Pavement Distress Evaluation Using Pavement Condition Index Around Agora Market, Barangay Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City

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Pavement Distress Evaluation Using Pavement Condition Index around

Agora Market, Barangay Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City

Risa Gwen J. MARTINEZa, Anabel A. ABUZO, D.Eng.b

Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Xavier University Ateneo de
Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: A vital necessity to economic progress of any city is its roads with better pavement
condition. Pavement designs must enhance skidding resistance between vehicle tires and
pavement surface, thus, increases safety, which in turn reduces travel time and delay.
However, due to external factors such as vehicular loading, density, temperature, design, sub
grade and construction quality, the existence of pavement deterioration, called distress, cannot
be prevented. The calculation of Pavement Condition Index (PCI) was used to assess the three
circumferential streets around Agora Market: Valenzuela Street, Gaabucayan Street and
Mambato Street, to determine the pavement condition as to severity of pavement distresses.
Modified financial benefit-cost analysis was also used to determine whether or not the cost of
benefit will exceed the construction cost. The results show that the pavement distresses along
the circumferential road in Agora Market needs reconstruction considering that the overall
rating scale revealed failed condition.

Keywords: PCI, density, distress, modified benefit-cost analysis, pavement condition


Road pavement is a durable surface material laid down on an area intended to sustain
vehicular or foot traffic such as a road or walkway. There are two classifications of pavement:
(1) Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) which is composed of a Portland cement
concrete and when specified, reinforcing steel and various joint materials; and the (2) Asphalt
Concrete Pavement (ACP) which is composed of black cementing agent known as the asphalt.
Roads connect one city to the other, augment the countrys economy, provide ease of access
to work place, facilitates public service, and gives benefit to vehicle users through lower cost
of operation and maintenance. The purpose of a good road pavement is to effectively spread
the load from vehicles over a wider area of the existing natural surface, so that the strength of
the natural ground will be sufficient to carry the reduced loading without causing any type of
failure on the pavement (C.J. Summers, 2000).
However, road pavement quality is affected by various factors such as traffic volume,
vehicle loading, thermal factor on the pavement, natural calamity, seasonal variation,
pavement design, and human factor (Biscocho, 2013), leaving distress (an exterior indicator of
pavement deterioration) to public roads, which will then take effect to the countrys economy,
safety, and eventually, to the livelihood of the people. In terms of mobility, previous studies
have focused on the link between weather variables such as precipitation intensity and wind
speed; and traffic characteristics such as speed, capacity, and volume (Datla and Sharma,
2008). However, maintaining base pavement enhances skidding resistance between vehicle
tires and pavement surface and therefore increases safety and roadway capacity, which in turn
reduces travel time and delay (Shahdah, 2009). As to Agora Market, though there were no
reported cases of accidents due to the condition of the pavements, the flow or movement of
vehicles is mostly affected. When a pavement is subjected to severe distress, a vehicle slows
down which may cause queuing of vehicles and may result to traffic delay, depending on the
vehicular volume present in an area.
Distresses are classified according to the type of pavement. For ACP, common distress
includes fatigue cracking, longitudinal and transverse cracking, patching, potholes, raveling,
and etc (Pavement Surface Condition Field Rating Manual for Asphalt Pavements, 2005). On
the other hand, distresses present on PCCP are shattered slab, longitudinal and transverse
cracking, spalling, pothole, faulting, and etc. (South Dakota Department of Transportation,
Early this year, tropical depression, Agaton, hit Mindanao leaving 56 fatalities, more than
one million people affected and over 2,000 houses damaged according to the National
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (2014). Nine (9) roads and two (2) bridges
were reported to be impassable in Cagayan de Oro City. Hundreds of residents have been
forced to evacuate due to visible cracks in their houses walls and floors, the tropical storm
left a mark of visible cracks on road pavement along Barangay Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City
(Balsa Mindanao, 2014). Brgy. Lapasan, specifically Agora Market, is composed of PCCP
with visible and a number of severe distresses all over the pavement. Existing distresses
within the area includes patching, block cracking, potholes, raveling, edge cracking, fatigue
cracking, and transverse and longitudinal cracking. These distresses must be repaired or
reconstructed depending on its severity. In some cases, some sections are lightly distressed but
most of them are severe. Damaged pavements are said to increase vehicle-operating costs and
may result to consequent loss of economic and social development opportunities (Harvey,
2012), therefore immediate action must be considered. If road defects are repaired promptly,
the cost is usually modest, but if neglected, the entire road section may fail completely. As a
result, larger funds are needed since repair costs are said to be six times the maintenance cost
(South African Nation Road Agency Ltd., 2004).
Due to this arising issue, the researchers wanted to evaluate the distresses of the road in
Agora Market, Barangay Lapasan using Pavement Condition Index (PCI), a numerical value
that describes the pavement condition. This study assess traffic volume and locate the
pavement distress, to determine the index of each road sections. The evaluation outcome will
then be interpreted through pavement condition rating, a scale that quantifies pavements
overall performance (ASTM D 6433-11, 2012) along Agora Road, considering the factors
such as: (1) the current traffic and pavement condition of Agora, (2) the sufficiency of the
pavement along Agora regarding its present volume of traffic; and (3) the proficiency of its
present pavement condition to accommodate the future volume. It specifically provides
comparison to considerable solutions through modified benefit-cost analysis.


