Annamayya PDF
Annamayya PDF
Annamayya PDF
u: Annamayya in Alphabet
in First Published
May 2015
Published by
Amaravadi Subrahmanya Deekshitulu
Plot No. 61, Flat No. 5,
Siddartha Apts., Siddartha Nagar
Hyderabad - 500 038.
Cell : 09393021360
Annamacharya's Sankeerthanas in
Price :
alphabetical order
[keertanas in Devanagari Script & Telugu] DTP & Printing
(Bhavamruta in English) Devanagari : M.V.S.V. Nagendra
By English : K. Murali Krishna
Amaravadi Subrahmanya Deekshitulu 9848 51 51 09
III Annamayya in Alphabet IV Annamayya in Alphabet
For example in the Vowel consonant combinations : In this endeavour, many of my friends helped me. I
owe my grateful thanks to Dr. B.V.S.R. Murty for the help
in the word ' zuut Ng' in keertana number given to me in preparing this book, Annamayya in Alphabet
'14', line 3 ' ' should be pronounced as 've' in the word
z in the present form. My sincere thanks are also to Sri M.V.S.V.
Nagendra for doing the perfect D.T.P. work in Devanagari
'very' and 'Nz' should be prononued as 'ko' in the word
script and to Sri Murali Krishna for his DTP work in english. I
'KOREA'. Like wise in the word 'zt'z in the same keertana fail to do justice if I do not thank Sri M.V.S.L.N. Murty and
line 3 'z' should be pronounced as 'va' in the word 'vacant'. Chandra Pavan for their valuable suggestions in preparing
'z' as 'la' in 'lane'. In the word 'ututz' (in the last line of this book.
this book is being rendered into english for the benefit of the Dedicated to the memory of
non telugu-knowing people. In this book the original
sankeertanas are presented in devanagari Script (as most of
the people in India know that script) and the commentary in
english language. To the best of my knowledge no such book
is available on this subject.
u uYN 18. Zy Zy 35
19. \ufl ufl 37
About this book 20. g
gzY 39
Foreword 21. oT u yN 41
Prayer 22. t\ Tuu 43
T: - {u
ym ym Oh! Srimannarayana, Srimannarayana,
ym y ytz m @@ ym @@
N oyQN Nuo
N u Nzqm We seek the protection of your auspicious Feet.
Nuo TgT y-
N y tNz z m @@ ym @@ For the lotus face of Kamala (The Goddes
zuT \Tz y- Lakshmi) You are like SUN (who blossoms lotus). You
n m y- are her beloved. You are lotus eyed. You are benevolent
uoNbuTutztz m @@ ym @@ to BRAHMA seated in the lotus. You travel on
~# 'GARUDA' (the kite). Oh! KAMALANABHA! (who
~QO : o has lotus in the Navel!) we seek the protection of your
N=<fl~} N=<fl~}
N=<fl~} h N^" ~} IIN =<fl~}II lotus feet.
H= f=YH= H=` Oh! the benevolent to great Yogis! (the ascetics!)
H= H=H}
H=#` Q~_Q=# N- Oh! unreachable even to gods! Oh! Paramatma! (the
H=< h ^H=" ~} IIN =<fl~}II supreme soul!) Oh! Paramanu roopa! (the smallest of
~=y [# Q^ N- the smallest!) Oh! the God of TIRUMALA Hills! we
~=~+ ~`~
seek your auspicious blessings.
~=` ~=}~ N-
u~"OH@yi^" ~} II N =<fl~}II
XVII Annamayya in Alphabet XVIII Annamayya in Alphabet
1 Annamayya in Alphabet 2 Annamayya in Alphabet
T: - b F| XXIX/196
_ > "#~, OH~k ^`
`_< ~=} [O ^~= Q
4 F|ogz VgyogzNTyg "_H` `^q Q_# +H "H
F|og Yzu Yzozu{ T @@ F|ogz @@ ~_ *_ O# " #^# IID`_II
Qtmt Qgog zz _q O` QK O^Q ^#O`
EtT uzMN zz H_QOK# =
u Ng Yzo uYz _H N"OH>_ =~=eK
F{ uymuuNXYz N[ @@ F|ogz @@ J_i `~H |" W^ ". IID`_II
Ng zcz , NNm|ut t{n
ozgz m \z t TzYz
F| F|og z V
zgNoz yotzu Tgz N zMNz (Lord Rama is none other than Sri Venkateswara.
