Canara Bank School of Management Studies-Project

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Canara Bank School of Management studies

(Post Graduate Department of Management)

Bangalore University, Central College Campus, Bengaluru-560001

Guidelines for Dissertation

(Under CBCS, 2014-2015 onwards)

Provisions in Academic Regulations

Every student is required to work on a project in the area of his/her specialization and prepare a
dissertation report under the supervision of a Faculty Guide Prior to the actual work, the students
are required to submit a synopsis of the dissertation incorporating the statement of problem,
objectives and methodology to be followed and submit the same to the Directive Head of
Institution. The dissertation must preferably be organization specific but not a macro study.

The dissertation duly signed by the guide and certified by the Principal/Director is to be
submitted in a bound copy and a soft copy to the university at the end of the fourth semester
before the commencement of the semester examination. The dissertation shall be evaluated for
200 marks by two examiners (One of them will be the faculty member who has guided the work
and other will be the external examiner appointed by BOE). A minimum of 100 marks is required
for a pass in the dissertation work. There shall be a viva-voce examination for 50 marks on the
dissertation work. Viva-voce will be conducted by the Board of Examiners / Examiners
authorized by Chairman of BOE. A minimum of 25 marks is a must for pass in the viva-voce
examination. Student has to work for not less than 45 days on full time basis on the dissertation.
There will be no classes during this period.Specific guidelines for the same are given below:


It is a practical, in-depth study of a problem, issue, opportunity, technique or procedure or

some combination of these aspects of business. Typically, the student will be required to define
an area of investigation, carve out research design, assemble relevant data, analyze the data, draw
conclusions and make recommendations. The dissertation should demonstrate organizational,
analytical and evaluative skills, and, where appropriate, an ability to design a suitable
implementation and review procedure.

The students are required to submit a copy of registration forms, synopsis, and progress reports
which is to be send to Director CBSMS at directordissertation

The objective of the dissertation is to help the student develop research ability to apply multi-
disciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to solve the organizational problems.
1. Under this programme, every student is required to undertake a dissertation for a period of six
weeks during IV semester under the guidance of a recognized Faculty Guide.An executive in the
host organization could guide as co- Guide.It must be individual based but not as group project.

2. The dissertation report can be classified into two major categories

(a) Organization research: The students are required to work full time in the organization under
the guidance of an executive who will be the co-guide for the dissertation. The dissertation must
include a certificate from the organization duly signed by the co-guide on the organization
letterhead mentioning the successful completion of dissertation.

(b) Academic research: The students can take any micro problem based on their specialization
stream in consultation with the guide. The topic selected by the students must be approved by the
principal of respective college and Director CBSMS. The college must take the responsibility of
maintaining the quality and authenticity of such dissertation and issue a certificate in college
letterhead mentioning the successful completion of dissertation.

3. On the completion of dissertation, the student is required to submit a report on the work done
to the Head of the Institution through the Faculty Guide before commencement of IV semester

4. Satisfactory completion of dissertation, obtaining 100 out of 200 marks for a report and 25
out of 50 marks in Viva Voce examinations are essential requisites for completing MBA

5. The students needs to study a problem/ issue purely based on the specialization stream
chosen. They are allowed to undertake dissertation work anywhere in India or abroad.

6. The students are required to submit synopsis to the Director CBSMS with minimum of 7-10
pages as per the format (Appendix 2) duly signed by the respective guides and forwarded by the
director/Principle of colleges for approval.

7. The students need to submit fortnightly progress reports.(Appendix 3) .The online submission
of progress report is allowed, a copy of which is to be send to Director CBSMS on the above
mentioned mail id. At the time of presentation, the report should reflect the time and date of
submission which is duly signed by guide and student. The online report should not be sent as an
attachment but as a mail message.

8. The progress report submitted by the student duly signed by the guide will be reviewed by the
POE (Panel of Expert ) constituted by BOE .The POE will review progress reports and draft of
Dissertation, provide feedback, observation and recommend the dissertation for submission .

9. Any exceptions to the guidelines have to be ratified by Department Council of CBSMS on a

written request by the Head of the Institution.
10 The registration of topic, submission of synopsis, Progress report presentation, dissertation
period and submission of Final Dissertation must be completed as per calendar of events.

11 Faculty Guide with PhD should have minimum of 3 years of experience and Faculty guide
without PhD should have a minimum of 5 years experience. Maximum of 10 students are
allowed under each faculty guide.

12. Students shall have regular interaction with the Faculty Guide in order to ensure better
Quality of dissertation. The Faculty Guide shall necessarily approve the research design, tool for
Data Collection etc., He/She is authorized to reject the dissertation if it does not meet his/her
expected standard quality or the guidelines. The Guides should take the responsibility of
maintaining the quality and authenticity of the dissertation and issue of certificate of originality.

13. Any attempt to copy from another (Present or Previous) student or to copy large chunks from
academic or other sources without approximately referencing those sources will trigger the full
weight of plagiarism procedures. University will initiate stern action.

14 In order to avoid plagiarism, the students are required to produce a certificate of anti-
plagiarism from the authority recommended by POE. Similarity index of 25% is allowed.

All the material that relates to the dissertation, including completed questionnaires or tapes from
interviews, should be shown to the guide and be kept by the students until the University has
declared the results. Students are advised not to throw the material away once their dissertation is
submitted, as they might be asked to present it as part of the viva voce before their Dissertation
results are declared.

15. One hardbound copy of dissertations along with soft copy [CD] has to be submitted to
Bangalore University. This has to be uploaded on the website of the institution after the
completion of Viva -Voce Examination

16 The body of the dissertation report must be organized in the following manner.

Cover Page with Title and other details

Certificate of originality from the Student and Faculty

Certificate by Head of the Institution


Abstract [Should not exceed 150 words with five key terms]

Table of Contents

List of Tables
List of Figures

Project report should not be less than 75 pages and not exceed 150 Pages with 12
point Times Roman New Font with 1.5 line spacing.



17. The chapters may broadly be divided into five as follows:

Chapter CONTENTS % of Total Length

1 Introduction 15%
2 Review of literature and Research design 10%
3 Profile of the Selected Organization and Respondents 20%
4 Data Analysis and Interpretation 40%
5 Findings, conclusions and Recommendations 15%

The Chapters mentioned above should have the following subdivisions:

Chapter 1: Introduction: Introduction includes

Industry Profile

Theoretical background of the study

Importance of the topic

Need to study the topic

Chapter 2: Review of Literature and Research Design

Review of Literature and Gaps

Statement of the Problem

Scope of the Study

Objectives of the Study

Hypotheses (if any)


Tools for Data Collection

Data Analysis

Limitations of Study

Chapter 3: Profile of the Selected Organization and Respondents

Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation

Chapter 5: Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Suggestions

Summary of Findings


Suggestions to the Organization

Appendix 2

Format of Synopsis

The synopsis should have minimum of 250 words

The first page carries the Name of the student, Registration Number, and Title of

The subsequent pages should contain:

Title of the study

Need for the Study

Statement of the problem



Sources of Data

Tools for data collection

Plan of Analysis

The synopsis should be neatly typewritten in A4 Size paper with 1 inch margin on all the sides.

This has to be signed by the student and Faculty Guide

Appendix 1

Registration Form

1. Name of the Student :

2. Name of the Organization:

3. Name and details of Co Guide in the Organization

4. Proposed dissertation area : HR/Marketing/Finance/Healthcare /SME/BFIS

5. Proposed dissertation topic :

6. Write a brief note on your topic: (Minimum 100 words)



Students Signature:

Approved or Disapproved If it is disapproved, the reasons for revision


Faculty Guides Signature with date

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