2.1 Pavement, Pavement Type, and Pavement Condition

A pavement is a durable surface material laid down on an area intended to sustain vehicular or
foot traffic. Its design must be thick enough to structurally carry all expected loads for a
period of time, must be properly compacted to develop its full strength, and prevent water
penetration into the pavement and its base (Blades and Kearney, 2004). There are two
classifications of pavement: (1) Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) which is
composed of Portland cement, aggregates, water, and when specified, reinforcing steel and
various joint materials; and (2) Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ACP) which consists mainly of a
black cementing agent, known as asphalt. Both types of pavements are subjected to
challenging environments and loads over their lifetime therefore they must be strong, durable,
yet cost effective and workable (Industrial Resources Council, 2014).

2.2 Local Literature

To minimize and reduce the issues regarding pavement distresses, Road Condition
Assessment Manual Philippine Version No. 7 (ROCOND, 2006), together with the
BantayLansangan (2008) were used by the Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH).These manuals aim to provide an overview on essential information on road
construction and maintenance as well as processes of conducting road-monitoring activities.
Another method is through manual surveying on the road network (Gavilan,, 2011). Two
line scan cameras are equipped in a vehicle and laser illumination are used to store images to
analyze the identity of the road crack. The images are processed to identify dark linear
features (cracks) in the road pavement, coming up with a histogram analysis. A seed-based
approach is proposed to deal with the road crack detection. This provides an accurate and
precise measurement in assessing road distress. (Gavilan,, 2011).
The data collected through assessments and manual surveys will be processed using
Pavement Condition Index (PCI). It determines the level of severity of each distress and
provides numerical rating of pavement condition that ranges from 0 to 100 where 0 as the
worst possible condition and 100 as the best (ASTM D 6433-11, 2012). This index will also
be helpful in identifying immediate maintenance and rehabilitation needs, develops a network
preventive maintenance strategy, provides road maintenance budgets and it evaluates
pavement materials and designs (Ogras Milestones, 2009). PCI must be conducted annually
to evaluate changes in road condition.

2.3 Foreign Literature

2.3.1 Pavement management system

Maintenance in road pavement condition is needed. Pavement Management System (PMS), a

decision-making tool (PMS Ltd., 2011) used to assist or aid pavement management decisions.
It helps assist in finding cost-effective strategies for providing, evaluating, and maintaining
pavements in a serviceable condition (Oregon Department of Transportation, 2011). PMS
helps determine cost-effective repair alternatives. Thus, one of the numerous ways in cost-
effective road maintenance is through modified benefit-cost analysis. It will be done to
evaluate whether repairing or reconstructing a distressed pavement is more beneficial in terms
of finance and efficiency. The analysis is set to compare two kinds of repair: to estimate the
cost of an overall reconstruction of a section or the cost of an immediate repair; or even a do-
nothing scenario. The modified benefit-cost analysis provides an indicator of benefits based
on the available information, which will be converted into monetary terms.