Annamayya describes Lord's several valourous acts extoled in
F|g \zg{ u zz zz @@ F|ogz @@ Ramayana)
gu o TYz tT tozu This Lord Venkateswara is Raghu Rama himself, the
NzgNTYz N undaunted warrior. His heroic deeds are innumerable.
zgN yNbzg{ uXYz He made the demons KHARA, DOOSHANA and their
Egu oN { Ftz zz @@ F|ogz @@ followers into minced meat in the DANDAKA forest. His marvelous
skill in killing valiant VALI (who defeated Ravana) with a single
arrow is a miracle. He got the cause-way built across the Sea to
~QO : <@ D enable his army of monkeys to reach LANKA. He gave
VIBHEESHANA the kingdom of LANKA to rule permanently.
D`_ ~~=_` _HOQ g~_ He organised the great army of the monkeys. He killed
~`_ K# K`xfl< Q= IID`_II RAVANA, KUMBHAKARNA and all other demons to win the war.
Happily united with Sita Devi, he merrily travelled to AYODHYA on
Y~^+}^# YO_`O_= PUSHPAKA and ruled the Kingdom of KOSALA.
J~^Q "e<H =# << He protected the whole world with his benevolent rule. He
~q HO_ K` =^= |OkOK had two sons KUSA and LAVA who were equal to him in all
W~" qc+}xHK OH~[= IID`_II respects. He continues to protect us even now as Lord
Venkateswara from Tirumala giving us countless boons. As Taraka
Brahma he bestows on us the MOKSHA.
9 Annamayya in Alphabet 10 Annamayya in Alphabet
T: - Q G V/92
` e@ K` #yOKH
= x_~ "=
5 GST zcz z Yz- H=@# HO_ u=x
zSTyutz uz @@ GST zcz @@ <# u@~~= IILQ "@~II
Ngzu zN Tty-
zgYNz z
ozugNzug T ozT tyz
G GSTzc z
ugNzug uu z @@ GST zcz @@ (Upto the early days in the twentieth century, mothers
used to give to the babies a the mixture of brest milk, casteroil
Y cN u- and some other medicinal powders in the mornings for some
zN z months to help improving their digestion. This is called
Egz N utyzz "UGGU" in Telugu. The babies generally refuse to swallow
zt uoz z @@ GST zcz @@ it, because of its taste and odour. Yasoda's efforts to make
Krishna drink Uggu is described in this Keertana.
oz ub Yzo uTYN
ugz z Annamacharya describes in this Sankeertana the
feelings of YASHODA while giving Uggu to Krishna)
Nzb Ng uou
z uocNz @@ GST zcz @@ YASHODA is urging her associates to hold the baby
KRISHNA when he was pushing off her hands to drink UGGU.
~QO : Y= L All the Brahmandas are in the womb of this baby
krishna. Hold him so that he will not move otherwise the
LQ "@~ "= K Brahmandas in his womb may get disturbed. The hot "UGGU"
wx^ t "= IILQ "@~II will spill on him when he moves forward and backwards so
H_x H= Q^b rapidly. So hold him tightly to prevent the mishap.
<_K~ "= Do not lift him. He is a small baby. His mouth is not big
`_H_ ~Q# `Q n~ like yours to swallow all that "UGGU" in one gulp.
=_H_ eq "= IILQ "@~II
Girls! please do not handle him so roughly. Please put
K =@H #fl x him in the cradle and gently swing it. Do not call him with
#~ "`~= harsh words, even with love, because he is none other than
JC_ H= #kg<~< "KONDALA TIMMA" (Lord of Seven Hills)
"^ u~ "= IILQ "@~II
11 Annamayya in Alphabet 12 Annamayya in Alphabet
H~O| H@"H_y#C_ Q^
T: - T{ H II/104
6 HNz tzN Gozo Q =~O| Nix=Q *z#Q^
i `# [#"_ H_@ IIT~HII
tzuuN \ YzNzb @@ HNz @@
`# O` =`^Qe#C_ Q^
ozu uYo-tubg Tt xQ#fl `# K^=e~OK@
Eut{- nq{b Z#x N"OH>fi~x ^O|
N t|t - TguYg Tt `# #a# Q^^i*i =#@ IIT~HII
oNz zq - oN \zgb @@ HNz @@
N Nbz - NuguTg Tt H HNz tzzN
u|r - zzb (Sadhana required to obtain Moksha is described in
yuu - T \zuTt this Keertana.
