Lesson Plan: TH TH
Lesson Plan: TH TH
Lesson Plan: TH TH
Anticipated problems:
class management: possible lack of attention;
the teacher might need to use some Romanian words, as a last resort solution to
something that the students could find very difficult
Aims: To create a pleasant atmosphere and to relax the students n
To get the students involved into the lesson
Procedure: T Ss 8 min
1. Greetings
2. Informal conversation
3. Check the homework Ss T
The teacher asks the following questions:
Lead in
Aims: To introduce the topic of the lesson
To check the accomplishment of given instructions
Procedure: T Ss 10 min
The T tells the ss that they will watch a short film in which they
will see how the weather could be. Ss T
The T writes the title on the blackboard and while watching/
listening, the T writes the new words related to the weather on the
The students are asked to try to translate the words based on the
pictures in the video.
Activity 1
The T shares some handouts and asks the ss to have a look at the
first exercise. This short exercise is meant to make the students use 2 min
the new words in describing the weather. T Ss
The T elicits ss answers and writes on the blackboard. Ss T
Activity 2
The T asks the ss to look at exercise nr. 2. The purpose of this
exercise is to make students connect pictures with the new words. 7 min
The T asks students to come to the blackboard and to write their T Ss
answers. Ss T
Activity 3
The next activity is meant to make the students remember the four
seasons of the year. They have to complete the blanks with the
correct name of each season. 8 min
The T may ask Whats the weather like in each season?, in order T Ss
to make students correlate information. Ss T
Activity 4
The ss have learnt the months of the year, but they had some
problems with their order. So, the last activity is based on listening 5 min
and putting in the correct order the months of the year. T Ss
They will listen to a song and the T shares some pieces of paper Ss T
with the names of each month. While listening, they have to put
the months in the correct order.
The T evaluates properly the ss activity, encouraging them and
emphasizing their strong skills. 5 min
The T gives homework and dismisses the class.
T - Ss