2.3.2 Cause of pavement distress

The Pavement Cracking: A Failure Indicator of Your Roads (2012) introduced one of the
major reasons why road deterioration occurs: fatigue due to pavement deflection. This fatigue
refers to the excessive load that is distributed from the vehicle to the pavement. The load is
directly proportional to the bending of the pavement; the greater the loading, the greater the
bending, thus results to road failure. Also, it enumerates the different types of cracks or
pavement failure and the type of repairs that must be applied since it is dependent on the
extent and severity of the failure area. Also, each severity levels have its own definition of
Low, Medium, and High Severity Cracking on every type of road failure.
Road deterioration is one of the main problems in transportation, and due to many factors,
pavement distress occurs. Pavement cracks are present due to fatigue or the excessive loads
that are distributed on the pavement; another cause is due to the base failure. Cracks have two
classifications to identify its severity and extent. Cracks having a width of greater that 6mm
may result in a rough riding surface and deterioration of the pavement, while hairline or
narrow cracks usually having a width, of approximately 3mm, will not adversely affect the
performance of the pavement (Adaska and Luhr, 2004). It also enumerates the several factors
that cause cracks. One is the soil type which explains that fine-grained soils have greater
shrinkage than granular soils. Another factor is the compaction. The base layer of the
pavement must be compacted properly to avoid water from entering the mixture. Proper
compaction reduces voids that may cause loss of aggregate interlock at the crack, layer
separation and localized deterioration of the pavement along the crack. Another factor that
causes cracks is the curing of pavement and the cement content. Some pavements arent
totally cured but vehicles are already permitted to use the pavement which then affects its life
span since prolonged curing results in narrow crack widths and spacing. Cement content must
also be sufficient in concrete mixture for pavements. The increase content of cement
decreases total shrinkage, but having an excess amount of it can also result to cracks since it
causes higher rigidity and excessive strength.
Also, pavements are subjected to vehicular loading and are known as one of the main
factors why distresses exist. The larger the vehicle, the greater load the pavement needs to
carry, thus, increasing the level of severity present on the pavement. According to the study
from the proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, results of
damage factor analysis vary on which class of freight vehicles the pavements are subjected to.
The damage factor increases as the class of freight vehicles increases. These freight vehicles
are categorized according to class: class 6A for 2-axle-medium truck; class 6B for 2-axle-
heavy truck; and class 7A for 3-axle trucks (Wahyudi,, 2013).
Some factors causing pavement damage also include tire pressure aside from the
environmental and classification of axle of the truck. Overloading is very often assumed as the
factor that affects the level of severity of the distresses present on the pavement. The road
condition is directly proportional or is dependent with the factors affecting the pavement. The
higher the traffic volume and axle load, the higher the level of road damage it will be.
Similarly, the higher the tire pressure, the higher the stress on surface layer of the pavement;
which then contributes to the condition of the pavement.


To be able to meet the researchers objectives, a systematic approach must be followed. The
researchers collected two types of data: the primary and the secondary. The collected primary
data are the dimensions of pavement and distress, pavement type and condition, the type of
distress and location. The secondary data are the satellite images from Google Earth (2014),
Pavement Condition Index (PCI), Rating Scale (ASTM D 6433-11, 2012), weighted factor
(MnDOT, 2011) and the traffic growth rate from the Department of Public Works and
Highways (2008).
The gathered data will then be processed by calculating the Pavement Condition Index
(PCI); a vital tool in determining and evaluating the severity of cracks with its corresponding
scale and color per level, having dark grey color as failed (0%) and dark green color as a good
pavement (100%). The PCI will then be calculated by the summation of the product of the
weighted factor and the percentage density; wherein the weighted factor varies depending on
the type and severity of the distress. Distresses with higher weighted factors have greater
negative impact in the pavement condition (Almanzor,, 2011). On the other hand, the
percentage density is acquired by dividing the total area of the distress by the area of segment
pavement (MnDOT, 2011). Since the level of severity per distress is identified through PCI, it
will then be useful in constructing a Straight Line Diagram (SLD). This diagram displays the
graphical presentation of the physical roadway characteristics of the selected area in Agora.
Modified financial benefit-cost analysis will be done to access whether repairing or
reconstructing a distressed pavement is more beneficial in terms of finance and efficiency.
The CBA is set to compare two kinds of repair: to estimate the cost of an overall
reconstruction of a section or the cost of an immediate repair of a section; or even a do-
nothing scenario. The CBA provides an indicator of benefits based on the available
information, which will be converted to monetary terms.
Finally would be the recommendation of the study for Local Government Units (LGUs).
This includes the design of pavement that will alleviate the existence of pavement distress.
The obtained results of the evaluation will then be the basis of discussion for distressed
pavement will undergo repair or reconstruction. If the range of pavements rating falls under
level: Satisfactory to Good (75%-100%), repair or reconstruction is no longer needed or will
be the Do-Nothing case. If it falls under the range: Fair to Poor (55%-70%), the pavement
section will undergo repair. But if it falls under the category: Very Poor to Failed (0%-55%),
the pavement needs to be reconstructed.

