An Efficient Technique of Lossless Data Compression: Megha S. Chaudhari, S.S.Shirgan
An Efficient Technique of Lossless Data Compression: Megha S. Chaudhari, S.S.Shirgan
An Efficient Technique of Lossless Data Compression: Megha S. Chaudhari, S.S.Shirgan
An Efficient Technique of Lossless Data Compression
patterns are assigned to a shorter codeword. The less D. Description of the method
efficient codeword is assigned to the others. Based on this Proceeding in raster-scan order, we code each new pixel P3
principle, the codeword table should be constructed to using the intensities of the two nearest neighbors of P that
provide the fixed mapping relationship. Many famous have already been coded; except along the top and left edges,
methods, including Huffman coding [2], run length coding these are the pixel above and the pixel to the left of the new
, arithmetic coding, and LZW[3], have been widely pixel (see Figure 2). We call the smaller neighboring value L
developed, and some of them are further applied in lossy and the larger value H, and we define to be the difference H
compression standards. The FELICS [4], proposed by P. G. L. We treat _ as the prediction context of P, used for code
Howard and J. S. Vitter in 1993, is a lossless compression parameter selection. The idea of the coding algorithm is to use
algorithm with the advantage of fast and efficient coding one bit to indicate whether P is in the range from L to H, an
principle. Furthermore, FELICS presents competitive additional bit if necessary to indicate whether it is above or
coding efficiency in com- parison with other sophisticated below the range, and a few bits, using a simple prefix code, to
lossless compression algorithms [7]. specify the exact value. This method leads to good
compression for two reasons: the two nearest neighbors
III. PROBLEM STATEMENT provide a good context for prediction, and the image model
implied by the algorithm closely matches the distributions
A. Present Technique: found in real images. In addition, the method is very fast,
We can compress Image either Lossy or Lossless since it uses only single bits and simple prefix codes.
compression algorithm using JPEG and JPEG 2000
Many methods, including efficient lossless image IV. METHODOLOGY:
compression system , context-based, adaptive, lossless image
coding (CALIC) and JPEG-LS, have been extensively
Most lossless image compression methods consists of four
developed in this field. Among these methods, the JPEG-LS
main components a selector, a predictor, an error modeler
presents better performance and is further adopted as
and a statistical coder.
lossless/near-lossless standard, but it possesses serious data
Pixel Selector: A selector is used to choose the next pixel
dependency and complex coding procedure that limits the
which is to be encoded, from the image data.
hardware performance in high-throughput applications. The
Intensity Predictor: - A predictor is used to estimate the
efficient lossless image compression system algorithm, which
intensity of the cur- rent pixel depending on the intensities of
consists of simplified adjusted binary code and Golomb rice
the two reference pixels Error modeler. It is used to estimate
the distribution of the prediction error.
B. Title of work: Statistical coder: It is used to code the prediction error using
Implementation and Analysis of Efficient Lossless Image the error distribution. By using an appropriate pixel sequence
Compression Algorithm Using Binary Adjusted Coding and we can obtain a progressive encoding, and by us- ing
Golomb-Rice Coding Technique sophisticated prediction and error modeling techniques in
conjunction with arithmetic coding we can obtain
state-of-the-art compression efficiency. These techniques are
C. Proposed Work: computation intensive. The (ELICS) is a simple system for
Applying image The Wavelet Transform on the Image: lossless image compression that runs very fast with only
For applying wavelet transform on the MATLAB minimal loss of compression efficiency [7]. In this algorithm
Wavelet Toolbox can be used. raster-scan order is used, and a pixels two nearest neighbors
Applying ELICS technique on the pixels: are used to directly obtain an approximate probability
For applying ELICS technique on the pixels we can distribution for its intensity, in effect combining the
develop a MATLAB program by considering following prediction and error modeling steps.
mathematical formulation.
Applying Adjusted Binary Coding (ABC) on in-range Fig 1: Block Diagram of data flow
Again adjusted Coding technique on the for applying
Binary pixels we can develop a MATLAB program by
considering mathematical formulation.
Applying Golomb-Rice coding on out of range Pixels:
For applying Binary adjusted Coding technique on the Fig.2 Illustration of prediction template in FELICS
pixels we can develop a MATLAB program by considering
mathematical formulation. This will be faster and efficient
than the existing JPEG and JPEG-2000
techniques.Development of the proposed algorithm using
MATLAB. JPEG uses Discrete Cosine transform (DCT) and
JPEG-2000 uses Wavelet Transform. By applying the
adjusted binary code and golomb rice code techniques on
wavelet coefficients faster and efficient compression
algorithm can be achieved.
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-1, January 2015
An Efficient Technique of Lossless Data Compression
lossless mode of the JPEG proposed standard while the DWT technique followed by the FELICS algorithm.
obtaining slightly better compression on many images [4]. This experiment is carried out on different class of
images these images are taken the performance of these
Formal description of algorithm techniques is compared on the basis of various image quality
measures such as Compression Ratio (CR), Bits per pixel,
To encode an image, we output the _rst two pixels without Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Inefficiency, Throughput.
coding, then repeat the Here, different types of images are used. Standard images
following steps: like Lenna, Baboon, Man, Woman,Bridge boat. The Lenna
1. We select the next pixel P and _nd its two nearest neighbors image contains a nice mixture of detail, at regions, shading,
N1 and N2. and texture that do a good job of testing various image
2. We compute L = min(N1;N2), H = max(N1;N2), and _ = H processing algorithms. The Baboon image has details and
L. texture information. The Bridge and Boat images have
3. mixture of detail, edges and shading.
(a) If L P H, we use one bit to encode IN-RANGE; then we
use an
adjusted binary code to encode P L in [0; ].
(b) if P < L, we use one bit to encode OUT-OF-RANGE, and
one bit to
encode BELOW-RANGE. Then we use a Golomb-Rice code
to encode the
non-negative integer L - P - 1.
(c) if P > H, we use one bit to encode OUT-OF-RANGE, and
one bit to
encode ABOVE-RANGE. Then we use a Golomb-Rice code
to encode the non-negative integer P -H -1.
The decoding algorithm involves simply reversing step 3,
decoding the in-range/out-
of-range and above-range/below-range decisions, branching
accordingly, and adjust-ing the decoded numbers to obtain the
value of P.
Here, a same image is compressed by three different
image compression tech-niques. First technique consists of
Figure 2 Baboon image compressed using (a) FELICS (b)
FELICS algorithm, second technique consists of JPEG. The
JPEG (c) 2-level DWT+FELICS (d) 3-level
third technique is the proposed technique which consists of
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-1, January 2015
We wish to thank Allan R. Moser of E. I. duPont de Nemours
and Company (Inc.) for his assistance in obtaining
compression and timing data for JPEG lossless mode.
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