Nu| o \zMNg NzMNg{b @@ HNz @@ Can any one get the eternal bliss (Ananda of Moksha)
without hardwork (Sadhana). One has to understand first,
o onz - tTug Tt the implications of such "Sadhana" and work hard. Then only
uTz o Yt - uuYb one achieves success (MOKSHA).
Lzu y Nbzu t Only when the mind ceases to pursue the worldly
oN u Tt - tu\zu b @@ HNz @@ thoughts, "The God Almighty" appears in his vision. Only
when one is free from the contamination of arrogance in
mind, he is capable of obtaining the most desired fruit of
T~H ^~< L#fl`#fl` Y= Only when one washes off his mind free from desires,
~O| ^eH [= KH#@ IIT~HII the "Pure Wisdom" (sacred knowledge) dawns. Only when
one learns the secret of getting the protection of Lord Hari,
`e zO`^\#C_ Q^ he achieves the highest reward of his birth, namely the Love
for God.
Only when peace of mind touches one's heart, one gets
H+O ^~^=Q_z#C_ Q^ the fruit of his learning and the uncomparable "SEVA"
`H#fl "HO|`# * _@ IIT~HII (service) of Sri Venkateswara becomes his nature; then he
lives at the feet of the Lord.
13 Annamayya in Alphabet 14 Annamayya in Alphabet
T: - yT Ez IV/327 F ~q Q} F ^#*O`H
=~H =u =uQ
11 Ez n\ Ez Vg ^~} q#` `#^
T uTuoT @@ Ez n\ @@ Q~qOx@ HeyuQ IIF =<`[II
Ez og GtY u- F ^=Y~ F "OH@u
|N u\| ^~~ _
tz zuY ozTN ubz D ^=` WxflH=
ubz YubuoT @@ Ez n\ @@ h ^"H xezuQ IIF =<`[II
Ez u Tm Ez t\oN Ez Ez n\
zN uo uuoT
(The valour and wisdom of Hanuman, a great Rama
tm uo ot Bhatka is described in this Keertana)
Tuub NuuTuoT @@ Ez n\ @@ Oh! Vayuputra! Oh! Invincible warrior! Your super
natural powers and wisdom astonished each and everyone.
Ez tQ Ez zNbuo-
Oh! Hanumanta! you have set one of your feet on
tz Ng Udayachala (the mountain where the SUN rises) and the
F| tzoz FuzN other on Astachala (the mountain where the sun sets) and
raised your body to the height of the path of the sun to learn
y tzzMN uuuYuoT @@ Ez n\ @@ "VEDAS" from him. By this act, you exhibited your courage
and (the extent of) your guts.
Oh! Ravigrahana! In your child-hood, mistaking the
~QO : N~QO F 'SUN' for a fruit, you jumped into the sky to grab and eat the
SUN. You killed numerous demons in Lanka and elsewhere,
F =<`[ F #_ while discharging your duties in the service of Sri Rama.
Your unimaginable valourous acts (such as burnning Lanka
#Q ~yuQ IIF =<`[II and warning Ravana) are unparallel. Seeing your valour,
F #=O`_ L^K x strength, speed and wisdom, "Garuda" and others accepted
your superiority and respected you.
~fiH x[~fi| Oh! the destroyer of pride of Ravana! Oh! adorer of
^= "z# `Q= x@= the lotus feet of Venkatapati! you made your body as the
q@= K\uQ IIF =<`[II Lord's chariot.
23 Annamayya in Alphabet 24 Annamayya in Alphabet
T: - u| Num V VI/71
=O^~^~_x =^=_x Q
16 Vuzug wuo NgT qO^x _~ "^e^
Nu zo NTT YzTz @@ Vu @@ #O^ =[=# #Q_ <=
=O^ =Oz~== II=xII
ym|gu y\qgu
u uo gzz "OH@ux "^x_x
utNY NT OH[<x _~
zu zT fiXYY YzzTz @@ Vu @@ JO K`# J~ ~=O|
aOH =@ |$O^=#=# II=xII
tgu gu Tz-
utu gzgz ztutz
t \ Tg
V Vuug uo
t z uY @@ Vu @@ (This Keertana describes the grandeur of "Nanda
Vraja" where Sri Krishna spent his childhood)
Nbuou ztugu The butter heated in big vessels in every house
N\u gzgz produced a unique boiling sound like that of 'SRUTI' in music.