3.1 Primary Data Gathering

The primary data that were needed are the dimensions of the pavement and the distress,
pavement type and condition, and the type of distress and its location. On-site survey
inspection and manual measurement was done to determine the dimensions of the pavement
and its existing distresses. The inspection of the pavement condition was necessary so as to
determine the pavement type, the condition of the surface and the type of distress present on
the pavement with respect to the level of severity. Location and of the distresses were also
acquired by on-site inspection. These data were significant in the calculation of the Pavement
Condition Index (PCI).
The determination of the severity of the existing pavement distress was dependent on the
types and condition of the pavement. There were existing Surface Condition Matrix for Visual
Monitoring which became a guideline of the surface condition corresponding to the surface
type of the pavement. This guideline was published by Bantay Lansangan in order to have a
basis of the determination of cracks and possible cause of failure.

3.2 Secondary Data Gathering

The secondary data includes the satellite image from Google Earth (2014), Pavement
Condition Index (PCI), rating scale (ASTM D6433-11, 2011), weighted factor from
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT, 2011) incorporated with the deduct values
of ASTM D6433-11 (2011). The researchers were also in-need of the traffic growth rate from
the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH, 2013). For the location of the streets
in Agora Market, the researchers used a satellite image from Google Earth, prior to its
pavement length. Also, the determination of the index is dependent on the weighted factors on
both Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ACP) and Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) so
the researchers were able to acquire the data from the Minnesota Department of
Transportation (2011).

PCI = (Weighted Factor x Percent Density) (1)


(Area of Pavement with Uniform Severity Level)

% Density = 100 (2)

After determining the numerical value of the severity of pavement distress through PCI,
the researchers were provided by the ASTM D6433-11 (2011) with the corresponding rating
scale and suggested colors per level of distress of the affected pavement shown in Table 1. As
to the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), the researchers were given the data needed
since it is one of the factors that can cause or trigger the pavement distress.

3.3 Method of Analysis

The method of data analysis incorporated in the study is the determination of the severity of
road failure to evaluate the three circumferential roads in Agora Market through Pavement
Condition Index (PCI). The numerical value obtained from the index was interpreted by the
rating scale presented in a straight line diagram with different color intensities with
corresponding qualitative meanings.
The results of the whole data processing were made as basis of the modified benefit-cost
analysis whether the distressed pavement will undergo repair or reconstruction enumerating
the disadvantages (the cost of the choice) and the advantages (cost of the alternative choice).
After which, a ratio of the benefit-cost analysis was determined. This process was repeated for
the alternative choice. Lastly, the ratio will be compared and the greater ratio was
recommended as to the solution of the pavement with the existing distress.

