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This experiment describes a multi-step titration method to determine the concentration of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) through redox and acid-base reactions. Iodide ion, starch, hydrochloric acid and sodium hypochlorite are used to form a colored complex that is then titrated with sodium thiosulfate.

Three reactions occur in the first step: 1) Hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hypochlorite to form hypochlorous acid. 2) Hypochlorous acid reacts with iodide ion under acidic conditions to form triiodide ion. 3) Triiodide ion forms a complex with starch, producing a dark blue color.

The hypochlorite acts as a limiting reagent, determining how much triiodide complex is produced. By titrating this complex with sodium thiosulfate, its concentration can be determined. This value is then used to calculate the initial concentration of sodium hypochlorite in the sample.

The Determination of Hypochlorite in Bleach

Reading assignment: Chang, Chemistry 10th edition, pages 156-159.

We will study an example of a redox titration in order to determine the concentration of sodium
hypochlorite, the active ingredient in commercial bleach.

Safety Note: Safety glasses are required when performing this experiment
Equipment and Materials
50.00-mL buret, 250-mL volumetric flask, 25.00-mL volumetric pipette, pipette pump, 300-mL
Erlenmeyer flask, 10-mL graduated cylinder, 100-mL graduated cylinder, 100-mL beaker, commercial
bleach solution (4-6% hypochlorite), 10% potassium iodide solution (KI), 2 M hydrochloric acid solution
(HCl), ~0.26 M sodium thiosulfate solution (Na2S2O3), starch solution.
An aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is a clear, slightly yellow liquid, and is commonly
known as bleach. Aside from its uses as a bleaching agent, sodium hypochlorite solutions are also used
as sterilizing agents and in water treatment. Industrial uses include agriculture, food, paper production,
and textiles. Sodium hypochlorite is also added to waste water to reduce odors.

The concentration of sodium hypochlorite in bleach solutions can be determined by titration. A desirable
method would be to find a titrant that reacts with NaOCl to form a colored product. But there are no
known titrant-indicator systems that work well. Therefore, we must use a multi-step method to titrate
sodium hypochlorite.

In the first step sodium hypochlorite, hydrochloric acid, iodide ion, and starch are combined to form a
starchtriiodide complex. In this step there are three reactions that take place:

(1) Hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hypochlorite to form hypochlorous acid:
NaOCl(aq) + HCl(aq) HOCl(aq) + NaCl(aq)
hypochlorous acid

(2) Hypochlorous acid reacts with iodide when the solution is acidic:
HOCl (aq) + HCl (aq) + 3I- (aq) I3- (aq) + 2Cl- (aq) + H 2 O (l)

Tridiodide, I3, is a dark red complex. A dark blue complex is formed when triiodide is combined with
(3) I3- + starch [I3- ][starch]
triiodide triiodidestarch
ion complex (dark blue)

The result of these three reactions is that when sodium hypochlorite is present the starch-triiodide
complex is produced. This is useful because the result of these three reactions is the formation of a dark
blue complex that has a concentration that is proportional to the amount of sodium hypochlorite in the

In the next step, the starch-triiodide product is titrated by sodium thiosulfate to form a colorless solution
of iodide, dithionate, and uncomplexed starch:
(4) [I3- ][starch] + 2S2 O32- 3I- + S4 O62- + starch
triiodidestarch thiosulfate iodideion dithionate
complex (dark blue) colorless

If iodide is added in excess to the hypochlorous acid then all of the hypochlorous acid will be reacted,

Department of Physical Sciences Kingsborough Community College The City University of New York Winter 2010
forming the dark blue starch-triiodide complex. The hypochlorite acts as a limiting reagent, determining
how much triiodide is produced. We can then titrate the triiodide-starch complex with the thiosulfate to
determine the concentration of the complex formed. This can then be used to calculate the initial
concentration of hypochlorite.
Safety glasses or goggles must be worn throughout this experiment. Bleach is a strong oxidizing agent
and should be washed from skin. Bleach can also damage clothing. For that reason, take care not to
splash any of the bleach solution on clothing.

300 mL Erlenmeyer 50 mL 25 mL beaker 250 mL volumetric

Flask buret volumetric pipet flask

Students perform titrations individually. Dilution of the bleach (Step 2) can be performed in pairs.

1. Obtain 60 mL of sodium thiosulfate solution using a clean 100-mL beaker. Record the concentration
of this solution on the Data Sheet. Rinse a 50-mL buret with tap water and then distilled or deionized
water. Rinse the buret with a few milliliters of the sodium thiosulfate solution. Fill the buret to just
above the 0 mL mark with sodium thiosulfate solution. Allow a few milliliters to pour through the buret
tip so that any trapped air can be flushed through. Read and record the initial buret level to the nearest
0.05 mL.