EN Yzo E The Gopikas sang melodiously describing dark
uN b wt @@ Vu @@ complexioned (Neela Varna) and Lotus-eyed (Neerajaksha)
Bala Krishnas milking the cows, collecting milk in big vessels.
Churning curds, the Gopikas sang engrossed in thoughts
~QO : ifi H} of Krishna, unaware of the surroundings.
The Gopikas sang the songs describing krishna as
=x_ $u _Q# Mandaradhara, Madhava and Govinda, and his going behind
H=x <` HQQ KQ II=xII the herds of cows and calves in the forests of Nandavraja.
Producing captivating sounds of the ornaments worn
h =~_x h~*_x
by them, Gopikas sang describing this kid krishna as
x #u= _~ Venkatapati, the Veda Nilaya (treasure of Vedas) and
^K# # HQ Pankajanabha.
e ~Q `KK K~Q II=xII
33 Annamayya in Alphabet 34 Annamayya in Alphabet
T: - Q g II/374 g g
20 gzY gz z gz @@ gzY @@ (In this cradle song the Lord's Dasavataras are
y N| wTuo Eo
tz Tm{z my \N @@ gzY @@ Oh! Sri Hari! Let me move (swing) your cradle. Let me
swing your cradle.
Nwm Eo
Oh! the enemy of demons! The source of valour! The
T T T \t m @@ gzY @@
protector of mother earth! The Father of cupid (Manmatha)!
tm(om) NuuN tu Eo You have taken the incarnation of the Fish (Matsyavatara)
y(y)mz Tzmz y NbuTu Nb u to take back 'Vedas' stolen by 'somaka' demon; the Tortoise
@@ gzY @@ (Koormavatara) to lift Mandhara mountain to facilitate
churning the ocean for Nector (the Amruta); the Boar
(Varahavatara) to restore earth after killing demon
~QO : Y= _ Hiranyaksha; the narasimhavatara to kill Hiranyakasipu and
protect his son Prahlada.
Oh! Syamalanga! Ranganatha! Protector of Gajendra!
g# ~ =~ =$Qu J=`~ Murari! You have taken the incarnation of Vamana to punish
^#"~ Q}~ ^~} ^~ =~[#H II_OKII 'Bali'; Parasurama to kill evil kings; Dasaratha Rama to
protect sages by killing demons like Ravana; Sri Krishna to
"=# ~= ~= =~H$+ J=`~
free the earth from evil acts of proud kings.
=OQ ~OQ ~OQ =[=~^ =~~} II_OKII
Oh! seerapani! (Balarama), Gosamane! (Protector of
^~}(`~}) |^ HeH ^q^ J=`~ Cows), Lord of Venkatagiri! You have taken the incarnation
j ( )~} Q=} N "OH@yi @ x II_OKII of Bhagavan Buddha to establish peace; Kalki to put an
end to the evil acts of crooks. Thus you protected dharma
on this earth by taking Dasavataras.
41 Annamayya in Alphabet 42 Annamayya in Alphabet
T: - u V/227 _K Q` ~ H
=_ HOQ x^ =O##
27 ug uuuY u oz ug _` (?) =^ =oOz #\
tgTyg z tzuY @@ ug uuuY @@ `_^OQ =K ^|z II|O_ qizII
zT z u z- Q We Kz
uXYuY Ng H_# H_Q_
z t u tYNu ~< "OH>_ W^
tztT z tzuY @@ ug uuuY @@ `e\ ^OQ =K ^|z II|O_ qizII
gY Tzo { zN- ug uuuY
ug NT u
ug o uuY uc (In this Keertana Annamacharya describes how the
Gopis sang praising Krishna's smart childish acts in covert
ozgNtT XYz tzuY @@ ug uuuY @@ and suggestive language)
Tzzz Fu Yzu Oh! Gopis! beware of this mischievous "devil". He
Nzug NzgzTg broke the 'cart' when he was just a baby. He did countless
zu Nbzg Ftz mischievous deeds while playing with other children.
ozuub tT z tzuY @@ ug uuuY @@ This trickster stealthily ate butter and curds in our
houses, acompanied by his friends. This "Chief of Thieves"
never gave scope for anyone to know about his acts while
~QO : ^< | playing this mischief. So beware of this mischievous "devil".