3.4 Study Area

The circumferential streets around Agora Market which includes the streets of Valenzuela,
Gaabucayan, and Mambato are Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) and has four (4)
lanes. Valenzuela Street is along the North-East (NE) direction, Gaabucayan along the North-
West (NW), while Mambato Street is the access roads to both Valenzuela and Gaabucayan
streets. It has a total road length of 1,609.39 meters. The Valenzuela Street has a length of
517.09 meters, Mambato with 346.89 meters and Gaabucayan, with 745.41 meters. The width
of the streets, which were measured from curb to curb, are as follows: (a) Valenzuela with
17.3 meters; (b) Gaabucayan 12.74 meters; and (c) Mambato with 11 meters. The road is in
PCCP. However, some portions with removed island were covered or patched with Asphalt
Concrete Pavement (ACP).
Figure 1. Agora Market, Barangay Lapasan

Via ocular inspection, the researchers found that the road around Agora Market, namely,
Valenzuela Street, Gaabucayan Street, and Mambato Street; were subjected to repeated traffic
loading caused by Public Utility Vehicles (PUVs), Public Utility Jeepney (PUJs) cargo trucks,
and other types of vehicles that travel back and forth the highway contributed to the severity
of existing distress on the pavement. It was due to these observations that the researchers
chose the Agora Market as the area of the study.


4.1 Traffic Condition and Current Pavement Condition of Agora

The researchers were able to acquire the 2013 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) of
Cagayan de Oro to Port Road (CDO-Port), from the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH). This had been the basis of the researchers AADT because most vehicle
classifications that access the CDO-Port Rd are most likely the vehicles that enter Agora,
according to Engr. Galez of City Engineers Office Cagayan de Oro (CEO-CDO). From the
data acquired, the passenger car has the highest volume of AADT for CY 2013 with three
thousand nine hundred seventy three (3,973) vehicles per day (veh/day); followed by motor-
tricycle with three thousand four hundred sixty seven (3,467) veh/day; passenger utility with
two thousand six hundred forty five (2,645) veh/day; rigid truck with a total of nine hundred
sixty (960)veh/day; the semi-trailer truck (1-1), goods uitility, large bus, semi-trailer truck (1-
2), and small buses having one hundred ninety five (195), one hundred forty one (141), one
hundred ten (110), ninety three (93) veh/day, and seventy two (72) veh/day respectively.
Pavements around Agora Market are subjected into approximately one thousand six
hundred (1,600) heavy trucks and large vehicles, with an additional of approximately ten
thousand (10,000) light to medium vehicles that access the area per day. This implies that the
Agora Market is susceptible to pavement distresses due to the vehicle weights the pavements
have to resist.
On the three circumferential streets in the research locale, the common Portland Cement
Concrete Pavement (PCCP) distresses that were visible are patching, block cracking, pothole,
raveling, edge cracking, longitudinal and transverse cracking, fatigue cracking, alligator
cracking, and rutting. From the results, it showed that the failed condition dominates the
three streets, having Valenzuela with 100% of its pavement, 43.52% failed condition for
Gaabucayan, and 47.40% for the Mambato.
Table 2 shows the total number of pavement affected by the different types of distresses in
percentage. Valenzuela Street has a total of one hundred twenty eight (128) pavement sections.
From the table, the type of distress that is dominant on the area is Fatigue Cracking where the
distress is present to all pavement sections (100% are affected). Raveling, with one hundred
twenty seven (127) affected pavements or 99.22% also dominates Valenzuela Street, followed
by block cracking with 68.75%. On the hand, Gaabucayan Street consists of a total of one
hundred forty one (141) pavement sections. Fatigue cracking also dominates the area with a
total of seventy (70) affected sections or 49.64%, followed by Raveling with 48.94%.
Mambato Street has eighty seven (87) pavement sections and Raveling exists to eighty one
(81) of the sections or 93.10% affected pavements. The existence of Potholes and Transverse
cracking also dominate the area, both having fifty seven (57) affected pavements or around
66%. Among the distresses present on the pavements around Agora Market, Rutting
contributes less to the condition of the pavements prior to the severity of the distresses. As to
Valenzuela and Gaabucayan Streets, only one (1) pavement is subjected to Rutting with
0.78% and 0.71%, respectively. For Mambato Street, four (4) pavement sections are subjected
to Rutting with 4.60% of the total pavement sections of the street.
Also, shown in Figure 3 is the Straight Line Diagram (SLD) which summarizes the
current situation of the pavement around Agora Market prior to the rating scale on Table 1. It
is clear enough that the Valenzuela Street has the worst level of severity having 100% of the
entire pavement as totally distressed or is in its Failed condition. Valenzuela is the main
access road where almost all types of vehicles, as enumerated from the AADT, especially
huge cargo or trailer trucks, enter Agora Market. Also, Mambato Street contains pavements
that are in Failed condition due to the fact that numerous large and small buses, passenger
car and passenger utility vehicles access the road. For Gaabucayan Street, the first eighty (80)
pavement sections were still under Good condition. These sections were from the other end
of the road (perpendicular to the Corrales Extension) and not around the Agora Market. The
road is known as the Gaabucayan Extension. It is in its good condition because the main users
of this road are motorcycles, motor-tricycles, and private vehicles which nearly do not
contribute severity to the distresses since it has light to medium weight compared to large
vehicles. However, the eighty-first (81st) pavement which approaches the main Gaabucayan
Street (circumferential road of Agoras Market) illustrates that the pavement starts to fall under
Failed condition because all vehicles that access Valenzuela Street will also be using or
passing the Gaabucayan Street since Agora Market alone is a one way four lanes path. Thus,
buses, private and public vehicles, huge cargo and trailer trucks, worsen the condition of the
road pavements.
Figure 2 shows the overall rating per street in terms of percentage. From the graph, it
shows that all pavements of Valenzuela Street have the worst level of severity having 100% of
entire pavement as totally distressed or is in its failed condition. On the other hand, the
severity level that dominates Gaabucayan Street with 43.52% of the entire pavement is a
failed condition, however, 41.71% of street is still in its good condition, 5.48% of the street is
poor, 5.10% gives a satisfactory rating , 2.83% is fair, and 1.37% is very poor. Whilst in
Mambato Street, failed pavement condition dominates the entire street with 47.40% of the
entire pavement is affected, 20.45% is poor, 16.08% is very poor, 11.23% is in its serious
condition, 3.70% is satisfactory, and only 1.14% of the Mambato Street is good.