2. Perform a 10-fold quantitative dilution of bleach. This step can be performed with a partner and the
diluted bleach shared. Use a clean 25-mL volumetric pipet to deliver 25.00 mL of bleach solution into a
clean 250-mL volumetric flask. Add distilled or deionized water to the mark of the volumetric flask. Be
sure to mix the solution well to ensure that it is homogeneous. The bleach should now be one-tenth its
original concentration and can be used in your titrations. Rinse the pipet with distilled or deionized water
to remove the bleach solution.

3. The titration takes place in a 300-mL Erlenmeyer flask which will be called the reaction flask. Using
the 25-mL volumetric pipet, carefully add 25.00 mL of diluted bleach (from step 2) to the reaction flask.

4. Using a 100-mL graduated cylinder, add about 15 mL of distilled or deionized water to the reaction

5. Using a 100-mL graduated cylinder, add about 20 mL of 10% potassium iodide solution to the reaction
flask. This 10% KI solution should be clear, and not yellow. If the solution is yellow then it is likely


6. Pour about 2 mL of starch solution in a 10-mL graduated cylinder and place the cylinder next to the
reaction flask. This starch solution will be added to the flask later.

7. Using a 100-mL graduated cylinder, add about 20 mL of hydrochloric acid solution to the reaction
flask. Begin the titration promptly after adding this solution to the mixture.

8. Begin titrating the bleach solution with sodium thiosulfate solution. Allow about 23 mL of the
thiosulfate solution to run into the reaction flask and close the stopcock. Dont write the volume down at
this point. Youll be adding more thiosulfate in a few moments. There may be a dark precipitate of
crystals of solid iodine if you are slow in getting to this stage. It should dissolve and react with the
thiosulfate solution by mixing the solution.

8. Add the 2 mL of starch solution from the graduated cylinder to the reaction flask. The color of the
solution should now be dark blue.

9. Continue the titration dropwise with constant swirling until the solution becomes clear. This clear
solution signals the endpoint of the titration. Record the buret volume level in the data sheet to the
nearest 0.05 mL. The contents of the reaction flask may be washed into the drain.

10. Perform two more titrations by repeating steps 3-9.

11. After completing your final titration pour any unused reagents down the drain. The buret should be
rinsed with distilled or deionized water. All glassware should be returned to the appropriate location.

To calculate the molarity of the sodium hypochlorite solution we use the titration volume, molarity of the
thiosulfate titrant, stoichiometry of the reactions, and volume of the sample of diluted bleach solution.

1. Calculate the number of moles of titrant (sodium thiosulfate) for each titration:

moles Na2S2 O3 = molarity of Na 2S2O3 solution x volume of Na2S2O3 solution

2. The moles of hypochlorite are found from the stoichiometry of the reaction with thiosulfate. The
stoichiometry of the equation shows that there are two moles of thiosulfate ion per mole of hypochlorous
acid. Note that the moles of HOCl are equal to the moles of NaOCl and OCl.

H + (aq) + HOCl(aq) + 2S2 O32- (aq) S4 O62- (aq) + Cl- (aq) + H 2 O (aq)

1 mol HOCl
moles HOCl = moles S2O32- x
2 mol S O 2-
2 3

3. The bleach solution that we titrated was diluted by a factor of 10. Multiply the moles of the
hypochlorous acid by 10 to take this factor into account. This will give the number of moles of HOCl in
25.00 mL of undiluted bleach.

Department of Physical Sciences Kingsborough Community College The City University of New York Winter 2010
4. Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is the form of the hypochlorite that is reported on bleach bottles, not
hypochlorous acid. The sodium hypochlorite mass percent is found from the mass of sodium
hypochlorite in 25.00 mL and the mass of the 25.00 bleach solution:
mass of NaOCl
mass %= x 100
mass of bleach solution
5. The mass of the NaOCl is found from the moles of NaOCl and the molar mass of NaOCl:

mass of NaOCl = (moles of NaOCl) x (molar mass of NaOCl)

6. The mass of 25.00 mL of bleach solution is found from its density and the volume (25.00 mL):

mass of bleach solution = density of bleach x (volume of solution)

7. Perform a Q test on your mass percent values and calculate an average mass percent concentration.
How close is your result to the value listed on the bottle?

N 3 4 5 gap
Q* 0.970 0.829 0.710 range
*95% confidence

Observations and Notes

The Determination of Hypochlorite in Bleach


Data Sheet
The Determination of Hypochlorite in Bleach


Table 1: Reagent Data

Brand name of bleach

Density of bleach gmL-1

Volume of diluted bleach used in each titration mL

Concentration of sodium thiosulfate molL-1

Titration Data

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Final buret volume mL mL mL

Initial buret volume mL mL mL

Volume delivered mL mL mL


Moles of Na2S2O3 in titration

Moles of NaOCl in titration

Moles of undiluted NaOCl

Mass of 25.00 mL g g g
of NaOCl

Mass of 25.00 mL bleach g g g


Mass % of NaOCl from


Average mass % of NaOCl

from experiment (Q test)

Mass % of NaOCl from label

Department of Physical Sciences Kingsborough Community College The City University of New York Winter 2010
Calculations Sheet

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