This mischievous boy approaches sleeping damsels,
|O_ qiz #fl ` <_ lies in their bed and opens the knots of their saries. Beware
of this cunning 'devil'.
^O_w_ =K ^|z II|O_ qizII
This passionate boy enters the houses and indulges
~Q "#fl =# " in amorous acts with the young girls. This mischievous boy
=~=zeOK =H_ is none other than Lord Sri Venkateswara, in the incarnation
of krishna. This God is known for stealing the hearts of
"~=# ^# q^= ^Kx "Bhaktas" from times immemorial. That is why beware of
^~^OQ =K ^|z II|O_ qizII this mischievous 'devil'.
55 Annamayya in Alphabet 56 Annamayya in Alphabet
T: - uN I/410 zx "#fl~=`_
|K# "# ~~=`_
28 uMo Nzut gz - ng |K Ku"~Q~=`_
uMo uMo tz u - u ng @@ uMo @@ WKHk "_ ~ ~=`_ IIHII
uc u Yz uh - ng x `@~=`_
c ub - ng e~OK xO^iH ~=`_
cTub zT - ng |eq N"OH\k ~=`_
Lcztbz - ugtz ng @@ uMo @@ Zq r= }g~=`_ IIHII
uXYzu z - ng
XYz u - ng uO Nzut gz
XY YzuozT - ng (In this Keertana Annamacharya describes the
FXYNzut g z - y ng @@ uMo @@ greatness of Paramatma and identifies Sri Venkateswara
with Paramatma)
Nzu ozb - ng Paramatma is attainable only by uncompromising,
uuY utuuN - ng persisting and undivided "Bhakti". In this world, paramatma
only can grant us prosperity the Bhakti as well as redemption
uu y Nbu - ng (the Mukti) from samsara.
Lu \y m - y ng @@ uMo @@ For Bhaktas, Paramatma becomes a child for showing
their affection. For them, he only is the worldly prosperity
and the bright day light. He is always before them. That is
~QO : ~=H Paramatma, the Almighty.
Paramatma is all pervading like the Butter in fresh
H Hk "_~=`_ (Raw) Milk. He has no form. He knows everyone's devotion
H =H ^< ~K q ~=`_ IIHII to him, just as a touchstone judges the quality of Gold. He
exists as Antaryami and reveals himself as per his wish in
\ # "i K a_~=`_ any form.
|@ |\ ^#=~=`_ Paramatma is the essence of the wisdom expressed
in Vedas. He grants the wishes to his Bhaktas according to
@Q\ "Q~=`_ their deservedness. This Paramatma is none other than Sri
Venkateswara who is the 'Supreme Power'. He exists in all
Z@^@< =<fl_^ ~=`_ IIHII living beings. This is paramatma, the Almighty.
57 Annamayya in Alphabet 58 Annamayya in Alphabet
T: - EzuT I/196
\g{ uc
29 \g{ uc \u zuuY
Eut t:Q tz @@ \g{ @@ (In this Keertana Annamacharya advises man-kind to
\czg NgN{ Yzu Yzb Yzu serve Lord of Venkatadri instead of indulging in futile activity
and serving men)
czg NubN{ uou
uc YzubNz zu zuc A man who serves another man for his livelyhood
uc b tzg T @@ \g{ @@ undergoes great suffering all the time. Having born as a
Etuz uc Etuz zuuT man, what is the good in leading such a life.
Etu b o{
Just to fill his 'stomach' man indulges in many
Et{ y Nby zuuY
Etu t Etzb T @@ \g{ @@ undesirable activities or beg for his food. He spends all the
time thinking about the worldly ways to achieve his goal.
~QO : Jy = Hankering after such ways of live, he finds it impossible to
get out of them. Such is the life of the unfortunate man.
=#A_ \ =#Ax qOz
J#k#=# ^Y =O^< II=#A_II Man repeatedly takes birth in several wombs in different
A>_ H_H K~x K@ Kz bodies and grows and perishes. In stead why not he serve
>_ \H |u=e the charming Lord Venkateswara. By serving him, one will
\# K\H ~e =# "\ be free from this mess and confusion and obtain the
=\ O@= =^<~_ Q# II=#A_II unattainable Moksha.