4.2 Pavement condition of Agora market for present volume of traffic

Road pavements are designed to last a life period of twenty five (25) years for Portland
Cement Concrete pavement (PCCP) and ten (10) years for Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ACP)
(DPWH, 2011). Agora Road in Barangay Lapasan started on 1983 where the City Engineers
Office-Cagayan de Oro (CEO-CDO) had been the agency responsible in designing and
implementing the road construction. It is an arterial road with a range of low to high level of
service during non-peak hours. The road is composed of PCCP therefore it is expected to last
for twenty five (25) years.
As shown in Figure 2, most roads around Agora Market are in their very poor, serious and
failed condition. Thus, the pavements along the road would worsen the distress severity case
due to daily traffic volume since loaded cargo trucks and utility vehicles are the main road

4.3 Pavement condition of Agora market for Future Volume of Traffic

Table 3 summarizes the number of pavements which were affected by various distresses and
are categorized according to the levels of severity. The current pavement condition of Agora
Market shows that the failed condition on every section dominates per street. All pavements
of Agora are in failed condition. As for Gaabucayan and Mambato streets, about half of the
number of pavements per street has a rating of failed. Considering the volume of traffic that
these loads carry, the pavement condition would turn out worse in the future.
To verify whether or not the current condition be able to accommodate the future traffic
volume, ratio and proportion was conducted between the future projected year (say five years
from now) over the current year and the projected future PCI over the current PCI of the

= (3)

As to the current year, 2014 is used since the survey was conducted on July 2014. The
calculated projected PCI for: (a) Valenzuela Street is 155.33, (b) Gaabucayan Street is 74.22,
and (c) Mambato Street is 131.89.
Based on the anticipated values of PCI for the next five (5) years, the general average
pavement condition of the entire Agora Market can be categorized under Failed Condition.
Therefore, it can safely be concluded that the current pavement condition cannot anymore
accommodate the future traffic volume considering the do-nothing scenario.


