabout the Food Drive. We will count the items collary words/cards.
lected and keep a running collection count. Please
Thursday-Study for Reading
help in our efforts to help our community this holiweekly test and compete
Spelling Practice Test
day season.
Mrs. Danley :)

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