Incidence of Retained Placenta in Relation With BR PDF
Incidence of Retained Placenta in Relation With BR PDF
Incidence of Retained Placenta in Relation With BR PDF
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pISSN : 2221-1012
International Journal of Natural Sciences (2012), 2(1):15-20
eISSN : 2221-1020
Incidence of Retained Placenta in Relation with Breed, Age, Parity and Body Condition
Score of Dairy cows
Department of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Rajshahi,
Retained placenta is an economically important reproductive disorder which occurs at the end of the reproductive cycle and has
repercussions on the next. The study was conducted a total 1205 dairy cows from 9 upazila and 4 Metro Thana of Rajshahi during the period
from July 2010 to June 2011. To evaluate the incidence of retained placenta in relation to breed, age, parity and body condition score of
dairy cows. A questionnaire was prepared including information viz. name and address of farmer, breed, age; parity and body condition
score for achievement of the study. The overall prevalence of retained placenta was 13.4%. The influencing factors including breed, age,
parity, body condition score had significant effect (P<0.05) on retained placenta. The highest prevalence was 10.7%, 4.5%, 5.6% and 7.1%
observed in cross-breed, > 3 years age, 1st parity and fair body condition group of cows, respectively. From this study, it might be concluded
that local breed, 3 years but less than 5 years age group, 3rd parity had least risk for retained placenta.
Key words: Incidence, retained placenta, age, parity, body condition and dairy cows.
Int J Nat Sci (2012), 2(1):15-20 Islam et al.
dairy farmer had improved practiced on rearing, health condition the lumber vertebral processes of the
feeding, deworming and vaccination. When the cows cows were used as landmark. The body condition of the
prior to calved most of our farmer fed their animals cows were divided into three classes such as- Group 1:
worm rice gruel and separated from others animal Poor (n=181), Group 2: Fair (n=746) and Group 3:
with paddy straw bedding were used. Good (n=278)
Table 1: The Incidence of retained placenta among
cross and indigenous dairy cows.
33 129 162
(2.7%) 10.7%) (13.4%)
Age- The age cows were determined from birth Statistical analysis:
register and examined by teeth and cornual ring The data were compiled; SPSS program [11] to
reading. After confirmation of age of these cows and analyze the incidence and chi-square method used
then classified as follows- Group I: < 3 years for interpretation of the findings. Retention of
(n=295), Group II: 3- <5 years (n=430), Group III: placenta (retained placenta, fetal membrane or
5 - <7 years (n=291) and Group IV: > 7 years afterbirth) was defined in this study as failure of
(n=189). spontaneous expulsion of the placenta within 12
hours after parturition.
Parity- The cows those gave 1st calf considered as
parity 1 (P1), those gave 2nd calf consider as parity 2
(P2), 3rd calf as parity 3 (P3) and so on.
The overall incidence of retained placenta was 13.4%
Table 2: Effect of age on Incidence of retained which was closer to various researchers and their
placenta of dairy cows incidence were12.6% [12], 10.0% [13] and 8.8% [14] but
differ from results were 7.0% [6], 1.96% [15] and 7.1%
Body Condition Score (BCS) - In order to record the [16]
Retained 54 35 37 36 162
(4.5%) (2.9%) (3.1%) (3.0%) (13.4%)
Int J Nat Sci (2012), 2(1):15-20 Islam et al.
Table 3: The effects of parity on the Incidence of lowest incidence were in exotic and indigenous
retained placenta of dairy cows breed. Age had significance effects (P<0.05) on
68 23 12 26 9 24 162
(5.6%) (1.9%) (1.0%) (2.2%) (0.7%)(2.0%)(13.4%)
% of placental condition
% of placental condition
40 36.3% 21.1%
2.7% 4.5%
2.9% 3.1% 3%
Local Cross breed
Types of Breed
<3 yrs 3 to < 5yrs 5 to < 7yrs > 7 yrs
Figure 1: Graphical representation of percentages of
retained placenta in relation with breed of cows. Age
respectively but similar findings [9, 21, 23] that to 5 years) age and 5 to 7 years of age similar result
influences of retained placenta and the highest and showed by various authors [8, 9, 14, 16, 22, 24] and
Int J Nat Sci (2012), 2(1):15-20 Islam et al.
partially agreed with [25, 26] but they differ in heifer (> and 37.5% for treatment and control group,
3 years) group. respectively; Sarder [8] showed that retained
placenta occurred significantly higher in cows over
6th parity than 3rd parity. Stevenson and Call [28]
Table 4: The effects of body condition score on the reported that retained placenta increases with
Incidence of retained placenta of dairy cows advancing parity except in heifer. Similarly
Saloniemi et. al. [29] showed that the incidence of
25 50
20 40
15 13.2% 30
5.6% 5.8%
4.8% 10
5 1.9% 2.2% 2%
1% 0.7% 0
P1 P2
P P3
P3 P4P4 P5P5 P6
Poor Fair Good
Int J Nat Sci (2012), 2(1):15-20 Islam et al.
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