Semi Detailed Lesson Plan For Health: College of Human Kinetics

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Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Semi Detailed Lesson Plan For Health

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students are expected/shall be able to:

1. Explain the different dimensions of holistic health (physical, mental/intellectual, emotional, social, moral-
2. Observe the interplay among the health dimensions in developing holistic health.
3. Practice health habits to achieve holistic healthSubject Matter

Topic:“Are You Really Healthy?”Local Dances

Materials:.Cartolina, pentelpen and laptop
Reference: Books and Internet
A. Daily Routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking the attendance
 Checking assignments
 Discussion

B. Motivation
 Self- Awareness on health

C. Lesson Proper

 Ask students what all of these topics have in common. How are they different?
 Present students with a closed sort task next. Ask them to sort the cards into four categories: diseases,
injuries, conditions, and tools for management (blood glucose meter, first aid, etc.)
 Afterwards, talk with the class about any discrepancies in the way each group sorted the cards. Facilitate
a discussion on the difference between diseases, injuries, and conditions. Have students generate a
definition for each of these terms and record it on the board for their reference.
 Tell students that they will be working collaboratively to research a disease, injury, or condition and
complete a project related to their chosen topic. Encourage students to select a topic that they are
personally invested in: perhaps something that they or someone they know has been affected by.
 All students should research the causes, prevention, and treatment of their selected topic.

D. Evaluation:
 List the health deseases to prevent.

 Design a way to raise community awareness about the selected disease, injury, or condition,
and/or a related foundation or charity.

Prepared by:
Rhea E. Fermilan
BPE 3-Fs1n

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