JO^i \ JO^i iy
JO^i ~= @ `<
JO^"# N"OH\n qOz
JO^~x ^= JO^#@ Q# II=#A_II
59 Annamayya in Alphabet 60 Annamayya in Alphabet
T: - Q IV/45 [QuH h ^ [" OH}
lyh OH} "~=
30 ruo| rNo| rzMo uub Q@# ##fl <_ =#= @
rut ub y{ gz @@ r @@ JQ }f~= Ja+H =O^" II[II
uuNY \yN m{ yN "^= `z# N"OH> <= h
uuo m uoe z zz "^ =O`= *qk =
~ ^ h ^"# ==QK@ H~
uuT \ut TYzug NzN "^=i" ~O^ qK LO_" II[II
u y uo| muYz @@ r @@
\TuouN y t \z zqm
ruo| rNo|
(There are many forms of worship of God in the HINDU
u\uTyN zqm z RELIGION. Some of the religious rituals performed in worship of Lord
Venkateswara are described by Annamayya in this Keertana. The
Tb zg zbN paradox in performing the rituals in yajnas and in puja-vidhi are deftly
pointed out by him in the following stanzas)
ET loys| EuzNtz @@ r @@ At the outset he praises Lord of Tirumala, who takes several forms
connected with performance of "Yajna" (Ritual of sacrifice).
zt ozuXY yNbz z yN Oh! Venkateswara! you are the "Yajna Murty" (Personification of
ztfi \uu zz Yajna). You are the "Yajna Karta" (Performer of Yajna). You are the "Yajna
Bhokta" (the one who enjoys the fruits derived from "Yajna", you are
y tz y t{ TYb NzN also the "Yajna-phala Roopa" (the form in which the fruits of Yajna are
ztuo|{ utz uXYzu Ggz @@ r @@ received by the performers). Is it not that you only take all these forms
connected with "Yajna"!
A carefull scrutiny of the "Sastras" reveals that you are the life
~QO : Y= (chaitanya) in all the living beings (Jeevas). So, we do "Pranapratishtha"
to activate your presence in the idol so that you accept our 'puja' with
love and protect us.
[=i [H~ [H qxfl\#
Gangajal (the water of River Ganga) which emanates from your
*k ~ q@ h" =O_" II[II feet is sprinkled on the "Jeevas" in this world to cleanse them from their
sins. However we bring sacred water from several teerthas (places), to
iHOK r= }="# h perform "Abhishek" to you, with great pomp and sprinkle that water on
us as Ganga water itself.
x~u } u+ <= =
Oh! Sri Venkateswara! you only gave us the vedas. We, your
=iy = [Ok == QK_ H~ servants, perform your Pooja invoking those "vedic mantras", and pray
to you to protect us. You are the "veda murty" who is present here in
ih =i }==OK" II[II front of us. What a paradox!
61 Annamayya in Alphabet 62 Annamayya in Alphabet
T: - z q XXIX/295
K~} H= H ~O~
x~`=Q =` h~[#O
38 qyu NNN y ufluNu Jik [#O|# Ju= x[<aHx
y\N y\ @@ qyu @@ x~u <<=~ h~[#O IIH~aII
Q@ N"OH> @~}
\\uq zN \ NYN <Q_ uH# h~[#O
zNz N y\ [Qu #"OQ KH^#=H
zum oN oNN
Euz xQ_ x[ # h~[#O IIH~aII
u umM y\ @@ qyu @@
Ym uNN uN zN
q qyu NNN
(In this Sankeertana Annamacharya praises Devi
uoT z y\ Alamelmanga's beauty while offering her the "Nirajanam"
Euut \VN Euo u\uuNu (adoration by waving lights before her idol). Alamelmanga is the
incarnation of Sri Mahalakshmi, the consort of 'Vishnu' whose
uuo m| y\ @@ qyu @@ incarnation is venkateswara on earth in Kaliyuga).
Tb yNbz c um{ I offer 'Neerajanam' to Devi Alamelmanga, none other than
'Sri Mahalakshmi' who is born to the "Ksheerabdhi" (ocean of milk)
zTg uoNppN y\ and occupied the heart of 'Sri Mahavishnu'.
