Acharya Bangalore B School: MBA Department

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Acharya Bangalore B School

MBA Department
Guidelines for Dissertation I IV sem MBA: 2020-22 Batch

Every student is required to work on a project in the area of his/her specialization and prepare a
dissertation report under the supervision of a Faculty Guide Prior to the actual work, the students
are required to submit a synopsis of the dissertation incorporating the statement of problem,
objectives and methodology to be followed and submit the same. The dissertation must be
organization specific.

Marks allotted: Dissertation report -200, Pass marks -100

Viva Voce Exams- 50, Pass marks- 25

Timeline of Dissertation:

o Topic finalization: 4th July 2022

o Synopsis submission to guide 6th July 2022

o 1st Progress report to guide 16th July, 2022

o 2nd Progress report to guide 30th July, 2022

o Submission of draft soft copy for plagiarism Check 3rd August 2022
o Soft copy approved by the Guide 6th August 2022
o 3 hard bound copies submission to office 11th August 2022
It is a practical, in-depth study of a problem, issue, opportunity, technique or procedure – or some
combination of these aspects of business. The dissertation should demonstrate organizational,
analytical and evaluative skills, and, where appropriate, an ability to design a suitable
implementation and review procedure.
1. The students need to submit 2 progress reports in soft copy to guide and hard copy attached
to the report (Appendix 3)
2. It is compulsory to apply statistical analysis for the data collected.
3. Students shall have regular interaction with the Faculty Guide in order to ensure better
Quality of dissertation. Guide is authorized to reject the dissertation if it does not meet
his/her expected standard quality or the guidelines
4. In order to avoid plagiarism, the students are required to produce a certificate of anti-
plagiarism. Similarity index of 25% is allowed.

Synopsis of 8-10 pages should be submitted with the consent and approval of your faculty Guide.

Format of Synopsis
Project topic should be stated clearly with concept and variable, objectives should be drawn/ written
from the topic/title.
The synopsis should be minimum of 10 pages
The First page carries the Name of the student, Registration Number, and Title of
The subsequent pages should contain:
 Title of the study
 Introduction to the topic and industry
 Need for the Study
 Review of Literature (minimum 5 ROL) should be recent and relevant papers in the last five
 Statement of the problem
 Objectives of the study
 Methodology and design
 Sampling
 Sources of Data
 Tools for data collection
 Plan of Analysis

The synopsis should be neatly typewritten with 1 inch margin on all the sides.
This has to be signed by the student and Faculty Guide

The body of the Dissertation report must be organized in the following manner.

 Cover Page with Title and other details

 Declaration of the Student

 Certificate by Company

 Certificate by Guide and Head of the Institution (college letter head)

 Plagiarism check Certificate

 Acknowledgements

 Table of Contents

 List of Tables

 List of Figures
 Bibliography/References

 Annexures
Project report should not be less than 75 pages and not exceed 150 Pages with 12 point Times
New Roman Font with 1.5 line spacing.
Chapter CONTENTS % of Total

1 Introduction 15%

2 Review of literature and Research design 10%

3 Profile of the Selected Organization and 20%


4 Data Analysis and Interpretation 40%

5 Findings, Recommendations &Conclusions 15%



The Chapters mentioned above should have the following subdivisions:

Executive summary

Chapter 1: Introduction: Introduction includes

Industry Profile

Theoretical background of the study

Importance of the industry globally, nationally and locally

Need to study the topic

Chapter 2: Review of Literature and Research Design

Review of Literature and Gaps identified

Statement of the Problem

Scope of the Study

Objectives of the Study (not more than 3 or 4)

Hypotheses of the study


Tools for Data Collection

Data Analysis

Limitations of Study

Chapter 3: Profile of the Selected Organization/Industry and Respondents

Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation

Chapter 5: Summary of Findings, Recommendations & Conclusions

Summary of Findings
Scope for further research

MBA Dissertation


Sl. No. Particulars

1 Name of the Student

2 Registration Number

3 Name of College Guide

4 Name and contact no of the Co-

Guide/External Guide

5 Title of the Dissertation

6 Name and Address of the

Company/Organistion where
dissertation undertaken with Date
of starting Dissertation

7 Progress report : A brief note

reflecting ,Number of meeting
with Guides, places visited,
libraries visited, books referred,
meeting with persons, activities
taken up, preparations done for
collection and analysis of data


Signature of the Candidate Signature of the College Guide


Title < Font size Arial Narrow 18-All caps & Bold>

Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of the Degree of<Font Size Arial Narrow 14>



< Font size Arial Narrow 14-All caps &Bold>

By(Font Size 14-Italic)

Name<Font size Arial Narrow 14-Title Case)
Reg. No. …

Under the guidance of

Name of Guide .<Font size Arial Narrow 14-Title Case)
Designation of Guide <Font size Arial Narrow 12-Title Case)
Institution <Font size Arial Narrow 20-All caps& Color Bold)
Bangalore University
2022(Font Size 14)


I hereby declare that “Title of the project” is the result of the project work carried out by me
under the guidance of Name of the Guide in partial fulfillment for the award of Master’s Degree
in Business Administration by Bangalore University.

I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own efforts and that it has not been
submitted to any other university or Institute for the award of any other degree or Diploma or

Place: Name :

Date: Register Number:


[Under The Seal and Signature]

This is to certify that Mr/Ms…………………………………………………

of ……………………… College, has undertaken dissertation in our organization on the
topic ……………………………………… between …………. and ......................... His/Her
Conduct and work is Not satisfactory/Satisfactory/Good/Excellent.



(To be given by the Institution on its letterhead)


This is to certify that the dissertation titled”

--------“is an original work of Mr./Ms. ; bearing University Register Number
and is being submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Master’s
Degree in Business Administration of Bangalore University. The report has not been submitted
earlier either to this University /Institution for the fulfillment of the requirement of a course of
study .Mr./Ms………………… is guided by Mr./Ms. /Dr……………………….. who is the
Faculty Guide as per the regulations of Bangalore University.

Signature of Faculty Guide Signature of Director / Principal /HOD

Date Date
Table of Contents

Chapter Particulars Page No.


Table No. Description Page No.


Figure No. Description Page No.

Bibliography (System of Referencing)

References should be indicated in your dissertation in the following format:


Abraham, K. (2001) The Dynamics of Economic Reforms (Economic Liberalisation and Political
Transformation), New Delhi: McGraw Publishers.

Edited Volume

Aharoni, Y. (2009) “On Measuring the Success of Privatisation”, in Ramamurthi, R. and Vernon,
R. (eds) Privatisation and Control of State Owned Enterprises. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.


Boardman, D. and Vining, S. (1989) “Ownership in Competitive Environments: A Comparison of

the Performance of Mixed, Private and SOEs”, Journal of Law and Economics, April, Vol. 1,
No,32, pp.16-9.
Reports and Gazettes

Asian Development Bank (2008) India: Statistical Abstract 2008, April, 2008, Manila, ADB.

Newspapers and Magazines

Ahluwalia, M. (2003) ‘Some of the criticism directed at the IMF is not valid’, an exclusive
interview, D+C [Development & Cooperation], September, vol.30.


Ministry of Finance(2008) “Privatisation”, Viewed on 06/11/2003 in the MoF Website,

Ram Mohan, T.T. (2004) “Privatisation in China: Softly, Softly Does it”, accessed on
02/10/2010 at

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