Beginning Computer Applications Syllabus Star Valley High School
Beginning Computer Applications Syllabus Star Valley High School
Beginning Computer Applications Syllabus Star Valley High School
Instructor: Brandy Taylor Address: [email protected]
Phone (307) 885-7847 Planning
Number: Ext: 7217 Time: Gold Two
Course Description
This course will provide the student with exposure to applications that
can be accomplished using Microsoft Word, MicroPace Pro and the Internet.
Emphasis will be on formatting concepts and improving speed, accuracy, and
editing skills. This will include memos, letters, flyers, reports, pamphlets,
personal data sheets, and basic desktop publishing skills.
Students will use the Internet as a research tool to accomplish realistic
tasks such as searching for jobs, researching careers and other real-life
applications. Student will use a Run Chart to track their daily speed and
Participation Policy
Students should be in class every day. One of the most significant factors
affecting school success is regular attendance. Doing make-up work, getting
notes from a friend, or reading from a book can never compensate for the class
experience where the teacher explains the material and the class has the
opportunity for guided interaction with the concept being studied.
If you are absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to find out what work
has been missed (look in your folder for the “Absent Paper”). If the absence is
excused, you have the next two class periods to make up missing assignments
and tests, and you may utilize extra lab hours to make up this work.
Assignments and tests not made up within the specified time will be accepted
for half credit.
Dress code will be enforced daily. I will confiscate your hat if I see it, whether you
are wearing it or not. Please put them away at 8:20. Check your planner for the
rules and regulations on all student dress.
Lab hours are at 8:00 each morning, during homeroom and after school on
Mondays & Tuesdays or by special arrangement with me. My lab is not available
during lunch.
Music/headphones will be allowed in class during individual work time. They are
not allowed during a common assessment! If I can hear it, it is too loud! It must be
completely removed while I am talking. Failure to comply will result in loss of
Any equipment broken/damaged at your station within the classroom will be your
responsibility to replace/pay for. Please report damages, etc as soon as you notice
If you are absent, check your folder the day you get back for a blue “Absent Paper”
which explains what you missed and need to make up.
Hall Pass is the vest on the back shelf with Room 102 on it. You must wear it if I
excuse you from class and you must exchange your cell phone for it. You will not
be allowed to leave class every day or leave with your cell phone.
Copying - Students will automatically receive a zero for the assignment copied (or
allowed to be copied) and parents will be notified along with detention assigned. A
second offense results in dismissal from the class.
Computer Use – log on to one computer only. Do not download anything! No chat
or movie trailers. Please don’t touch or write on the monitors. Please read the
Internet Agreement in your student planner. Mr. Kunz can see everything you do!!
Beginning Computer Applications
Student and Parent Signature Sheet
I have read all of the above material and understand what is expected of me as
a student in this class.
I have read the syllabus and understand what is expected of me as a student in
this class.
I have read the syllabus and understand what is expected of my child as a
student in this class.
Notice of Nondiscrimination:
Lincoln County School District No. 2 agrees to ensure equitable access and equitable
participation in all District courses/classes. All district schools will effectively manage
and creatively utilize resources necessary to support student learning. The District's
Board of Trustees is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, gender,
age national origin, color or disability in admission to, or access to, or treatment in its
educational programs or activities.