1. Students will reach a determined level of fitness and strength. 2. To develop and demonstrate an understanding of strength training methods and techniques. 3. Students will gain and demonstrate a knowledge of weight training terms and the prime muscles for the most popular lifts. 4. Students will improve flexibility and cardiovascular endurance (mild conditioning) 5. Have Fun! COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Attendance and Punctuality & Discipline: Absences reduce your ability to learn the material and will usually result in a poorer grade. Refer to student handbook. make-up = number of days missed sluff = unexcused absence and -5% of grade leaving class early or without permission = -5% of grade no dress = -10 points participation each day = possible 10 points - those not participating well will not be allowed to take the class the next semester. Tardy = -5 points Students will be dismissed from class if the student has inappropriate behavior (ex. profanity, disrespect for teacher/classmates - degrading comments. A conference with parents will be necessary before readmitted to class. Music with profanity or inappropriate lyrics will not be allowed. 2. Active Participation: Each student is required to participate every day. If there is a prolonged illness please contact the school or teacher. All missed days and work must be made-up. No dresses cannot be made-up unless doctor excused. On the 3rd no dress the student will have detention with the teacher on Wed. at noon. 3. Conditioning and Fitness Tests: These will be administered throughout the semester to determine your progress and as part of your grade. 4. Dressing: Clothing that is modest and allows movement. No skins or tank tops. Please bring clean clothes at the beginning of each week. When in gym only gym shoes can be used. NO HATS! 5. Written Tests and Quizzes: These will be administered occasionally. 6. Assignments: To be done neatly and on time. An automatic 50% grade cut will be given to anything late. More than one week late and the test or assignment will not be accepted. Grading Policy 60% daily work, 30% Common Assessments, 10% Semester Test.
Total points will be broken into the following percentiles: 92.5% = A 89.5% = A86.5% = B+ 82.5% = B 79.5% = B76.5% = C+ 72.5% = C 69.5% = C66.5% = D62.5% = D 59.5% = DBelow 59.5% = F
Students will lift the following percentage for tests determined by body weight: Those who have had the class before will be required to lift the second percentage listed. Boys - Squat 177%/200% Bench Press 128%/142% Power Clean130%/142% MilitaryPress 90%/95% Girls - Squat 126%/139 Bench Press 93%/100% Power Clean 86 %/93% Military Press 70%/71% Locks will be given. KEEP THEM LOCKED AT ALL TIMES. Student signature:_______________________Parent Signature:________________________