5.1 Conclusion

The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) calculated for Valenzuela Street has the worst level of
severity having 100% of the entire road are totally distressed and is in its failed condition;
while in Mambato and Gaabucayan Streets have 47.40% and 43.52% failed pavements
Based on the survey conducted by the researchers, an average of 73.20% of the total
pavement along Agora are failed to very poor conditions. This percentage implies that
the circumferential road along Agora Market must minimize their vehicular loading to sustain
the present volume of traffic. Thus, due to the levels of severity of the distresses obtained
through Pavement Condition Index (PCI), the researchers safely concluded that the entire
circumferential road will be totally reconstructed

5.2 Recommendations

5.2.1 Pavement improvement

To be able to attain better pavements, improvement must be applied: (a) sub grade and
material improvement; (b) adoption of low-cost reconstruction and repair. Pavement
repairs, according to the researchers calculated Pavement Condition Index (PCI), shall
be applied when indices range from 0 to 40 (Good to Fair). There are several ways on
repairing distress pavement. Specific treatments include (1)joint resealing which
minimizes water infiltration and prevents intrusion of incompressible in the joints;
(2)slab stabilization which includes under-sealing, sub-sealing, or pressure grouting
which to fill voids beneath the slab; (3)partial-depth repairs that stores the structural
integrity of the pavement and improve its overall ride quality; and (4)full-depth repairs
that restores the rideability of the pavement to prevent further deterioration of the
distressed area. However, when the PCI ranges from 71 to 100 or above (Serious to
Failed), the distressed pavement shall undergo reconstruction or replacing the entire
pavement and replacing it with an equivalent or increased pavement structure and
integrity, prior to the new innovative pavement design. In monetary terms, modified
Financial Benefit Cost Analysis can also be used since it is considered as a systematic
analysis of translating any decision where evaluations are based on advantages (benefit)
and disadvantages (cost) of the project.

5.2.2 Rerouting

According to Wahyudi, (2013), results of damage factor analysis for each class of freight
vehicles indicate that vehicles which are categorized according to the classification prior to
the vehicle weights, contribute to pavement damage. Vehicle distribution is necessary in
Agora Maket, Brgy. Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City because almost all types of vehicles
especially buses and trucks, access the road. They contribute loading onto the pavement which
is one of the factors why pavement distresses exist. Large vehicles such as semi-trailer trucks
(1-1 and 1-2), 4-axle trailer truck, and 5 and above-axle trailer trucks enter and exit
Valenzuela Road, which is the most distressed circumferential road of Agora Market with an
overall rating of its pavement condition: Failed. Thus, to reduce loading and to minimize
the severity of the existing distresses around Agora Market, there must be a control of
vehicles that will access the area. Large vehicles, as enumerated, may access through Osmea
Extension towards their destination, either to the Solid Shipping Lines Corp., which is directly
across the road, to the Agora Market, or to Corrales Extension. Strict control on overloading
truck by controlling limited truck load is required since overloading is very often assumed as
the factor that affects the level of pavement structure damage (Rusbintardjo, 2013)

We would like to express my gratitude to Xavier University-Kinaadman Research Center

(XU-KRC) for funding this research and their support in this project. The authors would also
acknowledge the contribution of Mr. Reymar Christopher B. Alido, Mr. Mark Joseph M.
Robenta, and Mr. Zaniel Ronald C. Tabaranza in the conduct of this study.


Table 1. PCI Values Ranges for PCCP

Table 2. Number of Affected Pavement Per Street (%)

Valenzuela Gaabucayan Mambato

Patching 10.94 11.35 37.93
Block Cracking 68.75 13.48 35.63
Pothole 7.03 21.28 65.52
Raveling 99.22 48.94 93.10
Edge Cracking 0 38.30 0
Longitudinal Cracking 49.22 15.60 59.77
Transverse Cracking 16.41 14.89 65.52
Fatigue Cracking 100 49.64 35.63
Alligator Cracking 4.69 0 0
Rutting 0.78 0.71 4.60
Pavement Condition Rating
Mambato Gaabucayan Valenzuela


43.52% 41.71%

11.23% 5.10%
5.48% 2.83%
1.37% 3.70% 1.14%

Fail Serious Very poor poor fair Satifactory Good

Figure 2. Pavement Condition Rating

Figure 3. Straight Line Diagram

Table 3. Number of Pavements Affected by Distresses

Road Name Levels of Severity Total No.

Good Satisfactory Fair Poor Very Serious Failed of
Poor Pavements
Valenzuela 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 128
Gaabucayan 54 11 5 7 2 0 62 141
Mambato 3 1 0 15 14 7 47 87


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