\Tuo zT YtNz I offer NIrajanam with camphor light to lotus eyed
Alamelmanga's face and shapely bosom. I also offer Nirajanam in
uTg u\ z y\ @@ qyu @@ a plate studded with diamonds to her dark coloured braided hair
beautifully tied up into a knot and to her delicate "anjali" (joined
~QO : "# H hands resembling a Lotus).
I offer Nirajanam in a plate decorated with pearls to her feet
H~a H#H N=H Hx as delicate as "twigs" of a tree and to her 'thighs' resembling the
trunks of plantain trees, regularly. I offer 'Nirajanam' of different
h~*=# h~[#O IIH~aII colours of light to her 'waist' and 'Navel'.
[*H "=# [= KO| I offer "Nirajanam" to the brightly shining ornaments and all
<H#fl H~ h~[#O the grace present in Almelmanga, the queen of Sri Venkateswara.
There is no beauty in this world which she does not posses. I
Je"} `~=# H=O|# finally offer this auspicious "Nirajanam" to her splendid grace.
x= =}H= h~[#O IIH~aII
77 Annamayya in Alphabet 78 Annamayya in Alphabet
T: - u r II/148 `n Q~^~_ qz
40 rr yTuo zq H^n~ ^fi=#O_O| "\
s| uz - gz Tg @@ rr @@ ^ N "OH>x@ `H= K
Wk" fi~ nH~K# =Q~_ II*#[II
Eu tzzub - Tz
{ Er - uuY r rryTuo zq
Nu {S - N TzuNzu (Yajna is a "ritual" prescribed in the "vedas" to propiciate a "Devata"
z ruTz - zuYz Tg @@ rr @@ to obtain some worldly (Iha) and other-worldly (para) benefits. Different
"Yajnas" are performed in favour of different Devatas. Animals are
zMNY {mz - u Tgzuc sacrificed in these rituals some times. The benefits accrued by performing
YzMNY y toys| - z uuY these sacrifices are temporary in nature. However there is another kind
of "Yajna" called "Jnanayajna". In that Yajna, a person receives Jnana
YMNT Nyo| - T Yzu (knowledge) by the benevolance of his "Guru". Singing the names of
uMNoz rz z - uYzz Tg @@ rr @@ God with devotion will result in attaining 'Moksha'. In this Sankeertana
Annamacharya offers his oblations to the Vaishnava Guru "Sri
oty Tt - zguuXY Ramanujaacharya" for the guidence received from him in this connection.)
Nztty - Ng zuc My Guru taught me the secrets in performing my duties to acquire
ztz y Nbz - ub nq Yzz the four-fold purusharthas with 'Moksha' as final goal.
Futz tyq - uXYz Tg @@ rr @@ My Guru has taught me to consider this physical body as the
'Yagasala' (the place of sacrifice) and the ignorance as the sacrificial
~QO : ^< [ animal. This animal of ignorance should be cut into pieces with the sword
of detachment and sacrificed in "Jnana-Agni".
*#[ gQu "H ^#= Our Guru made me to perform "Jnana Yajna" systematically taking
<<~= x<fl #_ =Q~_ II*#[II interest in it as follows. He advised me to pay my respects to the
assemblies of "Vaishnava Saints". He made me to take "Sri Pada Teertha"
Ji ^=<\ Q# (the water purified by washing the feet of God or saints) as "Somarasa"
|" *#= |OkOz (the Juice of 'soma' plant offered to Devatas in sacrifices). He made me
to sing heartily the sankeertanas in praise of the Lord.
H "~QH` QH
He blessed me with the "Jnana Prasada" as "Purodasa" (Food
" *<yfl"eK= Q~_ II*#[II offered to Gods in sacrifices). He blessed me by giving his "Upadesa" in
my ears (initiation to the Two Sacred mantras- Srimannarayana Charanam
"K "+=<=x Q_ \ Saranam Prapadye" and "Srimate Narayanaya Namaha") - as Two
KK N ^f~=#= xOz "Kundalas" (Ear Rings). He has also blessed me by giving the "Swaroopa
KHQ OH~#=Q#= K Deeksha" (knowledge of God in his entirety) so that I could have the
Darshan of my beloved Lord "Sri Venkateswara" in my heart.
~=` [=~OK = Q~_ II*#[II
Amaravadi Subrahmanya Deekshitulu Alphabet
Age : 62 Years
Qualification : M.Tech